It’s nibiru/Planet X!
Scaling and map caps has nothing to do with it – it is the design of the encounters. For example, capping Wayfarer Foothills at 12-15 players is going to do nothing but frustrate people…it would just make The Frozen Maw (a simple fight, rightfully so as it is in a starting zone) take 5x longer than it needs to take…
Of course it does.
And I mentioned nothing of capping maps so low.
There is well too many people on these maps, therefore having less people on the map (because of a lower cap) would spread the playerbase, meaning there wouldn’t be as many people at each event.
Scaling the enemies better would mean they had a lot more health, they wouldn’t die before they had even loaded on screen, therefore more people would actually get to hit it, and so more people would get credit for the event.
How do you not understand this?
I would like the opposite. I want my weapon stowed as soon as possible when I’m not in combat. Especially when I’m running somewhere and have to re-stow it every time after I use a swiftness ability.
Then you already have it.
Just press the button that puts away your weapon.
It seems silly to be in a hostile area and for your character to be constantly putting his weapon away.
So I’d also like to see an option put in for our weapons to stay drawn.
I’d also really like to see both weapons on my character at the same time as mentioned above (and also in another thread).
…(a side note, done snowdrift events daily today. Took me an hour to tag 4 events. Most events melted before i could even get close to them, or had so few mobs that tagging was a lottery. This overzerging of everything, when you add broken events on top of that, makes the whole experience truly sickening.)
I honestly think Anet Devs etc only play WvW. If they had played PvE they would realise how bad this zerg problem is, that has gotten a lot worse since megaservers were brought in.
They don’t seem to want to lower the soft cap on maps, (or it seems, scale the mobs) and then they introduce this, which shows off how bad this problem is to its worse degree.
As I’ve mentioned before. this zerg, this ‘too many people at each event’ (whether it be on a daily map or anywhere else in the PvE game) changes the game, it takes all skill out of the game, because there’s no reason or need to do anything other than ‘press 1’. No need to heal, buff or dodge.
Maybe that’s what Anet wants, maybe it’s part of NPE to simplify the game.
…The other night we had low level, new players complaining in chat about all the level 80’s in the starter zone zerging all the events. I don’t blame them either. I remember disliking it when one or two would dominate an event, let alone a level 80 zerg where new players are lucky to get in a hit on a mob before it dies.
I agree.
This is Anets backwards, kittened thinking (or they’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a new player). They have these dailies in low level areas as they think it will look good to new players, seeing so many other people.
But to a lot of people it won’t make the game look good, in fact it will have the opposite affect, (when I was new to the game I also hated when some lvl 80’s would come to an event and 1 hit things, leaving it difficlut for me to get credit, or even enjoy the event because they were wiping things out so quickly). What new players will see is that there are too many people for each event, they’ll try to take part, but won’t be able to hit anything, and might not even get credit for events. This won’t look good to new players and it won’t be fun to a lot of them.
China is the worst thing to ever happen to this game.
Pre-made semi-racist sentences like these are the worst things to ever happen to this thread…..
How is that even close to being racist?!!!
What a stupid, foolish comment.
(edited by Lostyus.4250)
…NOWHERE does it say they are acting on any of this.
It’s been long enough that we have our answer. They don’t give a flying kitten what we want, what we feel, or what we care about. They did it, they are sticking by it, and if they wait long enough we will just shut up and accept it, because that is our only option.
I was about to say the same thing. They are doing nothing to fix this situation and that is why they have nothing to say.
Look at the recent gold exchange farce, one of Gailes first replies made it very clear that the peoples outrage would have no effect on whether they changed it or not, they would only change it if and when it was desirable to do so! Desirable to who? Not the customers, as they made it very clear that they didn’t like it. So that means it was Anets desires that they meant. IE they do what they want and not what the customer wants. It was only the media backlash and the prospect of losing income that made them change their minds.
The thing is, this farce is, and will in the future lose them money. As has been pointed oout in the thread on previous posts, this will be a slow burn, it hasn’t had an immediate impact. How they don’t realise that is beyond reason.
I’ll be honest, since April, my respect for the company has totally gone. This was/is a brilliant game, I used to love it, but with the way Anet has treated its customers, their lies, and condescending actions and words towards us, it’s made me go off the game so much, I don’t play it any more. (I pop on the forums a lot in the hope that somehing has changed, go into the game maybe once or twice a month).
(edited by Lostyus.4250)
I hope they fix it soon otherwise I will end up getting ‘griefed’.
I love doing every event/heart on every map. If/when I go to these areas then I will be completing them whether they are getting farmed or not, not to troll people but to complete it as it’s meant to be done. What else can I do? It’s near impossible to get on a different server and even then it’s likely that will also be getting farmed (I will try this first though) I am not willing to try it later as I only play for a few hours and these places likely get farmed all day, every day.
…And make Champions scale in difficulty instead of number. Getting tougher, hitting harder, unlocking new abilities instead of just making more and more spawn. Sure another one could eventually show up, but only after all the other scaling buff were applied.
Sadly this would make the game fun so we can be sure they will avoid this at all cost.
I personally wouldn’t want this.
I think it’s way more fun and ‘epic’ fighting a lot of enemies rather than just one sponge, having to hammer away at one guy for ages just seems really boring.
So many games over the years do this, increase the difficulty and enemies just get stronger and tougher, s’pose I just prefer taking on loads of enemies and then taking on a boss (which I don’t mind being sponge-like).
The Manifesto is currently presented by Anet on the GW2 main website. Today, not jsut four years ago.This makes it a current point of reference, not some outdated and no longer applicable years old irrelevant data.
As long as Anet chooses to offer it up as current and official it is perfectly reasonable for players to reference it.
As the oldest video in a chain of videos. There are a lot of old videos there. I don’t think anyone expects four year old videos to be accurate and in this case it’s mostly no inaccurate.
However, everything after that tells a story too. There’s really no excuse to quote one line from a four year old video. I mean if you have the strategy guide, it’ll tell you all about dye seeds.
That’s life in MMOs.
Did he even read what he quoted?
I’ve seen him do that a lot when he can’t answer.
Or it’s 3:05 am and I’m losing track of stuff. That’s possible too. I’m going to bed.
It was 9 hours ago, but never mind
The Manifesto is currently presented by Anet on the GW2 main website. Today, not jsut four years ago.This makes it a current point of reference, not some outdated and no longer applicable years old irrelevant data.
As long as Anet chooses to offer it up as current and official it is perfectly reasonable for players to reference it.
As the oldest video in a chain of videos. There are a lot of old videos there. I don’t think anyone expects four year old videos to be accurate and in this case it’s mostly no inaccurate.
However, everything after that tells a story too. There’s really no excuse to quote one line from a four year old video. I mean if you have the strategy guide, it’ll tell you all about dye seeds.
That’s life in MMOs.
Did he even read what he quoted?
I’ve seen him do that a lot when he can’t answer.
But there is harm. What if the people who opt for the main servers don’t get enough people on their main servers to make it worth it?
Then that would prove megaservers weren’t popular and that Anet had made a mistake.
And what if not enough people use those servers and they don’t end up having an enjoyable experience, but they take just enough people out of the mega servers to make them not viable?
The people there would enjoy it, because they have joined it knowing what it is (as the convo started, megaserver was said to be the default server). Your argument doesn’t hold water, if people were joining it, it would be because they didn’t like how cramped and packed megaservers are! Taking some people out of the megaserver wouldn’t be a bad thing, as many people in this thread have said, there’s too many people doing even small events and hearts, and people have asked for the map-cap to be lowered.
You’re asking a company to put time and resources into doing something that might very well hurt players on both sides of the divide.
It’s a bad risk.
How would it hurt both sides when one ‘side’ wants it? And please don’t say about the game failing because of it, you don’t have the numbers or facts to state such.
(edited by Lostyus.4250)
Long before mega servers were annouced, there were constant threads about no one on my server, game is dying. And there were many threads complaining about guesting and not being able to get into your server. We saw those threads frequently.
If Anet hadn’t forced people to post about megaservers in this one mega thread, (so they can ignore them) then this board would have been full of complaints about megaserver, just like the “game is dead” threads. There is this megathread as testament, but also there are a hell of a lot of separate threads that have been deleted or closed because it wasn’t posted in this thread.
But there is harm. What if the people who opt for the main servers don’t get enough people on their main servers to make it worth it?
Then that would prove megaservers weren’t popular and that Anet had made a mistake.
Just about everything you’ve said can be seen from a different angle. For example, as someone on TC, I’m on a server people guested to all the time, so I was always running into people from other servers even before the mega server.
Because then, at least people had a choice.
Some of the people expressed annoyance at feeling they had to guest. Like they couldn’t stay on their server. Like their server somehow wasn’t good enough.
Well that’s a bit of a silly attitude they had, also now, how it is, still hasn’t changed their situation because they are now in ‘No Where’ server. At least then they had a choice.
But I will say this. Virtually everything you said is from a specific point of view and changing that point of view changes the truth of it, as I just illustrated above.
And the same applies to you, but you might be a minority because of your location and timezone etc.
SNIP… because it’s 1:18 am and even I sleep sometimes.
I’ve heard Aussies don’t sleep, can you post proof of this claim please? Thanks.
Your right it has impacted dynamic events. There are 1500 event in this game and maybe 30 are affected negatively and even that is an opinion. that means 1470 aren’t affected negatively and are often affected positively.
It is nearly all events that have been affected because each map has been Megaserved and now has too many people on it. Too many people doing each event the majority, were all you need do is press 1, or do an AOE in the hope to tag the enemy. There is no skill involved any more. No need to dodge, heal or buff/debuff. Also were did you get the figure from? My personal experience is it’s happening on every map I’ve been to, and a hell of a lot of other people, if this thread is anything to go by.
I’m STILL thinking far more people are advantaged by this system and disadvantaged.
I mean for every person who says the meta events are worse, I know someone who’s happy that the bosses go down fast so they can do other stuff.
But that wasn’t how they made the game to be played, only using 1 or 2 attacks and do nothing else other than run around trying to tag to get gold, or auto attack a boss. It seems like they wanted to get rid of the zergs, though now, it seems that nearly every map with every event is a mini zerg, or a mega megaserver zerg on boss fights.
Even the maps as a whole have changed. Take Kessex Hills for example, the enemy are always pushed back into their own bases, as soon as the next event starts, (where they try to take ground) they are sent back, you won’t see the missions that happen in other places, like in the small human town (I’ve forgotten the name of it, its in the north west) or many others. And if you’re a beginner, you wont even know that that could happen. It’s the same with the boss timers now, you (as a noobie) do an event chain get to the end where the boss fight is meant to be, and it just ends, without a satisfactory ending, you might not know there was meant to be a boss fight, so you move on, and the majority will never return to that map.
People are losing out on whole (mini) story parts, I don’t think that is an advantage. Beginners aren’t learning to play well with their toons because events now are a face roll. The only advantage I hear people mention is that there is more people in maps now, (to me, and a lot of others it’s too many) IMO the disadvantages outweigh the one advantage.
Also the megaserver mapchat cannot be ‘tweaked’ or fixed for the Euro servers. What is the solution? Turn off foreign people? That’ll help map coordination, that will help foster a sense of community. Let each country have its own server? They won’t do that because that would be how it was before the megaserver and the maps would be less populated. I really don’t see a fix for it.
With the trait patch when they said it would increase experimentation, they were either blatantly lying (way to treat your customers Anet) or it shows how little they understand their game and how this trait patch would decrease experimentation.
Either one would be very worrying.
So how would you suggest fixing the issue with people missing sales due to not reading mail/launcher/forums then?
Because people have been having issues with this since release and demanded that the information was added in-game.Now they have added it in-game (it is not like it flashes constantly and disturb regular game-play) and now that is wrong as well?
I have played rather many hours today, and I haven’t really seen that thing at all. I have read the yellow text in the chat-window later on, but haven’t actually seen it on the screen. So I assume it is only there for a few seconds?
Do you not think about the answers before you ask the questions? Or are you only asking questions to seem sagacious and experienced?
Open gem store in game. See information on front page. TA-DA!
He’s on loads of threads, defending Anet every chance he gets.
These ads are just the first step, things are gonna get worse over time.
If it did get filled like just another MS cause so many people were going there, wouldn’t that send a message to Anet that so many people don’t like MS?
If you didn’t like empty maps before then more fool you for not guesting to a more populated server. Now we have so many people doing every heart and event that there’s no skill or fun in the game, all you do is mash 1 hoping to get a hit in before the mobs dies. Yeah thanks MS that’s a greats way to play now
I was really shocked and dismayed when I received an email from WoW last week saying that my account was about to be deactivated because there was a suspicion that I was cheating! I would never cheat and to be accused of such really saddened me.
BTW I’ve never played WoW and don’t have an account there :P
I’ve been getting emails like this for years mainly from ‘WoW’ but form the odd other game too. You might have just received it by chance so don’t worry yourself too much, it might have just been a lucky guess from the sender.
I would love to post more feedback but since the treads I have been giving feedback in have been deleted, I cannot recover my posts to be reposted here, as suggested
I have given my feedback in this thread already.In a nutshell- I have tried for more than a month to live with what mega server has done to a game I love- I cannot.
No this is not something that I will “get over”
Essentially megaserver ruined a game that I was meaning to play for years to come.
With megaserver I can no longer enjoy the game.Then, no offence, stop playing the game.
I really enjoyed this game and like you would have spent a long time (and a lot of money) on it, but with this megaserver crap (and also now hearing about them touting MS on their FB page) I feel I’ve been crapped on from a great height. So why give them your time and money, when its obvious that they are not listening to their customers. They don’t deserve your loyalty, or you (and as a whole all who are affected by these changes). If a friend kept pizzing in your cornflakes, would you still want to hang around with them?
I’ve missed the game, and I really didn’t want to stop playing, but MS have taken all the skill and fun out of the game now by having so many people crammed into each map. I keep checking the forums in the small hope that they will put it back into its former state.
No offense taken what so ever and I pretty much have stopped playing.
Currently I am having fun playing some single player indie games, and looking forward to/ deciding if -I want to spring for it MMO that is still in alpha, I won’t mention it since that is frowned upon
I’ve moved on to another MMO, but like being in a new relationship, I can’t help but keep comparing my new ‘girlfriend’ to the one I had before lol jk.
With the way Anet has treated it customers, with their silence, I won’t be buying any more games that they make, how could I? When they treat one fanbase/customer base like this, what’s to stop them doing it to every other games fan base?
So why give them your time and money, when its obvious that they are not listening to their customers.
One could argue that they are listening as I don’t believe the Queensdale champ train would have gone down like it did, nor the other starter zone champs, if it were just that “ArenaNet isn’t listening”.
The problem is that ArenaNet isn’t responding to an even greater issue. Radio silence. With that level of high care customer support – it is far too easy to imagine that they are just waiting us out. ArenaNet: _
IMO they have only done that to QD train for their own benefit to nerf the loot.
it is far too easy to imagine that they are just waiting us out. ArenaNet: “Eventually they will shut up and get over it.”
I honestly think that is what they are hoping. Companies like that are too arrogant/headstrong to admit they were wrong.
If their main reason for this new system is so they can get more money from players buying their traits then they will probably not come out and say so. They’d give some nonsensical reason like they did – to encourage build diversity. This new system does the opposite so either they don’t know what they’re doing or they’re lying.
To me it just seems like they have their Asian market now, so they’re not bothered about what happens. Or as someone else said on this forum, they’re trying to destroy the game to make room on their servers for their new game.
Yeah that may sound far fetched, but I’m finding it very hard to understand why they have made such massive, game altering changes, that seem to have damaged the game so much.
I would love to post more feedback but since the treads I have been giving feedback in have been deleted, I cannot recover my posts to be reposted here, as suggested
I have given my feedback in this thread already.In a nutshell- I have tried for more than a month to live with what mega server has done to a game I love- I cannot.
No this is not something that I will “get over”
Essentially megaserver ruined a game that I was meaning to play for years to come.
With megaserver I can no longer enjoy the game.
Then, no offence, stop playing the game.
I really enjoyed this game and like you would have spent a long time (and a lot of money) on it, but with this megaserver crap (and also now hearing about them touting MS on their FB page) I feel I’ve been crapped on from a great height. So why give them your time and money, when its obvious that they are not listening to their customers. They don’t deserve your loyalty, or you (and as a whole all who are affected by these changes). If a friend kept pizzing in your cornflakes, would you still want to hang around with them?
I’ve missed the game, and I really didn’t want to stop playing, but MS have taken all the skill and fun out of the game now by having so many people crammed into each map. I keep checking the forums in the small hope that they will put it back into its former state.
All Anet had to do was make the shards actually worth something, something good, and people would have bought more bank space to horde all future event junk in the hopes of the same.
Now all they’ve done is make it clear that you’ll only get sheight for keeping stuff like that, so people wont horde from now on.
They are playing catch up with themselves, releasing patches to fix the mess of the infamous April patch which will carry on for a long time, instead of just swallowing their pride and appeasing (and listening to) players.
I’m so glad I stopped playing this game.
Lostyus. Guild wars 2 is a MMO. Most complaints you listed are a result of playing with a large amount of people. What exactly were you expecting?
Really? So all is normal, and if a game has a lot of people all these things are normal and as the game intended?!
The game was not like this before, now it is. You are trying to trivialise how the game now is. There is no use for any other button other than auto-attack, as I said you don’t need to dodge or anything, that isn’t how the game was, it was once fun, now it is nothing more than a faceroll all the time. They haven’t added more people, they’ve crammed everyone in to to few a servers. There is nothing fun about combat now.
Multiple languages – A flaw in the sorting algorithm for selecting your map. This isn’t an inherent problem with megaservers, its just something that needs fixing.
It is a problem of the Devs thinking this mega server would work as well in Europe as in the US, or maybe they just didn’t think. You seem to think it’s just algorithms but how can this system work in the EU? They are counting the EU as one part so people will be mixed from all over, all speaking many different languages, this cannot be sorted by tweaking the algorithms, because either you just won’t be able to hear the non native speaker’s (as is now) or each country would have its own area/server, which isn’t what Anet wants with its Megaservers as they want us packed in like sardines.
World Bosses – The problem you raised is easily fixed, if need be, by simply having the bosses spawn at different times each day. But even then, is this a real issue? The megabosses can be spawned manually by a guild. The other bosses are loot pinatas that are basically interchangeable. If you’re missing out on fighting a specific boss that you really enjoy for some reason, then I sympathise, but that’s a tiny price to pay for encountering actual players in an MMO. Maybe try and kill it at the weekends if you can.
It is a major problem for people who took Anets motto of ‘’play how you want’’ and played it their way, now they can’t. It might not be a problem for you but it is for them an it wasn’t like this before the MS. Only big guilds can afford to spawn the bosses, small guilds and people not in a guild still do matter and their choice is gone. You can try to simplify things all you want, but each ‘fix’ is part of the whole.
RPers – I sympathise with the most, but take up a tiny fraction of the community. I think cities should be server based, for this reason. But beyond that, unless the server system could handle a way to opt in and out of the system, this is a genuine sacrifice that hurts few to help many.
WvW recruitment – Do it in WvW. This isn’t even a consideration regarding improving the PvE side of the game. If you absolutely need to spam recruitment in PvE, specify your sever in the message. Again though, I think cities should be server specific, including LA when it comes back.
Gold spammers – I have no idea if this relates to the megaservers or not. But as far as I can tell, it seems related to hub areas, specifically the Vigil Keep. When LA returns, and if cities are server specific, this issue would hopefully go away.
So again, the comparison seems to me both unfair and unhelpful. The megaservers, while implemented in a way that needed the dev team not to fly off to China immediately afterwards, were implemented for a reason, and at the request of a large part of the playerbase. The trait system was implemented in a way that goes counter to the stated reasons for putting it in, and after no one asking for it. It would also be much, much easier to fix.[/quote]
People might have asked for more in a map but I don’t think they wanted to be in areas packed this tight, try going over to the Megaserver thread and reading the complaints there.
Also I thought this was the MS thread and I’ve taken it well off topic so I’ll leave it there. I’m not doing this to have the last word, but this could carry on for a while as you seemed to skip over most stuff and trivialize the rest of what I’ve mentioned. I do think you put these opinions to the people in that thread though.
This update is now a month old and I’m dumbstruck.
I was certain the trait system and the megaserver were sort of mistakes. Something that would get fixed in a few days. They are, after all, as Gonefishin and others have said, some of the worst changes ever seen in a game.But they’re still here. Nothing to indicate they will be fixed.
I just can’t believe this is real.
Yeah the megaserver isnt that nice and it destroyed the server communitys…….(lol) . Me and my guild havent really felt that bad about it, as far as I know of.
The trait changes don’t just make some aspects worse, they actually make the thing they were brought in to improve worse….[snip]
I don’t think comparing Megaservers and Traits is helpful, because they are not really comparable in the damage they did to the game. The megaservers were good for many people, but damaging (severely) in specific areas that need to be worked out. The trait system has made a massive part of the game horrible, and in a way that is entirely counter to the reason we were told they were brought in.
I like the idea of unlocking stuff. I really do. But the implementation is just baffling.
They are totally comparable but you only seem to list two of the problems people have mentioned (did you even bother to read more than this one post?)
Maps are now, well too overfilled, Hearts and events are now nothing but auto attack fights, frantically trying to get a hit on mobs before they die, there is no need to dodge, heal or buff, there is no skill left to them. Every event now seems like a zerg.
Level 80 characters now fill the maps a lot more, killing things in one or two hits, making it even harder to get credit for kills never mind events.
Because there are so many people on maps now, there are loads of people complaining about an increase in lag, also people having to lower their graphics setting just to play the game, were before the patch, they didn’t have to.
In Europe you either have loads of different languages filling chat, or leave the auto-block on so that you can’t hear them, but then you also can’t hear the many multilingual people there are out there who choose to speak English. This affects maps but also boss fights because it now creates confusion or a lack of communication.
Map-chat is now more filled with grief/arguing.
Bosses are now on a schedule, (which was only brought in because of the Megaservers) this has many bad effects. People play an event chain, and if it isn’t the right time of day there will be no boss to fight at the end of the chain, new comers might not even know there was meant to be a boss so will just be left with a ‘story’ with a crap/weird ending.
Because of the boss schedule some people now only get to fight one boss a day, the same boss every day of the week as they have their own lives and only get a certain amount of time online.
These big boss fights are now just lag fests, causing many people to have low frame rates and many people are complaining about being disconnected.
Because there are so many people fighting these bosses, a lot of people are not getting any reward.
Also the two things you mentioned, guilds not being able to join up to do guild quests, and friends not being able to get on the same maps.
RP’ers have now lost their friendly environment and now are instead subjected to abuse and ridicule.
Longer loading times because of the increase of people (minor, but a problem that wasn’t there before.)
All sense of community has gone, people cannot recruit for WvW because they are not sure if the person is actually from their server or not.
There is now a hell of a lot more gold spammers, everyone who has mentioned this has said it has only increased since the introduction of Megaservers.
Many people chose less populated worlds because they enjoyed playing with less people or because their PC’s could not handle too many people on the maps. Now their choice is gone, where before, the people who complained of dead maps could at least guest to more populated servers.
So yeah, this has damaged the game for a lot of people and made it feel horrible for them. I’ve actually stopped playing this game now (I’ve moved on to another MMO but still check in case they see the error of their ways) because of the traits but mainly because of what is listed above. I wouldn’t call it a problem solved, that would be like burning your house down so you don’t get any more spiders lol, you’ve solved the spider problem but erm…
Some people may have wanted maps more filled, but they did not ask for all of the above.
I love the new trait-implementation,… snip
What is there to love about it? What is there that in any way makes it better than what it was?
Ok yeah, going out and earning traits may seem like a good idea, but that could have been done without all the other things that have ruined the system.
I know you’re not a fanboy agreeing to everything A-net says (like some people on this forum) but I’d just really like to know, other than being able to trait hunt, what is better about this new system?
I also wish they would have smaller (shorter and thinner) great swords.
Everything about them is huge, either the blade is well too wide, or the hand guard is massive. Not all two handed swords are massive. As a personal preference I would like to see a sword like Aragorn uses (from LOTR), not so much a great sword, but still two handed. (Even some of their GS don’t look like great swords lol).
There are other ways to make the swords look ‘fancy’, they don’t need to be wide to show off detail, to me that just seems like a cop-out.
Suggestion: Low-Population Megaserver shards.
These would be the same as normal megaserver shards, but with a map cap of about 30 people. They would be entirely opt-in: you would have to a) know they exist, and b) select the ‘low-pop’ option to be placed in one.
1) Gameplay: massive zergs are good for some things, and a lot of players seem to enjoy them. But having massive amounts of players around isn’t fun for everyone, all the time. Most exploration and event stop being challenging with more than 2 or 3 players. Moreover, exploration is terrible if all the events in the zone are done, and there are 10 or more players at all the remaining ones.
2) Performance: I, and a lot of other players, don’t have brilliant PCs or internet. Having every map full all the time has massively increased loading screen times, the likelihood of lag, and so on. Being able to zone into a play on a map with fewer people makes the game perform much better. It is, however, no longer possible on the megaserver.Cons for Arenanet:
None. As it is a megaserver system, the server resources would be directly in proportion to the amount of players who choose to opt-in. If not many players want to play on low-pop shards, then barely any system resources will be used. If lots of players want to use them, then Anet will know they are popular and that is was an good decision to implement. Moreover, it increases player choice, which will always make more players happy. In no way would it decrease enjoyment for players who like full maps.
Brilliant post!
I would really be happy with something like this, and you make some very good points too
This could also replace the menu part (on the main character screen) that allows you to guest to other servers (which now seems useless anyway).
Sadly this probably won’t happen, it won’t help RP’ers and I don’t think A-net would do multiple fixes for all the different affected groups.
We can wish though
I am wondering what server most of you are on. I come from a T1 NA highly populated server. Overflows are not new to me at all. World bosses being a giant ball of light are not new. A zerg of players decimating LS event and or normal events is not new.
I realize there are other concerns here, but for those concerns I am a little puzzled.
Well we would be from many different servers. and as such previous experience differs.
I was from EU Vabbi. notoriously smallest server in the game.
As such- I likely experience the most drastic change when mega servers came.
I used to be able to team up with 2-10 friends/guilders and take down the common WB’s. A good challenge when we where few.. you learn how to fight.
-The bad side was – never being able to do large scale LS events or Teq etc. unless we went on purpose to an OF/big server.I did visit Desolance.(big EU) just to see how that was like. and yes experience there was much like Megaserver with hundreds of players on a simple WB. = boring.
Ideally I guess would be to gain old server system back and either make WBs scale even better+ better AI .. and/or make the population on servers more even— but keeping the server identity.
I used to guest to Vabbi sometimes when I wanted less people on the map (I’m from Piken)
I miss being able to choose
There was something epic about my girlfriend and me joining with a few people to take on a boss and winning that really made you earn your reward and there was a sense of accomplishment with doing it with few people. But even on Vabbi there were always people on the map that you could ask to join you in completing an event or boss.
Also as a con
- A lot of events aren’t even happening so new players aren’t seeing all the content.
(For example, in Kessex Hills, the town in the northwest isn’t being attacked as the centaur aren’t gaining ground on the other events, they aren’t allowed to push forward to establish a forward base, so the next chain will happen.
- Because the boss fights are now on a schedule (a consequence of the MS) a lot of new comers won’t even know there is a boss fight at the end of an event chain, so they’ll be missing out on story/content. They’ll just finish the event and move on.
From my playstyle standpoint, I’m not affected by most of the cons listed above. I personally like just logging in and zoning to a map and being able to run events instead of consulting a web page to see which server I had to transfer to – and I had to choose correctly because I only got two transfers.
Why would you have to consult a website? lol. You’re making it sound more complicated than it was.
All I ever used to do was log into a high pop server if I wanted more people on an event/boss. No need to search the web.
- Much more people
- Many events finished
- No more 2 guestings per day
- Can’t move the whole raid/guild/party in the same map from the get go.
- Temples and the traits conected with them are not thought very well
- RP is also screwed.
- Guild missions need revamp.So guilds don’t bump into each other.
- Too many people doing events so it becomes harder to get EXP from mobs and to get credit for event.
- Most events now are nothing more than hitting auto-attack, with no reason to dodge, heal or buff/debuff (because of too many people).
- Choice gone whether the player wants to guest to a higher/lower populated server.
- More lag.
- (slightly) longer load times.
- Less feeling of a community.
- More trash talk/trolling/arguments.
- Scaling doesn’t work well, now there’s more down scaled lvl 80 players running around killing things in 1 or 2 hits.
These are things I’ve personally witness (a hell of a lot) and what a lot of people on the forums are complaining about. I think the Cons outweigh the Pros.
So why not just remove “Much more people” as a pro and make it into a con because
everything you said is related comply to “more ppl.” And to be blunt if you want to play with less ppl maybe mmo are not for you.I like the megaservers the cites are full of ppl now sadly the /m chat still dose not have a lot of ppl talking i guess ppl are there to do things and not just to chat.
Because I’m not against more people in maps but for the reasons I listed, it is ruining the game for a lot of people. You may be happy just hitting one button, doing no other action and frantically trying to hit each enemy before it dies, but that wasn’t how the game used to be.
Be as blunt as you like, but it was fine how it was for a lot of people, now there’s simply too many people doing each event. The game doesn’t work as it should or how it used to. There’s no skill and no fun in an event with too many people. They have the map cap too high. How did they not see this would be a problem.
- Much more people
- Many events finished
- No more 2 guestings per day
- Can’t move the whole raid/guild/party in the same map from the get go.
- Temples and the traits conected with them are not thought very well
- RP is also screwed.
- Guild missions need revamp.So guilds don’t bump into each other.
- Too many people doing events so it becomes harder to get EXP from mobs and to get credit for event.
- Most events now are nothing more than hitting auto-attack, with no reason to dodge, heal or buff/debuff (because of too many people).
- Choice gone whether the player wants to guest to a higher/lower populated server.
- More lag.
- (slightly) longer load times.
- Less feeling of a community.
- More trash talk/trolling/arguments.
- Scaling doesn’t work well, now there’s more down scaled lvl 80 players running around killing things in 1 or 2 hits.
These are things I’ve personally witness (a hell of a lot) and what a lot of people on the forums are complaining about. I think the Cons outweigh the Pros.
Many of which might be rectifiable with some tweaks and modifications in those respects. Cons outweighing the pros doesn’t necessarily write off a feature, where an MMO is concerned. It just means there’s some room for improvement.
I didn’t say it needed writing off (though I much preferred the old system TBH), but there’s a lot of things that will need major reworking. I don’t think it’s as simple as just tweaking bits here and there.
Even if they have a flag (or something) for the many RP’ers, (which I’m not one of) it means that community will still get hassled by the toxic people who like nothing more than to talk crap lol.
Also People joined certain servers for the lower populations and always had the choice to go to high populated zones if needed. Now that choice is gone.
Sorting the servers in the EU is no simple task and the temporary fix they’ve done with the chat hasn’t even gone a small way to fixing that problem. It just means now you can be in a map with tons of people, with no talking in the chat box, or lack of communication in boss fights.
The cons are still there, how many they choose to change is up for debate, but it has left a lot of people unhappy, especially because these concerns were brought up before the patch was even live.
I honestly don’t think A-net will be willing to compromise and that could cost them a lot of (once) loyal customers.
- Much more people
- Many events finished
- No more 2 guestings per day
- Can’t move the whole raid/guild/party in the same map from the get go.
- Temples and the traits conected with them are not thought very well
- RP is also screwed.
- Guild missions need revamp.So guilds don’t bump into each other.
- Too many people doing events so it becomes harder to get EXP from mobs and to get credit for event.
- Most events now are nothing more than hitting auto-attack, with no reason to dodge, heal or buff/debuff (because of too many people).
- Choice gone whether the player wants to guest to a higher/lower populated server.
- More lag.
- (slightly) longer load times.
- Less feeling of a community.
- More trash talk/trolling/arguments.
- Scaling doesn’t work well, now there’s more down scaled lvl 80 players running around killing things in 1 or 2 hits.
These are things I’ve personally witness (a hell of a lot) and what a lot of people on the forums are complaining about. I think the Cons outweigh the Pros.
I would like something like this.
Overall I would like more graphical options, especially one to lower the magic effects so bosses could actually be seen during big fights.
Why on earth did you write this? You haven’t acknowledged our feedback in your official thread even once in two weeks. There are over 1000 posts saying that we hate the new system. There are posts telling you ways to make it better, there are posts telling you to remove it until you fix it, there are posts telling you why it is broken. AND YOU NEVER RESPONDED TO ANY OF IT! Why would you write you are listening to our feedback? You clearly aren’t as you rolled it out to all maps (which we already noticed earlier this week). You said it would be a slow rollout. How do you consider that slow?
Sure some people like the change. I won’t deny that there have been a few posts regarding that. But the overwhelming amount of posts, and in game feedback is negative. And yet you plunge ahead and ignore us. You tear communities apart and then ignore us. I refuse to spend another penny in support of this company until you start leveling with us. Your blatant ignoring of the problem/ upset customers is atrocious. I encourage anyone who dislikes this change to withhold any spending of money on gems until this company actually talks with us and tries to be reasonable. You shouldn’t stop playing the game, since you playing for free can arguably hinder them as much as you not playing at all.
Your PR actions here are completely unacceptable. I’m not asking for the system to be perfect, I’m asking for you to actually be transparent, and communicate with us. I am severely disappointed with the way this company is handling this change, and all the respect I garnered for you over the years as a loyal customer has been destroyed.
I completely agree 100%
There were concerns before the changes were brought in, there have been plenty of complaints since. They haven’t listened (it seems) to any of the criticisms at all. As you pointed out, even with the criticisms they rolled it out to all servers within a little more than a week, when they had made it sound like it was something that would happen over the course of the year.
There was a trait thread were a troll was allowed to troll the thread for days, They decided to delete all posts related to it only days after. Their excuse was that they stopped monitoring the thread because it was going a long so smoothly. Sorry but that is BS. It shows (to me) that they have lumped these threads together so they can be ignored. How else can they explain not seeing the trolling that was going on? They were ignoring the thread and that is why they didn’t see it. They don’t want bad press but losing customers and making them unhappy and ignoring them is ok? This isn’t talking about moderation, this relates to them not seeing that the thread needed editing because they were not reading it.
I’m in the process of maxing a Ranger and a Guardian. Before the patch I was planning to buy all the trans stones/charges I needed to make sure that they both had the look that I wanted right the way through their lvl 1 to 80 journey (how my toon looks is important to me). Even with the now increased price of under -lvl 80 transmutation I was still willing to give them my money. This would have been a lot of money (for me) as I would have been changing their look every 8-10 levels (ish) and also because I like them to have at least two sets of ‘clothes’ (1 set for the cold area’s and the other for everywhere else :P) I’m not gonna do the math but that’s 2 sets of armour every 10 levels for 2 characters.
Also before this patch I was really really hoping they would release more weapon/armour skins in the gem shop because I would have bought any I liked, because I like to dress my toon in what I like but also because I was really impressed with this game, for many reasons, the lack of grind, the amazing structure of the design in maps that give gorgeous visuals (the maps don’t just seem thrown together), so I really wanted to support them, to show my appreciation, and ‘to pay my way’ in a game that is F2P.
Now I won’t be spending 1 penny until this is changed. This is my protest. I know it’s gonna hurt me more than them (as I am only one person), I’ll lose even more enjoyment from this game, more than the silly new trait system and the new MS have already taken from my game.
I’m still trying to play the game but when each and every event is nothing more than tapping the ‘1’ button (because there’s too many people), I’m enjoying the game less and less.
. I just finished leveling an alt (created before the patch, thankfully) and it’s made me realize something else that is now nagging me about the new level distribution—it’s not even internally consistent. You get a point or points every six levels (because apparently that’s totally less confusing for new players than getting one every five levels, right?) until level 78. Then you get your 13th and 14th points at level 80. So the new progression is not only less organic and intuitive than the old one was (or a single point in the new system at every level starting from 15 would be) but it doesn’t even resolve itself smoothly.
This is a pretty minor thing, but it just continues to beg question of why fix (to use the term VERY liberally) what was not only not broken, but working excellently before.
Agreed also. It doesn’t feel like much thought went into a lot of the things in this patch. There’s quite a few things that people don’t like in this patch and as other people have said, this was mentioned before the patch even hit by concerned players.
The new system is a lot more ‘un-natural’ than the old system, it slows down leveling and gives you a lot less to fiddle with. Getting your GM traits at 60 meant you had the next 20 levels to find a good build so you had a good idea what worked and could then find the right armour/weapons/trinkets for you for lvl 80 or above (the most expensive part of the game).
(edited by Moderator)
I still think zone overpopulation is a factor.
Escort the brewers Yak in Wayfarer. When I did that first leveling I would get the exp for the Escort, and for killing 8-10 svanir on the trip. Yesterday my little asura got credit for 2 kills total, as the herd ran ahead clearing the event path and camping the spawns with AOEs.The lionguard fort siege there used to be a ton of kill exp. Yesterday it was a joke, stuff was obliterated by downlevels as it spawned. Exp for event, very little kill exp. Worms at the lodge, same same. Unless you have a char capable of maintaining AOE on a spawn point you are SOL for kill exp.
Did maw. Silver on Grawl. 0 on escort 0 kills. Bronze on Totem. 0 on Shamans 0 kill exp. 0 on portals 0 kill exp. Bronze on Champ Shaman. My exp for that event was gutted by the 50 some mostly uplevels there. I assume most new players get less.
Guess it is a fair trade. Events are far easier. Total exp is less. Shrug. go go MegaMerge.
I’ve mentioned something like this on another thread (and also above). Having this amount of people does not = better. It’s too many, there’s events that aren’t even happening, and with the events that do, the new players won’t know little tricks about the game, they’ll not be getting as much EXP as they could have with the old (better) system, and wont even get event gold etc as you have mentioned.
I don’t know if A-net considered this, but surely now they can see it’s changed how their game is, also with bosses spawning on a timetable, there’ll be so much content new players and alts will be missing out on.
The entire time I’ve been in the zone, it’s been on the phase “The dredge have been pushed back to Tribulation Rift.” I’ve done bits and pieces of the rest….
I think because of the new ‘mega’ server you’re getting the ‘bad’ end of the stick.
Because there’s too many people on the maps, the events aren’t being allowed to happen which would lead to the enemy taking key places that you then have to push back. The same is happening in Kessex Hills (and probably many other places). Not only that but also because of the not-so-mega servers you’ll now be missing out on a lot of the final (and other earlier) parts to some of these events and missing out on the boss fights they may have. That will lead to a lot less EXP per map.
Taking the time to do so will also keep you in the zone long enough to see events pop, which can be followed as a chain,
Right, forgot to point out, Guild Wars 2 is actually trying to train you to forget “questing” all together.
Event Chains are the main form of gameplay in this PVE, heartquests and map completion are there to make sure that you run across events and event chains, because by the time you get to Orr that’s all there is. Event Chains.Once you switch mindsets to realizing Event Chains are what this game was built around, you will not only level better and faster (you can level to 80 doing nothing but event chains in the lower level areas) but you will have a bit more fun in the maps.
They are boring if you missed all the event chains which tell the actual story of what’s happening in the map.
I will just add to that though it’s not really important.
You don’t need to go to the quest giver to start the quest which feels strange to some people (and me) but if you like that old structured way then you can still play that way (as I do). All you do is, once a heart of event pops up on your screen, seek out the heart showing on your map, or if its an event then there would be an icon on your map with a bucket etc. If you talk to these people they will tell you about the quest and what needs to be done. Yeah, it takes longer to do that, but I actually prefer it instead of just traipsing from one fight to the next.
I am up to date on my personal story and I am doing every event I come across. Also, PvP isn’t my bread and butter, so not all that interested in it. The zones just don’t offer enough by themselves in PvE content. I guess you could say I’m being a stickler, but dropping everything in a zone because you’ve run out of appropriate stuff to do and needing to go elsewhere is a design flaw in my opinion. I shouldn’t have to go gather a bunch of copper ore and forge useless weapons or PvP to make up for the lack of in-zone content, but maybe that’s just me.
Suppose I just need to switch my brain off and suck it up. Not sure if it’s other MMOs clouding my judgment or if I’m legitimately unhappy with the setup in GW2.
I also don’t like PvP etc so it’s only PvE for me
I’m not sure you’re meant to just do one zone and then move on to the next higher level area, there’s plenty of zones so just finish one and then move onto another one the same level as you are (round abouts). The enemies in that other zone shouldn’t be weak to you (well I’m not so sure now with what the new patch has done) because this game scales your level. So if you’re a level or 10 above the mobs, it shouldn’t mean that you’ll steamroll them.
Have fun, and remember, hit them with the pointy end :P
You could also argue that these items save you a bag slot, which in itself is worth 400 Gems.
What junk are you carrying around with you!!!
Also they only save space if you’re carrying around spares.
I wouldn’t miss the 3 extra slots
On my toons without endless tools i mostly carry around something like :
4-5 ori sickles, 3 ori axes, 4-5 mithril picks, 2 ori picksWhen t3-wood was good in price i also carried even 4-5 darksteel axes
That is a lot.
I just settled on 1 of each spare as I visit shops so much.
I haven’t seen the animations from the special tools so I can’t comment on them but I’m happy with the way the default ones are (I’ve played other MMO’s where the ‘mining’ was terrible, slow and tedious) so this seems a lot better (because of personal comparison.
Change your weapon, not your armor. The reason you’re destroying everything is because mobs are balanced around you having a green or yellow-tier weapon at lower levels, not an orange or red one. Mobs in starter zones are meant to be killable with white gear, hence why it’s so easy to massacre them with an ascended weapon.
I will try to use a low level weapon and see if that helps. I know taking off armor didn’t help.
Maybe the mobs just don’t wanna fight you because they can see all your wobbly bits cause your naked lol
I’ve seen the lvl 80’s destroying stuff in these area’s too, and it’s one of my major problems with this new mega server. Low level people, (the people meant to be on these maps cause they have no where else to level) are getting less kills and less experience. IMO this patch broke more than it fixed
I do agree with another poster though, sometimes I do like killing things quicker (though not oneshot) but I also don’t like dungeons for the fact that most enemies are sponges and soak up so many hits (to me that isn’t much fun, hammering away at one enemy for ages).
You could also argue that these items save you a bag slot, which in itself is worth 400 Gems.
What junk are you carrying around with you!!! lol
Also they only save space if you’re carrying around spares.
I wouldn’t miss the 3 extra slots
I wouldn’t bother buying them for my toons.
I carry a spare set of tools, so when it runs out I replace it, and because you visit shops so much, it’s easy to buy the spare to put back into your inventory.
I also carry a spare Salvage Kit. :P
Im from Piken too and i honestly disliked server population here.Perhaps its cause lots of people there were Rpers that do nothing but world map was really empty and dead and i wanted to change server asap.Megaserver fixed this for me and i love it now.I love lots of people doing stuff toghether.You might dont like it but think about it.You will finish all your “hearts” and stuff in like 10 days and then it wont matter to you anymore.All that will be left after that is dead world that is not good.I didnt much explored every map under megaserver but from what i seen and what you wrote here..that is great news for me and i like it.Too bad not every1 can feel the same.
Well if you enjoy only being able to use auto-attack, not having to heal, dodge or buff/debuff then good for you, but this ruins the game for me as now it’s just a simple boring game. I have thought about it, with so many people around that you only have to tap one button, struggling to get kills, it’s changed what was fun about it.
Also I don’t think you will level up faster, with the amount of people doing even small events you will be missing out on EXP because you won’t be killing as many mobs and also might struggle to get gold or even silver.
If you didn’t like Piken and felt it was empty then you had the chance of guesting to a more populated server.
Something else I’ve just found.
There’s a guy you talk to in Fort Salma (Kessex Hills) who asks you to go kill centaur generals in Overlords great camp(to the south). Thing is, it’s miles away and with the zerg you won’t get there in time to kill them.
I was heading south to north, so I was near the camp first, within the space of about 5 minutes they (the generals) spawned twice, there was already a zerg there and we finished so fast that whoever started the quest would not have been able to get there in time to even participate in the event (I only found out afterwards when I continued working my way north that he was the quest giver).
I hope there isn’t many quests like this throughout the maps because it doesn’t work well with so many people in the zones.