Showing Posts For Trueshots.9456:

why do some have partners and some don't?

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Well there’s 5 mins of my life ill never get back…

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Trapper thief is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


This is a horrible op build that is infecting WvW like the tasteless and unskillful players that use it. It is a crutch for the unskilled to compete………

does anyone have a build link? for purposes of condemning it of course……

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Just an update, tried this for 3 hours today before I boiled a pot of water and dipped my kitten into it, just to ease the pain and frustration of this. There were zero updrafts to get me off the ground, ZERO!!!!! WTF!!!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Legendary Weapon: Make or Buy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Thanks for the tips. I actually got a precursor drop in WvW the other day for Quip. But don’t have map complete so not sure what to do. I cant do the SW farm it kills me. I may just try to save better and stop crafting ascended for all my toons and focus on the legendary.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Legendary Weapon: Make or Buy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Im curious if it would be easier(faster) to get map complete and do all that is necessary to make a legendary or to farm gold and just buy it on the TP? I currently have about 35% map complete on two different toons and 50% on another(which i dislike playing). Any advice would be great, thanks.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


is this a real post or just for laughs?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

How to make Pistol/Dagger thief work?

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


to make p/d work u swap it into d/p and spam 5-2 all day

lol, its sad but its true…such easy mode and lacks skill, completely broken

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Build Help: d/p is everything, but......

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


hello all,

Im an on again off again gamer but love this game. I played pistol/dagger since launch after seeing “Wild Bill” videos. Its the only way I like playing even tho d/p is insane right now.

Im curious if any one can make any suggestions that could keep me being somewhat competitive. I know it will lack from the past but does anyone out there see any way to make this viable for me?

I was thinking of full celestial. I wouldn’t have the max condi damage and duration but I would have some sustained pressure with that gear.

Anyway, any thoughts or suggestions would be great.

Thanks ahead of time

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Help me fall in love again......

in Engineer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


May I ask you if you are talking about PvE, WvW or PvP? Also are you playing on EU or NA?

Is there anything other than WvW in GW2? I play on Furg Crossing NA server EST. Thanks

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Help me fall in love again......

in Engineer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Hey there hoping for some help. In beta and for first 3 months I played engie exclusively, found thief and never went back. After my last break from the game I was so disappointed in the thief I’m ready to go back to my original desired class, but only one problem…….I AM HORRIBLE!!

I don’t remember it being this rough but i’m definitely clueless on how to do this. I was curious if some now would be willing to chat with me in game and walk me through the class a bit.

I’m am really liking grenades atm but I have no clue weather to go for a condi build or a power build or somewhere in the middle? Do I need healing power or tough/vit? I am as clueless as a virgin on prom night! Any help would be great!

Message me in game or here on forums. Thanks in advance!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Thanks guys! Well I’ve had a few days to work on this, and Ive come up with this. I went power, reaper shroud, chill, and a bit of siphon. What do u all think?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Necro Spamwich Build & Keybinding Guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Honestly the best posting I’ve ever seen on a MMO forums……..There is a small part of me that wants ~Biklen to father my future children…….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Thank you guys for all the feedback and sorry for just now replying. I guess I always assumed I was getting condi burst’d when i looked up and saw all the condi’s on me. So your saying that this probably wasn’t the primary thing killing me? So is a power build a better option for necro’s now? Ive envisioned myself with a condi/ siphon build, but seems the more I read I maybe need a power build to make the siphon(personal heals) build work? What weapons and traits should I be looking at for something like this? Thanks for all the info and the thoughtful time put into these post!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Hey there all,

I am recently back to the game after a year or so lay off. I found that my p/d condi thief is utterly worthless and my ranger is not far behind. I played necro in spvp to try it out as mine is only 60 right now. but had a blast.

I know nothing of necro really, but what i had envisioned was a super heavy condi burst build. something i can blow every skill as a type of nuke. Is this possible? Would anyone mind sharing what weapons, traits, etc. I would need for something like this?

Also, I really only WvW, not much PVE or sPVP. Any help would be great. Thanks Much.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

How to fix Pistol

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Yea, Im just back to the game after a year off. I ran p/d since beta and was curious if it is even still viable? Its gonna be hard for me to switch, cant teach and old dog new tricks!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Fluffball, thanks. I’m looking now if i come out of the crit line and get survival of the fittest, that drops my crit chance from 50% is to 40%ish…would 40% be enough, if i’m still fairly tanky?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I typically only play my Thief except for 1v1’s then I like my ranger condi/regen build. But seems all my characters end up condi SO I’d like to convert Ranger to a high dps burst build that somehow maintains survivability. I’m wanting to use longbow and greatsword but i’m open to a different secondary weapon.

I like 30 in beast master for the regen, I have clerics armor now, haven’t committed to jewelry yet, zealots longbow as well.

I"m not looking for max dps because I know the more regen I have the more I will sacrifice in the damage department. But I’m hoping with 30 in Beast Mastery the pet damage will make up for it.

I have a very aggressive playstyle (which gets me in trouble a lot) so being semi tanky is helpful for me. I only WvW and I only roam (and rare occasion 1v1). Never zerg or play in large groups. Any help you can give would be great. Ill link what I have so far, but def up for changes depend on what you guys think. Thanks

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

[Yarr] - Ferguson's Crossing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


We like to roam around and kill baddies, then go to the forums and explain how bad those baddies were.

This actually sounds about right….so “check”

An honored member will tell you how good they are, then you have to tell them how good you are.

Matter fact this is how I got in!….so “check”

Whichever one of you does so while sounding like the biggest hypocrite, gets to be in our guild! It is that simple.

Umm, Yarr is hypocrites?, that would imply that they say one thing and do something else. I’m 100% positive we say and do the same thing, and thats zerg uplevels 5v1 and all wear dire gear and are all thieves… “check”

Just to conclude I’d like to ask you and all the others that claim “cheesy” all the time….Do you mind leaving an extensive inclusive list of all the classes, races, gear, traits, weapons, and food we’re (Yarr) not allowed to use even though the dev’s created it and everyone that has bought the game has the same access to it….? I really need it because I’m tired of dealing with everyone who cries over a simple death. I die 1v5 all the time and just run right back into it, thats how most Yarr get better. Fight your 1v1 an 2v1 vs skilless players and zerg, you’ll never get better….


~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Dishonorable Tag in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


yea i can see. Its almost impossible to win 1 man down. I love the system, just wish that for people that aren’t abusing it wouldn’t get screwed

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Dishonorable Tag in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


yea ive been told its like 15 mins if u bail in a game my problem is because of connection issue and being in a log screen I guess I was actually in the game, meaning every time i logged in and out trying to get back on it counted as a “abandoning team” which means i did it like 4x in a ten min period…. I understand the concept is working as intending, but its not taking into account problems with re logging back into the game

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Dishonorable Tag in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Hey there could use some advice. I logged into a pvp match and my computer froze so I had to restart game. I tried logging in about 3 times and could never get past the loading screen. Finally I was able to get in but I now have the “dishonorable” tag for 20 hours! Is there anyway to remove this? I was having cpu issues not abandoning my team. They need to fix the way this works!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

who is famous theif player

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


If you like P/D watch Wild Bill, hes the best in terms of P/D.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

