Showing Posts For Sleel.8365:

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


A profession that does little outside pestering the enemy and pwning in 1v1’s

Lol. Pestering and pwning in 1v1s gives far more satisfaction and is much more rewarding than taking some impersonal tower or keep.

1v1s are what really matter from an emotional point of view. Group play is overrated.

Then why are you in WvW and not PvP?

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Advice to budding developers (because Anet’s won’t learn): NEVER put stealth classes in a mulitplayer game.

Well, stealth is alright if it is implemented properly.

Look at games like LoL/Dota – there is stealth there too but because there are counters (wards, dust of appearance) and because stealthed characters don’t have the best mobility and burst in the game it can be balanced.

Or DAOC…any damage takes you out of stealth, and you cant restealth as long as someone is watching you or you have DOT on you, and while stealthed you move way slower

someone posted DAOC stealth mechanics in another thread but missed some of those points. I think DAOC had it done brilliantly. Never played the game but it sounds great. Thieves already have the highest mobility so stealth should be dealt this way and it wouldn’t completely destroy the class, some skills would need a rework of course.

Have no problem with moving slower in stealth. Depending on what is causing the stealth. If it’s some ‘field’ where I’m being sneaky,I should be moving slower so as to be sneaky. If I threw powder in your face so you can’t see kitten, well, you can’t see kitten regardless of how fast I’m moving.

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


-if damage is taken while in stealth.. the damage numbers should appear the the player delivering the attack.
-If hit by a critical attack while stealth, you should be revealed
-All traps triggered by a stealth player should cause the player to be revealed
-Any attack from stealth if blocked should reveal the player
-If targeting a player that enters stealth, and not acquiring a new target before the stealth player reappears, should automatically re-target
-The first attack from dropping from stealth OR from being stealth should have the same bonuses as the attack from stealth.


I like all these ideas.

currently a thief can just stealth and no damage will effect that stealth at all. nothing can break it. Which is stupid.

As for the video the OP posted – that’s just a disgustingly good example on how stupid stealth is in this game. Come on Anet – start thinking a bit harder. You started off saying “stealth is a incredibly powerful mechanic that should be used sparingly.” Now you let thieves have a perma stealth build option.

No it isn’t. That video was an excellent example of how to stupidly try to find a thief. Run round like chickens with your head cut off, don’t communicate, drop traps in non-choke points, overlap traps to minimize coverage, spam aoe on where the smoke IS, or trap has gone off, rather then in places the thief might go…..

It’s a perfect example of how to hunt for a thief WRONG.

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


The simple solution is to make any weapon skill usage cause reveal rather than only ones that hit. This would prevent the Smoke Screen / Cluster Bomb combo from granting unlimited stealth without destroying the stealth mechanic itself.

Yeah. That’s dumb. How are you supposed to ‘know’ someone has used a weapon if it doesn’t hit anything? Oh look maa, I swung my dagger, everyone can see that!

(edited by Moderator)

Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Thats a horrible, horrible game. It’s a WoW clone with an FF logo and nothing more.

@this thread, lol, thats my favorite thing to do, I always play the benny hill song while doing it too.
I come out of stealth sometimes though so they chase me more, I find it gets their hopes up and keeps them around longer wasting their time.


Thieves uncatchable?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


CC seems to stop most thieves. They usually have the same two utilities: shadow refuge and signet of shadows. That means they only have one stun breaker if they’re even using one and their only access to stability is dagger storm.

Yup. They are my primaries. I have less tho since I find pistols boring and only occasionally use em for, well, a change of pace before they bore me again. DD/SB thief is me and mobility/agility caltrops flying as I regen endurance. Ya die more, but I find it more fun. Guys need to roll a thief and find out how they work and get back to it. Playing em learns ya them. Got one of each prof now but mez and engi. Played one long enough to know I find it boring as all hell. Not my style. I lobe flying thru a breach Storming everyone then caltrop dodge and heal/poof. Dun always work, but it’s fun :} Lootbags like crazy tagging everything in sight with trickshot/clusterbomb thru a poison field is awesome too.

Waypoints too easy to contest

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


How is that trolling, sounds like smart play. You had a way to counter him with the stealth traps and you and your server decided not to use them at all. I agree that thief mobility/stealth is ridiculous but thats your own fault for letting him contest your nodes like that, he simply outplayed you and 15 other people.

Because hitting a door with a dagger is dumb kitten coding. Nothing should contest a WP but siege hitting the door/wall. You aren’t actually sieging a keep? You don’t get to contest the WP. Hell, if I was lame enough to consider this fun I could do it with my thief/main. I don’t tho, not even one of those poof I’m gone thieves. Prefer the mobility dance. More dangerous, more fun tho.

The most tasteless mission events.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Oh right. They are Flame Legion, iirc. Serves em right since they were enslaving the charr in the first place. Give em a taste of their own medicine.

Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


I see alot of people saying:
“This will lead to people demanding that you have the right build”
Isn’t it the purpose for your character to be the strongest it can be?
If you could inspect people, you could give them tips & help them out
But nooo… you guys are like, NO! WE WANT OUR PARTY TO BE WEAK! As long as we look good & we are able to steal gold from the party with our magic find.
Uggh, this new generation gaming logic, it makes me sad

Nobody said anything like this. Seriously. Read the thread before you post. All these people not reading the posts, then assuming something is being said and trolling about it instead of taking constructive part in the discussion. Now THAT is sad.

>_< the post is full of people hating on elitism… Hating on elitism is like hating that someone else is better than you. And that’s pathetic.. cus it’s a game. Just imagine you hate people because they are good in a certain sport. It’s just sad what gamers have become these days. Why no /inspect? do you have something to hide? I don’t get it. It’s sad & pathetic.

What a bs argument. It holds as much water as the whack jobs saying being stopped by cops for a random inspection is ok, what? you got something to hide? My stuff is none of your business. You want to know what I have, you can bloody well ask, and if I care enough, I’ll link it.

Nothing to hide. Well, if you have nothing to hide in your life, let “them” put a camera in every room in your house.
My privacy is mine, you have no say in the matter.

Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Because my gear is none of your frigging business.

So much this. I play my way, how you think I should is completely irrelevant. You didn’t pay for my copy of the game or my connection.

The difference between you folks in the Against /Inspect crowd and those of us in the For crowd: I want you to be able to play your way! In your own groups! It’s unfortunate that you don’t extend the same courtesy to us.

Wrong. I hear all of you LFGing all the time and I don’t bother replying to you. YOU telling me you have the right to look at MY gear is not showing me respect. YOU have no right to SNOOP on me. Inspect isn’t PING, INSPECT is you looking without my permissions, hence not showing respect.

I show you plenty of respect for your style of gaming by not wasting my time or your by trying to get in your group. You seem to think that respect is you having the right to snoop on ppl cause you want to. My gear is none of your kitten business unless I CHOOSE to link it.

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


oh, but wouldnt it be great if its like that? nowdays, you just gotta be active finding the best way to farm gold bro. why choose the hard way when you can do the easy way? you like being tortured?

because easy is boring. Why would I want to play the game if it would bore me? Also you do realize that the economy would adapt, prices would fall and you would get the same amount of money for doing less than you are doing right now if these kind of spots were never there? I remember T6 blood being 50 silver. Now it’s barely at 20 and was steadily falling. Which means that you need to get 2X the amount of T6 blood to make the same profit. That makes things with fixed prices seem expensive and really screws the economy around.

Wonder why people still want to farm there if it’s boring….
well you see, you farm lyssa for the rares, and globs right?
sell those at tp and you make golds, then how do you buy t6 mats if theres none at tp?
you shud be thankful since we’re fullfilling everyone’s demand of t6 mats.
Oh price is falling? there’s this term called depriciation in real life and it also works in in-game economy. deal with it.

I get them by killing kitten I come across and putting them in my collection….

Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Because my gear is none of your frigging business.

So much this. I play my way, how you think I should is completely irrelevant. You didn’t pay for my copy of the game or my connection.

Stuck at 4/5 forever...

in Living World

Posted by: Sleel.8365


…what if it happens again?

Well I’ve ignored achievements before and so far nothing bad has h

Yeah. I know my world is ending cause I didn’t tick off all the Mad King stuff, or Wintersday….. it crumbles around me

Traps Achievement and Daltonism

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


He keeps goin on about them not staying disarmed, well, use the right disarm hack, then they will. Till Canach rearms them.

Except they’re super buggy. I’m using the right hacks that’s not the problem as the icons are easily identified. I’ve been many times standing on a hacked trap, with Canach clearly standing on it next to me (no shield animation, no in the middle of a leap, clearly walking over it) without triggering it. It happened a lot on the bomb type trap close to the enter of Canach’s room. Both Canach and I were inmune to that specific trap.

And it’s nearly impossible to diferentiate the “can’t be hacked” from the “can be hacked” color states which makes good timing very difficult.

That combined with the bugs makes it really difficult.

Anyway the solution seems to be group dungeon but at least I want to give feedback about daltonics struggling with this kind of things.

Ahh, well. ok. So far only done story and capture Canach…. not been eager to dive into it, which I guess says it’s underwhelming me. Having more fun running round event farming. The MF fight was way more fun. On the plus side, getting enough kark shells that if I want to I could make a full apothecary set. Might be good idea if I want to run my Ele as a support, which I tend to do in groups when I use her. All them water spell causing heals and all :}

(edited by Sleel.8365)

Sclerite Weapons Tickets - Next to Impossible

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


I still think making the skins account or soul-bound upon use rather than acquisition would solve a lot of the dissatisfaction. People that have gotten tickets that don’t want them could sell them and people whose luck with RNG crates is horrendous could then buy them. I understand this would reduce the number of crates being bought, but, by the same token, if it was filled with items that I could sell rather than items I’m stuck with, I might be more inclined to purchase more crates. For example, with the BLC crates, I always seem get mystery tonics … i’m not doing anything but stockpiling them right now, but i’d happily sell them if I could. If the wintersday skins and the halloween skins can be dumped onto the TP, why can’t the molten and sclerite skins?

No kidding. I’m praying (if I did, anyway) that I don’t get one of those godawful, what is that in Londo’s neck eyeball skins. At least if they weren’t bound I could sell it to someone who likes that eyeball, dripping crap. Like the Censor for my necro tho. She’s my Necrocutie so it goes with my theme. No one sees her and thinks, ’that’s a necro’. The hentai Violator-san piece is on my Ele. Complements her skin colour. Warrior got the Fused longbow. Figure it suits his burnfield and flaming arrow shot stuff.

To much stuff in this game is bound. And what the hell is the use (read: “reward”) of a portable Mystic Toilet or craft table. Cause they are so hard to come by, after all :s

Traps Achievement and Daltonism

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Yeah that strikes me as a bit of an oversight. Shame that you guys get the short end of the stick like that.

What short end? They different traps have different icons, and when you disarm them they have diff animation stuff coming out of them. Whatchu want, Clippy popping up to to tell you it’s disarmed? He keeps goin on about them not staying disarmed, well, use the right disarm hack, then they will. Till Canach rearms them.

Is this game anti-social?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


This game has created a strange output in that it encourages helping people through actions, but because of thakittens created a strange understood setting in where no one talks because everyone understands what to do.

Part of me feels its due to lack of content that requires conversing.

The problem is map chat. If a map has few ppl on it, no talk. This is the first mmo I’ve played where there wasn’t a world chat. This games needs ppl to be able to world chat. “But there are to many ppl for that, the chat will scroll by!” Then how come every other game I’ve played has managed to have it, and be able to read it…. chat tabs break stuff down to manageable lvls. We need worldwide chat. WvW and PvP excepted. It would just be a distraction to ppl in those, methinks, and end up blocked out anyway.

Poor Mini Faren...

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Mini Southsun Kasmeer is currently valued at nearly five times the amount of Mini Southsun Faren.

I want to have an academic seminar on the implications of the supply and demand of these “objects” … !

Probably cause he’s a ponce, and who wants a ponce in a banana hammock following them around all the time?

Steam Jump Puzzle sample

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Find it baffling that people are so uncoordinated they cant do such an easy jumping puzzle. The only difficult part is learning when and where to jump from and to. Once you do one part wrong once or twice you should be able to get it right every time.

Theres usually mesmers around ready to portal people up, so if you really cant do it or if you’re feeling lazy just use them.

It happens, some people just aren’t good at certain things.

I was always terrible at mario.

And some people find them boring as all hell and can’t be assed to waste their time learning them….

I thought Living Story was for all levels?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Yeah….being uplevel doesn’t uplvl your gear. Still gonna be handicapped. Isn’t really a solo friendly area unless you know how to deal with it. And that takes dying for a while.

Krab Toss Feedback: Annoying

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sleel.8365


No need to dwell on it.

Unless you’re trying to keep your spot on the AP leaderboard. Making it a daily win was going too far, for such a poor game mode.

Daily option . Ain’t no one holding a gun to your head forcing you to crab toss to finish your dailies. I haven’t.

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Why would you complain about this?!?! This is great! Some matchups will be roflstomps, fine. That’s better than facing the same two servers for 3 months. Especially when that 3 month matchup has the exact same outcome every week! I’d love to get my kitten kicked by someone.

Locked tiers were terrible, we need the variation to get some true ratings. They can fine tune the variation as we go along, but this is an excellent way to start. Two HUGE thumbs up from myself, and judging by the reaction on our server forum that goes for all of EBay’s WvW community too. I’m fairly sure AR and BP share our sentiments as well.

Yup. Went thru one of those 3 month match ups over the holidays and new years time period. Completely killed any desire to do it anymore. Had suggested this wayyy back then. Pretty much to late for me. Tried to dip my toes back into WvW a few times since the March update. Just don’t care anymore. Maybe one day, but only went in 3 times since March, when I used to be in almost nightly. Even sadder since GoM been doing good. Just can’t get into it…

Do you play the same toon all the time? Have you tried starting a new toon and taking them right into WvW. That makes it much more interesting. I alternate toons all the time. When I get bored with one, I jump on another. The different playstyles make WvW seem like a different game.

I have everything but mez and engi. Having the care beat out of you by the same old stale bread isn’t going to make the stale bread less stale by changing the “mouth” I put it into. Hopefully this will improve. Used to love this part of the game the most….

Have ya tried checkin out the Gates of Madness Teamspeak? That livens things up. The server’s more active as community now than three months ago.

Nope. Forgot all about it in the time I stopped going. Should prob try to remember that. Have noticed more ppl in WvW, inferred from our improved performance/score. Now to figure out how to do it. Haven’t at all used TS. Just skype with guildies when we want voice. (in teeny guild, so it good nuff for us)

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Why would you complain about this?!?! This is great! Some matchups will be roflstomps, fine. That’s better than facing the same two servers for 3 months. Especially when that 3 month matchup has the exact same outcome every week! I’d love to get my kitten kicked by someone.

Locked tiers were terrible, we need the variation to get some true ratings. They can fine tune the variation as we go along, but this is an excellent way to start. Two HUGE thumbs up from myself, and judging by the reaction on our server forum that goes for all of EBay’s WvW community too. I’m fairly sure AR and BP share our sentiments as well.

Yup. Went thru one of those 3 month match ups over the holidays and new years time period. Completely killed any desire to do it anymore. Had suggested this wayyy back then. Pretty much to late for me. Tried to dip my toes back into WvW a few times since the March update. Just don’t care anymore. Maybe one day, but only went in 3 times since March, when I used to be in almost nightly. Even sadder since GoM been doing good. Just can’t get into it…

Do you play the same toon all the time? Have you tried starting a new toon and taking them right into WvW. That makes it much more interesting. I alternate toons all the time. When I get bored with one, I jump on another. The different playstyles make WvW seem like a different game.

I have everything but mez and engi. Having the care beat out of you by the same old stale bread isn’t going to make the stale bread less stale by changing the “mouth” I put it into. Hopefully this will improve. Used to love this part of the game the most….

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


People spend hard earned gold to xfer for a reason, we don’t want random matchups, especially when servers differ in population to such degrees.

Come on A-net… read our comments, don’t make a drastic mistake after all your improvements. This will do way more damage to the player base then it is to see if its worth seeing “Is this T1 server better than this T8 server hmmmmmMMMmmmmMMMMMMMMmmm!!!??”

Did you even read our comments? Or ANet’s for that matter?

People want DIFFERENT match-ups.
ANet isn’t making DRASTIC changes.
T1 and T8 will NEVER be in the same match-up.

Read before you post the same stuff everyone posted on Page 1 and 2.

Because some ppl are brain damaged and think it’s all about the rng. They can’t seem to grasp the fact that it’s only within a range, not ever friggin server.

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Why would you complain about this?!?! This is great! Some matchups will be roflstomps, fine…

While I agree being locked into the same match-ups gets stale, at least there is some amount of give and take. A chance. “Roflstomp” matches are not fine however. In fact, they certainly will cause people to stop WvWing for the remainder of the week, or completely altogether.

A.Net wanting to shake things up, and collect better data is a great thing. I just hope they are able to strike an acceptable balance between variety and actual competition.

Gets stale? More like kills any glimmer of giving a kitten about playing WvW anymore.

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Why would you complain about this?!?! This is great! Some matchups will be roflstomps, fine. That’s better than facing the same two servers for 3 months. Especially when that 3 month matchup has the exact same outcome every week! I’d love to get my kitten kicked by someone.

Locked tiers were terrible, we need the variation to get some true ratings. They can fine tune the variation as we go along, but this is an excellent way to start. Two HUGE thumbs up from myself, and judging by the reaction on our server forum that goes for all of EBay’s WvW community too. I’m fairly sure AR and BP share our sentiments as well.

Yup. Went thru one of those 3 month match ups over the holidays and new years time period. Completely killed any desire to do it anymore. Had suggested this wayyy back then. Pretty much to late for me. Tried to dip my toes back into WvW a few times since the March update. Just don’t care anymore. Maybe one day, but only went in 3 times since March, when I used to be in almost nightly. Even sadder since GoM been doing good. Just can’t get into it…

Anti-Stealth Traps?

in Thief

Posted by: Sleel.8365


“Can we get fields that remove invuln/block/protection/etc?”

I don’t know, how about we get skills on our weapons that steal boons from the opponents? Cheap, repeatable, can be used anywhere, but that would never happen would it?

A weapon ain’t a field. And spare me the crap this isn’t aimed at thieves from all the forum qq over them stealthing all the time. This is fine, as long as we get a field that removes a guards ability to crazy heal themselves and buff allies, a mezz to inflict confusion or spawn clones, a necros ability to use minions and drop wells, a warrs ability to use their adrenaline, a ranger can’t use pets or vines…..

And no. I don’t run a stealth thief. I run one of the tankiest builds you can and dive into kitten like a tank. And usually live. Am a tank evade thief. Dun mean I can’t tell this isn’t yet another nerf aimed at thieves tho.

New cooking recipe and component

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


PETA is not amused with your suggestion. Anet can’t handle that much naked women with a billboard in front of their office.

I’m not sure PETA would appreciate the frog juicer either… lol.

ahhh. there is another good idea. A PETA juicer.

New cooking recipe and component

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


We are slaughtering hostile hyleks all over the place. Overgrown frogs, why can’t we harvest their legs for a good nosh? Or even the rest of them? They look pretty meaty. Maybe they stop shooting their tongues thru my head then once I eat a few of em. I hate that.
But seriously, Why no frog legs?

Religion and Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Given that to some extent these games are both fantastical and anachronistic, this presence makes sense.

The only thing that bugs me a little bit is how the ‘atheist’ race is also the most militant and hostile race. It’s very likely it would be the opposite.

Many (but not all) members of a certain german political party prominent during WW2, who’s name gets filtered by these forums were atheists, and, of course, very militaristic. And many communists have been atheistic and militaristic – notably Joseph Stalin.

The Charr are kind of like kitten-Germany (See what what the forums do there).

Atheisim, and a lack of spirituality certainly became more common after the industrial revolution in western culture, when people started to realise science did a better job of explaining the natural world than religion did. So it’s not surprising that the industrialised Charr have been portrayed as atheists.

I was going to post this stuff as a reply, but you beat me to it. The Atheists have more skulls in a pile in the 20th Century then all the religions throughout history combined. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro…………………..

Update made us fail first guild bounty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


They could just say..“Incoming new build, don’t start anything important.”

I just had visions of Reboot with that. Warning. Incoming game….

why centaurs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Seriously though I have not seen a single thread asking for centaurs, many for skritt and quagen.
Would be an interesting change of playable species though.

Yeah. I’d roll a skritt, never thought about a cent, but that might be fun too. No way I’d roll a quaggan, any more then I would an aura. Quaggans are delicious. If it wasn’t for ppl saving them all the time they’d be extinct. Pretty much food that avoided being such by talking.

Really would like to roll a Largos the most tho.

Just to clarify - Mapchat spam?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


My personal stance is that while it may be aggravating for people reading the chat, it’s not spam any more than the cascade of non-stop “WTB/WTS” messages in Kamadan was spam. Annoying and headache-inducing, yes, but not technically spam.

You’re right in that the polite thing to do would be for the person giving away gifts to ask people to whisper them instead, and that is something I would urge donors to consider. However, the donor can’t control what other players do, and reporting them for it is unfair.

At any rate, if the speed of the map chat is getting annoying, there’s always the option to temporarily disable Map chat in your chat window.

Or not read it. Since no one holds a gun to your head forcing you to. That and multiple tabs for sorting chats. With options on what they show.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Huh, imagine that. Still not enough to get me into PvP. Still trying to get back enough care to dive back into WvW, still haven’t experienced the end of culling or any of the changes. From how we nosedived, I imaging we lost ppl to the free medium transfer from GoM again, not gained.

Dreamer, no footprint particle effect :C

in Crafting

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Make it not lame kitten kitten aimed at bronies and little girls. No way my norn thief is wasting his time to become a legendary laughing stock at the next moot he goes to. Or make a SB that isn’t the above.

My take on balancing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Yes, because if a person stealth and you can no longer see them, you should still be able to target them. Makes sense

Guild Bounties Now Punish Smaller Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Fact – Guild Missions are a numbers game. The larger the guild, the larger the advantage. From unlocking the content, to finding the bounties, to killing the bounties.

My guild can no longer grow because of guild missions. When we get new people, they see that we are unable to do guild missions and they move on. At this point, being in a small guild is equal to holding yourself back from content and gear.

They are not comply numbers games there more then just guild bounties and even they scale with more ppl. Having more ppl only lets the bigger guilds play a bit more lazily its not so much easier just most of the guild dose not have to “work” for the rewards.

Yeah right. Try being in a guild of friends, with 12 total, and it’s a high login night if 5 up us are on at the same time. Then get back to me on scouting 3 maps and killing 3 bounties in 15 minutes. Not a numbers game my kitten

Should I go for a Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Not planning on it myself. So far, for me, the hardest part of the hunt is not being repulsed by the look of every single “Legendary” they have available. Either cutesy girly crap that will get my Norn laffed out of every moot for the rest of his life (tell me a male norn thief wont be with that flippin unicorn abortion bow) or they look like they were ideas ripped off from every manga or anime and just ridiculous sized kitten substitutes. If someone held a gun to my head and forced me to make one I’d go for the one hand sword, Bolt, I think. Just not interested in the either girly crap or giant huge kitten sapphic substitutes.

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


AoE limits affects everyone including those in the zerg. It would be ridiculous when two or three players could stack their attacks essentially wiping a zerg. It would then come down to who could cast their spells the quickest/soonest.

I’ll also add that tactics like flanking do still work very well if done correctly. Staff ele is support, not main dps. They should generally not be on the front lines so speed is not an issue.

Yeah. silly. Kinda like how artillery only affects 5 troopers in an assault. Don’t wanna get kittened by AoE? Don’t ball up, kinda how they do irl. Funny how infantry can figure out how to minimize real life AoE damage but gamers can’t

Blue get to buy but pink has to gamble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Quaggans are delicious. om nom nom om nommy omnom.

Dungeons are difficult for the average player I think

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sleel.8365


What these snarks who are so precise they piddle on a plate and make no splash can’t seem to rub two brain cells together to comprehend, is that AC is listed as a lvl 30 dungeon in SM. No way in hell’s half acre is a lvl 30 group in greens at best gonna do that mess. Hell, in explorer they list it as 35. Go make a vid of your lvl 35 group sailing thru the new changes, then get back to us on how awesome sauce you are.

I run AC as a level 35 in explorable and do just fine, on a thief no less. I really dont see what the problem is.

Granted i wish the dungeons were ACTUALLY hard and much better designed with interesting content and random events and hard fights like we were promised… not just STAND THERE AND SPAM AND GET 1 SHOT

also i’m one of the few people who, after coming to this game realized, that I want a gear treadmill, or some form of progression in a game… hit 80 got exotics…bored. This made me not even want to level anymore because what’s the point? There’s nothing to look forward to and the dungeon content is just bad.

I said you lvl 35 group. Not lvl 35 thief being carried by his buddies who aren’t.

Omnomberry pie: long overdue change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Never once needed that food for my warrior.

already sub-par classes


So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.

Let me guess, Ranger ?

You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.

Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.

Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.

Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.

Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.

Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.

Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.

I’m a thief. Never used em, not gonna miss em. Tanky as a thief can get, loves to dive thru a breach in WvW first. Lives enough that I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time. Tho now I know why I have to burn the health outta some builds twice. Guess I wont have to anymore. Not a stealth/run away thief either. I’m the rare one that stands and fights. Dunno what this q.q fest over this is about. If an avg stand and fight thief can live without a crutch, and still kill more then gets killed………….

Why can you buy Legendarys on the TP ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Since they do allow you to sell legendaries, which are composed of soulbound and account bound items, they should also allow you to sell those items individually.

Why not allow someone to, for example, sell their gifts of exploration directly. Doing so would probably get more people spread out throughout the zones, as long as the incentive (value of them) was big enough and further reward those that just continuously replay the game because they like to.

I WISH you could sell the components to make a legendary, as I have no intention of making one. At least as they are now. Either fugly or stupid looking crap shooting rainbows and eee eee eeeing unicorns. As it stands, I have em collecting dust on the off chance they make new legendaries that don’t suck pucker.

Dragons that move around?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Anet doesnt care… i used to post over and over again.. but they simply ignore dragon remake of combat style.

Seems they ignore most stuff, a pattern I noticed from when I USED to play Aion.

Since when was Aion developed by ANet?

So sorry, under same parent NCsoft. Cause makes all the difference. And doesn’t show up in my NCSoft launcher at all.

Development Team Unreachable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Imagine if you bought the dreamer, which had an amazing rainbow you really liked, then they made it a clip art unicorn that looks like a pre-preschooler drew it and that is a legendary!

I understand what you mean for the most part, It would be nice if they could revert major changes to certain items.

Yeah, tell me about it. No way my Norn thief is gonna strap that crap to his back. Much less shoot it (eee eee ee eee ee ee). He’d be laughed out of every moot for the rest of his life. His only Legend would be as a laughing stock. Bad enuff when it was just the rainbow.

I didn’t mind the rainbow, I thought it was subtle and amazing in its own way, specially in WvW if you died to it. Now it’s gone to far, whoever designed that unicorn should be ashamed.

Was probably a Brony. And yeah, was funny getting shot with it.

Development Team Unreachable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Imagine if you bought the dreamer, which had an amazing rainbow you really liked, then they made it a clip art unicorn that looks like a pre-preschooler drew it and that is a legendary!

I understand what you mean for the most part, It would be nice if they could revert major changes to certain items.

Yeah, tell me about it. No way my Norn thief is gonna strap that crap to his back. Much less shoot it (eee eee ee eee ee ee). He’d be laughed out of every moot for the rest of his life. His only Legend would be as a laughing stock. Bad enuff when it was just the rainbow.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Do it. We all look like clones. And while at it. how about a DECENT beard for norns! That braided chin waggle one is the only one barely acceptable, the rest look like rats nests. I want my Cmdr Riker Beard. I make my chars look like me, and the beard options this game has are pathetic. :}

Dailys are tedious to say the least

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


To many people are putting to much effort into dailies, just play the game as you did before dailies and you will get your daily done. It’s even easer now that there are more choices in the dailies. There are a couple that may be out of the norm like going and talk to the loural guy or crafting 10 items but on average I get 6 to 8 of the dailies done just by casual playing not grinding them out. Just have fun and stop over thinking the dailies and you will be surprised how fast you get them done. If for some reason I just don’t have the time to play much that day and I want to just do the dailies I can get them done in less then an hour.

I don’t even really pay attention to em. I gather like a skritt, can’t pass a node without hitting it. And to get to them, I kill whatever crosses my path. If an event pops, I hit it and move on. Hell, getting all the veterans for the monthly happened in less then TWO nights in WvW flipping camps. Nothing grindy about the dailies at all, except to those looking to make them that.

Story Mode dungeons = solo-able

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Maybe I misinterpreted your post. Sounds like you want the dungeons to be designed for one person. I was more on the lines of having game mechanics that allowed areas to be farmed solo that are also challenging to play with a group. In GW1 you could always come up with a way to use a mobs strengths against them. So even areas that were designed to be challening for 8 people could be be done with much less using the correct build and gameplay. In this game all they do to make something hard is add AOE traps with massive damage and monsters with huge HP pools.

I’m not sure the game mechanics are flexible enough for making a soloable dungeon, but heroes similar to GW2 would be nice.

Seriously? The whole storyline is soloable except Arah. All it would take is nerfing hell out of the mobs to make it soloable. And to make it harder, they just button mashed 0 on the health meter anyway. Hell, they could make Destiny’s Edge fight as if they had 2 brain cells to rub together between them. That would help too.

Just talking bout story mode. A “personal” story isn’t if you have to get a group to finish it. Now, I dun mind grouping with guildies to do it. We a teeny guild, known each other from diff game (Istaria, pre WoW stuff) so we have fun. But not everyone like grouping, no reason they should be forced to if they don’t want to play it someone else’s way. They way they were told they wouldn’t have to. Hell, I was an all solo all the time player till I made the friends I did in Istaria. We solo players play the game for the game, not the people playing it. Never played GW1, so dunno what ya reffing there. Do wish groups were bigger tho. Could run 10 man ones in Istaria. These teeny 5 man groups don’t really deserve the name group. Bit of a ramble, seems we both talking bout diff aspects of things more then disagreeing when ya get down to it.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


tl;dr: ANet please implement gear inspect feature. Non-elitists, you will still be able to party with people like you, but you will no longer reduce the effectiveness of elitist runs with your casual builds.

Elitists can ask other elitists to join their group, there your problem is solved.

“Looking for 2 more elitists for dungeon run”… we already have posts like this.

Yeah. Snob LFG other leet snobs for frac/misc dungeon. Prov creds and provide urine sample