Like most have mentioned, GW1 didn’t really pick up until the NF + EotN expansions. .
This must be a PvE view. GW1 was at it’s peak just prior to the first expansion. It was beautifully balanced, then the assassin in particular unbalanced the game and it struggled to find that nice skill balance point again.
But what GW2 clearly is missing is GvG. We’ve all said it since beta, GW1 had the best PvP mode of a game to date and the devs thought this game mode was either too “elitist” or didn’t produce fun battles. I dunno which. Still a clearly poor choice. sPvP is awkward.
PvE is infinitely more interesting in GW2 than GW1.
Not precisely, although GvG / Arenas / HA were quite fun, I’ve never been addicted to it’s PvP until they released Alliance Battles. That’s all I ever done for years, AB, AB, AB. Alot of ‘elitists’ didn’t count it as real PvP, but it’s the most fun I’ve ever had in a game. Gw2 only managed to introduce a smaller scale version of AB. And I truly hate WvW, since it’s a pure zergfest, and nothing tactical about it.
But yeah, PvE wise, when NF introduced heroes things got ALOT better for the PvE crowd.
Concerning the unbalance of PvP when the sin was introduced, it’s to be expected. When the dervish was introduced in NF, it was one of the most powerful melee in the game. It’s to get players buying expansions. It happens in every MMO.
“Swearing is a really important part of one’s life. It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing and without enjoying swearing… There used to be mad, silly, prissy people who used to say swearing was a sign of a poor vocabulary -such utter nonsense. The people I know who swear the most tend to have the widest vocabularies and the kind of person who says swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves… The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a kittening lunatic… I haven’t met anybody who’s truly shocked at swearing, really, they’re only shocked on behalf of other people. Well, you know, that’s preposterous… or they say ’it’s not necessary’. As if that should stop one doing it! It’s not necessary to have coloured socks, it’s not necessary for this cushion to be here, but is anyone going to write in and say ‘I was shocked to see that cushion there, it really wasn’t necessary’? No, things not being necessary is what makes life interesting -the little extras in life.”
~Stephen Fry
And as ever, the one who makes the most sense, is an Englishman. (Watch his documentary, it’s so true)!
I never understood why people report for bad language. And I guarantee the ones who report have the profanity filter off. I don’t understand it. Swearing, no matter how rude is a part of our lives, and we always have to let off a little steam.
It’s ridiculous if bans are given out for swearing. By all means, if someone is constantly throwing abuse towards someone/a group, that should be considered a ban-able case.
If people are offended by swearing in this day and age, build yourself a time machine and go back to the 18th century, and please, stay there.
Like most have mentioned, GW1 didn’t really pick up until the NF + EotN expansions. So I’m still hoping GW2 will improve massively over time like it’s predecessor. So far it’s an amazing game, with a good deal of content. And I’m still happy to see some long term goals + achievements to keep us occupied, since this is what worked for GW1, which has kept the game running for years, and still is.
A few things I am disappointed in though:
• The lack of decent guild structure. Giving people the ability jump between guilds wasn’t the best idea. It doesn’t feel like you’re a part of tight-knit community of friends or fellow guildies. Plus it’s bad for activity when half your members aren’t representing and guild chat becomes a total barren. Also the lack of Guild Halls is very disappointing. This is what made guilds special. The small communities with a place to hang out.
• When ANet announced that the skills will be simplified, I didn’t think they would destroy one of GW1’s shining features, the huge variety of skills and builds. Once you gain all possible weapon combos and skills by level 20, it feels like a drag hitting max level. Using the same skills over and over.
• No dedicated healing class. I’m sure Monk players were devastated when they first made guardians. With the lack of trinity/true tanking, Monks made up for that. Guardians only offer what I see as support. No direct and powerful heals, just slightly helpful boosts and regen.
Aside from those, I’m still having a blast playing this. It’s worth every penny, and I think for the amount of years put into this game, it’s a job well done. And I’m looking forward to future content and improvements as this game progresses.
Just copy-paste WoW’s cross server LFG tool, just get any LFG tool with cross server capabilities. It will vastly improve this game. When RIFT was released it didn’t have a LFG tool, as soon as it got one, suddenly the game was ALOT more fun.
