Showing Posts For LightningLockey.5938:

City events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


City events would be great. Can always have to chase after escaped carnival monkies in Divinitys Reach. There can always be monsters coming up out of the sewers.

Elementalist Downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


You should know better then to take an elementalist in PvP. That is taking a knife to a gun fight.
For PvP you’d be better with an interrupt replacing the mist as mist would be good to get away from monsters / npcs. Then again ANet wants us to remain weak.

How to teach a young elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Teach him that elementalist live by the spark and die by the sword. Strong emphasis on dieing by the sword as it will happen a lot.

To make money, hide behind others and cast AoE damage, try to hit each monster once and let others kill them off. This works great for me as a level 80 ele.

Ele Six In One Hand Half A Dozen In The Other

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


First off, it will get worse as you progress, about level 65-70 is when I finally ran out of money going broke on armor repair and teleporting after being defeated. By level 80, I found myself with broken armor and no money or stuff to sell to even get my armor repaired. Had to flee Orr completely vulnerable.

I’m pretty much turning it into a mule and using it to as a tailor and artisan. As stubborn as I am (talking constipated mule type stubborn) I’m giving up.

What I hate? The fact our defense is as weak as a wet paper bag.
What I love? How cool the spells look.

There is very good reason for our complaints, they are all well justified. We have every right to be very unhappy with the class.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Elementalist weapon swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


It is annoying to swap in inventory. Manually changing back and forth between D/D, S/D and Staff is a real pain in the A. There is no reason why we can’t have this feature for when we are out of combat just to be easier on the player.

Starting Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Your better off playing a different class until ANet fixes all the issues with elementalist.

Our underwater weapon... is less than satisfactory.

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


It isn’t the weapon that is bad, just the skills that go with it. And the fact we are a wet paper bag when it comes to defense. Most of our problems is if a second monster sneaks up behind you, your done. To counter our squisheyness, we need to have overpowered abilities to kill a monster before it can get to us. Or defense shielding boons that last a few minutes instead of seconds.

Most of the time it is just give up and let it kill you so you can respawn again, a way to save time.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


@Nox – LMAO!

@ general topic:
Weapon swap out of combat would make life so much easier to going back to S/D as half the time I accidentally equip the wrong scepter or dagger when I get a 2nd one. Or end up with a scepter with bloodlust and a dagger with bloodlust (instead of equipping a dagger with a different sigil), little mistakes like that are so easy to do in a fast paced event.

Stop saying ele is fine or just as good as...

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


You know you have a bad night playing elementalists when people in the map channel tell you that your too squishy and need to play something else. Just throwing that out there as part of what I deal with playing as one.

Most of you are in denial, why?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Keyboard workout? How can ele be a keyboard workout when you don’t live long enough to become tired. If anything, they have been working out my vocal cords as I cuss every time I’m 1-hit and sometimes 1-hit in the downed state.

Today I ended up in a bad position where I had broken armor and was totally broke. I never dreamed of having a maxed out character in a game end up with such a predicament. Ended up running and teleporting when killed until I got to a map I know I could make back money to get my armor repaired.

ANet just keeps humping the stinking warrior classes and forgetting about the rest.

What weapons do you find yourselves using?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Staff for all group events.
S/D or D/D depending on what I’m fighting solo 1v1

As for 2v1.. it usually means I need to be revived or running away like a pansy so I don’t die.

Potential Nerf to Staff Bunker/Heal Eles?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Oh ya, wanted to add: yes, we’re watching Mesmers, bunker Guardians and tank heal Ele’s. Forgot to add that.

Hi Everyone,

Above is a recent comment by a dev on tank/heal eles? I’ve played this build and have lasted as long as my necro(with my double hp bar) and my guardian..but in turn, my dps significantly drops. Is this build that OP that they’re watching it?

I do hope they are aware of all the comments on these forums. If the one statement they make about ele balance is in regards to a nerf, then I’m not sure what the future of this class holds.

