Showing Posts For Vegito.3048:

Please dont change PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


I’m having a blast in this meta.

Makes you realise how many players in the EU community were being carried by the old celestial.

+1 for NA.

Rantev [Warrior]

Spectating people's traits DCS from game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vegito.3048


When you try to spectate someone’s traits in a pvp arena, you get dced from the game.

Rantev [Warrior]

Traits Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Relog. They work afterwards.

Rantev [Warrior]

[Bug] Free berserkers power

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Does the effect seem to stack if you do it multiple times? Imagine a super buffed Kill Shot or Evis.

Na it doesn’t stack, it overlaps

this is one a serious flaw.

if you got the lvl3 20% damage up, you will lose if you made a lvl1 burst after it.

Yeah this is really annoying.

Rantev [Warrior]

to auto target or not to auto target?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Bump, would like toggle button too

Rantev [Warrior]

Veteran Players get too much.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


It’s partly satirical, but it certainly has a point to it that is easy to agree with.

Rantev [Warrior]

HoT: will you upgrade or get a new account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Get new account. Log in daily to new account to get laurels. Convert laurels. ????. Profit.

Should work right?

Rantev [Warrior]

Veteran player here to say Thank You Anet!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Bump, great game. Not giving purchasing the expansion a second thought. I have a couple of 80s but I don’t like all the classes enough to have to worry about deleting one for revenant. Even so, I can buy my character slot for gold instead of money.

Idk what people are crying about. If you even bother to play any of the weekly tournaments, you can easily accumulate gems. Even fron logging in daily you can get tons of laurels to convert to gold. And gold can be converted to gems.

Rantev [Warrior]

(edited by Vegito.3048)

Stance overhaul Ideas

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Clearly frenzy was getting out of hand with the number of people using it. We need to make it even less appealing to use, especially if you have a ranged weapon. Longbow rifle was too meta.

Rantev [Warrior]

Dear Warrior Community

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


It will be interesting to see which of our skills, if any, get slow and taunt.

Rantev [Warrior]

Cleansing Ire no longer 'on hit'

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


But the main problem is that CI is too desirable becouse it provides adrenaline on hit, which is a functionality that should be made baseline.

Agree with this. At the very least it should be split off of cleansing ire and added onto another trait.

Rantev [Warrior]

Dear Warrior Community

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


I happen to be a double melee zerker player myself, and I figure that running strength + arms + discipline may still work same as before for me. I used to run 6/0/2/0/6 healing signet/endure pain/frenzy/zerker stance/rampage.

The only problem is that shoutbow gets a buff in its own trait line + it can take both 6 in discipline AND 6 in defense. The fact that specs other than zerker warrior are being strongly buffed will only make it harder for zerker warrior to stay competitive. I mean, fighting a shoutbow was hard enough. Now they’re buffed and have defy pain lol.

Rantev [Warrior]

(edited by Vegito.3048)

Dear Warrior Community

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


To the people feeling like we got left out of good changes, shoutbow and condi warrior will be stronger than ever.

More to the point, we don’t know our specialization yet. Perhaps it will fill in the missing pieces. Maybe it will make shouts do damage so that zerker warrior can now be played with shouts! Hahaha. Jokes, jokes. But seriously, don’t lose hope! I’m sure that there will be some cool things to put together from the new trait lines that don’t involve shouts.

Edit: There are going to be some nuts zerker variants. Just give it a little thought. There is some mean synergy.

Rantev [Warrior]

(edited by Vegito.3048)

What is This Weeks News?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vegito.3048


In other words, there is nothing so far.

Rantev [Warrior]

New Spec info

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Uh yes they are lol.

Mesmer → Guardian
Necromancer → Ranger
Ele → War
Thief → Engi

The first 3 check out so far.

Rantev [Warrior]

WvW dolyak mastery + escort xp

in WvW

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Oh sweet, thanks for letting me know that. Didn’t see those. That’ll solve most of that issue then.

Rantev [Warrior]

Daydreamer set: Amazing job

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Personally it’s one of the few sets I see almost no appeal in, the exception being the green flame on the torch.

