Showing Posts For Robyn Yew.6072:

Crit chance

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

other ranger players who are not bm bunker builds.

whats your crit chance and crit dmg.

what is that crit chance sweet spot in your opinion

i might be tweaking for around 30-35 pct before i had around 40-45+

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I thought he was about my skill level as i made just as many mistakes, but if you say hes below average than ok sorry for the vid lol. Pm ingame if you are a thief for duels but i wont be able to use grasping vines unless you are dragonbrand or tarnished coast and it wont be the same as grasping vines is so fun.

You dont get duels in eb and if you do the thief usually runs if he loses and doesn’t stand to fight like this guy so respect to him.

Also the good duels i do get i dont remember to record because i just focus on having that good fight most the time. so footage i do get might be of lower quality fights.

Just had a really good duel with mesmer and thief comes in to down me when im below 10 percent health. Like i said you dont get duels in eb rofl.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Passive(advanced players) and aggressive(new players)

one requires more micro than the other, as you can see i failed to micro and lost some dps in begin of fight. so for newer rangers who are watching practice micro your pet if you use passive mode

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Interesting to watch One this I might recommend is when fighting thieves, it helps a lot if your pet is on aggresive stance. They will instantly re-find thieves when they unstealth and it makes it easier to track where they have gone. Would have avoided them res’ing the first time. Good job though ^^

also good tip, i have it on gaurd for running around and i didnt plan on getting a good duel on eb map. but for other rangers this is good tip if you duel someone

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Nice fight against the thief. When they refuge, if you have the wolf, run to the middle of it with your wolf and fear them out. If you force them out of it before it ends, they’ll automatically unstealth.

good tip

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Triple posted, was lagging respond on this one thanks.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

One duel, average players.I dont find good 1v1s often on eb so when i do and remember to record i can post. Post april 30 patch i always used shortbow before but i really like the longbow now and only util i use here is grasping vines lol.

EDIT: its not a bm bunker regen build o.omg

some mistakes on my part were
*forgetting to use elite
*using signet of stone by accident(wasnt traited for it)
*didn’t tell pet to attack in begin of fight(lost out on some dps)

throw away fun clip 1min -transformesmer

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)

Ranger vs Thief(average players)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

One duel, average players.I dont find good 1v1s often on eb so when i do and remember to record i can post. Post april 30 patch i always used shortbow before but i really like the longbow now and only util i use here is grasping vines lol.

some mistakes on my part were
*forgetting to use elite
*using signet of stone by accident(wasnt traited for it)
*didn’t tell pet to attack in begin of fight(lost out on some dps)

throw away fun clip 1min -transformesmer

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(Video) Exploits - WvW Melee BM Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

skilled play with knowledge of other classes capabilities.
sail by awol is theme song for rangers now its official lol.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Rainbow Jellyfish

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

this just a thread to get rangers upset, seriously im just laughing at it because the jellyfish color he proposes is green, hilarious jon and well played getting the noobs to argue.

Btw all you rangers who think your pro “im ingame owning kitten up while you noobs complain on forums” yes we know, but you are still here arguing with people who want better updates and thats exactly what devs want you to do, argue with your fellow ranger players. Its just politics, keeping the public distracted from the real problems. Stay off forums and keep being pro ingame if you think class is fine while the rest push for a better future thanks.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Devs mention ranger PvE buffs

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

btw if they actually fix our pet and it does what we want, rangers will be op just saying.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Devs mention ranger PvE buffs

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Thieves as well? I hope this is only for pve and not pvp because thieves are the last thing that needs a buff.

Most thieves don’t make it out of the lower tiers because you can mitigate them very easily. As a ranger I shut thieves down all the time who don’t use venoms, especially if you have something like healing spring and Lightning reflexes. One fixes stun, one fixes immob/cripple, and then it’s just dodge rolls at the right moment and CC to shut them down. Also bring wolf for f2 and stay nearby when thieves start doing their stealthy bit, and then be ready to watch them flee in terror.
That of course means their build options are highly limited, and when that happens people can hard counter you more easily.

The changes for rangers coming in this next patch are a step in the right direction for them. I am not part of that team so I won’t be announcing any of the changes unless told otherwise.

Running for office?

Anyway to break it down, all this language and wording for you Vitalsuit, yes they will be getting buffs. Thieves will steamroll you so quick if you dont have the right build and utilities and if you do happen to counter them you might not even kill them half the time. So prepare your trap/tanky/regen/evade builds to weather the storm.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Exactly how am I supposed to fight thieves?

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Dear comet, first you made a video who a ranger can fight like thief and NOW you are telling us this ? dude what are you smoking ?

lmaooooo just figured out what was going on, you caught on thanks for pointing out roflllflol. no comet seriously what is it. Btw some complaints about rangers are legit while some are not but every profession forum has general complaints soooo…

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Is the WvW armor of choice still p/v/t?

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

And is that power/toughness/vitality or is the first p precision? Or is their a set that works better for our class?

So far I do not have a build, trying to get it all sorted out for tongiht.

power , vit , tough is for new players basically a neutral armor set to play in. In wvw you need to find out what are you doing, up close skirmishes or behind the zerg piercing arrows.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Hitting like a Thief: Ranger DPS Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I don’t think anybody is going to dispute the numbers that pop up on the screen. That being said, let me ask:

-What happens when an opponent is moving, kiting, dodging, crippling, blinding, and immobilizing you, or has access to numerous stealth or escape skills?

I don’t want to take anything away from his build because I suspect it works really well in SPvP but there’s no way it’s successful in WvW. Jump into a zerg as a Ranger with that build and you ain’t coming back out.

LOL so true.
spvp MAYBE like idk, 0 stunbreakers i sure as hell wouldnt use it. This wouldnt work for WvW

Basically, how to burst halfway like a thief, fine print every 96 seconds.

also double melee, weapon choices. You get kited so easy and you must play to perfection in melee range otherwise other classes will crush the juice outa you. For those who chose to play ranger i know you wernt thinking melee class so have some ranged weapons on you and be useful lol.

EDIT: your kittening ai pet isnt going to do TONS OF DMG if you can’t hold down the target.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I WAS interested until I saw it wasn’t solo. When you solo the dungeon leme know and I’ll watch it.

I would love to see Ranger videos soloing dungeons. Particularly hard ones. Recently even a Mesmer released one in Arah.

I’d glad you would like to see that kind of stuff, but I won’t be the one providing that. I’m sure there are other rangers out there that would, so just wait and it will eventually happen.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I WAS interested until I saw it wasn’t solo. When you solo the dungeon leme know and I’ll watch it.

I’m not spending my time to solo a dungeon just to say yea we can do it, now go try it all you rangers. Like I said in my previous posts, i spend a good 90 percent of my time wvw, ill leave the big “achievement” of solo dungeon ranger to someone else.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Not sure why you say CoF is elitist. I’ve found it to be the easiest dungeon to pug. Just stand outside and put your hand up.

As far as content in arah the only boss I can think of that offers any real challenge aside from Lupicus is Simin. Every other boss essentially just has lots of health and easy mechanics.

The trickiest sections in Arah are often the running sections as the trash mobs tend to hit much harder than in other dungeons. Some of them can even outrun you at times.

Again, nice vids Robyn!

And get full exotic gear for crying out loud ;P

It’s what i hear from most of the people that do and have experience with CoF, I have never done it and I don’t think I will unless someone drags me in. I have fun in WvW and do fine without MAXED gear lmao. Got my necro to 80 recently and I also wear masterwork jewelry and do fine zerg vs zerg. I think you only really need exotic if it’s a duel than you will want every advantage you can get if you were the same skill level. ATM i just dont feel like grinding for endgame gear but I WILL get it eventually, GL to all the wvwers out there when i do lol xD.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Oh heck yes. Nice vids! You gotta love Arah. I personally think it’s the most fun dungeon I’ve run so far. It’s a shame most people don’t realize how facepalm easy almost every boss is aside from Lupicus. And the lupicus fight is just so fun once you’ve figured out his attacks and phases.

A couple little things. On the Crusher and Hunter fight. Posting 2 people on the lamp post to the left of the crusher is really helpful. They can hold aggro while the other 3 stay on the ledge and range. I use signet of renewal and healing spring when I’m standing up there and have enough condition removal to stay alive the whole fight.

A note on the lupicus fight. From phase 1 to phase 2 lupicus will always try to spawn an extra grub. He often tries to spawn it on your pet. If he does, an instant pet swap negates the grub spawn. Wait a second though and the grub will still spawn on your other pet.

Lets get more rangers in to Arah!

Haha thanks for the feedback, Although I probably wont try to do it better, im lazy, I mainly WvW for most of my time and only do dungeons once in awhile, rare. I’m working on my gear atm i think i almost have the perfect set for me. I really hate to play the tanky , regen, evade builds it is so boring =p. Basically I got crit damage as my main priority so when i finish ill share a video of it in wvw maybe some duels or zerg fights.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Can you please post the links to the other videos for the lazy people (like myself). Thank you.

What I see:

  • Your damage is very respectable.
  • You’re smart enough to change pets, utilities, etc. to match the content
  • Both your pets die, leaving you with the “long cooldown”, even when using a ranged spider and devourer … the devourer being the pet with the highest toughness in the game
  • You glitch a boss using terrain … easy content, I’d prefer to see harder

Do you have video of yourself fighting some of the harder Arah bosses?

Do you have video of your ranger in 30+ fractals?

Summary: Nothing impressive but nothing bad either. Solid ranger play.

I COULD make videos of me doing ALL the dungeon paths although I will only make em if many more people are interested in seeing them. Like I said I only uploaded the vids to show that rangers are able to do it and yes you adapt to each boss using diff pets and utils.

To answer your last two questions

1. No I don’t have video of fighting harder bosses, if enough are interested I will make one.

2. No I do not have a video of my ranger 30+ fractals. As I said I am rocking MASTERWORK jewlery.

Another thing to point out, you dont need to be fully geared to do those dungeons…. I been wearing masterwork for awhile and did almost all dungeons beside CoF(elitist dungeon)

I spend 90 percent or more of my time in WvW unless I’m trying to find some skins for my ranger. I do plan on doing fractals soon though as someone offered to help me get through it.

As for linking all the videos here, i wont be doing that. Just click that video and click on my name the Uploader under the video.

Thanks for feedback, although my goal wasn’t to show my impressive skills, it was just for the rangers that had doubts they could do arah. In my channel I even say I’m an average gamer.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

You can speed it up and make it shorter. Maybe i should do one too.

Yes you should make one to, mine wont be the best but i just wanted to show that rangers can do the dungeon np. Send me a link if you end up making one.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

ok i will post p3 and half of p2 as I did not record the rest of it.

Edit: there wont be any music so play your own alright xD.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Arah Dungeon Video(Are you interested?)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Is anyone interested in seeing Arah Dungeon run with Ranger?
If so I’ll post but it wont be full footage as it would take to long and I like to kinda keep my vids short. NOT SOLO

Path 3 Part 1 WATCH IN HD

Play your own Music and Enjoy!

I will only post this one up on forums, If you are interested in seeing the rest I will be uploading soon so check on my channel. Also i will add it to a playlist so you can watch all at once later.

EDIT: All vids up Full path 3 and half of 2.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)

WvW enemy tagging as ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Getting rewarded for zerging on same level as other classes isnt going to happen, especially with the without dying to much part. To even try to equal them you will need traps and even traited you are to close to the front line. Your best bet is to go either 20/20/x/x/x or go 30/20/x/x/x or 30/30/x/x/x. Most important traits for tagging would probably be the increased longbow range 1500 and piercing arrows with reduced cd on bow skills along with traited traps for ground targeting.

Thing is Ranger isn’t really good zerg vs zerg I have played plenty WvW and what I can say is you HUNT down the zerg while it’s in retreat. You get so many kills and than you will need to walk back and pick up your trail of bags. Don’t stomp, let your teammates finish and you just keep hunting them down kill after kill. I’m working on a build right now with the recent qz nerf to something to this effect.

EDIT: If you are going to be at 1500 range build full berserkers or at least 80 percent.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)

Need help picking a ranger build...

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

“I’m one of those people that likes to build more defensively so that is why I am so hesitant to build I ranger because I’ve never really heard of a defensively built Ranger. I also prefer melee combat

Do my preferences work in some way without gimping a ranger? Or would I just be better off forgetting about having a pet and playing a guardian or something?"
Sounds like you want us Rangers to convince you. Just go play gaurdian, you’re better off.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Forced into MM while leveling?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

just started couple weeks ago and im 55 now, i have used staff with main hand scepter and off hand dagger is really good for aoe. For utils i run well of suffering with the 2 bone minions, if you explode minions in well of suffering it causes aoe blinds= more aoe dmg. for last util i go with the 25 percent move buff. As for traits you could go anything really, just look at the traits and pick what you like. Its all about experimenting with class till you get to 80.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Greatsword throw while moving

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I wouldn’t ask for to many buffs, just let me move while throwing my greatsword for the cripple. Thats it =p.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Greatsword throw while moving

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I support being able to move when you activate the second part on greatsword 4 ability. This has always bothered me as you would never hit them anyways lmao. Only use is to block.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Nerf Rangers (The Future)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Isn’t this happening with other professions right now?

Not sure, wanna link me some stuff that shows this?

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Nerf Rangers (The Future)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

It will never happen.

I didn’t know you came back from the future.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Nerf Rangers (The Future)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Lol. There are builds still out there. We are kinda OP atm with the recent buff.

You playing the same game as I am, or are you getting this confused with another game ?

He might be playing roleplaying in Skyrim where he can be a master bowman with great magical powers and a mighty arsenal of melee weapons.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Nerf Rangers (The Future)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

the World vs World map its a mighty battle of pets and arrows flying everywhere.

Last time I saw that it didn’t go too well:

“The army of pets are so overwhelming that nothing can stop them because all they do is insta respawn.”

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Nerf Rangers (The Future)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

The day we get some decent buffs, Rangers are going to shine and everyone will hop on the fotm OP Ranger. People will complain and cry and ask anet why are Rangers so strong. They dodge to much, wtf are all these evades, how can they still do damage when sitting standing still, and why do I have to fight their kitten pet and the Ranger at the same time like cmon anet nerf this right now.

6+ months pass and no nerfs, Rangers continue to dominate, and the general squalor still complain about the Rangers. We play, we lvl, we get gold, we get wvw bags, we are given gold to join parties for dungeons, its just a kittening Arrow Age for us Rangers.

8+ months go by everyone is rolling ranger and on the World vs World map its a mighty battle of pets and arrows flying everywhere. Pets everywhere, everywhere, why are there so many and i dont get anything from killing them? The pets take supply camps, they siege towers, and they take keeps. The army of pets are so overwhelming that nothing can stop them because all they do is insta respawn. Wtf is this bullkitten the other classes may ask, to you we say L2play scrub.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Thank you so much for killing Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

“I play sb/gs berserker and the quickness nerf was pretty big but in time ill figure something else out.”

QZ nerf hurt my overall build and playstyle including dmg, saying it hurt longbow way more idk. But as a side note, other professions that relied on this for quick burst kills got hit as bad also. In time people are just going to have to adapt. No more quick take downs means fights drag out longer which makes condition based builds that much better, but we will see.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Introducing the Phantom Catmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

used this tactic in my early days, fun times. Coming back from my adventure through this world encountering many things and trying many different builds I can tell you this style is probably the most satisfying just to sit back and laugh while you are in no danger.

This is as good as it gets (for now) my rangers. WvW specifically.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Thank you so much for killing Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

actually berserker shortbow rangers use quickness a kittening lot, gotta get them ones out lol. I play sb/gs berserker and the quickness nerf was pretty big but in time ill figure something else out. went back to lb/sb for now while getting the creative juices flowing for my next build.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Weapon choices for Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Greatsword for sure, has an evade on 3rd swing on 1 skill, a block, a stun and 2 skill was recently buffed along with reduce cooldown times on 4 and 5 skill. For choosing between shortbow and longbow now, thats all up to what you prefer, myself shortbow as longbow seems to slow for me.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger update march 26

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

just change trap range to 1200 so i can sit behind a zerg and be useful in wvwvw.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Longbow Love WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Sylvari racial skill [grasping vines] is very good. 45 second cd and more reliable than entangle. I use that for roaming and switch back to muddy terrain for large groups. Frees up elite for Rampage as one. Also i think it works when theives use dagger storm, ive done it a couple times.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Longbow Love WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Before nerf with quickness 100 percent i could use shortbow OR greatsword on the frontline of zerg with good damage and survivability. If i got caught there was also a very good chance I can escape. Now you wont do as much damage therefore you arnt going to be useful up front. Unless you playing bunker ranger or something but i find that very boring.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Longbow Love WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

You have to think a bit, let me help. There is no weapon now with the quickness nerf that is worth to use in wvwvw with the amount of enemy players. Using longbow traited for 1500 range you wont need much survivability if you position yourself on the field correctly, which means you wont have to sacrifice survivability for damage.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Longbow Love WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Switching back to Longbow in WvWvW, 1500 range with peircing arrows. The QZ nerf from 100 percent to 50 percent is just to much. I played shortbow/Greatsword and its not worth it to be on the front lines anymore. Your damage wont be good enough to finish people off and you can’t switch pets to do a fast finisher. It was already hard enough trying to get your felines to do damage or any pet for that matter with all the aoes. Anyways not a big deal, this for any rangers coming back and want to know the frontline skirmish status for ranger (it’s terrible).

EDIT: Your Longbow 2 tracks people if you attack that person before they go into stealth, have fun new Rangers.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)

Ranger tips for Beginners

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

This guy does a awesome job on helping explain things.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(Vid)Legendary Elite - Natures Fury

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

I don’t think you get the joke here, the big Spirit in the back tanking over half the camp was what i was referring to.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(Vid)Legendary Elite - Natures Fury

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Ranger Legendary Elite skill, we don’t need buffs people.

Note: Just a fun video hope you guys enjoy. Should ranger buff look like this?

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Rofl, Spirits ignored again

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

We already got spirits, you just have to find the really good ones.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Ranger Vid WvW(testRun)

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

Footage from today solo playing ranger in WvW.
Just a test video, ill make one later that has more fights in it and hopefully better ones.

EDIT: I seen a dead teamate on the floor and was originally in that area to find the person who killed him. I ended up running into a clan on the opposite team and some random others.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)

Help with gear first character

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

well getting to 80 on ranger you really dont need to panic about anything, just pick up gear along the way while your pet tanks everything. Don’t spend your karma until 80 or gold.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Help with gear first character

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

For all new rangers you should aim for power/toughness/vitality going to 80. Once you get pretty experienced with your ranger start making your own build that is tailored to your playstyle along with the stat combinations.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir

Broken skills!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Robyn Yew.6072

Robyn Yew.6072

hmm, not sure but i will run into zergs in wvw and use it and see what happens.

}|{Rhbyn Yew}|{ Sylvari Ranger 80
born to Isle Of Janthir