Please (respectfully)share your thoughts.

ANet is more then aware. They have gone as far to lock down some good constructive criticism threads. They know we are very unhappy.

Why that whining about the Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


@ Kripp Keeper

Well isn’t that just adorable. How about a screen shot showing the damage you take when being attacked. I bet it is at least double your output! Usually a monster hits me at least 2x to 3x of the damage I deal, and I’ve got armor on with toughness.

It isn’t the lack of not knowing how to play the game. When you die in 1 – 2 hits in some areas, it is pretty much pointless. Then see some other class (like a thief) tear apart all the monsters that took you out and then revive you if your lucky.

Answer me this:
If elementalist (frailmentalist) isn’t a bad class that isn’t broken, then why is this the only class specific forum always with such complaints and uproars?

Once I get my tailor and artisan skills up to 400, my elementalist is going to be converted to a stinking mule. It is the first time I ever did such a thing to a mage in any MMO. With the exception of using a mage for a mule while the “mule” levels up which is usually very brief.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

remove invulnerability...period

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I’ve just died a good dozen times from this today alone. A monster (mostly underwater but a good amount of time on land) will become invulnerable, run away fully heal and come back. Meanwhile my character doesn’t heal as it is still in combat and dies.

There is no reason why, with the exception of a few quest monsters, any monster have the option to become invulnerable.

When I swap into lightning attunement...

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Ditto! LMAO (means “same thing” or “same here”)

Ele change more than the patch notes show?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


The D/D lighting whip is far more useful now. As for defense or anything really useful to save the class… no. It is still a wet paper bag pea-shooter.

Elementalist run speed buffs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


If you enter combat, all speed buffs don’t work which is a bug with the elementalist. You enter combat when attuning to air since you’ll automatically strike the closest monster (neutral, non hostile or hostile).

The speed buff is great to run around when just gathering items like logs, ore and vegetables.

Why that whining about the Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Durable? I’ve seen wet paper bags hold up better than a frailmentalist. It is quite possible that the class is so screwed up, ANet doesn’t know where to begin.

Elementalists are very underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Elementalist either needs a greater amount of defense or evasion, or a greater amount of damage. The necromancer has more HP and the same amount of max armor, yet they can at least heal themselves with some of the HP draining spells. What is really frusterating is that I cannot roam the higher level maps without depending on another player or npc that attacks monsters. I feel like a noob playing a map that is 10 levels higher then what I am. Thing is there are no level 90 maps yet.

Often the other player takes out the monster he/she is taking out and the one that put me in a downed state or defeated me. I feel like being baby-sat here as a frigg’n level 80!

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


You got a good enough lawyer, the TOS won’t mean crap. A kid sued Jagex LTD over “time lost while addicted to the game” and won. It was a pretty hefty settlement, I forget the amount.

With that said, it have to be a much better lawyer, and probably a paid-off judge, to win such a battle against ANet over the class. In reality, the entire gaming community can just abandon the elementalist class and they become extinct in the game. Which at this rate will happen.

Perhaps we are just to stubborn to abandon the class? If we’d all stop playing as the elementalist and they see no one messes with it, it be great a way to get the point across. As is, they obviously didn’t take our feedback the past month on here.

Level 80 armour more for necromancers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


What is COF armor?

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Boozer, I’m still keeping faith in ANet.

Ignore the fact the elementalist is weak. Explore the towns and interact with the NPCs. I know ANet put too much money in this game for them to let it fail. Unlike other games that are just crap. Empty environments, NPCs that don’t talk but walk around. Mindless grinding on monsters that have stagnant behavior.

I tried WoW and was bored in 2 weeks with a class that wasn’t over powered or too weak. I’m frusted to hell with the elementalist, but addicted just to explore the world they created. And the spontaneous events are fun (when I’m not taking any damage as one hit is up to 1/2 my health gone).

