Showing Posts For JahRo.6432:

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


So who’s gonna fire the first shot?


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Surprisingly, had a really fun time in OS tonight. Thanks for the duels CD and BP

edit: and the d/p thief shenanigans afterwards

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Everyone wants [MU] to not run away


Coming from a guild that camps OS portals and emote spams, then gets spanked and runs away? Huehuehue

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Here’s to another week of roaming Blackwaters, perp engis, and GS warriors rushing away!

And here’s to a week of watching your members cower back to your mini zerg.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

You do a lot of chest thumping buddy.

It’s [ApeX], right?

You bet your kitten . Don’t even get me started on BP sitting in towers and siege. We can arrange a little brawl, if you’d like.

Edit: just saw who you’re in a party with, already know the outcome

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Here’s to another week of roaming Blackwaters, perp engis, and GS warriors rushing away!

And here’s to a week of watching your members cower back to your mini zerg.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

This might be a disappointment for you because it makes your statement invalid since I roam solo.

BP roamers lol. Everyone on your server is so built for zergs that they can’t fight any other way. #noskillsnokill /salute ()PUmesOP &lastweekofforums

Can someone translate this to a comprehensible form of english?

“BP roamers lol. Everyone on your server is so built for zergs that they can’t fight any other way. #noskillsnokill /salute ()PUmesOP &lastweekofforums”

“Shut up”

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, now run off and get an adult to speak in your behalf.

Sure, after you pull that finger out of your angus.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Here’s to another week of roaming Blackwaters, perp engis, and GS warriors rushing away!

And here’s to a week of watching your members cower back to your mini zerg.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

This might be a disappointment for you because it makes your statement invalid since I roam solo.

BP roamers lol. Everyone on your server is so built for zergs that they can’t fight any other way. #noskillsnokill /salute ()PUmesOP &lastweekofforums

Can someone translate this to a comprehensible form of english?




Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Here’s to another week of roaming Blackwaters, perp engis, and GS warriors rushing away!

And here’s to a week of watching your members cower back to your mini zerg.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

This might be a disappointment for you because it makes your statement invalid since I roam solo.

BP roamers lol. Everyone on your server is so built for zergs that they can’t fight any other way. #noskillsnokill /salute ()PUmesOP &lastweekofforums

Can someone translate this to a comprehensible form of english?

“BP roamers lol. Everyone on your server is so built for zergs that they can’t fight any other way. #noskillsnokill /salute ()PUmesOP &lastweekofforums”

“Shut up”

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Here’s to another week of roaming Blackwaters, perp engis, and GS warriors rushing away!

And here’s to a week of watching your members cower back to your mini zerg.

The hypocrisy is strong in this one.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Here’s to another week of roaming Blackwaters, perp engis, and GS warriors rushing away!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 20th HoD/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Happy Winter’s Day Everyone!



Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Dem HoD blobs doe

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


If I wasn’t on a GW vacation, I’d be indulging on these tears all week. Keep up the good fight HoDors… Much pleased, very forum war.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


I’m just waiting for a good time to chime in, with all this HoD talk.
Fc Dh good fights seen a few good tactics from you guys keep up the good work.
Hod wait your turn.
anyways I am still waiting. . . . . . . .

Already started. Fappers, better stay in that zerg ball. You got a bounty on you!

edit: pro dodge on dat dere gvg


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


I’ve had a few HoD whisper and PM me on the forums. Whispers I’m sorry I ignored you while leveling up my necro. Need dat kitten for Guild WvW ASAP. PMs I cant reply to due to punishment :*( However I’ll give a general reply here.

NSP and IoJ were about where you all are on the weekends with CD. Wait until the weekdays where you cant field kitten all during SEA slot. Kome and TOFU will take full advantage and Ktrain all the things. Also Coverage wise with guilds growing this week by snapping up fairweathers, I’d say IoJ wins coverage overall. HOWEVER, The fights in all timezones would be simply amazing I’m sure. Well worth a close week on top of amazing fights.

Now shoo out of our match up thread. I’d like to talk to servers I like please.

Thats ironic, seeing how 90% of your posts are talking smack about HoD. Its alright though. It’s heart-warming to know that we left Fappy and his minions with such a good impression.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


I expected more from you. No actually I didn’t. Only proves you cannot fight us without numbers. GvGs are about the fights, not this.

>takes Devon’s trolling serious

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


So, [Deth] refused to GvG [MU], so we switched to [Vlk] to get a GvG. So we became Valk-Mortis to 15 v 15 [Deth]. Mind you FC had full blood lust and [Deth] basically got one pushed, wrecked much? Now stop talking kitten… You guys come off like, “we used to be top gvg guild lower tier”. You got that wrong, the old [Deth] that left, that are [Yarr] are the best guild easily in lower tier. Time you guys stop riding [Yarr]’s jock. You cant live up to your own hype.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Great GvG’s tonight! Thanks for coming out everyone.

