Showing Posts For MaesterTed.6571:

Signs of the White Mantle?

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Aurora’s Remains is the final area from the Aurora Glade mission in Prophecies, where the behemoth is fought (which also makes an appearance here). I had a pretty fun time doing the DE, and just looking around in general. It made me feel nostalgic

I am too slow for the clock tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


^ Indeed. There are way too many people whining about this.

I am too slow for the clock tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Ohhh, really? Thank god, I’m so happy right now!

Gargoyles in the Mad Realm

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


There appear to be multiple models for the gargoyles. Just now, I encountered this version.

They lack the wings, and appear to be based on the rock dog model, or something.


Secret underwater area in Straits of Devastation

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Yes, I saw him there as well for a small period. As far as I could tell, he had nothing significant to say or do.

Secret underwater area in Straits of Devastation

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Oh yes, my sincere apologies. My Halloweenupdate-induced lack of sleep has apparently caused me to forget which side is which. It is indeed on the left side.

Secret underwater area in Straits of Devastation

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Well, I got through the secret passage with a norn on the tallest setting, so it shouldn’t be a problem to get through. If you can’t get through, perhaps you’re trying to go through the wrong hole. It should be somewhere around the upper right hand side.

Gargoyles in the Mad Realm

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Exactly. I’m really quite curious as to wether or not those are the gargoyles we all know and love (to hate?).

Them looking nothing like the GW1 gargoyles doesn’t mean a thing though. The krait got almost completely remodelled as well.

Secret underwater area in Straits of Devastation

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


That was remarkably easy!

As for the size, I don’t think it’s off by all that much. Here’s a picture for comparison.
(Keep in mind though, that my character is a norn, while the one from the manifesto trailer is a sylvari)


Secret underwater area in Straits of Devastation

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Oh, interesting! I tried this out earlier today, but I couldn’t get it done on my own. I did see the skeleton behind the force field, though. I was hoping it would be related to the leviathan. Very interesting indeed.

Dangit, now I want to complete it as well. I guess I’ll go look for that secret way around then!

To Alcohol! What wonders it may bring.

in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


I’d say so. I’m not entirely sure, but I think I read something about sylvari copulating with ie. humans for recreation.
There is, of course, no chance at all of them ever creating offspring, them being entirely different species and all.


in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571



in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Ah, yes! Good point, Konig.

Karast, I assume you are talking about this fellow right here?

If so, I really don’t think that’s him. For starters, he doesn’t have tusks, which appear to be rather big in case of the ‘Leviathan’. In addition to that, his eyes are different, his face is less curvy, and his skin color seems to be a lot brighter.


in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Well, I don’t know how I did it, but I somehow missed Konig’s post.
I guess that blows both my own and Sithaco’s theory out of the water.

Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…

Oh, has anyone found a name that corresponds to the skeleton in the Priory? That might give a bit more insight on what it actually is. I’d look in the .dat myself, but I have no idea how to, so I’ll just leave that to people with more experience than me :p


in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Hmm, yes, that seems rather probable as well.
I’m hoping this isn’t the last we’ve seen of it/them.

This seems highly unlikely, but it might as well be some kind of risen/otherwise corrupted Giganticus Lupicus, the kind that was speculated to be aquatic.

Could be a reimagining of these, perhaps:


in Lore

Posted by: MaesterTed.6571


Well, about half an hour after looking at this thread, I came across this particular loading screen right before one of the pact quests.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those the same type of creature? The size also seems to fit rather well.

So, I’m guessing they have something to do with the krait.