I think all of you need to wait a week, let the meta settle and I am sure you will be surpised to find that rev will be one of the pillars of raid group in both pve and wvw.
Spvp, I can’t see the changes helping though
what the ****.
Rev got literally nothing, while every other class was buffed.
Why should the buffed version of the previous meta include kitteneless class?
Please explain.Offensively we didnt get any buffs(other than much needed fixes for the mace and axe). I don’t think anet want us to be a main dps class, instead a support class. The changes to ventari are huge in the support role for both wvw and pve. Moving the tablet is now basically free, and roughly a 3k heal every 3 seconds. The changes with natural harmony make healing power actually scale with the tablet. I’ve seen numbers as high as 13k heals from this skill alone.
The addition of alacrity confuses a lot of players. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions. A single mesmer and a ventari can keep the buff up permanently on a group of 10 in raids. A ventari rev brings a lot more group support and damage compared to a second mesmer by brining boon duration, 150 ferocity for the group, and a slew of useful boons (protection, might, furry, regen).
Lastly, in wvw alacrity is being used to speed up siege for faster assaults as well as huge front line heals. Last night I was able to sustain a group under 3 arrow carts with just my own heals. Something that normally takes a group of people blasting water fields to do so. I fully predict that ventari will become staple in wvw. It has huge heals, decent range damage in a mara/zealot mix, on demand light fields, and oodles of protection.
Sadly ventari is not a good support class.
Supporting is not just about healing, and for a supporter, ventari sucks
I think all of you need to wait a week, let the meta settle and I am sure you will be surpised to find that rev will be one of the pillars of raid group in both pve and wvw.
Spvp, I can’t see the changes helping though
what the ****.
Rev got literally nothing, while every other class was buffed.
Why should the buffed version of the previous meta include kitteneless class?
Please explain.
So when can we expect to see a new balance path? How long do these seasons last? I feel like I need to find something else to do..
Next expansion
So no answers for our Rev questions in the feedback thread today?
Or are they just specifically dodging us ? xDI told you all already, they not going to say much about the class until close to the reveal of the next expansion. They did this to Rangers and Necros as well for reasons that we saw later on.
What reasons? (I am serious here, sorry, not coming from the english speaking folks)
Vengeful Hammers are pretty good now guys. Just stay away from walls though as per usual. :P
Also PSA: If you’re gonna delete your Revs make sure to salvage/bank what you can first!
Still too expensive energy usage
Im almost satisfied with rev buffs but still waiting ventari tablet to move with me like spirit weapons. Skill 6 would be like command skill and i can manually move tablet. Then i think that mallyx elite needed some buffs and staff 2 faster interrupt. But its not bad update just not enough.
It’s not bad because it didn’t nerf the rev even further?
Revenant, sadly, is (in my book at least) the most useless class in the game. It can’t even roam open world PvE in comfort, simply killing trash mobs to complete hearts for Map Completion is like fighting mini-bosses half of the time.
I disagree with this part, aside from Warrior I think that Rev is the best class to clean maps in PvE and always amazes me how easily deals with the content being 100% mele, having no stability and lacking cleansing whereas with my DH I struggle to do the same (even at range).
But yes, overall the patch is crap: only good things were the fixes in mace and axe (for a build that anyway is so weak that doesn’t work). And no to mention that after the patch the now re-rebuffed condi Mesmer and whatever Warrior are ultra hardcounters of Revs.
Fortunately I almost ended the Flameseeker of Prophecies; time to return and undust Black Desert for me. I’ll limit my time in GW2 to maintenance work…
Well you see it in this forum here.
GW2 is literally dead, if “this” is the biggest kittenstorm the community can produce
There won’t be any major changes, especially not for the revenant.
Being busy would mean being busy, and being busy is not Anets style
Is this balance some kind of joke?
- 0 changes for Shiro stance(which is weak and useless with chrono)
- buffed one useless skill in Mallyx – Unyielding Anguish simply costs too much energy to be used, so this changes nothing
- some buff’s for Ventari healer, which still will be weaker than Druid or Ele
- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers, but it is possible that because of that other stances – Shiro and Mallyx will no longer be used as dpsIt is time to change main for another class.
There is no “choice” of stances. You literally just can use Glint and forcefully Jalis
OMG. When I look at the buffs they gave to several other classes and the scraps they threw to the Revenant, I am just shocked.
There is no reason to play a revenant anymore. Good God.
Was there a reason before? I hoped the “upcoming balance patch” will fix.
Let’s be honest, the revenant needs a full rework. It is broken (not in a good way), unbalanced, unfinished.
Hello? What a world would that be?
Releasing not only a unfinished class and then you are expectiong it to be reworked to be useful?
How dare you!
Thanks Anet, thanks for nothing.