Was fun to watch. GG [VLK] and [Fun].

I’m just happy we could pull away ONE victory haha.

Definitely have some learning to do + new builds to make. I’d love to see how we fare in a few weeks from now.

If that was your first GvG, from what I was told, then that was a fantastic first try. Seriously. Hats off to you guys. Keep practicing and you will be a force to be reckoned with on the field.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Guys, quick! New PvE content! HoD is vulnerable! Now is the time to strike!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


[Deth] Sponsored by Nike, For all their running needs.

Yah, we don’t intend to stick around for a group larger then our selves with coordination, which re-spawn at a nearby way point. I mean we can farm you for a while but, you would overwhelm us some time. I Forgot all the siege that was plopped down ^.^- that hurts also.


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


VLK’s new pastime. Whoever this was, mad props for being a good sport!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

Dec 6th: Dh Vs. HoD Vs. FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


As if we didn’t get our fair share of tears from FC over the last two weeks, here we are again! Here’s to another 10 pg thread of QQ.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


I’ll be the one to say it.

[EDGE] we loved the fights and greatly respect you guys for coming out!

[Deth] is obviously conjure weapon bugging themselves with all these infinite dodges. Reported.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Many bags of tea shall be dipped into the tears of our enemies tonight… Viva la HoDor!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Oh, the bitter sweet irony…

I know! A ranger taking WvW seriously!


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


For old time’s sake FC…. ;_; (I miss dese days)

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


that Yarr ele is awful

A certain Yarr ele better get his kitten home next week or I’ll burn his pants.

Hear that Wiener? Rai’s gon burn yo V.


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Alas, this is nacho cheese.

Gotta make your own.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Can someone spare me some cheese? I was told this thread has plenty to spare. Working on some bomb kitten nachos, but just ran out.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Wow woke up this morning to see my guild got trolled on in the forums. Well guess I can’t back out now…so if I’m on(finals week at school) I’ll hang out in the sanctum. This is a perfect chance to test out my new engi anyway. If I die a lot I apologize now…you can take videos and laugh if you want can’t be worse then what has been said on this forum already. If you wanna gank me that’s cool too, will help me learn outnbered fights. Minus well have fun while I’m at it too. Will add something interesting to the last week, so cya out there. I’ll be the sylvari engi that might die a lot

Come out and trying hard and educating yourself is nothing to disrespect. I can’t say VLK will be easy on you, and will probably come at you 100% everytime, but you wont be recorded, mocked, or laughed at for trying.

You make nonsensical posts and/or call us out, then you get what you give.

I look forward to seeing you out there.


Dont worry, i got dis!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Thursday night grudge rematch BuDs? Plenty of time to get people organized, strategized, and desensitized.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


If I ever visit Kaineng again, I’m going to spend the whole week with Ajax and Mooncow.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Lolz. thank you VLK for putting them in their place. People love to hate, especially when they hide, or do cheap tactics. Give them a feeling of invincibility. So they talk some crap to guys who can rightfully kick their butts. Talk smack against HoD, get smacked by HoD.

Lantern Pipe Down..

As For VLK Heres a few of our duels.. Wish I would of remembered to unpause for more of them. Only get 10 min at a time. Guess ill give you some more later. Mesmer Wasn’t too shabby GFs. Oh and stop rubberbanding take the beating like a man!

Great display of Blackwater skills. Please, post more and keep us updated on your success. Completely mind boggled at this display of originality.

All I hear are excuses. I got a mix up of Crit and Dmg Bonus too, im not “Blackwater Build” or whatever. I Utilize the stealth’s and yes I do have a decent bit of condi get over it. Make a Build that can counter it. Its not the F***ing holy Grail.

Your one berserker headpiece and rabid everything else does not make it a “mix”. You’re still running the typical 20/20/30/0/0 original blackwater nonsense, but it’s okay, at least you showed up.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Lolz. thank you VLK for putting them in their place. People love to hate, especially when they hide, or do cheap tactics. Give them a feeling of invincibility. So they talk some crap to guys who can rightfully kick their butts. Talk smack against HoD, get smacked by HoD.

Lantern Pipe Down..

As For VLK Heres a few of our duels.. Wish I would of remembered to unpause for more of them. Only get 10 min at a time. Guess ill give you some more later. Mesmer Wasn’t too shabby GFs. Oh and stop rubberbanding take the beating like a man!

