Showing Posts For SenorMoody.5908:

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


If GW2 was a Subscription based game, I wonder how many people would have unsubbed when the New trait system hit… I wonder how many more would have unsubbed when the NPE came out… But the game isn’t sub based, so here we are.
I wonder how many pages this thread will reach before they start listening to our feedback.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I hate to rain on everyone’s parade… but can you all take a second look at what Colin posted? What exactly did he say? That the current Trait system is not good, and a change is coming? That’s basically what they have been saying for almost a year. I don’t know why every one is all happy all of a sudden.

How are they going to change it? When will we see these changes? We have been asking those two questions for a while, and still have no answers. All CJ said was the some old stuff they have been feeding us for months… no details were provided.
So please explain what exactly I am missing here?

(sorry if this post isn’t all puppies and rainbows, but this issue has gone on for far too long and it angers me)

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"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Even by Anet’s interpretation of the word “Grind”…
Stating that they have a “No grind philosophy” is completely false…

- To obtain the best gear / stats, a character NEEDS ascended.
- To get Ascended gear, you NEED to grind mats for crafting, or gold for buying
- This is a very time consuming and boring grind.
- This is just using Anet’s interpretation of the word.

GW2 does not have a lot of grind… but to say they have “No Grind” is false.
Maybe they should start saying that Anet has a “Low Grind Philosophy”, then
maybe people wouldn’t get so upset.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Revenant Speculations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I don’t know a whole lot about the class, but i find the concept very interesting.
That idea about the legends being tied to each weapon is cool but i don’t think they will do that. This is what I think the mechanics will be like:

You will only have an F1 skill that has a “Mist bar” similar to a Necro’s Death Shroud. You billed up Mist energy through combat and activate that F1 skill when you want to use your Mist skills. Instead of this energy ticking down with time, like a Necro. It will only deplete when you use your Mist skills. Say… each mist skill uses 25 Mist energy, out of a maximum of 100 mist energy.

The class’s utility skills have a lot of room for the imagination, but I think it would be cool to have one of the Elite skills, transform you into some kind of Ethereal Mist being of pure energy. Meh, we shall see soon enough.

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Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


well.. do know how much it’s gonna cost us yet? If it has $50 – $60 price tag… then yes, I will agree with the OP, and say that its a bit too small for an expansion. But just from what I know currently about what we’re getting, I think $35 is a fair price. But we’ll find soon when they finally announce the release date and such.

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So how many Revenants...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Im a little confused as to what the Revenant is exactly. Is it a mage class in heavy armor?
I want more details. I know Rytlock makes it look cool, though. I’m Definitely gonna roll one asap but I don’t think i will be power leveling it unless they fix the trait system before HoT releases.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


ok.. so when is the release date? anyone know?

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Vorpp did nothing wrong

in Living World

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I am Groot!!!!!!!!!!!


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Taimi Time

in Living World

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Are you asking because you are planning to do something that is illegal until she is 18? =P

lmao! this made me laugh so much!

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Final LS boss help needed

in Living World

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


not impossible.. very difficult though….
For me…. the problem was that the Stability you get from Braham’s Bubble wasnt working for me… I was still getting CC’ed and launched even with stability…
very frustrating

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Mr. "E"??

in Living World

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


E ,,, is the Eternal Alchemy speaking to you.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


When they knock the mob out of your best AoE Burst….

When they add a new Point of Interest to a map you previously completed, and you rip your hair out, Searching for that PoI…. Because anything less than 100% is unacceptable.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Philosophy Shift to Less Choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I will agree that I log in much less now, than I did with the old dailies. In fact I rarely log in at all anymore. I have no desire to log in anymore, not just because of the new dailies, But because the new dailies are one of many changes to the game that limits the way I want to play. If you love being told exactly what to do and where to go in this fantasy world known as Tyria, then more power to you. I however don’t like it. I hate PvP, I dislike WvW, and I avoid Fractals like the plague.

I do not like doing those things, so I won’t force myself to do them. The result is me playing other games with my free time, and occasionally checking the GW2 forums to see what’s new. I used to love this game so much, that it was difficult for me to not play . It felt like trying to quit an addiction. Now, although I would love it if things went back to how they used to be, I know that will never, ever happen.

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Philosophy Shift to Less Choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I agree completely. Every update restricts us more. I haven’t logged into the game in 3 weeks and have no desire to at this time, because my sense of freedom and playing the way I want is gone. The game is almost completely lost to me. Such a shame…

Some one also mentioned that Anet is trying to force the different game modes on to us. I’ve also noticed this, especially with PvP. Seems like I cant get away from Anet shoving PvP down my throat. There seems to be an overwhelming emphasis on their PvP lately. Just let the PvPers do their thing, and leave me alone already.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Lil GW2 Art Dump

in Community Creations

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I love that Engineer one! (4th pic)

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GW2 sketches =]

in Community Creations

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Every time I start looking at Awesome fan art, I get the urge to draw some myself.
Then I look at my terrible drawing and Cry…
Welldone Sir! Very nice stuff!

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Upcoming Daily/Monthly changes 12/10/14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


This is almost exactly like the Log-in Reward System in that Mobile App Game called “Sinister Fate”. I love that system, and if GW2 gives worth while rewards, then I will be logging in Daily again. Gotta love that virtual crack.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Tying Trait unlocks to Achievements… It could work….

Disclaimer: I have no problem with the way traits worked before the change, but I feel like we will never see the old way again. So, instead, here is another alternative to the current trait system.

Ok so, each Trait Line (Burst, Condition, Toughness, Healing, Class-Specific) has its own set of Achievements tied to that line. So there are now 13 traits per line. Therefore, that would be 13 achievements per line. The Adept traits can be tied to relatively simple achievements, The Master Traits can have somewhat challenging achievements, and the Grandmaster can be some super engrossing, Meta-Achievements that are not just a huge Grind But also very fun to do. (These can be generalized achievements so you would only have to complete them once per account. Or, they can be class specific.)

(I will use the Engineer’s Explosives Trait Line as examples, but you’ll get the idea)

I. Acidic Elixers : Toss 500 Elixers to unlock this Trait
II. Shrapnel : Hit 500 enemies with explosive skills
III. Forceful Explosives: Use 400 Mines and 400 Bombs
IV. Empowering Adrenaline : Dodge 500 attacks
V. Accelerant-Packed Turrets : Plant 500 Turrets
VI. Exploit Weakness : Land 500 Killing Blows

VII. Explosive Powder : Deal 500k damage with explosives
VIII. Short Fuse : Use 100 bombs and grenades in less than 2 minutes
IX. Incindiary Powder : Land 1000 Critical Hits
X. Enhance Performance : Heal 1 million worth of HP (you and your allies)

XI. Grenadier : (ok for this one lets use a mob called “Skritt Runners”. These “Skritt Runners” will runaway from you, and remain at max range at all times, all the while zig-zagging and running around really fast… Maybe even dodge-rolling. Immune to CC. The point is these little buggers are very hard to catch)
So, the Achievement is to hunt down 20 “Skritt Runners” Through out Tyria and defeat them. Immune to all damage except Grenades.

XII. Autodefense Bomb Dispenser : Elaborate Scavenger Hunt that will require you to solve riddles, Complete certain JPs, and kill certain mobs (maybe one in a particular Dungeon path) in order to get all the required materials to build your Bomb Dispenser and unlock this Trait.

XIII. Synaptic Overload : Complete your personal Story

Again, these are just some ideas after about 5 minutes of thinking by myself. Im sure a team of experienced Devs can brainstorm for a little longer than 5 minutes and come up with some better stuff.

I feel Like the idea of Tying Traits to Trait-Specific Achievements would be better than the current system. Maybe not… who knows.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Rytlock Found [Spoiler]

in Lore

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Very nice find.. I just dominated that game!

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No Patch Next Week please reconsider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I think Living Story should be monthly releases anyway. More time for more elaborate episodes, more things to do… etc. In my opinion, the bi weekly schedule just isn’t working. More time in between episodes would make for much better story development.
Meh… maybe im crazy.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Hastily writes in journal
Nearly eight months since the start of this thread….
So far, our presence has gone unnoticed…
I fear the end is near for me.. But I cannot lose hope yet.
Hope… is all I have left…
I find myself more frequently thinking of the place I once called home…
Will things ever be the same? I do not know….
…. I do not know….

A single tear drop falls on on the page.

~ F a d e T o B l a c k ~

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What happen to Explorer Amoxtli/Savio/Kitabu?

in Living World

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


:( they ate Susie!? I’m… sad now…

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Product idea: Custom mail bird

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I really like this idea. Some fun possibilities are in the works hopefully. But I do think that 500 is a little expensive. I think tree.. maybe Tree-fitty would be better. Now bring me my mail, “Quaggan Riding a balloon!”


Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Go with the Flow

in PvP

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I don’t even like the PvP in this game, but I do like these updates. I may give PvP another try.

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What do you do every day?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Not daily but whenever Im here I….
1) Browse the Forums
2) log in and do the daily
3) jump around in circles, at Rata Sum while reading Map Chat.
4) Log off

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Severe Sense of Decline?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Well.. what do the metrics say?
Whether or not the game “feels” like it’s in decline doesn’t matter.
As long as the metrics show that people are logging in, all is well.
This includes those that log in quickly just to see who else is on.. or just to do the daily… or just to check on something on the TP… and then log off for the night.
The metrics show that people are logging in… that’s all that’s important.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


CharrTanks, CharrCopters, and Airships for me please.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Dungeons : solo mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I would love a solo option. Ive been trying to get Arah Story Mode done on my Engineer for months. But the game is full of Leet snobs that only want zerker warriors or what ever. Oh and lets not forget about the Path Selling Trend that keeps growing by the day.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

New Class Elites...My Ideas :D

in Profession Balance

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I would love to see some new useful Elites added to every class.
Here are some of my ideas.

- Gadget – Air-Strike – allows you to mark a large area with a ground target which will begin a 10 second countdown. When the countdown is over an air strike is launched dealing massive damage over a large area.

- Shout – Stampede – Calls five of your pets forth to assist in battle for 45 sec (randomly chosen from your kitten nal of acquired pets)

- Trick – Heist – Gives the Steal ability a zero cooldown for 20 seconds, and causes Initiative to regenerate 50 percent faster for the duration

- Shout – On your Feet – Raises 5 downed allies in a 20 meter radius and grants Regeneration, Protection, and Retaliation to all who were affected.

- Spirit Weapon – Storm of Blades – Surrounds you in many spirit daggers that grants Aegis (every 10 sec) and Retaliation, Protection, and Regeneration for the duration. Activating the skill again causes several of the blades to shoot forth as a ranged attack that causes burning and does significant damage.

- Arcane – Supernova – A powerful pulsating blast of arcane energy that deals very high damage and triggers a blast finisher every 5 seconds for 25 seconds

- Manipulation – Twist of Fate – Allows you to first set a ground targeted “destination portal”, then target up to 5 enemies with a ground targeted “Trigger Portal”, instantly teleporting the targeted group to your “destination portal” and causing Blindness, Chill, Confusion X 3, and Cripple.

- Spectral – Nightmare – Causes Chill, Confusion, blind, cripple, poison, and Torment to any enemy that gets within 20 meters of the Necromancer for 30 seconds. Remaining within the radius stacks conditions. At the end of the skill’s duration, a Nightmarish blast fears all enemies within range for 8 seconds and triggers a blast finisher.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

[Spoiler] One idiot ball to go, please!

in Living World

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Facts based on my Opinions
-Anise’s secret mission for Canach was to kidnap Caithe and keep her safe somewhere.
-Anise disguises herself as Caithe and infiltrates the events of the story.
-Anise seizes her only chance to steal the egg and get away before she can be stopped.
-Anise has a complex plan that no one would understand until its all done.
-The Eternal Alchemy is confusing.
-Taimi is not annoying. She is cute and funny.
-Rylock comes back from Valinor as Rytlock the White, much more powerful than before.
-The end of this story arch is going to be a scene depicting either:
A) our first full look at Mordremoth and all his magnificence
B) the egg beginning to hatch
3) the death of a main cast member. (Marshal Trehearne would be a good choice)
-The Original Destiny’s Edge is falling apart, making room for a new Dream Team, Braham, Rox, Taimi, Marjory, and that other chick.
-This last chapter was disappointingly short.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Seven Months… This is a complete joke.

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Adding existing weapons to professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Ranger : Rifle
Guardian : Great Axe
Warrior : Great Axe
Necro : Great Sword, Great Axe
Mesmer : Dagger Dagger
Elementalist : Sword
Theif : Crossbow
Engineer : Sniper Rifle, Mace, Torch, Howitzer, Air Strike

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Necro GS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I was thinking the same thing… Two NPC necros with GS.
Maybe its a sign that its coming… soon.
Also would like to see Rangers with Rifles as well.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

No waypoints is glorious!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Yea I those plant monsters are really irritating and can be quite difficult
sometimes… I always thought they should be toned down a tad, I just didn’t want people calling me a noob.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Stop making skirts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I like most of the armor designs they come up with.
But I will agree that the Butt-Capes gotta go.

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[SPOILERS] Guess what race is being added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Wait, they can fly!?
I still prefer Dwarf over Tengu… but I didn’t know they can fly…
This changes everything!

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Labyrinthine Horror, engi solo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Well done! Very nice use of mobility.

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Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


One would of course question why people that quite clearly don’t like the game still hang around on these forums everyday instead of just moving on.

Honestly I’ve never understood the logic when people say this ^
People still talk about movies and TV shows they’ve seen in the past but no longer watch anymore. Same goes for books or stories we’ve read before. Even though we are no longer participating in those activities it can still be enjoyable to talk with others who have experienced those same activities. Why cant former players read the forums occasionally just to see whats new or what people are talking about?
I haven’t really played LoTRo or SWToR for years but I still occasionally read up on whats new and participate in threads that I find interesting.

On Topic:
“So you’re thinking about getting GW2 and want to know more about it?
It has no sub fee, amazing artistic style, Some very convenient design decisions that will have you wondering why other MMOs haven’t thought this. (gathering nodes that you don’t have to fight other players for? Genius!) And an in game shop that even now, over 2 years later, remains purely cosmetic / fluff. No pay to win!

Cons: Large focus on Gem Store, An Economy that will leave a new player in the dust unless they are extremely lucky with drops. Many of the more recent decisions made for the game leaves most players scratching their heads. This game is now the complete opposite of what was promised to us before launch. Threads have been known to go on for 6 months or more expressing legitimate player concerns without a single Dev response. And the combination of the new Trait system and leveling system will probably make your head explode.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


- I’ve been in more guilds in this game than I have in my last 15 years of gaming all together.
- I will only play and level a character if i think it looks cool, and I refuse to play a character if I think it looks ugly.
- I once leveled a Norn Ranger to 65 and deleted him because I felt that his voice didn’t match his look. (he was a fat dark skinned bearded norn)
- I sometimes spend hours… HOURS… thinking of a good name for a new character.
- I quit this game every couple of months when ever I feel like the RNG is being especially unfair to me.
- I Have 19 characters, 14 on this acct and 5 on another.
- I have 3 necros, and 3 engies just because I didn’t want to pay to retrait. (before the change)
- I bought my second acct for my girlfriend, hoping I could get her into this game. She ended up making one character and playing for 15 minutes. Now i have 5 extra characters. /sad
- I have been playing (for the most part) since beta, and have only gotten a total of 2 exotics to drop for me. And I still occasionally fool myself into believing that I will one day get a precursor.
- Sometimes I log in and just jump around in circles for an hour while reading Map Chat, then log off.

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Mesmer or Warrior - semi new player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Both classes are well liked for Dungeons / end game.
However, in my opinion:
Mesmer was a real pain to level until bout lvl 65ish…. then became fun.
Warrior was easy and fun for all 80 levels.
Mesmer’s Utility is undeniable.
Warrior’s DPS is almost Trolly.

If your play style is in your face, come get some type of thing. Warrior.
If you prefer to sit back and lol as your opponent stands there wondering what the heck is happening right now… Mesmer.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Pokemon Fever

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I’ve never been too big on mini’s since they took up valuable inventory space.
But ever since they’ve implemented the minis into the cosmetic system I’ve become obsessed with Catching ‘em all.
Does anyone else feel that way?
Has anyone actually been able to catch em all?
If so, how long/how much gold did it take to get them?
I’m just curious to see what I’ve gotten myself into…

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Achievement Point Chests Need Love

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I like the idea of putting Black Lion Tickets in these chests. (not just scraps).
Anet, you have my approval! Make it happen.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

how are you making gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


how do I make gold?

I go to work, 5 to 6 times a week.

This made me laugh so much! Plus 1 for you my friend.

I am always on the poor team in any MMO I play, mainly because I don’t have 10 hours a day to grind stuff. But in this game… I’m not just poor… I am SO poor that I can’t even afford to gear a level 20 Character from the Trading Post. Seriously when did level 20-22 blue gear become so expensive! ./cries

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Hi Gaile While I’m sure we all appreciate your response, I believe the reason that the thread has gone from suggestions to merely complaints is that probably every possible suggestion has already been made, yet players still want to voice their concerns and opinions on these still-bad April changes. We also don’t want the thread to fall to the wayside or be forgotten.

Understood. Suggestions that have been made are good; they don’t need to be repeated. It’s a huge thread, but it’s extra meaty and it’s been and will be read.

And the devs have made it clear that there’s no chance that these concerns will be forgotten. Absolutely no chance of that at all.

As many of us have already posted, these trait changes are terrible and were not even needed in the first place. All of my personal reasons for disliking these changes have already been mentioned, and I won’t repeat them.

But I just wanted to make a quick suggestion just in case the Dev team is sticking with this idea of purchasing each trait individually as an alternative to the grind. I feel that they are ridiculously priced. Especially in an economy where 1% are rich, 5% are well off, and 94% are dirt poor (I’m in this group). The cost on these traits are way overpriced, AND they require Skill Points as well. Skill Points are not very easy to come by for a character you are trying to level. (especially not anymore with the more recent changes.) I find my self constantly starving for both Gold and Skill Points, so this alternative is really not an option for me.

However, One currency that I have literally millions of and nothing to spend it on… Karma. I get boat loads of Karma every day, and my millions keep growing. Why not just make these Traits purchasable with Karma. That way we would at least have something to spend karma on.

Again, the above suggestion is only Just in case the devs are not willing to bend on this idea of purchasing traits individually. I personally feel like there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old trait system to begin with.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


After i flushed 200gold in mystic forge and only got a few pearl exotics i quit playing for 2 months.

I strongly resent people who ping precursor drops on world boss event. I’m jelous besause in 2 years of playing the most expensive item that dropped to me is a hammer worth 20 gold.

I laughed so hard at these two… im just now returning from one of my 2-month long Mystic toilet rage quits. lol

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Making it easier is way better:

This made me laugh so much! The sarcasm is strong with this one.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

ArenaNet: As a new player...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


You know, everyone started this game as a new player…..and it really wasn’t that hard to learn. I mean, how hard can it be? You unlock one ability at a time – and that takes a couple of kills to do at a low level. Are you telling me that there are players that can’t read a newly unlocked ability every five kills or so?

And then once you do that intro quest, you are spat out in the real world to do… what exactly? When I was a new player, I had the npc/mail/quest tracker say “talk to that scout” (icon on map) and LOW AND BEHOLD the scout gives a nice summary of what to do in the world. “Go and find challenges” (indicating skill points) “You can travel with these” (indicating waypoints) “go and help people” (Indicating hearts). What was wrong with that system? It was clear and insightful. It made people (or me and my guildies, at any rate) want to go out and GET those waypoints and help those people and do those skill challenges! The story was right there to get stuck into.

I made a new character to see things from a new player….and guess what? As an long time player, I know what the hearts and vistas and skill points mean. As a new player, I imagine a person starting in the world thinking “now what? where are the quests? What do I do?”

And the “Minitures have been hidden due to rising player population.?” I’m watching my wife’s character now. Can’t summon a mini due to the “rising population” but she gets a kitten invite to a denser map because THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS IN HER CURRENT ONE! I had better stop my rant before I find I’ve pulled out all my hair.

^^^ this is… just exactly what i mean. you said it way better than i could. I wish i could give you a hundred +1’s . /cheer

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ArenaNet: As a new player...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


I just wanted to add my two cents on this new leveling experience Just in case a dev takes the time to read these. I have 14 characters, 9 level 80s, and 5 low level toons. I enjoying building a new character and leveling it in a different way than I have previously (the way I want). But this new system of leveling that the Devs claim to be a better, easier, more fun experience is the complete opposite. There is absolutely nothing i find fun about the leveling experience any more. I used to love jumping on one of my baby toons and play for a couple hours how ever i wanted with the ability to change my skills and traits whenever I felt like something new, or if i wanted to test a new build. Now everything about the leveling system is gated and forces me to painfully grind to level 40+ just to finally have a character with most of the skills i want. Why do you feel it’s necessary to grind 10 levels just to START your story… Who thought that making us grind another10 levels just to start the next chapter was a good idea? What happened to Arenanet’s famous “Level the way YOU want” stance?
I no longer have any motivation to play new characters anymore… and my 80s have done all the “end game” that gw2 has to offer… That leaves me with only the Zergfest known as WvW. It sad that such a great game keeps making terrible decisions. If these changes are permanent, then there is nothing left for me here. Ill be back when they finally introduce a new race or class or something.

These leveling changes are terrible and are not Helpful at all.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

After procrastination

in Community Creations

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Hey Snowhawk, I rarely post on these forums but i just popped in to say that I too am just coming back from a 2 year artist funk, and my art is not even comparable to yours right now lol. You have some serious talent there! bravo!

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


So far I love these ideas.

Two things though, regarding the Engineer.

1. It would be awesome to have a “turret toolkit” utility skill, with all our turrets in one toolkit similar to Grenade Kit or Bomb Kit, instead of a single turret per utility slot. Or would this be OP?
2. Can you please make our Elite Mortar skill into a Mortar Turret?? Right now, as cool as i think a Mortar is… I never use this skill because it needs to be manned, and takes away my mobility. If it functioned on its own like a turret does it would be so great!

thank you!

PS.. Why cant My Necromancer’s Flesh Golem learn how to swim already?

Wish it, Want it, Do it!