Showing Posts For Sir Isaac The Great.5341:

Players Against Stacking/Skipping/Stuff

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Hey I am all for playing however you want to play buddy! You want to not stack or skip anything that is fine by me…..but when you join my LFG post that says EXP LvL 80 Speed Run….don’t complain that we are stacking or skipping. Make your own post!

Dredge Fractal discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I stopped playing fractals because of this. I do not like dredge fractal and refuse to sit through it.

Open/Cosume all button?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I would like a consume all and be able to buy thing in bulk instead of constantly clicking from a merchant until I get the desired amount.

Epidemic: kicked for not playing heavy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Are you joining groups that say no ranger in them? If so that might be your problem. I generally ask for no ranger as the average pug ranger uses longbow, has bear pet, no spotter or frost spirit, and uses sig of the hunt.

Sadly those types of rangers ruined it for all in dungeons. If you really want to avoid being kicked you should make your own party on the LFG tool. It will fill with people and you will have fun.

Lord Kismet hits 10,000 Achievement points!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I stopped caring about AP when I tried to do dive master and did them all twice and still 37/38. I think I shall try again when anet starts fixing the bugs,

Skills stop working - really common bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I really wish someone around here from anet gave a kitten and would post more….

Dive Master 36/38 spots

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I am 37/38 and I have done them all….this is a joke that something like this can be bugged for so long…Anet fix your kitten plz?

No Achieves Because Other Players Are Bad...

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I think you’re being punished for being a crappy teacher.

No one shows up with the intent to fail. But they may lack the knowledge needed to win. If you’re so certain that you’ve mastered every nuance of the fight, then you need to master one more: sharing that knowledge.

While that might help….you still can’t help that person dodge orange circles.

When will this living story end..?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Lets just hope it is somewhat longer than normal….considering there are a lot of AP that are based on the skill lvl of others…thus out of your control.

Skills stop working - really common bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Can we get a dev to post about this? This bug is very game breaking and is ruining my GW2 exp. You have to down/die to fix this issue and it really needs to be fixed asap!

Could Not Swap Weapons on Marrionette Pad

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I know of the work around but that is not acceptable. This bug has been around too long for it to not be patched. Same with the bug where you cant attack or use any traits. I am so sick of them both as they have messed up runs and events countless times.

The only way...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I really wish they would make like a little survey after each living story to get feedback. I remember way back when they did it for the Karka update….why stop?

Mari dodge achieves

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I have never read such a whiney bunch of rubbish. You sound like the cry babies who spit their dummy out when the Oak gets killed before the Troll in Queensdale.

Generally the only people not upset by this are the ones causing the failures.

~ CompleteTwisted Marionette Boss Guide~

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

The guide is nice…..still people who can’t kittening dodge will still fail it for all of us.

Meta Will Be Around For How Long?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I love how this is a timed event and to get all the AP I have to get lucky as it is out of my hands if I dodge everything and one group fails inside. Soooooooo stupid!

Already reduced play count at wurm

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Are you surprised? The 1st time I did the wurm I knew it would be like Teq…I will have to join an organized guild and go to an overflow to avoid the noobs. Elite content in open world is kittening stupid.

Mari dodge achieves

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

This is such a joke….because people are bad and fail this when inside I am punished as well. I finished my part and was not hit the entire time….yet kitten s who can not avoid OBVIOUS orange circles fail so I keep having to come back until I get a non fail group.

How did you think this was a good idea when you thought it up?

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

The fact that most of these items ever existed is just blatantly a bug.


Amazing things for ranger!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Until the avg pug…stops using longbow in melee range, can control their pet correctly, and stop wasting a utility slot on signet of the hunt…idc what they do to rangers..I will continue to ask for no rangers on my dungeon runs

If you could have 6 people in a party..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Challenging PvE? I’d take everyone but rangers and engineer lel

this is a rediculous and ignorant statement. Rangers and Engineers are both very powerful and useful professions. The ‘problem’ with them is a lack of understanding of how to build/use them properly AND ^^THIS^^ kind of attitude toward them. I have 8 geared 80s and am very fluent with all of the professions in both PvE and I’m r40 in PvP and I love using my Ranger in both dungeons and tPvP and VERY often get props on my toons as well as PMs for what build(s) I’m using and how to be a more effective Ranger. Rangers are absolute beasts and that’s all there is to it. They’re just not ‘warrior easy’ to pick up and play. This is very ironic when I see new people asking what prefession is a good one to start/level/play with and 90% of the time, Ranger is one of the first suggestions. Hmmmmm….weird!?! Ranger is one of the highest dps professions in the game and kit Engis can absolutely wreck dungeons. Fastest, smoothest, and most fun CoF p1 speed clear I’ve ever been a part of was a “LFG Rangers Only” run!

Rangers can be good..I roll one from time to time as they are fun. The problem with rangers and dungeons for me is….90% of pugs like to roll with a longbow and bear pet (aka bearbow) when most of the dungeons that are ran, we generally stack and in melee range. Also the common pug can’t control their pet correctly as well.

I generally ask for no nec/bearbow when I make a party. 9/10 when I have either in my party the run takes twice as long or gets messed up. Can call me a jerk or whatever but nothing is stopping you from just not joining the group and making your own. Then again when I post no nec/bearbow the 1st people to join the party are exactly that as it shows the lack of reading by the community.

WTF just happened

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I would like my 1 silver 64 copper back as I came back dead. As this was ANETs fault I would like my money back. Thanks

How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Well at the moment GW2 feels a bit stale and honestly the only reason I am playing it atm is for friends.

Been doing the same dungeons since start….hardly anything added in that is new or fun. Everything I do like only lasts a short bit. They seem to have went in a direction I don’t care for…gear grind, horrible living story, nerf this nerf that…etc etc

If anything else was out that was decent i would be gone in a heartbeat. I loved gw1 and played for so long. Guild Wars 2 I have already taken countless breaks from it. Thankfully no monthly fee as this game would most likely be dead.

FA/TC/Mag... 3rd week in a row...

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Yeah…VS the same servers over and over has made WvW stale. I can’t even be bothered to do the WvW daily’s anymore.

Swapping character at the end of Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

If you plan on switching chars at the last second to lvl them up do not make the dungeon instance. Let someone else walk in the dungeon 1st and then join when it pops up to join them.

I hate when people make the instance and switch at the boss thus kicking everyone out because you wanted to lvl a dif char…It is why I always try to be the 1st person in the dungeon as pugs have done this to me a few times.

Do i have to reroll warrior to play gw2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Generally all dungeons can be ran with whatever…now if you want fast and smooth you get certain classes. Generally Rangers/Necromancers are shunned upon because other classes are much better to have.

Personally I ask for no Rangers/Necromancers in my lfg when I run dungeons because most experiences I have had with them they are terrible. Does this make me an kitten? Some might say yes. If you see groups that keep asking for a certain class you do not meet…why not hell idk make your own lfg post? I am sure there are other people out there that would join you.

Dungeon Frustrations

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Here is a tip…if you don’t know the dungeon don’t join a group that says EXP only…If they are all asking for exp only make your own lfg post and people will come.

You probably meet a lot of kittens because you don’t know what is going on and joined a group asking for people who are exp and know the dungeon.

A lot of the problems of the community could be solved easily if people would read the lfg before clicking join. I have had countless people join my LFG who have no clue what they even signed up for path wise and want to kitten and moan when it isn’t the path they wanted. It said p2 in the description not p1…who’s fault is that?

Don’t even get me started on fractals…do a lvl 38 and we get in there and someone dies instantly when they get hit by agony and then want to complain about getting kicked? You don’t have any AR…that isn’t our fault. It is in the game and you need AR to progress in fractals.

Really when it comes down to it there is a time and place for teaching and then doing nice smooth runs. Just don’t come in and join a group asking for exp players only then get kitten when they kick you as you have never done it before. That is your fault for not reading. Start your own group and let people know you are learning or for someone to teach. I’ve joined groups where it said they were new to help out.

(edited by Moderator)

Dungeon Frustrations

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

The problem I see with the community is the LFG tool. Idk how many times I have asked for exp level 80 people and get the exact opposite. How many high lvl fractals people with no AR will join.

New Build at Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Was pretty game breaking IMO…Was so worth screwing over people on reset.

Pick up item glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Yeah this bug is garbage…it isn’t even due to picking something up..Idk how many times I have rallied in WvW or a dungeon and not been able to attack or anything. Hey Anet fix your game instead of adding garbage Living World.

Mai Trin & Captain Horrik destroyer of pugs.

in Fractured

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

This fractal really separates the bads from the skilled people….Seems like every time I run this fractal at least half the team goes down at the cannon stage. I don’t understand how this stage is so hard? You avoid the red circles that show up on the ground. Don’t stop and try to rez people as you will most likely go down too.

Seems like after every cannon stage I end up having to pick people up and it shouldn’t be this hard to run around.

I have had to leave countless groups because of this stage because it ends up taking hours and the reward is not worth it.

Does Anet need more time?

in Fractured

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I would rather have good polished content monthly than garbage buggy content every two weeks that we are getting currently.

Ideas to repopulate the world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Maybe make fun content? I know that would make people want to play.

Bug: Daily Fractal Runner

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I have this issue as well. Does anyone know if ANET has a QA department? If so why do they still have a job with the amount of easily found bugs from fractals? Thanks

The Great MMO Migration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

The whole time I watched this I felt very uncomfortable..

So what was ninja changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I see runes of perplexity were nerfed but don’t see it anywhere in the notes? Anyone else see anything changed but no mention of said change in the patch notes?

Something that might just be me is that I did Melandru temple and there was the phase killing the priest where it changes you into an animal and he heals….I don’t remember that happening the last few times I did it.

Goodbye 100's Of T6 Mats (FOTM)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I also spent a lot on my infusions getting the 5 stat/5 AR. I hope to god they don’t destroy them as all that money going to waste doesn’t sit well…

11/15 FA/CD/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Once again this forum is mostly filled with chest thumping and QQin adults. It is a game people…

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

So much crying in here….

? about Yakkington: A Traveler's Tale.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

ty all for the posts you helped me out a lot

? about Yakkington: A Traveler's Tale.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Hello all I have a question maybe someone can answer. I made this ascended back awhile back on my war. When I made it it let me select any stats that I wanted because of the MF removal patch. I made it berserker at the time. Well I have now since been doing fractals a lot and will be getting the fractal back which I like the skin more so. I notice everytime I infuse something it removes the soulbound and instead makes it accountbound.

My question is this….has anyone infused a There with Yakkington: A Traveler’s Tale recently and if so when you did infuse it did it give you the option to repick the stats again or just it just make it accountbound again?

The reason I ask is that if I can redo the stats again when I infuse it and make it account bound I was going to make it PVT and give it to my guard. If I can’t do that it will most likely be tossed away when I get the fractals back.

Thanks for any help!

Not acceptable answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Oh man I can’t believe they closed the thread with that answer…..I mean really it was like 10k+ posts and 100k+ views you would have thought they would have taken it more serious instead of just closing it.

I have been checking these forums more than I have been playing the game just looking for some feedback about that huge thread just some answer but I guess we got our answer.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

See the thing I am wondering is if they did not have the loot at the end if more people would be upset?

Phase 1 was laggy as hell but was somewhat “ok”. Phase 2 I waited around in an overflow for about an hour and nothing happened just got the boat icon to go to the new area nothing happened. Phase 3 I was confused where to go until I got the mail so I run over there…..and boy was that event boring. Idk if it was because of all the culling or what that made it boring but it felt like just killing endless same mobs for 2 1/2 hours. Hell the part where I said enough we were running as a group and all of a sudden like 5 vet and 1 champ big guys spawned out of nowhere and rolled us all down….whole zerg gone because nobody could see them or they magically spawned right there to avoid them. I even took a shower came back ran like 10 feet to the zerg went and made me food and just followed the zerg while they killed while watching youtube videos because I was just bored and wanted it to end.

Now during my overflow everyone was complaining and kittening etc not liking the event as it was dull. As SOON as they get the chest…..everyone who was complaining was all happy saying how much of a wonderful event it was and that they had fun. So they can push long boring buggish events on us as long as they give us wonderful loots?

So that makes me wonder how many people hated this event all through it but now all of a sudden OMG I LOVE YOU ANET BEST EVENT EVER!!!11 Because they got good loot at the end.

Culling = Invisible effects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Was a large group of us a lot dien but we slowly were making our way back up….then running a long like 7 vet big guys spawn do their roll and kill us all….no joke

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

When I first read that this gear would be implemented into the game at 1st I was really upset but then I read infusion and thought Ohhhhh it will be like GW1 where they make your current better in some way so I was somewhat ok…With GW1 I had no issues and they didn’t let me down then so I had faith in them.

Then the event starts and people are pinging ID codes of this new gear and really…..REALLY anet….Why on earth would you do this!? You were supposed to be different. I stood by you but you have now betrayed me.

This event in itself has been a huge failure. If this gear wasn’t in the picture I would let it slide and say hey at least you guys are trying so maybe it tainted the way I feel about it….but when you put the new gear many didn’t want in, this so called event where it has been a buggy mess which the 1st 1 time event was a laggy mess and I personally couldn’t do the side quests as they were bugged, second 1 time event where I logged on to see but was stuck in overflow which DID NOT WORK, then I hear oh they fixed the side quest so I start it but turns out I can not finish it because they have removed part of it. Which mind you I TRIED to do but was bugged?

Oh how the great ones fall. I have already started playing much less to a point where I log on and just think ugh I don’t want to work towards the new gear and just leave. Which I know if I keep that up eventually it will become so overwhelming where I just uninstall.

Phase 2 Start, Noll still broken?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

One time events that are broken! Some events only last through the weekend but are also broken! Wonderful

Event did not trigger on overflow server [merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Hey lets have our fans be able to invite friends to come play out game during this wonderful event and hope they buy it to help our failing stocks. I don’t think you are impressing anyone into buying your game with this mess.

Event did not trigger on overflow server [merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

This has to be a joke…..This really has to be a joke. So because I was stuck on overflow I got shafted and didn’t get this event? Are you serious?

This whole weekend has been Hey guys we have all these ONE time events and 90% of it all is bugged!

I don’t mind new content but for the love of god make it work or focus on what is breaking so much of your old content 1st.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

DH has some of these so called hacker eles so it isn’t just FA as I am on FA and have run into two from DH. I don’t understand this mindset where “OMG THAT ELE KILLED US SO EASY AND SO MANY OF US I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW THAT COULD HAPPEN HE MUST CHEAT!”.

When I faced one of the DH 1v1 was my first time running into one from another server and I admit I was amazed and he caught me off guard with his build so I was forced to run to the tower that was near. Did I think omg this guy hacks? No I started to think how the hell could I counter this lol

The game has only been out what 3 months? Hell I am sure there are very powerful builds still out there that either are not well known or even found yet.

DR Too Harsh?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I have come to terms with them giving less reward for doing the same path again before the reset. I don’t agree with it per say but have come to terms with it. I understand where you are coming from as well as when you have that free time you would like to use it to work toward what you want IE AC Gear you should be able to do just that without being punished.

Not only do they have the DR on doing the same dungeon path over before reset…they also have DR when you do too many DIFFERENT paths in a row. I feel like they are trying to dictate what I do in the game and how I play it. I have many hours into this game and play it probably more than I should but some of these DR systems are really starting to turn me away.

Diminishing return on dungeon tokens since Nov, 10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Ouch I should have read the forums more but my sleepy eyes missed this topic and it is even on the front page >.>

I am suffering from getting DR on new dungeon paths as well exactly as OP said. To punish players for playing the game and doing what they want is simply not right. So you are telling me I am doing the dungeons too fast and to do something else? No thanks!

I hit level 80 finished personal story….What is there to do.!? I like dungeons so I will do them with some friends! Oh but wait! Don’t do to many too fast or you will be punished! Who the hell in their right mind thought this was a good idea? I accept I will get punished reward wise if I redo a path in the same day before reset but to have that and a so called speed clear DR is unacceptable. So our party runs dungeons too well and too fast so hey we are going to punish you for that sorry! <3 Anet