Showing Posts For Linnes.2678:

Rainbow Jellyfish

in Ranger

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Just a reminder guys, Jon Peters knows nothing of the current classes and how they work. He plays a 5 sig warrior so expect warrior buffs and ranger nerfs next patch. Y’know, gotta keep the game balanced by giving rangers that much needed Rainbow Jellyfish skin, because underwater combat is totally relevant to the game.

Honestly, I could balance the class far better than anyone at Arena Net could, and I’m certain most players here could as well. Devs don’t even know what they’re doing with half of their classes.

Maybe you ought to submit an application. With an attitude like that, I’m sure you’ll get hired.

Arena Drone count: 1

How to fix ranger:

1. Make the ability to use pets an elite skill, while not equipped with a pet rangers get increased base stats, damage output, etc.

2. Make pet’s only take AoE damage when you take AoE damage equal the damage you yourself took, at least in pve.

Spirits: same as pet 2, increased ALL their applied bonus effects duration by at least double. Spirit of Earth’s protection only lasts 1.5 seconds btw, it’s impossible to stack it at all. Allow spirits to follow regardless of trait, that trait is just dumb. Increase all spirits health by 33%. Offer more group support with spirits, and have one of the spirits activations’ be a stunbreaker (earth sounds like the most likely candidate).

Traps: Traps are actually pretty great, and are balanced with low cooldowns (when traited) and great fire field upkeeps, while not being too overpowered.

Ranger signets: Reduce the cooldown on these, they’re just ridiculously long for no reason, and only about two are useful, one is wasted in dungeons (signet of the hunt). Offer a grandmaster trait that allows these bonuses to be shared with the group, much like thieves shared venom.

Wilderness Survival skills: For the most part they’re fine, perhaps revert quickening zephyr to 4 seconds and maybe 75% ASPD. 5 seconds with no healing is pretty much a death sentence if you run into a bad situation, and you can’t even cancel out of the skill.

Elites: The elites are honestly pretty balanced, perhaps change rampage as one to a transformation skill that alters your appearance to whatever your pet that you’re using is. You and your pet become one and you gain abilities and stats based upon you and your pet for a certain duration.

Weapons: Weapons are okay, sword auto attack STILL needs fixed, but it still has decent utility. Warhorn 4 needs to cause blind (I’m fairly certain it did in betas). Longbow needs a lot of work, given the choice of taking a warrior longbow over rangers, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Rainbow Jellyfish

in Ranger

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Just a reminder guys, Jon Peters knows nothing of the current classes and how they work. He plays a 5 sig warrior so expect warrior buffs and ranger nerfs next patch. Y’know, gotta keep the game balanced by giving rangers that much needed Rainbow Jellyfish skin, because underwater combat is totally relevant to the game.

Honestly, I could balance the class far better than anyone at Arena Net could, and I’m certain most players here could as well. Devs don’t even know what they’re doing with half of their classes.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Warriors are perfectly fine in spvp:

in PvP

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Sometimes, as devs, we play bad builds on purpose as we look at ways to improve them.

It’s important we play all classes, even less popular specs on less popular classes.

Also, he’s running that build because of yolo, obvs.

But he’s been running the same build since release, I’ve seen him multiple times. Also, “running it for yolo” is a disrespect towards your team. He may as well have ran in there naked saying “lol don’t attack me, I’m a dev!”

Jon Peter’s thinks so too, just look at his great build.

The greatest irony of this post is that the OP’s ability line up is also god awful.

Not even my pic mate, got it from someone else who found him and sent it to me.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Warriors are perfectly fine in spvp:

in PvP

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Jon Peter’s thinks so too, just look at his great build.


Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

200g for pre-cursor attempts, what're you at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Precursor control since november have LONG gone… right now, most precursors on sale are ones people find with everyday gameplay… also as a super pro tip that people don’t often hand out here, don’t use rares to Mforge your precursor.

Yeah, I spent 40g in rares at first then I crunched numbers are realized I was an idiot for doing so. And even if precursor CONTROL might be gone, their prices remain the same as where they left them, because they know people are buying. Look at how many Dusks/Dawns/Sparks/etc. there are in the broker, certainly they don’t warrant the price, back in November you could see 60+ of each at a time.

Sad part is, I have a few guildies who’ve tossed in <20 rares and have gotten Dusk, Dawn, and a Zap.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

200g for pre-cursor attempts, what're you at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


So I’ve tried tossing in rares, odds are pretty terrible, something like a 15% rare->exotic rate on top of the supposed 0.00001% of a precursor (though I am assuming it’s like 2%). Then did exotics, still nothing. Honestly Arena Net should have added in a voucher system, where in that if you fail a certain number of times they just give you a voucher. Again, Arena Net stated they didn’t want “grind” in their game. They did state they wanted legendaries to be something to work for… well how much work are you going to make them, I’ve been playing since 3-day headstart (beta excluded) and am no where near finishing a legendary through normal means? You nerf simple farming mechanics, prices rise, making them even more unreachable. Watch what’ll happen when the supposed CoF nerf comes out. I’ve gotten literally everything I could want in the game from my Emperor title for cultural armor to my tpvp Champion title, and my characters looks and surplus bank slots, but this one thing that I am now trying hard to actually grind is eluding me because of a simple, plain bullkitten mechanic.

The same people have controlled the precursor market since the Karka Boxes in which you literally gave precursors away left and right, even to people who weren’t there. The people who control the market, through spending thousands of real currency and converting it to gems, or those who just plainly bought gold (face it, Arena Net doesn’t monitor trades <50g), bought up all those precursors and are now selling them for however much they wish. It’s just not right to reward those people.

Was wondering, how much are you all at tossing in?

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Our new elite: Machine guns

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Also, lol5signet

He’s only level 51, and signets are the most viable form of leveling. Though yes, he should definitely switch them out for banner/shouts later.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Should T3 Cultural Armor be exotic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


or D.) Craft your own armor with the stats you want and use the level 80 transmute stones you get as rewards in the story line to transmute. Cost – time spent having fun playing the game.

Except for the cost of crafting the armor is more than buying it straight up, and selling the materials will actually net in loss due to the 15% market cut if you decide to sell them then buy the armor. There is no win-win with it.

This has been talked about before. From what I’ve read players say No. Why? Cause everyone that buys it (minus me) say it’s just for X-muting onto another armor that doesn’t have kittenty stats.

Then if that were the case shouldn’t they just make it a skin? It would seem fair if they cut out the cost for the transmutation crystals.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Should T3 Cultural Armor be exotic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


As the titles states, should the T3 cultural armor sets be exotics and not rares? I also feel that Arena Net should add an assortment of stats to it (berserker’s, knight’s, etc.). Honestly the only thing that’s primarily keeping me from purchasing it is the fact that I need to not only waste fine transmutation stones on it, but I need to buy another exotic set entirely to remodel it onto. I don’t wanna call out “money-grubbing scheme” yadda-yadda but that’s really what it is. I know it’s supposed to be the “prestige” armor of the game, but it just doesn’t have that feeling when you know you’re gonna have to:

A.) Grind out dungeons to get the right stats you want, and some stats like Knight’s can only be obtained through long (notice I said long, not difficult) dungeons such as Arah or Sorrow’s Embrace.

B.) Buy a separate crafted exotic set with the stats you want (or karma set if it has the stats you want for it, which a lot of vendors don’t). I crunched numbers and this method costs you an additional 21-28g.

Let’s not forget about the Fine Transmutation Stones (Crystals now), which if you weren’t fortunate enough to get them on sale, or get lucky on black lion chest drops, will cost you roughly 5g for 5.

or C.) Spend real money on gems and convert it into cash+transmute stones. The total cost for armor+T3+gems=$85 USD, this is not counting the T3 helmet or runes for the armor.

So therein lies my question. Should T3 Cultural Armor be exotic, and have more stat choices?

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Thoughts on Backpack Regenerator?

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Heck, I’ll just use prolonged elixirs.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on Backpack Regenerator?

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Hm, 133 health/p second at 100 healing power while in Elixir Gun, which isn’t bad, but it could be better. Sure it’s nowhere near the Super Elixir regen, and it requires you to be in the kit for a noticeable difference.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on Backpack Regenerator?

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Anyone know the base regen of backpack regenerator? Is it worth using now that we’re down a healing field from KR Elixir Gun? At this point it’s either gonna be that or HGH.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Yes I’ve tried Turret builds pre-patch. My impression has always been that Turrets are too vulnerable. That doesn’t make my impression correct though, and with these changes I see many of the Turrets being more feasible to use. A pair of damage Turrets right now appear to actually be rather threatening. What I see are steps on the right path from ANet involving turrets. Are they done? I’m not sure. I think Turrets could very well be viable and competitive now in some situations. The keyword is could though, as with first glance I think there still needs to be more work in the area.

That is also what I got from the State of the Game discussion. They have the right plan. The right ideas. Buffing things that are weak so that build diversity is increased. That is the fundamental problem in Guild Wars 2 and they are frankly addressing it. I think a key difference in the dissent between many opinions and my own though is I acknowledge that these things are going to take time. The Engineer is not the only profession and they are trying to be careful about not overpowering anything. No matter how good your QA team is, things will get through a patch that are suddenly way stronger then you anticipated. They’ve been really good at not letting those things through via their small incremental changes. I like this and I think it’s wonderful design. This is why I’m optimistic.

Specifically with Kit Refinement, I think people will figure out how to make good use of it. It will take a bit of work, especially in multi-kit builds, but I think it still has a place. I don’t think this trait is lost by any means, and I don’t think it was necessarily to a successful direct-dmg build.

When you mention playing a class throughout, what level is through enough for you? No single person will find all the quirks, bugs, strengths, and weaknesses of a class if they specifically played it trying to find them all for years. When I looked at Kit Refinement forever involving Grenade Kit, did I ever think to try to and stand inside someone and use it? Heck no, and I don’t see why they would’ve picked up on that either. I’m sure they found tons of abusive mechanics that none of us will ever know of. That’s why I think this kind of discussion is absurd, because we pick apart the small things that make it through (like they do in every game) while having no knowledge of all the other stuff that has been caught. It’s a huge difference in perspective.

I didn’t mean to say that you said they should be fired, but I do think some people have been skirting the line or have actually said it. That or the discussion has been very close to that sort of thing. This may be an assumption on my part though, or maybe it’s coming from some of the stuff over from the sPvP forums. Just to be clear though, I didn’t mean to imply you said they should be fired and I apologize for that.

The problem is, 100nades wasn’t even that overpowered. It was a flavor of the month pvp build that engineers played because “lol everyone says it’s good.” Crit rifle engineers were vastly superior.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR


in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Honestly, they should just change the trait to something else that works. I sure as hell wouldn’t miss it, but I’m a pure sPvPer so I have something against standing still in a fight. :P

It’s not like scope made sense anyways… I mean your rifle auto-attack is still firing from the hip, and you dont even look down your hairtriggers on your pistols when firing.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

RIP Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Pretty much this. I played a roamer engineer in spvp and wub with crit rifle, elixirs B and S and E-Gun. It kept me and my usual roaming group of two others happy and alive. I could actually afford to run this build in pve as well and it worked amazingly. I would dish out elementalist level damage, have guardian survivability, and support my team like a warrior with the heals and light fields. It was a great feeling. Now I went back and did the same usual dungeons and such, same build as the day before and I found my lack of survivability noticeable. The loss in SE was a big hit.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

RIP Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


I’m ditching Kit Refinement for Acidic Elixirs.

Then I’m going to drink my elixirs…

Farewell, cruel world…

Oh man I laughed too hard at this, props.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR


in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Yup, still bugged… 7 months and counting.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Do people seriously think that developers don’t play Engineer at all? ArenaNet is a multi-million dollar company and you SERIOUSLY don’t think their developers know a lot more about class balance than their players? It’s their job to do this, we all do it for fun. Of course they have people who play each class, it would be insane to think they don’t. A lot of these changes are made in mind with ALL other changes made to other classes, everyone likes to look at their one class and scream “STOP NERFING US!” but never take it into the big picture.

It’s not like these changes are permanent, they do a lot of things to “test the waters” and see if it works or not. These forums are a mess, crying every patch I swear.


And of course, ANET hates this game. Devs want to purposefully destroy the game they spent their lives creating.

And devs hate engineers in particular, because they don’t want people to play the class. The class just happened to be there, devs never wanted it. That’s the reason why they never play it themselves. They just make random changes to classes, because they get kicks out of it. Of course, Engineers always get burnt by Dev RNG, because devs like the other seven classes better.

Yes, it all makes sense now. enlightened

No, they’re just clueless as to what to do with the class, watch the video on the update.
They’re lumping pve and pvp together, which just shouldn’t be the class. For the sake of nerfing them in pvp they literally stomped on MANY Engineer pve builds. Also, look at Rangers… the Quickness nerf lowered damage output by around 47% (tested by players, accounting for melee pets, etc).

Of course, we can assume that you know better about balance than the devs. Just the way you assumed that you’re the only person who’s seen that video.

I bow to thee, sir.

