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Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Anet made the decision to do raids. I don´t necessarily understand why, but they are a reality.

I can understand that people who like these kind of stuff are happy now. But I also hope that the same people understand that the stuff we other people got was not that exciting or even numerous after HoT.

Chinese new year is not a viable content, it is a glorified mini game. And it is a 1:1 copy of last year, hardly exciting or new.
Shatterer update is something for the casual, I gladly admit that.

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


At launch guild wars 2 sold two million copy and it had no raids and was advertised as
unique in the genre.not surprising that a lot of players are now disappointed that with the addition of raids they are locked out of content and gear.This is not what they paid for.

It is what they paid for when they got HoT. Don’t try to pretent HoT attempts to repeat the things that Core was delivering.

Just curious, does that mean that people who liked the casual entertainment of core should better leave? I ask that because I am pretty sure that tihs is quite the opposite of what Anet wants to happen^^

the never ending losing streak

in PvP

Posted by: Torolan.5816


In the course of my GW2 playing from release, I have right now only 563 matches played. I pretty much suck at everything in PvP with the possible exception of capping, still I also have 458 top stats. This probably tells you as much about me as about the people that also do PvP. I did not play a single game in season 1 because it basically bored me just to take part in a PvP league.

Some months fast forward, I am making my way through amber through the sheer lack of other, more suitable content and for the sake of earning some AP. And oh boy, I am killing people left and right with my subpar characters I only play once in a full moon or so and win so many more matches than one of my guildmates who does so much more PvP than me and is so much better in it than I am and is struggling to climb out of Sapphire. This leads me to the conclusion that I probably should apologize in advance to the poor people that will be saddled with dragging my sorry behind through emerald as long as the season is on.

So I feel really sorry for the true PvP guys and girls out there. Without a season, you would only have to endure us PvE/WvW zerg/defender players until we have our daily and leave PvP again, but so you will have to endure the wave of us until april(no sarcasm)^^

I hope Anet realizes....... [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Don’t care about Raids, but requiring you to play to get a mastery point is just wrong.

raids aside there are already enough mastery points in game that if you got all of them and unlocked all the masteries you would still have spare. this is an invalid complaint because you DONT have to do the raid to get enough mastery points, you dont even have to complete all the non raid mastery points to get enough

That´s true. Diversity is there, but it kind of stinks in its own way.

You also can do gated adventures, some gated HP and some really good accessible and fun stuff.^^

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I don´t see the problem with mobs in HoT.

I played HoT with everything expect Nekro and Revenant.
A carrion equipped ranger can basically walk over nearly every non Veteran mob after a little bit of practice, as can a soldier clad Guardian and even a partly apothecary clad warrior or cleric engineer does well. Cloth characters and thiefs fare a little worse if you, like me, don´t know how to properly play them.
Tricky ones are Hylek and rolling dinosaurs, but the later one are just garbage in general.
I have no berserker character, so I can´t say much about squishy classes with few HP.

Where my gripe with HoT lies it that the maps are not hostile as planned from Anet, they are annoyingly walled, gated and inaccessible if you don´t want to use guides.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


As long as I am proven wrong and ascended will stay on the same level as legendary, people can have their raids if you ask me. I am torn between the good aspects to attract different kinds of people to gW2 while ironically the people attracted by raids are often not the kind of people I would like to have around me personally.

I am a little bit grumpy that i will miss out on optional story parts, but that can be helped by using Youtube.

Luckily, I also have a guild of like minded people who do not give a rats rektum about raids for various resaons.

I am not sure why Wildstar is bombing. From what I have seen, graphics are very cartoony and the idea of raid city sounds very unaapealing to me personally. But there could be various reasons, maybe it is just not a good game?

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


He’s right, we need to get legendary armor by other means than raids, like wvw or pvp. Gated behind raids is just bad, what would you think if Twilight was gated behind 100 lv fractals 2000 world bosses and 100,000 events done.

Doing raids is not unrealistic. They are easier than the average raid I saw in other games. People beat them in the first days after release.

Organized groups beat them easily, what about lfg sistem?

They are not designed for scrubs who use lfg system because then they would be boring for organised groups

Malediktus always delivers in such threads, keep it up please.

When somewhere someone disputes that people like you don´t use words like scrubs to describe nonraiders and deny that they are elitist and only want to play with their chosen people, I just love to direct them your posts so that they can see a prototype of such thinking.

Pre-order next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I bought HoT two days before release. Sometimes I regret that deeply, especially when I stand in line for an adventure to open up which I in general despise and groan and moan my way through until I barely make silver success ot when I miss a glide by some measely inches and have to do the gliding stuff again, or when I fly to far and float over the creeping vines at the bottom of the map.

Then on other days, I wander casually through it to do this and that or for recipes.

To answer the question, only if there is no other game that can sweep me off my feet until then or the expansion covers territory that lies in my interst, like tengu, new fractals, open world changes and a story that is not just a shorter rehash of the Zhaitzan story.

Sadly I don´t have much hope for CU, I don´t want to play wvw only. Maybe Star Citizen.

Casual - Hardcore- Problem, solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I have fond memories of DAOC for example, although in retrospective the game was a grindy sinkhole for almost anything most of the time outside of RvR. I guess you could call places like Stonehenge and Avalon City hardcore, open world environments where you were sohwered with mobs. Most classes had to run when they fought a mob their level +1 and another one added in with the exception of a nekro who could barely fend off a red and an orange mob if he was not buffed.

I remember wasting(yes, wasting, not enjoying it much after the 5 hour mark) a whole sunday on an Avalon open raid dungeon for a handful of worthless trinkets and an item I got in the lottery because loot was finite in that game and had to be distributed among the players. I swore myself to never ever do this again, and I didn´t.

Maybe, and it is a big maybe, a normal mode raid would make me play it a few times to see the story and get some MP and AP, but surely not regularly or for the sake of getting guud.

I hope Anet realizes....... [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


And yet those fraction still deserve content.

For all the times I’ve heard this I’ve never heard an actual justification.

They paid for the game, the same way the people who don’t want to raid did. Anyone who paid for the game can come here and ask for something they want. If ANet deems it wise to provide that something, they might do so. If ANet provides it, they’re acknowledging that that demographic is large enough to warrant some dev effort.

Now, GW2 originally didn’t have raids, but it does now due in some part to demand. This works the same way demand works on other parts of the game.

Oh, and as far as the OP is concerned, 5 or 6 devs worked on this raid wing. There are 120 working on live GW2. ANet said the percentage of players who use raids was larger than in other games. Sounds about right to me.

Then either the 6 people do a terrific job and the 120 not so much, or the 120 have a much bigger workload.

It kind of annoys me to think that someone really thinks that a 3 year old easy content is as good as a new content of the same irk. It´s basically if you have invented the wheel and people who hunt the biggest game instead of stags get carts for a comfy living while the others don´t and have to drive on old one wheeled bikes.

The point that hardcore people have not got much of stuff they like is true, but it still leaves me some questions:
What are they still doing here then when the had to suffer for so long? Please keep in mind that this is actually an argument used against people opposing raids if you turn it around.
Are they really so dense that they can´t stand open world events like Marionette was because their chosen comrades could not fight all the time at their side and they had to share the exactly same loot with players they did not know?

I do not say that HoT maps are too hard for solo people or something like that, they clearly are not. But they are tedious, not that big, hard to navigate and more grindy, so they pose a greater challenge to people that like to casually explore or do things on their own at their own pace.

Where you are completely right is that the tides will turn again. It is just the question how many people will be there to be swept off that tide.

Should I keep playing if I do not enjoy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Actually a little early to tell right now. If HoT sold well enough, you can expect to see more of content like it. If not and Mr O´Brien does not stomp his foot down and choses to throw coals into the oven of the titanic while the band keeps playing, things will turn into another direction again.

The True #1 wvw server

in WvW

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I don´t want to trip all over smurfs when I am in WVW, so no.^^

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


It’s about hardcores wanting content that will let them “put the casuals in their place”.

This is called a victim complex, it is causing you not to think rationally and so your thoughts should not be trusted.

I think it is more than reasonable to assume that sentences like
“Achievement for the people that got guud”
“Content that is hard to complete should stay as exclusive as possible”
“Why should every scrub get the same as I do, who work hard for everything?”
Are not only victory justice casuals admittedly swamped hardcore players with too, but also a clear sign that people are looking to show their superiority beside their skill. Please don´t tell me that nobody said stuff like that, you can read it everyday in tihs forum with a different wording.

In the fitting section, guilds have posted that they already killed the second raid wing. When the frirst raid wing was introduced, a rather prominent guild, at least that was my impression from the posts the got, killed the raid very fast. I personally can´t even remember the name of said guild right now, so both fame and skill are very fleeting in GW2 until a hall of fame is introduced.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I believe to have encountered a problem with social behaviour in general that can be very good translated into the raid situation right here.
There are people who despise the “weak” parts of society. They are not so numerous because many people in modern countries realize that if they are solidary now, people will be solidary with them when they are in need of help. But they are there.
I am not entirely sure why this is the case, but from speaking with many formerly successful people when they are in actual need of help, they realize how much suffering is involved into real life poverty and not being useful only after it had happened to themselves.

in contrast to most modern societies, Anet has the power to give everyone the same in the modern world. Now with that in mind, people should be able to make open world content and tolerate the weak who leach the encounter without breaking into the earnings of the individual. The funny part is that this group considers themselves to be superior at gaming, so what is the fuss all about? They are the better player anyway and get what they want.

Sounds reasonable to think everybody must be happy now, right? Obviously not. Some people, despite having got nearly zero feelable negative impact on themselves, are unable to provide something to anyone without a real, tangible gain for themselves. I don´t know if tihs are ego issues or a feeling of being taken advantage off, but obviously it is ingrained so deep that it can´t be combated by a reward unaffected by leechers.

Lets face it: Tequatl for example can and will be completeted if some people just leech it. There is no loss involved for anyone, no matter how much he participated.

Having said that, I am all for letting these people seperate from the rest and give them the money and the fame they so direly need. But not more than that. Don´t make a second class citizenry of non-raider people, that will heavily backfire in my opinion.

Are raids good or bad for MMOs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Are raids bad for a game?

Mostly yes.
*Yes because I find the concept of herding 9 other people into a fixed schedule as if they were a sports club ridiculous for a computer game where not everyone wants to play the same sport.
*Yes because they are designed for a minority. Does not make much sense in my eyes.
*Yes because they divide people into raiders and non raiders.
*Yes because they turn into farm areas over time and people buy their way in, making any bragging rights invalid despite not having a gear treadmill in games like GW2.
*Yes because it encourages people to accept only the build that is in instead of a viable one that is not.

And a little bit of no.
No because there are people liking them.
No because a game can allow itself the luxury to be a little harder here and there.

GW2 Reddit Developer AMA Summary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Sounds reasonable to ship it if it is ready. A word then and when what comes next would be nice though.

Armor sets are hard to make, outfits are easy. Ok. A set then and when would help to appease people.
Not happy about raids still gating legendary armor.

Not happy about Rata Sum. If I want to hear something about smurfs, I will watch the real smurfs *Shakes fist at Asura centered news".
Very happy about permanent changes in open world and some ls1 events. It is for example about time that undead loose some influence in the open world with the defeat of Zhaitan. At least remove them from starter zones and replace them with fungi for Sylvari for example. Nightmare court needs some work too.

New fractals in work. I take that with a grain of salt, but it is at least something.
Please move away from mainly smurf content there too(reactor etc), there is so much exciting lore in GW that you can test some excting new or long missed creatures there.

Population imbalance. Yes please. I love my T6 EU server, but it is painfully obvious that the guys who are also T6 will waltz over us as much as we waltz over the T7 servers.
From the point of view of being stingy, I also refuse to pay for something that is not my fault(gems for server change to escape such matchups).

Reddit AMA - Fractal News

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


It´s very good thinking from Anet to not just make swamp longer and send people into maw then, absolutely the right mindset.

Never caught the fascination with leaderboards either.

New fractals would still not hurt.^^

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


After reading a little bit between the lines, I can understand your comment. I did not mean that I did not think that Anet has a larger team with raids than they admit. I was confused how the small team manages to produce an output faster than the larger, other teams.

What should I say about this? Your guess is as good as mine in that regard, you should already know that I try to avoid absolutes.

Mike O'Brien AMA now on Reddit!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


What Eldrin is saying is that he doesn’t think that a tier of gear (Legendary armor) should be locked behind raids. Legendary weapons aren’t, so why should Legendary armor be?

i have tried rads once, and i dont care if legendary armor is locked behind them, if it had better stats then ascended armor then yes, that would be a problem. some stuff should stay exclusive just like in gw1. yes you are right about legendary weapons. and because of that everyone with a credit card has one. And eldrin did say that about pvp. average player should be rewarded as much as a skilled playe. Again i want to say i suck at pvp. but like before some stuff should be for people that work for it and that deserve them. u guy want to turn this game like american children sports? doesnt matter who wins or loses everyone gets a medal cause you are all winners yayyyyy!!

Guilds are already selling raid places or even giving them away for free, any gloating about raid achievment went basically invalid in the moment the first place was sold for probably a horrendous price to a rich kid who could not be bothered to run it on his own.
So we came from:
A game where everyone won one of your medals.
over a game where some people began to work the game to gain ascended armor
up to a game where we are trying to professionalize and incite people into contests like with the olympics or a WM.
How incorrubtible the olympic comitee or the FIFA for example is, is an open secret, so any point about sporty achievments is a rather weak argument in my opinion.

I know where my priority lies, yours lies probably at the other end of the spectrum.

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


So if the team is so small on raids, why is every other content lacking feelable updates? I don´t know what is going on behind the doors of Anet, but how can it be that a raid wing, which according to the post has not many ressorces located to it, is released and many other things are not?

And I also stumbled over the word participation, you can call me a nitpicker if you like.^^
I was in the raid area maybe 5 times over the course of 4 weeks. Does that mean that I participated in raids too and so count to the pro raiding group? If that is the case, this quote is not very accurate about raiding in general.

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Holy freaking crap, people, if you don’t like raids or don’t want challenging content, then DON’T PLAY IT

But the main argument we see over and over is that they are the majority.
And how I understand it:
“why should you have content you like, when they can have content they like instead of you?”

It´s obviously a line of reasoning that has trouble sinking into some people for some reason. I am talking about it sinking in, not about accepting it as your own opinion.
People that are unable or unwilling to beat or just attempt to raid are a majority. Are you really going to dispute that? I mean, really? We don´t have numbers for that of course, but this seems common sense for me. Why would there be outrage or even an argument if this was not the case? If anyone and their grandmother could beat it, it would not even be suitable content for you.

I personally could not care less if there is content for hardcore gamers if Anet did not have a history of being able to focus on only one task despite having multiple teams for this and that and gating viable equipment behind it to incite the masses to at least try it to not look like fools in their next shareholder meeting.

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


So weapons are way cheaper than armor. Ok, agreed upon. But how does that take away from the point that a raid user will have an advantage over someone who does no raids, how insignificant that advantage may appear to you and me?
It is not even so much about the properties of that legendary armor set only, it´s the exclusivity too. Of course there is also the argument that to get an ascended backpack, you had to farm fractals for a while. Although that is as wrong as hiding vital stuff behind raids is wrong, someone could theroretically make lvl 1 fractals over and over with no sweat to get his back, the only thing stopping him would maybe be some fractal shards that only drop at lvl 20+. Where is the lvl 1 raid?
Lets take the eternal title for example. That is a reward I am completely happy with. It shows that this person has made the raid and done something worthwhile in his opinion, at least until enough people with big enough purses were carried through the title so that it is only slighlly more prestigious than the dungeon master title.

I also already agreed that we are not at the point where you can kiss your ascended armor goodbye, and maybe my tinfoil hat sits too tight here.^^

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


And if you excuse me for a rather rude sounding but not rude meaning, you have
a) not read it right. right now, statwiese it is the same, but that is not a rule set in stone. See Anet change policies because people like the grind treadmill more than they expect and it is a market to tap in, and soon you would watch ascended become second rate armor.
b) it already is better. What would you rather have:
-A sturdy battle tank which fires standard shells and can be refittet into an artillery tank given time and money (aka runeswap and stat swap).
-A sturdy battle tank which fires standard shells that can be refittet for free as soon as you have some combat free time and always carries the best armor as soon as it is available(legendary armor).

That you don´t find the second tank is significantly better than the first one because it also fires standard shells or presently has the same type of armor as the first one is irrelevant to it´s superiority in general.

So your 2 points is

1) Legendary armor isn’t better right now, but might become better later if anet change how they work?

That point have no value. We can fear that they could make Legendary have better stats, but right now and for the last 3 years they didn’t. They also officially said, that they are not planning to add any other gear rarity better than ascended. If they ever talk about changing that, then you would have a point, but as today you don’t.

2) Legendary have better quality of life. True. That’s one of the advantage of Legendary. That doesn’t make them better, that’s just making them more easy to use. Now in reality there is 2 problems with your points.

- Legendary Armor like Weapon will probably not able to swap Runes/Sigils. That mean, that you are really limited in the change you can make to your build. You can’t use legendary to swap for another build, just another stats. I have 7 legendary on 4 different character. And the only time I was able to use the feature is when I swap between my Condi Engineer and my Condi Tank Engineer. What I’m saying is that yes, it’s a quality of life, but it’s a badly designed, limited quality of life that most people can’t use anyway.

- A legendary weapons cost about 2k gold to make. You can craft about 20+ ascended weapons with different stats, looks and sigils for that same price. And in theory, it should be about the same with Legendary armor.

So you are basically agreeing with me when I say that legendary armor is already more useful and convenient than ascended. The argument is about how significant that advantage is, not that it is not there. That you can´t swap runes is irrelevant for the point that legendary in general is better than ascended, it only decreases the value of the legendary armor but not to the point where it is even again with ascended armor.
I agree that the difference is not that big right now. But it is there.

We are also in the same boat when you say that the stat difference is not there right now and that it is indeed a little tinfoil hatery to except Anet to make ascended armor irrelevant soon.
But honestly, I would not make such a point if Anet had just been true to their word as this thread for example would not be there because raids were not even planned in the initial concept of GW2 if I remember well and Anet made a point of the idea that GW2 was NOT a game like every other game.

And why should I craft 20+ ascended weapons? And if buying legendary armor on the TP was an option, I´d happily wave you a heartfelt goodbye and lots of fun with your raid.

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


You will be hard pressed to show me personally complaining about the availability of SaB for example. There is nothing of interest for me in SaB and it was temporary, so I don´t care for it. I have also long ago resigned to the need of people to only accept the best instead of a simple viable solution, aka a meta. If raids had tons of gold, exclusive titles or another non game altering stuff for the aliens as you call it, we would not even have this conversation.

My personal line in the sand was gated legendary armor, that is the only thing I am seriously lobbying against, with adventures also taking some flag because I find them unfitting for GW2. Just because you and most other people assume that legendary vs ascended will make no difference in GW2 until it closes does not make it so. I am pretty sure that you also have such a line in the sand.

And of course I am arguing from my personal opinion with adventures. And yes, I could have just quit the game, but I do not want to quit it. I find adventures boring and nearly repulsive. But Anet offered this forum to write them how you feel about their stuff. Why should I not use this chance because some people find it tiresome to argue and prefer to just bend over and take whatever Anet offers, regardless if it suits their preferences or not?

I find it to be a ridiculous statement that legendary gear is somehow better than ascended gear, this is just clearly untrue, they have exactly the same stats.

And if you excuse me for a rather rude sounding but not rude meaning, you have
a) not read it right. right now, statwiese it is the same, but that is not a rule set in stone. See Anet change policies because people like the grind treadmill more than they expect and it is a market to tap in, and soon you would watch ascended become second rate armor.
b) it already is better. What would you rather have:
-A sturdy battle tank which fires standard shells and can be refittet into an artillery tank given time and money (aka runeswap and stat swap).
-A sturdy battle tank which fires standard shells that can be refittet for free as soon as you have some combat free time and always carries the best armor as soon as it is available(legendary armor).

That you don´t find the second tank is significantly better than the first one because it also fires standard shells or presently has the same type of armor as the first one is irrelevant to it´s superiority in general.

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


You will be hard pressed to show me personally complaining about the availability of SaB for example. There is nothing of interest for me in SaB and it was temporary, so I don´t care for it. I have also long ago resigned to the need of people to only accept the best instead of a simple viable solution, aka a meta. If raids had tons of gold, exclusive titles or another non game altering stuff for the aliens as you call it, we would not even have this conversation.

My personal line in the sand was gated legendary armor, that is the only thing I am seriously lobbying against, with adventures also taking some flag because I find them unfitting for GW2. Just because you and most other people assume that legendary vs ascended will make no difference in GW2 until it closes does not make it so. I am pretty sure that you also have such a line in the sand.

And of course I am arguing from my personal opinion with adventures. And yes, I could have just quit the game, but I do not want to quit it. I find adventures boring and nearly repulsive. But Anet offered this forum to write them how you feel about their stuff. Why should I not use this chance because some people find it tiresome to argue and prefer to just bend over and take whatever Anet offers, regardless if it suits their preferences or not?

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Tons of achievment where you have to play adventures and have to get better at playing them if you want to have it. Yeah, very casual and not grindy at all…

The paladins of casuals, the defenders of playhowiwants, the stalwarts of the unskilled and holy inquisitors of everything “toxic”, “elitist” or pretty much any topic with the words “berserker” and “skill” in it…
… always end up insulting themselves and all the people who identify as casuals.
I gotta say, no clue if it amuses or saddens me.

I would prefer to amuse you of course!^^

I did not write that a casual playing style means that you can´t do it with practice, just that it is not funny or casual if you want some of the stuff like adventures and exploration of the maps done in 2016. I am pretty sure that a large majority of gamers could actually manage to do this stuff with relative ease if it was only more convenient, exciting, better accessible or a combination of these things.

I actually did the silver achievement with the bug hunting adventure lately, and my guild mates probably still hate me for the half of an hour groaning and moaning I showered them with while completing it.

Btw, where is “Berserker” and “Skill” hidden in adventures? You´re probably better at a Super Mario playstlye than me because I lack practice and dedication for it, but that does not keep me awake at night.^^

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


So this is a very interesting topic. Quite frankly for me its a mix of saying “well you kinda did this to yourself” even though the action itself is dishonest.

It’s easier to fake things when people are selling the eternal title for gold. It becomes even easier when you can ping things through chat codes. But we are also at a point where people feel like they have to fake in order to get into a raid because quite frankly, what you need to get into even a raid guild is quite absurd.

I’ve had people tell me:

“You are not good enough to raid”
“You don’t know enough about PvE”
“You will never be good enough to raid” (my personal favorite)

And many things like it. And when i applied i always said i had no experience raiding, and was honest on every question asked. I spent 3 weeks looking for a raiding guild and group, especially ones saying that they wanted to teach new raiders, and in the end I didn’t get into a single one because they just weren’t going to take the time to teach me how to raid.

People do not want to make time for new raiders. People do not want to teach new raiders. And quite frankly its at the point where people will fake it because of that. Some feel like they have no other option. You kinda did this to yourself, and while faking it is wrong, you are reaping what you sowed.

Nothing is gonna change, so if you carry on this mentality, you have little to complain about. It isn’t going to help the problem or make it go away. People acting that way has made the problem worse than it used to be if anything. I’m a person that could have been a dedicated raider, but if i don’t know how to raid, then how can i do that? People saying they are willing to teach, and actually aren’t.

For now I’ve given up on raids. I’m quite disgusting with how some people act regarding them. I’ll spend my time in fractals while its still good for me, because the raiding community is a toxic cesspool atm. And this is coming from someone that plays League of Legends, HoN, and DotA, so i know a thing or two about that.

It’s the real world equivalent of an employer looking for a candidate with “x” years of experience, but very few companies are willing to take a risk/don’t care to train folks with no experience. Sure, if you have connections (guilds) or know the right people you will have a much easier time getting in the industry (raids). Though, if you don’t, you’re going to find it difficult and will have to work harder than others. I realize that there was effectively “career day” shortly after the launch of raids, and those that weren’t online at the time missed out on a lot of available positions.

So, what do you do now? Keep trying. At the very least do what you can to get your name out in the field. E.G. There are plenty of “teaching groups” that run on the weekends that literally take anyone whether they have 0 hours of experience or over 100 hours of experience. They may not get the kill, but at the very least you will have seen all aspects of the fight and will have been communicated what the typical strats are for that encounter.

Other than that? Keep joining groups and keep applying at guilds and eventually you will find that someone is willing to give you the big breakthrough that you’ve been looking for. After you have some experience on your resume you’ll find that it’s much much easier to find a group. It’s just that initial hurdle that’s the most difficult.

Although this is complete BS from a common sense point of view, it is actually how employment really works against all odds. Companies are completely fine with the idea to wait for the perfect candidate for actually years and miss boatloads of money instead of taking the minimal risk of working with someone who needs a little time to be competent, despite how much it is a spit in the face of common sense.
One of my old bosses was such a noble species of man who would only accept the best for certain positions, leading to work done subpar by people with no qualification to do it from the start and him getting screamed at. Luckily it was a goverment position, so in the end nobody cared how incompetent and ineffecient this type of leadership trully is.^^

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


The real problem here is that providing exclusive content for a fraction of your paying customers is economic suicide.

ok lets compare what “pro” players got and what casual players got

4 massive open world maps with tons of events
tons of achievements and collections
still the same old tyria world and events

raids once a week
dungeons -66% of the reward
fractals -50+% of the playtime

so yeah they definitely provide exclusive content for “pros”

Massive open map.
I don´t know what your definition of massive is, but HoT is not massive in my opinion. It´not small either, but massive is completely different.
DS is actually far from massive and appears to me like a loaded gun with only one shot that can only fire at a specific time. Kind of like an early flintlock rifle who had a massive chance of not working when it rains, aka you miss the timer. It is nice to look at, and also kind of exciting for the first runs, but it gets old and grindly pretty fast.
The large majority of tangled web is exactly this, a tangled web. Hard to navigate, walls everywhere. Neither funny or massive for me personally.
The worst offender is the Tarir map. It has only one layer that I would call acceptable, the rest is jumping puzzle garbage on really close spaces.
The first map is actually the best map, although I can´t call the layers above and the little spaces massive layers with a straight face.

The story of HoT actually makes me cry a little for the lack of imagination invested here. But that is personal perception of course.

Tons of achievment where you have to play adventures and have to get better at playing them if you want to have it. Yeah, very casual and not grindy at all…

Still the same events. Nope, some were nerfed. Besides, if you want ot keep your players, you can´t feed them with the same stuff from 3 years ago. It does not work. Patience does not run too deep in most gamers. I am a pretty loyal guy that has to see massive advantages in changing my game, but I have to honestly tell you that if I would find a game that is as good as GW2 and suits my casual tastes, I am at a point where I would quit right now despite my loyality issues.

Where I am fully agreeing with Eldrin is the fact that I really don´t get how this can get a pass from an econimical point of view. My only guess is that they sold it like:
“Look, everyone hass raids. We need to have them too or fall behind.”

We're going to the Crystal Desert next

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


And you would honestly pay for 4 maps?

Some people would, others not. I am pretty sure that it will be much less casual people who will buy the next expansion if it is only 4 maps deep and the gameplay is like HoT. Even NcSoft admitted that numbers, especially from f2p to HoT conversions, were not as good as expected.

Of course there could be various reasons for this, maybe people are still laughing over the idea that every wvwer is also a pver in hearth or something. But in my personal opinion, HoT is neither attractive or casual enough to convice the more laid back of people.

We're going to the Crystal Desert next

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


4 maps with 2 sublevels, sliding is included and gliding disabled. Sliding means that you can slide down a slope at a controlled pace. Also add crystalmudsplashing, a special ability that makes you invisible for monsters who use thermovision. Sounds legit for me if you look at HoT.^^

I start to regret HoT unfortunately...

in Living World

Posted by: Torolan.5816


PvP season is out, that means mission accomplished in the eyes of Anet for at least another month probably. Then there is also the looming redheaded stepchild called wvw, and a whole host of stuff for the trading post. Does not look too good for ls3 to be honest…

Need more story, starving here.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Yeah well, i could understand that they went to the drawing board.

Attacking the pale tree while every other mayor player is in the grove is not exactly a stroke of genius, especially not from a dragon.
If I want to eradicate a minion that has fallen out of the line, I don´t send another, slightly stronger minion with some underlings to do the job.
Either I go myself to show the other major players that I am a big boy, or throw my crew so massively against them that they not only have to change the floor like with the Shadow of the dragon gets defeated by the pact commander but run for their lives while I crush my former vasal.

Especially when my spies have surely told me that Zhaitan, my dragon colleague of considerable power who controlled a whole subcontinent tried exactly the same approach and was slain for his efforts.

i also know that narratives are limited in storytelling, but Anets copy and paste from original to ls2 to HoT while full mouthedly sending out an author to tell how innovative the new story will be is rather distateful for me. That´s a little like Chris Roberts coming out of the woods after Wing Commander to tell people that Wing Commander II will be totally new and different storywise…

"Rat"a Sum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


The Asuras in the loading screen are all bald. They haven’t implemented the hairstyles yet when they took that picture.

Maybe the whole dragon weakness stuff is just a fraud and rata sum was build to look for a cure for mal pattern baldness? Therefore they had to quickly wing something like "The Dragon has a weakness. Cough cough…^^

"Rat"a Sum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Hardly a surprise. It is an asura outpost after all.^^

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I managed to do most story stuff on the first attempt. Like every GW2 story after the initial one and ls1, it is a glorified reflexes test with a video attached to it. Nothing to remember here. Rarely a memorable foe, no devious plot, only Zhaitan plot part 2 and now 3 in HoT.

Yes because fighting an epic foe that you can kill him while afk and auto-attacking, like all bosses in the original personal story make the game feel so much more memorable.

Although you might call it a “reflex test” I really liked the battle with the Shadow of the Dragon, it was how a boss fight is supposed to be (for me). Challenging enough, menacing and threatening. How a boss should feel.

Maybe I should have been clearer here:
After claw island, nothing memorable happens in the original story. It is plain unimaginative, repeating and full of filler stuff. Like nearly the whole story of ls2 and the HoT story in vast stretches except that the last has less fillers and targets important people instead of someone you basically met an hour before like Belinda.

I don´t even mind them being build the way they are, designing somewthing tzhat is fun and challenging all at once is surely not easy. You already know my gripe with them, they are forcing you to play the same garbage over and over again when you want the ascended jewelry behind them. This has led me from annoying hours of trying to save any soldier of Fort Salma up to try and stop the healer from healing the statue for a piece of jewelry that should be avaiable for laurels like any other piece of ascended jewelry too.

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816



You reap what you sow.

Since you aren’t willing to explain raids people just stay silent.

Consider this retribution for all those Arah runs where I was trying to teach people lupi but they were too scared to ask for help because of people like you guys who refuse to play with people who haven’t already mastered the content or memorized your trite meta lingo.

+1 for you, good sir.

Coincerning the topic of people buying raids though, I think it is a sad work of art GW2 managed to do here. Months of moaning and predicting that raids would become sold and farm items in the course of months fell on deaf ears. All this talk about how much gleam your medals would have until they would start to fade when more honest raiders would catch up to the first raiders were all hollow and void when people managed to beat parts of the raids with 5 people and the rich kids threw money at them to show them the party line.

I want Tengu as the next playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I am a little bit astounded how many people want to rather play a flappy eared nonblue smurf than the really cool warrior guys from GW1 who made entering lions arch tricky.

And Anet has already shown they don´t give a rats rektum about continuity. I would suggest that Anet changes the current storyline into the starting storyline of a given character and make old living stories either available like ls 2 or even better as fractals. Of course would this remove the leveling component of it and would require shortening and remodeling them, but let´s be honest here:
If you don´t manage to quickly rise in level with excploration, hearts and quests, you can as well deinstall GW2. And better voluntarily give in your drivers license and ask for a legal custodian who does your finances for you.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I think it is a hard fact that HoT blows most if you do not have many mastery points.

Gliding begins as a pure chore, you´re basically more hopping than flying, and you nearly always end up in one of the bottomless deathtraps that have been set there for reasons I don´t get. It gets much better once your stamina never disappears, and already a little better with updrafts.
All other masteries are just, uhm, time sinks or are removing a gate from stuff you do not need in the first place.

I managed to do most story stuff on the first attempt. Like every GW2 story after the initial one and ls1, it is a glorified reflexes test with a video attached to it. Nothing to remember here. Rarely a memorable foe, no devious plot, only Zhaitan plot part 2 and now 3 in HoT.

I have no idea how much of a market pvp has. i guess it is huge. I have played some very old online shooters and was entertained. I know for sure that I would have quit GW2 6 weeks after release if it only was pvp. I find GW2 pvp slow, repetetive, boring and utterly pointless. You have only seasons, no leagues.
Who would remember FC Barcelona winning the champions league if they were just a bunch of anonymus clowns who disband and form at their whim? Although I admit that I had a good laugh when I read about teams ragequitting a leagues match because of something they already knew from the start but still agreed on.^^

(edited by Torolan.5816)

Remove the 15k daily AP limit please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Also, lets remove the limit on jumping puzzles. I should get AP every time I complete a jumping puzzle, not just the first time. Also, the salvage AP. I should get that every time I salvage 200 items.

Anyone who voluntarily does a jumping puzzle deserves what is coming at him, in one way or the other.
And yes, you should not have an AP for salvaging. It simply does not make sense to cap it, either remove it or remove the cap altogether. If someone is willing to risk his health for clicking on countless items to salvage them, why not? I simply fail to understand how this affects you. If you quit GW2 right now, nobody will remember that you were Nr. 1 for X years in six months, you can trust me on that. Only a hall of fame which is constantly upgraded but shows your old efforts too could change that.

Is there really a market for elitism and envoy/anger/some other bias for people looking for easy stuff complaining everywhere, from A as AP up to Z as Zhaitan is a cakewalk?
I just hope you people never come close to a soup kitchen or something like that with that attitude. You would be surprised how many people look for the easy way of asking for food and a place to stay in a cold night instead of manning up by sleeping in the cold.

Remove the 15k daily AP limit please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I am slowly but surely reaching that AP limit too in the course of this year.

I also think it is total bogus to have a limit on daily AP, but not for leaderboard reasons. A veteran will of course have more AP than a newbie, competition is invalid in a game with nothing to achieve for it except for prices that are not archived or grant yxou a honorary title that actually counts.

I think it is bogus because it takes away a reason to play GW2, which is a shot in the foot of Anet. I really understand how this could be beneficial to them.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


But the difficulty of GW2 steadily increased:
Southsun(hard to and for zerkers, not very popular for that reason)
Queens gauntlet(received praise from hadcolre people)
Fractals(40+ were not that easy)
ls2 and the associated maps(a small step up, but still)
Wouldn´t that mean that people leaving should have been slowed more and more with each step up? With rising difficulty, you need also better equipment, or the masses won´t make the cut more and more, which reeks like bad business for me.

And with ascended, that kind of armor and weapons enabled people to update their characters and make the first step to a gear treadmill in the eyes of some, no doubt about that. But the leaving would have immediately spiked and people leaving would have been mostly casuals who were unwilling to race instead of walk, or not?

What I am trying to say with that is that you can hardly have both kinds of people, casual and hardcore, leaving for the same reason. Anet did not flip flop with that, content got harder and harder. Some of it was utter garbage in my opinion, but many people probably liked stuff like ls2 for some reason and so gave the impression to Anet that the new path is a good one.

My personal and not too much surprising conclusion from this is that casuals who don´t want to wait for this or work for that are simply a much bigger number than hardcore gamers and should from a company point of view be catered too.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I still can’t see how you can not see that if people left the game because it was too easy and never tried HOT because they moved onto other games a year ago, that doesn’t matter. You’re saying X caused people to not buy HoT.

I’m saying X, Y, Z and probably a bunch of other things caused people not to buy HoT.

You’re claiming you know X is the reason. It’s more powerful than Y, Z and everything else. I’m saying you can’t know that.

You’re trying to attribute HoT’s lack of traction to a single cause because you feel it. And I’m playing for the same reasons you are. I don’t want a game far more challenging. That is not why I play these games.

But even though I have similar complaints to you, I disagree your conclusions are the REASON the game didn’t get the uptake Anet wanted it to.

What proof do you have that the reason you’re offering for the luke-warm reception the game received is the actual reason the game received it?

But wouldn´t that mean that people who sought more challenge clung to GW2 up to shortly before the anouncement and the introduction of HoT and then quit apruptly in large numbers before Anet could show them that the game now goes more into the direction they like?

I also tend to the idea that there are several factors why HoT did not sell as good as it should. My guess for the main offender are raids and jump and run.

Ncsoft's earnings 4Q 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Strange enough, in 2016 there are still managers who think that hiding content that was freely available when you had bought GW2 core and established your guild is a legit business scheme.

What I find even more funny is that a series of minigames and four three layer maps where you can only agree with great pains that for example the uppermost layer of the first map is really a layer or just some floating island is counted upon as asking for 60 dollars. Some morons like me still bought it despite knowing what they would be underwhelmed by the size of the expansion, but there are obviously many people who are more clever or more stingy than me.
The sad part of tihs is that HoT gets kind of good when you manage to reel in most of the masteries. Up until then, it is a pain.^^

And no, neutering and no longer supporting dungeons will not let the people you had stay, it will make people leave if they were dungeon runners.

Ncsoft's earnings 4Q 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Not surprised with Eve numbers dropping to be honest, laokoko. There are only so many clueless newbies that want to be farmed by griefers over and over.^^

Ncsoft's earnings 4Q 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


So neutering content of core tyria was not sufficient to bring in more HoT buyers instead of P4F players who wanted to take a peak preview of GW2 and the new idea is candy instead of the whip?

An analyst asking a question and receiving an honest sounding answer like this suggest to me that HoT did not perform as well as NcSoft has thought it would because if it had, they would have showered him with diagrams and charts stating that this was not the case and everything did go as planned.
Although it is a little bit hair splicing, a poor performance is not synomymus to a exception not fullfilled fully. Of course this does not reflect well on the product in most cases and it damages the band and future investments. How severe that damage is probably depends on how much it failed to meet the expections.

LS3: Who dies?

in Lore

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Yes, Logan faced a tough decision. He had to betray one side or leave the other side hanging out to dry. He choose to go help Jennah because she is his queen and love interest, which is quite understandable.
But as a team member and friend, he would be out of question for me personally if I was one of DE from this point on.
I don´t thini he will die in ls3. He is lame and at the same time shiny enough to be a mainstay sidekick.^^

I can also relate to Caudecus in the charr question. Charr forces raided and sacked Ascalon City and the surrounding land which is the anchestral homeland of Kryta humans.
I would not look for peace with them either and fight them for every step they want to come in human lands.

Ncsoft's earnings 4Q 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


A Korean Won according to a quick search is exchanged for 0,000831 US Dollars. That would be 31,02 M.

Ncsoft's earnings 4Q 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


In the second line, it reads:
“GW2 sales surged, driven by the launch of the expansion pack”

And the tables are named sales breakdown, so i was thinking about copies sold.

So what are the numbers in the first link actually showing?

Ncsoft's earnings 4Q 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Just to get this straight for my own understanding:
In 3Q15, GW2 sold around 21K copies of Core GW2 for a vastly reduced price.
In 4Q15, GW2 sold around 37K copies of HoT GW2 for the full price.
Regarding copies sold, it is the 3rd best game behind Lineage and B&S of NCSoft in the last 5 Qs.
B&S was released in 1Q16 in the western hemisphere, so you can expect a spike in sales for that quarter.

I honestly would have expected it to skyrocket much more compared to 3Q15.

I want Tengu as the next playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I doubt you’re never going to see Tengu playable, it would be to much work for Anet, they would have to go back and create/redesign all pre-existing sets of armor to fit the them.

Largos are humanoids so all armor will already work with them, all they would have to do is make three sets of cultural armor.

Charr are the same type of humanoids as Tengu. I am pretty sure that there are shortcuts in development for customization. If you think that Anet would not shove half finished or unfitting armor out of the door, ask any Charr player if he has not had at least one piece of armor that did not fit his toon from the perspective of porpotion.

You are giving Anet too much credit for aesthetics here.^^