In honestly, I probably should have started playing in a few months from now, the early bird gets the bugs in videogames.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Elementalists are very underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Masternewbz is right about elementalists being underpowered. I see it every day I log in and play my elementalist. Every other class is able to handle themselves significantly better. We are not glass canons, we lack the damage required to being a canon, we are more like a pea-shooter. As for glass, well we are more made out of a wet paper bag. If I don’t attack a monster properly, I’m barely keeping alive. If another monster jumps me, it is a miracle to survive it.

I’m don’t think we need our damage increased, but more of a reduced cooldown duration on all of our skills. We also need at least more HP, defense or evasion abilities. Perhaps if our summoned element pet were to last a few minutes then I’d say it is fairly balanced. Of course the cooldown to summon should be the same so if it is summoned and immediatly taken out then it be unfair to re-summon it instantly. It would encourage wanting to keep the familiar alive.

If ANet gets their head out of their A with this, then the elementalist will be one of the most favored classes to play in this game. As of now I’ve given up on the elementalist and undecided what to play as next so just not playing.

GW2 has become too frustrating for me to play after coming home from an already stressful job.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


This is a bloody outrage on the lack of updates for the Elementalist! I’m just simply disgusted at the lack of attention given to this profession.

I simply cannot say any more without getting banned from the forums.

Other elementalists opinion on auto attack

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Obstructed is often randomly thrown in. Usually it is only once or twice, though that is enough to cause me to die half the time. The bug that annoys me the most is the immune bug, that happens everywhere especially underwater.

Major sigil of bloodlust not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I have a scepter:
Berserker’s Hard Scepter of Bloodlust
Attack: 565-638
58 Power
38 Precision
3% Critical Damage
Req Level 65
Major Sigil of Bloodlust

The bloodlust is no longer working with my kill counts. This appears to have started today. I’ve had issues with the lesser sigil of bloodlust not working on scepters, daggers and staves since the game launched.

STALLED: Defend the pact team as they search Zho'quafa

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Dragonbrand Server
Straights of Devastation map
Defend the Pact Team as they Search Zho’Quafa Catacombs for Artifiacts.

It looks like the first person in the team is running into the wall near the door entrance. This has been stuck for over 24 hours.

Might as well add a skill challenge, Defeated the Vigil Tactician, the NPC is no where to be found.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Elementalists really suck for PvE...

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I got my elementalist up to level 80… I’m next to flat broke with 30silver and can’t even use all my traits because the book from the elementalist trainer is so kitten expensive. At level 55 and up that is when it really gets expensive to where you’ll be breaking even to losing money around level 70 to armor repair and teleport frees when defeated.

Today I got to the top of Zizier’s Tower on the Straights of Devastation map. There was a Veteran undead that spawned and took me out in only 4 hits. A guardian came up and soloed the thing without losing more then 1/4 of his hp. He lost 1/4hp because he didn’t realize it was up there and it got two hits in before he attacked.

Playing Elementalist is apparently putting the game on super hard mode. We need to be rebalanced in PvE. Danicco, get used to dieing in 3-4 hits and on champion monsters, get used to 1-hit and sometimes no “fight to survive” as in your defeated in the same hit that took you out. If your in a good guild, hide behind everyone and shoot using the staff as your best bet.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Today I made level 80 and have about 31 silver to my name and some junk I’m trying to sell in the Black Lion. Got Linen bags for inventory and only able to get the trait book to level traits up to 20 instead of 30. I can tell you all that the journey has been long, hard, frustrating and as for the comments on the people involved in the “balancing” of the class… well I don’t want to lose forum privileges and I would.

If I wasn’t so bloody stubborn and thick-headed, would have given up for well… any other class! As I’m the only one going down or another elementalist during invasions or random events.

It is beyond disturbing when you can see others run around without clothing on just to be careless and STILL take on multiple monsters and surviving. That is like swalling a horse pill without water.

There is one good thing about hitting level 80, I don’t have to worry so much on upgrading my gear… though that was not that expensive in the first place as compared to all my other problems. This is not to include the items on the Black Lion that are 2 gold when they are just a tad better then what you can pull off for 10 silver.

This is why I say we need reduction on the transport to resurrect fees and armor repair fees.

Until Frailmentalist is no longer a frailmentalist, I’ll end up turning it into a mule. It is just too un-fun to try for 100% world completion.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Objectively, how are elementalists doing?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


In my experiance, Elementalist is a money pit. I’m unable to earn enough gold to train and use any more trait points. Can only put 20 in each and I have Fire, Air and now Arcane maxed with some in Water.

If you’ve done every class, then my suggestion is to wait six months before trying elementalist. It is too frail and on the level 70+ maps 1v1 is very difficult, 2 ore more and either run or die. On monsters that are level 64 and up they are significantly harder.

I’m about to declare Straights of Devastation unplayable as the elementalist.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Ride the Lightning:

If occasionally takes you backwards (to some enemy or rabbit) instead of forwards.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Zephyr’s Speed / One with the Air / Haste (boon).

When attacked or attune swapping and an auto strike happens, you lose all your speed boons. Even though haste will appear, it will not increase movement speed.

Being that I see other players able to run with haste and the same with monsters, I know this is a bug.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I guess if the waypoint fees were not as high it wouldn’t be as bad. Today I went down to 0 money again and couldn’t even repair my armor. I also go for 100% map completion on each map that I do.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Level 55-ish is when I started having trouble making money. I was at almost 2 gold at one point. I’m not too worried as I’ve already found that when your totally broke and die, you can teleport to the nearest way point for free (or what ever your have).

Last night I estimate to have made about 50-60 silver and spent 90 telephoning to revive and repair armor. I do mine every node and tree as well. I find that monsters level 63 and higher are tough to do 1v1 and any more then that I’m dead. It takes forever for me to kill a monster and in 3-4 hits I’m done. I found out, by accident, last night you can use a salvage kit on armor/weapon drops by a mis-click. So I already know that is a waste from just that.

Mages ruled the roost in many MMO’s when it came to PvE, in PvP mages usually were very weak.

The only thing I can see that I’m doing wrong is playing as an elementalist and being too stubborn to play anything else.

I’ve also never done a dungeon, don’t think I will from the sounds of it. At least not as an elementalist.

I’ve even tried waiting for other players to revive me to save money, but sometimes I give up after 15 minutes of waiting.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


This is a temporary suggestions until the Elementalist is fixed. Today I stand as a level 70 elementalist with only 32 silver coins. If I sold everything I have I can probably have 3 gold.

It is sad when your 10 levels from maxing out and it isn’t a big deal. This is the only game I’ve played where leveling up didn’t excite me. It is the only game I’ve ever played where a mage was poor, normally they are they are the bread winners for the rest of your characters.

Also, due to lack of money I’m unable to train tier 3 with my trait points, something that really sucks.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

stuck at 2kb

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Did you close and open the client again?

Crafting bug....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I made a Pillaging Steel Plated Inscription and after making a Seasoned Staff Shaft and Seasoned Staff Head, I’m being told in creation that 0 recipes exist.

I can refine up to only seasoned logs so I know it isn’t too low of a level. When I cut more trees I’ll find out if I can even use the Pillaging Steel Plated Inscription on any other seasoned wood items.

Idea: lets offer up changes to the class (one per person)

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


It does feel like warriors earn as much as elementalist, but we have a much larger overhead charge then they do. The constant teleport to revive and repair of armor is what makes the frailmentalist the poorest profession. With the exception of the Mesmer, no other class has this many complaints in their forum. Just skills that don’t work, but they can play just fine one way or the other.

Plus in all the events I’m usually the only one going down and having to be revived. Rarely is there another elementalist around these days.

The in game bug reporting function does not work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


They probably shut it off intentionally at this point.

Night of a million zillion centaur

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


That is the 2nd part of an event. The first part is talking to an npc to take them back but no one sticks around to fight them all off. I’m not sure why as the loot would make you a good amount of money.