I too have been playing since pre-release, and I’ve only ever done AC (story), because I’m not willing to sit in towns spamming LFG all day, when I can just click a few buttons and automatically find a group.
Last thing I want to see this game become is a f2p grindfest mmo with the level range hitting the hundred+ mark. 80 is a good solid number, and leveling should stop there. Like others have said, GW1 had, and still has an incredible amount of content for a game which limit characters to just level 20. Learn from GW1, and do not make the mistake of adding extra, but add new content, armor, weapons, skills etc, like it was done in GW1.
It’s like this game is designed for ex-WoW players, and GW1 players just get a ‘yeah we don’t care. kthxbai’ from Anet.
Piken Square is the European RP server.
Does that not mean US players can’t transfer there? I’ve played on a few US servers, and there is little, if no difference in ping.
If there are any US Role-players who can’t get into Tarnished Coast, and it seems impossible at this point to get in anyway, I’d recommend them to head over to Piken Square to help boost the population a little.
Right, I’ve played GW1 for almost 6 years. Now I haven’t once complained about the lack of the ‘holy trinity’ in that game, because it wasn’t needed. There were hundreds of skills you could choose for your build. And hundreds of combinations, since you could have 2 classes. Because of this, you could fit into any role, and you could adjust to any situation a certain mission/dungeon would throw at you.
Unfortunately, I was very dissapointed with the GW2 group system+dungeons. There seems to be no order, no adaptable situations. It all just seems like a huge cluster **** and no one has any idea what’s going on. I understand GW1 worked since you had a huge variety of builds and parties of up to 8 players, but it’s just ridiculous here. I’ve only ever done AC, and I’ve gotten to 80 without touching another dungeon.
Now I’m not asking for the holy trinity like every other boring overplayed MMO, but to see some sort of aggro system, rather than the already, hard hitting mobs, just AoEing your entire team down, respawning, repairing, then dying again. Until you manage to take down 1 group of enemies. I’d like to see tanks, actually be able to tank, rather than put useless points onto defensive traits and skills.
Since GW2 announced it will be having races, I instantly thought, “CHARR! MAKING A CHARR! NO QUESTION ABOUT IT, ANET YOU BETTER MAKE CHARR PLAYABLE!”. So here I am, years later, a Charr Warrior, the day before official release. For the next several days, the Charr starting zones are packed. The quests are fun, the story draws you in, you’re not in some sorry circle of heroes, you’re in a freakin’ warband, and your capital is the Black Citadel, and it looks pure BEAST (can’t believe how lame I just sounded there).
The Charr and their lore has always kept me interested since the first day I played Proph. But like mentioned above, most will pick Human and Norn, simply because they ‘look cooler’ with the armor and weapons. I definitely know some people like other races more, but for the sole purpose of looking good they pick these two. Or ofcourse, the millions of players who’ve grown accustomed to playing just the one race on GW1 for years.
I’m kind of sad they killed off the Dwarves tbh. They could have done so much more, and could’ve replaced those silly plant people.
If they’re releasing new continents like they did in GW1, and it’s Cantha, I want it now!
I 100% agree with you. I have to say Straits of Devastation isn’t too bad, but the other areas are incredibly frustrating. Sure end game is meant to be more of a challenge, but it shouldn’t feel like a chore. It’s meant to be entertaining because you’ve spent hours upon hours getting to that level, and you’re not being rewarded for it.
The map design is amazing, don’t get me wrong. You’re filled with wonder when you enter, since in GW1 little was known about why Orr was destroyed or what became of it. The exploration is fun and the scenes are amazing. But to experience the good side of Orr, you’re literally being punished by the MASSES of risen walking around everywhere, and it’s put me off going there again to finish up the areas for Map Completion.
Like the OP mentioned the Frostgorge Sound zone. That was a relief when I went there. The quests and exploration are actually fun. Mainly because you’re not trying to get from waypoint to waypoint, quest to quest, while taking a right beating from the 40-50 Risen swarming you every inch of the map.
They need to re-consider the number of risen there should really be, and the number of events/group events for the number of players there. Because I don’t want to be getting smacked about by champion mobs while trying to grab a PoI or a waypoint etc.