So why do we choose to ignore it?
So why do we choose to ignore it?
When did I ever say “nerf hundred blades?” Its good tho that you missed the point I was making completely. +best. Maybe next time I post something you can critically read it and identify the deeper points. The mere fact all you took from it was a kitten post about hundred blades and Rangers says a lot more about you than it does me. I used a Ranger in the example listed because they are the class I have the most experience with. I was going to go ahead and add-on a whole other section for another class but it was already long enough and I thought it made the point nicely. I guess I vastly underestimated the ability of forum goers (or simply just you) to analyze and apply critical thinking.
But Thank you for your feedback. It’s noted. My next written up post shall contain more examples and illustrations to prove my point and everyone reading it can suffer through my poor writing skills for the entire duration. ^.^ I sure don’t mind writing more, if you couldn’t tell.
For everyone else reading this post, I apologize you had to witness that and I’m sure it has already biased your opinion. For that I do not blame you. Thank you and have a good night. ^.^
So why do we choose to ignore it?
^ For you if you want to take a look Dante.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Thank you for letting me know, I thought I had set it to view, I guess I accidentally set the second one twice, tyvm for helping me out yet again Doom!
(The posts are frankly way too long to copy onto the forums with their invisible character limit) After several attempts I finally said forget it and downloaded this program for the very application of sharing things on this forum.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
(edited by Sco.9615)
Bleh, I just play my Thief/Warrior with a Shortbow/Lonbow respectively and it sucks…I WANT MY RANGER! But at the same time I cannot stand wasting my time on such a sub-mediocre, broken, [insert any other negative connotation here], profession. It just is not fun in any way. Maybe if I knew they were fixing things or had plans to eventually rework some mechanics I’d stick with it if they just told me their plans, just for the sake of sticking with it. But frankly I’ll honestly be surprised if they even fix half of what is wrong with the Ranger. Played GW for too long and watched too many over-the-top Ranger nerfs to believe in their ability to manage whatever it is they seem to call “balance”. They’ve completely lost their original design philosophy already.
./No faith.
We need more joke threads, that’s the most fun thing about the Ranger atm; It’s really fun to make jokes about.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
To be perfectly honest I feel the same way. I want to say that I believe they’ll fix things but after playing GW for so many years I’ve just given up hope of ever having a decent Ranger class. Beta was fun because it was like “Omg no way they made such improvements to Ranger…!” Then they did the exact thing they always do, over nerf. ./disgusted. I would say I lost all my faith in the GW2 team in charge of this sick perversion they’ve been calling “balancing” since GW but you can’t lose something you already lost. ./sigh. I apologize for this rant. Please ignore it and keep on following the OPs idea everyone. Time to get back on track.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I know this is not the best place to post this and some people may have already seen it but I figured I’d throw my two cents in as well.
It’s rather long but it points out what I feel the problem is with some of the GW2 Design. There is also a Suggestions link at the bottom for things I personally would like to see to the Ranger. It’s all opinion based on experiences and conversations with others. If you share a diff view, more than welcome but don’t post it on this page and get it even more off topic xD Again, sorry for getting a little off topic but this link is why I think the Ranger is bad. Thank you and I like the idea of this thread.
Sco I would post your stuff. Many people are not going to leave the forums to go to a Google Docs thing…due to risking their machines to a virus or something.
Sadly It’s too long to post (each write up is >3 pages) and if some one is afraid of getting a virus from “google docs” then I probably don’t want those people reading it anyways xD. That’s why that warning page was implemented into the forums, to give you a chance to see where you are being taken before hand. Thank you for the suggestion tho, I appreciate you trying to help my friend!
So why do we choose to ignore it?
The Ranger itself isn’t a bad class, it’s a great class in fact. It’s just that for every great build or style that comes along, there’s either a bug, nerf or other issue to drag it down.