Fixing the invulnerability bug...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I thought this was fixed until today. During one of the events the monsters became invulnerable to all spells and of course we lost the event.

Protect the Lapital Cheiftan from the Undead event that is in Bloodtied Coast on Dragonbrand server.

I’m very disappointed in how this bug is still at large.

Idea: lets offer up changes to the class (one per person)

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Evade would greatly help the class. In other games Evade (or dodge) was trained by using skill points. In GW2, Evade can be part of the air attunement. Similar to how putting 5 skill points in earth gives better toughness.

I’m all in support for the out-of-combat weapon swap.

Stopped event SEPT 26th

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Escort Vigil to the Tower of Mobious is stopped just south of the teleporter at Orvars Glenn. It is currently stopped on the DragonBrand server.

Two vigil crusader npcs are dead but the commander npc is alive. There is now way to resurrect the two fallen npcs.

Improving the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Great thread.

In PvE I’m forced into fire. I was hoping to be able to do more with Lighting (hence the name). I don’t bother with PvP, honestly I don’t want to go up against another player as a frailmentalist.

Just Rename the Elementalist to Ninja and Make Everyone Happy

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Ninjas would do far more damage then an frail-mentalist.

Elementalist weapon swap

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


You got my support on weapon swap outside of combat. It is such a pain in the rear to have to manually switch weapons all the time.

I have fun playing as an ele what about you ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I’ve never been so poor as a mage in any game (from teleport resurrect to armor repair). Most of my friends have about 10gold by the time they are level 60 where I have less then 2 gold. ANet needs to fix it. It isn’t even a glass canon…the spells are way to weak to be considered a “canon” more like a pea shooter.

To all my fellow Eles having doubts

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


About the weapon swap:
Double Daggers for lightning whip
Scepter/Dagger for fire spells
Staff for when I’m broke and need to do events. I use chain lighting, meteor shower, lava font and Glyph of storms to attack a mass amount of monsters then run away until everyone else kills them. Right now I’m down to less then 2 gold at level 63 so need to generate revenue… Think I’m back over 1gold 50silver mark again woot?

The only reason why we are not a glass canon is that you’d have to have high damage output to be a glass canon. Closest I can see is using the Firey Great Sword… but takes too long to recharge. I have been referring to the elementalist as the “Frail-mentalist” the “glass sling-shot”.

This game has a high amount of attention to detail except with the Elementalist. I’ve been thinking heavily on doing a Necro before I just quit Guild Wars over this. I’m right now frustrated and disgusted that the hype lead up to a real bust. I primarily wanted to play the elementalist and 50% of the reason why I chose to play this game. the other 50% is quest/events/map design/story/etc.

Normally in MMOs I do my best not to die, as an Elementalist it is only a matter of minutes or sometimes seconds. Usually I’m dead not even 5 minutes into gameplay if I start in a town. I expect death in this game as much as I’d expect to cast a lightning bolt or fire ball. Swapping attunements does very little when you die so fasr.

Groups are suckey too, they forget how frail elementalist are and if they get too far from me, I’m dead and have to either teleport and run back or wait to be revived.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

minor sigil of bloodlust not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I applied a minor sigil of bloodlust to a Pillaging Simple Staff (Level 50) and I’m not getting any bloodlust at all after killing a monster. It is possible I’m actually getting it, but the icon isn’t showing up where my boons would be displayed.

Pillaging staff of Bloodlust
468 – 528 damage
1% Magic Find
Req Level 50

The staff was created threw crafting.

To all my fellow Eles having doubts

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I didn’t know that other classes had weapon swap. I’m always cursing that I’ve got to manually switch between staff and scepter and dagger.

Just more of a reason why I’m considering leaving the game. All the mages are screwed up from what I’ve read on the forums and I only play mages because of how cool …well how cool they are suppose to be.

We need weapon swap amongst many other things for this to be worth my time.