I guarantee you I could balance a class better than they could. Heck, I’d apply to Arena Net right now and completely change their department if it were up to me. I would start with Rangers first, as it’s a bit disgusting how much they neglect the class as a whole. Whoopee, this patch made greatsword better, it’s still a bad weaponset compared to traps w/ Shortbow+Sword/Dag. For one, I would not rely on pets to define the class, the skill balances were far superior in GW1 just due to the simple fact that you had the option to remove that pet, and not revolve your DPS around it. This being said, Rangers in GW1 were STILL nerfed to near pointless levels in PvE.

Izzy doesn’t know what he’s doing, Izzy does not PvP. He plays a zerker babby 4sig warrior in PvE. I have grouped with him before and have even asked him to change his build, he refused.

I commend you, dear sir, for your ability. I hope your awesomeness doesn’t make the devs insecure. I’ll eagerly wait for a few years till you reach puberty, and are able to build the game we all will love and cherish. So much hope you give me. /bow

You’re talking about maturity but you’re sounding like a smartass kid who knows when he’s wrong but tries to act like an adult just to make himself appear correct. Please grow up, these changes to Engineer WERE bad, and you have no right to even try to justify them. I suppose you think Rangers and Necromancers are perfectly balanced as well?

I must apologize. I have no rights to justify anything. I understand. I’m enlightened, yet again. This tiny speck of dust bathes in the glory of your magnificence.

Necromancers are awesome in WvW. But of course, what do I know. I’m just a kid trying to act like an adult. You see through me so clearly, dear sir.

I will stop responding now, your magnificence. It’s beyond my humble abilities to engage you in a logical conversation, my liege. Good luck with your bickering.

Just stop, you’re embarassing yourself. Necromancers have just as many broken traits as they did on launch. Also, just because something is good in one aspect of the game does not justify their lack in others. Thieves are a notable example of this, while excellent in pvp they are basically a step above rangers in pve. Elementalists, warriors, guardians, even engineers are better close ranger and necromancers, warriors, engineers, and elementalists are better than them long range.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Also, why are the lot of you defending the devs for shipping buggy patches and making questionable changes?

It’s not like engineers are overpowered and causing imbalance in sPvP, WvW or PvE. Or are causing some irreversible problem to the game. They always have the option to piggy back certain changes to a future patch – what they’ve done is silly.

I’m a programmer. I know there’s datelines, there’s need for quick fixes, and sometimes people are given unfamiliar problems to solve and end up making things worse. I’ve been there, done that.

Maybe they don’t have enough manpower to play each class thoroughly to make balance changes. That’s fine, I suggest they hire more, but I’d understand if that isn’t feasible. So spend more time perhaps? Not feasible as well? Well, I’m sure there’s something that can be done. Test servers would help. Listening to their top players would help too. I don’t claim to be an amazing engineer, but I reckon they wouldn’t like the counter-intuitive crap KR’s been these last two patches.

But the bugs are silly. I mean c’mon, any decent programmer would test his own code before sending it down the pipe. Even if he didn’t have the time to do it, any decent QA tester would have gone through each trait/gear effecting turrets and caught the bug with Deployable Turrets. I know sometimes the coder isn’t the dev with came up with the change in the first place. But any dev with love for his work would beta test it himself to make sure it worked.

And if they did, you can bet Jon Peters or someone else would be here telling us not to worry, fixes are shipping out soon, because what company wants to look like idiots for overlooking simple testing?

Look, we’re not obliged to lick their shoes. We’re paying customers. Well, at least I am. They did a poor job with the previous KR change and this as well, and shipped bugs a kindergartner could catch. I love their game, and ANet on a whole isn’t half bad either, but if you’re too much in love with them to see and point out their faults then.. well I guess too bad.

Well said. I am a fan of arena net and I do enjoy the game, but many of their changes over the past 7 months have been extremely questionable. Making certain classes useless, going down the “money-grubbing” cash-shop aisle, ignoring the playerbase as a whole towards bug issues. They said it themselves in their interview, thieves can still pretty much 3HKO people thanks to Basilisk Venom’s bug that they’re not fixing. Scope is still busted on engineers too.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Engineers only miss one thing about KR

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


R.I.P. Super Elixir Kit Refinement,
The only thing you’re useful for now is swapping to EG then popping Acid Bomb and watching people get stuck in your 2k damage ticks (oh darn, I shouldn’t have said that, nerf incoming). This being said, I would much rather have the extra light field and heal. With the old KR EG I could pretty much solo heal my team while still dishing out 2k-10k crits with rifles, all while boasting 2.9k armor, 19k health, 60% crit rate (with fury of course), and 60% crit damage.

Elixir Gun was ONLY OP in pvp (and barely at that), something that devs really need to look at seperating now. In the March 14th interview their excuse for not seperating the two was “we don’t want people to get confused about skills changing in and out of pve.” This is complete horse kitten , it worked for GW1 perfectly fine. Not to mention builds used in pvp are going to be different than thosed use in pve 70% of the time.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Do people seriously think that developers don’t play Engineer at all? ArenaNet is a multi-million dollar company and you SERIOUSLY don’t think their developers know a lot more about class balance than their players? It’s their job to do this, we all do it for fun. Of course they have people who play each class, it would be insane to think they don’t. A lot of these changes are made in mind with ALL other changes made to other classes, everyone likes to look at their one class and scream “STOP NERFING US!” but never take it into the big picture.

It’s not like these changes are permanent, they do a lot of things to “test the waters” and see if it works or not. These forums are a mess, crying every patch I swear.


And of course, ANET hates this game. Devs want to purposefully destroy the game they spent their lives creating.

And devs hate engineers in particular, because they don’t want people to play the class. The class just happened to be there, devs never wanted it. That’s the reason why they never play it themselves. They just make random changes to classes, because they get kicks out of it. Of course, Engineers always get burnt by Dev RNG, because devs like the other seven classes better.

Yes, it all makes sense now. enlightened

No, they’re just clueless as to what to do with the class, watch the video on the update.
They’re lumping pve and pvp together, which just shouldn’t be the class. For the sake of nerfing them in pvp they literally stomped on MANY Engineer pve builds. Also, look at Rangers… the Quickness nerf lowered damage output by around 47% (tested by players, accounting for melee pets, etc).

Of course, we can assume that you know better about balance than the devs. Just the way you assumed that you’re the only person who’s seen that video.

I bow to thee, sir.

I guarantee you I could balance a class better than they could. Heck, I’d apply to Arena Net right now and completely change their department if it were up to me. I would start with Rangers first, as it’s a bit disgusting how much they neglect the class as a whole. Whoopee, this patch made greatsword better, it’s still a bad weaponset compared to traps w/ Shortbow+Sword/Dag. For one, I would not rely on pets to define the class, the skill balances were far superior in GW1 just due to the simple fact that you had the option to remove that pet, and not revolve your DPS around it. This being said, Rangers in GW1 were STILL nerfed to near pointless levels in PvE.

Izzy doesn’t know what he’s doing, Izzy does not PvP. He plays a zerker babby 4sig warrior in PvE. I have grouped with him before and have even asked him to change his build, he refused.

I commend you, dear sir, for your ability. I hope your awesomeness doesn’t make the devs insecure. I’ll eagerly wait for a few years till you reach puberty, and are able to build the game we all will love and cherish. So much hope you give me. /bow

You’re talking about maturity but you’re sounding like a smartass kid who knows when he’s wrong but tries to act like an adult just to make himself appear correct. Please grow up, these changes to Engineer WERE bad, and you have no right to even try to justify them. I suppose you think Rangers and Necromancers are perfectly balanced as well?

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

HGH conditions is the new apex predator

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Where can I find this build? I’ve tried to search, but wasn’t successful. Sorry, I’m nearly blind.

HGH stands for Human Growth Horomone, it’s a trait in the alchemy tree line. Basically just revolve your condition build around it.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Do people seriously think that developers don’t play Engineer at all? ArenaNet is a multi-million dollar company and you SERIOUSLY don’t think their developers know a lot more about class balance than their players? It’s their job to do this, we all do it for fun. Of course they have people who play each class, it would be insane to think they don’t. A lot of these changes are made in mind with ALL other changes made to other classes, everyone likes to look at their one class and scream “STOP NERFING US!” but never take it into the big picture.

It’s not like these changes are permanent, they do a lot of things to “test the waters” and see if it works or not. These forums are a mess, crying every patch I swear.


And of course, ANET hates this game. Devs want to purposefully destroy the game they spent their lives creating.

And devs hate engineers in particular, because they don’t want people to play the class. The class just happened to be there, devs never wanted it. That’s the reason why they never play it themselves. They just make random changes to classes, because they get kicks out of it. Of course, Engineers always get burnt by Dev RNG, because devs like the other seven classes better.

Yes, it all makes sense now. enlightened

No, they’re just clueless as to what to do with the class, watch the video on the update.
They’re lumping pve and pvp together, which just shouldn’t be the class. For the sake of nerfing them in pvp they literally stomped on MANY Engineer pve builds. Also, look at Rangers… the Quickness nerf lowered damage output by around 47% (tested by players, accounting for melee pets, etc).

Of course, we can assume that you know better about balance than the devs. Just the way you assumed that you’re the only person who’s seen that video.

I bow to thee, sir.

I guarantee you I could balance a class better than they could. Heck, I’d apply to Arena Net right now and completely change their department if it were up to me. I would start with Rangers first, as it’s a bit disgusting how much they neglect the class as a whole. Whoopee, this patch made greatsword better, it’s still a bad weaponset compared to traps w/ Shortbow+Sword/Dag. For one, I would not rely on pets to define the class, the skill balances were far superior in GW1 just due to the simple fact that you had the option to remove that pet, and not revolve your DPS around it. This being said, Rangers in GW1 were STILL nerfed to near pointless levels in PvE.

Izzy doesn’t know what he’s doing, Izzy does not PvP. He plays a zerker babby 4sig warrior in PvE. I have grouped with him before and have even politely asked him to change his build to shouts/banners for support, he refused.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Do people seriously think that developers don’t play Engineer at all? ArenaNet is a multi-million dollar company and you SERIOUSLY don’t think their developers know a lot more about class balance than their players? It’s their job to do this, we all do it for fun. Of course they have people who play each class, it would be insane to think they don’t. A lot of these changes are made in mind with ALL other changes made to other classes, everyone likes to look at their one class and scream “STOP NERFING US!” but never take it into the big picture.

It’s not like these changes are permanent, they do a lot of things to “test the waters” and see if it works or not. These forums are a mess, crying every patch I swear.


And of course, ANET hates this game. Devs want to purposefully destroy the game they spent their lives creating.

And devs hate engineers in particular, because they don’t want people to play the class. The class just happened to be there, devs never wanted it. That’s the reason why they never play it themselves. They just make random changes to classes, because they get kicks out of it. Of course, Engineers always get burnt by Dev RNG, because devs like the other seven classes better.

Yes, it all makes sense now. enlightened

No, they’re just clueless as to what to do with the case, watch the video on the update.
They’re lumping pve and pvp together, which just shouldn’t be the class. For the sake of nerfing them in pvp they literally stomped on MANY Engineer pve builds. Also, look at Rangers… the Quickness nerf lowered damage output by around 47% (tested by players, accounting for melee pets, etc).

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Dear Devs, play our class before you 'fix' it

in Engineer

Posted by: Linnes.2678


There are far too many assumptions in this thread. Apparently we can pick and choose what the devs say and determine it as lies or truth depending on whether it supports our argument or not. I don’t see how this discussion does anything at all to help us, and from the look on this thread I’d honestly feel the desire to not even balance the Engineer at all anymore. Which is probably the opposite effect you all want, but then I will assume alongside all these other assumptions they are professional enough to ignore these kind of threads.

My assumptions are based off what the devs have said in the SotG interview and the changes they’ve made to our class from day 1. And honestly, they’ve said very little.

I’ve been pretty okay with the changes made, even though they were mostly nerfs. Hell, I defended ANet quite a bit back then. I even took a break off the forums, because I didn’t have anything to say – they seemed to have the right idea about balance. I rather spend my free time playing.

But the previous change to KR which started the global shared cooldowns annoyed me to no end. It showed that whoever thought it up doesn’t actually use KR, or doesn’t play multi-kit engineers, or engineer at all. I came back to the forums to say my piece in hopes they actually read the class forums. I’m beginning to suspect they don’t.

Then they talked about turret buffs in a frankly embarrassing interview that showed how clueless they were about the class. If you haven’t watched it yet, here it is:

I don’t care how many people are working on class balance. It is not important. Be it 2 or 200, it doesn’t matter if changes are not made with relevance to how the class is played and with quality assurance.

“kit refinement was overpowered in some areas and lackluster in others”
-“so we just made it useless in all areas.”

Also, no, kitten them, KR was NOT overpowered on Elixir Gun, now it’s just straight kitten.

And lol at him for saying guardian is “slow,” they can perma swiftness, immoblize, and pull.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Results for 100 Black Lion Chests 3-26-2013

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Here is after 47 chests, didn’t get the skin after that either, or even an “endless X” in the end you end up spending more money on the keys than you would converting gems to gold them buying the everlasting item.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

How to turn off titles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


OMFG just turn off player name visibility, it’s not a big deal not to see a name. If you’re interested in the player you can just get a cursor to them it’s not a big deal to see or not to see green crap text all over the screen.

No need to get so mad, it would be a simple solution for arena net to add a hide option for titles. Why should we have to suffer at the cost of their bad mistake.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Let's see what 40 black lion chests gets us:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Well how else are they suppose to make money as it has no monthly charge not that i bought any but just saying

Sell the skins for 5 dollars a pop instead of hiding them in rng chests. Putting them in chests is meant to sucker people into spending more money than they otherwise would. Money grab pure and simple.

I think people would be far more likely to spend money on gems if they did that.

Pretty much this, I personally dropped a couple hundred on GW1 cash shop due to the fact that it was fair and I got what I wanted. Also the items received from it were ALL REUSABLE and ALL ACCOUNT-WIDE.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Can I just say that Arena Net hates any class that doesn’t wear Heavy Armor at this point?

Except for eles. Apparently.

Aren’t they still supposed to be nerfing AoE damage at some point here or did they sweep that under the rug?

Welp, I had forgotten all about that, yup, they literally hate anything that’s not a Guardian or Warrior.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Can I just say that Arena Net hates any class that doesn’t wear Heavy Armor at this point?

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


I’m mostly mad about the changes to kit refinement and the addition of a 20 second global cooldown on it. This effectively shut down dual-kit engineers.

Also, what I’m FURIOUS about is the kittening fact that they added a 3 second coold-down in between tonic uses, so now it takes me 5 minutes on my everlasting tonic just to get the form I want.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Let's see what 40 black lion chests gets us:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Well how else are they suppose to make money as it has no monthly charge not that i bought any but just saying

They could just get rid of the stupid gold->gems conversion, and then sell things in the shop that people actually want to buy for real money, knowing that they will actually be bought with real money.

The idea behind gems to gold was that it would kill the gold-seller market, and it failed, abysmally; in fact it made gold-selling worse than I’ve ever seen it in any other game, because it literally gave the in-game currency a proportionate real-world value.

but then they wouldn’t (as much) make money.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Let's see what 40 black lion chests gets us:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Is 40 supposed to be a magic number or something?

No, it’s a joke on how the RNG from black lion chests for these new weapon skins is just a pathetic money-grubbing attempt from arena net.

NCSOFT, technically. Most anything having to do with monetization is handled by them (or more specifically, a monetization specialist placed by NCSOFT), while the remainder of the game design is handled by Anet.

True on this, but apparently Arena Net can’t handle the rest of their game either. In terms of balances and updates. I really wonder how much hate they’re getting. You know they’re not gonna do a kitten thing about it though because “lol we got paid for your purchase already.”

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Let's see what 40 black lion chests gets us:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Is 40 supposed to be a magic number or something?

No, it’s a joke on how the RNG from black lion chests for these new weapon skins is just a pathetic money-grubbing attempt from arena net.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Let's see what 40 black lion chests gets us:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


So I really want this new weapon token right, like super seriously want it!

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Isn’t it a little premature to be offering “opinions” on the first day of a patch? I mean, how in the world anyone could have insight into whether it’s better/worse, etc., on day one is beyond me.

That’s kind of like voting in the President on Tuesday morning and then on Tuesday evening saying “Well, now that President Obama’s been in office for 12 hours or so, what are your thoughts on how he’s doing”. Kinda silly, isn’t it? Ya, I think so too.

No, a lot of the choices were just plain bad.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


First of all I’d like to say that this update was not bad, nor was it good. However I am very disappointed in some of the balancing issues that Arena Net has decided to go with. No this is not a “shout out at the devs,” but some simple afterthoughts that we as players have a right to question.

Nerfing quickness, learn your game:
After this update, Arena Net officials stated this:
“As we push to improve balance in both PvE and PvP, a few mechanics in the game will be receiving updates to promote fun and balanced play. "

Now, I don’t know why you continue to think that sPvP and PvE, even WvW are the same style of play.
You should have learned from the original Guild Wars that this kind of well, crap, doesn’t fly by the players. There was absolutely no reason to nerf quickness in PvE. This seriously hurts a lot of classes, namely rangers, who for DPS builds relied heavily on the pet-swap quickness and Quickening Zephyr. I appreciate the increased damage and reduced cooldowns on the Greatsword Skillset, but overall quickness did not need a nerf, there were checks and balances to cover this (not being able to heal, taking double damage, etc). I am also sure a lot of mesmer players are well… more than upset at their only useful PvE elite being hit. Now I am saying this as both a PvE and PvP player, I think quickness as a whole DID need a nerf for PvP, but please in the future, learn from your past experiences, keep what we want separate.

Another thing I am personally upset about, and literally every other Engineer I’ve spoken to was the complete demolishing of the Kit Refinement trait. You literally spat at engineers with this. Elixir Gun DID NOT need a “nerf” and it hurt group support engineers a lot for PvE. The Med Kit’s refinement did need work, and you basically changed it into something worse than what it was before. Flamethrower Kit was perfectly balanced, and now it’s just… “meh.” Bomb kit lost all of it’s damage potential now, etc. Also, I’m going to be the one to tell you this but… turrets are still useless. The increased damage, reduced cd’s, etc. mean nothing when they STILL (even when spec’d) get one-shotted by most dungeon mobs.

I am going to give you guys a thumbs up on warrior banners, they were decent before, but now they’re great.

Next of all I’m going to be addressing the new items you have put in:
Firstly, I absolutely love the new guild weapons, I think they’re well-designed and I appreciate the fact that they’re exotics and not rares (now I just wish you’d make the cultural armor exotic).

The “Fused” weapon series, albeit cliché is nicely designed. However the means of getting them are a bit absurd. I have heard of people dropping $30+ on keys and still not obtaining them. I feel like this is just another money grab by NCsoft’s 15% Nexon stock to make money, and many players feel the same way. If you wanted to introduce more weapons you should have made the affordable for everyone, possibly putting them in the Gem Store for oh, 600-800 Gems. I think that would have been the smarter alternative.

I appreciate the random chances of adding in the unbreakable gathering tools into the Black Lion Chests, and from what I understand their rates aren’t TOO bad. I just wish they had been tradeable like other endless (barring the tonics, that I have, and seriously would rather take the 100g+ over it) items from the Black Lion Chests. That being said, nothing really to complain about overall for these.

Living Story is still well, boring. I know you claimed that some “huge event” was coming, and I really hope it does soon, because people are getting annoyed, not excited, over these little snippets. I also am hoping that you are releasing new armor along with this event, we’re getting pretty bored here with your current sets, it’s been half a year, release some new content, hell even Skyrim has DLC.

Next, titles:
Revert them back, it’s annoying and it clutters the map with common titles that literally no one cares about. Also, they just look bad under the character.