i need a solo P/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I’ll chime in here (btw the build up top looks good, I could definitely work with that build). I’ve played P/D from launch and it is all that I’ve played, if i was force to do anything else I wouldn’t play thief. So you can take or leave my advice, but I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the play style. I am just back after a 4-5 month absence so I’m still catching up to all the new changes but it hasn’t affected my WvW play in the least so far. I actually feel quite a bit better than I was when I left, I guess that is due to the changes made (yes the ones I’m unaware of, lol). Anyway, I’ve posted what my build has been since day one, except for the new traits obviously. I go for max cond duration as apposed to cond damage. I go full Dire on everything. I stole this concept from Wild Bill, feel free to check out his YouTube channel for tips. Never the less this build is made for suitability and to out last you opponent and to avoid them at all cost, the longer you can stay under and let the bleeds tick (from max cond duration) the better off you are, especially when you get into a 1v3-1v5 situations. Its also a great build to toy with the back end of zergs. I’ve found the use of the confusion on steal and the #3 torment to be excellent additions to the original p/d thief on launch. It makes it hard for classes that can remove condi when you have so many cover up condi’s. Anyway I’d be glad to answer any questions on here or in game. I love talking p/d thief Take care!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Ascended vs Exotic...Where's Anet's Love?

in Crafting

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Your complaint is the reason that most intelligent players are not falling all over themselves to craft Ascended weapons….

You act like its an act of God to craft ascended, its not difficult. and yes the elite players are crafting ascended especially dps build….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Ascended vs Exotic...Where's Anet's Love?

in Crafting

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


But hey look on the bright side, that +2 bleed damage will surely make foes drop faster ;D

Exactly my point, Its very OP

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Ascended vs Exotic...Where's Anet's Love?

in Crafting

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Heres the Exotic Pistol with its Damage and Bleed Damage versus Ascended Pistol and its Damage and Bleed Damage.

How in the world can Anet justify how they have screwed cond build players? This is a freakin joke.

Anyone other than me just slightly upset about this???

Has anyone heard if they are gonna buff this or did I just waste my time with crafting this mess?


~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

11/1 Sorrows Furnace/Fergster/DR(Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I’ll be honest, this has been the worst week of WvW since launch. I’m not much for complaining about being out number mainly because i really enjoy it. With that I know I will get zerged occasionally, but this week is a joke. SF has a crop of very low skilled players, I don’t think ive been beat in a fair fight yet.

They will sit in a tower or keep with 7-8 guys on siege and 4-5 opponents on the ground. They will do this for hours at a time, i’m just so confused. I have no idea how to get in a semi decent fight this week, they are all cowards.

I fought a eng this morning on my ranger, he ran me into keep npcs 3x as he saw he was going to lose, so i backed away and went about my business, everytime he followed and did the same thing. So being the outstanding guy I am, I invited him to group and asked why he ran to npcs when he was beat? His response was classic…..“because you werent losing any health…..”

This is the epitome of the skill level of SF, these guys are so use to zerg easy mode they can’t fight decent players, its a joke. You boys need to strap on a pair and come out of your keeps……

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


About Dagger Storm and Shadow Refuge. If you’re feeling ballsy you could shadow step into a zerg, use up all your initiative with death blossom, drop shadow refuge and dagger storm, then shadow return back.

LOL, immobilize would kill me I bet

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I’m going with Dagger Storm since it deals bleed damage. Mix it with Shadow Refuge and you’ll be leeching health.

I’m going 0/20/0/30/20 with emphasis on pistol aoe and kiting.

I can’t believe i didn’t know dagger storm inside refuge healed……Do you stay in stealth? I wouldn’t think so. Nice tip!

Also im a little confused about the trait line up.

0= no mug or buffs to poisons and no + to cond duration

20=these builds are typically very low crit chance, seems like a wasted 20 points here

0= I have no clue how anyone plays a thief without 30 in SA line. Blind on stealth, 2 stacks of conds removed on stealth and regen in stealth. I will never give up those 30 points for sure. Also 300 toughness is HUGE in this game.

30= I like this line alway have at least 20 points in it but the 30pt skills are lackluster for me

20 = I’ve alway run 20 here but I’m seeing now where 15 and 10 may be a better choice

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Man great advice thanks all, after toying with it in the middle of the night. I tried this for a few fights before i fell asleep on the keyboard at 6am this morning. I’m gonna play with it tonight. I switched and put shadow step on my thumb which is really nice but downing players and looting is awkward. Never the less think its just gonna take time.

