I agree that scaling an AoE damage vs the number affected is probably the best way to go about this. In return AoEs should be allowed to hit slightly more targets.
Yeah…. cuz if I set a bomb off in a group, it’s only gonna do full damage to one guy, the rest get off with a bruising…… try dodging if you don’t want to get hit with AOE. I see ppl do it all the time…… come to think of it, I do too.
You can grind until your fingertips bleed.
Or you can be smart about it and have your legendary…well, last week.
Why? The only thing about them is the shines that are totally superfluous. No improved stats, just ages wasted getting comps to flush down the Toilet for a skin. When the Legendaries also have legendary stats, then they will be worth my time.
Course, I haven’t seen a Legendary I’d want yet so…. :P
DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. It’s generally used to stop piracy, not bots. The counter measures used by the dev team make it harder to bot. The reports that people give make it harder to bot. Believe it or not there has been a drastic decrease in bots, and I believe it’s because of the dev teams efforts in this regard. If I must suffer through a few months of a few side effects that don’t break the game for me in order to have a stable game down the road, I am more than happy to.
Thanks for the explanation. I meant to say diminished returns. I dont even care about that. I play for the experience and whats ever more bothering is all the things put in this game or should I say taken out , things that made life convenient are absent in this game for 1 reason. Anit-Bot measures.
The targetting is never predictable, Movement is clunky, what happened to autorun to target? playing meele is a pain in the kitten with keyboard. This game would never pass console standard on movement alone, thanks to anti bot measures. Even the portal names to the different starter areas in lions arch dont show up unless youre 1 step from entering it … why? why am i forced to walk up each one too see the name? is it because of the imfamous beetletun botters youd see in guild wars 1 autoruning to the town sign to exit? Seriosuly, did anet think they’d end all bots with this one or what?
Did someone really think that removing elements that made video gaming more intuitive and less cumbersome would end botters for good? laughs wow
Well, if you bothered to go into the options menu, there is a setting that shows all name. If you can be bothered to tick it.
As someone who is in parties all the time, the benefits of being in a party don’t seem obvious, but they actually do help you. Some of the reasons are:
- You have people watching your back so that you don’t get overwhelmed.
- If you come across a Veteran or a Champion, you’ve got it covered.
- Events are a lot more fun with people you know.
- If you get downed, you have people to revive you while continuing to get things off your back.
- You clear out content much, much quicker. You will level faster and you will fail at things less.
- Sometimes another set of eyes will spot something hidden that you miss. That’s how I’ve often found hidden caves or other things.
- Party chat can be hilarious.
- If you need to pop off to town or something, a party of people you know will wait for you…or maybe even go with you.
- People in your party will sometimes find items. If they are nice or they know you, they may ask you if you want it instead of selling it for a few silver on the trading post.
- It’s fun.
To the people saying there is no point…well, I could argue that there’s no “point” to playing an MMO in the first place. Most people do it for the fun. It’s the same with being in a party. Do it for the fun and reap benefits you may not have realized were there.
I believe the point is somewhere above your head. Everything you listed happens with or without a party.
An MMO gives the opportunity for mechanical reasons to group. Synergies, tactics, strategy.
ArenaNet blew it, and provided designed none of that in this game. They didn’t lean on the most important core part of an MMO – multi-player.
Yeah, cause allowing ppl to come together for an event and disperse again to do their own thing rather then tie them to a group is so friggin terrible. Never see all them other players gather for an event and disperse again, rather then spawn camp and kitten about kill stealing and loot ninjas. Just awful of them to not tie us to a group if we want to play a game. Kinda hard to wander round the tub if you stuck doing what a group wants. So evil of the devs to let us out of group prison.
Oh, how evillllll. Someone wants to make a profit and be able to pay the company bills, and the salaries of everyone employed there. The temerity! The AUDACITY!! Seriously, if you want to be a communist, go find somewhere to do so and stop telling those of us that don’t that we should. Pretty hypocritical of you to say ppl shouldn’t be buying stuff with their evil money while a few posts up you’re goin on about some spike armour you BOUGHT, and had fun using. If you don’t want ppl to be able to use their money, lead by example and give yours away. People have been trading since forever, nothing wrong with it in a game. Don’t like the prices? Don’t buy. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to. Oh yeah, most of my gear is karma, only have a pistol and dagger on me that was paid for, maybe me shortbow, not sure bout that, forgot where I got it. If I can’t be assed to grind dungeons for gear, see no reason why I should have to because ppl want a communist game.
Don’t want money and trading in game? Don’t use it, then it isn’t in game for you. Plenty of servers and ppl that you can find ppl to group with with your same gaming philosophy, if you bother to look for them, here and in game, as much as you try to convince us here, you aren’t barking mad.
Breakout is dumb as a bag of hammers. We drive people off our maps, barely have time to start getting supplies and upgrades going in our towers, then a new breakout waltzes in to recap it for the other world. Don’t even get a chance to take a bloody break before it all rolls again. Never mind that the way the announcement went it made it sound it was more for when you get rolled back into your own citadel, not just to restart an invasion you failed on.
But back to the story. We set up in Lake Tower, cannon, basic upgrades, some carts and everyone in the map defending is there. Bout the same number of players as NS had in the breakout (we GoM). Sure they make it in the tower. Have yet to see all that free siege WITH SHIELD BUBBLES SO YOU CAN’T DAMAGE THE EQUIPMENT, get destroyed. So in comes the rush, and we kill ALL the NS in the Lord’s Room in a last stand. Victory, right? Nope. Cause you have a friggin NPC that can’t be killed waltz in and cap the place for all the dead players. An NPC, in a PvP part of the game.
Dumb as a bag of hammers doesn’t even BEGIN to accurately and deservedly describe this idea.
Don’t play WvW to often and had never seen the whole “invulnerability exploit” I had heard people complain about. Till Madness got matched up with Hedge, or whoever. Now It’s rare to NOT see half a group doing it as often as they can manage it. Watched over half a dozen of them with Invulnerable over their heads while raining hell on them with my arrow cart. Move target, and a fresh batch are invulnerable.
The truly sad part of it is that even tho they are cheating like sad sacks, they were still getting pillaged like an English village in the Viking Age.
So yeah. I’d suggest dealing with that.
if only regular human beings with a hint of real life had a moderate chance to get the Tower, I would have gotten it.
I usually play 3 to 4 hours a week (including weekends) and i managed to do it multiple times.
I don’t see your problem to be honest.
Well, other then that jumping puzzles are boring as stale kitten #8230;.
“By the power of ME!”
Thief. Smallest body a Norn can have, tho an avg build. Sad excuse for a beard, but then they all are.
Would have like a nice Cmmdr Riker beard option myself. Is what I wear irl. Little chin wagging braid is what I settled on. But really, long beards are just something for whoever you are fighting to grab and drag your head around with while they gut you.
i want the techno viking so bad at least give us a response, Anet!!!!
btw, i fell inlove with haka, its rlly badazz :\ but in the game (and any game.. yeah im looking at you LoL!) it doesn’t do it much justice because:
1) it is done alone.. you can’t do a haka alone, it looks silly.
2) no sounds. part of the haka is the sound. the body slaps, the chant.. so all you get is awkwardly looking charr
First time I saw my friend have her Charr dance, I thought it was constipated. Then I saw my norn dance, and I realized these are all done by programmers who can’t dance, so what was I expecting?
Had this same thing happen yesterday. Just threw up my hands and stopped wasting my time trying to rescue.
Had this same thing happen to me today. Restarting the instance didn’t reset whatever the bug is. Dying didn’t reset it. Could only use the treb next to the wrecked cannon, and only to aim it. Any attempt to fire it gets “can’t fire in that direction”. Can’t even use the other treb at all.
So guess my story is over unless someone pulls a thumb out.