Showing Posts For Marndeis.7815:

Blade Shard Vendor: Wat.

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


As a player who missed out on 90% of the Lions Arch Event, I am about 300 Shards Short of a back-piece and the exchange for sprockets doesn’t seem worth it.

I’d happily give you 2-3 green’s… or even Yellows for your 100 blade shards but alas, they arn’t sellable.

+ participation

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I just had 3 small thoughts for how to increase participation in WvW.

1) Merge Smaller Servers. Now that we have Mega servers in game, we don’t need so many servers, and if some smaller servers were merged, we might get a higher # of people in WvW.

2) Farming. Right now, EOTM is the premium farm land and drawing a lot of players (self included) out of WvW. What if there were some T6 mat nodes that appeared only in an enemy castle/keep/tower etc that were only active for a short amount of time after you took it over and than didn’t re spawn in that tower for your server for x amount of time.

3) Revive orbs or some sort of revive ability….. I hate going all the way across the map dying in a battle and trying to run across the map to join my zerg again while getting one shoted over and over by random roaming theifs/Mes. Nothing inspires a
“leave mists” rage quit faster than getting killed in 1 second after running across the entire map to find the fight in full exotic gear.


(edited by Marndeis.7815)

EOTM - the Death bringer

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So ever since EOTM has come out, our lower tier wvwvw server has been so empty while I can always find a zerg and possibly several over-flows of EOTM.

Has anyone else noticed a complete disappearance of WvW players on their server too?

Linking Gw1

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So I played GW 1 many years ago, all 3 expansions. I wold love to link my new account to get the HOM rewards I can’t remember my log-in, or email i had back in those days but I do have the Serial Codes from the game. Is it possible to retrieve & link my old account based on those codes alone?

Glory Booster

in PvP

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So I was out of the game for a while and as I understand it there is no more GLORY. Should I destroy my Glory boosters in my bank or do they help contribute to xp/rank?

Animal Instincts

in Ranger

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I think it should be something automatic with the pet (unless / until they fix the delay in pet commands). If you get ANY kind of lag, your directions for your pet are so behind that recall/swap don’t work.

I also don’t like that the pet dodges when you do…. I don’t range a lot with my ranger but a LOT of people do and if a Ranger is attacking from a distance with bow, they need to dodge a lot differently than a melee pet.

Animal Instincts

in Ranger

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So one of the harder to swallow features of the Ranger is that while ANET views our pet as a major damage source, it can be hard for us to keep our pets alive in certin situations. Made even more frustrating is that the PET AI and Skill respond time is deplorable at best.

Our pets almost always die to a Big Boss attack that while players can see the animation and dodge/evade etc, our pets just keep swinging away.

I think it would be nice if pets had a “Animal Instincts” trait that allowed them to “SENSE” an incoming attack and DODGE it. Even if it was just a 30% chance to dodge big attacks or escape an incoming “big red circle attack” it would help with the survivability and decrease the Pet AI SUCKS complaints.

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


If you’re still salvaging like crazy for luck like I am…. I would consider it VERY worthwhile for the convenience factor alone. If you’re just looking to salvage the occasional item than its not worth it probably.

Booted from Dungeon before chest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So this has now happened a few times and its really discouraging.

I get through the entire dungeon run, beat the final boss and someone in my party leaves before I am able to run to the chest to loot and I lose my end chest.

I have tried both from entering the dungeon when one of my party members enters as well as being inside FIRST and inviting others to my party yet it seems to kick me sometimes when people in my party leave the instance.

I don’t know if this is a bug or a poor feature design but if they want to encourage PUGs why would they put in a feature where others can ruin the experience, even if on accident.

Returning Player needs Direction

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Thanks Thaddeus.
I shouldn’t say I’m bored as much as lost for a direction. Once I finish my Dungeon runs for the day, if WvW is slow I wonder what I want to do with my time as its so little.

I run a few other dungeons but I like COF best. I Should try swapping out at last minute that’s a great idea to help level alts.

I love WvW but my server isn’t super active and I’m hesitant about switching servers.

Are there any good Gold farming areas that are fun? The New Champ Train is WAY TO SLOW at some points killing one boss in 5 mins, waiting around for next to trigger.
I’ve sat in the LFG for Low level fractals for a LONG time with no bites and gave up….

What if WvW were Race vs Race instead

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


We could call it the Donald Sterling Tournament…. (too soon?)

Guess what? Yet another Key sale.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I was wondering why my BL CHEST Drop rates SKYROCKETED lately. Clearly they are trying to entice me to buy keys to get rid of that Bank Slot that’s piling up.

Returning Player needs Direction

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


After about 6-8 months off I got back in the game right before the last Feature Patch. I have a lvl 80 Ranger Main with Full COF Exotic Gear. I have a WAR and GARD that I’m leveling up slowly because the Lower level content is so boring to me and I only get about 2-3 hours a week to play.

I have about 100 Gold
I have 400 Crafting in Weap/Cooking/Armor
I have a medium to small supply of t6 mats
500k Karma

I run COF regularly, and I enjoy WvW when my guild is able to run Zergs but once I finish my Dungeon runs, if there is nothing happening in WvW i get bored. Maybe this will get fixed with more living story content.

Any suggestions on some endgame goals to aim for or strategies to make my Alts leveling more fun?

What is the best way to farm t6 mats to maybe get to ascended gear?

Thanks for any suggestions and guidance.

Tequatl vs Lower Populated Servers.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Has AN ever considered scaling bosses difficulty based on a) number of people on a server or b) number attacking them? Is it too hard to write into the code a scaled difficulty based on the number of potential people to attack it?

One secret to Blackgate's success

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Even with the Group invite bypass I was not able to get in to main server it got so full.