Great display of Blackwater skills. Please, post more and keep us updated on your success. Completely mind boggled at this display of originality.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Too Bad VLK was doing the ganking and failed. Just giving them a taste of there own medicine. Btw VLK thank you for all the bags and badges. HoD Cant fight without doubling the numbers anyway. You’d never win that way. Yall can’t even handle four of us. GG

If we had a few tanks that would of been a completely diff fight, I should have known you were gonna bring a bunch of ham warriors and a guard. Like I said we didn’t have anyone on. Brought the only 5 I had, Seems you had to pull your best crew out to fight. Most we had are still new to pvp. Like I said ill Chalk it up as a loss. Don’t let your heads get too big. N I got lots of bite, I like 1v1s and 2v2s myself..

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Had No Tanks Online, Had a Super Squishy Ranger, 2 Mes, ele, And a thief. Yall had 2 hammer wars and a Guard with 2 mes. Not much we could do. Ill take the loss No biggie, but in the field yall just feed us bags, I like how you all changed your builds right before the fight too lol.

I used what I roamed in. Your argument is invalid.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


All bark and no bite! Woo! Love it!

Why’d you guys run away after 2 spankings?

Video relevent:

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Kain’s mama so po, she can’t even afford the “or” in poor.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Kain, I miss you and Ajax


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Obby Sanctum arena for duels if anyone’s interested! Trying out some new stuff and would love someone to fight!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


So lonely in the new GvG place… ;_;

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Couple of HoD in the OS GvG arena waiting for duels. Bring your friends! PLEASE

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


I miss HoD already. God I love you Haze and Winter and Morn and Bllades and Back Stabbed. WTB you all. Yarr can use more OP.

Yarr is full of heartbreakers and teasers.

Happy Thanksgiving all! See you 10 lbs later!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Ele Update:

Black water called me a cheese build.


Warrior Update:

Black water calls hammer warrior cheese and OP.

Idk who this blackwater is, but word of advice he had to be really bad to lose to a hammer warr, hammer warriors alone arent much of a pain, as a mesmer if you are not zerging, atleast 1 or 2 stun breakers are a must and a cond clear. If that mesmer was QQ about a hammer warr he is just a pug chasing the FOTM builds, blackwater also refers to a specific set of traits, gear, runes and weapon sets, not all mesmers are blackwater just because they run condi, the traits for mesmer like 10 30 30, 20 20 30, 0 20 30 20 0, 0 20 20 30 , 10 30 0 0 30 , 20 30 0 0 20 , and I could go on, but the traits are a framework, they synergize, then the gear, the runes and the weapons are what makes the build, every mesmer who runs 20 20 30 isn’t a blackwater, for example I dont use perplex, i use traveler in all my builds, I use rabid and zerk with a bid of dire, i dont use staff, and I am more of a phant cond crit build with torment stacking.

Ending note should have put that mesmer out of its misery, Hammer warrs are good in group fights, alone he shouldn’t have had a problem. Cudos to you for smacking that noob, I hate Fotm chasers.

Wasn’t me, it was Bllades. I sat back and ate popcorn (and used Save yourselves in the far distance to draw all condis to me as I lolrofled away, but don’t tell anyone). But either way, it’s a gimpy setup because the more cleave someone has access to, or cleavage (lul), the more odds are against them. On top of spamming the heck out of PU… if PU had a CD I think a lot of people would be more tolerant

PU isnt as strong, it is really good, but tbh without it there isnt much mesmers can do atm for cond removal or stun breaking, its one of the safest ways to not be stunned down or just bursted by every other class, as for condi mesmer, the mechanism is simple, the condi mesmer relies on another class just AoE spamming and killing the clones, safest way to kill a condi mesmer, go for the mesmer itself, only kill the duelist phantasm and keep a constant source of cond removal, once that the mesmer wont do anything but spam stealth, reason my current condi build is weak to Winter’s , I dont run perplexity, the perplexity part is what makes blackwater a stupid build, because the constant confusion and stun from pistol stacks confusion on the target, it makes spamming a skill kill you faster, to be honest I have the option to run those runes, but PU is enough for me, the more I know I can fail in a fight and die easy the less I rely on being carried by something else, once the buffs come out and nerfs, ill drop PU for Chaotic Interruption, now that my friend will be way more fun. I can also go into detail the difference between a condi mesmer who runs 20 20 30 and 0 20 30 0 20, the first one hits less hard but has more survivability (added cond cleanse from torch) the latter hits like a truck (confusion hits harder from trait and can shatter more) but can be killed easier by another condi build since it only has 1 source of cond removal and it can only remove 3 condis every 36 secs if traited, so lol

I understand. It’s just extremely aggravating to see SO many condi mesmers, especially at fight club. It’s a shame, because there are some very talented ones, but they’ve been all generalized into the same category because of fotm bad players. A few months ago, I mained mesmer and people laughed at anyone running conditions. My biggest gripe is that 9/10 mesmers that I’ve dueled and seen around fight club are running the same exact thing, or some variation of. Bring something new! Try out some new weapon combos, or a few different traits or even tinkering with gear! Not..the same.. boring.. kitten.. everytime. If I see a mesmer running something besides scepter torch/ xx, I’ll be more than happy to fight. Lately I’ve felt like fight club is more of an “I beat you, so I’m better than you” kinda thing, rather than having fun and trying new stuff like it use to be

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Ele Update:

Black water called me a cheese build.


