Showing Posts For Pvt Frosty.6973:

Improving ESL casting

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

The casting is not really a problem per se. But I think people kindof don’t really get your point.

In the S02 finals, they actually did their first attempt at analysing some of the more key points in a match, which is a really good step into the right direction. Obviously you cannot expect GW2 casting to be on par with say League of Legends casting. They are years apart, in terms of time casters had to practice.

That said, you are right. And it is in part why LoL was so successful is that they realised its a spectator sport, so improving specator mode and casting pushed them miles!

I do think our spectator mode needs more of an overhaul than our casting. But it is true that our casting is a bit too far on the play by play side and could use a more technical caster. This is not to be confused by just breaking down every situation. But just shedding some light in the mechanical ongoings of what is being watched can help a ton in hyping up the audience. But the idea behind this style of casting is also that you do not miss any of the epic encounters/fights/mechanical plays. So replays and simultaneous cameras need to be come a thing too.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

I want to get good at PvP, but I have issues

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Heya chuckles,

I think alot of the advice thrown around here is pretty good, but they slightly miss the point. Essentially you are at a point where you just want to play a lot. Ideally focus on 1v1’s. Literally every successful pvp player in this game has done this a kittenton.

Playing other classes helps, but personally I would advise you not to spend too much time on this unless you play 8 hours a day and instead focus most of your time on your 1 profession first, because this game is not just about knowing whats being thrown at you, but also knowing how you can deal with it in a way that still gives you the advantage.

The way I handled getting better and understanding every class was when I lost to someone, I would try and repeat that fight over and over until I had it down, I would look for them during the rest of the pvp match and ask them to duel me more afterwards if the match wasn’t enough time.

Also an important thing is that gw2 pvp is not just about watching for animations, its kind of like counting cooldowns and playing mindgames. I’ve gotten to a point where I can feel what the enemy wants to do because I know their cooldowns(not because I played that class alot, though that can help, but because I played that matchup so often), so now all I have to do is look out for how they want to set it up and be ready to counter that.

So tl;dr just play alot and try to take soemthing away or learn something new every game you play.

Oh and also: consider that you will be climbing skill levels, the necros you fought before might be an easy kill for you, but once you get better and play better players you need to reevaluate your matchups every time. Remember that you fight the player just as much as you fight the class.

Good luck:D

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] WvW - A camp well contested

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Heya guys!

New vid up again!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

A new system for stats : Sliders

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I think this has potential. Like you say, there would need to be certain restrictions, but I definitely like this idea a lot!

I would personally say tough + vit + healing can be no more than 1800 and if you wanted to invest more than 600(or 900) into toughness or vitality, you can no longer invest in the other. Same thing with healing power, if you invest more than 600 points you can only invest in either toughness or vitality. To minimise bunkering, but that’s already getting into he small details of it

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Balance around ESL classes

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

So you are saying there is no coincidence that the NA teams who played thief and necro lost? PZ best game was when muffins got off of the thief.

Best PZ game was indeed when muffins got off the thief because he is a much better mesmer than he is a thief (in terms of his character and he has been playing it for far longer aswell).

Also saying they did work is not how you access a situation. Was toker all over the map, yes but he didnt bring anything other then decaps. When he tried to +1 the warrior didnt die and 1 of astral did.

Similarly Toker nearly won the fight against Levin and killed/won against Misha. So I kinda totally disagree that Thief is just straight up a worse version then Rev (especially since it did not even take the rev spot in their comp).

There was multiple times where nos was alone/or in a 2 vs 2 fight without the engy or ele and he straight lost.

I don’t remember a situation like that, but if it did happen, then it was a rotation issue on AAs part.

Here is the thing too, acting like astral could of won maybe 1 of the first 2 games is crazy. They were not gonna be able to save lord because they didnt have a mesmer and Rank 55 did. You saw the counter TCG had for rank 55 on legacy. Rank 55 also straight beat Astral on Kylo. If anything Rank 55 should of 3-0 Astral on the forest map.

Sigh. This is getting ridiculous. As soon as r55 lordrush-portaled, they won the game. AA needed to either a) do it first or b) kill Misha or c) actually be prepared for the portal. It took them way too hard by surprise

Also your comment about mirror classes in the finals, what is that? Did you read my post? Also they blew out PZ 500-100 in games where as rank 55 at times were actually very competitive. Crazy thing the mirror comp was way more competitive, is that just a coincidence?

I’m not even gna bother anymore

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

Collection of all builds used in S02 finals

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

“Trap Thief” is a poor title. It’s just a standard D/P Thief. The third utility slot is flexible, and taking Shadow Trap for mobility doesn’t make it a trapper build. That’s like saying the same build is a “Venom Thief” because it uses Basilisk Venom.

Edit: typo

True, it is slightly misleading I suppose. The trap was just what defined the build compared to other thief builds (similar to Retribution / Invocation Rev)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Balance around ESL classes

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Thats….simply not true.

Team PZ would have been steamrolled even if they played warrior and mes instead of nec/thief, their comp was awkward considering their personal playstyles and TCG was just simply way stronger mentally/individually.

And Astral Authority did NOT loose because of their comp, they lost because of small mistakes in decisionmaking or r55 executing their decisions better towards the end of each game. Toker actually did a LOT of work, and so did Nos.

Also +1ing the warrior as a thief is fine, but not if you +1 your rev (both of the classes with little condi remove), it can work but its extremely risky (AA was just in a situation where they had to try, and quite franky was just really well played by Texbi).

TCG blowing out both teams also has NOTHING to do with classbalance lol they pretty much played a mirror comp in the finals.

So please, think a little more next time before you try to ask for better balance….

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Wildcard Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Ain’t that the truth!

Making it this way is not necessarily bad, but there needs to be something else happening. Like maybe actually have a proper Guild challenger league with a tournament at the end after each season and let the winner of that tournament join the Wildcard Tournament, or give them something else. But just, make it possible for challenger teams to be able to challenge the other teams

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Collection of all builds used in S02 finals

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Yep quite right actually! Got the traits right anyway, thanks for the catch!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Collection of all builds used in S02 finals

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Nos uses “Master of Corruption” instead of “Path of Corruption”.

Thanks, yea he does:D

I wonder why the only GS warrior build is not shown ^^

Well it was shown, just not the traits which I figured would be identical to the bow-warrior

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

Collection of Pro League Builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Collection of all builds used in S02 finals

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys, figured I’d put together a List of all the builds played during the finals.
(not shown) means that at least part of the build was not shown on stream and inferred from gameplay/guesswork. If you catch any mistakes, do let me know!

Signet Necro
LB Warrior

Retribution Rev (not shown)
Invocation Rev

Gyro Engi (not shown)

Shout Ele (not shown)

Mesmer (not shown)

Elixir X Engi

D/P Thief

Retribution Rev (not shown)

Shout Necro (not shown)

Shout Ele (not shown)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

WC Qualifiers on August MUST become open

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Some truth here. A Wildcard by definition is often given to a player or team that would not have otherwise made it into the world finals. They are rarely chosen from those participants that are already allowed to compete for a spot (and rather handed out to new talent/youngsters/players or teams from countries that don’t meet the required quotas etc). That said it does happen that a wildcard is just handed out to the “next best” or the best among the non-division winners; most commonly in North American Sports Leagues.

That said, us being a Challenger Team that wants to get a chance even to just compete feel kind of left out. Just because we formed too late for the last qualifiers 6 months ago means we now pretty much have to go on with only our own motivation and nothing to play/practice for. Hell the possibility of a third PL not even happening at all is hanging over our heads every time we practice. Why even show a “Guild Challenger League” for Season 2 on the infographic if there really isnt any Guild Challenger League at all!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Collection of Pro League Builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Rev was used 100%, so pretty balanced aswell as ele was necessary in every win. Thief had a winrate of about 14% i think. The team using a necro lost 88% of the games and won 12%. Seems like chill is still over the top and warr needs some huge buffs.

You are a very talented statistician to see so much from a sample size of 10 games.

First Rule of Any Successful Statistician: Hide the Numbers that don’t support your Hypothesis. Just bury them as deep as possible.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Wildcard Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Why do you have this idea that I want to go to WTS. I just want competition, and for EU at least, the tournament would be a lot more competitive if you included the top challenger teams. You already agreed to the fact that the EU PL scene is dead. Whats the point in dragging along sceletons of these teams!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Wildcard Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

So if the wildcard tournament is reserved for the top current PL teams, what was the point of the season 2 guild challenger league?

Guild Wars 2 PL announcement

Does the season 2 challenger league now just become something relevant only if there continues to be pro league activity after the world championship? Because from what I’ve been hearing the continuation of PL is definitely not set in stone …

Quite true! I would love to hear about this.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Wildcard Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

On the other hand, even if it would be open for everyone it doesn’t really matter because vermillion would and will win anyways – so w/e.
It’s WTS where the best teams should play and hands down -that’s TCG/Rank 55/Vermillion and not any Top 10 Challanger-Team which is “on top” because 90% of the former players ain’t playing actively anymore at the moment.

Yes Obviously WTS should host the best 3 teams of each region, and right now it is easily Vermillion. But that does not mean they should just get the spot uncontested. Whats the point in hosting a “competition” for this proclaimed Wildcard if in actuality there isn’t any competition. You might aswell just say “hey WTS will be the top 3 teams of the last PL” instead of hosting a turnament.

Why are teams that don’t even play this game anymore just handed money without them running any risk of having their positions taken away by anyone else. How can they not think that teams that were the top of the game almost half a year ago (more or less) are still in any way current?!

Ah man just so let down. I don’t even care about money, I just want to compete in some way. Any way. Anet doesn’t want me to T:T

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Wildcard Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

So the World Finals have been announced for September the 17th, with the Qualifiers being held August 6. – 7. When the whole schedule was announced, ArenaNet called it a “Wildcard Tournament”.

You might aswell just call it a give Vermillion a second chance at the prizemoney on the EU side. It will literally just be a S02 finals with 6 teams instead of 4. What the hell. The EU Pro League scene is drop dead silent and the challenger teams don’t even get anything worth their waitd.

Holy Cow.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Looking for a Team or Create your own!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

AdamJS.8760 a famous top 20 soloq EU guyz (with 66% win ratio), is looking to HELP and COACH people.

We actually managed to get him on board with Bowscoped Academy! He’s offered to help out on the coaching front, which is a great addition!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Looking for a Team or Create your own!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

We have new entries on the sub reddit!!!

We have a EU pvp guild that seems to play with TOP players (speaking about Frosty), if anyone is interested… go look at the sub.

Haha not sure if you have me confused with the other Frosty or not

Either way, yes we are!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

[EU] [PvP] Bowscoped Academy lf players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

bump keep them coming!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] [PvP] Bowscoped Academy lf players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

Bowscoped Academy is looking for players who are looking to play in a team and/or improve their PvP skills. The main purpose of this initiative is to get enough players to form one or more teams to then scrim against our main team. Thats quite broad and does leave quite a few questions open. I will try to narrow it down and answer as many possible questions in the process.

Who are we

Bowscoped was founded at the start of season 2 several months ago. Since then we have been working on filling the roster and organizing scrims. Unfortunately since Pro-League has finished and no tournament has been announced yet, most teams (ProLeague or Challenger) have stopped practicing, making it near impossible to organize any form of practice anymore (adding the near endless queues in ranked we have been getting).

Bowscoped Academy is a newly founded initiative with the goal to alleviate this problem. We are looking for players who want to get better at the game and practice their game in a (slightly) more competitive setting. We want to offer you a way to practice outside of ranked queues as well as the ability to sit in on our analysis sessions afterwards.

And while this is the basic idea, the possibilities are endless. Whether you are looking for a team on your own or already have a few teammates you wish to play with, Bowscoped Academy can function as a way for you to fill that gap whether its temporary or permanent so you can actually start practicing.
While the main idea is to find scrim partners for our main team, we may get to a point where academy teams could scrim each other too.


Ther are literally no linear requirements. What we will be checking however is that you are not a complete novice. Things such as keybinds or map knowledge/awareness should be a given. Basically, we want to offer people who already play pvp a way to get more competitive. We do not offer an introduction to the gamemode. Because of this, applicants will undergo a “testing” period during which we observe their play, but most importantly their attitude and ability to improve. While anyone is allowed to join, I do want to point out that we will be forming teams based on capability. This does not mean that you will not get to play at all if you did not make it into one of the practice teams, it just means that you may not play as often as others. We will make sure everyone gets to play.

How are the teams formed

For the most part, and probably mainly in the beginning we will be the ones forming and managing the team rosters (based mainly on capability of the players and class synergy). However we do welcome initiative, so if you are a team of 3 looking to fill your roster or you have found someone you really enjoy playing with, we will try to make sure you do not get split up as much as possible.

That said, if you have found a teamroster you are happy with, you are more than welcome to create your own team and name.


Anyway, I hope this was not too long and answered most of the questions.

If you are interested or you have any more questions, let us know! Comment on this thread or whisper/message us in game at:

Pvt Frosty.6973

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

win v losses

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Thats because you have played quite alot.

Also, I couldn’t even play that much if I wanted to, queuetimes and all


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Thursday weekly cup

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Yea, for one not many people know about this and you have to sign everyone up on esl to even enter. Would be awesome if you could just register your Guild Challenger Team with the owner of that team. It definitely needs to be more accessible from IN GAME (even just a top right corner “HEY GUYS ESL WEEKLY CUP TONIGHT, MAKE SURE TO SIGN UP HERE”, same as they do with PL)

The amount of effort you have to go through to sign your team up is wayy too high. Wanna play with a sub? too bad, gotta sign up a whole new team or kick someone to make room for that one time sub.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Thursday weekly cup

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Can’t even blame the admin, tournaments been dead for soo long.

Would be real nice if we could find a way to revive it

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Challenger Cup Prize

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Noone knows at this point. But there should definitely be a “Wildcard Tournament” before World Finals, which both happen after S2 finals.

I am assuming challenger teams may get a chance to participate in that?

Not sure though

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Looking for a sPvP team or create your own?

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Seems like a great idea, sadly it seems like there’s only players looking for teams but no teams actually recruiting them, either that or they’re just mailing them in game…

PvP teams in Gw2 function extremely socially. New players get recruited off of FL or after meeting in queues (especially higher up).
That does not mean, that these teams don’t check the forums or that they don’t post there themselves (during S01 and at the start of S02 there was a lot of traffic from both teams and players.
However, people will always much rather contact you in game whether you are a player or a team =)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Mesmer status since Merc Amulet is gone...

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Wanderers or Sage are clear substitutes. Not Destroyers, Paladin, Carrion, although Viper sounds deadly.

Actually the Healing Power you get from Sages is barely worth the tradeoff. (from our testings so far). Both Ether Feast and the Well heal will heal for slightly more, but the heal you get for shattering seems to scale horrendously badly with healing power.

Vipers is pretty deadly, but also dies super quick, sometimes too quick to even make use of the continuous heals from shatters especially anything more than 1v1 (obviously there may be some bias with getting used to ones own squishiness).

Carrion seems good so far, a pretty decent tradeoff for mercenaries (if not the best). Wanderer’s is good aswell, though arguably Power>Precision (certainly in my eyes). But will have to test more in scrims how either perform.

Obviously, all this is rather speculative since there will also be small balance changes

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

GW2 PvP and the poor state of EU Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

a ventari hammer condi rev is not experimenting or theorycrafting, its them outright telling everyone they’re just here to play out the games for the prize money.

I’m just playing the games for tage’s sake instead of him having to find a 3rd sub.
Otherwise I would have quit alltogether already

The only game we will play serious is most likely against super smash just to secure 6th

Honestly, I commend you for that. I can understand the situation you are in and I think it adds the overall bad air that’s surrounds EU proleague at the moment, which may have had its influence on the poor state the other teams were in.

I just think if he at least played towards a more synergetic build, even just changing his rune to something more in line with his trait/weapon choices, you guys would have actually had a shot to take a game if not the series off of TCG (or so I feel). Which doesn’t only speak for you but also for the poor state TCG was in. And that is where I feel it was a pretty poor effort from Farrorz, not only disrespecting his team and everything he as a proleague player should stand for.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

GW2 PvP and the poor state of EU Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Your last sentence did not make sense. If you are going to play for the money then use a meta build?

Preventing their team from dropping out of proleague and not getting any prize money basically.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch


in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Ventari Hammer Staff Condi Rev.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

GW2 PvP and the poor state of EU Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I’m just not even going to answer that

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

GW2 PvP and the poor state of EU Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

watching the Pro League over on EU today was something I actually ended up looking forward to. I feel like I was one of the last ones that actually did. The new patch, at least in my eyes, did enable teams to actually play different comps. I was hoping to enjoy games that were not actually mirror matches, where teams utilized different classes and different comps, even if it was just one class that was different (oh how far we’ve come). And I think teamcomp wise today was actually one of the best days yet.

However, it was pretty apparent that none of the teams were practiced at all. None of the players played particularly well and it was pretty plain obvious most teams weren’t very practiced.

To top it off, oRNG decided to troll with a revenant build that lost them the games unfortunately. Usually, I would have really supported oRNG since they got screwed by the transfers to just play their games to have fun, with or without TS. But this is playing for money after all. They should at least try to win/do their best to win and not play with what feels like a mystic builds tournament. That was so disappointing to watch.

So tl/dr, Pro League in EU has gone down the kittenter. Noone even bothers to really try anymore.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch


in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Pretty much only 2 teams have run the same comp so far (Vermillion and Super Smash), running Druid/Ele/Rev/Mes/Nec.

Other than that we have seen Warriors and Thieves, teams without Eles and Mesmers.

What is worse though, is the poor state these teams are in. It is apparent barely any of them have played this game much, not taking the competition any serious anymore. Too much kitten has gone down.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

How would you'll rate the Ranger in PvP now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Druid is still a very top tier pick as a side-node fighter and an off-support, beating out Scrappers in sustain and utility and being able to cap Chronos 1v1. Playing druids as resbots last season was extremely weak and really underdeveloped as a one trick pony (see Alkores appearance for Vermillion, I think in week 1 or 2)

Not really sure where you heard that it’ll be ele/druid/engi core. More like Ele/Druid/Chrono. The other 2 slots are still up in the air. A lot of teams are trying different things (Rev/Thief or Rev/War or Rev/Necro, Rev most often is still part of the meta comp though, at least for now)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Nerf moa

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Both sides are true, in part.
The introduction of continuum split turned Moa into a super strong skill of a much lower cd than its original. But nerfing moa directly will result in a bigger nerf to core mes as opposed to chrono.
On the other side, yes moa can already be dodged/blinded/lo’sd etc. But both the visual and the sound queues of this elite are super difficult to make out in the middle of a fight. Try and hear or see the moa over a chaos storm. And 3 clones.
Maybe make continuum split have a cast time (I don’t really quite like that idea myself) or don’t allow for cont split to be cast during other casts or make it more visible/bigger. I dunno something along those lines.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Legend Queues - Ruby&Diamond

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Haha Stronlo?
Thanks for the feedback dude=) I’m getting a mic so should be able to do some voiced commentary (If I’m any good at it lol)

Ah I wouldn’t say you didn’t, obviously these videos only really show one side, I thought you played it pretty well actually most of the time. You were one of the few that actually played longbow aswell right? We fought a few times in legendary and in one game in particular I got so frustrated playing vs you :p
Nonne plays every duel perfectly and I had the advantage because I wasn’t running s&r to begin with (which I think you were?).

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] WvW - A camp well contested

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

new vid is up!


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Video] Legend Queues - Ruby&Diamond

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

new video is up


Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Question about Guild Decay

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973


so a dev once posted that you get a little of the lost rating back every game you play (you should notice that the games you win award you more points and the games you loose will cost you less points, usually around 15-20 for a win and 5-7 for a loss, depending on how long you have decayed for.).

However, we also noticed that if you’ve not played for a while, queue up a few now and wait a day, your team will jump 100 odd points over night :/ (again depending on how much your team has decayed)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Any info on this wildcard tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

The person who does the pro leagues really needs to work on their communication skills.

They basically plan a beautiful party, order great food, and have fun events planned. The problem is they forgot to send out invitations.

Pretty much, ye:D

Would really be awesome if someone could just tell us?

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Any info on this wildcard tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I have been wondering this for a while, on the esl website where they have that image of the structure of pro-league it says that after the season 2 finals, instead of the challenger cup, there will be a wildcard tournament followed by world finals.

What is this wildcard tournament? How does it play into the teams on the guild challenger league? Does it even matter for them? Is there any point at all in competing (more like farming) for a top spot on the leaderboards?

No one I talk to seems to know, would be nice if like someone who does know could shed some light into this situation?



Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] Team looking for Mes/Engi and Rev

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Bump still looking!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] Team looking for Mes/Engi and Rev

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

we are looking for 2 more players who enjoy PvP and enjoy competing; a revenant and a mesmer or engi to round up the roster.

If you think you are who we are looking for or you have more questions, just hit us up in game at:

Pvt Frosty.6973

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] Team lf Mesmer for main roster and subs

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Bump still looking for a Mesmer!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] Team lf Mesmer for main roster and subs

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Still looking Especially on the Mesmer front!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[EU] Team lf Mesmer for main roster and subs

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Hey guys,

we are currently four players mainly looking for an experienced Mesmer to join the main roster to play the coming pro league qualifiers/ wildcard tournament with us.

We are also looking for a few subs on different classes to be able to practice and scrim more often.

If you think you are who we are looking for and are interested in trying out, contact us in game at:

Pvt Frosty.6973

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)

New Druid shout build is out

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Not to be disrespectful or anything

No idea what division you’re in, but I have NEVER seen any kind of variation of this build in PvP.

This is what I like to run if I’m not really feeling into the longbow…

You can swap a shout or SotW for S&R if your team really needs it but I find it a wasted slot in yoloQ. 90% of the time I rez someone with S&R they just die again in a very stupid fashion.

If your fighting heavy power damage comps running 3 rev/engi I would swap SotW for SoS.

If you wanted you can go full bunker you can run clerics amulet, drop MM line for WS, take mid/bot/top. Will end up with very bursty healing in CAF, more condi removal, damage reduction, more endurance, and more protection.

People keep saying Sw/D for more evade but I find staff 3 to be enough. If you get caught with an imob and use staff 3 it will last about 2~2.5 seconds, evades everything, and won’t cause capture prevention.

Like I said, NEVER seen that before. going 3 offensive/utility traitlines isn’t really a good idea in this meta

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

[Up to Date builds] New Season

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Dude the top builds for druid in PvP aren’t even listed :/

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Game Breaking downed sliding bug

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Holy kitten yes. We lost a match yesterday after being 400-200 up and then encountering this bug.

(To be fair we were kittening about with the body, figuring out how to stop him (druid) from rezzing lol)

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch