Showing Posts For Kellnor.5428:

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


I love the post above me….BUMP BUMP BUMP!!!!!

We really do have an awesome community and are queue issues are LONG gone.

If you were once on JQ and left we would LOVE to have you back!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Blackgate Server need you! (NA/EU/Oceanic)

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428



I don’t play for Blackgate and never have.

I’m a Jade Quarry commander and I’ve been watching you guys clime the ranks for several weeks. I remember some fantastic fights with you guys in the past and wish you the best of luck in your ascension to T1.

Blackgate has a dedicated core of players fueling their wvw machine and I’m sure anyone looking to help establish a server’s reputation as a T1 competitor won’t regret their decision to transfer to Blackgate.

Cheers, Best of luck with your recruitment,

See you soon

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Server with high WvW population?

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428



Apart from having awesome wvw coverage we have a FANTASTIC wvw community

Come join the family!!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

A New Perspective on Exploitation

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Oh I know exactly what I’m asking!

It’s really just some food for thought

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

A New Perspective on Exploitation

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Hello there WvWers!

Lately, I’ve been hearing/seeing a lot of gripe about “Arenanet needs to fix blank its so bugged! yarg yarg yarg yargiddity yarg….” We’ve all seen it. We all know the common things people complain about. “Theives in stealth are too op!” “Mesmers are useless without 20+ people per portal!” “CULLING” “CULLING” “CULLING”. You get it.

So, what I want to do is throw out an idea……

What if, as a general whole, the gamers of GW2 decided to step it up a notch? So instead of griping about blank until A-Net fixes it, then moving on and griping the next “horrible awful permabad gamebreaking thing i CANT believe A-Net overlooked!!!!”, we simply………exploited less?

I know, I know, “KELL IS CRAZY!!!!! In fact, he’s probably a WITCH! BURN HIM!” but really, think about it…..

What if people stopped abusing mesmer portals not because portalling is wrong or bad, but because when combined with the culling issues, it enters the grey area between “Strategic use of skill” and “Exploiting a game weakness to manipulate a win?”

What if players decided to hack less for speed and damage on the basis of “just because I can cheat doesn’t mean I should

What if more gamer’s grew a sense of pride in realizing “hacking doesn’t make me better than the people I just wiped, in fact, it makes me worse.”

What if instead of giving A-Net a giant, ever-growing list of “things you need to fix NOW OR IM QUITTING AND NEVER COMING BACK!!!! yargity yargy yarg….” We simply MADE LESS PROBLEMS FOR OURSELVES?"

I know not everyone who reads this is going to stop exploiting the issues we all know are in the game, but hey, if enough people do, we may just realize the problem ISN’T with A-Net, its with US.

And the answer just may be in the same place.

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

A plea from a mesmer for portals

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


In all honesty, Mesmer portals are just as effective as ever…..

If you have more than 20 people in your zurg…..bring a 2nd mesmer.

I have a mesmer and use them frequently when commanding in JQ and honestly feel the game is more balanced now


Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

SoS vs JQ vs SBI 1/4/13

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


I was hoping (and still am) that I was wrong

Honestly the thing that shifted me from “suspicious but explainable” to “WTF?!?!!?!?” was seeing SoS and SBI set up with siege in multiple supply camps and a few towers/1 keep across all the BG’s.

Hopefully it was a fluke…..

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry Wants Blackgate!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


So, Ima lay it out simple and let the mods and players gripe if they have to

Jade Quarry is getting tired of some of the blood in T1. Tonight was a turning point where several times throughout the night we found SoS and SBI setting up shop together and simply…. 2v1ing.

You can call me a JQQer all you want, but the fact remains, when you run into a supply camp and find 2 opposing servers waiting for you with arrow carts and ballista’s…..and NOT attacking each other….something is wrong. Something is even worse when situations like this become commonplace on all 4 BG’s throughout the night.

So, this being said, I desperately hope Blackgate makes it to T1 and turns it into a 3 way fight again.

What I’m wondering is…..Do any SoS or other JQ’s feel the same way? Different? Or am I just paranoid because it’s 1 in the morning and I really just need sleep?
Let us know why and remember….keep it a titch classy

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

(edited by Kellnor.5428)

For Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428



I, on behalf of a SIGNIFICANT amount of other JQ’ers wish you the best of luck in your ladder climb to T1. Honestly, We’re getting kinda of sick with some of our company cough SBI cough and would LOVE to see some new blood in T1.

We desperately hope that you hate us JUST as much as you hate SoS when you get here and that we may just have a REAL 1 on 1 on 1 again. We’re getting a little jaded (get it?) at SBI and their….. “tactics” (like, lets side with whoevers against JQ and cut the winning) and would love to see you take their place.

Anyways, Best of Luck,

Hope to see you soon,


Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

For Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


It’s actually a little sad for SBI. We at SoS would do almost anything to keep you in T1, if just to be a (semi) honorable buffer against the kittens at JQ. But every time we open a door for you, you guys slam our fingers in it.

Hahahaha, Kittens at JQ? If we’re so timid why do you need to “open opportunites” for SBI against us? Double Teams are for the weak.

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

SoS vs JQ vs SBI 1/4/13

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428



Awesome Fights Friday and Saturday, props to SoS and SBI for the effort and tactics,
logged on Sunday and was incredibly disappointed…..

Is there an SoS/SBI alliance? I know it wouldnt be 100% but i was VERY disturbed to come to several points (especially supply camps) where both SoS AND SBI where set up with siege, all though not attacking each other, simply waiting for JQ. And by set up with siege I mean SoS and SBI set up with Ballistas and Arrow Carts just a few feet from each other.

Instances of this happened multiple times on JQ, EB, and SBI, and though I didnt play on SoS today, I was told it happened there too.

There were also instances of SoS coming to defend an SBI owned tower and then leaving as soon as JQ’s force was wiped.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but there seemed to be a LOT of cross-server coordination today and it really killed a promising night of WvW.

I would love to hear what some SoS or SBI kid’s think about this and would HOPE that the large guilds on SoS and SBI are willing to take a stand against it. If you’re really T1 material, you dont need to team up to take us out

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


We have dedicated guilds covering all 24 hours of the day for whoever was asking

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Empërium [EMP]: JQ's International WvW guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Kellnor.5428



Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


1) GET RID OF SIEGE DESPAWN. It’s such a drag to assign people and/or take turns running around an entire keep activating every piece of siege. The combination of “Ammunition” and Quaggan Lightning was perfect for keeping ridiculous amounts of in-keep siege in check. But seriously GET RID OF DESPAWN.

2) Tweak Traits so thieves cant go almost perma-invis PLUS max damage (Have them choose, the more stealthy they are, the less burst DPS)

3) Reinstate Orbs BUT switch their buff with “Outmanned Buff”. IE Give orbs the passive PVE incentive and have it be more for “bragging rights” and make outmanned buff your Vitality, Power, Toughness etc.

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

(edited by Kellnor.5428)

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


SBI has been here a lot of the time but they’ve definitely been gone more than 1 week

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

WvWy’s 2012 - who was your favorite opponent in 2012?

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Gotta say, it’s close between a couple.

Tarnished Coast is a contender for pulling up from the bottom of the totem pull (and being “RP” server at same time),

Eredon Terrace, for the great fights we had with them back at launch, although they unfortunately fell apart,

But my vote goes to SoS. I’m a hardcore JQ commander and WvW junkie, but SoS has given us the best fight to date. They still havent (and wont) kick us out of t1 but its been wonderful fighting a server with similar tactics and conviction to Jade Quarry.

APART from their impressive WvW record, 1 of their prominent commanders contacted me with questions about JQ and more of who the faces between the wvw monsters were and I was incredibly impressed with his courtesy and dignity, he even went so far as to post in support of one of our forum-based recruiting campaigns! I dont care who you are, thats gotta earn some major respect points in anyones book.

So props SoS, I may hate you guys on the battlefield (and relish taking your toys and eating your golems) but at the end of the day, I’ve got a lot of respect for your WvW record, and community as a whole.

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

[FA] Thief/Necro LF WvW Guild!

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


If You’re interested in transferring servers…

Jade Quarry is actively recruiting gamers of every skill level! I know that Emperium would be glad to have you and any friends you have and there are a variety of other guilds that are recruiting as well!

Jade Quarry is regarded as one of the dominant, and most effective WvW servers in GW2. As we’ve been in tier 1 almost exclusively since launch we have a very impressive set of commanders, leaders, strategists, but most of all, players.

We’re 100% anti-elitist and have NO form of “social hierarchy” so you wont have to worry about “reworking your way up the ranks.” As long as you’re here to have a good time like the rest of us, you’ll be a welcome addition to Jade Quarry!
Message me with any questions!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Aaah, just a note on the thread,

I filed a complaint about the thread being moved to the guilds section and they promptly moved it back to WvW. So for any of you who have it bookmarked and are trying to tell a friend where to find it, its BACK in the WvW section

Props to Anet for sorting that out fast!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Well said Selwynn and everyone else! We may not win 1st every week, but NO one can kick us out of T1 and that much is a fact!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

WvW Breake out event... Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Breakout Events are fine….

Honestly if you’ve managed to shut another server down to the point where they own NOTHING on a map…I really don’t see why they shouldnt be given some help. No one likes being spawn-camped regardless of the game.

Besides…. Breakout events are easy enough to stop if you know what you’re doing, it just requires different tactics than the cut/paste “man arrow carts>aoe door from inside>man catapult>rally on me>portalbomb>wipe attackers…”

I personally love the mechanic as it’s helped me take many a tower while outmanned and gives me one more event to farm when I’m doing the camping!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


JQ is one of the most active servers in GW2 (which leads some issues with players facing a “full” game world when trying to transfer) WvW is very active but PvE is also a HUGE part of the community, you will definitely not need to worry about ‘running into people’ out there

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

New Player

in Guilds

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Come join us on Jade Quarry! It may be a little difficult to get into the server, but i assure you it is WELL WORTH IT! Emperium, one of the top W3 guilds on JQ is also actively recruiting (Dont worry, we dont JUST WvW). Send me a pm with questions!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Engineer LF active wvw guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


If you’re willing to transfer servers, Emperium, one of Jade Quarry’s top W3 servers wold LOVE to have you! PM me with questions

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Just a QUICK note here, JQ IS full often but that DOES NOT mean you cant transfer Best transfer times are laaaaaate late at night US time, generally between 1-7am EST.

What we can do to facilitate:

Talk to me or the representative of any major guild on JQ and let them know when you want to switch, we can then have our members (across several coordinated guilds) log out which will drop the player population by several hundred players, this should change JQ’s status from “Full, to High” for enough time for any of you and your friends/guildies to transfer.

As this IS quite a process, we’ll need to coordinate details such as when and how long of an opening we can give you guys in game.

Also Zhonnika is 100% correct in saying my list was just a few of the commanders in our major guilds, but JQ is REALLY made up of large and small guilds working together to be AWESOME.

In regards to if any guilds are recruiting, I honestly don’t know of any that AREN’T I’ve talked to several other guild leaders and we would love to have you in any of our (or all of our) guilds!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Jade Quarry recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Hail Tyria!

I’m here to offer a new home for any of you who want a new Guild Wars 2 experience, specifically in W3. Jade Quarry, one of GW2’s dominant WvW factions is recruiting players of all skill levels, ages, and timezones.

Jade Quarry has been in the Tier 1 bracket for WvW longer than any other server and takes pride in being “hack free.” Thats right. You heard it, the Jade Quarry community as a whole, simply doesn’t stand for winning by exploiting bugs, hacking servers, or altering the game in ANY way. So if you’re sick of losing because you feel others are altering the game, come join a server that refuses to cheat AND WINS. Or, if you would like to play alongside HUNDREDS of other players who win battles because they simply better players, JOIN US.

Apart from our dedication to being “Cheat Free” we take pride in having an ANTI-ELITIST atmosphere. We’ve all been the “new” kid who gets chewed out and embarrassed because he asked a question or made a mistake. Some of us have even been the guy who had a great idea but was shut down or had his credit taken by the ‘established’ players/guilds. I’m proud to say, that again, the JQ community doesn’t stand for this. We can’t guarantee that you wont run into these people (as we cant actually keep them from joining our server ) however we DO guarantee that these people do NOT belong to the guilds and player core that ACTUALLY play roles in WvW and our social atmosphere.

So, if you’re new, or sick of ‘established hierarchy’ JOIN US. Jade Quarry thrives as a server because everyone is not just welcome, but ENCOURAGED to share their ideas or concerns.

Communication is to everything from winning battles to building a fantastic community, and to facilitate this JQ has its own dedicated TeamSpeak 3 Server. Again, this isn’t a 1-guild server, Its a server dedicated to JQ as a whole. We have rooms dedicated to every guild registered on Jade Quarry’s Website and any verified player is allowed to join REGARDLESS of whether he has a registered guild. This tool has been fantastic in forming the core of Jade Quarry’s community and is used for everything from WvW, to Dungeons, to talking AH prices, to simply hanging out and talking to your GW2 buddies while you’re “hard at work.”

So if you’re wondering how to integrate you and your guild to a FANTASTIC community, JOIN US.

This really is just a BRIEF overview of what JQ has to offer, so if you’re looking for any of THIS and MORE…..

-ANTI ELITIST Atmosphere
-DEDICATION to Hack-Free Winning
-FANTASTIC Community
-SERVER-DEDICATED Team Speak client

…Jade Quarry is the place for you.

If you have any more questions please feel free to ask here or PM any of these players in-game (this list of course, is NOT comprehensive)
Immortal Stei
Fear The Insane

Thanks for reading Kids

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

12/14: SoS vs JQ vs SBI - Scores/Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Stories of JQ’s morale faltering of late have been going around, and I just wanted to throw out an “AWESOME JOB” to all the commanders, strategists, and players who have dedicated their game time to JQ’s WvW effort.

Its been an honor working with you guys and building the community we love. We may not take first, but we’ve been in t1 longer than anyone else and with your guys’ help, I hope we keep it that way!

I’d also like to throw out a “well done” to SoS and SBI, I may hate your guts and relish taking your stuff in game, but you guys have given us more of a challenge than any other servers so far.

So on behalf of JQ, SoS, and SBI (Hereby known as the “W3 Trinity”) GAME ON!!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

12/21 You are the Quarry, Bluff, or Sorrow

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Is it safe yet to say that we’ve established the official “WvW Trinity?”

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Terror is looking for a new home

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Jade Quarry would LOVE to have you! We have been in tier 1 longer than any other server and take pride in a incredibly strong server community. We also refuse to use tactics in wvw that involve hacking, spying, or anything else like that. If you would like any more information feel free to mail me or send me an in game tell!

(We also have a dedicated TS server that has channels for all JQ’s registered guilds whether for pve, wvw, or just chillin!)

Hope to See you Soon!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

- JQ - WvW Guilds [FIRE][ESOL][AoS]

in Guilds

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Soldiers and Hero’s of Guild Wars 2!

Jade Quarry, the Ultimate WvW server is recruiting talented and aspiring players!

If you are looking for Organized, Competitive, WvW, dedicated Voice Chat servers, the best WvW guilds, and above all, an INCREDIBLE WvW community where you are not only welcome but ENCOURAGED to voice your opinions and ideas about everything from class to WvW tactics….

then Jade Quarry is your answer.


ESOL Leader, Commander

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Ranger Bug List

in Ranger

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Rangers “Rampage As One” Tooltip states that stability will grant you temporary immunity to stuns, cripples, daze, knockback etc (I.E. Temporary immunity to crowd control). This effect simply doesnt work. I’ve popped it multiple times trying to get away from a dangerous situation just to be crippled, stunned etc. I have noticed though that it will remove conditions occasionally

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

mesmer skill: portal has GOT to go for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


The great thing about this game is class diversity, giving every class the aoe damage of an elementalist, the portals of a mesmer, the damage of a warrior, the traps of a ranger the X of the Y will essentially nerf all classes…. Trust me, i know this first hand coming from an MMO (that shall remain nameless) that thought they needed to start “equalizing” classes. The beauty of MMO’s is the ability of players to discover their classes and find their own preferred “niche”

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

How does arenanet feel about server-server alliances?

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


I agree 10,000% with this post. I strongly disagree with the idea that Anet supports any sort of “double teaming.” Double teaming not only kills excitement for the “underdog” but also makes it uninteresting for the two more dominant teams as after the pie is split up…there really is nothing more to do.

I would love Anet to address this as I love—LOVE w3 and hate to see it in this state.

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

darkhaven wants an treaty with emery bay in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Server Alliances ruin w3 imho. If youre getting your butt handed to you, dont ask another server for a handout. Organize, group up, hit where it counts, and develop a reputation for your server for being the best at FIGHTING. Asking servers for a handout all the way up the rankings is exactly what w3 is NOT about.

This is not a troll post, (I just got farmed for 5 hours by a server alliance). This is me saying alliances ruin truly good w3

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Been playing w3 for what seems like ages now and nothing really bothers me more than seeing obvious server alliances. The one I saw tonight between Henge and SB made me sick. The coordination between the two teams was absolutely obvious, you would see large groups from both sides run alongside each other to target JQ players or a group of Henge run over the “downed” bodies of several SB’s to finish 1 JQ then leave the SB “downed” players alone or even defend them from other JQs!! I have friends on Henge who have told me that there are Vent and TS servers set up for Henge and allied servers to communicate with.

In short, I think that the true number 1 server wouldnt have to resort to forming alliances with another server.

Anyone else tired of alliances?

P.S. this is NOT a troll post. keep trolling to yourself!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

Server alliances ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Henge has alliance with Stormbluff against JQ right now. It really DOES kill wvw. I personally dont see why Godmoding is so enjoyable?

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]