i just can’t believe it also. How can AN allows that the scepter’s clones main attack be plainly useless (no damage, no multihits for critical chances to help stack bleed, no boons or any other conditions) totally p useless. Give them a 1 second confusion or burn or at least make them the only clone to apply normal damage like the original mesmer just like the clone created by the counter and make thecounter be a clne that applies a 5sec. confusion instead of dealing damage. Please make those scepter clones do something other than looking pretty grrrrr. The scepter needs to be improved.
Other than the fact that it looks exactly like the player and functions as a decent distraction? This has practical applications in PvE and PvP.
About a month back I sent in a ticket due to a run-in I had with the gem store.
Basically, what happened was:
1) I tried buying a Krytan Armor Skin package from the gem store. Didn’t receive a mail, didn’t get my gem balance reduced(yet).
2) So I tried to buy it again, didn’t receive a mail, didn’t get my gem balance reduced.
3) I had a bad feeling, so I relogged. Lo and behold, I lost 1000 gems, which led to me creating the ticket.
4) Ticket came back with a generic answer, telling me to reply back to support if I didn’t receive a refund. I didn’t receive one, so I sent in a reply. Got back an answer which stated in an arbitrary manner that I did receive a refund that never existed.
5) So I resigned myself that I was never going to get a refund, and bought another Krytan Armor Skin package when I thought the gem store was a bit more stabilized.
Flash forward 20+ days to today:
2 mails popped up while I was doing a storyline dungeon. Lo and behold, the 2 Krytan Armor Skin packages that went in limbo magically decided to come back, when I no longer had any use for them.
Thanks….I guess? For trolling me royally.
I really wasn’t talking about the fact that you posted it OP, but since you decided to attack me for pointing out that there was a post made a whole hour (and probably others long before that)before yours and that it already has a valid answer. Lets talk common sense a moment. As I posted on the other thread:
While it COULD look like a bug – a little commonsense goes a helluva long way. They just said:
Halloween is coming! It’s our favorite time of year, so in addition to the in-game madness that we can’t tell you about quite yet…
One would instantly understand that its not a bug.
Then again, this is the internet where everything has to be broken and common sense does not exist.
When I first saw the change it was instinctive to know what ‘???’ meant. It’s really not rocket science, but instead of it being ‘something cool’ everyone runs to the forums and QQ’s about it being a bug.
This is what happens when people with overly-vivid imaginations draw lines between two different things that are related at most on a tangent, then expect everyone else to be as completely out of touch of reality as them.
Same as the “if I can’t do it, others can’t” and the “if I can’t do it, it must mean the others who are doing it are cheating” bunch of people.
The warrior’s 3% extra damage is probably worth every other classes’ 5-10% other than maybe the thief. Stop complaining or bring this to a more appropriate discussion board, warriors already have it easy with one of the best dps in the game.
DKP.41961. Your doing it wrong.
2.Your doing it wrong. Your not supposed to attack the mobs from outside. Get inside the bubble.
3.Your doing it wrong.
4.Your still doing it wrong.
5.Its not a bug fest other than sometimes certain class cant hit the flowers.
1. It’s actually a viable strategy to burn down the boss.
2. This is probably the only thing you’ve got right here.
3. Also a viable strategy. Killing one add at a time makes this boss heaps easier.
4. Doing it right. You can either kill the phantasmal trees as they spawn, or have a single person hold aggro and kite them around. Viable strategy.
5. Projectile hitbox bug, you may not want to acknowledge it’s a bug, but it is, and it is not limited to the blossoms and can happen to any game object with an awkward hitbox.
Finally, please spell correctly and get your facts right before you criticize others like a ignorant and stuck up prick.
You get lots of jokers running builds that flat out are inferior to everything else available, like 30 points into beastmastery to “make the ranger pet not die that quickly”, or slotting useless skills into utility slots that don’t contribute significantly to damage, healing or utility like Prayer to Lyssa(yes, I have seen people running this skill in dungeons).
Then you get players like our OP, who complain that easy dungeons are too hard for them running all these inferior builds and strategies.
If one runs a decent build, doesn’t go glass cannon, and brings in like-minded players, while focusing on dodging mechanics rather than standing in one spot blindly dpsing, dungeons are manageable even for the subpar group.
OP: I am not a fan of the Signets, even if you make a Signet optimize build, they are just not good enough. I would use Lightning Reflexes to break stuns/get some distance and Protect me, probably the best survival skill Rangers have.
Since you are doing a Pet build i do not understand why you are using Roots instead of Rampage As One which boosts your pet and yourself. A key element in damage and getting away (stability).
__________________________________________________________________Shared Anguish: Possibly the worst Ranger trait. It has a 90sec cool down. Rater use Lightning Reflexes and/or Hide in Plain sight.
As far as an escape tool goes, Stability only “Ignore[s] control effects (stun, knockback, launch, knockdown, sink, float, fear, daze).” Notably absent from that list is roots and slows. I believe pulls are also unaffected by it. In my experience, those effects are far more likely to keep you from getting away than the effects that Stability does prevent.
Therefore, I find that a PBAoE (Point Blank Area of Effect) root that doesn’t require you to be facing your target(s), doesn’t require you to have a target, can be cast on the move, and can root multiple targets is far more useful as an escape tactic than is Stability. Rampage as One’s swiftness boost is good for extra speed, which is good for escape, but I find the Warhorn’s swiftness boost more useful and on a much shorter cooldown.
Additionally, Entangle does damage to those it has trapped, and it can prevent targets from getting away from you as well, including those who were pursuing you. The latter means you can use it to escape, or you can turn the hunter(s) into prey.
Stability is more useful as an offensive buff in that it keeps you from being interrupted by those control effects. That means that, coupled with the other boosts Rampage as One gives, Rampage is a great way of ensuring you do a lot of damage with some minor help if you need to escape. Entangle, however, is a much stronger escape tool, and can be used offensively as well (to keep targets from getting away).
Playstyle, the situation you will face, and your weapon choices greatly affect which is more useful. Personally, I use them both, switching in the one I think is most likely to be useful in a given situation.
Rangers do not have a 100% uptime speed boost, and RaO helps with that. That being said, you are probably not going to get a lot of might stacks from your pet attacks so this skill is essentially half useless.
Entangle is situationally better, but requires you to be pretty much in melee range. If it’s a zerg, you are going to die and it’s not going to even come close to saving you.
In the meantime, I can put a better skill on my bar like Muddy Terrain or Frost Trap to help my party survive better. Keeping your pet alive is definitely not as important as keeping your group alive.
Pets are so useless in WvW, and you have 30 points into it.
Yes, it’s the ultimate WvW build, for failing really hard.
Hint: You only need 5 points for quickness.
I already hit 3-4k crits with my Longbow. Vanilla or not, it’s an invaluable weapon for me.
That is only possible with rapid fire. Even then, Poison Volley actually does way more damage, reduces healing and doesn’t require you to channel it. Longbow is just so bad a weapon that aside from the knockback/10 stacks vuln and the occasional rare situation where you barrage in WvW I would laugh at anyone using the weapon.
Just get a ranger with triple traps, and watch those groups explode in seconds.
Anyone can do it with sufficient ranged ccs and ground target aoes.
If a level cap didn’t exist, I would be running around with at least 500 beside my name. And in a year’s time, possibly 10k+.
Unsightly and out-of-place, so no thank you.
I find it a pity you can’t reexperience them without creating another character altogether. You could do it in GW and it was a huge contribution to the replayability of the game.
1) Obviously it’s character based. How else do people speedrun Arah resetting the dungeon by having the group leader relog to an alt?
2) Nope, I did not have a bugged DR status during the path DR was first introduced.
Crackpot theories, are eventually still crackpot theories with no real logic behind it.
It wouldn’t explain how the rest of my team wiped 3 times trying to run past mobs while I stood at the next boss waiting for them to return, yet get 45 tokens when the rest of them received 60.
Unless of course, you are insinuating that the less time between a death and clearing the dungeon results in a lesser chance of triggering the DR.
In any case, it’s a really far-fetched and ludicrous theory, but disproven anyway by my experience.
Path of scars definitely does not do that damage. You are confusing it with the damage numbers on other skills, or using it on a target under frenzy.
With 3.2k total attack and 71% crit damage modifier plus traits which maximize my damage, I could only deal 1.7k-1.8k crits to the light armor dummy.
At no point in your video does it show 3.5k crits either, those were numbers from other skills like Whirling Defense or the end-damage number from Hunter’s Call.
Highly exaggerated.
You only touch the Longbow for the 10 vuln stacks or the knockback. Even so you rather just run shortbow + axe/warhorn for the utility.
Shortbows just deal a lot more damage, even to multiple targets, than Longbows do.
The only 2 skills you would really switch to the Longbow to use are Hunter’s Shot and Point Blank Shot. The rest just results in a huge dps loss and a waste of time better spent using a Shortbow.
The daily achievement for the mystic coin resets at 12pm. Apparently dungeons reset at 5pm. 5 hour difference so if all the information in this thread is correct you were probably hit by the DR.
That might have made sense if only there weren’t a 12 hour interval in between the runs I did before and after the patch.
Instead the accurate picture is:
2 TA runs -> mystic coin reset + dungeon reset + patch -> 2 TA runs --————————{ 12 hour period }My bedtime happens to be right around now, which is included in the 12 hour period.
So there’s absolutely no way I should have been hit by DR.
Except for it’s 12 pm and 5pm pacific standard time respectively. It’s not based on your local time.
It’s not a 12 hour period. It’s a 24 hour period and as we saw with the patch last week it takes things into consideration that you did before the patch is actually applied to the game.
That would definitely still mean I shouldn’t be affected by diminishing returns, even if I were going by the wrong standards. Do the math yourself.
If it’s too difficult for you, all you need to know is that the exact same information given to a dev resulted in the same conclusion he had that I have drawn.
And yes, while I didn’t necessarily figure out it was PST you were referring to, I have a separate clock for the server time in this game(and I selected the option to display server time in game, too), which is essentially PST, and factored that into my calculations.
Thanks, but no thanks for your snottiness, though.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
The daily achievement for the mystic coin resets at 12pm. Apparently dungeons reset at 5pm. 5 hour difference so if all the information in this thread is correct you were probably hit by the DR.
That might have made sense if only there weren’t a 12 hour interval in between the runs I did before and after the patch.
Instead the accurate picture is:
2 TA runs -> mystic coin reset + dungeon reset + patch -> 2 TA runs --————————{ 12 hour period }
My bedtime happens to be right around now, which is included in the 12 hour period.
So there’s absolutely no way I should have been hit by DR.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
No, that was clearly the first dungeon I ran that day, after dailies(the chest daily quest is the benchmark I go by to tell if a new day has passed) were clearly reset.
The dungeon was done in 45 minutes, this is more or less accurate as I always set down a Peach Pie Tray for a 1 hour buff the moment the group enters the dungeon and there were 14 minutes left after picking up end credit.
Something is not right here.
I’d agree with that information, something isn’t right about you getting hit by the DR system if it was your very first run of the day from any dungeon path. We’ve seen reports of this happening to some players, and we’ll continue working on the system to find and resolve problems. Posting your issue about it helps us narrow the search fields down on what might actually be causing problems. I’ll PM you here in a bit asking for some more information that I can pass along to our programmers.
You may look through game logs to find that my information is factual. I have every confidence I have not misappropriated, exaggerated or played down any bit of information given in this thread.
The dungeon in question is Twilight Arbor, spider path where you fight Fyonna.
While I have done the exact same path + dungeon the previous day, I am also extremely certain that the day has “reset” due to the mystic coin daily quest resetting, and thus I should obtain 60 tokens, not 45 for that run.
I was gaining credit for the daily throughout that run, if that helps.
If they really put a 943 option, you would be posting a really ill-conceived thread about how the system awarded you a “wrong” for putting in what you thought was the correct answer.
It’s doubly idiot-proofed so people like you who actually went ahead to count would find that there is no option list for their answer, then re-read the question to find out they were horribly mistaken in their previous interpretation.
Unfortunately, the kiddy wheels are not enough for some special snowflakes and must waste the time of 4 able-bodied helpers covering all sides and holding their hands so they can’t ever possibly screw up something so simple.
So, pray tell, how does a player get 45 tokens from a single dungeon clear?
Diminishing rewards on the first time of the day running that particular dungeon path?
You are being impacted by the DR system for your path as a result of having completed several other paths too quickly, before going to that specific path. Because you were being influenced by other the DR system, the 60 tokens you earned were diminished to 45.
Can I assume you did a few other paths and got 60 tokens for those?In the event an exploit happens that allows players to clear different dungeon paths quicker than expected, the DR system also kicks in.
No, that was clearly the first dungeon I ran that day, after dailies(the chest daily quest is the benchmark I go by to tell if a new day has passed) were clearly reset.
The dungeon was done in 45 minutes, this is more or less accurate as I always set down a Peach Pie Tray for a 1 hour buff the moment the group enters the dungeon and there were 14 minutes left after picking up end credit.
Something is not right here.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
For starters, Anet has made their stance clear that they are only going to punish legitimate players. Hence, the entire premise of this thread is flawed.
Comprehension, and people automatically rejecting an answer that is dangling in front of their noses.
What we’re seeing in a lot of these cases, is that players actually have beaten the path the day before, so they aren’t getting the first run bonus of the day, since it hasn’t rolled over yet to the next day (the rollover happens at 5pm pacific time).
For instance:-It’s 10pm at night, you beat CoF Magg chain. You go to bed.
-Patch happens at Midnight.
-Wake up at 8am. Log in, get new patch.
-Run Magg’s chain, see diminished returns.In that case, the new ‘day’ hasn’t rolled over yet because it’s not 5pm. So you get hit by the diminished returns.
Not saying this is the answer to ALL cases, but it has proven to be the answer of many of the cases. After 5pm today, when everything is rolled over, we’re hoping to see things settle out with the DR system.
My Opinion: the day should roll over at the same time we push patches. I’m going to talk to someone about this…
So, pray tell, how does a player get 45 tokens from a single dungeon clear?
Diminishing rewards on the first time of the day running that particular dungeon path?
You’ve got to be kidding.
…that there is something wonky with dungeon rewards in general?
Please? With cherries on top?
Nobody likes to repeatedly bash their heads against a wall, and in this case multiple players are experiencing the same reported problem are getting stonewalled by the dungeon design team saying it is working as intended.
It is not working as intended to have different players in the group get awarded random numbers of tokens per dungeon clear. It is also not working as intended to get diminishing returns slapped on running different dungeon paths simultaneously at more than 1 hour intervals.
Nobody likes dealing with people in denial. Please admit it, announce that something has gone wrong and a fix is in order, then never repeat this mistake again.
Mobs need to drop tokens randomly again like they used to be in BWE. The solution is to make clearing mobs more enticing, not implement ways to prevent speed clearing, most of which would break the game more than fix.
If there must be a way of teaching players how to run dungeons, a good starting place would be to have flashing neon style pop-ups for each player stating:
1) Red circles are bad, stay out of them as they cause your character to incur additional repair costs
2) Kiting is great against melee and ranged mobs alike
3) Standing in one spot to dps and expecting results is bad and results in additional repair costs
4) This is not another “insert infamous MMO name” clone
5) Please use the brains nature has provided you to play this game
Would go a long way to explain to players that their tank-and-spank strategy in other MMOs don’t work in here, and they bought this game even though it was a clearly and widely advertised feature.
They already do this…..
Some* already do this. Not all events which spawn waves of mobs do, though.
So let me get this straight:
1) You want the better support spec and profession
2) You list 2 options, the first of which is a far inferior option for support for that profession, and the second is probably the best or second best support option for that profession
3) You want us to help you choose between those two.
The only appropriate answer to a very uninformed enquiry is a very ill-conceived answer, which I will give to you now – play what you want to play, bro.
I don’t see why fun and rewards have to be mutually exclusive.
As far as I know, nobody argued they are mutually exclusive.
You did. Please refer to your thread title, then refer to every other reply you have made since the start of this thread. Unless of course, you have a selective memory, or your definition of NOT reward-centric happens to differ from the rest of the human race, in either case you need help.
So you are honestly saying you can kill all the mobs in the magg run choice in COF without kiting or suicide running it till 200 secs? Cause i call B.S. on that. Nothing exploit y or buggy with that event just kill the mobs, but the problem with this is that NO ONE can kill them like that as its intended.
Maybe, just maybe, if you used the brains nature has given you, you would realize a survival fight isn’t necessarily a fight you need to kill everything under the sun. Your entire premise is flawed when you ARE supposed to survive the time allotted by any means possible.
In any case, I have done it the so-called “intended” method by killing them as soon as they spawn. Not difficult, learn to focus fire and AoE.
Also, you would look less stupid as a poster if you didn’t take whatever you quoted entirely out of context and added extra ingredients to it. I said nothing about whatever ludicrous claims you made.
And in the meantime, millions of players in-game are pugging explorable and story mode dungeons alike and managing to clear them.
Here we have a very small minority of the playerbase who can’t handle combat mechanics more complex than standing in a single spot, dpsing, and expecting results.
And anet knows that. Which means this thread will just be forgotten like every other “I am bad at this game, please make easy content even easier for me” QQ thread.
The only things which need tweaking or fixing are the numerous bugs and exploits in dungeons. Nothing more, or less.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
I was rolling on the floor laughing when I saw this thread. Bad players are always going to be bad. When they said dungeons were for everyone, they must have thought all humans have at least half a brain to begin with – obviously untrue, judging from the OP as well as every other poster whining about how difficult they are.
Here’s a hint – they aren’t, learn to kite, learn to deal with mechanics, this isn’t some other cheesy boring MMO where you get a tank to sit on a boss and have a healer spam heals on him while you afk leaving a macro to wail on the boss for 10 minutes.
Ok cool, look forward to hearing from you.
Oh just wanted you to know, we changed our Forum address to http://knightsofbeowulf.com/ if you are thinking of contacting us there. The forum site we made yesterday was on one of those free sites that contained to many misleading ads.
I spoke to you in game already, looking forward to the time we run dungeons.
What are you actually complaining about? The fact that some have longer cooldowns then others?
The elite skills often require some synergy to get the most out of them, some do.. some don’t.. it’s called Variety.
Basilisk venom can be extremely potent if you make a build around it.. granting allies this venom is freaking lethal :P Meanwhile Thieves guild can be slotted into many types of builds.. but it is easily avoidable at the same time.
I don’t mind elites having long cooldowns.. they are not really that important unless you have built your entire build around it, which tends to work best with the lower CD elites.
If you don’t know what this thread is about, you obviously never played GW1, and are not fit to comment in this thread by virtue of the fact you don’t have the knowledge and understanding on the issues involved.
So children such as yourself should go quietly sit in their corner and not interfere in the matters of adults.
Back on topic, I prefer GW1’s short CD elites over GW2’s long CD elites.
I can see where you’re coming from, since representing a guild and then choosing to representing another guild is like saying “heys guys brb, gonna hang out with other my other friends now”. That’s typically not how it goes down in real life.
You must not have much of a life then.
People don’t necessarily hang out with a single group of friends all the time. Watch a movie with one, then club with the other, et al.
Again, Rift was on top of that, with not two, but five different specs that you could load at any time as long as you weren’t in combat.
People just don’t want to play tanks and healers.
“In PvP” are the keywords.
There are plenty of tanks and healers willing to raid and I never had to “wait hours” like some of you exaggerate.
Personally, I prefer the “trinity”, you don’t have to worry about having the roles you need AND the quality of the players involved at the same time.
With GW2, you have to worry about people bringing sufficient copies of snares, condition removals or situational skills like projectile reflection, AND you have to worry about players being good enough to handle the actual combat mechanics.
Of course, the fanbois and gals will start blindly rushing in to lambaste me for those statements, ignoring the fact that I don’t hate GW2’s combat/role system, it’s just that I merely prefer the trinity.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
No, my point stands. People in the army knew that they could do wrong things, and not get punished for it. They did it often, and was one of the reasons I got out.
People botting and farming with macros has “forced” anet to punish everyone who legitimately plays the game instead of taking the time to think of and come up with ways to punish the offenders.
Yes, I am saying only your latter half has a point. The first half was flawed from the get-go. Comparing fundamentally different organizations and settings has no academic value.
It makes theoretical and arguably practical sense to do a sweeping punishment in a military setting. You didn’t agree, and thus left, but that doesn’t change its merit, not one bit.
Doing sweeping punishments in GW2 may result in a fallout with its customers., but the military doesn’t care if you got your feelings hurt over something like that because there are a million and one reasons for justifying actions like that, and are encouraged and sanctioned to do that.
I’m wondering who are those people that you claim are “the best” ?
Especially considering most people in sPvP aren’t even half-decent, so the majority of players running with the popular brain dead offence stat stack are a bad representation of the real effectiveness/potential it has.
You know .. the same people who rely solely on channeled abilities to defeat their opponent, at best have one cc and usually with dmg cd’s for the rest.
Of which the counter is simply to CC during their channel, followed by trying not to fall asleep afterwards.The key to sPvP (aside of teamwork ofc) is defensive abilities and cc, not defensive stats with the exception in some cases like the person above pointed out, being vitality.
It’s not my problem you didn’t do your research on the top sPvP teams and how they build their PvP characters.
But carry on, your myopic views and how you express them are entertaining at the least.
In the meantime, better players will continue to play the right way and obtain results while you try to discredit said better players just because the right way of playing doesn’t sit well with you.
Funny how people choose to fail just to preserve their own pride.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
Reminds me of when I was in the army. When one soldier does something bad, instead of finding out who that soldier is and punishing them, my lazy leadership would “shotgun” everyone in the squad with punishments in hopes we would ferret out the soldier, or pressure him into fixing his ways.
I am getting punished because of botting, yet, I see botters at nearly any event that cycles every 10 minutes? I report them, and they are there for days, botting away.
Lazy leadership. Always.
The army works differently. The mistake of one is the mistake of many. In times of war, one person deserting can cause the entire group to collapse.
This is why everyone is punished, to emphasize that group unity is important, and looking out for your buddies is not just covering up their mistakes, but guiding them on the right path.
Or at least that’s how it is supposed to be. All it achieves is mistrust and is a method for the leadership to vent their frustrations from their own superiors. But I digress.
Civilian environments are different, so your latter half has a point. It is very lazy and hurts the legitimate players moreso than the exploiters or gold sellers.
There’s a difference between expecting perfection, to expecting something understandable and readable.
Although, I guess the community is just at that really low level, after all; it takes one to understand another.
The people crying foul over my perceived nitpicking are absolute hypocrites themselves.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
The engrish in this thread is just astounding.
Hi, for those people posting recruitment notices in this thread, kindly note it is a small and tight-knit guild I am looking for.
I am, ultimately, not looking for large and impersonal guilds, so if you are planning to go above 30 members, I will not consider your guild as a viable option.
Lastly, please read the requirements in the OP before posting a really unwanted and inapplicable generic copypasta reply. It only serves to give the impression that the guild is impersonal.
Thank you for that thoughtful reply and offer, I will contact you in-game as soon as you are online to discuss the arrangements.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
I found that spirit to work very sporadically in WvW (I don’t really use it in PvE)
I’ve used it to great effect a few times; but most of the time, the ability on it seems to do absolutely nothing at all.
I doubt it is a range thing to be honest, it does seem broken in function to me.Best case it draws fire because the enemy sees it and thinks it’s dangerous, but that’ll pass soon enough.
You are kidding right? This elite is the best hands-down in dungeons or when you need to resurrect a large number of NPCs and downed allies. The only problem with this skill is that it sometimes bugs out the first cast if you use it just as the spirit is in the middle of its summon animation.
You don’t even try to understand what is preventing the skill from working. It’s just mindless button mashing.
I play a high balance of 3 specs:
1) High Base Damage (Power – 3.4k Attack)
2) High Critical Hit Chance and Damage (Precision – 41% Crit Chance with 22% Crit Damage Increase
3) High Pet Attributes (High attributes in general)With these 3 traits, I utilize a high and fast level of DPS using my longbow to quickly rain down fire upon multiple enemies. One of my strategies (and I have many) include shooting barrage—->hunter’s shot—->rapid fire—-> weap swap to sword/dagger combo and dive in to finish the kill (if the enemy isn’t dead by the time my ranged attacks finish it off)
^That’s not even including my pet and summons. Typically I use Mistfire Wolf along with my other pet as extra dps and a distraction when I’m fighting 1-3 enemies. Along with the DPS that they expunge, they confuse the enemy and they also help to kill quickly ASAP so I can move on to the next foe.
I.E. I get in quick, kill ASAP from various ranges, and support as a high DPS flanker and debuffer (cripple/vulnerability)
Wait, you must have Mistfire Wolf up to fight more than 1 enemy?
41% crit chance and 22% crit damage? Oh I see, you are one of those people who think their build is comprehensive even though they haven’t experienced endgame content.
^ You don’t even know how chilled works currently. Well, it’s ok to be wrong, just as long as you know you are horribly misguided.