Rantev [Warrior]

WvW dolyak mastery + escort xp

in WvW

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Escorting dolyaks is quite difficult and fairly unrewarding to the player(s) doing the escorting. You could have a party of 5 escorting a dolyak and a single warrior on a mission could still annihilate it. With the upcoming importance of dolyaks in the upgrading of towers and such, dolyak [escort] mastery should become a thing.

Random ideas:
->Have dolyak hp scale with players around it up to a certain point.

->Dolyak mastery gives dolyak iron hide.

->Dolyaks give wvw xp every few seconds to people who remain within a radius around it. The radius should probably be big in case attackers need to be chased off or some sort of tagging system should be in place.

Rantev [Warrior]

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


not agree on warrior being gods.
still depend on actual player skill.

just because a very small handful of players play warrior good, does not mean warrior needs to be nerfed, again.

warrior doesnt need to be nerfed when it removes 100% of all condition builds from the meta?

Easy fix. Soldier runes now have a cooldown.

Edit: runes of the trooper*

Rantev [Warrior]


in Necromancer

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Power necroes in the house! Time to bring the wicked deeps.

To all those a tad salty that necro isn’t entirely focused on support…better luck next time.

Rantev [Warrior]

Burst mastery/Burst precision - Merged

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


I think burst precision kicks kittens and I hope it remains unchanged. Merging burst mastery and burst precision is overpowered.

Rantev [Warrior]

4v5 sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Honor the 4v5 by sitting out if you’re on the team with 5. Lets the other 8 players have an even match.

Rantev [Warrior]

Can we get a congratulations to ORomNG?

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Nos got his kitten handed to him because of necro weakness. They should have never replaced OE. Because nos was out of play so much they were 4v5ing so much

Nos was target #1, but five gauge and toker seemed to be the ones going down a lot more. I’d say he did pretty well considering how much everyone was focusing him.

Anyways, was rooting for ORNG because like someone else said, they were running more zerkery stuff and it was fun to watch. Plus Rom seems super respectful and positive and I find that to be really cool, contrary to the stupid trash talking people seem to be so fond of at times.

Edit: Like that sportsmanship from phanta. Respect.

Rantev [Warrior]

Can we get a congratulations to ORomNG?

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Edit cause somehow i double posted. x_X

Rantev [Warrior]

(edited by Vegito.3048)

Dragon Ball is my favorite Activity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Hi, I’m Vegito and I approve of Dragon Ball.

Rantev [Warrior]

AG vs hero battle tactics recorded on toaster

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Didn’t record the win on forest, but here are the matches on foefire and khylo. Enjoy.

Rantev [Warrior]

AG vs hero battle tactics recorded on toaster

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Didn’t record the win on forest, but here are the matches on foefire and khylo. Enjoy.

Rantev [Warrior]

Toggle autotarget

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


This feature would be amazing.

Rantev [Warrior]

Thief and Chill

in Thief

Posted by: Vegito.3048


That was all actually really well said. I like your arguments.

I feel it evens out since chill can really negate the defensive capabilities of stealth. Gaining stealth while chilled probably won’t prevent much damage because you’ll still be in range of attacks(if melee) or still relatively close to the point of origin(if ranged) meaning AoEs or simply people who continue autoattacking in melee still have a good chance to hit.

The defensive options of a thief are not limited to stealth. Mobility is a gigantic part of it. Instant mobility from multiple skills that have the capacity to teleport you. On top of that, some of these teleports remove condis. Look at shadow return and infiltrator’s return.

That aside, thieves have some condi removal to deal with chill. In regards to chill, they don’t even need any traits to remove it every 15 seconds with the use of withdraw – the heal that evades, removes chill, cripples, and immobs. If traited for it, going into stealth has the capacity to cleanse condis every 3 seconds as well.

You can’t really make cross class comparisons either, cds and initiative are very different. For example, if I’m playing say a mesmer, I can exhaust my cds on one weapon set, then switch to the next and start all over. However, if I’m a thief and I spend all my initiative on one weapon set, switching to the other still leaves me with the same initiative and no skills to use till it regens.

This is true. However, this also allows the thief to exhaust their cooldowns in ways other classes cannot. Thieves have more of a choice to make as to which skills they wish to use, but they can do so repeatedly and with huge flexibility.