I like the “mug” for a free 2k heal and poison application, the venom to add 2 different conds, the 4 plex runs for yet another condition. The switching of weapons is nice for the 1k heal, still awkward to use.

In the time I spent I did win a number of 1v2’s and felt like I was back to decent form although feeling a little clumsy over the new key mapping and skills. I’ll keep you guys informed.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


To land your 5 skill make a habit of going through the enemy and hit when you are that close.

OK, just checked in game. I had “Melee Attack Assistt” checked in options. It says it prevents running through enemy to stay in melee range. I’ve always had this checked, is this my problem? please tell me yes!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


One other thing, a few suggestions that were made would definitely decrease my bleed duration. Do you guys feel that it is ok to pull back from that max 8 sec bleed duration on sneak attack?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Also I don’t agree with some of your trait choices but they are ok if you feel comfortable with it.

I agree with you I need shadowstep, i don’t mind using venoms either (nice to add the poison). Caltrops is really for weaker players and clearing NPC’s, plus I love the thought of using them and the animation

What traits would you suggest, which ones aren’t you liking?

I love the caltrops on dodge animation and would love to use it, but it seems it does a fraction of the damage that the utility caltrops does, in a smaller area, and it stays on ground very short time.


~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


To land your 5 skill make a habit of going through the enemy and hit when you are that close. Try sigil of torment and use shortbow when you can for poison.

OK after watching vincecontic’s video, I really think that 2 things are lacking from my skill set.

First and foremost The videos I watch of the best p/d thieves (or any thief for that matter), they never miss on the c/d, I miss multiple times in every fight. Thing is, it use to not matter no one removed conditions so just a few times from stealth and they were dead. Fights weren’t that hard.

2nd, I need to be using shadowstep. It is such an awesome skill and i never use it and here’s why: Anything that uses the aoe target I never use on any toon, I feel as if I fumble with it so much, it feel like the worst multi-task in the world. I talking any class I play, i run from it, I build around it.

Which brings me to my next question:
I have 2 thumb buttons on mouse they are c/d and interact(for quick loots, stomps, revives). I feel very confident in using those buttons but it seems awkward using the #7-#9 for Shadowstep. i only use keys 1-5 with my left hand so everything right of that gets clicked with the mouse button(utilities and elite), pro’s don’t do this I can tell by watching their videos. How are they hitting those buttons without moving their left hand off the movement keys? When I try it my toon is just sitting there not moving, which we know is death incoming.
I hope y’all understand what im saying and where i’m having trouble

Also what do you mean by “running through the enemy”. I try to go right at them but it seems to telegraphed and good players know what you’re doing and will avoid you and you miss the c/d.

Hope this gives you insight on my trouble so you can better advise me. Thanks!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I apologize. 100% WvW.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The Forgotten Pistol/Dagger Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


This is gonna be long so prepare yourself. I’ve played p/d since beta and I tried everything else, bottom line is I can’t wrap my head around d/p s/d s/p or even d/d. I know many will say it’s easy but when i try it, it feels so wrong. So….I’m looking for a way to make it as a p/d thief and just pray that Anet will give some love to condition thieves at some point. I’d love for any of you guys that have been playing p/d as long as I have to give me your views of how we can make it through this bumpy road. I’ll load my build below but its the standard build with a few modifications that “Wildbill” started.

My problem is so many classes have cond removal and I have no way to finish targets quickly as they are nearing death. Also it just seems that other condition class have so much better conds than we do as thieves. I use to slot full condition duration but have come off of it a little bit because it seems a bleed will never stay on 8 secs like it use to. It will get cleared way before that. So should I back down bleed duration to gain something else or stay as high bleed duration as possible?

Any suggestions will be very appreciated and I welcome discussion on the P/D thief. Thank You.

My Original Build:

Venom Build:

The Build I feel most comfortable with right now:

Ive played with all three of these and went mainly with 4 plex runes because sneak attack is as near to 100% chance to apply 3 stacks of confusion as you can get. I’m looking for ways to cover with misc conditions so my bleeds don’t get stripped. The venom build made me feel like I had no defense and after I blew my load I was toast.

C/D: I have always had issues landing cloak and dagger, my timing has never been great. Now a days its even harder when this build is based around it and so many good players are looking for this. QAdvice on how to land it better would be appreciated.

Food: I always run cond duration food…Pizza

Lastly the heal skill: I have always used stealth heal but tried withdraw for a few weeks, i hate not being able to get into stealth but since every player I face is a warrior these days the immobilizes and stuns are ridonkulous! it helps with that but doesn’t help clear conds like the stealth heal will.

Thanks ahead of time for any help.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Help me stay thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Watching yishis play on youtube I have to agree. I imagine he is just very good and kitten make any class look good, but what class can do what he does with his thief in his vids.

You are right, He is far better than 99.9% of all thieves, I play with a very skilled guild and none of our thieves could beat that guy even on his worst day……

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The best burst build

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Sniper Warrior soooo fun. Drop banner activate signets have thief friend keep you cloaked and crit for 19k. Do around frequented choke point where you have upper ground for maximum lolz.

Another great reason warriors aren’t OP, thanks for the tips…….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

7+ hours on queue @ WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


7+ hours on queue @ WvWvW ! unacceptable !!!!

Transfer to a lower tier server, I haven’t been que’s since game launch. Don’t worry you’ll still be able to zerg, just on a smaller tier.

I love the low tier WvW, it where real PVP happens!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Rank Not Account Wide :(

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Yea guard stacks are a MUST for all character in WvW weather roaming or zerging……It doesn’t make sense not to get those 1st.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Mugi D/D Solo Outnumbered Video

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


mug I fought a few fights with you today and i’ll say you were very impressive especially after watching those video’s kinda inspires me to look into a build that actually works. I was having some rough fights today and as of late, can’t get my head around the changes to classes over the last few months. Need to get outta this slump.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Help me stay thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Thieves are still very strong in many aspects of wvw. Warriors are lol though.

Didnt read anything but OP and this quote. and yes warriors are lol.

@ OP

Thieves suck donkey D right now. especially cond build. I followed Willbill (Slic) build after seeing him on YouTube. I fell in love and never whet back. But p/d is so inferior to almost all the other thief combos and almost all the other classes. As you said, Warriors do more damage, have better defense, have more regen, have better cond removal and can get away better. It seems mesmers can stealth more than me and heck a good eng can stealth 6-8 sec from what I hear. Even ranger gets a lil ole stealth.

Anyway, on to condition damage from thieves sucking. Almost every other class traited cond, is better at applying conditions. Lets be honest here: A nerco can one shot u with conds, mesmer can apply them fast and unrelenting, eng can make you die so fast to em it will make your head spin, a ranger with a/t and s/d will put them on you so fast and sit an watch you die while they regen at massive speeds, and warrior….well hell you don’t need conds when you have all the kitten they do!

Our crap is weak and I hope the do something about it, oh an since im all over the place ill continue my rant. d/d #3 on a thief is suppose to be some OP cond application…..its laughable, when i see thieves even using that skill I about pee my pants in laughter….so weaksauce, much like thieves this day in age!

Hope this helps

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

The best burst build

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


ive played since launch and ive seen some nasty 12k backstabs on people with full toughness gear, but lately ive been playing with a great guy on our server. Hes an eng that traits all damage and crit and grenades and a whole bunch of other stuff I don’t understand. Never the less when I go out with him before i can touch the target he will either one or two shot the target. All im there for is a stealth stomp. Its actually so ridiculous I just sit in laugh. The massive damage is more consistent than it is with thief. To be honest for a thief to one shot me he would have to c/d me for 5k and bs for 15k, which i believe is just over his limit on the bs portion. I can usually dodge the BS if im paying attention to the c/d. but never the less i would have a chance. This guys eng wasn’t giving anyone a chance!

Shout out to Zaragoz

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Rank Not Account Wide :(

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Never has been account wide, it’s per toon and that particular toons experience in WvW.
I hope they do not change it – it should be per toon that actually plays WvW.

He was referring to achievements including WvW achievements which have always been account wide. I think his surprise is why achievements are account wide and WxP isn’t.

Either way, I agree. WxP should be account wide or easier to level by a factor of 10 or more. Capping a player takes about 80 hours. Capping masteries takes more than 1500+ hours and capping WvW levels takes 10k+ hours barring a wunderkind. Ridiculous to believe someone will do that with two characters much less three or more.

Preach, preacher

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Rank Not Account Wide :(

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I’m pretty confident no one wants the actual skills bound by account, just the wxp. This would allow you to keep each characters roles, yet not detour you from playing more than one character.

example) The 100 rank points worth of wxp on your account would allow each character on that account to have access to character bound 100 rank points.

Exactly, you wouldn’t have the same skills on every toon. Just the point access.

Also just because I’m on another toon doesn’t make me a noob to WvW on that toon, quite the opposite. I spend 99.9999% of my gaming time in WvW. Weather i play a thief or a ranger or whatever doesn’t make me any less competent to play WvW. If I work hard for rank I should get to use it on all character especially in light of this fact: None of the skills are class specific and wouldn’t make one class better than another if used. They effect all classes equally, which is very nice imho.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Rank Not Account Wide :(

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Im sitting at 182 magic find for the last 2 months (I had 4 B’day boosters and only used them on my main) I’ve played a lot last 3 weeks, I’d say over 40 hours a week, before that i didn’t even play every day, but in saying that, I have gotten very little liquid xp for sure and i give all of it to my main. I’m only like rank 75 or 80 on him and it seems like it takes an act of God for me to rank. I never play with zerg, I am always solo or with a group of 2 or 3. That may be my problem. 90% of play time is killing players the other 10% is flipping camp, sentries and very rarely towers.
Another game I played before this gave XP based upon the amount of damage you did to the particular player killed. So if i did 90% of the damage and someone run ran up and did 10% at the end we would get XP accordingly. The fact we both get the same is just lame imo. This promotes zerging and never learning to play your character well enough to actually have a decent fight against another player.
Skill should be rewarded not the other way around. Im not saying that the average Joe should get screwed for playing casually, i’m just saying that all players should be expected to have some knowledge on how to fight on their chosen class.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

WvW Rank Not Account Wide :(

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Just wondering what others thoughts were about WvW rank not being account wide. Im a lil upset tbh. What I liked about GW2 at launch was all achievements and such were account wide. This did not discourage playing multiple toons in WvW. Now if you wanta rank you’re stuck to one toon. Hope they will change this!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Help With Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Ok my first toon was an Eng at launch but I fell in love with thief about 2 months in and never went back. I hate having a level 80 sitting there not doing anything so, I need some help figuring this out.

I know theres been a lot of changes but I have no clue what they are. I’m interested in two builds maybe you guys can help out a poor soul.

Build 1: Strictly for trolling, massive health regen and survivability. I could care less if I ever kill someone.

Build 2: 100% max damage, grenade thrower. I’m talking one shotting people here. I’ve seen it done so I know you guys know the build. Could care less if the wind blows so hard that i’m put into a downed state and die miserably.

So any help would be great. Thanks!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

10/25 DH/GoM/FC (Week 2 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Im going to be honest, I’ve never in my life seen so much zerging………

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Regeneration Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Think ill try doing away with BM line if you guys think u can still have top regen without it, only thing i see is that’s 300 HP you’re gonna lose, thats a lot!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight