Showing Posts For TEKnowledgy.1760:

Is Heart of Thorns Worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I made my point to the OP. Get in a group as much as possible, a steady group. Hero points and Masteries will come so much easier.

As for the other comments made about my posts, particularly the one about needing my hand held. I’ll forego returning one insult with another. I went through the first game without having my hand held just fine, with several characters, yet HOT is a completely other story. Spare me your condescending crap. I am a decent enough gamer and not at all far from the norm.

People like you can always say, “oh, it’s so easy I just about slept-walked through it.” Well good for you. The point of HOT should not necessarily be to crush those who are not aspiring to be hardcore. Providing more of a challenge? Fine. I could give you plenty of examples of how often death and failure happens that it may take countless repetitions to “learn” from.

But i’m out of this thread and will not respond further, which will certainly not disappoint you I’m sure.

I’m not even hardcore I would barely even fall in casual category i quit game for 2 1/2 years man barely put in 3hrs a day most the time less then that. Shouldn’t say op you have get in group because it’s completely untrue in most cases might be a few that needs a group you being part of those type that do. Hand holding has nothing do with insulting it’s figuratively way of saying you need help rather than learning to help yourself.

Some people need it easy for many reasons, but saying most what you said in your first post is completely untrue. I’m still betting you use berserker on your char while soloing try to switch that up see how much better you’ll do you. Once you feel confident you can handle them better then switch back to it if you desire. It’s like you said HoT is a different story on difficulty can’t expect to jump into a hard area like HoT while wearing paper for armor without knowing the enemy, skills don’t really have much to do with it. Mob knowledge does.

Say death you learn from obviously you haven’t learnt anything cause you still dying left and right. Then telling others they will to if they don’t group that’s called fear mongering you have no proof of your statements that are based on more than your own opinion of the content.

returning Player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


you going get mixed responses from people about buying hot some think its to hard some think it unbalanced pvp/wvw with the elite traits. i personally think its just right i bought HoT after taking 2 1/2 yr break on my return bout week after i returned i bought it. I have no regrets I actually enjoy it more than base gw2 I hope next expansion keeps the difficulty of hot as a minimum I’m speaking from PvE perspective I don’t wvw anymore just been ages really.
BTW welcome back to tyria

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Mistward Legging Lining not dropping

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Weird I got it first day i bought hot more like first 10 mins after buying it lol on the way to opening up wastes map

pay to win confirmed!?!

Actually that still wouldn’t be pay to win considering armor no different then any other. The select stats u only get 3 difference berserker knight and carrion(i think it was) which none of them i use in builds currently (maybe later) Maybe pay to look good, thats bout all gw2 is. Bout like real life right? I know u was just being funny but I had to counter it anyways with technicalities don’t want people to take you serious.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

I'm part of the 1%. Capitalism = Noble ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Tbh this thread is basically a “not so humble” brag. If you had any good points you could’ve wrote them without all the posturing lmao.

He reminds me of a gamer from zero online tq digital game (think it closed 2013) his name was Sky aswell sorta wonder if isnt same person he over there also was one them big spenders/braggers on games lol Also considered himself a 1%’er in that game until another rich guy came in and stole his thunder lol

Gold: Stolen by thieves???

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


just 5 gold i wouldnt worry to much if you got HoT hit up auric basin do bout 5 metas (make sure to have exalted keys 50 a good start dont do like me and buy 150 i havnt dropped below 150 keys in 2 months matter of fact gained up to 240 since my investment free lol) you’ll be rolling in gold like its your birthday

I'm part of the 1%. Capitalism = Noble ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


If the price were too low, the supply would all be gone and people who wants one can’t get it

if this is the case why do things end up at vendor value, instead of it all disappearing from the TP? surely vendor value is ‘too low’.

because those things are only worth vendor value. In fact, i would argue the vendor value should be 0 and people should be allow to sell it as low as 1 copper.

why would people sell something at 1 copper the fee would cost more than the sell why the tp wont let you sell things lower than a certain price you’d lose more than gain. fee would be 0.95 most of anets systems both gw1 and 2 round numbers to the nearest it be impossible to do that under current system settings server sided they would have to rework that entire mathematics system that they use may or may not be harder than it sounds as we don’t truly know what all is tapped into that entire system in gw1 damage was actually based on that system so was enchantment lengthening percentages as well as the bonus damages probably is same in gw2 whens last time you hit a mob for 1000.5 damage? in gw 1 0.5s was rolled back to the lesser of the greater so if it was 500.5 dmg be 500 dmg if it was 500.6 rounded to 501

I'm part of the 1%. Capitalism = Noble ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


You said first paragraph had your point so that is all I read lmao still how about that money to help the 99% lol Come and enrich me little charity goes a long way you know lol

Is Heart of Thorns Worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Sometimes it feels like people playing GW2 have this game as the first ever game they played. As soon as something little kittenallenging appears or something they can’t steamroll through, there is outcry how this game isn’t easy enough

lol all i got to say gw2 was any easier I might actually try doing been there done that with my eyes closed bet i could for least 50% of it now only thing I’d be worried about killing me is a cliff lol

Base gw2 was so easy I quit the game multiple times i never could get hooked to the base gw2 because wasn’t technical enough like gw1 was spam left mouse button win gw1 haha these ppl find gw2 hard they never played gw1 i mean gw1 wasnt all that hard either once you learnt to use what and where. At the moment in gw1 I got full hench plus my ranger i use the same build on them every where i go every campaign even eotn every dungeon (fow uw my main talking point) last time i got partied wiped was 2011 when i tried hard mode clear one them areas in shiverpeaks to many dwarves with mean magics lmao little area i can’t remember name been awhile.

Anyways stumbled off topic here to OP get HoT it may seem hard at first because difficulty increases 2 fold may have to rethink your traits and armor preferences Difficulty bout 2x harder over cursed shore i go back to cursed shore i feel like im playing in queensdale lol I laugh every time i kill a risen im like dang you noobs need to up your game to fight with me…… Since I got HoT i spend 75% of my time in it other 25% doing base gw2 dailies. HoT is my home now the loner that could.

I'm part of the 1%. Capitalism = Noble ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Was there a point to this post?

you’ll find the point if you read the first paragraph… the first.

send me some money if you like helping people lmao teasing probably more than a few 1%‘ers here i mean $50 spent on gems to sell and you’d be in the 1% in gw2 to bad real life wasnt like that bill gates be bumming money off me lol

So about that money to help the 99%?

Mistward Legging Lining not dropping

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Weird I got it first day i bought hot more like first 10 mins after buying it lol on the way to opening up wastes map (maybe drytop one the other i was on the way to) i passed by inquest and killed it and it dropped. Try lower level inquest in brisban where i woulda been. Whats the leggings from i don’t remember (edit sons of sanvir think i was in low level area aswell for it to i know all rng but never hurts to try) I have already got full set unlocked.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Average time to complete the daily?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


So I have been playing GW and GW 2 for a long time, and I feel a compulsion to log in every day to score that 2gp. I have my favorite spots for harvesting wood, ore and veggies in each major area. I have my speed vistas, my home mining instances, and the guild nodes. I hit wvw for the quickie grabs, and jump on the fast holiday snags.

I average 7-10 minutes then out.

I probably wouldn’t log in at all except for that treat, and for the new LS map openings. Any one else doing this?

Bout same for me when I’m burnt out at that point i only login for dailies while take break from game once I feel like returning I take my time at things do them as I come to them. depends dailies ive done 3 in less than 5 mins i’ll do more if they are fast now not on break i’ll do all the pve dailies if the right wvw up there like buy something i’ll do it to I dont pvp so i just skip them on either terms

Is Heart of Thorns Worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I’ll give you my experience of HOT. Don’t even try to solo it. It’s a massive death trap with complicated and non-intuitive ways of traveling from point A to point B that will frustrate you to no end unless you make full use of all the internet resources you want to waste your time on.

Solo? Haha! Snipers will kill you in seconds. Other 10-member mobs with kill you in the same time.

And you must spend a lot of time learning the skills to get around, and you will die, die, die, die and die

You must not be very good at HoT not being insulting with that.
Welcome come watch me play Be more than happy to debunk your theory here. Which char would like me to play solo? scrapper ranger or revenant? Which map would you like to watch me on verdant brink auric basin tangled depths dragon stand?
I’ve got dragon stand completed on all 3 did it solo other than metas.
Only thing I need on rest are hero points now them can’t be soloed bout only thing you can’t other then metas.

Snipers are weak learn to dodge and stay out of there lines they easy as a risen mob.

I take on pocket raptors 2 groups at a time to build my charges…..
Not trying sound like big shot but it’s the truth.
I have unlocked all of mistward armor solo (except metas ofcoarse)
But guess some people used to having hands held in groups and don’t learn how to survive and or play alone. Maybe you trying use berserker set in hot?
I might could now after learnt how the mobs fight but when first started HoT notta I died left right up and down lol. But I didn’t give up just spent some gold made something tougher re-done my build honestly came out even better in the end.

If OP has soloed all of gw2 base (all that he can) HoT will be something he’s looking for. If he is like myself found base gw2 easy then yea he’d love HoT even as solo player that’s just the truth about it.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

It's ok to be casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


It’s ok to lose yourself on the map and explore the world, not for rewards or completion, but to enrich your imagination and find the little details you hadn’t thought of before.

Until you have the Been there done that title once you get that exploring ends.

a world with no transmutation charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Totally agree with you both. I can’t imagine Anet makes enough money on transmutation charges to warrant such restriction on players changing clothes.

I’ve said this before and it needs to be said again. Those people that are never happy with their looks constantly change them, and I am one of those people.

How can we be happy with only trench coats and male dresses (not arguing you I’m agreeing)

I like changing up alot to not like everyday or every map or every mood as that one guy felt people do but here n there something fresh to look at it.
It gets old wearing the same male dresses. I mean women in this game have more pants to wear then my medium male armored types lol

Is Heart of Thorns Worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I disliked gw2 base game made 2 level 80s in first 3 months of playing 2012-13 i quit came back made it 1 more month quit came back got another month then quit 2 1/2 years 2nd quarter 2014- 4th quarter 2016 came back bought HoT havn’t quit since so it was worth it to me worth it to anet to since i buy monthly gems.

Note I’m PvE open world only player so game very limited probably why dislike the base game?
Also I’m a loner like you so you probably like HoT harder than cursed shore I really like how the challenge upped I felt normal open world content in base gw2 was way to easy I never struggled. I struggled in HoT until i ditched berserkers and had re-do a few my builds (remember though alot had changed in the 2 1/2 yrs I was MIA)

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

What have you found that made you smile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


a character that was named after me (coincidence probably) been using this game name before gw2 was even announced and yet i find a asura called Tekk To bad my ranger couldnt charm him and use him as a pet lol

a world with no transmutation charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


a world with no transmutation charges?

I think it would be a more creative tyria
Oh and less annoying to.

18-25 FPS - Non Crowded Towns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I am new to Guild Wars 2 and the horrendous FPS sadness me.

My config looks like this:

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
CPU: AMD FX™-8320 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUS), -3.5GHz
GPU: Radeon™ RX 460 Graphics
DirecetX-version: DirectX 11
Monitor: 2560×1080 (32 bit) (60 Hz)

- All my drivers are up-to-date
- I have sat on 60 FPS on every other game I have played throughout the years.
- My CPU & GPU load when I’m playing GW2 are about 30%.
- I have unparked all cores.

Now I’m going to be straight with you I have same cpu as you something not right with your core speeds why is it dropping to 13xxMHz on core 1 & 2? the cpu 3500mhz default and should in no way drop below 3400mhz under turbo should be hitting 3900-4000mhz even idle shouldn’t be dropping that low looks like your mobo not configured right. or your cpu voltage maybe to low possible just a bad cpu cause them numbers are indeed not a good sign.

Now with that said use manual affinity (from task manager ctrl+alt+delete) (i use radeon pro for this) right click gw2.exe select affinity and un check cores 1 3 5 7 just let it use cores 0 2 4 6 should gain good amount of fps with that bout 10-15 bout what I improved i also gained about 20 fps on gw2 by using frame limiter and not using vsync

we have same setup some what you have better gpu higher screen res
My setup is win 7 ultimate 64bit
cpu 8320 but i dropped turbo oc’ed it to run 4GHz always so not really oced just running wide open constantly if it drops goes to 3980-4039 MHz bout stable as I could work it.
my video sapphire radeon R7 265 1920×1080 (frame limit at 60 no vsync) (the sleeper buffed up 7850 version anyone comes in here to troll me saying it isnt can go look it up)
My ram also 16gb@1866MHz(933)

In divinity reach high pop. at max settings i hit round 30-35 fps avg bout 30

Normally i don’t use max settings. medium usually and high textures

anyways hope this info helps you out some you really need get your cores stable that be my biggest recommendation its shouldn’t be dropping that low means something isnt set right in motherboard settings even under extreme power management shouldnt be dropping that low try pulling back screen res a notch. You gfx card bout 39% better then mine from what I read. Might help you a little but still thinking its related to those low mhz drops if its doing that while you are gaming you going to lose fps hardcore

1. Max Settings I don’t use AA either way really don’t need it with high screen res or I don’t anyways

2. What i keep it at shaders on medium i know not in screen shot I personally like medium cause I think armor looks better ambient occlusion is more an emulated type I find it wasteful it doesn’t really help gfx any in my opinion eye adaption i can mimic that with my monitor depth blur I don’t care for doesn’t impact fps that ive noticed either way. Rest some of it personal preference some things gives me nice fps gain both in numbers and in stability in metas

3. How everything is running highs i had game full screen for bout 5 mins current value what it is with everything minimized and lows mix of both Showed cpu-z and gpu-z just for confirmation on we bout same setup just remember my cpu is always 4ghz by turning turbo off and using a multiplayer of 20 rest is stock/ set on auto in motherboard I use c6 mode and apm mode(power saving modes) helps with temps as my room stays like 75-80 degrees


(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Heath Bar permanent visible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I had to. Kinda surprised no one else did this.


But I agree to the suggestion it would be very useful.
You would think they would have thought of that when implementing heavy healers like Druid and Revenant.
I say just make it an option, like show/hide all player names. That way we can turn it off when we don’t need it in mass. Personally, I don’t see why they haven’t already done this to be honest.

daily grieved;

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


If you got the time to spare catch these things late night or early morning when the population isn’t as high All the little kids had go to bed or school hehe

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Is there a way to reset masteries?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I wish like reset my tyria pts I screwed up first day i bought HoT on that deal lol owell welcome to anet logic…..

level 80 salvage or sell yellows?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I salvage everything, but I already have more gold then i actually need. 3 level 80s all decked out (Only 80s I currently want to play with). So really just depends, if I needed gold or was below my personal threshold, I’d sell majority of the rares.
Usually, salvaging rares lands me 2 ecto about 25% of the time 1 50% of the time and 25% of none.
Also if still don’t need gold but ecto, it is a good way to build your stock up cheaply but slowly (still gotta count how much silver you’re wasting on master salvage kits if any).

So ask yourself this do I need gold
if yes sell it all.
If no salvage for mats (bonus if you want to craft you’ll have plenty goods to work with)
If no no but need cheap ecto also salavge.

I make about 100g every 7 days (playing casually 6-8hrs a day my hardcore 12hrs+ lol) just from selling mats, ectos included.
i play in HoT 75% of time 25% in base gw. No pvp, no wvw, no fractals, and no dungeons just pure open world content.
As for exotics if I don’t need the skin I sell them. Unless they are worth <= 1 gold then i salvage.

Anyways, what you do with your loots entirely up to you. Think we all manage things differently, find what works best for you and stick to it.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Gyro Mobility Suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


OP, I agree with you but don’t hold your breath. Many people have suggested this and many other ways to fix gyro pathing/AI since the scrapper release and see how many changes they got.

A change could happen, but we the players need to keep pushing it until it happens.
Anet will listen if more people are on board. When it becomes a big enough issue that can no longer be ignored, it will force their hands to take action and make a change.

Best strategy we can do anyone & everyone you know that uses engi/scrapper, needs to post in this suggestion thread and or create another. Offer up suggestions and support of the idea, until it happens.
Do what the complainers do, about certain builds and nerfing of them lol
We all know tactics like that work. We just have to make a huge deal out of it until it changes.

Gyro Mobility Suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I completely agree with you on the gyro mobility. I use gyros alot myself anymore while rolling scrapper. I’m just PvE’er, I mean just one step a log or rock don’t matter bloop gyro stuck. They are flying, I don’t get it lol. I mean why give us drones that can’t follow you when you climb, jump and glide? It makes no sense what so ever to me. I think they should at the very least get a away to warp to you, once you are out of range say 500 or more. Don’t necro minions and ranger pets warp after a certain distance?(can’t remember why I’m asking) Gyros should naturally have that, just logical for this game and in comparison to other pet able classes.

As for speed they really do need least natural 25% boost to base speed, that way it would be like constant swiftness. I mean they not gonna fly away without you it would get stuck anyways haha.

Class Reviews - Should I Trust Them?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Opinions are bias on view point, the person giving them don’t know what you yourself enjoy the most or how well or bad you play the game or class.
Also, I don’t think alot of people adjust to game changes very well or class changes, if they are old school guild wars 1 player they or we already expect it.
Every time gw1 got an update so did every class in the game, still anet continues the custom of that.
Probably always will. It keeps things interesting, there always seems to be an alpha class it kinda rotates through them Not sure if they do it intentionally or by accident, might be a little of both.

The difference between a good review and a bad review is that a good one would provide you with reasons for both the pros and the cons of whatever it is being reviewed. That way the reader can determine if that is relevant. This comes up very frequently for product reviews on sites like Amazon. There are all too many low reviews for the product that is just complaining about the shipping or the packaging. There are also ones with good rating that just says the product arrived very quickly.

It would still be biased, what if a guy buys him new gun and puts a scope on it thinks it’s worthless with a scope and inaccurate. Is it the scopes fault or the man that didn’t know how to true in the scope?

Don’t truly matter how or what you want to opinionate or review. It has got alot to do with the person reviewing it what ever it is. Does the person reviewing or giving his or her opinion even know what to do or how to play the class they are using?
Things like this you don’t know about, unless they state how much time they have spent playing with said class.

Personally, I just stay away from opinions about video games or content within it. I’ve had many times heard this or that was no good or in some cases was good and just wasn’t true.
Most likely because some one didn’t have patients to learn what works best and what does not work before they gave a review or opinion.
In the case it was good which maybe it was, it just wasn’t good for me.
Take steam reviews for a good example, with people only having 0.1 to 0.9 hrs of play time and saying the game sucks.

In the case of a class within a game, it is best to hands on it, try it yourself. Try every possible build, not some crap you read from someone making build guides. Because you are not truly learning from it, you are taking someones elses experience and basing your own apon it and then giving an opinion about something you didn’t even experience from the start.

What I’m trying to say is for example, johnny says lets try this engineer build for scrapper. johnny never played as a melee class before, the guide tells him to deck out in full set of berserker armor. Johnny hits up HoT and struggles. Johnny doing some great raw damage, but dying every 30 secs. Is it the engineer classes fault or is it johnny’s fault for not learning the class and the build on his own? Then blaming the class for his own faults and mistakes.
Then goes to some site, writes a review or gives an opinion, that either HoT is to difficult and or scrapper sucks and you should never play it.

Anyways, this what i was trying to point out with my previous post opinions are like rumps everyone has one. When it comes to gaming and or classes within a mmo it’s just best to hands on it yourself, if you enjoy it then you do. Don’t matter what others think. Who you playing this game for yourself or strangers you’ll probably never meet in the real world? A little like living life. People might not like how you living it, but as long as you are happy who cares what they think?

Thoughts about GW2 Dulfy... -.-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I like how Dulfy writes about upcoming weaponskins or gemshop items or so..

why are they making an achievement guide and explain everything ?!

They are spoilering around and thats boring..

I personally don’t use guides unless I am absolutely stumped and annoyed because of that stumped situation.
Also i don’t use char build guides either, it goes complexly against who i am as a gamer I’m the type that would write a guide lol.

Guides/walkthroughs heck even cheats bots are a choice you make the choice to use them not the creator. Kinda like complaining about a guide is also a choice. It is not spoiling anything if you are willing to or wanting to use it.

Anyways, you’ve gotta be trolling for attention or something to question or complain about a guide(s). A game shortcut sheet that’s been around since the 80s it’s just how it is.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Why Dragon's Stand is permanently empty?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


idk I can say empty one night i went in looked like ghost town i was just exploring the map(was still unexplored and new to me) this like 4am eastern then i glide round make it to near center of map ran into a zerg as large as any i’d see for a world boss I was actually kinda shocked cause of the time and fact rest of the map was crickets chirping lol. i’m still some what new to HoT side of gw2 i just got it when it was on sale couple weeks back so haven’t learnt all the meet ups timers etc so maybe i happened be around for that because i did run round with that zerg we eventually took on mr bad a** dragon and I got to beat it first time ever on the map (got all achievements for that boss aswell) lol good luck? maybe karma? all them resses coming back to me i guess?.

As for empty probably is before any large scale events no different than any other part of gw2 really. Only reason you see more activity on base gw2 side cause f2p and HoT is a B2P. Also time zones does effect population in any online game.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Class Reviews - Should I Trust Them?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Personally, I’ve chose to never care about others opinions about classes in either guild wars 1 or 2. I’ve had people say this class, this skill, this trait is useless. Turn around and make that class more useful than the class they called the better.
Kinda like that guy back in ‘05 said gw1 was more pvp based and I wouldn’t like it.
So i bought the game and i still play pve side 11 years later.

Opinions are bias on view point, the person giving them don’t know what you yourself enjoy the most or how well or bad you play the game or class.
Also, I don’t think alot of people adjust to game changes very well or class changes, if they are old school guild wars 1 player they or we already expect it.
Every time gw1 got an update so did every class in the game, still anet continues the custom of that.
Probably always will. It keeps things interesting, there always seems to be an alpha class it kinda rotates through them Not sure if they do it intentionally or by accident, might be a little of both.

You think I forgot? Build save? :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Would be nice . I mean GW1 had it, I don’t see why it could not be implemented into a more advanced game like gw2. Just make it save to HDD rather than their servers, like gw1. Unless some sorta exploit in the build files would exist, which i doubt.
People have been asking for it even back 4 years ago.
Maybe they just have higher priorities who is to say?

Server DC /Crashing 11/15/2016 -11/17/2016

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


The connection seemed to be back to normal last night. I was on until about 3am MST with no disconnections or even lag spikes. I haven’t logged on today yet though.

Yea looking on that map site i linked previously for L3C.
Looks like stabling out round 1am eastern on up into the morning round 10am eastern, but game don’t seem to affected till 1pmish+ eastern. (but that’s going off those who reported outages time frames of them) Yesterday think it started kicking in round 2pm eastern. My guess it’s constant attack, but prime hours for traffic.

So take into account prime hours for gw2, is about like any online game i ever played. Seems to start picking up traffic alot by 12pm east on up till round 12 am. The way ddos attack works is, just sends large amounts of fake traffic to server(s). So late night gw2 would have lot less traffic. The attack would have little effect, because the servers can handle the traffic load fake and actual. So during the afternoon on into the night players logging in and playing at same time that the ddos attack of fake traffic is causing server to overload and kill the hamster.

Anyways, if nothing else maybe this comment will help some people understand why it’s doing what it is and will help with patients lol. If not least I tried.

Server DC /Crashing 11/15/2016 -11/17/2016

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Our network team has continued to track this issue, and at the present time, all systems are working properly. As you will be aware, this issue arose due to a DDOS attack, and it continued in that vein for many hours. We’ll continue to monitor and work on this issue should it arise again. In the meantime, our thanks to everyone for your reports and for your patience during what has been a very trying time!

Aye, i don’t blame anet nor ncsoft in this case, one really can’t when you understand what backbones are. Most players probably don’t really understand the nit and gritty to this (I don’t entirely just basic things I’m no IT) Most will blame anet over and over blindly, but to be honest probably out of your reach. Unless you switch to different backbone company that’s probably still out of anet’s reach unless ncsoft does the deal.

So really us players just s.o.l. just as much as anet is in this situation and btw as one stated above it’s begun again round 1:20 pm est. For most of the morning on east coast was stable. The ddos attacks seem to be only kicking in after 12pm east and seem to be lasting on into night I’ve been going bed round 11pm east it was ongoing till then. When everything stables out I can not say, maybe a late night player can let us know.

Game Client disconnects: Code=7:11:3:191:101

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


"game client cannot connect to server"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Missing Gems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


fear not they return got something to do with this ddos attack that going on with the servers connections via level 3 (backbone the servers are connected to). I can’t remember the technicalities exact, but i believe gems and tp located on different server than game itself. It is why you see them vanish and or return while in game and not long after you d/c from game. So the ddos attacks are taking down the server holds your gems and tp items then it regains stability and brings them back to ya.

As long as this ddos attack persists I’d personally recommend you not spend them or buy gold with them, may screw yourself and cause grief to not only you but CS. (might get lost in lag if you do 50/50 chance)
Or atleast wait till one them few and far in between stability times pops up for us players they come and go.

Server DC /Crashing 11/15/2016 -11/17/2016

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Thought I’d just add something I’ve noticed. Shortly after I get booted off for a crash my whole network bogs down to almost a crawl. I have to restart the router and everything for it o come back up and run fine. Then asoon as I log into GWII, I play for 5-10 min…I get the DC again and network bogs back down. Its fine always up till I load GWII.

It’s possible your ISP uses level 3 communications as a backbone. Since it seems the entire level 3 communications backbone is what’s being ddos’ed. It would affect you in both ways, via game dc and isp as a whole. This is possibly why you may be bogging. My ISP routes through level 3 in Raleigh, nc before heads off to where ever though my isp is not back boned on l3c, think they back bone through sprint.

Check this:
and the map:

It’s a massive outages for L3C and seems to be getting worse from what I’ve turned up on google. Seems to have been going on since late oct 2016.

Anyways, I my self wish the attacker(s) would get a life so I can enjoy mine. Been ages since i played gw2 (2 1/2 yrs) just my luck I come back when crap hits the fan for server stability…..

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I know this section for people that are in need of help but I’m still getting pw resets from support after I’ve already been helped by a GM and they already rolled back my account I’m trying to get the ticket closed I thought it already had been but apparently not so maybe if i post this hear more support members can see that this number does not need any more help or account roll backs as if it happens now for no reason you are going to hurt me more than help me because of my gems I got yesterday after roll back.
My account is fixed 100% all is secure including new pws and email addresses.
Close this: 652690 please.

Acct banned for pinging to find network issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Something tells me you wasn’t banned for pinging them else I’d been banned already (over a year ago)as I’ve done it in my past your pings don’t even reach the server because of the firewalls they have you are actually missing 1 end hop maybe 2 even because of that firewall they have.

Also if they was to ban you for pinging them they wouldn’t even know what account you even had as ping is coming from ping plotter which is your IP So if they banned you it would have been your entire network range you wouldn’t be able to login to even the forums (unless you are logged in from say an entirely different IP range (ISP) or (proxy)

Anyways just thought I’d let ya know.
So it’s pretty safe to say you was banned for some other offense.

My blocked user list

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


“. I’m going more along the line that you were never taught patience as a child,

I agree with her if that is a her if not sorry.

I don’t know nothing bout wild star I haven’t seen any thing from it except through mmobomb so I can’t comment

On other stuff, she just told you same thing I did.

My blocked user list

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Customer service isn’t really crap have you not read through account issues? read through how many people are posting about tickets look at how many tickets they have they are swamped CS helped me just fine considering all the messes they are dealing with. I think you just need take a break go have a beer (if you old enough) and play another game for a bit come back later.

My blocked user list

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


If my name on there remove it as i got my account back yesterday now i don’t know what that hacker was up to while he had my account logged in for the days betwee may 26th till june 2nd but I’m sure he used it for bad stuff cause when i found out bout him i watched that ip’s logged in at account>security for about 3 days he stayed logged in constantly.

and btw after having been hacked there really isn’t as many gold sellers as you think 90% of the names you got blocked are probably hacked accounts not much anet can do about them as I’d bet money they ban them then hacker hacks him a few more just keeps going. It’s really up to us players to stop the sellers by 1 secure our stuff better 2 quit buying gold if people wouldn’t buy it they wouldn’t sell it and in turn wouldn’t be hacking our accounts.

(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)

Scrub is a valid name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I would assume yes i mean could mean you are a scrubbing pad lol
Maybe you have a scrubby beard?
Maybe you wear nurse scrubs?
I really don’t know of any offensive names that relates to the “Scrub” word if you feel you shouldn’t do it then don’t that’s pretty much common sense is it not??

Account stolen and banned- can I get it back?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


They will be able to tell as they have logs they will know when the hacker was in your account and if he was the one banned (because of the time frame he was in there)
Just be patient with support I think they swamped with tickets took them exactly 3 days to get me unhacked pretty much all of it seemed to have be done today and it’s a tedious process that i hope I never have to face again. I couldn’t imagine how frustrating it is for them to have to go through so much data and logs everyday to fix these hacked accounts. As I was getting frustrated a little bit with all the ticket updating and replying i see now why they only give us 1 roll back a lifetime I can’t blame them as I don’t think i would go through another as a victim lol

Okay good, thanks. I wasn’t even aware of how many people got hacked at the same time until I started reading the forums. They must be unbelievably bogged down right now. I’ve never had an account stolen on anything before so my initial thoughts were that I was never getting it back, haha.

Neither had I 1st time in my 14 years of online gaming that I have been hacked period any accountI played gw1 for 9 years without an issue. I’m not sure where that mean ol hacker got my email info from but I’m pretty sure he knew my email password like back of his hand cause it was a pretty tight password it was not simple it was based on uppercase lowercase numbers and symbols. I scanned my PC it was clean I don’t ever remember clicking any phishing links the email that was assigned to was roughly 10 years old so it coulda been data from years ago even though wasn’t that long ago I changed that email password. Me and my ISP tech we talked he thinks might of been a cookie leecher some where that’s about only thing I can even think happened because if wasn’t that then idk how or where he got the info from.
But definetly a sly hacker running about. I don’t care you got 90 digit password if he knows it he knows it lol he don’t need to brute force anything.

But yea just stay patient with em they’ll get to ya if they don’t within a week theres a sticky up there you can drop your ticket number in and gaile will do a ticket check for ya.

Account stolen and banned- can I get it back?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


They will be able to tell as they have logs they will know when the hacker was in your account and if he was the one banned (because of the time frame he was in there)
Just be patient with support I think they swamped with tickets took them exactly 3 days to get me unhacked pretty much all of it seemed to have be done today and it’s a tedious process that i hope I never have to face again. I couldn’t imagine how frustrating it is for them to have to go through so much data and logs everyday to fix these hacked accounts. As I was getting frustrated a little bit with all the ticket updating and replying i see now why they only give us 1 roll back a lifetime I can’t blame them as I don’t think i would go through another as a victim lol

Hacked - Unable to Disconnect Hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I want to update what i just said so people will understand, When you run the client and the window for logging in pops up, there is 2 ways to get your password in there type it which is less secure if you are key logged and didn’t know it.
2 paste your pw into the password box you can not right click paste though but ctrl+V does work.

On the website right click paste works as normal.

I seen a quote some where I’m going to start living by for my internet passwords
“the best passwords are the ones you can’t remember” lol.
I believe what it means is the password is so complex that one can not simply remember them. I feel it dont get no more complex than using the unicode password.

Hacked - Unable to Disconnect Hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


Tell you how secure his account what i did hacker can’t get back in game because i used unicode for my password if unicode is more of a regional thing so a Korean keyboard isnt going to be able to type a unicode password created in america so i got him by the hootie he hasnt been back on game with my account in 2 days and anet just now getting to my account after a 3 day old ticket but im waiting patiently today they are confirming my owner ship so hopfuly soon i get my chars rolled back to a non-hacker date and my new email linked to the gw2 account all be back good except for the hacker probably made my name in game look bad cause he probably botting or selling gold with my name glad anet gave us name change slips cause I’ll probably need a few :/ If you need understand unicode for a password google “unicode for passwords” and you’ll find all the info you need heres an example of my unicode only password look at how long take them poor hackers to crack that bad boy heck I’ll be long dead before they get it. Yes gw2 password box does support unicode atleast from usa any other country you just have to try yourself.


Password Changed - no email

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


He may have a compromised email I’m tell you this I was hacked email compromised I never got email or i didn’t think so I got to digging found the emails in my trash bin Korean hacker didn’t know he needed to purge the trash bin before thy was deleted.
So i got lucky he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was also he didn’t remove my IP range from the account so I was still able to retake my account but he had already done the damage to me (stole everything and was using my account for his illegal well against tos needs) as i didn’t find out i was hacked until 5 days after his intrusion as I don’t play GW2 daily i play for moth or 2 then i take a break.
Just because you havn’t lost your items though don’t mean he can’t or might have got to it before he had the chance because he got me may 26th but from what i ould tell he didn’t do any damage until may 27th from what i seen in the auction house logs where he sold my bags. I never could get logged back in after that as he stayed logged in to my account constantly.

Password Reset not sending email

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


I tried it yesterday to see if a hacker was intercepting my emails (i was recently hacked) and it took the pw reset email 45 mins to reach me.
Hope that info helps you so my guess must be just long delay rather than being intercepted if it’s happening to you aswell. So maybe I managed to secure my email.

Please ban my forum account.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


As I asked in the other thread, is anybody forcing you to visit the forums?

Yes, Anet police is here with a gun at my head.

I love smarta** trolls they make me giggle please coontinue you ar on the right path to the ban hammer lol

Please ban my forum account.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


The reason why I ask this is because the fake image the admins and devs wish to uphold in this forum. Speaking out against the game in a critical manner is frowned upon, any such post is either buried or modified. I wish you the best of luck with the forum, though I don’t wish to be part of it.

Just call out moderation of the forums a couple of times as it is apparently against ToS you will get banned via infractions i’ll probably get another infraction for saying that even though it is the truth.
So mod don’t infract me for just giving helpful advice to this lost soul looking for help.