I am pretty excited for this April 1st update, I really wanna try and get the Super Shield, looks pretty nice, and I hope it’s not an RNG grind to get it either.

Anyways, that’s about all I have to say about this update. I really do question a lot of the decision making that goes on at Arena Net, and that you really should do player-based surveys like NCsoft does with Aion to see what players want, but overall I’m not “overly” upset with this update. I still think Kit Refinement and Quickness should be reverted though, that was a dumb move.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

CoF and lagg

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Hey all. I have been trying to do CoF Path 1 without a mesmer.
It is IMPOSSIBLE. We had 2 guys from guild and 3 random people.
Every one of us was lagging and when we came to the flame wall, we couldn’t get through.
Every once in a while one got through, but the 4 other guys died instantly, without even touching the fireballs. We’ve been trying for like 15 minutes, then decided to give up.
Does this mean we absolutely need to have a mesmer?! It seems very stupid.

Please just stop, if you’re trying to “troll” it’s not very funny. CoF is the easiest of all dungeons and can be pugged in under 10 minutes without any heavy class at all. There is absolutely no need for any mesmer for it. Try this: wait for the kitten boulders to y’know… pass by before getting smashed by them? Or try dodging? I run CoF every day and have no mesmer 80% of the time and have never once wiped (apart from the occasional horseplay that we just like to mess about with seeing as that dungeon is so pathetically easy).

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

I'm disappointed with AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linnes.2678


AC wasnt easy before, but was doable, now its near impossible to accomplish unless you are on teamspeak and have full gear at lvl 80.

Im sorry but not everyone have teamspeak, a full premade and lvl 80 exotic gear, (almost nobody), but it seems that now thats what its required, even if it isnt it is kitten near impossible….

I understand that many people complained that it was too easy, I myself never believed so, always had a relatively hard time but had fun. I said: “its new, probably thats why im having issues” , but after a while I realized that it wasnt the case. Dont fix whats not broken!!!!

yes yes, i know, “less QQ and more suggestions on how to fix the issue” , well i dont really have a suggestion other than revert the changes (some of them) but here is what i have found so far:

-Spider: double wipe!!!???!!?! never had i wiped before in there, now EVERY run is a guaranteed first-try-wipe

-Kohler: as hard as ever, have you ever wondered why people STILL skip him?!

-p1 burrows: we were using AoEs, im an ele so my frostbow #4 take the things down, which is good, we coordinated the whole team (guild on teamspeak) to take them in order, we had someone guarding the guy….: knock down, knock down, knock kittencing down, knock down, guess what, i swang a swo…..errgh, knocked down, dead. We could bear with that, we brought a guardian and gave is stability, i got my own stability too, oh look, the dude is dead, cuz it doesnt matter that you attack the mobs, they will attack him, it doesnt matter you destroy the burros, they still persist, it doesnt matter you have perma swiftness, they mobs will catch you up, knock you down 2-3 times in a row, play baseball with you and then kill you. We actually got past that part, but guess what; we didnt have fun, we were coordinated, we got over the obstacle, but it only made us NOT want to do it, instead of feel accomplished we actually did it.

Im sorry, but dungeons are supposed to be FUN, rewarding, i mean, they take time , you NEED to farm them for gear and gold because thats pretty much the only reliable way to get gold in the game. " Dont play it then, simple….. -__- " That is the WRONG answer, then you would have another dead dungeon because people are too afraid to even try it on solo queue. Make dungeons solo friendly, dont force people have to get on teamspeak with a whole guild who wont give up after the 5th try because they actually care for each others.

Yes im kind of sad and mad, overall most (all except p2 CoF) changes to dngeons lately have made my experience slightly less enjoyable. Make content that rewards not skipping it, *cough*Kohler*cough , content that rewards ACTAULLY DOING IT *cough*dead dungeons*cough*, Im doing AC for the stats, but i dont want to HAVE to play one path only a day to be able to get a full set (had to do it with old CoF cuz p2) which takes AGES.


I’m sorry to tell you, but if you’re having problems with AC you’re just bad, or your group setup in general is terrible. I have never had any problems with Kholer- ever. His pull is easily avoidable even to a complete noob once you explain to them how it’s dodged (Protip: he raises his arm and glows). Kholer gives 15s, which by itself is worth killing him (he takes roughly 3minutes to kill). Spider is as easy as ever, just bring a condition cleanser, and have your guardian bring “Save Yourselves!” this pretty much guarantees a condition free party. Hell, even a mesmer bringing cleansing mantra can cover this. Cave Troll, self explanatory, if you wipe on him you should just quit.

The dungeon is fine the way it is, and still to this day remains the easiest dungeon in GW2. As for you complaining about CoF taking ages, CoF path one takes roughly 5-10 minutes skipping trash mobs, CoF path 2 takes about 10 minutes, and path 3 takes about 10 minutes. There is a reason why people farm CoF path 1.

All I can say to you is this: get good.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

“Press T to Target”


Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Honestly, as the title says. It’s ridiculous how you can physically see and target your enemy (or be targeted) in pvp while they (you) are in stealth. It completely defeats the purpose of being HIDDEN, it requires absolutely no skill to call a target. Last night I went into spvp with some buddies for 1v1’s on my mesmer. All of a sudden I kept getting hit (like, skill-targeted, not random hits) while using Decoy (grants 3 seconds of stealth and leaves a clone) and in the elite veil skill (4 seconds of stealth to your entire team). I was seriously confused as to how they could possibly be doing this until one of my friends said that “oh they made it so you can see someone in stealth by call-targeting them.” After I heard this I was livid. It completely breaks classes (or many of their skills) that rely on stealth to get an edge. Why demolish this edge? Stealth is NOT overpowered, thieves and mesmers are NOT overpowered, if you have the skill to play one, you’re going to win, if not, you’re going to lose, the same can be said of any class.

Now I’m not saying to remove this, by all means it is useful, however as soon as an enemy enters stealth the Call Target symbol and ability to target them should be removed until either they exit stealth or until they are tagged again. It is a completely unfair element in spvp and needs to be fixed.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

[Bug] Ogre Pet Whistle [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Thank you for the reports! This has proven to be quite the complicated bug (it’s actually multiple issues on our side); so we don’t have an estimate on when it will be fixed yet.

I’m afraid you’ll have to keep living with the animals for a while. :P

I’m sorry for summoning these animals, but I thought for sure you guys would’ve been able to fix it by now, guess I was wrong. It was all in a bit of fun, and they were supposed to be gone [today] with this update.

In return I will not make my zoo near the empty circus area near the Flagon while you guys deal with this bug.

