Showing Posts For MAD CAT.9321:

[merged] Will race change be available ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

ANET logic: Too much work, just add more skins to the gem store instead.

RNG and Grind in GW2 is not that bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

You don’t need gold in WoW and a proper raid guild means 4-12hrs a week at max.
Making money in Maplestory is only to reduce the time it takes to farm more levels.

The problem with GW2 is its a cosmetic based game that locks skins behind gold instead of gameplay and actual progression is limited. At the moment, the only end-game is leveling up your pvp level or wvw rank because fotm/dungeons are garbage.


What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Found a better dye combination for my guardian.

Please tell me the armor and dye colors, and that hammer!

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321


What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

The fact that NCSoft is tied in any way, shape or form to this game.

Might as well be EA sports.
Another thing I don’t like is that every dungeon / Fractal you do, is a game of russian roulette. You don’t know what fractal you’re gonna get, who your team mates are going to be. If there isn’t a “backbone” player then you are screwed.

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Rangers and engineers are pretty much useless in dungeons and fractals, unless you wanna spam grenades all day long. Yawn.

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Let’s see, everywhere I go it’s:

Mindless zerging (queensdale, wvw, frostgorge).
Run into a massive zerg in wvw, die, repair armor, repeat 15 times, waste 15 silver on repairs. GET RID OF ARMOR REPAIRS ITS STUPID AND SERVES NO PURPOSE!!
Horrible RNG in PVE… required to get 100 ascended rings and upgrade them so you don’t get flattened in high level fractals. Nobody to save your life if you all should go down in a fractal / dungeon.

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

I refuse to do dungeons anymore because any other path than Path 1 in a dungeon is just making me wanna pull my hair out. Same with Fractals.

Will We Ever Get an Expansion Pack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

all Anet cares about is making money from the stupid GEM STORE

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

they did alot of things to upset players and give us the finger

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

No dedicated healers… I actually like to bring my party’s health back to full if things go wrong. I don’t like taking aggro as a squishy ele / mesmer and having to run away in fear of a champion who will down me in two hits if I don’t have a “tanky” build. Speaking of which, there NEEDS to be dedicated classes built to take alot of abuse and threat generation. No I don’t mean “tanks”. Well I think you get my drift. I also hate scarlett, and the three-headed wurm. I don’t feel like doing JORMAG anymore because I hate the fears and the 100 minions to deal with during the first phase. And alot of things other people said. I’m just gonna go to TERA for a while where I can play a priest, and actually HEAL people.

Also… like someone else mentioned. The horrible RNG… over a year of playing I’ve had ZERO pre-cursors. No way of farming gold other than shelling out your hard-earned cash to buy GEMS to convert to GOLD. Everytime I do a dungeon, it’s poverty blues and greens, can only make 1G per PATH once a day on each toon and not all my toons are setup for dungeon runs. In other games like WoW, TERA you can actaully go out and farm stuff easily to earn the gold you need.

(edited by MAD CAT.9321)

Why won't you let us change races with gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Just have us start personal story all over again, problem solved.

[merged] Will race change be available ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

If they don’t give us race change I’ll just go back to TERA

Why won't you let us change races with gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Oh well, it’s their loss that they are losing money on gem purchases for a race change just because of a useless personal story.

Why won't you let us change races with gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Explain why it doesn’t make sense.

Why won't you let us change races with gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

You are losing alot of money with gem purchases this way! TONS of people would like this feature and the only reason you won’t add it is because “personal story”. Well who gives a poop about personal story, I sure don’t! I finished mine already and I want to change from HUMAN to ASURA without re-rolling.

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

My Elementalist, Lysis!

can you please tell me what the shoulders are on the left!?

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

I love this jacket because it reminds me of a housecoat, for some reason.

whats the coat?

updated to windows 8.1 and graphics

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Are screwed up! It’s like its in all 3d mode why is this! I want this to be fixed!

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Used to be a norn, remade into a human.

Finally got the look right.

what coat is that?

How well will this PC run GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

I just care about getting smooth frame rates in LA

How well will this PC run GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

lol wvw is a joke

What are your PC Builds for Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

How well does your build run the game, knives?

How well will this PC run GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

My human engineer wearing Magitech coat and gloves, CM shoulders, T2 leggings, and T3 boots.

What color dyes are those?

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Might post my engineer tomorrow…

Let's unite for a Mac OS X native client

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Let’s face it, ANET has given up on the mac client; they can’t make it work properly so we’re stuck with the poop version.

Why still bad FPS in most places?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Especially Lion’s arch? I have my settings turned down to medium / low.

2012 imac
8gb memory
GTX 675 MX 1gb card

What’s the reason for poor coding for mac, Anet?

Will we ever get level 90 or 100

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

There’s just no reason to raise the level cap… just add more zones and make them 80.

Will we ever get level 90 or 100

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

I’m quitting if I have to level up more.

Kill the Queensdale champion train.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321


Funny NPC conversations you've heard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

“Keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity.”
“Keep my eyes peeled? How do I do that”
“Oh geez it’s just a figure of speech!”


Kill the Queensdale champion train.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Don’t blame the players for champion farming. Blame ANet for having a terrible reward system. I miss playing MMOs where running dungeons actually DROPPED high end, but it was down to luck. I loathe how we have to farm out lives out then max crafts to get best gear. I hate crafting and imo it should be optional, which it WAS until recently. Hell Exotics (bound when picked up) should drop all the time in dungeons, and ascended BoP with random stats in fractals. Then it comes down to luck but at least you’re seeing cool kitten. The system they have now is boring and grindy. I’m find with grindy if you at least have a CHANCE to randomly get upgrades/cool stuff. I’d rather get BoP Ascended armor every so often from the last bosses of dungeons (even just once a day) and have a chance of getting the good stats you want, rather than grinding my face away then leveling boring and expensive trades just to have good armor. Talk about a zzz fest.

So basically you want exotics handed to you on a silver platter? Good luck on that.
If you really think it’s a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fest, please go play something else. Kthxbai

Kill the Queensdale champion train.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Queensdale Champion Train is wonderful, relaxing and you can clear your mind. It is peaceful, and this game does not have so much peaceful places after all.

I have level up most of my characters just opening maps and doing all hearts, and doing most of the events on the way. It is stressing, boring, lonely business. It is like playing single player game in MMO world. If I see on the road like 5 people on the same area where I am, that is lucky. In this way I earn like 8 – 9 gold on the road, when I do all hearts and most of the events. But when I jump in the Queensdale train, in a day I can earn more money. I just smash all white, blue, green and yellow items, and end of the day I will sell all those materials and get my money. I only save those exotics ones.

Most of all, I can see other players in Queensdale Champion Train, we are many, we have fun, but most of all, I can leave all stress from my sholders and finally enjoy the game.

So let the train go on. Those who don’t like Queensdale Champion Train, they don’t need to jump in. But those who likes it, let them have it.

I agree 100% with you

Kill the Queensdale champion train.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

“Just because I don’t like doing it, others shouldn’t have fun doing it either.” Makes sense.

Future of Ascended Gear - 2015 & Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

You are assuming this game has a future beyond 2015.

People like you are the reason this game is dying

What do you like about GW2 the most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

SHINIES! Must have all the shinies!

What do you like about GW2 the most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Oh yeah that reminds me, random NPC conversations!

What do you like about GW2 the most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Let’s have a positive thread. What do you like about this game the most? I myself enjoy my engineer, and the fact that there’s tons of stuff to do at level 80. The journey is 1-80, the adventure begins at 80. The fact that there’s many ways to play your profession. I love all the detail in the game. You are doing something, and you get distracted by a side mission. That’s pretty much it for now…

What pistol is this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

thank you very much 10char

What pistol is this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Cant buy Gems!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Never gonna farm enough gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

I can’t exactly spend real money on gold… I’m on disability

Never gonna farm enough gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Good show ol’ chap

Never gonna farm enough gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

For Twilight. It’s such a neat sword… but it’s so out of my reach. The most I can make a day by doing FGS champ trains / world bosses (and might I mention that I get jack squat from the world bosses all the time)… I calculate I’ll have to run champ trains 9 hours a day for two months solid… aint nobody got time for that! The average price of twilight is 3000g! That’s absurd!

What outfit is this for medium armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

and where can I get it? Looks nice…

Ranger with Thief hood

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

Oh thank you =)

Ranger with Thief hood

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MAD CAT.9321

MAD CAT.9321

How do you use the thief hood on a ranger? It’s soulbound when you make a new character so I dont see how you can use it…