The Ranger is and will always be many people’s favorite profession however when literally everything you want to do just either does not work, is bugged, poorly implemented, or just plainly has a poor design there isn’t much to do but make jokes…(which we tried and it was a sad day when that thread was closed…). I’m sure they may eventually find suitable fixes but frankly I’m already disgusted, betrayed, and depressed. I was so excited to play GW2 Ranger because it felt like they took everything from GW you wished you could do and said, “Oh, Ranger would be cool if they could do that!” and then said “Just kidding, we didn’t like that after all, sorry.” nerfed the crap out of it in a pre-mature panic and left us with nothing. So really, thank you for crushing the Ranger, we all really appreciate it(even before this SB fiasco). We’ll be happy when [IF] you fix it but till then I fully support all the “QQ” on this sub-forum.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I know this is not the best place to post this and some people may have already seen it but I figured I’d throw my two cents in as well.
It’s rather long but it points out what I feel the problem is with some of the GW2 Design. There is also a Suggestions link at the bottom for things I personally would like to see to the Ranger. It’s all opinion based on experiences and conversations with others. If you share a diff view, more than welcome but don’t post it on this page and get it even more off topic xD Again, sorry for getting a little off topic but this link is why I think the Ranger is bad. Thank you and I like the idea of this thread.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I think I will too. (nod)
So why do we choose to ignore it?
A not so short write up of an example where GW2 happen to severely disappoint me.
Integrating GW2 Skill Design
Here is the mentioned second write up of a single professions’s specific suggestions.
GW2 Ranger Suggestions
Again, please do not comment if you did not bother to fully and carefully read one or both articles. Many times I’ve posted things in which people disagree with things simply cause they failed to carefully read or take account of everything in which I said. I’m sure this happens to many people, but I just happen to not like flaming or incomplete responses. Thank you very much.
(Note: I often edit what I have written with new, or different, material so changes to the two posts may occur at any time.)
So why do we choose to ignore it?
We all fell for that trap…
So why do we choose to ignore it?
This is going to probably draw a lot of hate and people telling other people what would be better and what not as these sort of things always do as people all have their own experiences and opinions. Therefore, please keep in mind these are opinions and suggestions, if you disagree or have your own view that is perfectly fine but keep them to yourself unless you have some self control.
This was posted in the Suggestion forum but I figured I’d re-post a link here just cuz.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Lmao I check this every couple hours for a good lol. <3 you all.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
This is by far my favorite thread yet!
So why do we choose to ignore it?
+highfive for late night forum tinkering! I plan to eventually be updating these with more suggestions for other professions as time goes on but for now, at least that part is done.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Well it isn’t like they can all swoop in and post on ideas they like, that would give away possible future skill updates surprises! xD I have little faith they will respond but I always like to hear from them when they do.
Also I just tried to edit one of my posts after a good 2 hours of writing and formatting and it didn’t save.. curse you you fluffy kitten forums! I’m going to head to bed and try to re-do it tomorrow. I’m too discouraged atm. QQ
So why do we choose to ignore it?
1 more slot.. just in case I over do it… xD
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Sure enough, I over did it. I can’t post it here because, well, its too big. I downloaded google-doc in hopes of being able to just share the link and letting everyone read it on there as that seemed to be the easiest route. Hopefully this works.
My GW2 Ranger suggestions:
GW2 Ranger Suggestions
So why do we choose to ignore it?
(edited by Moderator)
I know thousands of people will be flocking to post suggestions for skills and profession updates and you’ll all be busy trying to read and discuss them all but I wanted to stop a moment and ask a very simple but important question before I go spewing the literally hundreds of things I’ve wanted to say. This question is of course;
What are YOUR plans as Devs for the professions?
1.) Obviously would be to fix all the bugs that are plaguing many of the professions claiming to be weak or very role specific.
But what about after that?
Will Ranger pets ever be able to move and attack? (Probably the one major thing that really turned not only GW but now GW2 players away from the pet class.) Do you even want them to? Can we expect some of their more “iffy” weapons [cough] “Greatsword” [cough] to get any buffs?
Will the Mesmer ever get a way to distinguish clones from phantasms when it comes to shattering? Or as Devs did u deem this would be too powerful despite the relative squishy-ness of all Illusions?
Can the Eles expect any trait reworking or skill updates that encourage attun. swapping or combo usage? (Weapon sets seem to focus on 1 of the other “Finisher” or “Field” limiting the classes ability to naturally combo with itself which seems to be it’s main saving grace. Also, a large portion of the traits only seem to discourage swapping sadly with an exception to the awesome Arcane line:3)
Those were just some of a few random questions I wanted to throw out to get a conversation going if you did happen to respond to this post. If a Dev does happen to respond to it don’t feel like you have to answer those specific question or anything. I just wanted to see where all the professions stand in your eyes as Devs. I ask mainly because I have still yet to pick a class to main because I love many things about many diff classes but they all seem to have those “wth, that doesn’t seem to fit there” skills or traits that eventually bug me enough to change characters again.
But if I can suggest 1 thing really quickly it’s this: Please, for all future updates include specific details as to why skill changes were made and what you were hoping to accomplish with them.
Thank you very much for reading and I hope everyone has a good night!
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Tyvm for for the opportunity and space for us players to do this. I’m sure many other people feel the same way!
<3 you guys,
So why do we choose to ignore it?
@Silentsins; Your entire argument is now saying “Take two skills [and hope they aren’t able to react fast] to pin someone down because doing it with either one alone isn’t viable.” That’s where the point falls apart.
Heh. That wasn’t my argument. Even if you bring one, it’s on them to figure out what you’re bringing. It’s not “they’re going to break it every time” like people are pretending.
I’m not trying to say that it’s not a nerf, but the fact that opponents can react to it isn’t as significant as people are making it out to be, and it now forces build wars.
Oh, and I would hardly call shortbow support “useless after one burst”.
That was your point exactly and don’t deny it. “It’s on them to figure out…”
AKA: Hope you’re fighting a bad player.
Also, idk where you’re going with shortbow but I don’t recall anyone saying anything about bursting with a shortbow. LOL.
Anyways, this post has run it’s course and is obviously only to get more off topic so have a good day everyone, take care.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I think I should clerify, I used the term macros loosely. I simply rebound keys onto my mouse and made it so (in this particular case) I could like use 2 skill slots with 1 button if need be instead of having to push like 6&7 which is a pain in the butt, especially with 1 hand on the keyboard lol. If that isn’t allowed then ban me now or simply take away the ability to rebind keys in game. This is a different issue and ignoring the main point of the post so lets get back on track.
Also @lord you do realize that you entire statement about it not being needed only supports the fact that it is now even more useless and completely pointless to bring when before it was a elite version of stun, which always had its uses. You obviously dislike the skill and that’s fine to have a preference but the mere fact you’d rather bring a utility skill instead of said elite (even more so now I assume) is the very problem being addressed; uselessness
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I’m just generally unhappy about this. Unhappy is a bit of an understatement but w.e.
I don’t even care that they nerf skills or anything, that’s a part of any game. But my problem is that this particular lead individual (or team) [for the second game in a row] is failing to address the main issues with nerfs and instead takes the easy way out. Are you kidding me? Please tell me you are. If they did indeed let the same guy who literally screwed GW skills into the ground with his half-arsed fixes I’m not even bothering with this game. I got my heart broken in GW too many times when I had to watch skill after skill get nerfed for the wrong reasons and I’m not going to watch it happen again. I usually disapprove of spouting fallacies out but not in this case as its a continuing [key word here]:
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Before I go any further I would like to point out that this Venom was canceled with Steal since it counted as a missed hit unless traited with Mug. With mug you got an extra 5kcrit or ~2.5knon-crit opening damage as well as applying the Venom allowing this skill to not only be extremely viable but downright amazing..if traited for.
@ZLE; You obviously have no idea about what or why I am disappointed in this change and since it continues to go over your head please stop bothering to get it.
@Silentsins; Your entire argument is now saying “Take two skills [and hope they aren’t able to react fast] to pin someone down because doing it with either one alone isn’t viable.” That’s where the point falls apart.
@lordburka; With the trait mug used on this and proper macros I could hold someone in place for a second while I burst with near 100% success. The other Elites are not burst aiding skills, they work better with sharing venoms or vs. massive number of foes, strictly speaking the other elites are simply not worth taking in a 1v1 glass cannon ganking bar as that was not their intended usage.
Over all the skill itself is still technically good, especially for a burst class, however since you only have 1 burst and are useless after that, a foe popping a stun breaker not only saves his life but has a very good chance at ruining yours. Not generally bad as it rewards the foe for skilled play but it does make the elite skill that was obviously designed to work for a glass cannon completely pointless in the end.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
(TLDR at bottom for all who wish to skip this)
Now I’m pretty kitten about some updates here but I’m going to hold off for a minute and ask for one thing.
Can we have some explanations with these skill updates? In GW we at least got detailed reports on why skills were changed and what the intended outcome of the update would be…I see nothing now. Give me some numbers and data to support your motives and share your view. Everyone on same page = less confusion when telling a story.
Once again I see problems being addressed in well, the wrong way.
Thief -
Pistol Whip damage nerf. The skill isn’t OP by itself, its OP when combined with another skill(s). So because of that combination the skill itself suffers.
Assassin –
Old school Shadow Prison builds nerf. The individual skills weren’t OP, they were just OP when used in that very specific combination (Which still had many easy and prolific counters). So, because of that combination every skill suffered a nerf and this severely crippled many different builds relying on those individual skills.
Now I want to have faith in this game and it’s development team and place my trust in them (and I’m going to be harsh here I’m sorry) but from what I hear (so can be 100% wrong) the same guy who [failed] to balance GW skills is now in charge of GW2 skills and I already notice the exact same trend. I do not know how this was overlooked but this cannot be allowed, not in a game where skill combinations are the goal… I do not want to see another game of skills being nerfed or buffed because the real issues get ignored for the easy answer…again.
So, just give me the data you used to come to the conclusions you did and maybe even go so far as to explain to me what you were hoping to accomplish with any balance and I’m a happy camper. (So long as it makes sense, which, coming form ANet it usually does.)
Have a good night everyone, I’m out.
TLDR: Not providing cold hard data as to why skill balances are made is not an acceptable form of balancing. Ever. In addition to this, skill balances take the easy road of failing to address the larger issue of skill interactions by instead focusing on harming the individual skills.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Lol there it is!. The answer everyone was waiting to hear: Moa too.
Don’t get it? Only proves my point. Please don’t waste any one else’s time.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Lol. You’re assumptions amuse me. And before u get kitteny (but then again, probably too late) that’s what an “elite” is; A game changer. But no, I just liked being able to jump onto a guy with Mug+Steal and freeze him in place for a second and have my way, or better yet, give the skill to all my allies and let them freeze targets as well. The point was that it was a skill that a thief could bring and say, there is nothing u can do to stop this premeditated stun. Now its as simple and popping a stun breaker…Special = down the drain.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
This is what as know as a serious note.
Best elite is now breakable and you can bet any non idiot is going to break it. Game over.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Basilisk Venom: Increased stun duration to 1.5 seconds. Stun breakers now work on this skill.
Well, it’s that time…There goes the only actually useful ganking elite. GG. Nuff said.
Have a good day remaining thieves.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Guys, I know it’s disgusting to see bots. But here’s the thing, you’re over reacting and getting vicious. How do you think the devs feel? Especially when all you people get on forums and post hate mail and accuse them of some pretty serious stuff. Its even more disgusting than the bots. Take a moment and calm down, please, then get on forums and post. I know how annoying bots are, hell, I played Vindictus for more time than I’m willing to admit and even Nexon, possibly the worst game managing company ever, was able to eventually kick most of them off. Not too reassuring a statement I know but ANet is thousands of times better and I’m deciding to do something with them that I haven’t with any development team in a long time; Trust them. Everyone is like “omg its been weeeeeks” and it’s getting annoying, its a brand new game still so, please, calm down with the hate. Being out for a little over a month and everyone is freaking out expecting all the problems to be solved. Its easy to forget that as players you see bots differently than developers and they see them differently than you do. The problem isn’t as simple as it seems from a player point of view.
That being said, I really do think it would be a good time to send a GM into key areas and just throw insta perma bans at the blatant bots in many an area. I know it’s important to do it right from a devs point of view but its important that people actually SEE something happening. Just to appease them.
Thank you and I hope everyone has a great day.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I swear, people don’t read.
Point in case: If you’re not using shatter in WvW, you’re really gutting yourself. But if you’re fighting someone one, on one, you’d only shatter when it benefits you most. Like to save your life, insure a kill or a stomp.
I think you’re missing the point. I understand what you’re trying to say but I disagree with it. Yes, shatters have useful effects and there are times at which it is not only a good time to shatter, but a great time. However, my argument is in a different direction. What I’m really trying to get at is what you said yourself:
“It does not matter if you find it counter-intuative during the course of a fight”
I’m not saying the current system is completely terrible and is crap and doesn’t work, blah..blah..blah. I didn’t say that but you are arguing like I did. What was instead being pointed out is that as far as actual combat mechanics go, in combat, shatters are indeed counter intuitive. Especially so for a Mesmer focusing on getting damage out through the use of those Illusions (Phantasms). Of course they have their uses, but does that justify their continued exact existence when instead they could be modified to allow you the ability to use them in combat? You say it really makes you think as it is now but at the same time you support the idea of only using them on rare specific occasions, so how does that force you to think? I say making them additional combat tools is what would force you to think and what would really show the sign of a good Mesmer instead of just one who knows to block attacks as he’s stomping… because that’s clearly top level play right there, not using your profession mechanic in combat to disrupt and control an enemy.
Combat varies and I’d like to have shatter to adapt to that “intelligently” and not just using my shatter for the same generic actions because those happen to be the only times when it’s actually beneficial to sacrifice one profession mechanic for another. That is what becomes what you like to call “herp-derping”.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
(edited by Sco.9615)
Roven Leafsong.8917
^This guy. This is what a post sounds like when someone really thought before writing. Thank you very much for your contribution and saying what I could not.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Everything you just tried to say is a complete negative said in a joyful tone. Just thought I’d point that out.
Because forums are broken and I can’t quote I’ll do it the old way.
“It does not matter if you find it counter-intuative during the course of a fight…”
This sentence is the downfall of all the positive points tried you make.
And then, this:
“Shatters are an endgame for our illusions, they are the point in which you determin that they’re not worth trying to keep them alive and you need an additional something.”
That’s great…if you’re talking about clones. Why bring phantasms if not for their abilities? Through the entire post its “Clones and shatters”. What about “Phantasms and shatters”? All of your traits that affect a clone spamming Mesmer are great for applying additional affects to clones and really getting additional affects while they are active before you shatter them, but in the end you use them for a completely different reason than a Phantasm Mesmer. That is where this post is aiming and I’m getting a little tired of pointing it out. Take your post and insert the word “Phantasm” every time you see the word clone and it imagine how the traits that affect those Phantasms differ from the clone traits then tell me if your post sounds remotely viable. You COMPLETELY neglected the mention of Phantasms and came in here and started spouting about how shatter are fine because they have clone fodder… you missed the point. Please, as I asked before, really think before you come in here to post. Thank you.^.^
Now back to the main subject, How do we make Shatter’s a viable option for a Mesmer who wants to specialize in Phantasms. GO!
So why do we choose to ignore it?
In my opinion, Mesmer illusions were never intended to increase 1 on 1 damage… but rather toss chaos and confusion into the bucket of mess that we call combat.
Clones I feel held this role while they wanted to give Phantasms to a Mesmer who wanted to focus on dealing damage through his Illusions. The entire purpose of this thread was focused on that one issue. Shatter only applies to one of those two play styles. I love the idea of Clones being defensive illusions for a Mesmer and Phantasms being offensive, the problem is…Clones are just shatter feed. They don’t distract, it’s easy to tell the difference. You WANT to shatter clones while if you shatter Phantasms you’re A LOT more hesitant.
