Meteor Storm fails to go off a lot, I give it a 25% success rate. Often the skill will cool down with nothing happening. The same seems to happen (but not nearly as frequent) with Glyph of Storms (90% success rate) and summoning the great sword (80% success rate). I can’t find anything saying that spells should have a chance to fail like in some hard core RPGs until you level up more.
Elementalist has severe problems and needs to be fixed, stay away!
Thanks for posting, I’m wondering on this myself.
I find the summon greatsword lots of fun as of late. It is the closest thing I can use to kill mass monsters like I’m used to. A pity that it takes way too long of a cooldown to be of real good use.
You’ll only make money by doing group events. AoE all monsters in a group and run like a scared dog with the tail between your legs until all the bad guys are dead. The elementalist is severely weak both in damage and defense.
It is what works for me and I’m thinking of going Necro or a Guardian class until this one is fixed.
Dragonbrand Server has this issue as well.
Though the pirate appears to be either invisible or spawning under the beach. I can occasionally see text in my chat box.
I’ve been noticing a bug and it has been really annoying me. When ever I’m hit, my run speed will become very slow. This happens with normal melee hits, range hits that don’t call for any slowness affliction. Even when I cast haste, my character will barely move faster then the other monsters.
The only class that I see that is nearly as bad as the elementalist is a mesemer. Everyone can take a ton of hits and kill a monster faster then elementalist. The closest I’ve been able to come to dealing damage as any other class is summoning the great sword. Problem is that it takes way to long to summon again.
I’ve been calling the elementalist the “Frail-mentalist” as more of a paper sling shot instead of a glass canon.
Today I’ve been experiancing a new bug. I’m unable to swap weapons unless I log out and log back into the game. I’m getting an error message saying that I’m in combat when I’m not.
It’s been a good week since I’ve been able to get into it. Is the thing ever going to re-open? It always says down for maintenance.
This is really annoying that there are no announcements or anything discussing the trading post returning.
One thing I noticed with those is that you can get “runes” and “sigils” that can be added to weapons, where do I obtain those? The wiki is pretty useless when it comes to those.
Also what kind of armor goes in the “back” slot? It is the only area that is empty as of now.
These are currently implemented in another game, RuneScape, and have proven very successful.
- Bank PIN, need to click on the screen a 4 digit code to unlock your ability to open/use your bank and spend gold/gems and get into the player trading post. Usually this was defeated by the hacker disabling it and waiting out the 7 days. It can be disabled if you forget your pin but there is a week delay. Destruction of items should also prompt this.
- Account “Guardian” can setup and asks you multiple questions that only the player should know. This happens per device (computer) that your attempting to log into. Failure to do so prevents logging in and sends you an E-mail notification.
- Internal Message System: Jagex, for 99% correspondence, won’t use E-mail to communicate to their customers.
These are very effective and I strongly suggest them implemented here. The reason why I left the game was due to hounding players on microtransactions and implementing in-game advertisement to buy “extras”. I hope this place won’t do that.
Yeh, it is pretty much fact that the Elementalist is broken from all the other people here complaining about it. At least I know that I’m not totally messing it up.
As for not putting things into Air, one of the main reasons why I got the game is to play casting lighting spells. I’ve always been fascinated with lighting IRL so plan on using lightning spells a lot unless I know fire can easily take out monsters like the inquest for example.
To say I’m frustrated is an understatement. Never before have I died nearly as much in an MMO. A perfect example is in the one map there is an event to help clean up a mess from a nuclear explosion that the robot turns into a huge fire elemental. The “Embers” which are fire monsters with wings will 1-hit me. Often I’m totally dead without a chance to turn into mist or attack back.
Here is my character build. I have 5 trait points left. Lightning magic seems to be the most reliable.
I’d greatly appreciate any help as my current plan is to shelf my elemental this weekend and use it just for crafting.
Can add Metrica Province, it actually disconnected on me and am trying to load it again. I hope this doesn’t remain a constant problem with each update. Bad enough they seem to happen during the time I get to play for about two hours on work nights.
Referenced thread:
The icon is not showing up at all on my map and it is currently unviewed. I’ll view it when the bug is fixed…I have a passion for making sure these things are taken care of from previous experiences in past MMOs.
The image is a jpg if anyone is interested. I just took the screenshot now.
Thanks, the Quarryside Vista is not showing on my map at all. I’m going to have to send in a bug report.
After the update, Metrica Province map will not load. I’ve been waiting for 5 minutes and normally maps load in 10 seconds with a solid state HDD.
EDIT: on the 4th attempt it loaded, the other 3 had disconnection errors. At least maps will time out when they are messed up.
(edited by LightningLockey.5938)
I’m at a real loss with it. Here are the locations, I’ve been looking for 3 days now without any exaggeration. I’ve completed 2 other maps with this one incomplete.
1.) Fort Salma (top left of map)
2.) Earthworks Bluff (just west on the mountain)
3.) BlackHaven (Delanian Foothills)
4.) Ceraboths Canyon (North of Teleport area)
5.) Giants Passage
6.) Middle of Viathan Lake
7.) Lychcroft Mete (East of it across river)
8.) Wizards Fief
There is no 9th one appearing and the entire map (large rectangle) is explored. I have the rest of the skillpoints, hearts, and POIs completed. The official wiki was completely useless btw.
Thanks for the help.
In kessex hills the map says there are 9 vistas, though only 8 are shown. Is this a current known bug or is there a glitch with my game installation?
The healing from the water glyph is too slow and I’ve put traits into water to have the passive heal and it is just too slow. What ele needs (to remain as it is) is an entanglement spell to keep monsters stuck in place. It is just infuriating to “kite” a mob only to have one hit you from behind and your down and just plain slaughtered.
I’ve tried all the suggestions, the class is just way too weak/bugged unless your in a group and with the initial rush of players over I’ve been dieing far less as there is no one else on the maps. Unfortunatly I don’t know what other class I’d like to play as I’m sick of warrior and archers.
I’ve been having major issues with spells not always working but the skill goes into cooldown mode. A perfect example is the Meteor Shower. It is great when it goes off but that is only 10% of the time if I’m lucky. Often nothing will happen. There is also a water one that fails to go off that I cannot think of right now.
How is the Necro or Meizmer ones compaired to the Elementalist? Are they full of issues as well?
Fara – Yeh your right about this class. I’m observing how all other classes are not having nearly as much trouble as I am. At times when I’m down, I think they are going to die as well and they end up fishing off the 3-4 mobs that jumped me and revive me. I’m considering giving up on the elementalist and just have it to craft stuff. Not sure what other class I’ll play.
Everyone Else – as for mages they are always glass canons. The problem that the elementalist is more of a glass sling shot. The damage is suppose to be (at least in PvE) insane but defense very lacking. The target is never suppose to make it near me. During the tutorial part is the only area in the game that I felt the elementalist was properly balanced.
Everywhere else I go, regardless of setup/spells, feels like I’m fighting monsters that are at least 10 levels higher then me. Then some level 17 comes along (I’m level 30 now), destroys all the monsters in the area to revive me and I become purely disgusted/infuriated.
The traits issue was lack of a tutorial, someone told me in-game that I had to see an npc to have it unlocked. I’m upset that there was nothing pointing me in that direction. The traits help a little, but nothing really great.
I’ve tried everything suggested and my character is just totally destroyed. I guess when I run out of gold and can no longer repair armor and teleport out of death I’ll give up on the elementalist.
I’m starting to regret getting this game.
These dungeons your talking about, are you talking about instanced dungeons or what we have now? If your talking instanced dungeon runs, how do you do them?
Thanks for the advice, I have to go to work now so will read everything later.
I’m starting to get lost in some of this unique GW-termonology. What does “kite” and “kitten” mean?
It also sounds like the elementalist is the worse class to play. What makes matters worse for me is the main reason I came here was because of the elementalist class.
Guess I’m just bad at picking MMO’s and I’m really stuck with this one for the next few months until I can move.
I didn’t know that you can control the summoned elementals. How do I do that? They just “float” around me and randomly attack stuff as of now.
For weapons, I usually switch between scepter and dagger / staff. I keep forgetting about the combos for the focus and just two daggers. It is unfortunate that there isn’t a way to set those weapon sets up and switch between them like in most RPGs.
If I would “tank” then the monsters have been able to heal themselves at times or it just takes forever to kill a single monster. When multiple gang up on me, my defeat only takes a little bit longer so I’ve just gotten as good as possible with trying to kill them before they get to me.
I forgot to mention that I’m unable to use traits, I’ve already submitted a bug report so waiting on them.
I’ve got no idea what “class cannon” means, I’ve never played the first Guild Wars.
When asking other players in-game how to get pets, they said only rangers get them. How do I get a pet? The closest thing I have are those elementals in the elite skills, but they don’t last nearly long enough…waste of skill points.
My armor is between level 25-30 right now including all accessories except “back” cannot figure out what goes there. I’ve gotten rings and amulets off the ingame market.
I’ve been having major issues with my elementalist. If I fight any bosses, they kill me in 1-2 hits and when downed I’m killed in one more hit. My armor is not broken when I fight bosses, though I’ve spent so much on repairing armor that I’m pretty poor.
Currently I’m level 30 and my character is just plain weak. The offensive spells are weak compared to every other player out there that seems to be able to take monsters down in 5-6 hits and be able to take damage without near death. I’m really getting frustrated and wondering if I made a bad decision on jumping into this game.
On thing I can say with my initial week or two experience, I never played a MMO where my character died nearly as much.
This is a random bug that I had with copper ore. Had about 35 of them and they just vanished from inventory. Though it happened on the 2nd early day of gameplay and never happened again.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one seeing this. Makes me feel better. So far I’m impressed with the updates as they’ve been happening over the weekend. I expected nothing for two days.
This has been a large bug I’ve been frustrated with, it mostly happens when I’m underwater. I’m playing as an elementalist and monsters become invulnerable to all my magic attacks. So far all fish monsters, bandits and Etton appear to become invulnerable pretty randomly for me. The rest don’t seem effected. I’ve pretty much given up trying to do anything underwater at this point.