Short and straight to the point.
- No Rewards system?
Really? (bashing a keep for 2 hrs for 1 silver) - WvW gear that is to overpriced, to hideous to ever get.
For a die hard WvW player, im resorted to dungeons for better/faster acquired gear. - Patching PvE events AFTER a reset.
Really? Say goodbye to prepped expensive siege. - Jumping Exploits still unfixed.
Its nice to know 5 hours of work can be taken over in a few minutes time. - No Guild recognition
Claiming towers/keep and holding give you no practical monetary reward nor increased influence. Even adding a guild name on banners or changing up NPC mobs to guild guard names would be sufficient. - Broken Achievements system
Seriously, people don’t care about the faint titles that take ages to get.
All and all this game mode is broken. This is probably the best, most abused feature to this game in regards to content and its going to take over 5 months after release to fix. I understand that the PvE content is important but THIS IS THE ENDGAME material. I don’t know why I find my time still in WvW and many people have already left the game entirety. Maybe its the small glimpse of hope for all the hard work we put into it that will always be unrepresented.
Happy holidays and better days for all impoverished players in WvW.
- (pst. Updating more bullets from the community)
(edited by Rawnoodles.1398)
GF SoS, We came pretty close to catching up.
Our brand new revamped Website is up! Come check it out!
Thanks for all the imput guildies! Hope to see a few more people interested in EMP!
Please message us for any questions!
Welcome to Empërium’s recruitment page!
A brief history behind Empërium.
- We are one of the founding WvW guilds in Jade Quarry(US), formerly known as Elite Solidarity [ESOL]. We have over 20 active commanders ranging between American/European/Oceanic coverage and we are the top operating guild to have WvW multicoverage within the server. The only WvW international powerhouse guild of its kind. We are in dire need of European/Oceanic support. Please feel free to ask us any questions if any do arise!
ALSO: We are looking for other WvW guilds to Merge/Join Jade Quarry Server!
Let me know via mail/whisper
What we can offer you!
- 200 Core Members (3 months +) 400 + roster
- A dynamic intermixed community.
- A STRONG & ACTIVE competitive WvW presence.
(Top Primetiming USA nightly crew) - Weekly GvGs!
- PvE/Dungeon (off hours) support & Raids
- Weekly Guild Missions/Trek/Puzzle/Challenge
- Brilliant tactical progression within WvW from class specification to play style.
- Sophisticated & In-depth guild forums
- An active Teamspeak based guild.
- A loyal unyielding commitment of support.
- Able to abide and uphold a positive Teamspeak attendance.
(TS introduction needed no microphone required) - Able to represent the guild consistently.
- Able to attend all meetings & events if online at the present time.
- Able to cooperate and contribute within the guild.
- Able to register on our forums.
If you are interested
Apply directly on our website or send a tell/mail tell to : Rawnoodles, Its TIger, Nateralus, or Oxygg.
Guild Websites
EMP’s Homepage
EMP’s forum
EMP’s Youtube Page
RT Server Rankings
NA Scoreboard
We hope to hear back soon!
Many Thanks,
WvW Leader/Founder
(edited by Rawnoodles.1398)
^To add we have allot of new members transfuring from other servers and they have had nothing shot of amazing in terms of experience! IF you have any questions let us know!
-ESOL Leader
To add! These guilds run throughout all hours of the day so feel free to message us! We have the structure, just need more avalible members to fill up our slots .
Thanks and hope to see you with us soon!
-ESOL Leader
Glad to say JQ is holding out. Admist all the “bandwagoners” we’ve been able to substain the majority of our top contending guilds even through Halloween PvE drought. Props to those guilds that made it possible. FIRE,MMAC,FOO,DC,FC, and yours truly Elite Solidarity. We can dispute which server is having it rough for whatever reason but at the end of the day, it effects every server. Best of luck to everyone, it has been probably one of our most exciting weeks to date.
-ESOl General leader
I would like to take the time to say thanks for visiting our recruitment page! Quick and simple, we one of the largest operating guilds leading in Jade Quarry WvW. Were not on forums much because were to busy operating ingame. Message Kellnor,Diablos Oet, Oxyggen or myself if you find strong interest in joining ESOL!
Guild Bio
-Over 200 members, roughly 25-80 members in WvW throughout any given hour.
-14+ Commanders
-Top three powerhouse contending guilds
-founded the standard operating procedures in JQ WvW tactics
- Most financialy stable guild (30silver/week minimum membership dues)
Mail one of our leaderships to gain more info and to request to start your trial membership.
Rawnoodles (Founder of ESOL)
Hey IOJ , I know you think you are clever and stuff teaming with SBI and thinking ill help you bump us to third. Its not feasibly possible unless SBI gives you a 200+ point lead which isn’t going to happen.
You just got used like a dirty condom, way to give into the mooch and free labor.