Duo q
Two people on the same page that are good is more than enough to carry matches.
Because the individual is grouped with someone of a lower rank you assume he did so all the way to Legendary?
Or are you upset that, that is allowed to happen?
The only thing im upset about is seeing someone who has the legendary rank/title when i beat them in a 1 vs 1 and when we were in a 2 vs 2 i beat them there too. When i will most likely not get to legendary rank.
Really its only because i want the symbol. So call it what you want.
You say you beat this person in a 1v1 and a 2v2… and you also know how they got to legendary. That clearly means you’re better than them and should have legendary too, right?
Because the individual is grouped with someone of a lower rank you assume he did so all the way to Legendary?
Or are you upset that, that is allowed to happen?
Please add better rewards to wvw so people are willing to try it out. As it is right now, the rewards are crap in comparison to pve or pvp. There is no reason to wvw if you are a person trying to get rewarded for your time spent in game.
One or two. The teams look pretty even if you are using rank as a good measure of skill. The only thing they have over y’all is the POSSIBILITY of maybe being in TS.
I had this issue too. Made it to legendary feeling like I was carrying teams on rev. Then realized I needed achieve and couldn’t play anything at that skill level.
Luckily dragon hunter has a really straight forward play style, and I was able to learn it relatively quickly, though it’s not quite as optimal. This achieve should be changed imo.
Thief is fine in the hands of someone good at it.
Warrior on the other and just flat out sucks. Druid pet can almost kill warr 1v1.
Removal of defensive capabilities for all specs across the board.
I’m sorry but there are just too many bads running bunk for easy wins. Nobody is having fun sitting there playing king of the hill with wet noodles.
Before anyone tries to diss my credibility, I’ve made it to Diamond as a zerk rev running a pve spec essentially.
Conquest has got to the point where its not even fun. Players are running so tanky that I, as a zerk rev with no defensive traits, don’t even have to worry about dying because i’m getting crit for less than 1k damage, but in return I’m not able to kill anything. I just got out of a match where there was literally no hope in killing anything, because enemy group sustain was just too high.
Tone down defensive cds on certain specs. Nobody should be able to just chain defensive cds back to back to back and not worry about even taking damage. Because when you add that with a moderate amount of toughness or a 100% defensive amulet it’s just cheese.
Why play pvp if the goal isn’t to kill other players?
At this point defenses are so over the top that you honestly don’t even need to have amulets with toughness or vitality. On rev for instance, just with cds you can chain 4-5 evades in a row, block, chain like 3 more evades, heal to full, and then in about 2-3 seconds u can do it all over again. And that’s just if u know how to rotate defensive cds, if u pick a tanky amulet too(and pick up some defensive traits) you can sustain for too great a period of time against two people running full damage specs. Please nerf this kitten.
(edited by JayAction.9056)
I can’t agree more with you. However, you did make a slight mistake, the revenant does not get a 100% crit chance. It’s a 100% Crit effectiveness (it’s what the trait says) i tested it on the golems and it is indeed no 100% crit chance. However, what the mean by crit effectiveness is something i don’t know. I guess they are trying to mix things up and by crit effectiveness they mean ferocity, meaning crit damage? Anet is just messing things up on PvP. Too many builds are too easy to ‘climb high’ with. And even when you get high, there is absolutely NO difference in skill. In every league you have a sh*tload amount of noobs messing your game up, or afk’ers.
Fury gives you +40% crit rather than +20% if you take the trait in the invocation line.
This actually doesn’t seem over the top.
No sarcasm.
Medi trapper definitely isn’t meta. It never will be due to the damage being able to be canceled with one dodge. Any person still running warrior due to it being their main and favorite class is most likely more useful than any kittened form player that didn’t want to faceroll mesmer and decided to faceroll guard and die over and over and over and over. Just ignore players giving you kitten about warrior in pvp.
Warr simply doesn’t compete with any meta or even simply decent builds at a very low skill level. I’m talking the level of play where skill usage is at least able to be handled with muscle memory. That being said, there are some things that can’t be done on warr. For instance, a warr of a similar skill level to a rev will NOT win. It’s just not going to happen. That’s a huge limitation of what is capable with the class.
