Really?! I LOVE skyhammer. yes it could use some polishing here and there, but the concept is brilliant.
In my eyes, anyone who hates on Skyhammer as a tPvP map simply has no imagination.
man could you guys please try not to include all this terrible music. it gets banned in alot of countries!
idk how to fix it
My recording program records everything I hear on desktop so if I’m in mumble it gets annoying.
all sorted. I finally gave in and just proxied it. Nice vid, I’ve actually been running something very similar on my roams. Thumbs up at the use of Lyssa runes. Very win!
To anyone else who hasn’t managed to watch this due to the video being banned in your country, get google chrome and then google proxmate and install it (its a google chrome extension)
Am well jealous at your uber cool sword too! Peace
second edit: If you want more views, maybe put some text if not commentary over your fights. Point out cool stuff/what you were doing and why/or just what was happening
(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)
0 25 30 0 15, sword/shield – longbow is a great build for roaming around. I wouldnt worry about contribution too much. In a group i suggest to use healing shouts. once you get the points, go 0 0 30 30 0. Most warriors I know go 0 0 30 30 10. Defence is a brilliant traitline with great traits to help you survive in the heat of huge battles. Warhorn (buffed through tactics trait) and hammer can provide awesome utility to your teammates too
man could you guys please try not to include all this terrible music. it gets banned in alot of countries!
yeah for pve drakes still do good aoe, especially when BM’ing
So idea #1: all shouts have no cast time apart from guard. I don’t see how it would be all too op if that got equaled out across the board.
idea #2 has anyone seen or read the golden compass series? for those who haven’t: in this series, there are several worlds. in all worlds people have companions. in some worlds these companions take the form of an animal which can speak and share your thoughts. In other worlds these pets are within the people and do not take a physical form. I would love to be able to permanently stow my pet and get a boost of some form or another so I don’t feel compelled to beastmaster it up in order to let my pet do anything other than be dead. It would also allow me to participate in group events better (pve or WvW).
idea #3 Give rangers a dagger mainhand? I mean we are the hunters of the wild. Oftentimes all a hunter has is a bow and a dagger or shiv.
idea #4 Sword auto-attack animation feels wrong. I don’t mind it’s purpose, but using it feels forced, I don’t know if it’s in the kick or the weird disambiguation of your body before even starting the chain. And having to take off autoattack to safe myself from hopping around like a madman. I don’t know.
Idea #5 I would very much like to hear from an Anet official what their plan is with this class. The nerfs we got seem ok as long as it sets them up for a second patch to buff other aspects. (Think evelynn and twitch from LoL) But I really don’t believe that nerfs this hard were in order if this is where we are going to be left?
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Actions speak louder than words.
Yes. Yes they do. However, inexperience shall not be confused with ill will
To get right to it, as I need to be off soon.
1) WHY in god’s name does Guard require a cast time of 1 whole second? it’s a SHOUT is it not?!?!?!
2) When your pet is dead do any of the following traits still work?
- Shared Anguish. (Incoming cc is transferred to your pet)
- Empathic Bond. (Transfer 3 conditions to your pet every 10 seconds)
- Protect Me (What’s the deal here? On activation when pet is dead, does it still stunbreak/absorb damage or if the pet dies during its course, what happens then?)
Anywho, I’ma do some testing tomorrow in sPvP if noone has done testing on this before.
Thanks and good night!
I’ll join you in that dream. What kinda sedative you using?
both decent ideas! anet give these guys some internets!
Well he’s playing a guardian right now. Seems a premade 4v4.
Let me just share a few thoughts of mine here. These are thoughts. Do not get offended.
You said in your description you want to teach people about playing style and not build because its uber secret (there is no such thing as secret builds). But fair enough let’s see if this person can teach about playstyle.
So the first thing I see is you are a clicker. You use your mouse to activate your utility skills. At this point I should be turning off the stream. But I don’t want to be judgemental, there seem to be plenty other people who are lefties/used to clicking their skills. But bear in mind I am fairly certain the majority of this forum does not do that, so they have an advantage on you in any fight. (You were hesitating quite a bit during the 4v4 there which meant less dodge/fight whilst you were trying to find the right utility skills, hoping they were off cooldown). A little tip, try and sort that out, I have gone through 3-4 different keyboard setups. All of them were pretty easy to use and get used to. (I am no lefty)
Then I notice there is NO sound. HOW in god’s name can you expect to “teach” anyone anything without sound?! All I’m seeing is a stream where some dudes duel each other. And then the only thing in chat was mentioning the build you were using. Another tip. Use sound! That way you can explain what you are doing and answer any questions without having to stop the gameplay. Really helps keeping viewers.
All in all, give it a little more thought before rolling your product out to the public. Hidden build idea is a great way to interest viewers (keep at least 4-5 builds at the ready so you can keep the interest). But in my eyes this tactic doesn’t work all too well in a “teaching” stream without sound.
Good luck in the future
I could actually see me use it in a boss fight as I was typing it up.
The reason I’m not happy with the staff is caus the symbol is slightly bugged to not give priper swiftnesd alot of the time.
Also i am not looking for in combat mobility, I am looking to get across the map quicker!
i do agree with most your suggestions (although not all should be implemented to the suggested degree as that would completely turn the tides imo)
personally when i saw the dolyak signet i thought sweet – dolyak rune + dolyak signet + adrenal health +shouts = sick bunker. but then i found out dolyak signet doesnt actually give regen and the dolyak rune doesn’t scale with healing power?! woot! i was well vexed
I just hope anet listens to any of these suggestions and takes them to heart (I am not too confident on the changes coming in this patch. which means another month to wait -.-)
This post is mainly WvW focused
Reading the forums on guardians and being bothered by the dilemma of swiftness for guardians (or a lack thereof) for a while now I finally decided to post here.
The general arguments for guardians to be more mobile are “other classes can do that too” and the arguments against usually are “but we want to keep up class diversity”.
First of all, it is quite possible to sustain 100% swiftness uptime on a guardian. All you need is your staff and your two utility skills retreat and save yourself. (Other options include stacking huge amounts of boon duration in favor of damage or tankiness).
So far all is pretty well, I don’t mind being slow during a battle. I don’t even mind not being able to keep up with anyone who decides to disengage me and run away (pussies(; ). The problem I have is I feel very locked down when I just try to run places. Especially in WvW this gets very annoying. “Do I bust this 60 (48) second cd skill to keep up swiftness or am I going need it 10 seconds from now in a fight?” – I mean, seriously, every other class practically vomits swiftness and increased movement speed everywhere right?
So I was going through the traits and came across a fabulous little trait called “Unscathed contender”. This nifty little trait improves your damage by 20% whilst under the effect of aegis. This would make it a pretty decent trait if guardians had any way to actually kite anyone or hope to keep up aegis in a fight.
I have a) NEVER seen ANYONE use this trait and b) never seen a guardian with aegis up for longer than maybe 2 or 3 hits, and that is PUSHING it. Who wants to be a range-kiting guardian anyways?
So why not change this trait to give 5/10/15% movespeed whilst under the effects of aegis (however much anet feels appropriate). This would allow for some rather awesome micromanagement on both guardians and their enemies sides. What do you guys think? I would love for once not having to equip a staff and still feeling like I’m running places and not crawling.
Agreed. It’s so bad, I’ve changed to a rune/food setup for permaswiftness so I won’t have to keep my staff equipped. Which is sad, because I actually really like the staff…but it’s no good to me if 20% of the weapon skills are…erm, unreliable. It’s like hitting the Mystic Toilet everytime you press #3….you might go fast, you might not, all depends on the RNG. =)
please enlighten me! you just stack boon duration? i find the guardian swiftness situation VERY bothersome. its the lack of out of combat speed that bothers me.
YES please! this bug has been around since launch! whats up with that?!
Well tonights fights were amazing, got it all on video and cant wait to edit it
Look forwrd to more fights like tonights! Many thanks <3 RiOT
And then post it on youtube? god yes please! Can’t wait to further ruin my study time with lots of youtubing! Any “firefighting” from VcY being uploaded?
also up to you. i ran both with equal success, depends on your preferences.
0 0 30 30 10 (great for extra adrenaline on weapon swap/shouts and good tankiness with the extra 100toughness/healing) – this i currently use
0 0 20 30 20 (also great, weaponswap on 5 second cooldown is great for many more burst skill uses, makes warrior much more fun)
you can also try
10 0 30 30 0 (for more cond. cleanse and less adrenaline/health on heal— using mending)
0 20 20 30 0 (for greatsword/rifle madness, last time i ran this build was when health on crit had no internal cooldown, i do not recommend it now)
shout heals, soldier runes.
heal on kill/ heal on crit/ endurance refill on kill sigils.
health regen/heal on kill/heal on crit food.
predominantly knights gear with some berserkers and some clerics.
run hammer + x/y
mainhand, x, can be either sword or axe or even mace if you so like
offhand, y, can be either warhorn (Great roup support) or shield (great skirmishing addition, any other offhand can be made to work too. mace is pretty decent. depends on your preferences)
Pretty well said! #6, #8 and #9 deserve special attention as those are the points where a commander can really shine.
- is missing a little explanation as to why it is important to stick together, should anyone be wondering on the benefits of (what my guild has come to call) the “blob zerg”.
agreed, but warriors are meant to be played actively (hack n slash and brutality come to mind) whilst guardians are allowed to gain alot more passive effects. (similar to thiefs of the medium armor classes.
therefore, if at all, i htink it should simply be a % of health gained per adrenaline used, per trait point invested. this would allow for nice management between the passive regen based on adrenaline trait and the healing bonus from spending your adrenaline.
-deleted- due to possible inapproprietness
(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)
well i agree that ANOTHER passive heal would not fit the warrior class as their meant to be alot more "bull"sy (and guardians only have 1 passive built in regen, so do eles, why should warriors get more natural sustain)
but i personally AM a fan of sustain. so how about a heal based on the amount of adrenaline spent (per point invested) or even just a trait, revamped. could offer some serious deviation to the 30 vitality trait builds that seek sustain and instead try manage the use of adrenaline to keep yo kitten alive?
Why would mending be a shout? That does not even make sense.
What? You don’t have magical bandages and stitches that sew you up and treat your wounds when you shout the word “MENDING!” to activate them?
its a shame, mending coupled with restorative strength could be REAL strong if the healing at least scaled a bit better with healingpower:(
In my eyes the lack of cripple on any guardian skills is quite annoying. Nevermind the fact that they are quite immobile in the first place with very little swiftness output and a bugged staff, but I feel that much like every other class which get a cripple skill on their sword only (virtually any other class who can equip a sword get at least cripple with its skills) the guardian should not be left out?
Especially with the recent fanwave of stability the guardian really lacks alot of cc potential which shouldnt be for a heavy armor class.
Do pardon me if this questions already frequently asked, but I couldn’t find any posts that helped me sort out my problem, let alone pinpoint the problem.
Since the game came out the game on my pc has been crashing. I used to be able to just accept the crashes as they frequented about once/twice a week, but since recent patches my game crashes up to several times a day. This gets very annoying and I have sent countless crashreports to ArenaNet.
As per specs I have a GTX 460 graphics card, 4g of ram and an i5 2500K overclocked to about 4.4 GHz. My drivers are up to date and the crash report reads as per attachment.
Please help me out? Whats the problem here and (how) can it be fixed?
Many thanks in advance!!
is it terribly wrong if I want to HEAL more!? I’m happy investing into healing power if the ratios weren’t so POOP even a full shout heal build does not satisfy my need to sustain a fight.
edit: i should add I am coming from a WvW/PvP viewpoint. ( I always run under the assumption anything is possible in pve, so far I haven’t been wrong:P) I’ve also always run with a 0 0 20 30 0 base build trying shouts and banners (finding preference in shouts) but taking 300 MORE points into vitality (of which we already have uhh so much seems counterproductive
(edited by Pvt Frosty.6973)