Showing Posts For Luke.2643:

Consumables in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Many consumables cannot be used anymore in dungeons, and those you mentioned are amongst them

Giganticus Lupicus 4 second Kill [DnT]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


They probably did that to make ranger feel less lonely.

What monster type is Alpha REALLY?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Alpha is considered undead.

ranger's reveal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You all dont get the only place where this will be useful in pve. Bloody Victoria!!
Edit: got beaten to that :/

Explorable modes should be account bound

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You can’t do this to me after 10 Arah story modes.

Arah story is the coolest dungeon in my opinion , especially if you jump from the boat at the end , you fall for like 30 sec . The problem is the final boss is a big joke But I still did 4 times for my alts and to help a friend .

Now that I think of it, I still have a 3rd guardian that doesn’t have Arah exp unlocked. Anyone needs a hand to get through it?

Explorable modes should be account bound

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You can’t do this to me after 10 Arah story modes.

Empowering Allies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


  • quicker weapon swap (the pure axe build should be able to live with slower swaps)

I strongly disagree with this. A pure axe build relies completely on constant weapon swapping to trigger both Versatile Power and battle sigil.

Trying to solo Arah p2. Stuck at Alphard.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Pretty sure that the adds disappear once you get Brie below 50%. Only the little grubs remain.

The fact is (in my experience) that if you go hide behind something when she’s 1% she’ll start summoning adds because she can’t see you. if you just run far enough without beeing behind something she won’t.

Trying to solo Arah p2. Stuck at Alphard.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You dont need any bug to solo him easily. When he teles to the center to start his spinning move quickly run to him and move him around by attacking closely: he will never start to spin and will not do anything until clones spawn. When that does happen use your shield block to absorb all the unloads and at the same time run close to a pillar. Run around it for a bit to ball clones up, then use endure pain +ww attack with gs to make short work of them.
If you check the channel in my signature in a couple of hours, I’m uploading a video for it right now.

How long is this way?

Took me 6 mins this time, and it was far from perfect (downed+rally once, wasted a spinning move).

Trying to solo Arah p2. Stuck at Alphard.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You dont need any bug to solo him easily. When he teles to the center to start his spinning move quickly run to him and move him around by attacking closely: he will never start to spin and will not do anything until clones spawn. When that does happen use your shield block to absorb all the unloads and at the same time run close to a pillar. Run around it for a bit to ball clones up, then use endure pain +ww attack with gs to make short work of them.
If you check the channel in my signature in a couple of hours, I’m uploading a video for it right now.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Extra rewards for not wiping.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


That’d be great indeed, anyway I’m scared by what could happen with pugs going even more tanky/healers because of that^^

Arah selling

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Np there’s other ways to reach final boss as mesmer

That won’t be for long hopefully. “hopes for oct 15 patch”

So I soloed Lupicus with all classes..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Pretty sure theres a couple people who have before, anyways goodjob, got any new goals?

I haven’t thought about a new challenge yet, if you have suggestions it’ll be appreciated^^

Nice job. I personally only am missing ranger now and i had pretty much given up on it since the weapons just suck kitten , until i heard that whirling defense actually reflects! I’m surely going to do it soon-ish and get my all-profession lupi solos-

Whirling actually reflects but if you are really unlucky you’ll almost die anyway, as happened in the last bit of my solo.
And yes, ranger was by far the most annoying one to accomplish due to gs.

Nice job , i tought it was impossible on necro but looks
Like its not .

A good portion of the credit for necro and engineer solos goes to Emanuel, I tweaked the build and utilities a bit but I learned the basic tactics from his solos.

So I soloed Lupicus with all classes..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I started this project a while back and I finally got it. I’d like to know if anyone else did this before me, but I didnt see anything concerning the matter here.
It definitely took a while, and some of the runs sucked, but all I wanted was a video with every class, and I can’t really be bothered to get in there again anytime soon to get better runs with something else than a warrior^^

Fotm and Old Tom

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


If you stand inside his circle poison darts wont hit you. Positioning can be tricky though, especially with a big norn^^

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Whew… after struggling a lot I got this done.
Solo ranger 10.22
I have never hated something as much as ranger’s gs.
Everytime I lower my guard for 2 seconds something bad happens (I took a kick because of it)

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Well, this happened exactly 2 times in like 5 hours spreaded across 3 days of practice, so I guess I could take the risk and keep reflecting hoping not to die, since with 90%+ hp I’ve seen 25-26k reflections and it helps a lot for the time^^. Reflecting rapidfire is tricky though, if you are starting the axe autoattack when you cast the skill it will have like half second delay, and that can easily result in your death. Since I dont want to spam whirling defense random without seeing the animation before, I disabled axe autoattack to be sure WD starts immediatly. It still requires very good reflexes if you want to stay over 90% during the process..

