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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


There is a problem with what you say not everyone owns a mobile device therefore cannot take advantage of the 2 step auth.
In that case a 2 step auth is a flaw it’s actually a security hole to those who can’t use it.
Because it leaves the hacker be it on gw2 account or a gmail account the the ability to pretty much own half your account. I don’t have a mobile device and I’m working on getting my account un-hacked as we speak.

Reply to your 3.
I tell you secret i just happened find out on my own 2 days ago when I went to try retake my account I changed my password to unicode (yes anet supports unicode in pw thats something they should update the page about security unicode password would make passwords nearly impossible to brute force. If you wonder what I mean by unicode here is an example: ?????? ?? ?? < was the unicode forums dont support it but password here does lol anyways Unicode is for example hold ALT key down then type on numpad 0919 that would make upside down question mark. hacker that got me got by an 18 character number letter upper and lowercase and symbol password. So my password was not weak and was unique not used no where else, would have took 10 years to brute forced that and one i used for email that he got was not the same one but was same format numbers upper and lowercase letters and symbols but only 12 characters long and that one had to be cracked or stole as only way you could have gotten it would be called my ISP in that case you’d have know the phone # what country state area code then when i called yesterday they would have been a ticket with my ISP tech from someone that called to get it so i think we know he cracked the pw.

Where he got knowledge of my email is the question i have because there was nothing assigned to that account other than gw1 and 2 my gw1 account has never been hacked or touched by a hack in the past or present *shrugs" you tell me now im not gonna throw out there anet has a security hole or has been breached but boy makes me wonder not just because of the fact i never used that email any where else never assigned any other accounts to it that’s why i assigned gw1/2 to it in the first place was because it was never used for anything else…..

1st time any account of mine has been hacked ever in the 14 years I have been online and in online gaming. Sure there 1st time for everything but still makes me wonder……
Then fact like 100s posts on here in past 2 weeks about hacked accounts not counting the people that didn’t make post as I didn’t i went straight to support page 1st cause I know these forums not going help me get my account secured or chars rolled back to prior intrusion

So can’t always say do this or that not everyone can do everything 2nd auth in my opinion is trash it’s a security hole for me 2 step auth should need 2 email addresses and 2 confirmations to reset a password rather than 1 also they wanted step up security a little more make us need cd-key to change pw…… hackers need our cdkeys before they could even reset our passwords then that would stop alot of hackers im sure and probably keep alot of your friends you think are friend from stealing your account aswell lol I bet some cases are that rather than a hacker I’ve never let anyone use my account or even used on another pc so i don’t know for sure..

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Hacked - Unable to Disconnect Hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Well atleast the emaol is through my isp i’ll have that changed when anet hits my ticket up but in away good thing it is on my isp even though their webmail is so out of date and unsecure is crappy part but good thing is easily recovered all i gotta do call my isp give them my landline/broadband acc # and say hey my email been hacked and pw changed i need you reset my goodies and force d/c the Koreans off my account lol have it back in less than 10 mins on gmail yahoo etc thats even bigger hassle as i gotta prove its my email i dont have a mobile device so cant use this fancy 2 step auth at same time that 2 step auth what messing with me as we speak cause that Korea dude got his mobile assigned to my stuff he over there laughing everytime i change the gw2 pass anyways anyone in tarnished coast sees my char running around as my char name is this forum name and other 80 he stripped naked (not much name variation) probably selling his gold :/ thats mr Korean. As i know he using my account for illegal activities cause says i can’t log in due to another client being connected which is total crap I manged get in it earlier not really sure how i just kept trying till i got in he probably lagged out i just got lucky. All i know is i found my char next to a resource node in cursed shore ( yea we all know what he using my account for now dont we?) and my silvari next to trader in divinity reach
Either way im not to happy sorta sad sorta mad

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Hacked - Unable to Disconnect Hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


They need track ip’s on email change attempts any one from usa or any specific country isn’t magically going to be living in north korea or china in just few days time. maybe step up security request for credit card info for an email change so far im lucky they haven’t changed my email it’s been 5 days before i found out i was hacked so they had time to pull that off I’d expect. I think they know I’ve cought on to them I belive they changed my email pw way my email works wont log you out if another ip or pc connects so im still logged into my email but i cant seem to change my pw as keeps saying im not correct. Only hassle is it’s sunday i can’t contact my ISP for support just local phone company no body there on sunday just like anet this making things hard to get resolved.

Different login addresses and cities

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I have had to go to my email account to authenticate my login for about 2 weeks. Most of the time the address and city are diffent. Cities that I remember the login has been from have been plymouth, london and kittenheroe. None of the cities are where I’m logging in from. My guild-mates say i should be worried.

if city isn’t near you and you don’t have dynamic ip address most likely a hacker running multiple proxy servers is hitting your account that’s how hacker’s do it so they can bypass the login blocks
Most website block an ip address for 24 hrs sometime longer for failed login attempts
Usually take 4+ failed login attempts to get the address blacklisted once it’s blacklisted the hacker probably on a tool like brute force automatically will change to next proxy server the tool is very fast so it’s possible that multiple bruteforce tools was attacking you at the same time and both got hits (access) at the same time. Now you probably wondering how I know this and I’ll be honest I used to talk to a guy from UK that hacked porn site passwords he explained to me how it worked cause i asked him to explain to me how he did it. What told me is he finds a proxy server scanner tons of site on the web that have lists of known proxy servers the scanner he used would then leech those website and find all working anonymous to different country proxies then you load that working list into the bruteforce tool you put in the page for the login of the website load your dictionary and the dictionary can consist of many different things and even logins that may have worked on different websites and press go the tool will try the entire dictionary of possibilities until
1. it gets access or
2. runs out of proxies

Then just repeat i may have left a few steps out but thats a good thing to lol. no reason i be teaching people the entire process but if they wanna know they’ll figure it out without anyone’s help except google……

In conclusion should you be worried oh yes cause I just got my gw2 account hacked 5 days ago just found out today everything i have is gone probably wont get no support until tomorrow

Do You Enjoy Zerg Content ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Im finding it harder to log in everyday heres why

Zerg > Skill All the world events are just mindless zergs except the wurm and tequatl , These two events are the only ones i enjoy doing as they’re not a given and require co-ordination ..

WvWvW has become very stale Also due to zerg > skill and the 2v1 scenarios

Spvp/Tpvp i am r 80 and loads of champ titles i know have no progress or incentive to play because no more titles really

So yeah Im basically bored i guess , but wanna play the game , anyone else just feeling the same way as me ?

Sounds like you just need take a break as you are becoming burnt out. It happens to everyone don’t matter the game. Older you get or atleast for me harder that it becomes for a game to hold my attention or to keep me entertained because pretty much been there done that type of mentality eventually becomes reality. As all games are based off other games. What I’m trying to say you are becoming tired of the repetitiveness of the GW2 experience this is why it feels stale quit for about 3 months let some new content enter the game and return you’ll see that you wont be feeling this way until you hit that burnt out stage again.

The Most Hardcore Thing you have ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


What is hardcore to me may not be hardcore to you. But I’ll toss in my hardestcore challenges I’ve faced as an engineer. Soloed vexa’s lab no guides just random not planned as I found the jp exploring did both golem and vexa as rifle berserker setup engi no deaths took little while because lack of defense.

Countless warrior based champions soloed as bomber berserker engi. Most recent I remember is that jotun that attacks the camp (kenning testing ground) and the giant undersea ice wurm in highland thaw.

My last most recent would be soloing AC dungeon with healer/boon engi (no guides read and no downs or deaths minimum dps first try) in story mode. Just went to the shattered sword got 1st chest. Also encountered a bug where the elite mesmer warrior and ele are at door where that norn chick is them ghosts ran down to where i was (bigger room) and got stuck between a door and wall that took me awhile as i had to tank all 3 at once and using my wrench kit lol (magnet wouldn’t pull em out but would knock them down I had to kill them 1 by 1 like that and that was only way i was able to hit them if they couldn’t hit me and I them it would give the invulnerable message :/ Warrior probably took the longest because i wasn’t dps setup and his self heal made it very hard.

Screen shot shows me at chest. That battle was hell if i nearly died anywhere in this AC solo that was the battle that spawns the chest just so much aggro…..


Add a GW1 Template System in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Would be nice I’m starting to get burnt out on changing my traits depending on what I’m in the mood to play. Would be nice if each of the templates supported armor and skills aswell but I’d settle for traits alone, if nothing else. I take long breaks from the game at times, sometimes i come back and don’t remember what my secondary builds are. lol Template system would solve that. I try to remember to screen shot my builds but usually forget about the screen shots…..
Even if it was a gem thing maybe give 2 template sheets free and if people want more templates for builds maybe sell em at 200 gems per. (global agenda game did something like that)

Does Egineer Worth it?

in Engineer

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

DaFaq you say?

Engi is good class if you have patients to learn it and willing to try things that most people will not. What i mean by that is mixing traits and armor stats runes and sigils. Find what you like and stick to it I have 3 builds at moment (3 builds make 6 different play styles for me) I dont use turrets in any of them while turrets are useful they dont compliment my solo play style enough cool down timers are way to long for fast moving groups or mobs that die fast.

My best advice to you is to try it try different things but remember engi is support class My personal fav class is engi but other classes can output damage and defenses better Don’t get me wrong enegizerks can toss some heavy damage but D as expected is bare minimum. So for world boss with nasty large aoes you are pretty much gonna die on 1 hit lol, that’s not good cause you are support if support dies not helping no one not even yourself.

So you gotta build the engi to match your play style and or circumstance. want to run in groups go a boon/heal support you’ll help groups a great deal.
You wanna solo not worried about dying use berserker buld kick out good damage and keep on moving. (once get hang of it you wont die often) (I don’t recommend for some dungeons least not first time in one lol)
Every build I have I figured out on my own no guides followed lotta good guides out there though for an engi. But it’s more rewarding and you understand things better making your own.

Not sure if my wall of text helped you decide or not but as any class try em all some classes arnt for everyone unlike GW1 I had 1 of each class enjoyed them all I dislike most classes n gw2 ranged classes has been bout the only one that held my interest engi and ranger warrior is so/so gw2 itself is just so/so though lol.

Just experiment with engi you may or may not love it.

Level 80 Engi. Looking For Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I will probably join cynical if i can get in that server it is full at the moment go figure right? hehehe Thank you all for invites. If i can’t get in that server within a weeks time i will re-choose.

Level 80 Engi. Looking For Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Give an update so those out there understand I’m not quick to jump the gun on final decisions. I’m also very loyal person, meaning I do not guild hop. So what I’m saying is I’m going to wait 24hrs from the time I made thread to make final decision, gives time to see all my options. Which ever I join I plan to stay in till the death of Gw2 lol. Thank You all so far for invites.

Level 80 Engi. Looking For Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Fort Aspenwood server if possible. If not, I am willing to switch server.
Prefer a guild to be large in size and very active around the clock. (just active meaning least few ppl on at 3am n stuff) Due to the fact I play around the clock. (no set play or sleep times) I’m very active in Gw2, daily player that puts in large amounts of time. (from 6-16hrs a day. sometimes, I do take a day away here n there, so I don’t burn out though) I do PvP WvW PvE (no specific preference though).
I use Bomber Engi. in PvP and I’m very good at it. (For now it’s all I can use except for a ranger do due to fact I have to use a logitech controller + mouse. keyboard dosnt support multiple keystrokes. example like cant jump while moving with it)
Been in GW2 about 1 1/2 months, I don’t know I’m tired being a loner.
Usually I don’t join guilds in any mmo, But when I do I’m very serious about it.
I’m a very kindhearted and helpful person, sometimes quiet sometimes loud lol.
If it matters I’m 32 going on 33 years old male.
Very respectful and disciplined person in the real world and I play my games no differently. I have a good sense of humor just about all the time, but know how to take the game seriously when needed. (like hardcore PvPing or PvEing lol)
I run multiple builds in PvE as engi., currently set up for healing and conditions. (full set reyna’s and trinkets for extra healing)
Plan on splitting my builds into 2 later, running either pure healer or pure dmgs, but that will take time. I haven’t been level 80 very long.
Out side of game my skills include webmastery and writing I love to write if you can’t tell already. lol

Anyways, figured I’d give all the details I could, as it may help a guild figure out if I am right for theirs or not.
You can hit me up here or in game, if you are indeed interested in a GW2er like myself.
Game char. Names are
Lvl 80 Engi.: Teknowledgy
Lvl 16 Ranger: Teknowledge
PvP Char: Tekknowledgy

Take Care

Edit: eastern time zone like 4:20 am now good #s to lmao?
Edit 2: If it matters because i forgot to mention, I’m an old school Guild Wars 1 player . I played GW1 for 7 1/2 years mainly PvE occasional PvPer then.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Medium armor change please

in Suggestions

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I agree with ya OP luckily i had full set carry over from GW1 HoM rewards of the heritage set looks dang good compared rest the medium armors I’ve seen so far I haven’t seen 80 armors exotic or better just hit 80 few nights ago.
What we need some GW1 medium looks lol That game was master of cosmetics.

Kill/downed avoiders

in PvP

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


hehe had a guardian rage quit on my bomber engi yesterday in a 1v1 Didn’t bother me to bad free win lmao though was boring fighting him anyways.

Which should I use for bunker engineer?

in PvP

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Should I use a bomb kit or a flamethrower for holding side nodes?

I just started PvP yesterday, I use bomb kit.
Really mean if you set yourself up right, 20K hp+ takes alot bring u down.
Seems defense caps 1,064 no matter how high your toughness, use the trait that converts 5% toughness to power. Get heal ally bombs really dosnt heal much, but when u are dropping a normal bomb every sec it’s helpful to counter condition dmgs.
1vs1 9/10 meleers you going to whip pretty fast.

Get your power high as you can, think my power at moment is 2,4xx
Get runes that stack power & toughness, the 6th stat is 1 stack of might when you use a heal skill.
Get the trait that gives 3 stacks of might when you use a heal skill to total round 2,6xx power (4 stacks just from self when u use a heal skill).
Now I’m just starting out on this, but I seen big ol bomb deal out 3,8xx dmg yesterday on a crit lol.

On alc trait goto just 10 get elixir auto potions both 75% and 25% very very helpful in tight situation plus makes u so small ppl lose track of u gives u time to heal get trait that makes heal skill recharge at 25% hp aswell

I had idea this morning, I think would be very advantageous to a bomb build.
That would be to use an asura cus you run this build u will get hunted after ppl learn ur kicking out 1500-2K dmg per normal bomb lol
Plus you are small, in a big crowd on a node ppl tend to lose track of asuras. (even I do lol).

Make sure you use crate elite, others don’t work to well with bombs.
Drop crate sum 1s head (or multiple heads) stun them then just bomb em to death b4 they come un-stunned.

Now I’m just noob at bomb builds, think today I will try some other setups.
Maybe drop power increase precision/crit chance and crit dmg see if its more effective.

Here is my current starter build if anyone like to try it:
Traits (top to bottom):
30 pts III, VII, X
30 pts I, V, XI
10 Pts IV
0 Pts
Runes: Rune of the fighter x6
Weapon rifle
Sigil of force
Soldier’s Amulet
Soldier’s Jewel
Elixir H
Rocket Boots (use em to get out of a tight situation)
Throw Mine
Bomb Kit
Supply Crate
Tried few other skills, but to me these seem better fitting for my play style & build least in my eyes.

Happy Bombing!