With such a high price, I wonder why it wont bring my Mad King backpack back?
I have a quaagan backpack which was put over the mad king flaming backpack. If I purchase a transmutation splitter, will I get my mad king backpack back and the quaagan skin as well? That is a lot of gems to pay if it won’t work that way.
Thank you in advance!
Awhile ago I applied the plush Quaagan backpack over my mad king backpack. Will the Transmutation splitter give me back the Mad King backpack, and allow me to use my Quaagan backpack on another item?
I feel for ya, I totally missed the Mad King this year and with it, my chance for the mask, because of lack of easy access to the information. I really wish there was a way for the rest of us to get the mask that missed the event.
I just watched my son rush for the last 20 hours to get his endless tonic, but because of the randomness of the maps, he came up one achievement too short, and wasted his time trying to get his tonic. I agree, these events need to give people with real lives more time to finish them. I felt really bad for him, when the update came in today.
The timer is a horrible idea in town, I can see it for battle. Please change it to only have cool down in battle!
I was less than 25 salvages from getting my monthly and they reset it on me. It is still the 31st of August! I am really kittening upset, I put a lot of effort into it, all for nothing.
Thanks for the info guys! That is exactly what I needed to know.
You are not going to get a refund OP. They don’t normally refund for player error. The guy who salvaged his Legendary weapon didn’t get a refund. It’s not a bug just because it didn’t have a warning. Many items don’t have a warning concerning salvaging. They will just tell you to be more careful next time.
I’m fairly certain you can’t salvage legendary weapons. Though I’m not sure about transmuted legendaries.
He said he salvaged it. I assumed he would know.
And there is this. A quick google for Guild Wars 2 salvage Legendary pulled it up.
OMG! I almost cried when I saw that……WHY? He could have made someone very happy and gave it to them instead (like me) :P I will never be able to afford one, and to see something like this is so sad.
(edited by Miss Pink Floyd.9730)
If I double click it on a character, and look through the settings, but decide that I don’t want to change it, can it still be used by another character, or once I click it, am I forced to use it on that character?
got it, thanks
I got 2 emails from the ships council, pointing to an area on the map that I can’t seem to get to. How do I get there? It is east of the Old Sledge waypoint.
the penitent /shelter nerf was a bit extreme, i just wonder why….
I just posted something about this in the suggestion section. The person that said that it’s too late to change anything now is probably right.
The question will soon be the following: Why farm for days and days and even spend some real cash for a legendary weapon that is badly implemented in the game if you could just experience a whole new MMO. The last nerf to the elementalist class (which has definitively unbalanced the game further and made the game less fun to play for me) convinced me that the next 50$ I spend wont be on the gem store, but on another game.
My feelings exactly, I will be keeping my cash for a whole new fresh game!
I agree, they totally ruined Orr farming, I now pretty much only drop into the game to do the dailies. Why bother anymore, with something that they deliberately ruined, in order to keep people from making a little cash. Really sad, I hope that they realize how badly they screwed things up for the people.
If taxes are ever implemented in the BLT to buy gems, my purchase of gems ends permanently, unless they increase the number of gems received to account for this.
I don’t understand why they even need to limit them at all, this is something that I could see people spending money on all year around. I would get more mining picks myself if I had more time to get them.
Just another example of them ruining their own game. In Shelter/Penitent there are now Champion Wraths that one shot you from across the map. This game used to be fun to play, I find myself playing less and less all the time. They seem to do the exact opposite of what the players want.
The whole thing really upsets me, I never even got to try the dungeon, I would have been happy if I could have at least been able to complete it once.
I just found out that the new dungeon was already removed, I never even had a chance to try it out…..
Sadly DR has kicked in for every one on my lvl 80 toons. I am unable to shake it off. I farm orr and I can only assume that’s where I picked it up. 90% of the time I get porous bones or other white trash, some blues, a green or 2 here and there, and I am lucky if I get one rare a week, and I used to put a lot of time in this game. This problem started around the time that the one day Karka event took place. I run with over 100% magic find, I have even tried removing MF gear and I still get garbage most of the time. Because of drop quality I receive, I have reduced the number of hours that I play to only cover the dailies anymore, it’s just not worth it anymore. They ruined the game for me, while trying to punish bots!
So they no longer can be used with my alternate characters after one character mines it? I just bought an unlimited mining pick and this does not make me happy at all. I was planning on getting them for other chars, but I will wait for an official reply on this.
That’s exactly why sliders need to be incorporated into the game. The original necro staff sound was removed, and replaced with a very soft and odd sound. I did not like the old necro staff sound because it was so loud, not because of the sound itself. There are many weapon sounds in the game that need to have the volume level adjusted. My Greatsaw went from no sound, to good sound, then after some complaints, the sound was nerfed to where I could not hear it. Then they raised the volume and now I can hear it, but only if I am not fighting. A chainsaw is supposed to be loud. People will keep complaining until every weapon sound is nerfed into soft elevator music like noises. The sooner we get sliders, or separate, stand alone sound files, the better off things will be in this game.
The removal of DR from the game.
I do not see any point of paying for keys either, might be different if they were 50 gems. Most of the time the items you receive are no where worth the cost. I have over 350 chests and climbing. It would be a great idea to increase the drop rate of keys, if for no other reason, to try and entice people into buying them, but the price is still way too high.
Remove the stupid DR system, un-nerf shelter/pennitent, put a volume slider on weapon sounds. Give the people a fair way to get Precursors. Undo a lot of the fun killing nerfs.
Remove waypoint travel fees, or possible have some kind of reward that reduces the cost.
Remove or drastically lower the armor repair bills!
(edited by Miss Pink Floyd.9730)
Thank you for the offer Milennin, I am on US servers. I was however able to get help in doing this, and was able to finally finish it, albeit a lot poorer because of armor repairs.
I think that there were more sounds after the January patch, either that or the loudness made it sound that way, this was before the nerf, where the sound was not audible.
Yes, DR does carry over into other areas. My characters have all been hit with DR and I have not been able to shake it, even after doing dungeons, fractals, quests etc.
The necro staff sounds are now pretty much dull and strange, The old was much better, however it was just too loud. We need to petition for either stand alone audio files, or a volume slider for weapons, so everyone can be happy!
NO, it needs to go higher, they just fixed it and now I can finally hear it if I am not fighting. It is a chainsaw, so it is supposed to sound like one. I paid good money for my chainsaw, and I do not want it nerfed again!
They just need to put a volume slider in for the weapons. I liked the old necro staff sound better, it was just too loud, now, because of complaints, it sounds just odd and mild. The weapon sounds will never please everyone, so I hope that they will put a slider in, so that I can hear my chainsaw while I am in battle, and adjust the other ones to my liking.
Another option would be to have stand alone sound files so that users could just modify/replace them to suit their own desires. I would ramp up the volume on my chainsaw, and customize others. That option would be better than the slider.
.ogg files would be nice, and are used in other games.
Does the chain saw sword bother anyone else? Am I the only one?
NO, it needs to go higher, they just fixed it and now I can hear it if I am not fighting. It is a chainsaw, so it is supposed to sound like one. They just need to put a volume slider in for the weapons. I liked the old necro staff sound better, it was just too loud, now, because of complaints, it sounds just odd and mild. The weapon sounds will never please everyone, so I hope that they will put a slider in, so that I can hear my chainsaw while I am in battle, and adjust the other ones to my liking.
Another option would be to have stand alone sound files so that users could just modify/replace them to suit their own desires. I would ramp up the volume on my chainsaw, and customize others. That option would be better than the slider.
.ogg files would be nice, and are used in other games.
This is a poorly designed storyline, it’s worse than killing Zaitan. I destroyed multiple sets of armor trying this. I give up on any more story quests, it just is not worth the trouble and expense it cost me in armor repair. The whole repair cost really is what aggravates me the most, I am double punished for failure, it costs me my hard earned gold to repair, which after all the nerfs, is very hard to come by these days.
I have a warrior with the latest GREEN armor and was using duel axes and rifle. when the enemies storm past the gate, I got the enemy population down to about 10 or so, but with the knockdowns, I am unable to get back up before being destroyed. If I try to pick them off one by one from a distance, new ones start hobbling in one by one replacing the ones that I kill. This is next to impossible to do without help. I never ruined entire sets of armor doing the final storyline where I had to destroy zaitan, why on gods green earth is this so difficult? I can get to level 80 without these storyline quests, they are nothing but expensive repair bills and endless frustration!
PS> Just to show how ridiculous armor repair prices are, I just sold my broken armor to merchant for just under 4 silver, I bought new from TP for about 7 silver. I saved a lot by selling my broken junk, which I just bought one level ago, this system is so messed up and I strongly dislike it! Why is it cheaper to buy new armor? Didn’t the devs take this into consideration?
(edited by Miss Pink Floyd.9730)
Thanks for the replies, I am on the Jade Quarry server, it must have been out of rotation awhile. It has been about 5 days since I last saw it. I agree with one of the replies above, it is sad that people need an incentive to rez someone, I always stop when it’s safe to help someone. I died in Caer Shadowfain, by falling from the vista above. I watched people come and go right past me, without even a second look, finally I asked in chat and some kind soul came to my rescue.
When did they remove the healer from the daily quests? When healer was an option, people actually would take the time to rez, in fact, they would fight over who rezzed first. Now I find myself lying on the ground, people going past and not even bothering to rez anymore. Please add this back to the daily quests again, that actually gave people the incentive to rez, now they have none.
I would gladly use gems to buy an armor or weapon skin, but I do not wish to gamble my gems away on chance.
This is ridiculous, I have searched for these things and they are few and far between, and to make them one per day (and 150 of them WTF?), makes this one of the worst headaches in the game that I have seen.
I finally received the 2nd copy, now to get the 1st one refunded.
I purchased another copy of GW2 an hour ago and I had trouble with that email address, so I never got the code. I contacted support and decided to ask for a refund and mentioned that I would re-purchase again with a different email address. I just re-purchased it again, and I still did not get a serial code. This is 2 purchases that I made tonight for GW2 and I am still without a code. Now what? How long is this supposed to take? Should I file another ticket and ask for another refund? This is really upsetting!
Well, hope is better than no hope, so I will keep my fingers crossed.
It is now just audible, I can finally hear it, however, if there is any fighting at all, the sound can’t be heard at all. What good is a weapon sound if we can’t hear it in battle? If you won’t increase it on a global level, why not give each user the option to increase it on his/her end? Just listen to some of the other weapon sounds, like necro staff and many others, those are loud enough to drive you nuts, why is the chainsaw any different?
I don’t care if it is not done globally so others can hear it, but please let me hear it when I am fighting, that’s what it is for.
The more people complains the better, hopefully the company listens and start doing something worthwhile. This 4 series patches suck, the storyline blows, wvw progression is bleh at best and pve is still lack lusting.
I don’t think they will ever care enough to listen, we have repeatedly told them what we wanted, yet we get slapped with one nerf right after the other.
Not good for engineers. Nerfed their most powerful build (which wasn’t that powerful anyway); nerfed many less common builds; buffed underpowered aspects to still be underpowered. Expect less diversity in engineers as more move to pistol/elixir/condition builds. There may be a few more turrets around, but expect the numbers to remain very low.
Very low indeed! I can’t help but wonder why!
Business as usual for Anet, nerf the game until it reeks!
I just knew that when they went to splitting the one gold a day from the chest, that the additional chances for rares were as dismal as before, sure enough, additional chests yield garbage as before. Why did they have to remove the increased % chance of getting rares from the original chest? Now there is virtually zero chance of getting more than one gold per chest per day. As usual, they have managed to nerf / ruin a good thing, so really I am not at all surprised. The only good thing this patch offered me is that, now I can finally hear my chainsaw again, because it was mega-nerfed last time.
With this game, it’s best to expect disappointment, that way, it doesn’t come as that great of a shock!
I used to hate swamp, but now I enjoy it, however, how do you spot the traps? I was never able to see them, and just put up with the inconvenience.
so effectively….you are making it that killing the boss gets you the rare…not the chest itself…and reverting the chest back to its old drop table while still limiting the amount of times we can get said chest? why not remove the 1 chest per character limit if that isn’t where the guaranteed rare is coming from? is anet afraid we will flood the market with blues like before?
I believe the normal loot has also been improved, thus the char bound limit. I find I get rares more readily now aside from the guaranteed rare.
Yes, and that is what bothers me. Since I get 2 or 3 rares occasionally from chests since the patch, is it now going to be just one, and the rest blues and greens again, or will I have just as much of a chance at 2 or 3 rares as I do now?
It’s funny that you said that, that also happened to us occasionally.
I appreciate all the tips, I will share this with my group and see how it goes…Thank you!