Account bound legendary would make them more valuable and ensure that only players that have them have actually worked them instead of paid with real-world money.
One of the things that I’ve found problematic with this game is all the unbeatable Champions around the world. Unbeatable due to lack of a population to fight them. Of course there are several reasons.
1.) Lack of players – very few players are on the lower level maps to fight them.
2.) Lack of rewards – no one has any reason to leave a level 80 map to fight a level 20 champion spider.
It would be nice to see ANet fix this. Either by making Champions easier or greatly boost the rewards for killing them.
I’ve gone threw the entire town twice destroying everything and still not achievement. I guess stuff is spawning underground or in out of bounds areas.
I have never seen a game fail twice (in a row) at the holiday events. They are suppose to be fun, easy, enjoyable, relaxing and cause spontaneous fun. Here they are just dungeon grinds, junky rewards, next to impossible (if not impossible) jumping puzzles. I have never felt so miserable during holiday events until I came here.
If I wanted content this bad, I would have signed up for World of Warcraft.
I wish I could be positive…. just disgusted.
I had to log out of the game for a bit while in the new dungeon. When I logged in I was now dead in Divinity’s Reach and all my armor was broken (as opposed to just one piece breaking).
Another holiday fail….
I agree with OP, I’ve come to find holidays totally suck in this game and are not fun what so ever!
Just the thought of armor getting damaged from a holiday event sickens me.
The jumping puzzle really is bad, the snowflakes deteriorate quicker then I can possibly move on my warrior without any haste boons active.
At least I was expecting this to be a failure and didn’t have my hopes up
As for the “troll” comment, I really wish ANet would do a better job with this game, it is a shame how they are letting it go down hill so fast.
This isn’t a bug, they suffer from Aquaphobia. This is a very serious condition and the Asura are working on a pill for them to take.
In my honest objective opinion of the game: it’s a good game overall. They need to work on fixing many of the bugs and class balancing and other stuff in a timely manner or else it could go down hill quickly (I mean like a sheer cliff quick; free fall quickly if they don’t make good headway on stuff the players can feel).
Your right on that, I’m actually quite surprised at how a game that was in development for 4+ years had ended in such a sad state it is in within 3 1/2 Months. It is just plain tragic. I’m lingering around on the forums to see if they will actually have fixed any of the major issues on the 14th, if not I’ll just have to give up myself and move on. Gambled $60 on a game I might be part of for years and got burned, might need to just call the fire department in on this one.
The game is hardly out. If ANet could get their head out of their A and bring a lot of retail value back into the game, then the “dead weight” would be gone as most of those accounts would actually be playing again. Currently level up to 80 is way too fast and easy, there are too many bugs in this game, and the gear treadmill at the end has killed off their customer base.
I’m very disappointed in how horribly ANet has handled this. A lot of hard work was put in the game and they are just letting it die off as if they are getting ready to close down their business and laying people off. That is how I feel as a 1st come customer.
The end fight will result in the player getting killed. The “boss” will become invulnerable, fully heal, then continue to attack an already weakened hero until the hero dies. This invulnerability glitch will happen about 5 times before the hero dies.
Do the monsters then take half your health, become invulnerable and fully heal, then attack again? Or did they actually fix something?
Be smart about ectos, like start off with using them for chest and legging armor and eventrually get to the boots, helm, shoulders and gloves as they give the least amount of benefits. If your rare is more valuable then the ecto, sell it instead and buy the ecto.
It is slow, but the game is meant to be played for years, not days.
Free to play would ruin this game. You think people complaint about issues now, it will be 100x worse! ANet should keep to game trials as this game is really worth paying for. I personally wouldn’t mind paying them $60 a year for continued game play.
Between opening the game to bots and ANet making the game “pay to win” it would just ruin the game totally. I’ve tried free to play, in the end I’ve concluded that unless the game pulls of what RuneScape does (limit free 2 play to specific servers and about <20% of the world) it isn’t worth wasting my time to even try. And even they are going down the road to shove their micro-transactions down the players throats which is why I jumped ship there.
Other then this game being infested with bugs which I’m sure will be mostly squished in a year, I like what they’ve done and would petition an annual $60 “server fee” for unlimited gameplay for a year. I’ll probably eventually buy a few things from the item shop such as bank space and maybe a costume.
(edited by LightningLockey.5938)
My guess is that the developers are used to thinking in terms of static events/content. Being that this game is much more dynamic (and the only reason why I didn’t give up and quit at this point) that no one really knew how to take new content into consideration. From the Question and Answer on Reddit, apparently they are going to be scaling back dynamic events to better suite one or two players.
I think the glitch “comes and goes”. On my server, DragonBrand, I was told it was bugged about a month ago, but it wasn’t. One time they were green and friendly (like Flipper!), another time they were spawning in the rocks. I’m afraid to go back and see what is there now…
Best to attempt this right after a game update (maintenance, patch or expansion) and see if it works then.
Just keep sending bug reports in and they will eventually get to them. Things like this takes TIME. We might not live to see it happen in our life time, but maybe our grand kids will get to see these all fixed.
Keep sending in those bug reports so our future offspring will have a better world to play in!
Elementalist was never good since the game first came out. I heard the Elementalist was a great class to play in beta though. When did you last play as an Elementalist?
I HATE that this class is bad because when it comes to these games, I have Wizzard written on my hat and on my heart. And it’s not like I’ve not practiced, or experimented, or that I’m just bad. I love PvP, I play competitive Starcraft. Losing in Starcraft though… it’s FAIR. When you play well, you win by a lot. When you play poorly you get rolled. I can look at what I’ve done wrong and the conclusion is never “my race is underpowered.” I can always DO something to improve. And in Guild Wars 2, the improvement that I made was rerolling. I am done with that class. You can play much better than your opponent and win by 200 hp. You can watch your opponent make mistake after mistake and win, or lose by just a fraction. WINNING is frustrating on this class.
I feel you on that, I’ve got a nice level 80 Mule-amentalist that I really don’t want to delete just yet but might have to if they never fix the class. The game is 10x more enjoyable on a warrior (which is a class I really don’t like) then the elementalist.
Why isn’t this thread pinned at the top? We need a mod to fix this!
Btw, OP thanks! I saw the question(s) that I had were actually answered. I hope to God they never do it on Reddit again, too abstract of a chat design.
It does have a lot of potential and great content, ANet is just letting the game become a failure now which really sucks.
I never felt my guild was at war against another, figured it was a story line in the first one and the name carried over. As for do I feel like a level 80? No, not on either character.
Of my two that I have at level 80:
Warrior I feel like a level 90
Elementalist I feel like a level 65 (my first mage EVER to be a full-time mule)
I’d highly recommend playing on the Shiverpeack Maps as there are more players due to the dragon that spawns there, Claw of Jormeg. Straits of Devastation (along with most <80 maps) is dead content.
There is a sticky thread with this bug reported in the elementalist thread. This has been a bug since beta.
Are you underwater? It looks like it yet there is not breath mask on your face.
Being the game has a massive infestation of bugs, when is the next patch going to be released? It has been weeks since any attempt has been made on fixing at least the bugs that came out since the Lost Shores disaster…I mean event.
The game has a whole ant hill worth of bugs, might as well have the forums a mess to.
Sorry, this area isn’t available yet. Please check back later. Try going back home?
I’ve been having a lot of people tell me to join The Secret World, I guess after reading on Monday what ANet has to say I’ll start really thinking it over. I was hoping to at least get a year out of this game before moving on. One thing is for certain, until things are greatly improved, I will not spend a single dime in the gem shop!
One of the major problems with GW2 I’ve noticed is you level way too fast. Leveling should be a lot slower to where it takes a long time to get to level 80. Spend a good week or two playing a map to level up by repeating dynamic events as a lot of them are really fun. Right now everyone levels up to 80 in a month and just lives on a few maps while the rest die.
Gear grind wouldn’t be bad if you can get the items you need from any of the dynamic events on any maps once your at level 70. That way you can grind Orr on one day and then the Hinterlands on another without hindering your time farming items.
I agree that the response they will make on or short after Monday will make all the difference. As for the rating, it is users/bots but that website does generate a lot of promotions for all games and ANet has been involved with them.
Looking at these forums and talking to people from GW1 here I’ve found out that ANet has been as stinkey as an unrefrigerated fish. (10lb tuna to be exact)
I go to a website from time to time called which is where I found out about GW2 to begin with. The forums there are more negative then the ones here as they have far more liberties to speak their mind. Upon release, the game was holding strong at around 9.4 rating out of 10. As of now that is down to 8.85 with the 2nd game at 8.44 that requires a retail purchase and monthly subscription. GW1 is at 7.58, at this rate GW1 will have a better rating then GW2 in about 2 months.
ANet better get it together, with the amount of work they put into GW2 to just let it die like this is terrible.
Halloween – complete disaster if I ever saw one in am MMO. Being their first holiday event I think forgiveness and a benefit of a doubt can be in order.
Lost Shores – not nearly as bad as Halloween. The biggest problem is the end boss only spawned once. I plan on using that map content more pretty soon.
I’d say the game is in a mess right now with empty maps (level 75 and under) and full of bugs, but it is early and can be fixed. All hope isn’t lost, I’m still exploring the game and find many enjoyable aspects.
This game is really set up for failure if it continues to be this way with older content. The previous game I came from wasn’t this way, though high level and low level content was mixed to ensure no map dies off. It was more the mini-games that would either be successful or totally die out.
I made it to the Straits of Devastation with my warrior and just about all the waypoints past Fort Trinity are always contested. This isn’t a bug, but shows a major problem as that map is pretty much all dead content and all the dynamic events are in a defeated state.
It isn’t bugged, mystic forge is known as the Mystic Rip-off for a reason. It is only good to make stuff for legend items. Better off to sell to an npc then use that thing.
ANet purposely made the forge like this.
They probably did increase the drop rates. They added junk to the drop tables which competes with the probability of a decent drop! I heard this is to slow down botting, when it just slows everyone down.
This is a typical expectation that they don’t want to spoil anything. I’m looking forward to the Q&A sessions. It is something I’ve personally asked for.
On the Dragonbrand server we have been trying to stop the risen from spawning in this town for about three days and nothing we do will stop them. Currently the town has 90% of its occupants killed off (can’t be revived) and we are unable to use the crafting stations. Also the waypoint isn’t blocked as being contestant.
Please fix this bug so we can use this town again! It is bad when glitches mess up an entire town.
I’ve been working on a new character since my last one is “done” and have noticed a horrible and tragic thing happening to GW2. There are events that are essentially dead. Now I know that dynamic events are “small”, still a lot of hard work went into them and there are too few players actually playing in them. Most of the dynamic events in this game are really fun and should never become dead.
We all know (and complain about) the overflow server issue. While that is better then waiting in a queue, I really think having underflow servers would really benefit the game. While be put into a random one might not be ideal, we can have a specific underflow servers for 4 servers. You will always go to that underflow server and not a random one. If the underflow server becomes “full” then it would send everyone one (with a 2 min warning) to their regular servers as there is no need for an underflow server.
This would fix all the dead content issues without the need for balancing of item drops for level 80 players. It really sucks leveling a character in this game, being alone and passing threw a dozen dynamic events that you can’t complete because there is no one on the server. The fun shouldn’t start at level 80.
(edited by LightningLockey.5938)
The game is starting to fall apart at which is where I first discovered they were making a second GW. Every week it looses popularity.
I’m a fist time customer for the company and my experiance so far isn’t that great.
1.) The game has more bugs then a bee hive.
2.) They destroyed my favorite class, the elementalist.
3.) The Halloween and Lost Shores events were next to a disaster if not a complete waste.
4.) They don’t communicate.
What I’ve been told about them prior to GW2 Launch
1.) They fix bugs rapidly (should be clear in a month)
2.) Their game content is well planned and thought out. (so far untrue)
3.) They communicate very well with their customers. (they were in the beginning)
So far of the people that convinced me to join that I know IRL, I’m the only one left. The other are suspecting a management or huge internal change because the ANet we have now is totally different then the ones we had in GW1. People I’ve met in the game from GW1 have a similar story.
The previous game I Played was utalizing youtube and the website for a weekly blog to answer the most burning questions. I’d strongly suggest to start with that. I’m not sure if I’ll be staying as a customer with how ANet has been treating their players. That one-time event had me so irritated that I just left the game for the day as I just logged on to find out I missed it by an hour due to working for a living.
Update: Another example. I’m only playing the game not even 5 minutes today and I died from a bug with the vengeance warrior trait that has been live since the game came out. This is exactly the frustration I’m talking about.
Pretty disgusted customer,
(edited by LightningLockey.5938)
That is a tall order, you know how much time and effort it would take for them to be transparent? It be about an hour a week. That is 52 hours a year. That is a lot of time. It is best that ANet remains behind a lead wall so we don’t know what is coming until it hits us!
1)graphics (1-bad…10-amazing) – 10
2)sound(1-bad…10-amazing) – 7
3)story concept/originality (1-boring…10-captivating) – 2
4)loot/reward (1-lost all my money…10-gained amazing items) – 1
5)stability (1-extremly buggy…10-no bugs) – 1
6)network connection/speed (1-laggy,disconnections, 10 – perfect connection) – 8
7)mini events length (1-to long/short…10-just right) – [1-short]
8)overall event length (1-to long/short…10-just right) – [1-short]
9)overall Satisfaction (1-worst experience ever,10-best experience ever) – 2
So it appears as if the forum mods are great at merging threads but utterly terrible at communicating with us. This company is a real “one-way street” when it comes to player support!
I think they’re subliminally talking about driving a mass amount of the player base away from the game through over hyped events, it’s working pretty well
People aren’t even leaving because of the event, but because of the way the event was implemented and the way communication was handled.
Tyria is changed because ANet is driving more of their customers away. That is how it changed lol. All my friends that said ANet was a great company have already left.
ANet must cater to those that don’t have a life or a job…
It was a bit too rushed, my work schedule had me working for most of the event. If the events would last about two weeks then it be ideal for everyone to get to do. Another game I played learned this the hard way and their one-time-only event complaints went down dramatically and threads like this one doesn’t exist.
Also I think ANet should have spent a lot more Q&A time with this and it would have been fantastic instead of receiving generally negative reviews.
I find the map pretty good to get cypress logs and mithril ore. Monster balancing wasn’t done very well here. The art department did a wonderful job with the graphics though!
Well if ANets negative behavior towards Elementalists spread (they haven’t said a thing on our forum for 3 weeks) then yeh this game will die fast. As of now we level way too quick and there is a lot of high quality dead content from dynamic events. Most of which need a bunch of people to attend to be successful.
I was told ANet would listen and respond to their player base when two friends IRL convinced me to go with this game (up to a year ago). Both my friends IRL gave up on ANet and I’m still here because this is the only ANet that I know. Since joining a guild, I’ve found that the “GW2 ANet” is far different from the “GW1 ANet” and I think the word communist is the only one that won’t get me totally banned for describing them.