Showing Posts For Pvt Frosty.6973:

WvW Zerker Druid Staff/LB III [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Well part of that reason is that the ranger class as a whole is more of a power attrition class. So you will rarely see instakills against good opponents. Kind of the power variant to the idea of a necro.

Secondly, you REALLY need to work on your music. Youtube offers some very good tools to check where the music you are planning to use is allowed to be viewed. You loose out many viewers because to some, its just a burden to have to use a proxy every time just to view a video they see on the forums.

Ill be watching the vid now

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] PvP, long time player lft

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys, frosty here.

I’m a long time pvp player. Play mainly ranger/druid. My playtimes are semi-random due to a fairly busy rl, but good enough to get practices and scrims going. Mostly I’ll play in the evenings between 21-24 pm.

I’d love it if you guys are mature and, like me, know your way around this game. You should be Players who know their stuff and be dependable when making in fight decisions.

Anyway, if anyone is looking for another team member, hit me up (Pvt Frosty.6973) and we’ll have a chat /trial sessions to see if we can work out.


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Alright, I’m not sure if Irenio is even going to read this, but I figured I’ll add my 2 cents.

The Ideas given in this post are all just me thinking out loud, and should just give an Idea on the direction I would like the druid to be going in.


I’ve Played Druid pretty much exclusively over the weekend. And in the end, I really enjoyed it. The traits felt like they were for the most part pretty synergetic with each other and the staff was an interesting weapon to get used to. The pets offered an very nice change, though maybe a bit out of balance with each other even. I did not use much of the glyphs, since they felt very low impact.

One thing I noticed from the beginning was the low groupfight impact outside of healing. (to anyone playing lol, it felt like playing Soraka back from season 1). I would really like it if this “healing support” would have a little more control to change the flow of a fight.

In light of this, I would really like some way to increase the versratility of this specialisation, maybe with skills that are unblockable or offer different depending on the situation (I’ll offer some examples in a second).

I would personally LOVE a way for the traitline to be given a way to generate might for itself, or a for allies too.

Please Irenio don’t just add linearity, add some complexity to the class!

The Traits

I felt the traits were pretty well balanced around. The minors were really nice, though maybe a little focused on the support aspect of the spec. I see and like the way, similar to the reaper, the traits in one line all deal with a different aspect of the spec. The topline is all about the avatar form, entering, exiting and being in it. Personally I would love if Druidic Clarity was turned into a stunbreak or gave stability to allies for a little more teamfight impact. Though I understand that may be a bit too strong. Maybe add some might generation to Natural stride everytime you cleanse one of the movement impending conditions? (that would increase the impact of vine surge aswell).

Casting seed of life when you use a glyph as a way of condition cleansing, I like that Idea, but the time from cast till cleanse was a bit long to be able to deal with conditions actively.

The Staff

Loving the autoattack mechanic, really nice in my opinion.

Astral Wisp was also good, it damages everything it passes through until it latches to the target you sent it to. I feel like this is a skill where you could really up the skill ceiling of the class and offer some more versatility. I like the idea that when the wisp expands, it explodes with an effect (doesn’t need to be just damage, could be heal allies or cleanse conditions or even slow enemies etc) but you could also activate the skill again to explode the wisp early, granting a different explosion effect. This would be a skill where unblockable would make sense as a mechanic (on the explosion not the attaching)

I also kind of missed a pet interaction mechanic on the staff skills, maybe teleport your pet to you when you finish casting ancestral grace? or reset the pet f2 when vine surge touches on your pet)

Last but not least, ancestral grace could use with an overhaul to be a bit more fluent if you use it in close proximity.


The utilities I played around with the least, they felt very low impact and had too small a radius, especially because staff promotes ranged combat. I was also missing a stunbreak out of astral form. More I cannot say, I did not play with them enough.

Astral Form

As many have said, the autoattack is pretty difficult to use (outside of casting it on your opponent to scare the crap out of em) with the other 4 skills having a much bigger impact.

Seed of life is difficult to use against conditions, it could use a blast finisher too if I’m to ask ^^

The other 3 skills are very well balanced in my opinion.

Welp thats about it I guess.

tl;dr Increase teamfight impact with some more pbaoe, please don’t just add linear effects though. I want some complexity!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] WvW - A camp well contested

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys!

New video up! Let me know what you think ^^

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Me, Clarion Bond and my heartache

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

It has 30 sec CD because the skill you guyz never used and probably never will use has the very same cooldown.

Blame warhorn, not the trait.

I don’t get why people don’t get this. Imagine if Defy Pain had no ICD.

The difference here is that Defy Pain trait is a passive proc, while this trait is stuck on the cooldown of another skill.

Yes the issue of visibility on cooldowns is not just one that should be raised with this skill. But I feel like this skill would be so easy to “enhance” the visibility of its cooldown without too much of an effort

Edit. Regarding the whole Idea of reducing the cooldown. I am at a point where I would be willing to meet in the middle. Increase pet cooldown to 25 seconds and reduce warhorn cooldown to 25 seconds too. that way we get a buff and a nerf. No harm done

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Me, Clarion Bond and my heartache

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys and most importantly,
hey you guys at ArenaNet!

I’ll just preface this by saying I love this game. I have pretty much been playing this game exclusively since launch, and convinced many of my friends to pick it up too (yay for F2P).

Moreover, I am very willing to overlook bugs and balancing issues of this and any other class. (Everyones allowed a slice of the FoTM cake, right?).

I just cannot get over the “bug-fix” you guys at ANet did to the Clarion Bond trait.

I realize and agree, it was too exploitable as it used to be (no ICD). Hitting critters with Pet-Stowed would activate the trait, as would equipping a tonic and leaving it in combat. Thats all super fine.

I just don’t understad why you had to give it a 30s cd. Well I do understand, the original skill has a 30s cooldown too. The original skill is not interconnected with another skill tho. My pet swap is on a cooldown of 20 seconds, 16 s if traited and this trait is on a cooldown of 30 seconds (24 if traited). There is absolutely no way to know for the player when the trait is off cooldown. The only possibility would be to trait for the skill and for pet swap cooldown. But that is investing 2 whole traitlines, just to make one trait work, SEMI-decently. You would still need to count 2 seconds every two pet swaps if you DID swap off cooldown.

Especially for a game that is making efforts to increase its presence in the E-Sports scene, please reduce the cooldown of this trait! If you must, reduce the boon duration you get along with it to keep it in line with the actual skill. But I beg of you, just don’t force me/us rangers to play a guessing game any longer. It just makes me sad every time I think about it.

Thanks for listening. I hope it doesn’t come off as too rant-like.


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Godly ranger gosh...his skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

That’s the thing in GW2 unfortunately, everyone plays against everyone, there is not a single way to safely play with people your skill Level.

Feelings of Grandeur arise in situations they wouldn’t in other games^^

Pretty nice to have a longer video though for once ^^

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] WvW - A camp well contested

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

it’s me with another video!

got a somewhat long-ish clip for you guys this time.

Lemme know what you think!



06. July 2016 WvW Ep. 3

25. April 2016 Legend Queues – Ruby and Diamond
20. March 2016 Legend Queues – Sapphire
19. March 2016 Legend Queues – Emerald
26. February 2016 Legend Queues – Starting out in Amber
21. November 2015: Druid PvP – SoloQ, the Bristleback and me!
04. October 2015: PvP Ep. 3 – BETA Druid Duels!
02 August 2015: PvP Ep 3: Highlight Reel

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

tl;dr at the bottom ^^

I think you guys are kind of exaggerating both sides.

+ Yes the cc Output of beastly warden is strong, stronger in fact than most other cc skills because it ignores alot of defenses (block, invuln. etc.)
+ Yes it enables your character to do something else all the while executing the cc.
+ Yes it is instant
+ There is currently rather little stability being used in pvp

- The radius is still small, so the effect may be wasted
+ On conquest this may not matter as fights are centered around node Points.

- There is no cooldown visible to us (and I think this is where most of the critique comes from)
+ however most pet variations don’t optimize the icd anyway (double dog f2 on average is once every 13.3 seconds)
- It’s still bound to the pet being alive and in the right place at the right time.

I do get where the Hype Comes from. We finally have a unique ability!!! Yay, now everyone will want us, right?
But I do understand when Chokolata thinks this is getting overestimated. And I kinda agree a bit. While it has coordination potential, and it CAN be disruptive by wasting blocks or invulns, it still is not quite as high Impact as a banner rez or a rampage or a Portal or a teleport.

I think I may have writte a Little much at this Point.

tl;dr yes beastly warden is very strong, but it can and is definitely being overestimated and thus not an absolute MUST in every rangers pvp build, certainly not in solo Queue.
It definitely is however a step in the right direction.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Interesting, I’ve not even considered the new spike trap so far.
To latch onto what jcbroe said, in my eyes, out of all our traitlines, the two that synergize best are Nature Magic and Wilderness Survival. Reduced damage during regen and a pretty frequent protection boon + weakness to add onto Bark Skin and easily perma fury sounds pretty decent at least on paper.
Marksmanship I think is too situational for organized PvP and then there is that ever so awkward clarion bond (talk about “synergy”, lets latch a 30 second skill onto a 20 second skill and call it synergy!!)
After that it is really just a question of Skirmishing or Beastmastery. Taunt or Quick draw etc and I am very hopeful that team comps could even be built around a taunt ranger.

My personal preference at this point would be Quickdraw over Beastly Warden though, even though it wouldn’t even be a dispute between the power of the two, because I think Beastly Warden is the more powerful effect, but Quickdraw, on the other hand, seems less situational, aka more applicable to more situations.

Either way, I don’t see either option carrying the build to a point of being “meta” alone, but I can see how a team could play around a ranger with Beastly Warden for organized play, and honestly even though the traitline isn’t the greatest, I think the only other build that brings any sort of team utility would have to be a Clarion Bond/Windborne Notes for maintaining perma-fury on damage dealers, which could also be built around.

In my experience marauder is a huge dmg drop. You can keep high ferocity with valkyrie but even with 10 fury procs in your rotation it kind of forces you into a specific playstyle and especially lb will still lose a ton of damage because you can not remorseless stuff like barrage or rapid fire. In the end berserker seems to be the winner. Pick NM and WS lines for defense and the last line is up to you with BM offering CC, MMS offering more damage and Skirmishing offering flexibility with QD.

@jcbroe, yea my personal Preference at the Moment is skirmishing aswell. 0 6 6 6 0 right now is my absolute favorite build for solo Queue (!)
We will have to wait and see though how These upcoming nerfs affect us and organized pvp to really gauge any effect.

@Dojo, I kinda get what you are saying, although I think IF any class can pull off a valk power build it would be ranger I reckon. And for this, funnily enough, skirmishing is THE traitline. 150 precision + 10% flat if hitting from behind or the side. Take less “burst” and swap fire for the precision Bonus (+7%) on Longbow. Now just take a precision based rune (Lyssa comeback, yes pls xD) and you should sit at somewhere around 46% crit Chance (56% from behind or the side) without taking into consideration the 100% crits from remorseless. That sounds pretty good if you ask me…
I took some of my precious study time to quickly type this up in a build calculator. Dogs/Spiders/Pigs/Drakes could all work pretty well in this case.;2FFx-r2NDV-0;9k1O;1Y_Z;0257157136;44B06U;1LNW4LNW44s

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Interesting, I’ve not even considered the new spike trap so far.
To latch onto what jcbroe said, in my eyes, out of all our traitlines, the two that synergize best are Nature Magic and Wilderness Survival. Reduced damage during regen and a pretty frequent protection boon + weakness to add onto Bark Skin and easily perma fury sounds pretty decent at least on paper.
Marksmanship I think is too situational for organized PvP and then there is that ever so awkward clarion bond (talk about “synergy”, lets latch a 30 second skill onto a 20 second skill and call it synergy!!)
After that it is really just a question of Skirmishing or Beastmastery. Taunt or Quick draw etc and I am very hopeful that team comps could even be built around a taunt ranger.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Patch Day Madness!

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey Guys!

I’ve been having a really good time since the patch hit. I just moved servers and the duels have been super interesting! Obsidian Sanctum is regularly frequented from all 3 Servers.

And the amount of new builds is amazing! Just super fun, you never know what to expect!

I just wanted to put a Montage together of some of the fun I’ve had with my build before and after the clarion bond nerf for you guys to enjoy too hopefully!


Build before

Build after


P.S.: Exams are about to start, so my next vid might be a while, sorry!:(

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

How would you rate the Ranger now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

The Thing is, you cannot really tell yet.

PvE I don’t play so I can’t really comment on that

PvP Right now everyone is going crazy with build testing and trying things. Most are very damage oriented builds for now so you cannot really tell yet how good of a spot Rangers will be in once the dust settles. You can however now keep up with the celestial overlords in 1v1 situations.

WvW Kinda the same Thing applies here. I only do small scale roaming/duels most the time and I’ve been having a lot of fun really, but cannot tell what will be when all the carzyness wears off and People start finalizing their builds.

What I can say tho. I am LIKING the variety of builds I see. AND the amounts of variants that do seem to work at least in the limited environment of everyone testing their kitten.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Beastly Warden vs Renewed Focus

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Most certainly unintentional. It’s a condition that gets applied. Can any other condition be applied during a block or an evade? There you go^^

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger WvW Duels

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Everyone else is nice to you so I be mean.

Nuuuu. Meanie

Anyway, yea I do have the random dodge sickness I guess you could call it^^

The warrior in your first video is my former guild leader. Too bad he never beat me, no matter the build he tried. He is actually the biggest flamer I know. GJ btw.

I dunno, I think he’s a cool guy so far. Had lot’s of fun with him, thats all I cann reliably judge him on:) sorry if you feel that way I guess:/

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger WvW Duels

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

well fought and well edited!

all i can say is awesome vid!

Thanks man appreciated!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger WvW Duels

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Haha yea man, but then again he didnt adjust his build either (he used Berserker Stance most of the time), like duelling randomly in WvW. I personally prefer it that way

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger WvW Duels

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

since Tuesday patch sees all interests changing towards the new trait System, I uploaded 2 Videos I had of duels which I had wanted to upload before then.

Had some good fun both with the duels and the editing and wanted to share

Video 1: Battle of Veterans
Video 2: WvW Adventures Ep 1

Hope you enjoy!

If there is anything I can improve on, don’t hold back:)


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Vid] Ranger WvW Duels

in WvW

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

since Tuesday patch sees all interests changing towards the new trait System, I uploaded 2 Videos I had of duels which I had wanted to upload before then.

Had some good fun both with the duels and the editing and wanted to share

Video 1: Battle of Veterans
Video 2: WvW Adventures Ep 1

Hope you enjoy!


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Vid] Ranger PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

@mistsim: thanks man, yea man I love the occasional moment of surprise ^^ damage is definitely solid enough that the opponent cannot just ignore you but they cannot just kill you as quickly as they are used to:D
also, I’m always torn between using MT or using something else, at the moment I really like it for the added immob/cripple and the near permanent fury you get. Also I’m trying to get used to the pets I’m thinking of using when the new patch hits^^
SOS could be left out for another stunbreak or utility I guess. In the current meta I really like it tho, it’s pretty engaging only having one stunbreak to work with. Trains me a lot more careful I think;)
@sevans: thanks man! Appreciate it:D
@Eurantien: looks interesting, will try it out for sure. I just don’t like MM at all. The minors are all so lackluster. I like the skirmishing minors much more.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Vid] Ranger PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Best thing you can do is always question your play! Keep it up.

thanks, will do:)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Vid] Ranger PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey Eurantien, thanks for the comment, glad you liked it^^
As to why the fern hound, I just like it. Always have, since I started my ranger and I never really got around to using it since as you said many other pets are considered superior. But I dunno, I just like that secondary heal and the color of the fern hound, I could go on^^
yea I still need to work on cancelling the knockdown again. I’ve been using moas and pigs and drakes for so long I forgot how to properly play hounds I guess. Thanks though I’ll try keep it in mind next time^^
and i didn’t even notice that I didn’t use the second dodge on gs aa in the video ^^ haha I’ll have to check it out again, thanks!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Thanks Raven:D That’s what its for:P Hope your buddies do decide for ranger

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Vid] Ranger PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Thanks hehe yea I love it more and more the more I use it

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Ravenmoon, thanks for your comment !^^
Glad you liked it!
I’ll try make the next one longer? Hehe

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

I finally got around to making another Video! Had a lot of stuff on my plate with exams and papers being due!

This Video is a Little different than the last, Highlights of mostly 1v1s and even some Stronghold footage, so let me know how you like the changes!

All PvP and Zero PvE though!

I hope the recording/Rendering Quality is better this time around!

Anyway, I would love to know how you think these Videos can improve!

Build is in the description of the Video.

Ep 02: A New Beginning

Much love,


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Vid] Ranger PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

I finally got around to making another Video! Had a lot of stuff on my plate with exams and papers being due!

This Video is a Little different than the last, Highlights of mostly 1v1s and even some Stronghold footage, so let me know how you like the changes!

I hope the recording/Rendering Quality is better this time around!

Anyway, I would love to know how you think these Videos can improve!

Build is in the description of the Video.

Ep 02: A New Beginning

Much love,


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[VID] Hornet Sting (Sword #2) Tutorial

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Whether or not about face changes your camera aswell depends on which button you used last to pan your camera around. You know how right click moves your camera+character? if you used that last, about face will move camera too. if you used left click, which only moves camera and not your character, your about face will not change the camera.
at least that was how I remember it

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger PvP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Thanks alot!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger PvP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

It appears the Video is blocked in Ireland as well as the UK, I’ll try Fixing it!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Ranger PvP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

recently I got into video editing and I finally figured I would try to combine my two great Hobbies.

It´s a few Highlights of my ranked PvP matches, mostly solo.

I do realize the Quality could be better and I will try to fix this for future Videos. I figured as a precursor (heh) this would do fine to gauge if there even is any interest in yet more GW2 Content.

Ideally I plan on caovering a wide variety of PvP Content for this game. Highlight reels, full pvp matches, stronghold (OH my) or WvW roaming.

Anyway, I would love to know what you think!

Build is in the description of the Video.

Ep 01: A Trial Run

Much love,


edit: if you like, check out my Guildmates Youtube channel too while you’re at it^^

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

Understanding pigs

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I guess you’d have to distinguish between pvp and pve.
From a pvp perspective, the siamoth is actually real strong, and I use it quite often (I know of several other rangers who do that too).
The others aren’t really terrible either.

The pig is OK for its seed pod that it can dig up, but that’s a 1/3 chance and it’s other 2 aren’t really worth picking up (elixir of heroes has a nice invuln dazes and the eggshell restores initiative?! Wuut)

I forgot the names of the other 2 but I think the boar with its stun items that it digs up can be really nice in conjunction with moment of clarity.

The last one can be fairly ok for conditions builds as it digs up stuff you can throw like gunk that cause are conditions.

So yeah, they definitely aren’t terrible in spvp. They can soak up and live through a lot of the aoe that just always happens in pvp

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

tPvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hi Rangers again!
Sooo I tried yesterday couple of ranger builds and my opinion is that condi builds are good, but I still love LB power I think that good power ranger in team (include ESL!) is very usefull for team. 6/6/0/2/0 with pack runes and assassins amulet.

I would not go full glass, you do not have the necessary means to really keep anything at bay. Also pack runes on a longbow build that’s no where near your allies in an ideal situation (and also shouldn’t be getting hit really, unless the bonus also works if the pet gets hit? Haven’t actually considered that yet).
Anyway I would try a 0 3 6 5 0 build with lb/sd and infiltration runes. Works a charm, especially in organised play. You don’t trade too much damage for a whole lot of defense which will be hella useful for skirmishes around side points!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[augury rock] lf wvw english speaking guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

If you would consider moving servers, we are an english speaking WvW Guild, over on Seafarer’s Rest
If you want you can reply here or message me ingame or apply here:

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] Looking for a small guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey Noopleh,
I’ve played since launch too!

I’m not sure if we 100% meet your requirements, but we are certainly somewhat small. During Guild events, we field about 20 people max I would say.

We are pretty social and small minded, I’ve known many of these guys since shortly after launch. No requirements for builds or any of that sort. We have our teamspeak and usually chill on there (though it could be used more actively in my opinion).

One downside is we do not regularly run dungeons. We might sometimes get 5 people together to run a dungeon or a fractal, but not always. We just play the game, whatever we feel like doing. At the moment theres alot of Dry-Topping going on, understandably so I’d say

The second downside could be that our leader has taken a great liking to WvW and leading there, so he puts alot of emphasis and focus on Guild-Raids in WvW. But in my eyes it is all in good faith of being casual (I main ranger and they have no problem with me running it during those raids, to give you an idea of how casual we go about these things).
Having retired from serious WvW about a year ago (good old Vizunah days) I must admit that I do enjoy these raids alot more than I expected once I finally gave in and joined one:p
Since you’ve been looking for a while, if you want I can suggest you to try out, see how you like us lot and if it isn’t for you it just isnt meant to be, no hard feelings :p
I’d be happy to get to know you, been thinking of learning how to do some soloing dungeons. Usually I’ve just been put off by the time investment:)
Anyway, I’ll be back in game on sunday, you can pm me there or on here or just apply straight on our website (the app form is far from optimal:p), I’ll let them know who you are if you do

Well this post turned out alot longer than intended. Hope you find something

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

The Ultimate "Bearbow" support build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

At PVP rank 78 I feel I’ve hit a real plateau with builds but this looks like just what I need to break into the upper competitive echelons. Thanks for posting this.

I feel he should note that this is not a PvP build and you will be a dead weight playing it like this. Standard spirits provide better PvP support, Regen ranger provides better home point defence and berserker ranger provides more sustain.

Pretty sure he was not exactly serious there

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Ranger, the ClusterKitten

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I want to add a couple of points to this.

As per OP’s comments:

The weapon skills I, for the most part, firmly agree with. This does not however limit to rangers. I feel a big issue in this game is the question of consistency across classes. A quick example thats already been mentioned a few times:
the whirlwind skills (lets ignore the mesmer phantasm)

  1. Thief: High Damage, Reflect Projectiles, no root, limited availability (steal)
  2. Warrior: No reflect Projectiles, No root, 20 sec cd, Decent damage
  3. Ranger: Reflect Projectiles, Rooted, 25 sec cd, Low damage (offset at least a little by vulnerability and retaliation?)
  • Not being rooted also means being able to dodge during,
  • I’m also not sure on this one, but I think Warrior and Thief can hit 5 targets with their skill, rangers cannot.
  • There is also the case of how many hits it registers, how retaliation resistent they are but I don’t want to bust out all them numbers here at the moment. Even without this taken into consideration:
    HOW are these skills consistent in any way? Anet puts in some effort to equalize out certain skills and aspects (25% movespeed access for example) but then just does not continue far enough. I’m a little disappointed to be honest.

Anyway, things I would like to add on:
Pets: I feel there is alot of misspecification with what pets are supposed to be for. I like what they did in the feature patch, though I did expect a little more tbh.
In this thread I would like to focus on AOE, Group Fights and the like. It seems like the Pet class for AoE is the Drake, the only class with an autoattack that hits more than 1 enemy and an AoE F2.

  • Drakes: Their Problem with F2 is being rooted, and unlike any other charged skill IN THE GAME, NOT turning to follow the target should the target sidestep or get behind the pet. Again, consistency, I don’t see it! Secondly, their Blast finisher is nice, but a little unreliable.
  • Bears: They (along with moas and the fern hound I thought dogs were supposed to be cc support?!) seem to be AoE support based, However, that is right about where they stop being useful in a group setting. No AoE, no CC, nothing. SERIOUSLY?! Has anyone seen or read The Golden Compass?? Bears are king of being in the middle of the fight. They rampage around and are just generally scary once they get going. I always thought this was why we were given the trait Stability Training. I’ve always hated how it a) is just the pet that gets stability (maybe thats fair, just a personal grudge) and b) does not affect the Drakes when they are clearly our best option for AoE. Bears should be given some more group influence other than their F2. It would at least in part be a step towards solving the problems Rangers face in WvW Raids.
Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

LF Roaming/PvP Guild (ideally on Desolation)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Bumpedy, still looking =)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

LF Roaming/PvP Guild (ideally on Desolation)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

I love to fight small scale pvp and unfortunately my current guild among other reasons is looking to get into more wvw focused raiding, which I’m not all too interested in.

So if there is a guild out there that does some pvp and some small scale WvW or havocing or however you call it and you guys are up for good laughs, hit me up

Looking forward to hearing from you likeminded players out there!


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

About to delete my mesmer

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I don’t realy know what your goal is here. From what you are saying either your stubborn and want to loose your fights so you can complain or the class just isn’t for you man.

Don’t blame anet tho. You can play this game the absolute way you want. You still wouldn’t try to eat soup with a fork just because it’s your favourite now would you? Just be reasonable.

Also, unfortunately in life, balance is a state constantly changing. If there were perfect balance between all classes and builds, everyone would quit within a month.

Go watch purple wings I think his name is. He plays all sorts of builds on mesmer, and from what I can tell, you can learn a little from how he manages his fights.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Specific Game Mode:

WvW (would apply broadly too)

Proposal Overview:

Adjustments to skills

Goal of Proposal:

To allow the ranger better build diversity, give more synergy to the class and potentially allow viability in group content.

Proposal Functionality:

1. Rampage as One: Change skill type to ‘Survival’, lower duration of stability gained.
Potential: lower skill CD

2. Entangle: Potential: change skill type, e. g. To ‘Trap’.

3. Frost trap: add damage values to pulse. Reduce chill duration per pulse.

4. Muddy terrain: add damage values to pulses.
Potential: add combo field.

5. Guard!: Change functionality. Make it so that when cast to guard the area, the skill needs to be cast again for the pet to stop guarding that area. (no change to cool down, cool down starts on first activation) While guard is active, F1 will make the pet attack as normal but attempt to go back to target area after. F3 will make the pet sit in target area center and do nothing. Take away cast time.

6. Signet of the wild: take away cast time. Change skill to be a stunbreaker.
Potential: Affect both ranger and pet.

7. Signet of renewal: Change functionality to remove all conditions on you and your pet.
Potential: reduce cool down. Change the skill to not be a stunbreaker.

Associated Risks: 
May need to reevaluate damage, boon duration and skill duration values.
Potentially too strong in big group skirmishes.
Aside from that I see not much risk. But who knows, all the things I may not have taken into consideration.

Just my sloppy 2 cents

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

LB/GS WvW Roaming build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Gimme an hour to get home and I’ll suggest a little some tweaks

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Does Ranger Need Moar Stealth?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I would be happy if the trait which gives us stealth on cc would function with remorseless!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Type of weap/arm/traits useful for wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

A few tips:
Change your traits to 20 20 30 0 0. you will need the extra condition cleanse.

And change your stats to be a a little more offensive. a good mix of Valkyrie/knights/Berserker gear should get you to a decent spot damage wise.

As for utility skills, healing spring, lightning reflexes and signet of renewal are a must in my opinion. As for your third skill, against Thieves I would take sick em.

Use more defensive pets. Fern hound or bears are good, I personally like to have one spider as sick em works well with them.

Longbow/greatsword is good, but you should try sword/axe at some point. That works really well and has a lot of combo potential

I’ll be posting a full build that I’ve been working on for a while now when I’m home from work, that should be along the lines of how you like to play.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[iR] RANGER Redesign

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Woow guys calm your horses.

Thank you op for your suggestions and for trying to be constructive.

Unfortunately, I’ll have to say your proposed changes are ways too drastic and abrupt. And in that I’ll have to agree with what’s been said. They won’t happen.

On a lighter note. Rangers really are not that bad as they are right now. In fact I would say they are only a few minor tweaks away from being very much balanced.

Giving the ranger pet a boon and condi to be applied may be an idea, but in all honesty, I like the way the pet f2 is designed right now. It just needs to be fixed.
Brown bear f2 for example should be a clutch button. And dogs f2 needs to work and not bug out so often.

Your lick wound suggestion is a pointer in the right direction. I’d like more interaction with my pet. Give us a protect me at 20% HP for example. Or let pet f3 be a little more than it is right now.

What does need to happen is to give rangers the ability to deal with soft cc (think immob) rangers should have been the first class to get a 33% condi reduction on cc condis. Not elementalists and warriors. Also lightning reflexes should remove all soft cc on activation.

If we get those little changes. Rangers will Be very very strong!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Tips and tricks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Even in a power build with no focus on pet damage, sick em works amazingly well against thieves. Because it is so underused thieves are always used to their standard cool downs on revealed

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Bark Skin discuss

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Another proposal would be to keep it as it is. But just add a complete condition removal once you pass the 25% HP mark (on like a 60 second CD. Could even be signet of renewal active but for that I’d rather have the active reworked first) and give rangers 10% conditions duration reduction whilst below 25%hp.

Ill use this post to also petition for a trait which gives rangers a – 33% condi duration on cripple / chill/immob etc. I feel ranger should have been the first class to get this. Maybe even through a signet (signet of the hunt maybe?)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Looking for a sPVP build with LB.

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I’d play around with some 30 30 10 0 0 or 30 20 20 0 0 or 20 30 20 0 0 or even 20 20 30 0 0depending on what suits your playstyle.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Berserker Stance may just make us TPvP Viable

in Warrior

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

As far as I see there is currently 2 viable builds in pvp. This build, “the stunlocker” and then the (sword/shield -)longbow hybrid (also my favourite). Both work with similar traits (Personally prefer 30 in Defense, I like the traits there more).

I also LOVE the new berserker stance, gotta love ruining a necros day!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Warrior's sprint and swiftnes

in Warrior

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

but the thieves have a trait that allows them to run at 50 % movespeed. so there is no real all-class cap then?

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch