Showing Posts For Serenity.6135:

Login Servers Down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Hi, I cannot login, it keeps saying connection error on the launcher. Is this happening to anyone else?

Can we get some clarity? Servers, links, etc

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


For population balance reasons, we’ve lowered the population thresholds for a world to be considered ‘Full’. This is to keep the population disparity between high pop and low pop servers more similar.

What kind of update or information are you looking for? From my understanding that change was to make it easier for larger servers to go full faster and stay that way longer, and presumably to spread the population out to smaller/linked servers. The current status of servers might be strongly effected by the time of the year (summer in USA) and the recent update to rewards. With the lower thresholds it would take somewhat longer depending on the server to open up.

That quote was from 6 months ago.

Yet, in June, Blackgate was opened for incoming transfers for several days and received an inflow of at least 3 guilds, and who knows how many players. At the same time, Host servers were locked down as “FULL”, and all this BEFORE the reward system announcement. So, the FULL status was NOT the result of the inflow of new players from the new reward system, but was ANet closing these servers based on…. some rule … that permitted inflow of population to T1 Blackgate in conflict with the stated goal of lowering population disparity.

I would like some clarity on:

  • how opening Blackgate, after having lowered population thresholds “kept the population disparity between high pop and low pop servers more similar.”
  • why the host servers were closed to transfers before the new rewards were announced, given that the excitement surrounding the new rewards could have brought new players onto the host servers
  • how is this program progressing? Is the intended result occurring? What is the intended result?
  • based on the rate that the open servers are filling up with players, what would be their estimate for when Host servers are likely to be unlocked?
  • Since the plan is to force populations off of the Host servers, and to re-direct newly entering players onto the linked servers, why not incentivize players to move onto those servers in the first place to speed up the desired migration and achieve the lessening of the population disparities?
  • how do they intend to address the server population imbalances, if they don’t see the results they are hoping for. In other words, if they cannot de-populate a tier with as much WvW population as a T1 Blackgate, for example, what is their plan for “keeping the population disparity between high pop and low pop servers more similar.”

I’d like some clarity around these things, so that there is greater understanding and ability to plan.

I don’t think that is entirely accurate, if I remember correctly JQ was opened shortly after BG was opened and around that time it was only a couple of servers that were closed, which were BG, YB, MAG, and JQ. I don’t think your server HoD was ever closed before the rewards update.

If a server opens up it means they fell under the population and activity threshold that anet uses for all servers.

Can we get some clarity? Servers, links, etc

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


For population balance reasons, we’ve lowered the population thresholds for a world to be considered ‘Full’. This is to keep the population disparity between high pop and low pop servers more similar.

Would appreciate some update on this.

What kind of update or information are you looking for? From my understanding that change was to make it easier for larger servers to go full faster and stay that way longer, and presumably to spread the population out to smaller/linked servers. The current status of servers might be strongly effected by the time of the year (summer in USA) and the recent update to rewards. With the lower thresholds it would take somewhat longer depending on the server to open up.

Remove Oakhearts or Remove Rally

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


I saw something interesting today that might be relevant to this thread. While in Frostgorge Sound I saw a player fighting the champion Snow Troll and get downed when they got frozen by the Ice Shard, but that player rallied when the Ice shard was destroyed. The mechanics could be similar if not identical.

Server Population

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Time for more conversations and some clarity as to how ANet considers a host server that requires a link to compete, as having the same level of WvW activity as the behemoth Blackgate, such that they need to be perma-locked down as FULL. How can FULL in T3/T4 = FULL in T1? What is going on?

Clarity, please

How can full in T1 compare to BG full? It doesn’t so here we are.

Because the rules apply to everyone and all servers. In order to have separate standards they would need to change the tier structure.

Long loading screen in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Forum bug, on a thread about a WvW bug…maybe posting in bug forum section will fix it right?

WvW Bugs and other issues

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Considering the Devs’ post, it might be a good idea to sticky this thread so as to have one main area to post about WvW specific bugs rather then having a bunch of different threads.

Decay timer?!?! Are you kidding!

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


This really sounds like overkill. It is bad enough that WvW did not actually receive any meaningful fixes or actual class balancing that has been turning away players for a long time, but then to go ahead and ruin one of the few incentives that people have to play WvW and basically promote one type of gameplay is just really short sighted and a terrible path for anet to go down.

Why is there a Guild limit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serenity.6135


My view is a little more simplistic then the more interesting ones others have posted above. With different content and playstyles that emerge over time, I think it would be nice to enhance players ability to connect and play with others. Guilds are a great tool for this. I think just raising the limit to say 10 for example would be really useful. Removing the limit might actually cause too many issues.

Why is there a Guild limit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serenity.6135


I am curious why is there a limit to how many guilds a player can be a part of, and would it be possible to increase it?

A lot of players like to join different guilds for specific content. For example if you like WvW you might want to join a bigger guild for zerg fights, but also a smaller guild for havok play. Or some who do pve/wvw might also want to join a PvP guild. If you do PvE you might like to have a guild for raids, fractals or any other specific content. Then there are also personal guilds for storage purposes, friends and family, and for wvw purposes.

Does Pulsating Pestilence Work?

in Revenant

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Ah thanks, I was confused because I thought it was supposed to transfer the conditions.

Does Pulsating Pestilence Work?

in Revenant

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Hi, I was trying out this trait today and it does not seem to ever work. Does anyone know if it does actually work properly or am I doing something wrong, thank you.

100 badges per 1 WvW ticket

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Why so people can farm tickets in eotm and achievement chests? And use badges that were stocked up from before the update to buy up tickets they did not earn to get rewards? No thanks.

Badges have a lot of uses, maybe its not satisfactory as the items you get have not kept up with the needs of wvw’ers but they are not useless.

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Please reconsider Tomes of Knowledge, or better yet have someone add more uses for them. Maybe add a converter for things like tomes, obsidian shards, ascended items like auric dust, airship oil etc.

Also would it be possible to have a way to consolidate black lion salvage kits into a single item? I am very grateful to get them, but they take up so much space, and I don’t get exotics very often.

WvW is bugged

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


This is being monitored and investigated.

There’s possibility for as much as one more instance of this problem to happen per non-Obsidian Sanctum Mist War map, per tier in NA, if it happens before this Friday’s reset. If this Friday’s reset happens first, we should be in the clear until a permanent solution can be found.

Why is anet making OS multi instance? Is there a server with OS queued often?

He did not saying they are making OS a multi instance map. He said this problem can occur in more instances, as in occur more times in NON OS maps.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


What’s next for you to whine about?

I’m gonna stop here. I’m tired of the condescending tone people like you keep pulling.
I’ll make it short: I think 40 hours is punishing new players for not having played the mode enough and punishing proactively is absolutely stupid. Nowhere else in the game does it even come close to that but whatever.
You think that makes me a “whiner”, I think that makes you a bragger, and I’m done with this stupid debate.

I will keep discussing it on TS instead, where people actually discuss about alternatives and solutions to benefit everyone.

That said, I think a good argument can be made for increasing base pip acquisition and improving the distribution of tickets across the skirmish track rather than lumping them all into the final chest of each tier. I’m in favor of increasing the Commitment bonus (and gutting Outnumbered, it’s much too high) and possibly the server placement bonuses. That way, new/casual players will still have to put in time/effort, but progress will feel more consistent.

That’s really all there is to ask, so thank you for pointing it out. As it was said by pretty much everyone it is normal for veterans to get stuff faster and easier, just don’t gate it behind an unfair weekly timegate that literally takes years for casual or semi casual to get.

Lol keep throwing out these random numbers then complain about people not taking you seriously. If you only care about WvW now because you want some new shiny and want it easier to get, but think its unfair that you actually have to do the content in order to get it..yea…sure ok, then complain nobody takes you seriously…

As it has been repeated, nothing has or is stopping you from playing wvw, getting ranks or earning rewards. It does not matter if you are rank 1 or rank 9k, each player can only earn a certain amount of tickets each week. Coming on here with the attitude that you should have an easier time of getting rewards will not make you many friends. These are designed to be long-term rewards not something you grind out in a few days then move on to a new farm.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Each player is limited per week in how many tickets they can get, therefore ranks are irrelevant as a rank 1 player can still get the same amount of tickets per week as someone with rank 9k. There are different ways to increase the amount of pips you can get, ranks are only a part of it and it is to reward players who have stuck with the game mode that for years was never as rewarding as pvp or pve.

The rewards are meant to be a longterm goal which is why there is a weekly limit. It is not meant to be farmed in a few days or weeks so people will get bored and leave.

If you dont like it, dont do it, simple as that. There are other ways of acquiring gear. None of the rewards are closed off to you if you actually want to work for them. Any player with a high rank had to earn them, it did not just magically happen and yet you seem to act like you are entitled to everything right away. How about you stop making thread after thread complaining about how this or that is not fair simply because it’s harder for you.

I’m aware of the ticket cap, you didnt address any of my logic, and basically just said if I dont like it, don’t do it.

My point is that its discouraging and puts newer players at a time disadvantage whereas other content does not.

There is no “logic”, its just complaining. Stop acting as if you are some champion for new players, we have seen your other threads. It is just constant complaining with an attitude of self entitlement. We get it, you want it easier and you think its unfair that they rewarded players who actually cared about WvW and not you.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Each player is limited per week in how many tickets they can get, therefore ranks are irrelevant as a rank 1 player can still get the same amount of tickets per week as someone with rank 9k. There are different ways to increase the amount of pips you can get, ranks are only a part of it and it is to reward players who have stuck with the game mode that for years was never as rewarding as pvp or pve.

The rewards are meant to be a longterm goal which is why there is a weekly limit. It is not meant to be farmed in a few days or weeks so people will get bored and leave.

If you dont like it, dont do it, simple as that. There are other ways of acquiring gear. None of the rewards are closed off to you if you actually want to work for them. Any player with a high rank had to earn them, it did not just magically happen and yet you seem to act like you are entitled to everything right away. How about you stop making thread after thread complaining about how this or that is not fair simply because it’s harder for you.

I love this update, I believe it was well thought out and I hope they do not change it to make it easier or faster because of people like you.

(edited by Serenity.6135)

Necro Staff Suggetion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Having marks proc on downed bodies would actually be a nice change. If weapon swap and shroud are on cooldown, there are not really any ways for a necro using staff to cleave downed players.

I support this. +1

Nor is there a way for the warriors 100b to hit 10 people AoE at 1200 range. Also I’d like my ranger longbow to melee cleave 5 people.

I am not sure you understand. If I am on my necromancer and use my staff to down an enemy player, I am then unable to use 4 out 5 skills on my weapon, no other class/weapon has this handicap. Are you saying I should waste a weapon swap, or life force along with the cooldown on death shroud just to finish an enemy player? That makes little sense.

Also I did not ask about changing the radius, range or target limit.

Necro Staff Suggetion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Can you please make marks work on siege weapons and/or downed players? I really do not know why they do not trigger on those targets, it leaves necromancers with only their auto attack to hit them. The slow attacks and high cooldowns already hurt staff, so can you please improve the mechanics of marks? Thank you.

Efficient Way To Craft Marauder's Armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Ascended armor is account bound so it will always be useable by any character you have with the same weight class, whereas exotic is soulbound so it will be stat-locked to one character permanently with a few exceptions. The materials needed for marauders is pretty cheap compared to stats like trailblazer’s and minstrel’s.

It really depends on costs vs use, if it is something you plan to use a lot then it might be worth investing in ascended armor.

[Suggestion]Allow character swap in WvW queue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serenity.6135


What happens if your queue pops while you are on a different character? Does everyone have to wait while you switch back? Now imagine how much extra waiting time it would add for others in queues if there are 10,20,30 people ahead of you.

Anti-AFK farming changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serenity.6135


While I am happy about them finally doing something about the ridiculous spectacle that was the engi farm, this does not fix the problem of afk farming. There are many other spots in other maps where people abuse this system, what is anet going to do create individual solutions for each area? Until they actually changes the mechanics that allow this abuse, it will continue.

[Suggestion] WvW changes

in WvW

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Really? Change an entire game mode that you never bothered to try out just to make you happy? Have you ever considered the possibility of actually giving it a chance, you could always make friends in WvW and get to know the player community like many others have.

Thx Anet

in Thief

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Yeah I just want to say:
Thx to anet for 99 % of roamers in wvw playing thief, because this class is completely OP in mobliliy, perma dodging, DMG output.
Thx for nerfing stability on necromancer, for the 1000th time, so that the necromancer is now the same trash class like the 4 years before hot.
Thx for giving warriors a dmg boost again, because this class just made 10k per f skill cast every 4 sec.
Thx for buffing every patch the same 3 classes while engis, eles, necros, revs etc. are still trash.

Thx for condi meta, thx for blob meta, thx for lags since 5 years on ebg, thx for dont giving an ascended gear vender for wvw since 5 years, thx for creating in 100 hours a legendary armor for pve while wvw ask for a serious skill balance and never will get. hmm… did i forget something?

never mind. Overall thx Anet for 5 wonderful years in this game with all this disappointments I don’t want miss. I am very excited for the next 5 frustrating years without stability on necromancer, with uncatchable thiefes, and completely unbalanced game. CHEERS! ;-)

90% aye? Would love to see where you pulled that number from.

And by design thief is supposed to have highest mobility….. just saying the Devs intended Thief to only be a Roaming style class . And all classes received Nerfs hell Revs only received buffs last patch smh.

High mobility does not have to mean being able to essentially perma dodge with high vigor uptime, and being able to ignore soft cc’s, while being able to shadowstep away and be halfway across the map in seconds, and being able to perma stealth with high burst damage from both power and conditions. Thief in wvw is extremely broken.

Shouldn’t there be more of a trade off?

again Thief is supposed to have he highest mobility as per Anet…. if you nerf any of their mobility then they wouldn’t be the highest since most classes have received substantial mobility increases with HoT. And then there’s the fact the Pvp nerfs which hit Thief Endurance regen will get pushed into WvW like that last set of nerfs and buffs did.

And let’s not forget Thief play requires more active gameplay than any other class, most Meta Builds from every other class is packed full of as many Passive Defenses as possible in WvW but no Thief is the big bad boogeyman lol.

I see the problem it’s quite clear especially from knowing the post history of some peopl in this thread.

If Thief was so OP everyone would be running them, but I See more Necros, Guardians and Mesmer in WvW than any other class in game funny how that works isn’t it.

That is not a valid argument. You say Thief is supposed to have highest mobility so it should be buffed to the point of being broken, and not fixed? Because somehow the class would not be viable if something broken was toned down. This is why people complain about lack of balance. Anet just keeps buffing what is broken rather then fixing it and what we have is a disastrous result that drives people away and/or makes them extremely resentful.

And let me say this, just because some people get bitter and frustrated about these issues for so long but remain in GW does not necessarily mean its because they want to. If they find another game that can adequately replace this, these types of lingering issues could drive these players away for good.

Thx Anet

in Thief

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Yeah I just want to say:
Thx to anet for 99 % of roamers in wvw playing thief, because this class is completely OP in mobliliy, perma dodging, DMG output.
Thx for nerfing stability on necromancer, for the 1000th time, so that the necromancer is now the same trash class like the 4 years before hot.
Thx for giving warriors a dmg boost again, because this class just made 10k per f skill cast every 4 sec.
Thx for buffing every patch the same 3 classes while engis, eles, necros, revs etc. are still trash.

Thx for condi meta, thx for blob meta, thx for lags since 5 years on ebg, thx for dont giving an ascended gear vender for wvw since 5 years, thx for creating in 100 hours a legendary armor for pve while wvw ask for a serious skill balance and never will get. hmm… did i forget something?

never mind. Overall thx Anet for 5 wonderful years in this game with all this disappointments I don’t want miss. I am very excited for the next 5 frustrating years without stability on necromancer, with uncatchable thiefes, and completely unbalanced game. CHEERS! ;-)

90% aye? Would love to see where you pulled that number from.

And by design thief is supposed to have highest mobility….. just saying the Devs intended Thief to only be a Roaming style class . And all classes received Nerfs hell Revs only received buffs last patch smh.

High mobility does not have to mean being able to essentially perma dodge with high vigor uptime, and being able to ignore soft cc’s, while being able to shadowstep away and be halfway across the map in seconds, and being able to perma stealth with high burst damage from both power and conditions. Thief in wvw is extremely broken.

Shouldn’t there be more of a trade off?

Thx Anet

in Thief

Posted by: Serenity.6135


Upset or not, he is right. For some reason anet decided to ignore the problems of 2 game modes so they could focus on a part of pve that appeals to a smaller percentage of players. Class balance is just…well it’s gotten to the point of just being plain absurd. In all honesty anet should not even use the term “balance” because they dont actually focus on it, balance is about being able to counter other classes and having strengths and weaknesses unique to each class. What anet does is simply try to pick winners and losers every few months for the sake of keeping the meta fresh or something, unfortunately they fail badly because they simply never fix what they break.