Showing Posts For Trueshots.9456:

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


What I’m gonna do, is wait til I can get a good grasp on who’d winning, then transfer to that server…….Isn’t that what were suppose to do? Because my goal is to faceroll zerg with no competitive nature while im updating my Facebook status and surfing porn on the internet.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Fair 3v9 no gimmick.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Nahhhh dude, This is how you do it. xD Check Reply for the Time Watch it HD also check Chapter 1 if you want. xD

Nice one bro… Whatever it is, you still did great. But cant really do that with Decent players[/quote]

Hmm i watched the video and this is what I saw:
1. 20 people attempting to take a keep from approx the same numbers + npcs +siegeweapon
2. saw a guard throw a few range skill till he almost died, then ran in and built siege weapon to easymode it
3. after easymoding it, saw a solo kill he thought he could get, jumped out and got 1 kill, then died in 1.2784647 secs.

I mean Im sure you have better videos then that, i love vids please show me the good stuff though!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Highest Kill Count in All of GW2 WvW Goes To:

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


wow, when did people start calling me by the nickname “cliffs”? I like the sound of it though.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Fair 3v9 no gimmick.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Good point, Basically ur saying if people suck u can kill them if they don’t you cant….that’s pretty standard. I didn’t see any really talented players those boys were fighting in the video. Heck, I can get beat 2v1 if the guys better than me and the person I’m with. My point is that (98% of WvW’rs, are poor players. So the likelihood of 3 decent players running into 9 decent players is highly unlikely. Historical fact is that the larger the group usually the less talent per individual.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Fair 3v9 no gimmick.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Good thing you have the mental age of a 16 year white gangsta. “effin p*ssy B*tch” – really makes for a tasteful, enjoyable video.

Best comment on post, much more impressive than the actual video itself lol.

What they did wasn’t all that impressive imo, 3v9 (if that was even the actual numbers, i didn’t see that many honestly) that’s 3 per person. Killing 3 people by yourself is hardly a task in this game and isn’t even worth posting if ur holding all 3 orbs.

That being said would love to see more video, I’ll make sure I have my mute sounds on though for the next one lol

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Noob question

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


agreed with Cimmric but would like to add:
Transfer to Ferguson’s Crossing we need ur help

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

@ Ferguson Crossing Hardcore WvWvW players

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


We did well yesterday with 6, took a tower and Darkhaven showed up with literally over 50 players who tried to camp our six into the one shotters after they took the tower back, but it was nice to get 20-30 kills with no death, because those guy are pitiful players for the most part. Ive never seen so many people from one side in one place as I did yesterday for them to fight 6 people, it was quite funny!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Who is the best "commander" on your server?

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


“Fergunsons crossing doesn’t have one. though I’ve been encouraging poison caltrop to be one”

Aint that sweet of ya Yea seems no one will listen without that tag but to be honest, if youre offering sound advice in team/map and they still run off and do something stupid, not much can be done about that
The problem with Ferguson Crossing is we have a few commander that like to come out and take as much as they can as quick as they can, never upgrading or defending anything, always spreading themselves thin. Cant win like that, plain and simple….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Newbie

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


1.Taking a supply camp on the other side of the map that will be retaken by 20 guys before the next tick does not really help.
2. One guy cannot guarantee that a yak gets to a keep/tower after taking the supply camp if it’s on a hostile front.
3. The supply camp is worth the least amount of points per tick.
Most importantly…

4. I was talking about the guys bragging about killing stragglers and other roamers, not those actually contributing to the war.

Wow, im not even sure how to respond…….If i Attack all the supplies going into a certain keep while the zerg is attacking that keep, at some point there will be no supply in the keep to repair it, thus we win, if they have infinite supply in keep it takes an act of God to bring it down. 1st off, I personally can defend an upgraded supply camp by myself against 7-8 even 9 players. if I take that many out of the fight, then that is that many more not defending the keep our teams zerg is fighting at. if there are more individuals like myself roaming around we can take 20-30-40 people out of the fight with very little resources(manpower) used. simple as that. Most people suck in WvW about 95% of the players, so its easy to accomplish this if you just stay focused.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Why You Should always Zerg in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


My suggestion is that everyone learn to play their class, run solo or small group and quit zerging because they enjoy the competitive spirit of gaming…..that’s just my thoughts though.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Newbie

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Is it something a lone player can really jump in and explore and have some fun like dynamic events or does it really have to be much more coordinated like a raid?

You most certainly can go solo, contrary to what the above poster has stated. If you like a challenge I suggest it. I spend 90% of my WvW time solo. But as the above poster stated, you will run into zergs, mostly talentless players, so u should be able to kill 1 or 2 and run from the other 20. My theory, if you a decent player, why do you follow a zerg around anyway?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


And cole, read the whole thread before you post.

I don’t need to read the whole post, the ignorance in the 1st post was enough to show me exactly what type of player you are.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Seeing as how its impossible to get into an enemy base, be it legendary guards one-shotting an entire group, or the sheer height of the terrain, I find it incredibly unnecessary to give players inside their own base(and the clipping for this is very exploitable) a buff that makes them invulnerable. Any time an enemy group is pushed back into their base, they always stand on the edge of the mountain and kill stupid players that don’t understand they can’t be touched. I should be able to hit them if they can hit me, or at least let my scorpion wire pull them down. Please don’t cater to kitten tactics like this.

LOL, This just proves to everyone on this forum you’re an easymoding, “ill follow the zerg around” player that gets upset when he cant faceroll eveyrthing in front of him with 20x the players…….learn to play your class and go solo or small group away from someones base and you wont have this problem, players like you are pathetic……..

I bet my entire account, that your server is probably 10x the point up on the other 2 servers right now, lol why do people like you need a freakin raid when you out number people like this, AMAZING!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

things i find lacking in wvwvw

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


i miss recognizable enemies (player names !). nothing like a good bit of (ingame) unreasonable hatred and personal vendettas tot spice up life. Nothing like derailing a full warband from a siege to a different location because a single hated enemy players has been spotted there and his death now has become the number one priority. an enemy player’s name shouldn’t be shown in red above his head, but when i target him, i want to be able to see his name.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, feel free to comment.

Heck yea, i want to know the chump’s named that corpse jumped or /laughed or /cry’d on me when he had a 8v1… i can rez, hunt him down and jump on his dead body til he releases in shame…….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Being a Commander.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I still curious how having 100 gold from farming or buying it off ebay makes one a capable leader? can anyone answer this for me?

It doesn’t. Badges of Honor would have been better, but that still wouldn’t help. Best way would be some kind of voting system.

I hear ya man, the commander title in this game has nothing to do with WvW accomplishments, it doesn’t even make sense. I transferred to another server(larger one) the other day just to check things out. Those guys thought they were the greatest thing since sliced bread for having that commander tag. one stated to me “if they have earned the commanders title they know what they are doing and you should follow them!” i had a lot of fun w that comment

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Being a Commander.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I still curious how having 100 gold from farming or buying it off ebay makes one a capable leader? can anyone answer this for me?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

@ Ferguson Crossing Hardcore WvWvW players

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Hi there all,
Wanted to post this to invite you guys to some small/medium size group action. It is obvious that we are typically way undermanned. The last 4 days I’ve spent all day trying to hold on to a upgraded supply camp with 2-4 people. Why 2-4 people? because that all that was on the map lol.
We have a group of 8 people or so that are much better than the average player, so we have some good talent. Problem is we can only get 2-4 online at a time. So, were looking for players that share the competitive spirit of embarrassing the other side
This isn’t a guild invitation, just wanta try to find a few players so that we can at least get the numbers to 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. We shouldn’t have a problem, I haven’t seen the talent level on the other servers requiring much more that that. But doesn’t matter how good you are, you’re not winning a 1v10.
Nevertheless, Feel free to whisper me or mail me. We’d love to have an extra hand, were easy going and just trying to have fun. if you’re new, come on, well teach ya a trick or two. If you’re a pvp vet, even better!
Take care, and hope to see you guys on the battlefield beside me!

Poison Caltrop

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


OK guys, I apologize for being anal and OCD here but got some new data.
I think the armor runes are what is bugged, when taking them off i get no change what so ever.

my tool tip #1 skill is a 4 sec bleed (naked, no traits loaded)
after adding 30% from traits, 45% from armor, 20% from weapons(just found today u can use 2 and they stack), and 40% food
Thats 135% of the original tool tip.
That should technically be a 9.4 sec bleed but the actual bleed I get on a mob doesn’t even hit the 8 sec mark. Always a 7 sec bleed.
I reported this as a bug but thought you guys may know something I don’t.
To be able to go from 7 to 8 or even 7 to 9 would be an incredible difference in my build. thanks for help!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Ok, I need one you nerd types (more nerdy than me) to explain or enlighten me on duration times. let me give some back ground.

ok with 36% cond duration food, tool tip says 6.75 sec bleed on #1 pistol
add 10% from weapon sigil i get 7 sec
then if i add 45% from armor runes it doesn’t go up any and stays at 7%.

I thought this may be a tooltip error. But took all armor off went and shot some mobs I get 6s bleed on 6.75 tooltip
add pistol/10% still 6 sec on a 7 sec tool tip
add 1st piece of 15% armor and i get 7secs
add 2nd piece of 15% armor get 7 secs
add 3rd piece of 15% armor get 7 secs

So……seems like somethings not factoring in. Not just the tooltip seems to be wrong but the actual bleed i place seems to be wrong.

If anyone could help me clear this up would be great.

1 last thing, do the bleed ticks round? meaning if i have 7.75 sec bleed is this 7 ticks? or am i getting 75% of that last tick worth of damage. example, pretend mine do 100 per tick……do i get 700 total or 775total in damage?

Im sorry for being as clear as mud and as long winded as my wife when she tells me about her day or flowers or feminine products.

thanks for help!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Stealth and Supply capping.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Damage breaking stealth is by far the dumbest “fix” I’ve ever heard of. Stealth would literally have zero applicable scenarios, since going stealth doesn’t even break target immediately. Couldn’t use it for offense since you’d get hit by AoE, couldn’t use it for defense because you’d get hit easily while trying to run.

People think they know about balance when all they really want to do is just remove it from the game.

Get some kitten CC and this isn’t an issue.

Exactly! I take 4-7k damage after entering stealth from say like a ranger that has a channeled skill on me plus if there’s other AOE, i still take that. If anything, stealth is broken in regards to damage that is taken after entering stealth. People just want everything with their particular class. they want insane dps, stealth, high armor and crap ton of hit points. they ought to make a class called God Mode for these people so their sorry butts can compete with the average player…….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Stealth and Supply capping.

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


This was a fun incident.

We had a Thief that was runing around supply camp spamming stealth. We couldn’t catch him because he timed his Cloak and Dagger skill perfectly to keep stealth up 90% of the time. And while under stealth he/she prevented us from capping supplie camp for around 5 minutes.

What do you think? Fair game?

Id love to know what class you play. BTW 90% of the time is bit on an exaggeration. 1st off stealth on last max 4sec, unless ur in shadow refuge. but who wants to stay in that, it 100% obvious where u are and all that has to hapkitten AOE in the middle of it. Also after coming outta stealth there is a debuff called “revealed” that prevents you from going back in stealth for anywhere from 1-3+ seconds. SO, basically its impossible to be under that percentage of the time. Take it from me, I play a full bore. non dpsing thief lol.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Darkhaven vs Anvil Rock vs Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


It was fun while it lasted! Guess I’ll have to wait 6 days to play wvw again…

You my friend are what is wrong with our sever. So many fair weather players and so many people that only know how to play in zergs. People like you and those that have the same mentality are pathetic. Learn to play ur class and stop depending on zergs to accomplish something!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight