This is more of a suggestion to players than for ANET.
I see a lot of talk about “end game content” by players and players who say that GW2 has no end game content. I am thoroughly confused by this.
In games like WoW and EQ2 and etc, you have level zones and leveling and once you reach max level (or any level above the zone level) you will never ever go back to those zones because you can simply breath and everything around you dies. So, what do max-level people have to do? They need “end game content” so they do not get bored, they need the grind of new things, and RAIDS, and new shinies to occupy their time and keep them playing.
GW2 is different in one major aspect from any of these games. It has dynamic level scaling….and yes, I know that a level 80 downscaled to level 5 is way more powerful than a normal level 5, but ANET keeps improving this scaling and I have to say, that now, it is far more fun to go to a lower level area than it was early on in the game…and yes, you might actually get defeated by something in a low level area!
But more importantly, this scaling means that you have a much larger world in which to do things than you do in WoW (since you can go to any zone and not just your level appropriate zones).
So, to these people who want “end game content” that they can do to keep from getting bored with the game I present some things you can do:
1: Level an Alt of each class to learn how they work.
2: Level a character of Each race and go through their personal story (can be combined with 1).
3: Level a character of Each Faction (vigil, priory, whispers) and go through their story. (can be combined with 1, 2)
4: Do each of the different forks of your various race / faction.
5: Find and succeed at each of the jumping puzzles in the game even if you hate jumping puzzles. It teaches you good game mechanics for later.
6: Find and succeed at each of the mini-dungeons in the game.
7: Complete all dungeon story-modes and each of the explorable paths of every dungeon…not just COF P1 and HOTW P1.
8: If you want challenging content: Get to Personal Reward level of 51 in FOTM…(this will also give you ascended rings for all your alts as well as 20 slot bags for your alts and possibly ascended weapons).
9: Complete all the “goggles” locations around the world.
10: if you like to grind for something, complete all your “Slayer” achievements.
11: if you like to grind for something, complete all your “weapon kill” achievements.
12: Find every mini-chest around the world and defeat each of their “guardians”.
13: Complete your world exploration to 100%
14: Solo a dungeon…or two….too easy? Solo FOTM and see how high you can get and still solo it.
And now people will say: “but I want rewards!”….if you do all of the above, it is probably 3-4000 achievement points. That is several achievement boxes worth of stuff, not to mention several of the things above give you titles that you can show off to show how “leet” you are.
After you have completed all of those…then come here on the boards and talk about how ANET needs to add more “end game content” and I will be right there with you…I have personally done: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 (highest solo fractals set is 12 currently including MAW). I am one jumping puzzle away from 5 being complete (and I hate jumping puzzles)…Im a LONG way from weapon kills achievements….only have 5 weapons complete.
This is all “end game content” for after you have successfully leveled your first character to level 80. Since I started doing these things with guild-mates and friends, we have all started playing more often, started exploring the world more (and discovered things we never saw before), and started having fun within the game again with each other and even other players (you meet a lot of people when you start helping them with mini-dungeons and jumping puzzles)! And we have all gotten a ton of titles and rewards to show off to other players…and none of this even includes the WvW and PvP achievements! (we have now started on the WvW achievements, none of us likes PvP but maybe after WvW).