This is especially going to get frustrating when people learn to take that split second and kill off Illusions when they’re summoned instead of ignoring them. Because unlike many other professions our skills focus on summoning those illusions and if they are actually destroyed and/or replace an existing illusion that’s a HUGE loss of skill function.
In addition to this, Mind Wrack, who has a pretty decent recharge time, is asking to be used more than just “Oh, he’s almost dead, I should use that!” If it was meant as a finisher, not a early/mid-combat skill, it would’ve had much greater amounts of damage and a longer recharge. I probably wouldn’t be “complaining” as much if it did. It’s just another thing that seems to not function how you would think it would on paper.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
(edited by Sco.9615)
Illusions is the Mesmer’s unique function. Shatters are just a way to interact with them.
Is Steal thief’s only unique function? Are we ignore initiative now too : D?
Please think before you add/attempt to add to this post. Thank you.
As for everyone else adding new ideas and contributing, Thank you, keep it up! ^.^
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Sorry for the length of the reply.
This is one thing no one should ever apologize for on forums. Thank you for your contribution^.^
So why do we choose to ignore it?
and fyi that “kitten” above was my own censor, not the forums.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
It takes what? About 1s to kill a clone? Clone skills recharge how long? The people complaining about clones/phantasms just ignore them because they don’t understand how the Mesmer works or functions with them. Once people understand that if you take a second or two to target a Mesmer’s clones/phantasms (especially with bounce skills) said Mesmer isn’t going to pose much of that threat they are seemingly posing now.
Same thing with all professions: Ignore the special mechanic and get a kitten shoved up your butt.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Among the several reasons I love but despise the Mesmer class. All other professions have abilities that compliment their play style while ours.. well ours just blows our unique function away…Yeah… Why do I have to pick between having phantasms + clones up OR shattering? Does a warrior have to pick between using a burst skill or weapon skills? Uh.. no that’d be, well, it’d be stupid. But Mesmer? Nah its fine, summon something that often has a useful purpose (phantasms) then just go blow it up making the skill you decided to bring completely useless to gain a moments desired effect. This mechanic forces you to pick between using your weapon/utility skills (mainly phantasms) and using your specific profession skills and it is frankly a completely poor design, however cool of a concept it sounds like.
What I would personally like to see happen to the Mesmer class:
Shatters – Shatters up to 3 of your clones.
Clones – Can have an infinite amount.
Phantasms – limited to 3. Do not count for shatters.
Minor traits -
Wastrel’s Punishment: Shatters can trigger on up to 4 clones.
Shattered Strength: Shattering clones grants you and your phantasms might.
Chaotic Transference: If you lose more than 20% of health from a single attack the rest of that damage is transferred to your nearest clone.
Major Traits-
Blinding Befuddlement: Causing confusion causes blind.
Bountiful Interruption: Summon a clone whenever you interrupt a foe.
Furious Interruption: Gain 4 seconds of fury for you and your phantasms when you interrupt a foe.
Masterful Reflection: Also affects distortion applied by other skills.
Diversion: Shatter a single clone and instantly daze(0.5s) target foe. If target is interrupted the interrupted skill takes an addition 10s to recharge. Cooldown: 10s.
Cry of Frustration: Causes twice as much Confusion.
Phantasmal Warden: Runs to you to use blocking skill.
Vortex: Continuously damages foes within range while active.
Mirror: 2s of reflecting and a larger increased heal. Transfers 2 conditions to nearest clone.
Ether Feast: Heal yourself. Heal for more health per clone and phantasm. Per Phantasm: YYY health. Per Clone: XXX health.
Signet of Inspiration: Active effect- Gain all boons for a short time. Breaks Stun.
Now the class only benefits from summoning illusions while still shattering them, punishes foes for ignoring illusions, greatly rewards skilled players, and finally removes the truly discouraging function of limiting the effectiveness of your chosen skills just to use a profession ability.
This is the direction I would like to see the Mesmer go in.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I feel that was directed at me and if it was you sadly, but ofc, missed everything I was trying to say.
1.) I said I liked the thief and did not say it was bad. Has some useless skills, but who doesn’t atm.
2.) I was saying that I missed the focus on mobility and misdirection the Assassin offered. Where as the Thief is a straight up, “I’m here and I’m going to kill you” class.
3.) They are both 1 shot glass cannons and squishy. (Unless of course you spec’d your thief otherwise for some other purpose, but assuming that, you can do the same thing with an Assassin which blows that argument out of the water.)
4.) Simply to restate, I was pointing out my preference to the insane mobility and deception the Assassin offered as to the more direct approach given to the thief.
I was NOT “complaining” about imbalance or skills like you seemed to think I was (Yes, I mentioned it, but it was not a focus of the statement if you had bothered to read carefully) but was instead disappointed that “Assassin” and “Thief” have switched roles. The Thief is the deadly one and the Assassin is the trickster and my longing for an Assassin like class.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Yes, I preferred the good old Assassin. I liked having chains and really getting to pick how I wanted those chains to go. I also really miss shadow stepping. Sure, its in this game but by no means to the degree it was in GW1. The “Thief” seems to be built around stealth and capitalizing on it. Although I don’t really know how someone gets away saying that considering there’s only 1 stealth attack skill worth using and only 1 skill to apply stealth worth using. So uh…lame much? (Not that I’m complaining, I love my D/D, just find the dual skill completely counter intuitive to the rest of the weapon bar.) I do kind of wish my ability to completely misdirect my opponents and lure/catch them out of position was as still intact but I just find the new Thief class as surprisingly straight forward with surprisingly useless utility skills. I want something where I can really mess with my opponents and then vanish and reappear across the map and accomplish my real goal; ganking the rest of your allies, while you thought I was after you. You just don’t get that feel with with the thief skills in this game sadly. But I guess that’s just how the game is built.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I have a list of Mesmer skills and effects that are just not working right for my Mesmer for some reason as well as some feedback on certain skills that just arnt doing anything. I try to post a complete version of it but it gets errors and wont post. It’s either too long or something in there it doesn’t like, idk. But if a Dev reads this and inquires about it I would very much appreciate if we could discuss these issues as some of them are actually severely hindering my Mesmer gameplay. Thank you.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
My phantasms die after a single skill use anywys, not on target death, not when I shatter, they just use their skill and die a second later so its all completely pointless anyways. Sorry.
This is not happening with me. Phantasmal Berskers, Wardens and Warlocks only die when taking damage, shattered, or on target death.
Yeah, I assume my kitten is completely fk’d and I’m more than a little on edge atm. So I’m sorry for my attitude.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
Second, you would’ve inquired about this “list” by now if you cared to begin with and not just wanted to come troll some forums. I agree, I could’ve been more clear in my initial statement however I was alreadykitten that after several attempts I could not post a simple list with observed problems here nor in support forums so I just threw some words on a screen and got it over with on the 2% chance a dev noticed it and inquired.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I try to post but I get errors
You do realize you’re posting about not being able to post, right?
Also, still the wrong forum.
Do you not think that I get errors trying to post something different? Something more than a 2kittenword post asking for someone’s attention maybe? Seriously, to think someone makes a post about something and says they cant post a list and you assume they just don’t post the list…. Also, the skills may or may not be bugged and I’m not going to go waste the devs time while they’re hunting down legitimate gameplay hindering bugs with a few QQ’s about some skills that may be working properly in the first place. If they come in and inquire as to what seems to be the problem it tells me they have the time to look into it and care.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I try to post but I get errors
Srsly. People cannot read these days.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
My phantasms die after a single skill use anywys, not on target death, not when I shatter, they just use their skill and die a second later so its all completely pointless anyways. Sorry.
So why do we choose to ignore it?
I have a list of skills and efects that are either not working for my Mesmer or are and are just completely useless. I try to post but I get errors so I’m just sayin, if anyone from Anet cares to respond to this I’d very much like to discuss this with one of you but I do know you’re all super busy already.
So why do we choose to ignore it?