Showing Posts For Marndeis.7815:

Winter Blunderland 3

in In-game Events

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Happy Wintersday and thank you for running the event! Number 2 please

* How to play Naked and for Free at Max Level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Jump on the WB train for an hour, group up for easier credit/drops and just do the damage you can…. this should net you either equipment or sell the equipment for better gear…. rinse and repeat until you have decent gear.

Buying Karma

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


There are a LOT of ways to get fast , easy karma via PLAYING, just maybe not with the events you are doing. If you need Karma that bad, I sugest mabye taking a look at what events you’re doing and add some variety to get that Karma.

EOTM with a Karma Booster is one way… Heck…. Do Teq once and you get enough to buy a piece of Karma Armor from one Boss Fight alone.

Unclaimed tournament tickets

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I think you have one week from the completion of the week’s tournament to claim the tickets or they are gone forever.

Foxfire drop rate reduced

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Your Sample size is insignificant. Its just bad luck.

Ascended help please :)

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I would suggest farming GOLD in ways you enjoy playing and buying mats with Buy Orders to keep prices down a little. I think if you regulate yourself to farming the mats your going to burn yourself out.

Second suspension

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Based on your argumentative nature and egotistical view on the world, I am not surprised that this is your 2nd ban and can see a 3rd coming soon.

Map Completion - Jumping Puzzles

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


The Norn comment was more about my camera clipping into the wall an making it impossible to clearly see my next landing point. The Tonic (or just getting naked) might help to get my bulky armor out of the way.

Map Completion - Jumping Puzzles

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So I recently decided to try and go for my Map Completion. The Problem – I am TERRIBLE at Jumping puzzles and there are a LOT of SP and Vista’s that require you to complete a mini Jumping Puzzle.

Does anyone have any advice for helping me get through this other than PRACTICE?

PS… I known I’m just salty because I suck at them but requiring Jumping Puzzles for MC is a terrible idea as my NORN is going to have a hell of a lot more trouble than someone’s asura.

Open Letter to ANet: Hackers

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Most frustrating about this topic is that ANET just released information that they are now focusing in-game GM’s to police DUNGEON exploits. WP just spoke about it in a recent video and I’m still trying to find it in the patch notes but to the WvW community, this is a SLAP IN THE FACE.

Someone exploiting Dungeons = Great you get rewards faster so you can get your shinny gear to show off to your friends but really HURTS no one.
Someone Hacking in WvW = Ruins the game experience for 100’s of other players.

The fact that ANET things Dungeon Exploit is a MORE IMPORTANT issue than WvW Hackers is pathetic.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


What I see is you are saying player A “works” 1h every day and should be payed more than player B that works 10h but only during the weekend.

Player A “worked” less than Player B, but got paid more. That’s y I dont like the gating as it exists today.

(all on the hypothesis of similar qualifications/skills)

This is where I point to my SECOND point that removing time gating would cause a FLOOD of people on weekends and a Ghost Town on Weekdays, good luck finding a dungeon running party or a server full of people to do Bosses on a weekday we can just do Teq 4 times on Saturday and forget about the game the rest of the week with no time-gated content. Remember, there are a large portion of players here that play other games and if there is NO INTENSIVE for them to log-in every day, they will spend their time in other games that do require their daily attention.


[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


so using your logic if you work more days and hours at a job more than me, and you get more money than I do because you work more than me. and if i complain that i should get more money because i do not work as much as you and it is not a fair system

I’m not sure what you are trying to say.

If you are trying to say that if 2 people do the SAME JOB, and Person (A)works more hours, Then Person (B), Person (A) should get paid more then correct that is my logic.

Also true is that if people worked different jobs at the same company and one is more skilled (Think more efficient Player in game, uses their time better and gets more / harder content done faster with better reward) then YES AGAIN, the person who is more skilled should get paid more to do work in the same or less hours than the unskilled worker.

Account wide timegates suck

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


While I don’t mind Time Gating as a Practice, the frustration is that the LAZY design of Ascended crafting makes the time gating silly. I should be able to craft my Elementalist armor at the SAME TIME as my Warrior but because they both require Bolts, I have to chose which one. Or for my warrior to do armor and weapons at the same time. To get Ascended armor & weapons on two chars without BUYING the ascended components could take almost half a year!

Why A Heavy armor Crafter and a Light Armor Crafter are using the SAME COMPONENTS was nothing else but a Poor LAZY design.

