who is the shmexy lady in the blue pants, holding the stuffed animal? Im in love….
Jeffrey said that if a group of ten people do the event every day, they might expect one staff to drop after about 7 months. …. So does that mean the event is only done 1 time a day? are there any events with a 24 hour timer? Or was he taking into account that the event would be run multiple times a day? (like every 3-5hours) …
We are so close to finding it, i can feel it!
But he said he traced the item to the loot table to the chest to the event that spawns the chest…. how does this rule out dungeons? Aren’t bonus bosses like the troll in AC considered events? I saw a few people saying that its been confirmed that its in the open world But i don’t think that is necessarily true.
I enjoy scavenger hunts but this one is getting to be a bit annoying, with the lack solid clues and such… anyway ill keep trying to figure it out for a while but I dont know how much longer I can keep going.. At this point i don’t even want the staff.. i just wanna know where it is.
I really can’t give out any hints or information, especially since anything I say is going to be intensely analyzed. So I’m going to play it safe and not comment on the size of the boss, the chest, or the rarity of the boss. I will confirm that I looked in the game data and traced the item to its loot table to the chest that uses the loot table to the event that spawns the chest to make sure everything is set up. I can also confirm that it has a very low drop rate, so running the event 5 times or 10 times proves nothing.
Has to come from event, a boss and then chest.
My theory it probably has the rarity of a dungeon recipe sheet, so many people run dungeons yet very few actually knows what a dungeon recipe sheet is.
What’s a dungeon recipe sheet?
Here is an idea I thought of. Make precursors have fragments scattered throughout the world. One of the requirements of finding a fragment of precursor is 100% completion for that map, and completing all paths of the dungeon on that map.
So lets take for instance, every map with a dungeon in it: In order to obtain that particular Precursor fragment, you would have to complete that map AND complete all paths of that map’s dungeon. THEN you would receive a mail from your herald asking you to meet him at X location because he thinks he found something that might interest you. You meet him, talk to him, and just as you attempt to loot the Precursor Fragment, A Unique encounter pops. Complete the encounter and claim your Precursor Fragment. (notice said Encounter, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same generic Veteran mob you have to kill, some of them could be complex puzzles or mazes with very little or no fighting at all. )Move on to the next map.
OK, Now assuming you’ve done all the dungeons and maps chronologically, your last Precursor Fragment would be after Zhaitan. In the story everyone is celebrating but you’re left wondering where is the final Precursor Fragment. You then receive a letter from…. (Eir, Zojja, Caithe, Logan, or Rytlock)… Saying how proud they are of you and that they were holding on to a special treasure that belongs to you, but were waiting for the right time to give it to you. They give you the final piece of your precursor and a casting/mold of your choice (whichever precursor you want). Take all this stuff to the force (ex., for a sword you would need: 4 frags for the blade, 4 for the hilt) Then you combine the Blade, Hilt, Mold, and… I dunno something that the Mystic Forge lady sells….. and there’s your precursor!
yes, no, maybe???
I would love to have that Silly Walk Emote in game! lol
Anybody else suddenly feel like watching Entrapment?
HAHA, yes! my thought exactly!
What would you like to be able to spend it on?
I personally would like to see Karma Vendors sell things like; Minis / Box of T6 Mats / Unique Armor and Weapon Skins / Emotes? / Guild Emblem skins / (this one is really farfetched, but…) Potions that Artificers can’t craft like Health Pots? ….
Anyway, I know some of those things are out of the question. Those are just some ideas. I used to play a game that had tons of different emotes and dances that you can purchase from various NPCs. It was fun, it was simple, it was cosmetic… why not?
Curious … just came across the event “Kill the vengeful Son of Svanir” event in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. This is definitely not related to Final Rest but it seemed to have spawn as I was running past.
The interesting bit it that it says “You’ll pay for what you did to Steag!” and what I did to Steag was kill him in the previous personal story step. That story step is only for people who joined the Priory. Has anyone encountered this event without joining the Priory and I guess without having anyone else who did join the Priory being around? wiki has no mention of the event or the Veteran Svanir Champion that you have to kill. I didn’t fight it and then it seem to have despawned after a while.
I am wondering if there are actually boss type monsters which only spawn in certain places for people who have joined a specific Order.
Yes I’ve had a Dynamic Event pop on top of me that I presume would only pop for “Order of Whispers” members. I was running around farming nodes and this random event pops right on top of me as i was going for a Rich Mythril vein, I just ran right passed it because i wasn’t interested in doing events, only farming. But just as i Mined the 10th piece of Mythril, i saw that the DE said, “Avenge Tybalt Leftpaw”… I ran as quickly as i could to try and catch that Event, but it Disappeared just before I could leap in. The most depressing part of it was that I could’ve sworn one of the mobs was an Undead Tybalt…. i never saw that event pop again… ./sadness
There is really no need to keep posting evidence here, since the devs have pretty much made up their minds that nothing is wrong. The majority of us already know that something is wrong, but they devs have already stopped reading. This thread will be closed soon.
I remember reading in this very thread, someone saying that they predict the next time we hear from a Dev on this issue, it would just be them saying that nothing is wrong and everything is working as intended…. bravo sir. That is exactly what happened.
I hate the Mystic Toilet so so much… Ive lost so much money trying to get a precursor.
I was going to suggest making gold untrade-able to stop gold sellers, but then someone mentioned the guild bank as a way to exchange gold. so nevermind….
Our guild leader is sitting at about 133k kills at the moment, and the game wasn’t released 10 years ago, so titles are not unreachable.
LOL, your guild leader has gotten 900 kills a day every day since launch.
Screen shot please
I spent a Saturday camped in Stonemist which was under attack the entire time. Even with a few breaks in there, it was almost 10 hours of barrage and rapid fire and people dying.
I finished with less than 300 kills. Even if it had been 300 kills, that’s 30 kills per hour or one kill every 2 minutes.
Now, my ranger is head to toe exotic zerker and killing someone in two minutes is pretty easy. Heck, most kills are less than 30 seconds (cuz if the fights last longer than that, it usually leads to dead ranger). The problem is that it’s really tough to find a new person to kill every two minutes.
So I’m really skeptical about 900 kills every single day since release…
seems unreal to me too. Maybe if someone has two separate accounts on two competing servers, then continuously kills themselves all day everyday.. shrug even that would take forever.
This lead me to Warrior… which is my main. Creepy.
Why I hate Magic Find? Because It doesn’t seem to work for me. I’ve done dozens of hours of farming in the high level maps with both, MF gear and Non MF gear. I’ve yet to see any kind of significant difference in loot drops. That is why i hate Magic Find.
Just do what I do, whenever your children act up or get poor grades in school. Punish them by making them grind Achievements, or by making them farm mats for a few hours.
Why can’t I have talent like this….
I liked all the personal stories I’ve done so far, and I thought the Claw Island story Arc was pretty epic the first time I did it. As far as the voices are concerned, I actually didn’t have a problem with most of the acting. In fact the only voice acting that I disliked are Trahearne and the Female Charr. I love the Norn, and Asurans are by far my favorite. Especially the ambient dialogue where the one female Asura is complaining that her notebook was moved 1 micrometer to the left, and the Male Asura is like, “well that does seem suspicious” lol.. cracks me up!
I reported this a few days ago, i have no problems going through that door on my tiny little Asura Engineer, but I cannot fit through the door with my Big Fat Norn Guardian. Maybe its their way of telling my Norn to lose weight.
After a total of 10 hours farming, across two maps, on two different days, these are my results. This is the result of killing every single mob I see, Gathering every node I come across, and participating in every Dynamic Event that pops for 5 hours on one map. Then doing the exact same thing the next day, on a different map.
Character: Warrior, Charr, Male, lvl 80
Gear: Full MF set, while constantly using Omnomberry Bars
Map: Malchor’s Leap, all areas
Hours Farmed: 5
White: 59
Blue: 46
Green: 6
Yellow: 0
Orange: 0
Rare Crafting Mats: 19
Character: Warrior, Charr, Male, lvl 80
Gear: Full MF set, while constantly using Omnomberry Bars
Map: Cursed Shore, all areas
Hours Farmed: 5
White: 76
Blue: 68
Green: 3
Yellow: 0
Orange: 0
Rare Crafting Mats: 26
Conclusion: 10 Hours with full MF Gear and Not a single Rare or Exotic drop