Showing Posts For Zplus.4217:

Lag Issues [Consolidated]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Constant DC since the latest path, random lag spikes, lag DCs, connection errors, even got DCed in loading screen once.

And the best part is, anet doesn’t seems to be doing anything about it for the time being.

Crashing entirely every 2 mins

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Been like this for days now after the latest patch, and as usual got no words from anet about this major problem.

Entire guild crashed at same time.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Well since this latest patch I’m being constantly disconnected from the server at random times. There’s something seriously broken with the latest patch.

Stop the legendary trinket!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


OP, before you shout murder, check your sources. What you are stating is incorrect information.

Look at the Pax interview with Colin. It wil either be a legendary backpack or one legendary trinket. Cut it out with the pitchfork attitude and don’t believe everything you read.

Funny that’s exactly what people said when the ascended trinkets came out.

Shadow of the Mad King 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


This time if you fall you will need a continuation pumpkin to re-take the jumping puzzle. And an unlimited continuation pumpkin will be available on the gem store for those who are bad in jumping.

The "Out Of Combat" Situation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


You guys think that’s bad? Then you have not come across the monster’s out of combat bug, last time I soloed a champ in its spawn spot, got its hp down to 10% and all of a sudden it decides to turn its back on me, out of combat WHILE I WAS STILL HITTING IT and regen to 100% hp, all within it’s spawn spot.

-Took down pointless prime post-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


If you went to the grocery store with a list of 50 items, picked up the first 5 then they kicked you and told you to comeback tomorrow, how would you feel?

It’s more like if you went to a grocery store where they advertised fresh products and only later found out that not only the products where not fresh but were rotten chew off splat out stuffs that were done and tested by another shop around the corner. And only later spin their advert to say that those rotten products where what was originally meant to be sold. How would you feel?

Bloodlust in the Borderlands Details

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


The stomp mechanic is bad news.
This will mean that people will be competing for kills, something this game has so far avoided with good reason.

It’s going to adversely affect the spirit of camaraderie, which has been one of the nicest features of the game. I’d hate to see this go the way WoW ended up with people trading insults in chat and on the forums.

One poster above mentioned that a stomp was worth 1/5 of a supply camp. That actually sounds very significant. I wonder if this is enough to give people reason to Alt-F4 right before the stomp. The answer is probably “yes.”

No, but I’m expecting to run into a lot of stomp hacks where you are unable to stomp them when downed and the only option is to keep hitting them till their hp drops to 0.

7 Precursors in 1 day from MF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


This is one of the only reasons I hate this game. But congrats OP.

Did you take an extended break from the game? I have noticed that the RNG god rewards players who take a long break and come back.

To the people claiming tinfoil, his comment is actually pretty much fact, it just can’t be proven because no one has access to anets scripts and mechanics to get the numbers. It is designed to get people who stop playing, back into the game after they play for 5 minutes to see if they want to play again. Think of it as an extended version of Diminishing Returns that already plagues this game.

People in my guild have logged in after 3 months, and instantly gotten dusk, 20g jewellery, entropy on day 2 of champ loot, after 1 bag, all after 5 minutes of logging in. Other people have many other examples, and it is definitely not tin foil hat worthy.

Dangle the carrot in front of the donkey already playing, he’ll get the carrot eventually.
THROW the carrot at the speed of a professional pitcher to the prodigal donkey, and hope he stays with his new found epic item.

Not only that, but looking at op’s screen shots, having maxed out bag slots on the character suggests that he is a gem buyer also, which improves the chances of getting good loots significantl.

Did AN promised to never add new gear tiers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I’m not trolling… So your wrong.

My wrong what?

Legendary / Asc. are the final tiers of gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Did they explicitly say that Exotics would always be the highest tier and would automatically be upgraded to reflect that? No.
But they did say that about Legendaries.

So please, don’t pull twisted points into this.

They also explicitly said about no grind, and here we have gear grind, gold grind and material grind.

Get real.

Did AN promised to never add new gear tiers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Here’s a TL;DR version of this and every other threads about gear progression:

Troll: Where was it ever said? Show me the quote!
Answer: here you go, for the 1000th time, here’s a direct quote with link.
Troll: no, seriously, where is the quote?

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Ascended gears will NOT be the final tier, since they said many times before that the legendarys will always have the same stat as the top tier ingame, another words when something “better” comes along legendarys will get buffed, again. And you can bet anything that those things will come.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Adding one tier of gear does not constitute a treadmill. It is merely a flight of stairs once you get to the top (exotics) your done. There is no infinite stair case chasing new tiers of gear beyond exotic.

However if once the full exotics is out and they come out with a new tier you can officially call it a treadmill.

Here, fixed it for you.

Gemstore or Subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


No, paying does not show loyalty, in fact I know a good number of players who paid for many things on the gem store and have already quit the game.

Clover for Legendairy Weapon / Soulbound.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Did the 10 stacks recipe twice,
1st try got 30 out of 8 attempts,
2nd try (months later) got 50 out of 5 attempts (100%).

Hacking/Cheating back in full force, again

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


WvW hacks? Where do we start?
AC zoom hack,
Fly hacks,
Walk right through wall/gate (AKA no clip) hack,
No damage hack (not the oil mastery bug),
Extra damage hack (dealing damage even when u use a skill that makes u invulnerable),
Self res hack,
Cross profession skills hack (eg. Elementalist who uses death shroud, warr who uses ele skills.)
And the exceptional cond damage hack mentioned earlier,
Anyone come across anything else that I missed?

Stealth / Invulnerable "Stomping"

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Stealth stomp is too easy to counter, just lay some aoe on the downed ally, or if u prefer melee then just spam 1 over the body. The stomping thief would then have two options: die or force to withdraw from stomping,


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


It’s a sword, NOT a greatsword.

Limited access to stats is bad design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Don’t be sorry for stating the truth op, it is p2w, simple.

Celestial and sentinel are great stat combos to a few builds for a few professions. Well, for players who knows what they are doing anyways. For others they can just keep playing the game by pressing 1 over and over again,

Zoom Hack in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I have reported 3 bot rangers who keeps running in a small area together farming loot bags since November last year, and I reported them again this February, and they are still there in the same spot to this day. Good luck with your reporting.

Scammers at least learn proper English!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


OMG someone on the Internet does not speak proper English, call the police quickly!!!111!

Fun fact: most spoken language in the world is Mandarin, the 2nd most spoken language in the world is Spanish.

Aether dungeon needs radical nerfing

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Zplus.4217


you cannot get one-shot unless you are in zerker gear in any content in GW2.

Try going up against any of the legendary defenders in wvw, and see how well your statement holds water.

The Ghost Rite (camera position)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


This bug is well over 4 months old and still isn’t solved, please someone pass it to the dev please!


in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Just a shout out to the bunch of people from DL with LDN guild tag: it was nice fighting you guys, but next time when you come out from below the lords room when you decides to fight please don’t go back inside so that at least we can hit you a bit?

The cost of Ascended items

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Welcome to 14th Nov 2012 where all these could have be avoided.

This is how thieves perma-stealth (video)

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


So what youre saying is, making a class that an 8 year old could play and BEAT players that have been gaming for 10 years of mmo pvp….due to the class/abilities design is ok? Got it. That is called World of Warcraft syndrome. And this is exactly why every MMO for past 6-8 years has failed miserably at being a longhaul mmo.

Just because someone has been playing games for over 10 years and suddenly they are considered good players? And if some players has skills they can’t be 8 years of age?

There is a reason why there’s a down state in this game and not straight death, when you see your ally is down and there’s a thief stealthed beside him/her for crying out loud the last thing you want to do is res. And if you are soloing and come across a thief stealthed, by all means do not stand still and keep moving around swinging that sword of yours.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Remarks like these is where Rof people get the whole arrogance thing from. Glad to know you killed two randoms while all the guilds were waiting for the reset, GH strong!

By “before reset” I do not mean “right before” reset, it was during the day when you have a massive push in our BL, some 10 hours before reset in midnight. Those 15-20 were determined to take bay yet when four (4) of us decided to stand our ground the Zerg suddenly decided to do nothing and wait for reset while the 2 poor souls drop their loots, makes total sense.

And if remarks like yours is a true representation of the general attitude of RoF then I feel less sorry the next time I mow down your people.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Yesterday before reset you have about 15-20 guys (rof) hitting our south bay constantly, and at one time we had 4 holding back 15 of you guys outside the gate before the npcs, and the irony was that we were still able to down and finish 2 of you guys while the others standing back and watch…

So yea we outnumber you all the time and you guys are putting up a fight with superior skills and organisation, we are not worthy.

[Bug] underwater skill fire 5 - heat wave

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Nope, it’s unlocked, colour icon and all that.

[Bug] underwater skill fire 5 - heat wave

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Every under water skill is working fine with me but fire 5 skill heat wave seems to have been “disabled”. Whenever I press the button nothing happens, with or without targets. Does anyone one else have this issue?

I log and end up

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


The implementation of this is bad, specially with so many bugs still affects it, namely the stuck in combat mode bug and the stuck in one place bug.

All they have to do is to make it only effective in downed state and everyone will be happy.

12/29- RoF, GH, RoS

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Actually we have had more smaller guilds left us since the pass 2 weeks. Haven’t heard of any big transfers into our server, I think 1 RoS guild is here on vacation and that’s about it lol. Other than that I guess some of us recruited people from PVE since I did notice more novice asking how to get out of WvW in citadel lol.

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


yes i showed him and we tested it. It aint a cheat but it sure is an exploit. Any class with a blink can do same. Also told an officer of sk and i guess the person is identifyed already and will be kicked if i am not mistaken. Thanks for uploading, showing us and not making such a big story out of it (like an own thread including stuff like “every dzago is a freakin cheater!!”)

So an “exploit” isn’t a cheat, got cha, and what is a blink may I ask?

It’s not a big story since its pretty minor compare to what we are seeing each and everyday, and whoever wrote that “every dzago is a freakin cheater!!” is very wrong that I agree. But I must say with all the different servers we came across throughout the tiers, Dz easily has the most exploits/hacks/cheats used in WvW. So good luck to all of you, I’m sure you guys will continue moving up the tiers from here.

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217



It’s not a “cheat”, just the teleport from ele. A thief or a mesmer can do this also..


Just to be sure we are on the same page, have you seen the video yet?

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I got video of a Dz elementalist from SK guild jumping through walls today. If the SK GM wants to see the video let me know via PM.

I saw the one about the Dz ele that jumped thou rocks and over hills in EB JP, I thought that was very interesting of itself.

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I did not take part at this situation, but could he just have used the timelapse of a mesmer? It does not decrease the cooldown, but increase the speed of how faste the power bar is filled. So if its a 100% shot, you dont need 8sec to fill the bar, just 4. So it takes 9 instead of 13 secs from the beginning to shoot, untill the next shot is ready!

nope, not 100% shot, in fact I believe the distance is so close that hardly needs charging at all, but regardless of the power needed a 5 sec cd time would apply, that certainly did not in this case. And no timelapse was seen.

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


No it’s not the servers fault, but then again when your zerg came to treb inner bay wall when the guy using the treb was clearly using speed hack, while everyone in your zerg just stands about happily enjoying the turbo charged trebing. It really begs the question of where your server stands on issues of hacks and exploits.

(edited by Zplus.4217)

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Some datas are handled client side but some ain’t, that’s why if for whatever reason the connection drops or lags between the server and the client, the char can still run about but can’t do any attacks what so ever.

With the spectaculars on show this pass 2 weeks from 1 server nothing really surprises me now.

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Just 15 mins ago my guildie came 1v1 with a GS warr from Dz, killer her, but to his amazement she ressed herself, and used ele skills that 1 shot my friend who was in elixer s mode. Battle log read 57,911 damage lol.

You guys never failed to amaze us.

WvW drops are bad its sad

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I have gotten 2 yellows from WvW ever since I started playing in sep.

Dzagonur / Gunnars Hold / Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


The matchup I speak of was the second of the 1 week matchups. Dzagonur were, at the end of the 1st 1 week matchup in last place on the ladder, 27th. Ruins of Surmia were in the tier above and then moved down to the bottom tier, thinking “We should be okay here”.

Dzagonur had been in last place for as long as the rankings had been up – last on the ladder, not last in the bracket (although technically same thing). Then they steamrolled with 100% zone control 24/7, ballistas outside spawns etc.

With the current replies we got from Dz we should be able to see the trend that they do not use any hacks nor exploits whatsoever and those flying mers, wall climber rangers and magically flipped towers are nothing but our imagination, where in their reality they earn their points with 5 people zergs against our zergs of 100 and night capping all 4 maps with “a couple of players on night shift”.

On the other hand, I look forward to having some quality fights with RoS this week, see you guys on the field!

Gunnar's Hold/Whiteside Ridge/Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I guess all the questions and answers boils down to this:

Q: how did your attackers goes thou the gate when none of us or others in this WvW was doing it?
A: nah it’s just glitches and we didn’t mean to do it, and the defenders who died? They just, er… Died, nothing to do with the ones hitting them after they glitches pass the gate, honestly.

Q: how on earth did a small tower got flipped when we sweeped it with 30 people and kepted it for a long time?
A: our super duper mesmer is hiding in there, you just didn’t look hard enough, see the space that you can’t normally jump onto? Our Mesmer hide there by fl… I mean super mario jumping skills. Sweep harder next time.

Rinse and repeat.

Other than the endless hacks and exploits, some of you guys have some very good organisation skills, the counter trebling and death run treb spotting worked like a charm.

You may not see me much next week, fighting hacks is just getting old fast, I wish the best for your future success on higher tiers. You will be remembered as the most hacks using server I have come across in WvW since launch, and I meant that as a complement.

Queue Pops = Auto Death

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Inb4 those fanbois saying it’s fair and you should not play how you want to play.

On the other hand loving no que times on the lower tier

Gunnar's Hold/Whiteside Ridge/Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Please report any hacking and post screenshots here. We (dzag) don´t like that kind of playing and when i can see from which Guild they are, i will do something against them.
BUT, don´t think everything what you don´t can explain is a hack!

Nice fights that weekend, sometimes i had no time to eat because GH was allways on our homelands and make a lot of pressure :-)
And chill, normally we are just really strong on weekend, during the week, a lot of us have to work or go to school….
I bet at the end of this turn, GH is Nr. 1.

We have been in the WvW scene long enough to sweep everything that we take, heck I even sweep for hiding thieves when we take camps. And I honestly cannot come up with an explanation as to how people made it into lords legitimately when all gate and walls were intact and the towers were sweep by no less than 30 people for the pass hour.

Well, number 1 or not don’t bother me, I enjoy a good fight even if we lost in points by the end of the week.

Vote 4 Guild Wars 2 GOTY @ Gamespot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I would have voted for them in a heart beat if they didn’t spin their PR talk and lie to me with a straight face.

I may vote next year when they get around to fixing the countless bugs that’s been here since launch.

Gunnar's Hold/Whiteside Ridge/Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


There was a Dzagonur guy inside a building just now that we had owned for at least a few hours. We had our entire borderlands, then the breakout thing started and they formed a zerg with hardly any of us around, and this was the latest thing they were attacking. Hadn’t been lost and retaken, no way he was hiding. We chased him around in circles for a bit smacking him and he jumped off the wall.

I take it there are still exploits to breaching towers then?

(lol @ the blur on me in ss)

If only my timing was better I could post a dozen more of ss of the same nature, lucky for us the guy was caught in this case but during the day it’s completely different story.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


It is not only disconnecting. My queue for EB popped as I was running through one of the borderlands. I accepted it, and found myself a corpse upon loading in. It seems someone was chasing me or something.

Thanks for the heads up, now I will beware of when and where if I choose to switch maps, with every patch it feels like the game is playing me instead of the proper way round.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


4 of my friends in game that are playing from different parts of the world got DCed at least once in WvW yesterday, you should have seen the chat box…

I’m waiting for my share of repair bills handed to me when Anet’s server decides to cut me off. On the other hand its a nice gold sink feature.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Also, stealth works as long as they haven’t stealthed within 3 seconds and aren’t hit by an AoE.

Stopped reading from there. Sorry but stealth does not work that way, thieves can still stealth even if hit by aoes and chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, no 3 sec gap needed.