Suggestion: If you want to keep the same 4 ascended time gated mats, have them bound specifically to that type of crafting discipline. So a Armor-smith’s Lumps can ONLY BE CRAFTING INTO HEAVY ARMOR INGOTS. And Armor Smith thread can only go into HEAVY ARMOR Bolts. This way, you keep the time-gating on each of the professions and the market isn’t flooded. If you have 500 Discipline in both Armor and Weapon-smith, you can now make 2 Lumps a day, but each one is dedicated to that discipline’s type of craft.

[suggestion] Change how daily rewards work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Two issues with this. 1st is, This game is designed to reward those who play more than others. Someone who can log in everyday and do dungeon runs should have more gold/tokens/rewards then those who cant. I am a Casual player and I have come to accept this fact. I don’t have the time to devote to this game to get a legendary or all ascended armor right away and I AM OKAY WITH THIS. It will take me a LONG time to complete the collections especially the dungeon token ones because I don’t play a lot of dungeons when i have time for the game but….. I STILL ENJOY THIS GAME.

Second issue with your suggestion is although it seems annoying time gated rewards are what help keep this game with a flowing population. If you could do a week or a months worth of activities in one day, you would see the populations of this game SURGE at one time and then go ghost town for 90% of the other time. this is a mechanic working as intended IMO. Having a reason for players to come here and play on a regular basis IS a positive for the game, even if it means you have to wait a little longer to complete your personal goals.

Need Help with conversion to WvW build

in Warrior

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So I built my Glass Cannon Zerker Warrior for PVE but now I find myself playing more WvW. I just invested most of my gold into ascended weapons so I don’t have a lot to change out an entire Armor Set or Runes.

What are some good, small changes I can make (maybe accessories/ amulets etc) or Dungeon Armor Sets That I could make? What stat combinations should I be looking at so that I don’t lose too much in the way of damage but Can take a few extra hits?

Is Toughness or Vitality more important? Should I give up Power or Precision or Ferocity?

Thanks in advance for help

were do you get obsidian shards from?

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


What is the best days/times for the temple of Balthazar in NA. the last 5 or 6 times I was there it wasn’t open and I’m trying to get my shards for Ascended Crafting!

Precursor Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I would like this idea if the Time-gated crafting supplies were all Account Bound and not trad-able. Currently with enough gold anyone can craft ascended items in a few minutes.

If it were Truly all your own work with the Crafting, I could see it happening but like I said, Just go to the TP, buy your Ascended Crafted Mats and Craft said weapon.

Home instance upgrades

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I would buy T2-5 Nodes for my Home Instance in a heartbeat.

Intricate gossamer insignias

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Even with the BL kit its not 100%
Also, be sure the Armor was EXOTIC level and not just Rare Dire armor.

[NA] LFG on Ferg Xing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I’d prefer not to spend 20 bucks on a server transfer to a decently populated server.

[NA] LFG on Ferg Xing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I’m Looking for a Guild on Ferguson Crossing as my last 2 have gone defunct.

Mostly PVE I do some dungeons and looking for a guild that would possible help introduce me to new/more dungeons/Fractals.

I also enjoy WvW which is kitten our server because I feel like 99% of the time we’re always “outnumbered” so it would be nice to be in a guild who can organize some masses in EB and EOTM.


change leader mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


This was happening to me a lot so I just decided that I would create the party and enter the instance first. I haven’t lost an end chest since and I make sure to ask that everyone has their stuff before I leave.

Worth It to Start Crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I Used it to Lvl an Alt but not until my main had collected lots of gold and mats to help me do it. Now that the Alt has high level Crafting, he can make weapons and aromor for all my chars. I would not however, recommend crafting to a NEW player with little Gold and supplies in the bank.

How good is 70 percent magic find in gw2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I just started using a Birthday Booster and MF food on one of my toons and brought me up to about 200% MF. Since then, I have had a LOT more t6 Drops, noticed more yellows and even had 2 ascended rings drop.

How does WXP work?

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I feel like when and how much WXP I’m awarded for different tasks is very random. Is it always a Random Roll for each task (killing, building, capping, defending etc) or are there set values for each thing?

I’m just curious and I haven’t been able to figure it out myself.


how much gold does it to take level tailoring

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Place Buy Orders to save Gold.

Ranger Does the Gate!

in Ranger

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So I love my Ranger main and I hate the flak we get. I know its because a lot of people (including formerly myself) play rangers poorly.

Well I’ve started to get decent at my ranger and I love running COF P1&2 for a little quick cash.

Was in a PUG the other day w/ a 2 War, Necro, Theif and I got Downed in COFp1 at the flame boulders…. By the time I Way Pointed everyone else was in the circles so I figured… lets give this a try. Ran in, had my Wolf drop its fear, and before the Gate Guard could re-engage the controller was dust!

Moral of this story….. we’re not useless so just keep building / playing your ranger SMART and we can shake the stigma.

Champion Bags

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Yesterday I was in EOTM and I was getting very inconsistent Champ Drops. I was getting kill credits (easy to watch with the Champ Slayer Monthly) and the Exp from the kills but 50% of the time I wouldn’t get a chest. I was doing plenty of damage (zerker warrior 100B) with multiple 10k+ damage strings and yet at the end, no drop.

I tend to agree with the OP that it must have something to do with the first x/number of taggers getting bags because I was at the back of the pack for most of the zerg rushes but still got PLENTY of damage in that should have got me credit.


in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I want to start off by making it known I’m not trying to complain, this is more of a questions.

I am a casual player…. I get maybe 5-10 hours a week and I try and be efficient but I know that my logged hours are low compared to an ACTIVE player. I remember how long it took me to get my first gold and yet now that I have around 200g in my bank, I somehow feel MORE POOR than when I had just 1g.

I realize that ANET is trying to leave the economy alone as much as possible but due to past gold farm events and the evolution of the Economy as a means to make money, inflation has gone off the deep end with far to much infusion of gold INTO the game and not enough gold sinks to bring it back out of the economy. I read the new patch notes and I guess there is a LITTLE gold sink content coming but it seems not enough to stabilize the future of the economy.

My Question is, has ANET officially (or unofficially) posted about ways its trying to remove gold from the game or are we doomed to see 10k gold Legendays in the next few months.

Newbie needing help

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Crafting is a great way to level BUT it requires GOLD to do unless you have been relentlessly collecting EVERY SINGLE consumable and salvaging every piece of gear dropped or you just sunk a ton of cash into a Cash for Gems exchange you’re probably not ready for it.

Honestly, EOTM is the BEST way to level up. Sure you’ll probably die a lot as a low level but if you can get in a good zerg train, the xp that flows from that will get you levels (and materials you need for crafting).

What should I train?

in WvW

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So I just jumped on the EOTM train and my WvW rank has gone up about 20 ranks FAST. Looking for suggestions as to how I should be spending my discipline points and what I should be focusing on.


Ranger Swoop Animation Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


this is STILL happening to me on my ranger… makes dungeon runs hard when I can’t see anything around my toon and cant re-zone.

BEYOND frustrating.

T3-4 nodes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Here’s where we differ: you see an unbalanced economy because T5 mats are cheaper than T3-4, whereas I think that’s an expected part of a mature MMO economy.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong in e.g. replacing mithril ore veins with iron ore veins, but I don’t think it’s necessary for the health of the economy. I’m ok getting less for mithril and more for iron. I even think it’s a good thing that new players will earn more coin from their unwanted items than I will from mine.

As long as I can buy stuff on the TP, I get to choose whether to farm or sell T5-6 to buy T3-4.

I see where you’re coming from now… my thought was that because of the absorbent cost of IRON and Platinum CRAFTING is out of reach for the newer player. I know that when I was a new player I mined EVER node I could and I still didn’t have nearly enough to craft more than one discipline without having to spend my little cash as a young player on the TP.

So YES, those not interested in crafting at lower levels starting out new players are able to make more money off their mats than the high level zone players but those looking to craft are hurt more by the current economy.

Paradox it seems!

Hp grinding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I’m not quite sure what the point of a Solo Healer is. If your build is designed to dish out low amounts of damage while keeping yourself alive for a long period of time, why are you complaining about it taking FOREVER against a boss that is designed to take a while against a GROUP of people doing LOTS of damage?

Do you want some Mythical Healing skill that somehow ALSO does damage????

T3-4 nodes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815



People also seem to favor L80 event chains over L30-50 ones, which reduces the potential supply of mats from non-champ bags (e.g. medium icy, light supply, miner bags, etc).

However, I disagree with the proposed solution: people already have plenty of options for where to go to gather their own T3-4 mats.

I guess I should explain my thoughts a little more. I am NOT a farmer, and WvW is one of the few non-high level PVE areas I bring my LvL 80 Chars. I mine nodes for daily when I’m running through the area and I sell things that I don’t need. By adding the limited supply nodes to areas where high level players play, could just by the nature of them being available increase the supply and help balance the economy.

T3-4 nodes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Due to the nature of the game that most players are either new (T1-2) zones or Level 80 (T4-6) zones, and the basic Supply/Demand of the Trading post, would it make sense that WvW maps to carry more T-3-4 nodes to help balance the Supply? I know that the Mists has a lot more mid level Nodes but it seems crazy that IRON can be 2-3x more expensive than Mithril.

Help a guy catch up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


On youtube Bog Otter has a “boomerang” series about players coming back into the game. Also Wooden Potatoes does a good summary of all the patches so you can go through the last few major patches for some of the important changes to the game.

Looking for friends to play with

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Find guild… Best idea

Guild is the best way to get some running buddies.

Plenty of guilds helping new players out there.

Favor of Festival

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So i got my Meta today and I’m not really into Mini’s Tonics or Skins. What are the chances that because this event is going for another month that they add another reward for the Favor or should I just cash it in to get it out of my inventory/bank slots?

Please make WALLET items

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Please PLEASE PLEASE make the Festival tokens and the QG tickets Wallet Items…. It is very annoying to have to clog my inventory with these items.

I don’t understand the point of them sitting in inventory/bank slots when they are ACCOUNT bound and this is an event that will a) be around for a while and b) they seem to want to have return each year or so.

The only thing that I can think of is they want to sell more bank slots.

Festival Ends July 1st Awesome!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


This is a BOON for casual players like myself that like to be able to get some of the achievements and the prizes/benefits from temporary content like this. I’m already bitter about being 300 Blade Shards Short of back piece because well…. Life happened at that point of Living story so having some time to try out all the content, not just whats going to get me my prizes FASTEST is a great idea.

Anet, stop it!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Punishing new players just because they joined late saying “you can’t have this because you didnt’ play at that time” is a good way to make sure new players don’t stick around. Rare items that take a lot of hard work should be limited but just because you happened to play during a specific time on GW does not make YOU elite.

Should I get a legendary for my engineer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So your choice is between your main who would rarely see it because he uses kits and an Alt who would rarely see it because you don’t play him a lot?

My thought is the Dagger if you can use it among other alts that you play because it WILL be seen and used more so than the weapon you barley use.

Should I gamble ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


A little less of a gamble than the MT is to invest some of your Gold into the TP. It’s far less fun than PVE for gold making but some do it VERY well and can make decent gold if you know what you’re doing. Could be an option 3 to get to that $1200

Suggestion: make Festival Tokens permanent

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


at the very least can we please make festival tokens a WALLET item…..

watchwork sprockets node

in Crafting

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I am thinking about buying the watch-work sprocket node for my “home instance” …. is this Soul bound (i.e. only on the char who buys it) or Account bound (so if I log into all my chars I can mine it once per day).


Queen's Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Thanks…. I didn’t realize that I needed to talk to announcer AND fight manager…. seems redundant.

FacePalm - The New Meta

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


So this weekend, COF p1 had two moments where I just had to shake my head and wonder, who is actually playing this game.

First trip… had a mes which I am always happy about because it makes the boulder part a lot faster. Get up there and the guy picks up a rock…. before I could type in “are you going to use portal” he runs in a dies. Than he says in chat… Oh…. I didn’t realize you wanted me to use portal…… Ummm what else are Mes’s for in COFp1?

Second Trip. The mes pings chat portal and sets it up great. Me and one other take it while the other 2 run in and die (one stayed dead… never WP’d to help out). They both had COF gear on so I know this isn’t their first trip through…..

Baffles the mind what you get in PUG’s these days…. really ruins my already limited time I have on this game when I’m stuck in the easiest dungeon run forever with only time to think about what the person behind the computer is really doing.

Death Ranger's Pet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


I believe, the only way Pets can die is from falling damage. Nothing changed, it’s been like that for some time.

Pets can die in COF p1 with the insta kill flame boulders too. Swapping away from pet fixes it usually.

Queen's Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Not sure if this is a bug or I’m just doing things wrong.

In the QG I go to the fight manager, Pick whom I want to fight and the diaolag box closes with no notification of a que or who I need to see and Nothing happens. I waited for over 45 mins in a fairly desolate instance and nothing triggered for me to start my fights.

Like I said, maybe I’m doing something wrong but seems weird that I after chosing whom to fight, NOTHING happened.