I wouldn’t use hammer in a front line build if I were you.
The fact that the weapon does not cleave makes it subpar for that role alone. It has 1200 range too… why not use it RANGED and not take damage. The attacks on hammer are all slow long range nukes. The weapon can be used melee range but its just beyond mediocre
EDIT: Hammer #3 basically roots you too, since it brings you back to your positioning after its casted. 9 times out of 10 If the pin moved your probably going to find yourself in a kittenty position after the cast since the damage is going where your frontline just was.
TBH Outside of boon duration increase, a really kittenty stab and a weak targetted heal on shield #4 Revs provide no sort of group sustain. They have no reason to be frontline. They work best as backline in large scale, and best as pick in smaller scale.
That’s assuming you’re not running ventari or some crazy kitten
(edited by JayAction.9056)
WvW is dead because the meta remained unchanged for about a whole year.
If you’ve been playing long enough, you could have seen the shift over the past year where players went to the zone actually looking to fight to going there to follow a “commander” to take the same objectives over and over and over and over with no opposition.
HOT way took too long to drop, and I really don’t see WvW popping off again, but I hope I’m wrong.
EDIT: In both WvW and sPvP game modes updates have been too few and it shows.
(edited by JayAction.9056)
This is an mmo. Of course some things are going to be “unplayable” solo.
The champs in this game are actually pretty easy to solo if you are running a build that is more suited for fighting an actual person, RATHER than an a trash mob npc.
It’s actually quite fun too. Taking on a champ 1v1 reminds me of old school boss fights on a few rpg titles.
Let’s say late August release, what’s that ten, eleven week out?
(2) more stances for Rev
(5) elite specs left (5 right?)
The new WvW mapThe new PvP map
I assume there will be some insight to gliding.
One week will be box reveal. That’s 10
Late August release? Do you guys have amnesia when it comes to content being released for this game or are the rose tinted glasses making things a little blurry?
I mean Im not trying tto be a downer, but with how slow we are getting information about the game, on top of the fact that it’s already JUNE and we still don’t even have an idea of a release date, it’s way more than optimistic to expect in as little as 3 months they will get through all these minuscule previews, announce a release date, and then ship the game.
If HOT drops this year I will honestly be shocked, albeit happily.
It’s not happening. 2015 is almost done with and there has been nothing at all this year to indicate that we should even hope to see new weapons.
It would be pretty safe to say the only updates this game will receive are those to living story and a few skins thrown in here and there.
That build gave me cancer.
No fast hands? That’s a necessity.
You’re putting 6 points into tactics for shouts to heal, yet your build isn’t one that seems to be focused on group utility. So basically your half-assing group utility and personal sustain.
…Swiftness on critical hits trait?
Nvm, I’m done. You feelin’ trolly or something brah? I hope so.
Greatsword auto (wet noodle) cleaves, and deals very similar damage to this skill above 50% hp. The only benefit this skill has above the auto is it has the potential to hit 2 more people but there is a lot more lost in losing the adrenaline to use it. The main thing being is your other weapon’s also likely lack luster “burst” skill is better than this.
As it is right now, what is lost from using this skill on targets above 50% hp does not make up for the benefit.
Extremely situational skill weapon is extremely situational?
GG GS … I never used this weapon outside of gimmicky dueling builds anyway.
(edited by JayAction.9056)
This spec is horrible. Every single fight you play against someone geared for condis you will lose off rip since you don’t even have cleansing ire
This game just needs more skins in general. Like a major release, similar to the amount that was released with the game.
One set of skins every month or so is not enough to keep things fresh.
I make a little under 10g an hour playing wvw… That’s actually the only thing I do in this game.
EDIT: Special thanks to SOS and DB, for supplying me with bags for the last couple months.
second worst: mes
why: ai, squishy, lack of aoe, balanced on 1v1
How’s that acid trip feeling brah?
ITT: Skins that don’t fit the overall design flow of the game.