Warrior Update:

Black water calls hammer warrior cheese and OP.

Idk who this blackwater is, but word of advice he had to be really bad to lose to a hammer warr, hammer warriors alone arent much of a pain, as a mesmer if you are not zerging, atleast 1 or 2 stun breakers are a must and a cond clear. If that mesmer was QQ about a hammer warr he is just a pug chasing the FOTM builds, blackwater also refers to a specific set of traits, gear, runes and weapon sets, not all mesmers are blackwater just because they run condi, the traits for mesmer like 10 30 30, 20 20 30, 0 20 30 20 0, 0 20 20 30 , 10 30 0 0 30 , 20 30 0 0 20 , and I could go on, but the traits are a framework, they synergize, then the gear, the runes and the weapons are what makes the build, every mesmer who runs 20 20 30 isn’t a blackwater, for example I dont use perplex, i use traveler in all my builds, I use rabid and zerk with a bid of dire, i dont use staff, and I am more of a phant cond crit build with torment stacking.

Ending note should have put that mesmer out of its misery, Hammer warrs are good in group fights, alone he shouldn’t have had a problem. Cudos to you for smacking that noob, I hate Fotm chasers.

Wasn’t me, it was Bllades. I sat back and ate popcorn (and used Save yourselves in the far distance to draw all condis to me as I lolrofled away, but don’t tell anyone). But either way, it’s a gimpy setup because the more cleave someone has access to, or cleavage (lul), the more odds are against them. On top of spamming the heck out of PU… if PU had a CD I think a lot of people would be more tolerant.

Shatter, even certain phantasm mesmers, are my favorite to fight. It really makes an intense duel. There’s a small window of breathing room for both sides, unlike BW where clones are constantly getting hit and dying, only hurting yourself even more. At the end of the day, shatter and even phantasm mesmers will have my respect. Blackwater ’s mama so fat, her booty cheeks clap harder than a zerker Mind Wrack

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Ele Update:

Black water called me a cheese build.


Warrior Update:

Black water calls hammer warrior cheese and OP.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


FC sucks! if only you guys had HOD’s skill and swagger maybe you wouldnt lose so bad!

Hey at least we didnt have to throw 3 weeks of WvW match ups to get into a lower league to make sure we won in a lower server. To scared to play where you belong right?

tfw you can’t even tell you’re quoting your own servermate.

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Cloak and dagger every mob / clone phant, evade constantly and when it gets tough and you cant kill 1 guy just port far away and keep running, after nerfs then we can reestablish which builds are good on thief.

You set up your phantasms, I’ve fought very skilled memsers who shatter them before i can get the the CnD, the evade thing? Thieves have the same amount of dodges as any other class unless traited, many classes have similar traits. And the reason why i believe many people here are calling your build cheese is simply because every mesmer showing up to duel is running PU or a variation of it. It becomes very stale after a while.

We had this combo already, atm not much mesmer builds are good even ina 1v1, anything i try to run, whether shatter, or condi or bunker or etc will in the end be called a cheese build, try to bunker down? mesmer cheese build just tanks and lets phants do the work, try to shatter? cheese build shatter is Op or something, stealth PU? mesmer is stealth spamming and doing phant or condi bombs, pure phant build? mesmer is broken phantasms Op. hybrid build? nah mesmer is still phant running, idk what to run anymore, seriously I should just let people make my builds so they think its a fair fight, and I also know the problems with thieves and their squishiness and etc, just hate it when everytime I win, I am a cheese build.

It is blatantly obvious why nobody likes you.


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Hey HoD, doesn’t FC’s BL look at little too blue. I think they are sad that no one wants to play with them.


Jk, great job with that push on our keeps. I remember seeing 3 guilds ASH, GoM, and some RH. Great coordination guys, you were making us run ourselves nuts. If we weren’t able to pull a good number of people out of EB and get them into TS, we would have lost them for sure. Keep those pushes up, we love them!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

(edited by JahRo.6432)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


O lawdy Jesus and Science, looks like this threads kickin’ off!

Here’s a better photo for you.


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


O lawdy Jesus and Science, looks like this threads kickin’ off!

Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)