Please add me as well. Thank you!
I just don’t understand: The Game engine is there to make TRULY epic content! You have the ability to scale an event….you have the ability to time an event….you have the ability (as shown with the scarlet invasions) to allow a certain event to be joinable for a certain amount of time… have the ability to chain events…and you have the models and graphics to do some truly cool things…so why doesn’t ANET use them!
What about not simply, when the event starts…a bone wall forms across the water on the one side of sparkfly fen (first sign that tequatl is coming) and it pushes everyone that is in the splintered coast outside of that bone-wall (they already have done this in other events so the technology exists within the engine)…then hoards of undead start shambling out of the two other openings into the splintered coast…you have to fight your way through the two other tunnels to get into the splintered coast during a 5 minutes timeframe (similar to the scarlet invasion 5 minute timer) this eliminates all AFK’rs and forces people to work together to get inside…also showing that you are STOPPING and invasion of undead into the rest of sparkfly)…After these 5 minutes another bonewall forms over the entrance to the two caves blocking everyone inside, inside…there is no waypointing in or out…so yes, REZZING will be important. Now you scale the event to the amount of people that are inside when it starts…you can actually even adjust the scale as the battle goes on!
Undead start shambling out of the waves…heading towards the turrets, you need to kill these undead quickly before they destroy the turrets (turrets are bot-manned)… if you successfully destroy the undead before the turrets get destroyed tequatl shows up crashing in on a giant wave that knocks everyone down but otherwise doesn’t do damage…(if you fail at stopping turrets from being destroyed, same wave…but it kills everyone thereby ending the event) Tequatl will start spawning fingers and poison pools….fight mechanics with Tequatl can remain (jump waves, dodge poison, protect batteries, etc)) but with not being able to cleanse the poison with the turrets (they are bot-run), it forces people to constantly move…rather than fight in a zerg…make him scale also to the amount of people there…so yes, if 35 people are there, they can still fight him…it will still be an “epic” fight for a small group. The amount of turrets left alive makes it harder / easier to damage him…35 people probably cannot defeat him without full turrets, or maybe they could repair the turrets)
All the engine stuff is already there to make this truly good content. Different waves of Tequatl could have a small grace period in between them for people to change up skills (a break while tequatl flies around like Jormag)….MAKE people change up skills like you do in fractals in between fights….THAT is what makes something an elite fight, forcing people to think…not just having a ton of HP to get past.
Right now the fight is not Elite, or epic, its stupid, you actually use far more of your skills going through an average fractal run than you do in this fight.
Southsun has been empty since the living story ended there on Borlis Pass, My large guild and another guild organized and killed the Karka queen only once since then…that battle felt more epic than this because we weren’t all standing in a zerg. I HATE zerg fighting…its stupid and requires no skill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still want to defeat Tequatl, but it will definitely be a once and done event and I guarantee if it remains as it is, tequatl will be a ghost town on Borlis Pass just like Southsun is right now as soon as the next even starts next week.
Sorry so long, I don’t post much…but when I do….its EPIC! LOL.
Currently on GW2 I have 5 level 80’s, all of which are in exotic gear with ascended rings, necklaces and accessories…I play each of them for different things and am very good at them. My Main is a guardian all in ascendeds with even ascended weapons, but also has all infusion slots filled with the elite crafted infusions (+5 stat, +5AR)…I was doing level 71 on fractals before the fractal weapons came out. I can solo almost any champ in the game with him…I take it as a challenge to myself to do so…it is fun to me. I do not do WvW or PVP because I like the more “fantastical” elements of the game. I enjoy fighting Monsters, not people…I enjoy the open world concept. I regularly get called up from people in even other servers to do dungeons or fractals with me…because they think I am good….I really did think I was a good player.
That is until I was told (not once, but repeatedly) that I am a terrible player…The only thing I know how to do is hit 1,1,1,1,1,1. Because I have not gotten lucky enough to have been in a group that has defeated the new Tequatl.
I REALLY looked forward to this revamp. The first time I saw Tequatl take down the little tower on the hill I loved it. I loved the first time I saw Jormag come crashing from the sky. I wanted ANET to bring back that AWE. I don’t think I have ever been more excited for content than I was for this content…I plastered my desktop with Tequatl images and defended the fight for the first several days even though people were saying it was “impossible”. I was REALLY excited when BlackGate beat him the first time and read through every thread on the encounter…I immediately bought some ascended PVT armor and new undead sigils as well as runes for Power and toughness. I stocked up on potions and food and started trying to organize groups to fight him…I have fought Tequatl 20 times and have wasted countless hours sitting in sparkfly fen to get out of overflows or to stay in the main servers….I had a week off from work!!!
….and I am disappointed. This is not an elite fight, this is not something that I am in AWE over…if anything it is stupid. There is not even much work for commanders to do….really it boils down to do you have good people on the turrets who can stay on the turrets without some idiot jumping onto them and ruining the fight. I have a bigger challenge fighting a champ than I do by standing in one spot being pelted by poison until the turret clears it…only to Jump, wait, jump….I could probably script a bot to do this fight easily.
I really wanted this fight to be epic, especially after all the hype of not being able to beat it…but it simply is not…and within a couple of weeks, no one will do it again and I will have lost my chance to beat tequatl. That is honestly the feeling I have…that I have to get into a group and kill him now because in a few weeks no one will do it again. This fight has not brought people together…it has driven them apart, and it is killing servers like BP. I know of a couple of entire Guilds that have left Borlis Pass now simply because of this fight…and several other people I know…they are all proud now that they have beaten tequatl 4-5-7 times…and they all urge me to do the same…come to their server…it will all be better, Borlis Pass sucks….
Most of my friends are on Borlis Pass, I started on Borlis Pass, and I will remain on Borlis Pass…I LIKE Borlis Pass, even if we don’t ever get any love from ANET. Game content should not be for the big servers only nor should it drive people to jump servers (a common suggestion I am seeing on these forums)…but I bet it does make a lot of money for ANET in transfer fees….and as such, this has probably been extremely successful for them. The only time I have ever seen an ANET logo on a player was when I was guesting on Black Gate doing an event with a group of friends there….I had to ask them what it was…and they told me. I guess it is commonplace on the big servers to see ANET out and about. I had never seen one on Borlis Pass, maybe that is why the low-pop servers don’t get any love. Maybe they need to come out and see how the common folk live when they release content.
Considering the above here is how an improved Tequatl fight would look like:
-Arcanist lab houses another power station and its event cannot be active during Tequatls. The quagan event provides extra NPCs for the north station. Completing the gorge quest reduces the number of mobs assaulting the SE station.
-Event starts, hordes of undead start spawning across the entire coast length and start walking inland. These mobs will continuously assault 10 points: 6 turrets and 4 power stations. Bloaters will head directly for the stations and try to blow up on them. Mob rank is adjusted according to the total of players in the entire area but never goes past veteran. With this system the event could be scaled all the way down to 20 players and still be just as challenging.
After 2 minutes Tequatl makes his entrance and starts spawning his fingers and small waves. Tequatl has a individual damage threshold on each of his 3 points that resets every few seconds – damaging all 3 points at the same time does the most damage. The undead increase in numbers and start running. Fingers spawn poison around them. Hylek turrets deal increased damage to Tequatl, bone walls and fingers and clense their poison. Batteries begin charging the laser. If a battery is destroyed the charging is slowed. If all 4 batteries are destroyed the laser will not fire and the event fails. Laser does 20% damage to Tequatl and fires every 2 minutes with all 4 stations charging it. It is the primary source of damage and stuns Tequatl.
After the stun ends Tequatl roars, spawns a wall and a champion for each of the stations. If the wall is not destroyed before the laser fires again it instead destroys the wall with no damage to the dragon.If Tequatl is not defeated in 13 minutes he spawns the big wave, then destroys the laser. At this point a massive army of undead overruns the area and a new event spawns to recapture it.
THIS oh please THIS…this is the fight I was waiting for with the tequatl event. This is the fight I would pay money to play…not the current Tequatl KITTENfest.
Please send invite. Thank you.
Okay, it appears you now cannot get this achievement as it was moved to the archived section. I for one am actually very angry that I put in close to a full time job into this single achievement (40 hours or so) and did not get it. In the future ANET, if you choose to make an event take a ridiculous amount of time to complete…MAKE SURE EVERYONE can complete it, not just some people.
This was mostly frustrating because seeing the time commitment needed for this I at first decided (since I have a day job) that I would not complete it, then after I quickly got 12 of 13 (quick being over 14 or so hours over 3 nights) I figured I would spend the time to finish it….only to have it become an episode of futility over and over and over again.
Ditto, twisted Portal sent me no-where…just flopped me over. This was after I already used one.
Okay, after I started keeping track, I have done all 13 maps 3 times (at least) each. Many of the maps I did 4-5-6 times. I stayed through the entire map, I didn’t crash, or if I did I made sure to do at least one portal right after. I didn’t switch characters and did all 13 with the same character. I did everything “right” that I could think of…and I am still 12 / 13 after spending an over a week being at 12 / 13. If I count the fact that I was 12 / 13 prior to keeping track then I probably did every map 4x each.
If you didn’t make achievement points matter, and this one being worth 25 is a LOT of achievement points for an event…people probably wouldn’t complain so much (for instance I had another bugged event one of the priors, but it was only worth 1 pt so who cares).
REALLY frustrating having to do this event over and over (I do not enjoy farming) only to still not have it.
I’ve found it has nothing to do with the order, but all broken with latest patch. I can either…play the game in triple monitor, but not be able to map-transport since the map is broken when I bring it up…OR play in window mode and have the map-transport work, but now all cut-scenes are warped / and / or have black bars on the top and bottom with whole areas unviewable. Both of these makes the game really un-enjoyable…and this is a game I used to use to show off my triple monitor setup.
My only fix seems to be to play in Full screen during dungeons’ etc…and have to deal with the fact that I cannot move my “chat” screen and it is stuck between two monitors. And then when I die in a dungeon and have to Map transport to a waypoint in the dungeon…I have to hit F11 and change to windowed mode…map transport…and then go back so I don’t miss a cut scene.
It worked great before!! Where is the QA for the triple monitor setup?