Initiative typically regens at a rate of 1 ini a second if I’m not mistaken, but this can be augmented with initiative regen traits and utilities, such as hastened replenishment (heal skill grants 4 ini on use) and roll for initiative (grants 6 ini, breaks stun, evades, removes chill, cripple, immob, is an evade) to name two. Roll for initiative also removes chill, while also granting initiative.

In addition, if it slowed initiative regen, you would be hurting thieves arguably more than other classes. Initiative is required for ALL weapon skills, so slowing its regen affects all weapon skills. But against other classes, chill will only affect the cds of skills that are already on cd or put on cd once chilled.

Other classes also do not have ways to reduce their cooldowns through initiative regenerating skills. Thieves also have several ways to deal with chill, especially with two skills that remove it on demand – one of those also granting initiative.

Most people do not take initiative regenerating skills and traits on thief because if they can skillfully manage their initiative, there is more than enough of it to go around. Having chill affect initiative regeneration would not be a huge deal with the ways that thieves have available to them to deal with the threat of it, and I feel that it would be balanced as opposed to them completely avoiding half of the condition’s effect.

Rantev [Warrior]

Thief and Chill

in Thief

Posted by: Vegito.3048


I was wondering what the design philosophy in regards to thief being the only class whose weapon skill cooldowns are not affected by chill is.

Granted, thief utilities and heals are still affected by chills, but chill significantly hinders the cooldown management of other classes, while not affecting the cooldown resource of the thief: initiative.

Rantev [Warrior]

PVP NA Zerker Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Let’s be real, when played to the fullest a zerker comp is the best comp.

Those were good times man.

Yes, yes they were!

Dangit you guys are full already Oh well. GL with the team.

-Teef Teef Teef Teef

The team isn’t full by any means. I just made the forum post yesterday. Anyone who is interested, feel free to mail me/message me in game, or drop a post below. Thanks.

Edit: To be more clear, the names of the people are the people I used to play with, not current members.

Rantev [Warrior]

(edited by Vegito.3048)

PVP NA Zerker Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vegito.3048


~Postponed until after Feb 7’th or the WTS.
Hello, I am known as Rantev (War), or Mr Vegito (Nec).

I’ll try and keep this concise. I’ve always wanted to form a 5 zerker team and make it work. It’s explosive, it’s exciting, and best of all, it’s very fun to watch for the audience. Making something like this work against the odds is something I’ve wanted to happen since it worked a long time ago for me and a squad of friends.

To me, zerker fights are the most fun to play in, and the most fun to watch. If a successful 5 zerker team emerges, I hope that more people will try zerk-oriented comps because quite frankly, I find them much more fun to play against and much more fun to watch. Perhaps other people do as well, and it may bring like-minded people back to the game.

TLDR: Because zerker fights are fun to watch and fun to be in, it may entice more players to spectate gw2 and play it. That’s just my theory. The Zerker Theory.

I invite any and all people who feel that they are skilled with their zerker class to join me in Zerker Theory so that we can try to build successful team compositions. The team I currently had in mind looked something like this:

Scepter/dagger ~ focus ele OR Staff ele
S/p Thief
DPS warrior or Power necro (my role)
Not sure what two classes to add to this. My old successful 5 zerker comp was:

Power Ranger (Eurantien)
S/P Thief (Tessa Avery)
Scepter/Dagger Ele (Lord Earle)
Mesmer (Lil Red)
Axe/Shield Lb war (Rantev)

Feel free to post in this topic, or message me in game about this. No rush in making a team, though I wouldn’t mind if it formed quickly either.

Rantev [Warrior]

(edited by Vegito.3048)

[NA] Thief LF Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Fantastic mechanically, especially in most 1v1s.

Rantev [Warrior]

[NA] Warrior/Elementalist LF Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Bump cause Olrun is synonymous with rekt your health 2014. And that’s before he uses his greatsword.

Rantev [Warrior]

Ferox Looking For a Team [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Pros: Great guy, good player, rotates and communicates well. Definitely has his moments, works well with thieves in 2v2s. Would definitely recommend him.

Cons: Likes to talk over people in teamspeak. >.<


Rantev [Warrior]

Necromancer Patch note poll

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vegito.3048


A poll! A poll!

Rantev [Warrior]

Referenced memory 0x47415547 error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vegito.3048


I did, the game won’t even start. The error popped up instead of starting a repair.

I fixed this error by just re-installing the game. Doing a system restore did not work.

Rantev [Warrior]

Referenced memory 0x47415547 error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vegito.3048


“The instruction at 0×47415547 refrenced memory at 0×47415547. The memory could not be written.

Click on OK to terminate the program."

This error pops up when I try to launch gw2.

I’ve been playing fine every day until this randomly popped up this morning when I booted up my computer and I tried playing.

Rantev [Warrior]

War nerfed too much, we need improvements?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Nerf cleansing ire please.

Rantev [Warrior]

Reviving Guild Wars 2 if it stops thriving

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Alright alright, thank you for all the constructive feedback. I see your points. But at least think of the possibilities (for fun)! The stealth killshot warrior idea made me chuckle a little bit.

Thief/Mesmer would just shadowstep and blink away to disengage any enemy lol. Zerg inc? Nope, I’m already stealthed 2100 range away.

Rantev [Warrior]

Reviving Guild Wars 2 if it stops thriving

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


GW2 took 90% of the GW1 population when it was released due to it being a sequel. No one wants to go back to a game killed by its sequel. Besides, most people who have been playing GW1 have been playing it for years. GW2 is something a little newer. Adding something like this to GW2 would be completely different seeing how combat is not very similar in the two games.

I’m not suggesting to add this any time in the near future. I’m talking about adding this when the game needs a revamp that will really throw things in for a loop and bring people back into the game to try new things. This wouldn’t even require the developers to actually develop much of anything – the skills are already there – they would just need to change how things work.

I’m throwing the idea out there in case something needs to drastically change later down the road so that there is a new way for players to enjoy themselves in a game that was previously stale and out of options. GW2 is not that game right now, especially with the big feature patch around the corner. This is an idea for when GW2 needs this to re-spark the interest of its playerbase.

This isn’t really aimed at bringing new players in. It’s more so aimed at keeping the current playerbase interested and potentially bringing back players who were waiting for some big changes to hit GW2 to play again.

Lastly, I think your point about the learning curve is valid, but I’m an average player, and I had little trouble with getting into GW1. GW2 is very simple already. Adding something like this won’t make it much more difficult for new players. It will however keep them entertained longer.

If you really wanted to, you could save the new players from the higher learning curve by reserving dual class builds for level 80. To be honest, I don’t think it would really be necessary as PVE players would probably have a blast with it.

If it was really necessary, the game could go as far as to split into modes of the old and the new for things like PvP (e.g. servers/arenas where people are allowed to run dual classes, and servers/arenas that run on the single-class system). That way, people who liked the single-class system would still have the option to play that way, while others could play with a dual-class system.

Rantev [Warrior]

Reviving Guild Wars 2 if it stops thriving

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Build Diversity and Replayability Through the Guild Wars 1 Dual Profession System

If, or when, this game gets to the point where it needs something major to revolutionize it, try injecting the Guild Wars 1 approach into it.

One of the main reasons why people loved Guild Wars 1 was because of the insane build diversity. There were many skills per class, but what really made Guild Wars 1 interesting was the ability to use skills from a different profession.

Say, you roll a warrior. Your warrior could become a warrior/necromancer, or a warrior/ranger etc.This granted you access to the skills that your secondary profession offered.

How is this relevant to Guild Wars 2?

If ArenaNet ever feels the need to really bring lots of interest back into the game through a radical approach, they could allow classes to use utilities from different classes. Let me go more in depth.

The Somewhat Balanced Approaches

1. Sacrifice your elite to use a utility from a class of your choice. A warrior replaces signet of rage to get ice bow as a utility. A thief replaces basilisk venom to get endure pain etc.

2. Sacrifice a utility to use a utility from a class of your choice. A warrior simply replaces one of his utility slots with a utility from a different profession. A warrior replaces a slot that could have had bull’s charge in it with ice bow etc.

The More Radical Approaches

1. Allow a class to take as many utilities from another class as they want. A warrior/thief takes shadow step, shadow refuge, and devourer venom as his utilities. A mesmer/guardian takes sanctuary, contemplation of purity, and decoy.

2. Allow a class to have trait trees from both classes. A warrior/thief has access to Strength, Arms, Defense, Tactics, and Discipline as well as Deadly Arts, Critical Strikes, Shadow Arts, Acrobatics, and Trickery.

More specifically, this warrior could take Furious Retaliation, Critical Haste, and Executioner if he wanted to, while spending the rest of his trait points in his trait lines. If he wanted to, he could spend all of his trait points in the thief trait lines.

The Extremely Radical Approach

Do both of “The More Radical Approaches.”

So what’s the good thing about all of this? There will be build diversity like never before. There will be many OP builds, but there will be so many builds available that everyone can run crazy builds that may be OP. Build crafting will be extremely fun.

Speaking of OP, this would be very hard to balance, if balancing was needed. When you have so many options, there will be awesome builds for everyone.

The bad thing is that this will require people to re-learn some things. For instance, when someone fights a thief, they don’t expect to be immobilized in a well-bomb. They also don’t expect a thief minion master using thieves guild.

People are used to fighting different classes a certain way, and for the most part, they know what to expect. If any of these approaches are taken, there will be chaos. People won’t know what to expect. In a sense, that is a refreshing change to some people.

Lastly, this approach could build really well off of the ideas in the April 15th patch. What I mean is that ArenaNet decided to have us new traits through quests or gold. Skills from other professions could be unlocked in the same fashion.

This would create nearly infinite ways to play the same game simply through exploring countless builds, and that replayability factor would bring new life to Guild Wars 2.

Rantev [Warrior]

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Hold the entire tourny on Skyhammer….nuff said

5v5 decap engis only.

Rantev [Warrior]

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


While many people have issues with the MMR system, I would definitely support this approach as opposed to any others that immediately come to mind.

Yes, the accuracy of the current MMR system is not very defensible. Despite this, at least it is a supported system of the game, and I feel we should use it. It would accurately identify teams that have never participated in the PvP game mode. I’m sure exceptions will occur, such as: “I recently had my account banned”, or “I just transfered from EU”, but there’s no reason why admins couldn’t override it.

To add to this approach, I would like to suggest the idea that only players with an arbitrary number of games (e.g. only players who have played 100 games or more) played should be considered. Players with a low number of games have a tendency to be extremely volatile across the leaderboards, meaning that you could have someone with only 17 games be rank 18 on the solo que leaderboards (speaking from past experience).

That volatility is less likely to be a problem and a source of abuse if there is a set number of games one must have played in order to have their leaderboard rank considered.

Rantev [Warrior]

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Time to roll the dice.

Rantev [Warrior]

Can't Buy Gem Issue!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Same exact issue here.

Rantev [Warrior]

[NA] Team Looking for Condi Engi

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Hit me or Moobs up in game and we’ll see what we can do. If there isn’t a post by us in this thread saying otherwise, that means we’re still looking!

Rantev [Warrior]

Asuras PVP - Size Matters, Please NERF IT

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


a simple example for those who don’t understand.
lets say a norn casts 100b (yes we rarely see 100b but i’m just using it for an example)
he’s a giant jumping around with an obvious animation, you move away.

now lets say we have an asura standing inside a bunch of minions casting 100b.
you won’t even see him, the only way you’ll know he’s using 100b is that your health will be dropping.

this is a huge advantage, and is stronger than any racial skill (which they disabled to stop race from being a factor in pvp)

If this giant warrior was a mesmer, he could drop clones and block everyone’s field of vision, thus making himself and his allies more difficult to target. Asuran mesmers don’t do that.

Rantev [Warrior]

So.. No account bound WXP?

in WvW

Posted by: Vegito.3048


So the next great thing is starting. Spring tournament.
And what do we have in patch notes?

WvW achivements.
tPvP reward polish
more LS

Now all those important things for WvW, well its Spring Tournament time so lets focus on WvW:
account bound XP – NOOO
commander system upgrade – NOOOO
defending rewards – NOO
more achivements for PvE palyers – yes

GJ Anet

Lmao! This is spot on.-

Rantev [Warrior]

Big balance patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegito.3048


Your fault buddy

I know. Just sad because my friends got me all excited.

Oh well, looking forward to april now.

Rantev [Warrior]