General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
Maybe Vizunah will fall. But as long i will live on this server, as long as the Grand Cross alliance will work on this server, as long the Vizunians won’t give up we will NOT let you beat us like this ! we will NOT surrender ! we will NOT fall like a dead leaf on the floor !
With your posts you are just giving me fuel for my wrath ! Hear me, Seafarer’s rest, we will fight like LIONS even if it’s look over ! Heya Vizunah ! read thoses guys, already thinking we are finished. This is only the beginning !
Prepare yourself for the greatest VS resistance you ever seen.
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You are one of the old SFR advised wolf i talked about. I think it’s the pure truth. I didn’t created Vizunah myself by the way, but i know my role in all this.
I think it’s epic in so many ways, but that’s why i wanted a glorious battle for the league. Thats why i’m a bit sad for the massive stacking.
Yep Mighty, of course =)
but the “just” make all the difference: Canadian doesnt want to come (a warning msg on a QC guild: We do not care of french guilds e-dramas) because before Vizunah french guilds were divided a lot more, and had many dramas. I understand them.
Then the other speaking french guys are swiss, belgian etc, but same timezone. Understand i find good that SFR is strong, as a WvW focused euro server. What i find insane is that you continue to make them come, again and again, and thoses numbers are made to counter imaginary canadians. Or just to win. But stacking too much people to create a serv like JQ for example is just so overkill. It will just make us sleep less… and imbalance.
If it’s too easy for you and too hard for every others servers, the league will be ridiculous to play. My last hope is that new players come to help us, and Vizunians wake up, because yeah it’s not good ingame atm.
Yep Zumy you are right.
We have no african guilds or few people too. Thats not the problem. The problem is, they are really thinking we used Canadians to nightcap, but it wasnt this at all. We builded a solid community, and people played more for the server.
Maybe you cannot understand it, because you prefer doing guilds rolls (good strategy of course) but do not deform reality
I understand this Demannu. But you are not only Russian, it’s coming from all over Europe.
You are REALLY serious for the canadians so? i explained it many times, all canadians refused to come, when i called them versus RUIN. The night players are students/unemployed/nerds, i can promise it on whatever your want. I swear.
Thats why i explained our people burnout, because they play sometimes 15h+ when you have just to do rolling
Fine, you can deny you are doing easy mode by stacking all this in the same server. There is no rules for this. You can think hard there is canadians too, it won’t make it true, old ennemy. All people playing on VS would like to really have canadians to help in fact, oh irony.
See you in league ! do not mistake, i’m not anger or something like this. I just find stacking all thoses countrys and guilds on one serv is insane
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@Mighty: yep mighty, you are right. Really.
@Demannu: is this a joke? SPRT was coming with very huge numbers, like IRON in the past, in offpeak. I have a screen of 50-60+ SPRT with 20+ pug at VS spawn, we had to bring GCK to counter it, with Vizunians… It was the most dangerous force of actual Piken. You really want to do overkill for the league so
Yeah yeah Hebril. In 1 year i never saw you admit anything good concerning an enemy. A little resume of your posts: you blob we do not blob you suck beat you. You are the most self confident and arrogant of all SFR posters. You are not trolling like Junk or others; You are serious and that’s the problem. Even in other matchup i saw you acting like this.
@Zoxea: we were joking, remembering old things nothin’ serious here. Of course they know their russians hehe
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Just as a reminder, it’s a quote from yourself:
“I ask vizunah square to ignore all the bullkittenting your a great server been totally amazing fighting you so far even if you do quantity over quality in some maps:)”
“-stop being jealous because there is a guy that is leading such a great server such great guilds and such a great community and try to make a own maybe-”
People should never change, even when they are in dominant position.
You are childish sometimes Wemil… doing work for SFR made you change, slowly.
Anyway, if you stacked so many euro forces that we cant handle, what can we do? we will do what we can. Going too much numbers and guilds to be overkill is your choice.
Hmm at this moment, we had the actual number of canadian, like 5-6 players. There was Teronas (who went RG) and few friends like him. At night, we were all ultra motivated, it was the beginning, and we went in fury mode after the Operation Borodino you Russian made. Was epic. In this moment, we had really a lot of people at night, a lot of nerds.
I played myself very late at night… at this moment, we had roamers everywhere, i did it with my old WL friends, when i was an officer. After, i leaved for working fulltime on GC and you know the rest.
Yeah, they grew old and tired, Blacktide and SFR 2.0 made a lot of burnout too. A lot got away and never came back. If you only knew the chance of being Euro, with the different timezone advantage… i saw so many players totally burn nout… playing 15h+ day because they didnt want to loose. I hope they will come back for the league.
When i see the actual VS with some fleeing guys, who do not sacrifices on sieges machines, who fear, who quit the map after being killed, who say “they are too much, go leave” “no this tower is T1, abandon it”, it’s really heartbreaking for me.
In fact i hope the… heh… spirit will come back for the league.
I know SFR old guys and veteran fear us. They fear what we can do when in fury mode, when we have no choice. Like the VS veteran knows how SFR can be powerfull and dangerous.
The week we will meet each other in the league will be nothing but a deadly face to face. The Vizunian eyes in the Seafarers eyes. To the death.
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Spy? i was welcome ! until VS and SFR became enemys…
Stop trolling, i remember discuss of russian pretty girls and vodka on chat, months ago you have Russians, and a lot =)
Seafarer never had russians. It was propoganda we started back in the days against vizu
Hum, and ZDs/ZBs? they are russian =)
Refreshing post Holm and what is ego in this game and mode? do we have won some e-sport tournament? are we ultra skilled at aiming in a great FPS? are we Stephano, MVP of SC2? nothing of all this. Myself i’m a sh** compared to great e-sport players. Doing good at WvW doesnt should make some big head.
I think having too much ego right here is a total nonsense. Keep feets on the ground. We are nothin’.
See you on the battlefield Holm
Not sure if my bro linked it to you Viz, from a few weeks back our matchup with you and Kodash (Aurora Glade here).
Once again had a real blast against you Viz , hope to fight you again soon.
Enjoy. My fav fight is deffo part 3 on the bridge to south camp.
Salut GCK + others. From TUP.
Hey Dranul ! yes, your videomaker sent me it, it’s great to see the first fight vs GCK from your PoV loved it. You guys deserves really respect, very nice players and very good on the battlefield.
See you later maybe !
Erm.. so you “loose respect for all Vizunah” for… one guy? what the hell seriously?
and the screen made me like: “what kind of drugs use Wemil”
Where is the WL commander? it’s a GHO commander lol, this guild has nothing to do with WL :/
I dont know yet if it’s a mindgame. But -if it’s true- it would be totally overkill. You already recruited too many guilds from so many countrys. I never seen this coverage and numbers, even on Blacktide.
Well, we will do our best anyway
Ah yep, i see of course what you mean. Yes, it’s true: too much people no resistant, dying insta; bad stuff, bad templates. Too much fleeing people too ! of course it’s true. But it’s not everyone, it’s random like a lot of thing in this massive PvP mode. Sometimes there is godly players, sometimes beginners. The turnover is so huge.
I was choked when i came back and i saw WARRIORS and GUARDIANS fleeing ! with gun/staff ! while the casters were killed in running… it was a scene of total horror for me. Thats why i created
Our mission is now to help people getting good stuff, builds, advices. Green arrow, fleeing and zerk stuff for tournament would be terrible. I could get angry at this myself. But i will never force people thats my vision.
In the attached gif, here is my head when i see 20 VS insta dying in a impact versus enemy.
(edited by Troma.3250)
@Demanu: i repeat it since 1 year, i will do it again: no canadian guilds on VS, only few players (5-6)
@Phoebe: Well… i do not understand some parts of your post. I never said SFR are all arrogant, i said, and precise it, SOME players bash us everytime, always the same Guys like Holm, Ridafyt, and others are really good guys.
Like Holm said, we congratulate opponent when we loose too, in the past i put a Vercingetorix dawn on his knee when SFR won for example. Other Vizunians say gg too, even the Kingface lamer. Do you imagine Hebril, Junkpile or Fanfa saying gg one day? the day when fifilepetitguerrier become a great general maybe yeah… like never.
Your Vizunah vision is true on some points, but on others… if you only knew all the work we had to do… it’s not just a matter of coverage. It’s a matter of keeping players together, with the same goal and passion. It’s a matter of hard work, strategy, communication, diplomacy and Vs commanders doing sacrifices.
You do not realize we have no canadians or external help and our players sometimes play 15+ hour in a day for the server. Like others do 5-6h in a row of scout, of dolyak kill/escort… or roaming guild like FY, RUN do a great job.
It’s like an ant organization. But from the outside, it’s just a zerg+coverage…
We will never be understood really i think. Thats life.
We dont need a lesson Phoebe, Blacktide and SFR 2.0 already teach us what a very powerful enemys is.
Good luck everyone dear enemys, because without you, all this RvR would be dead and not fun at all…
Yin and Yang, SFR and Vizu? sure it is.
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Quote thoses posts from me, because i never did. He made a clear analysis of the actual Vizunah, and be sure we have a lot of work after this summer (karmatrain + people who do not care about server pride…)
When a ennemy admit his flaw, you could just listen to it instead of going for “it’s an excuse”
I count the Kingface big lamer too
Ok anyway, the tournament will be bloody. Oh god.
I’m not playing on a image of humble and nice. I trully think like this (=irl same vision) and sometimes an idiot to fall in trolls. I never wanted to make you look worse to make us look better;
But i thought sfr forum warriors could change, a year after. The Junkpile, Hebril, and others, will never change i admit now.
See you ig
Can you explain me who are thoses JS morning guilds? or it’s like the Canadians, in your imagination?
Like 99% of your post, like last year Hebril, you are full of hate and arrogance. You say no challenge, but have you seen the number of guilds and people who are stacked on SFR for the league? are you blind?
Zerging and PvD… it you think thats the only thing we did…
The amount of arrogance on a lot of SFR player is still a shame. Nothing changed.
Selfquote versus Aurora match up:
“Thank you again ! i will bookmark this thread for the future tournament, when Hebril and some others SFR haters will start spit on us like everytime.”
As planned
Like i say since 1 year, no french canadians guilds on VS… Only few guys.
haha the irony here ! some things:
GCK is a special events force made with tanky War/Guards of Grand Cross alliance and some VS guilds. There is some strict rules and a codex (specific armor color, conduct, vision of things) and we are made to protect and tank for VS people. We can destroy zergs or tank opti guilds for them. Anyway, due to our composition, it’s very hard versus strong GvG guilds for example. But we do the maximum.
I made a special mini-site with explanations (put sound on) you can visit easy with google translate:
And the first fights we ever made, versus the awesome and friendly TUP guild:
Hope i have answered your question. Regards
(edited by Troma.3250)
You speak about respect, but all you do in your post Canooc is spit on us… huge ego and low skill… where is our ego when the same players always spit on us, and we do not answer, while others have very good relations with us? as a reminder of your AG friends:
This post was one of the most respectful, and the fights were really good. Take exemple on real respect before making generalitys on us. Outnumbering, running, siege, all servers do this…
1 year after, the hate of some people is still strong. In ALL other post versus other enemys, almost no problem, no bad words. And when we meet some SFR guys (not everyone ofc, i do not make generalitys me), full trash… meh…
Anyway, good week everyone.
@Wemil: when we fight with 20 Knights versus very big mass and do not whine, i don’t see why you speak about farm. We did good tanking and managed some good fights. You prefer see us running back, to say VS chicken? =)
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first fights of GCK for this matchup, sadly too much numbers at the moment. We did all we could, but with 20-25 people, it was almost impossible versus all thoses big army !
No problem btw, in the GCK codex all fight is taken and fleeing is forbidden. Good fights with SCND too ! even if it’s very hard because we are not a guild and only war/gards =)
In the linked image, we charged this mass without fear !
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Haha yeah, we cannot play in primetime before or after only. We talk about fights vs TUP a lot on our TS while doing events or in GC forum ! was so good. Yes, the fight at the beach was awesome, but too much people everywhere, what a chaos !
See you later, maybe in the tournament, dunno.
Dranul ! the GCK versus TUP fights were so good and fun. A Knight recorded it (the first fight is epic, even if we loose it, i love the way Brother-Captain Naestho make us evade your first spells)
and there is a lot of very good things, like the surprise charge we made on you, on bay. Actually we are still doing GCK events to counter Piken/Augury, but it’s very hard when there is mass mass THIS IS SPARTA from Piken, too much numbers; But they are good players too.
See you later maybe?
Yep i just want to warn and stay lucid. Anyway even it’s unbalanced (or not, maybe a lot of Vizunians will come back, who know) i will not surrender until the league is done! NEVER !
Strong and honest message, Andrew. Well, we will see how it’s hard, and i already know we will loose commanders again due to burnout. Even myself i will play a lot more, i will give all i got, i know Grand Cross too and i hope VS too. Because even if i respect you, you are our good old nemesis and i never forget it.
An interesting but very difficult era is coming. Our winter is coming.
Nah sorry Mighty but it’s a nonsense, you cannot deform what i say with some paranoid thoughs, i’m not offensive at all, even if it’s public. I never commented SFR like this and never predicted your fall. And i’m allowed to talk like everyone fs. I really think SFR has become a greater danger than before, because of the mass recruit you done, and your american help.
But i think it’s overkill for everyone even VS because we have no canadians, and all the people you got will be too much, even if we play 15h/day.
The false propaganda about canadians (1 year on VS, working for it, i know more than nobody there is no canadian guild, just 5-6 players) made you overreact. We are just playing too much. And we will face the same problem as before, tired night players vs fresh US players. Thats the only thing i want to say before league
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Dunno if it’s already over, but VS has clearly a lot less people than SFR 3.0, right now. We didn’t make recruit campaign, lost people over time, and didn’t have reinforcements. We have no canadians too (good old fake propaganda). So if our unsleeping nerds have to face very huge army of fresh guys at night, we won’t be able to win this.
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What? i’m not innocent of what…? i’m not anticipating anything, wth. I do not think Anet is going to destroy SFR. But if you have really 5 US guilds of 25-30 people like a SFR said to a GC, our french nerds won’t be able to counter this at night. It’s just pure maths.
and i never said this call to arms in particular defeated you…
Please, stop saying for me what i trully think
Sadly a CTA is not a long term solution… and it’s massive work for me. Btw i do not understand why you say it with sarcasm
Hello dear enemys, i came to read some of SFR post, and i think what i call SFR 3.0 (i started to name SFR 1.0, 2.0 etc, because at this time i had feeling it was like a videogame boss for me) will be very dangerous. We are excited for the tournament but we are suspicious of what real forces are waiting for us. American guild? new guilds? old SFR good guilds? we do not know yet !
Anyway, i just want to remember something before the start: we have no canadians, so if you have really a US guild, they will fight tired nerd frenchys. Thats what i told everytime vs RUIN or PRX: countering no sleeping guys with fresh other timezone is a little bit hard for us huhu but heh, we will face it and do not whine if it happen.
See you later, guys !
As said before, really a good week !
A lot of Vizunians had fun (depend on map, on some maps they were just too much for you, and it’s logical) and again it was one of the funnier week i ever had. We created GCK a week ago, so TUP provided the best training and tests ever, it was like the Dragon Ball time room because very strong opponent directly is good for the future tournament. Anyway when we play we are totally in enraged fanaticism mode.
No, do not listen canadian and 1 hour night waiting time rumor, at night there is no waiting time on borderlands (on EB 10-15 minuts everytime btw) except when i do call to arms. I think you are talking about GCK too Suljo (war/guards guild, attached screen) and yes even when outnumbered (when we are alone) it’s forbidden to run, so we charge.
To resume, i have seen a really good fighting spirit of Aurora, instead of some guys of a big server, you never give up and do not whine like Vizunians said on TS yesterday, when we battle against you we can feel the pleasure you have. Kodash was cool and did good work too. @Zenjii, thank you very much !
Definitely, a week i will remember in the future. And so refreshing when compared to some haters and perma whiners !
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Yes Amelia, very cool fights thank’s to Dawn and Tup, again, for all this epicness. Its really one of the best week i ever had on this game.
I came on EB at 3am and saw your current fight, until we stopped at Anzalias. as the GCK codex says, i can’t flee or disengage, so i had to charge the tower full of VcY/Tup/Dawn/Fire etc alone ! gn
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Please, refrain for going forum war again !
Thank you again ! i will bookmark this thread for the future tournament, when Hebril and some others SFR haters will start spit on us like everytime.
I heard TUP is a very good GvG guild, i didn’t know it because i put all my free time on GC/VS. I have to say you are very impressive in your moves and fighting style, specially your necros versus our Knights, it was pretty hard. Hard but so good to play ! Yesterday was one of the best night i had on gw2, really.
The fight at the camp, our surprise charge on bay, the fight on the “beach”, all was so epic.
See you maybe tonight TUP !
Awesome, godly bloody night with GCK versus TUP. Thank’s for all.
(edited by Troma.3250)
Thank for your words, refreshing after all this hate. I would like to show you the mini-site of GCK, the war/guards frontline force.
I hope you will like this. I recommend to put the sound on, and use Google Translate. Heya, ennemys.
It started when we met SFR 1.0 and some of their haters (not all of course). Then you know the story…
we heard so many s¨¨ (canadians, 100 man blob, 100 man blob on every map at 5 a.m, rats, frogs, white flag, chicken, vag***nah square…)
one day, we decided to stop answer on this forum, totally fed up with hate. Since, when haters spit on us, a few Vizunian answer but the others play instead of coming here
Yes Amelia
Sadly, i can’t answer you with precision: GCK is so a frontline group who get in fight when people need us: dangerous guilds on the battlefield, big scoring problem, VS raid being killed too much, for example. And because it’s an event team composed by war/guards of the Grand Cross alliance guilds, i can’t call the Knights on primetime (or only when i have raidoff Knights).
But if we come, it will be afternoon or after midnight ! See you
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You should read what the TUP said… great fights yesterday.
Anyway, the summer effect was terrible for us, as a lot of new player came and play zerk and do not listen lead. Not all of course, but we are trying to put back the good old methods and base.
Instead of fighting a raid with green arrow and selfish people, you should try a guild now (Grand Cross guild or not, not important).
It can be VM, LNM, WL, VSS, META, etc, there is lot others guilds, but you should. You could fight a good “pug” raid with good players and veteran lead too, it’s full random. Like always, 1 year after, people think 1 server = 1 guy. No, it’s situationnal, randomized, every situation and people turnover everytime.
We have to learn again newcomers the base btw. It’s our work.
For example, yesterday before prime it was a beginner lead with rerolls guys. How, how he could beat a guild? very difficult.
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Hello Dranul, to be exact you met LNM in prime time, and we GCK came at 00h to 2h30 as i told you IG and in my previous message, we are not a guild but a frontline group of tanks made for war.
Let be honest, TUP is a very strong guild, good strategy, moves, roster. Because Grand Cross Knights is an event group, we will maybe meet later this week. See you !
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Thank’s TUP for the great fights vs us, GCK (Grand Cross Knights). As a reminder, we are not a guild, but a frontline force of the Grand Cross alliance, made to fight and help Vizunians. We are only Guardians and Warriors. Flee and run is totally forbidden.
You are strong opponents.
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Great fights with Grand Cross Knights [GCK], the special frontline force of war/guards we made to protect Vizunians had a blast on Kodash map this afternoon and yesterday on EB. There is one main rule in GCK: running back, flee is totally forbidden. It’s an honor code group i made in reaction of “Vizunah run chiken tower etc”
Little tips for new taunters (…): there is no canadians on VS.
With respect, see you ingame !
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