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I definitely have that trait just doublechecked. It is strange because yesterday I did phase 2 several times and this never happened..

(edited by Luke.2643)

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


If someone could enlighten me on how I died here I would be grateful.. am I missing something?

Elem max dps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


The LH will need 30 in fire for the fury though, unless the team has 2 warriors to rotate warbanners

Or a ranger with warhorn/fury pet.

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


On the other set I have axe/axe, and when I swap to that expecting a rapidfire or aoe in phase 2 I have to say autoattack dmg is by far lower than gs (I have the 10% dmg too ofc). Gs is not great, but it has decent cleaving dmg for locusts and maul is not bad. The only problem is that dodging during 3rd autoattack will almost always result in a fumble dodge = death, so I had to disable autoattack and get used to it, but I still die because of that from time to time.

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


My fastest phase 1 with ranger so far was 3.40 with gs (and I lost at least 10 sec because I got a grub). I think a sub 9 is possible, but I dont know if sword would speed things up THAT much.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I used curry butternut squash soup, in fact endurance can be VERY tight even in phase 1 if you waste a dodge on a locust skill^^
Also I have no idea why resolution stopped at 360.. I’ll try to reupload it in the afternoon because this is nasty to watch..

Edit: this is better:

(edited by Luke.2643)

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Necromancer solo 11.35
It can be done faster (I’ve done a 20 sec faster phase 1 in another attempt, phase 2 beginning sucked and it was only the second time I got to phase 3) anyway I’m not going to keep trying until someone beats it, because it was annoying as hell.

Sellers ruin dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Also, why should you care if someone is willing to pay to finish a dungeon? is someone forcing you to join against your will?

Which Arah path is the easiest?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


What they’re not telling you about P2… is that you need some serious stealth

You really dont.. with a bit of experience all skips are doable (i’ve done them on 6 classes so far, missing ranger/necro)

Compilation of Lupicus Speedclears

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Thief solo 8.35
If only I could use backstab without this happening:

(edited by Luke.2643)

Fastest Brie to Go 50% HP?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


When I once tried to get a good dmg on her with external buffs rush+100b (525k) was enough to get her below 50%.

Lupicus solo?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


99% of the times he will not use 2 kicks in a row, so if he just did a kick you can be fairly sure the next one wont be a kick too. You dont actually need to wait to recognize the animation to dodge it, if he just used a different skill (grub or locusts) wait and dodge as soon as he starts to move, if it was a kick good, if it wasnt nevermind, but you can afford it with the endurance a warrior has.

CoF P1 boulders and culling options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Yeah I got that too, I just set the character model quality & limit level to medium (maybe even low is enough) before entering and then its fine.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luke.2643


Moving Lung Capacity to tier 1 probably means something will be also moved from tier 1 to tier 2, and that will probably be empower allies to balance it with ranger “spotter”…
30 0 0 10 30 warriors will have to change something (30 0 0 20 15+5 optional points maybe)

Arah Sellers (as a seller)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I hope you didn’t try to sell for a cheaper price to fill your party up quickly, runners seem to think that’s the worst insult you may throw at them and often report just for that… But I’ll persist in selling for 5-4g.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Fastest lupi solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


He only resets on the doors. I think..

yep I can confirm that

Dungeon 3 man party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Because you dont hit it fast enough.

Ive hit the wraith then it moves on to the next circles as I cast leap of faith, fly out of the circle because i no longer have a target and it reset. Unless thats just coincidence?

The important thing is to make sure that you hit it once asap when it teles in your circle, after that you can get out of the circle doing nothing and it won’t reset, at least in my experience.
It never resetted with me doing this.

Dungeon 3 man party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Because you dont hit it fast enough.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


All TA paths require 15 min max each with a decent group..

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


All TA paths give 1g

Arah spot selling is ridiculous !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You have to kill all dungeon bosses except lupicus in the right order to receive tokens. For example you could kill Brie (no tokens), kill alphard and kill brie again (no tokens), kill abomination, alphard and brie again (no tokens) and then kill belka->abom->alphard->brie, which will finally give you tokens.

The only time I saw someone running straight to alphard it was someone I knew which I invited when I was running to lupi after killing abomination. He offered me to skip it and finish straight instead, but I enter arah solo just for that and refused. From there I assumed you could just run there and finish the path, I didnt take into account that I had killed belka and the abom already.

Am also interested to see how you do Alphard (as not a mesmer / engi / guardian) legit though i think i have an idea, clones still burn me bad before I can completely stack them by using the ballots.

I never said I soloed the full path with a war or something with no reflections. I did it like 5 times on my guard just for the hell of it, If I enter it with war its because the feeling of killing lupi never gets old, after that I usually call in some friends who are always happy to finish the path with me.

Also i’m interested in you doing legit arah solo’s. Are you on EU Servers so you could show me?

Since I do it with guard you know its really trivial to kill alphard I guess, the only 2 times I tried it with war instead of calling someone the barricades didnt respawn.
Didnt bother further. (EU server btw)

This is really getting OT so I hope there’s no need to ruin the thread even more.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Arah spot selling is ridiculous !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I’d really like that if it was the case, I also use abomination to test my dps when I change something:/

Arah spot selling is ridiculous !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I know you can swim under the path and come out at alphard, that’s enough to get tokens & reward. You can also run directly to brie from the start, but you must kill alphard too to get the tokens.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Arah spot selling is ridiculous !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


The only thing that makes me sad are silly people skipping 80% of p2 with an exploit and then selling spots on gw2lfg. I know that someone soloes the full path legit (I like to do that myself) but 90% of runners take the short way.

Loot blocking the 'Leave Instance' button

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You dont need to leave the party, just go back to char selection screen and relog. But its very annoying indeed.

Radiant Gloves + Clones = Arms of faces!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luke.2643


Fortunately this seems to happen only with phantasms and not with clones^^ pvp is still doable.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Simin still bugged (arah p4)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


I dont know, many people complained about this bug, but I have yet to see it, and I run p4 at least twice every day…

Arah and P3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


P2 is just as fast (if not faster) as p3 if people can skip things properly, its not popular because pugs generally can’t
P4 is not hard, just long, so obviously pugs will prefer the short ones.
probably the “hardest” is p1 (the one I like the least) because of pretty nasty running sequences and a very long path to take if the party wipes at lupi.

last developer feedback here 7 months ago?!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


it’s kind of sad that no other class can do that much damage, I mean, warriors actually get to 30k+ with 100b, if I get 7k damage with my ele, i think it’s something awesome,, hell, most of the time I have 15+ stacks of might…. it’s kind of unfair

Lightning Hammer Ele hits like 15k autoattacks. GS Warrior is also pretty bad now after this latest patch.

just checked at heart of the mists section, the conjure hammer build, 15k my kitten 2k if not critical, 3k if critical, and 6k for the final attack if critical…

You actually miss a LOT of dmg by not putting at least 20 points into water (10% more dmg with hp above 90%). Pre patch I used to put 25, now I run 30 20 0 20 0 because the new trait 11 in fire is just awesome, it lets warriors completely drop for great justice for something better (signet of might for example). At the start of the fight the ele can easily build 30-40 seconds of fury and 9-12 might , have a guardian give might with staff and you’re at 25, when that expires have the guardian put down a fire field (he has 2 utilities for that, 5 and 10 seconds of field) and let hammer autoattack do the rest. Warriors shouldnt even need to bring signet of rage to achieve a permanent 25 might+fury :=) ofc this method requires some team coordination, but the result is great.

(edited by Luke.2643)

Dodge Rolling after most recent patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luke.2643


Yeah, noticed this several times too, especially after recovering from a kd.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Also, its still convenient to use WW even if the target is not on a wall, swap, throw axe while coming back and start axe autoattack.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You didnt take a careful look to that thread it seems, because the fastest video in there is recorded from a GS/axe mace warrior perspective.