I’m still saying you guys should make a zoo called ’Linnes Zoo (or Menagerie)" in future expansions.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Making Magic Find Useful

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Wearing Berserker’s armor hahahahahahahaaha… oh wait, you were serious lemme laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Seriously just get out, Knight’s is far superior set for a reason (toughness scales amazingly). Don’t worry, I was like you once, I thought Berserker’s was a great set, got to 80 during the 3-day, fully exo’d etc,… and then I actually got wise after a month.

At any rate, magic find is money, the people who think that Magic Find sets are bad are the same people who are still stuck at Fractals 1 or 2 after nearly a month of the update.

The Warrior that killed Lupicus 1vs1 in 8.5 minutes in Berserker gear is somewhat proof that the better the player, the less passive protection (Toughness/Vitality) is needed.

It is one stat… You’re sacrificing one total stat, not just one piece of armors stat. It doesn’t matter, traits alone will cover for the lost stat, that extra 400 toughness isn’t going to effect your game at all. If you’re a bad player you’re going to die/go downed in an instance, if you’re not you’re going to live. I run Fractals 20+ with full magic find static team (bar me being a guardian using a P/V/T or P/T/HP set) and we never have wiped once. DPS isn’t a factor when it comes to runs I hope you know this by now.

At any rate, Exotic MF is WORSE than Masterwork non-MF so you are indeed holding the group back when you are using MF gear

Masterwork armor: 623 stat boosts
Masterwork jewelry: 739 stat boosts
Total: 1362

Exotic (crap MF) armor: 448 stat boosts
Exotic (crap MF) jewelry: 510 stat boosts
Total: 958 stat boosts

Now take into account that the vast majority of players is using Rare armor and Green jewelry and you can easily see the problem. We are talking about 404 more stat points on the MASTERWORK set compared to an MF set, an EXOTIC set is:

Exotic armor: 763 stat boosts
Exotic jewelry: 868 stat boosts
Total: 1631

673 more stat points! It’s ridiculous amount no matter how you see it and it DOES affect a build. Also, I’m not adding Runes and THEIR abilities compared to the useless %MF that MF Runes give.

Learn your facts straight before posting nonsense, someone using MF IS weaker compared to one that doesn’t no matter how you see it.

Note, I never said anything about using masterwork items. Also you’re still not listening, the overall magic find stat is ONE STAT lost, not a degrade of the overall stats. Exotic Precision/Power will still remain what it would be on the other sets, you’re just losing the third stat.

The basis behind this argument is that “magic find slows down runs,” which is true, but not by a noticeable margin. At the end of the run I’d rather be GOLDS richer than shave an extra few minutes off a run, and it quite literally is a “few.” Stats aren’t nearly as important as people want to believe they are, signets are practically useless for passive stat gains (apart from run speed), yet you still see terrible 5-Sig warriors running around, and no one recruits them for a reason.

If you honestly feel jeopardized in your run that someone is using the Masterwork over Exotic MF gear, ask for a gearcheck, problem solved.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Making Magic Find Useful

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linnes.2678


I view magic find gear as selfish. You sacrifice your party’s ability to kill fast or finish the map fast and in the end, you only get the good drops.

It’s selfish.

But you’re completely wrong, magic find is in exotics as well, which most players who invest in the set have. You’re not losing out on DPS or anything with the set, if anything the only person who really lucks out on Magic Find is guardians and warriors since their builds are dependent on three base stats (always toughness, usually power/vitality or power/precision, sometimes power/healing power). They actually added in a new Magic Find set just for them, the Toughness/Power/MF (fractals drop) since people were angry about it. Point is, it doesn’t effect your overall DPS, most can do just fine with two stats, usually power/precision, and if you can’t and you’re dying often then it your own fault for getting in the way of a “DON’T STAND THERE” boss fight/mob encounter.

Point is, it’s not selfish, if Magic Find was a party-wide stat drop rates and price inflation would be through the roof.

but you’re completely wrong. it’s not just one stat on one piece of gear that you’re sacrificing. you have 6 pieces with magic find, your hand and off-hand with magic find, your amulet 2 rings and 2 earrings with magic find.

and if you’re wearing explorer’s gear (weapon/accessories/armor), you’re +42% critical damage less compared if you’re wearing berserkers.

now tell me that there’s no significant DPS reduction on that.

It is one stat… You’re sacrificing one total stat, not just one piece of armors stat. It doesn’t matter, traits alone will cover for the lost stat, that extra 400 toughness isn’t going to effect your game at all. If you’re a bad player you’re going to die/go downed in an instance, if you’re not you’re going to live. I run Fractals 20+ with full magic find static team (bar me being a guardian using a P/V/T or P/T/HP set) and we never have wiped once. DPS isn’t a factor when it comes to runs I hope you know this by now.

Also lol @ you thinking Critical Damage is important, it isn’t. Power is a far superior stat.

i compared explorer (power, precision, mf) and berserkers (power, precision and critical damage). and it is a significant, no brainer comparison and the answer is obvious.

see, if you have 4 people wearing explorers and you as a guardian and 4 people wearing berserkers and you as a guardian, which party will finish fast?

well i know the answer… do you?

Wearing Berserker’s armor hahahahahahahaaha… oh wait, you were serious lemme laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Seriously just get out, Knight’s is far superior set for a reason (toughness scales amazingly). Don’t worry, I was like you once, I thought Berserker’s was a great set, got to 80 during the 3-day, fully exo’d etc,… and then I actually got wise after a month.

At any rate, magic find is money, the people who think that Magic Find sets are bad are the same people who are still stuck at Fractals 1 or 2 after nearly a month of the update.

you don’t get it, do you? ive compared 2 armors with 2 similar stats (power/precision). the difference is mf and critical damage. so which get your team to finish faster – mf or critical damage?

my answer is critical damage. how about you?

As I said, finishing 5 minutes (lol not even 5) faster isn’t worth the major loss on money. Hell I can make 2-3g per path in AC, and we finish no time at all. It is ALL about player skill when it comes down to survivability, you’re arguing over something that you know is wrong. Berserker’s is a useless, and will always be a useless dungeon set.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Making Magic Find Useful

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linnes.2678


I view magic find gear as selfish. You sacrifice your party’s ability to kill fast or finish the map fast and in the end, you only get the good drops.

It’s selfish.

But you’re completely wrong, magic find is in exotics as well, which most players who invest in the set have. You’re not losing out on DPS or anything with the set, if anything the only person who really lucks out on Magic Find is guardians and warriors since their builds are dependent on three base stats (always toughness, usually power/vitality or power/precision, sometimes power/healing power). They actually added in a new Magic Find set just for them, the Toughness/Power/MF (fractals drop) since people were angry about it. Point is, it doesn’t effect your overall DPS, most can do just fine with two stats, usually power/precision, and if you can’t and you’re dying often then it your own fault for getting in the way of a “DON’T STAND THERE” boss fight/mob encounter.

Point is, it’s not selfish, if Magic Find was a party-wide stat drop rates and price inflation would be through the roof.

but you’re completely wrong. it’s not just one stat on one piece of gear that you’re sacrificing. you have 6 pieces with magic find, your hand and off-hand with magic find, your amulet 2 rings and 2 earrings with magic find.

and if you’re wearing explorer’s gear (weapon/accessories/armor), you’re +42% critical damage less compared if you’re wearing berserkers.

now tell me that there’s no significant DPS reduction on that.

It is one stat… You’re sacrificing one total stat, not just one piece of armors stat. It doesn’t matter, traits alone will cover for the lost stat, that extra 400 toughness isn’t going to effect your game at all. If you’re a bad player you’re going to die/go downed in an instance, if you’re not you’re going to live. I run Fractals 20+ with full magic find static team (bar me being a guardian using a P/V/T or P/T/HP set) and we never have wiped once. DPS isn’t a factor when it comes to runs I hope you know this by now.

Also lol @ you thinking Critical Damage is important, it isn’t. Power is a far superior stat.

i compared explorer (power, precision, mf) and berserkers (power, precision and critical damage). and it is a significant, no brainer comparison and the answer is obvious.

see, if you have 4 people wearing explorers and you as a guardian and 4 people wearing berserkers and you as a guardian, which party will finish fast?

well i know the answer… do you?

Wearing Berserker’s armor hahahahahahahaaha… oh wait, you were serious lemme laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Seriously just get out, Knight’s is far superior set for a reason (toughness scales amazingly). Don’t worry, I was like you once, I thought Berserker’s was a great set, got to 80 during the 3-day, fully exo’d etc,… and then I actually got wise after a month.

At any rate, magic find is money, the people who think that Magic Find sets are bad are the same people who are still stuck at Fractals 1 or 2 after nearly a month of the update.

Get to FotM 40-50 and see how far that toughness/vitality will get you everything one shots you no matter the build so glass cannon is the best gear at that point since more damage = faster killing of the crazy fights.

King I’m at Fractals 46 right now, the reasoning behind the “Berserker’s>Defense” is basically because we’re technically not even supposed to be at that level of fractals now until they release the new ascended gear. Everyone pretty much goes for the “all-or-nothing, try again if we wipe” approach because the mobs hit so hard/agony ticks. For general dungeon runs however, berserker’s is the most idiotic set you can wear, critical damage is an unimportant stat and as I said, Toughness has the best scaling of any stat atm. One of the best armor setups currently is Knight’s armor/weapons with Berserker’s Earrings, A P/V/T Backpiece, and Valkyrie’s Amulet, and Knight’s rings. It gives you around a 45% crit rate, 2.8k armor, a fairly decent amount of vitality, 2.9k overall attack (3k with food items and party might stacks that get tossed around), and a decent overall critical damage boost.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Making Magic Find Useful

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linnes.2678


I view magic find gear as selfish. You sacrifice your party’s ability to kill fast or finish the map fast and in the end, you only get the good drops.

It’s selfish.

But you’re completely wrong, magic find is in exotics as well, which most players who invest in the set have. You’re not losing out on DPS or anything with the set, if anything the only person who really lucks out on Magic Find is guardians and warriors since their builds are dependent on three base stats (always toughness, usually power/vitality or power/precision, sometimes power/healing power). They actually added in a new Magic Find set just for them, the Toughness/Power/MF (fractals drop) since people were angry about it. Point is, it doesn’t effect your overall DPS, most can do just fine with two stats, usually power/precision, and if you can’t and you’re dying often then it your own fault for getting in the way of a “DON’T STAND THERE” boss fight/mob encounter.

Point is, it’s not selfish, if Magic Find was a party-wide stat drop rates and price inflation would be through the roof.

but you’re completely wrong. it’s not just one stat on one piece of gear that you’re sacrificing. you have 6 pieces with magic find, your hand and off-hand with magic find, your amulet 2 rings and 2 earrings with magic find.

and if you’re wearing explorer’s gear (weapon/accessories/armor), you’re +42% critical damage less compared if you’re wearing berserkers.

now tell me that there’s no significant DPS reduction on that.

It is one stat… You’re sacrificing one total stat, not just one piece of armors stat. It doesn’t matter, traits alone will cover for the lost stat, that extra 400 toughness isn’t going to effect your game at all. If you’re a bad player you’re going to die/go downed in an instance, if you’re not you’re going to live. I run Fractals 20+ with full magic find static team (bar me being a guardian using a P/V/T or P/T/HP set) and we never have wiped once. DPS isn’t a factor when it comes to runs I hope you know this by now.

Also lol @ you thinking Critical Damage is important, it isn’t. Power is a far superior stat.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Making Magic Find Useful

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linnes.2678


I view magic find gear as selfish. You sacrifice your party’s ability to kill fast or finish the map fast and in the end, you only get the good drops.

It’s selfish.

But you’re completely wrong, magic find is in exotics as well, which most players who invest in the set have. You’re not losing out on DPS or anything with the set, if anything the only person who really lucks out on Magic Find is guardians and warriors since their builds are dependent on three base stats (always toughness, usually power/vitality or power/precision, sometimes power/healing power). They actually added in a new Magic Find set just for them, the Toughness/Power/MF (fractals drop) since people were angry about it. Point is, it doesn’t effect your overall DPS, most can do just fine with two stats, usually power/precision, and if you can’t and you’re dying often then it your own fault for getting in the way of a “DON’T STAND THERE” boss fight/mob encounter.

Point is, it’s not selfish, if Magic Find was a party-wide stat drop rates and price inflation would be through the roof.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Yea that was my main issue with the cash shop. Town clothes simply do not appeal to me. I won’t ever wear them. And there are no combat ready clothes worth looking at- 3 ugly sets that are terrible ports of GW1 armor sets. >_>

Give us headgear that we can wear in combat. New helmets, glasses, etc. Skinnable headgear. I know poor warriors/guardians could use it. All they get are fugly helmets or full mask helmets.

I would definitely run those earmuffs and wintersday suit on my Necromancer, make him look cyuuuute as helllllll…


Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Come on give me something to buy!! I want to give you my money!

Exactly what I am saying, I have the money to give you, now give me something WORTH buying.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678



Too bad what we desperately need those silly costumes and hats to stay competitive in game.

Pay to win, no less.

No one was referring to pay-to-win or the need of the costumes, read the thread before you kittenpost. We were stating that the price in comparison to their utility of the original game is a complete dishonor to what the cash shop WAS.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR