Showing Posts For Zplus.4217:

AG vs RoF vs GH [Take 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Nice fight tonight, just want to congrat AG on taking our Longview tower just a bit earlier where I was the only one defending with a cata behind the gate in the middle of the tower.

Also special note to the guy who were on an arrow cart right beside the gate and just out of cata aoe on the gate area, you have some amazing cart skills being able to hit me and my cata which is right in the middle of the tower, with a full wall and gate between us, +1 to you good sir.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


My 2 cents:

AltF4 at combat mode = death won’t go down well, not with the bugs that is currently ingame since the beginning.

I have lost count how many times I’m stuck in combat mode when I’m miles away from anything hostile and the last thing I hit was over a minute ago, not to mention the bug where my char gets stuck in a spot where I can’t move nor dodge and the only thing I can do to breakout is relog, and it happened to me twice in a roll 2 days ago. Well I think I’m going to have to love paying repairs for the bugs in the game. At least someone is going to have some free loots.

The Battle of Dreaming Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Make that 16, I joined the defence after the raid in the lords room and yes, that place was a mess.

I must say WvW is now much more enjoyable and the community is nicer to each other, I wonder how this dramatic improvement came about in such a short time…

Unid Dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I found 2 in the pass week, and I spend most of my time in WvW, all I’m getting are stuffs that would auto sell when I click the sell junk button.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zplus.4217


This is game bug section for game bugs. You may want to do this on the suggestion section instead.

Monster invulnerable bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Saw an uncontested temple in Orr (what a miracle!) and decided to go over and grab the rest of my alt set gear. Fight a few monsters and both in water (shark) and on land (risen) both turns invulnerable during mid-fight still.

Please take a look devs.

AG vs WR vs GH

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I rly have to thank GH for the fights on their borderland at aroun 11pm-12pm UK time yesterday. Was a pleasure to collect all thoes badges you dropped!
Think I’ll speak for the entire UNTY guys that attended.

It was a pleasure! And I would like to thank you also for doing your daily rounds of badge delivery to us in camps, it was very thoughtful of you guys, really appreciated it.

And I would also like to salute to the well organised portal bombing, where 10+ AG would portal bomb 3 of us gunnars, too bad 2 of us came out un-scratched where my friend was on a lvl 4 alt lol, thanks for the entertainment!

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


He could not specifically answer questions about the WvWvW, but there wasn’t someone behind him with a gun saying he couldn’t mention it at all.

And your perception of a treadmill from what was said is not the same as my perception. The infusion increase over time could easily be limited purely to FotM. It is simply one tier. He has already said they overkilled the grind on the Ascended gear so what the heck do you people want? Seriously.

edt: typo

Sorry but when we read the patch notes and the AMA no perception was involved, its about comprehending and understanding the business PR language. It is perception and pure fantasy when you try to predict the future use of infusion is FotM only, even when the current fact shows the infusion carries basic stats points and therefore NOT only useful in FotM.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I didn’t like how they denied that the manifesto wasn’t totally betrayed. It just made me angrier at the company.
Thumbs down also to saying that just because the inserted tier is 5-11% (it’s over 11%) stronger and gradual that it’s not a gear treadmill. Just call a spade a spade.

The questions I wanted to hear about that weren’t answered were: Why have the loot drops decreased in high level zones, and from vets/champs, and was this intentional? and When will the elementalist bugs be fixed. I want existing problems to be fixed before we create new content (with its accompanying fixes). The way I see it, so much of what is still bugged should have been ready before launching the game, and now they’re biting more and more off that they can’t chew.

The questions that were answered were mostly about ascended, and we all knew what the responses would be anyway.

He mentioned that they were looking at the loot drop tables with vets and champs.

He mentioned that he was unable to answer question about classes, PvP, WvWvW etc

And I honestly can’t see how you can portray ‘no other tiers in future’ as the start of a treadmill of one step. This blows my mind and I congratulate you on that.

Are you reading the same AMA that the rest of us did or did just you made up your own? Chris clearly said that big updates are planned for WvW.

As for the “one-step”, right now there’s only blue infusions, when the idea of ascended and infusion first came out they already said that there’s gona be higher tier of infusions. So no, your “one” step isnt singular.

Will there be controller support ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


You can already do so with some free programmes and a few key settings ingame.

Some questions from a newb guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Thanks for the feed back guys.

Some questions from a newb guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Hi everyone, just some questions:

Does purity and signet of resolve stack? If so how would it work? Remove 2 conditions every 10sec?

How do you deal with ranged classes ie ranger?

Never Mind the Lack of Communication

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Sure they just did a Q&A with a German site earlier and we all knew how that went.

Spoiler: don’t get your hopes up.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


There’s hardly any loot that I got which remains in my bag after I click the “sell junk” button, open world and in WvW.

Monster invulnerable bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I know they will go invulnerable when you try to snipe them from a place where they can’t reach you.

I have ready said it, in the middle of a combat with the monster right next to each other: ie I’m hitting it and it is hitting me. It will all of a sudden becomes invulnerable and walks back to its “spawn point”. Sometimes it happens 2 meters away, sometimes it happens on its spawn spot. And it happens more often in under water monsters than land ones. And it is random.

(edited by Zplus.4217)

Lost shores event offical survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


It needs more questions imo.

At least it has “others” field to put in my own opinions about the patch/event.

Formal statement from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


If you guys really want your voices heard by people in the office instead of just the forum mods, here’s an official survey about the latest patch/event.

Lost shores event offical survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Just a heads up to those who didn’t know, there’s an official survey on the lost shores event, check it out:

20g worth of armor lost in mail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


My friend lost 15g worth of gears while he was taking them out of his guild bank. Just a headsup so beware in the future.

Monster invulnerable bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


This happens with random monsters but more so with the underwater ones. While fighting monsters on map, they would go invulnerable randomly and just walks back to their designated position, sometimes it happens on their spawn spot, sometimes it happens 2 meters away from their spawn spot, but it always happens while we are already half way in combat.

Please fix this as it is very annoying!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Since you guys said that the feed backs were “lost”, so here it is again.

One time event, what can I say, lag lag and more lag, once I DCed I didn’t get the chest, what a great event!

Fractal instances, only serves as gear check contents, didn’t like the idea one bit.

New “gear progression initiative”, well since I was told, sold and advertised a different product, I can honestly tell you that you have lost my trust in your company and I will never spend another penny in any of your future products, and neither will I speak good of your company shall anyone asks.

That will be all.

Fractals and disconnects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Well the other day we had 1 DCed on us, and another who fell off the map in the colossus fractal and we finished the rest on 3 man only, what a great system.

My theory about latest content patches...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


No Zplus, culling was a problem since beta. The game has had massive issues that could be overlooked since they were doing the grind for only cosmetic reasons thing. Now that its a WoW clone, no reason to keep playing.

Well at least I remember playing WvW after launch where I can see perfectly all the enemy’s on screen and walking around freely in the enemy zerg was just a wild dream.

Is Guild Wars 2 in trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


This game was no were near any trouble before this patch came live.

At the beginning wow grinders declared this game dead since there’s no grind, but the guild wars fan base were happy.

Now with this baby step of a grind added, wow grinders will still declare this a dead game and Anet just pissed off a lot of their true fan base, way to dig their own grave.

users are getting picky on party, toughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Pretty soon it will be ascended gears or no go. Don’t mean to get your hopes down but just to give you a headsup.

On topic, I don’t mind doing Duns with low levels without exotics.

All of what makes me lose interest listed here

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


why do people even “grind” in this game ??

go PvP or WvW after you have 100% map.

legendaries are sad…. so sad….

Hey you must have missed the memo, legendaries are now future proof, grind now so when the next tier hits you don’t need to grind again.

My theory about latest content patches...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


For your information, there was no culling at launch, it only came after a patch update. Oh how I miss the days where I can actually see the enemy I’m hitting.

Is this banable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Save the money and just buy ascended gears.

Yes or No: Manifesto Represents the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


What manifesto? All I see now is just a well written PR sales talk, and apparently it worked very well.

Against De-promoting 'Holy Trinity'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Since they have gone and broke their whole game philosophy with this patch may as well do it all the way and put in the trinity, I’m all for it, and while they are at it don’t forget to bring in pandas as well.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Patch feed back, I guess I will try to stick to the topic, and here’s what I think after trying the patch:

- I sold something on the TP and there’s a red “1” dot under the TP icon, it stays there even after I went to check it and won’t go away unless I go all the way to a TP npc to get the funds out, the red dot is VERY annoying and distracting.

- It used to be that when ever you gets new mail (ie after completing a heart) it would play a ding and a bird flys across the screen, it helps me to know that I have completed the task for the heart and I could stop. After the patch it no longer plays a sound nor the bird flying across the screen, and I have to pay attention on the top roll of icons and constantly checking to see if I have gotten the hearts reward, which makes my first point more annoying.

- My lvl80 thief just relearn my off hand dagger 5 skill, and in the skill window I now have 2 off hand 5 skill icons, woohoo.

- last but not least, your new gear grind initiative just killed my desire to spend any more of my money in your game and company, just thought you may want to know.

What will kill GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


You forgot:

5) the 90% of the playerbase that doesn’t come to forums or have any strong beliefs either way and that just plays and will continue to play whenever they feel like it, because the game is F2P.

You also forgot:

This isnt a “strong believes” issue, its a game direction change that affects the game play, so unless those “90%” of the player base don’t actually play the game, they will sooner or later realise the obvious change in game system and think to themselves: “Hey I’m actually grinding for gears for sometime now, I may as well just grind the one that I had for years with my grindfest panda friends.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Just like other heart felt posts, this one may very well be infracted and deleted, but here goes anyways.

I got this game because I was told that this is a different MMO, because they have a vision they believed in and stand behind, as my gw2 client is downloading the latest update, all those words have become empty promises and nothing but a sales talk, kinda reminds me of the other big disaster in the gaming industry earlier this year.

I played this game everyday and any free times I could get for myself, I have gotten 2 of my friends to buy this game and they each got 3-4 of their own friends to buy this game as well. Now I would like to let you guys know that I will never, I repeat, never recommend this gaming company to anyone that I know, in fact I will tell anyone to steer well clear off it.

Trust is a funny thing, you break it once and it’s all over.

I’m finished in this thread, hf gl with the grind guys.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


What worries me more is the 20 slot exotic box, as if we have 20 exotic drops while we grind atm. That alone points out that exotics will become more common loots after the patch.

Guess it would be great now that I can look forward to getting the corrupted daggers for much cheaper.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Okay guys, listen.

Think this is getting blown out of porportion to what it actually is.

First, they announced they are releasing new gear based on a dungeon. Natural reaction was omg GEAR TREADMILL.

However the gear isn’t needed to do the content which is the biggest fear: I have to gear up to do new content!! I dont have the time etc etc. This is in fact false you dont need the gear for the new content….

I am sorry but you do:

“Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must.”

“. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

And if you want “the other rewards”, you will NEED ascended.

So your freaking out over unknown rewards then? That is very…. silly.

I am not freaking out, merely just pointing out the obvious from official words over personal fantasies.

As for the silly part, I wonder…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Okay guys, listen.

Think this is getting blown out of porportion to what it actually is.

First, they announced they are releasing new gear based on a dungeon. Natural reaction was omg GEAR TREADMILL.

However the gear isn’t needed to do the content which is the biggest fear: I have to gear up to do new content!! I dont have the time etc etc. This is in fact false you dont need the gear for the new content….

I am sorry but you do:

“Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must.”

“. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

And if you want “the other rewards”, you will NEED ascended.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


You don’t even need Ascended gear if you don’t want it as it isn’t the most beneficial tier… I don’t see what content you are then missing out on.

“Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must.”

“As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

So if you want to be on par with the others and get the rewards that they gets, you better start thinking of getting your ascended gears.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


My point is, you can claim everything sets some sort of precedent, doesn’t mean it does.

Fact of the matter is you have no clue what they plan on doing, and in the end it’s their product, and they have all the back end metrics to make decisions on. We don’t. Sure we have our opinions, and everyones differs, but going around saying they are setting a precedent is pretty pointless.

Play the content, if you don’t like it, then make your decision to leave. Don’t just assume off the bat without actually experiencing it that it doesn’t work and that they have altered everything.

You can claim it doesn’t, when the truth of the matter is the opposite:

“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I see no problem with ascended gear so long as it doesn’t become a requirement to play content.

It will become more and more of a requirement to play an increasing amount of content

Unless it doesn’t.

Don’t you love circular rhetoric?

Please read, and read it again if needs to:

“This extremely dangerous condition ticks percentages of player health away and can’t be cleansed by normal means. Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must. The only way to mitigate Agony damage is by building up resistance through Infusions, a new type of upgrade component that can be acquired in the Mystic Forge.”

“Infusions are a special new type of Upgrade Component that can only be slotted into special Infusion slots on gear…For now, Infusions slots can only be found in gear of a new rarity type: Ascended.”

So yes, it does “become a requirement to play content”.

“Increasingly difficult” does not mean “unbeatable.” If you wanted everything handed to you, play D3. You can just buy whatever you want and don’t have to worry about the scary difficulty. It’s incredibly vague wording that leaves much to interpretation. Apparently, as MMO players often do, they’ve taken the absolute worst (and frankly, ridiculous) interpretation, accepted it as fact, then reacted.

Hell, since everyone is so bent on this “they promised us this 3 months ago and now they’re changing it. cry cry cry” b.s., it stands to reason this may also change after it’s been fully fleshed out.

No you are not reading it, here let me pick it out for you, bit like in D3 where you can just buy and the AH will deliver, whine and I shall quote: “defense against this condition is a must

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


It’s not a requirement if you can still experience said content without experiencing Agony. Which is possible if you read more into the mechanics of the dungeon. It takes the highest common level achieved in the dungeon amongst the group to determine group difficulty. If 4/5 players are at level 10, and 1 is at level 2, the entire party will be set for level 2 difficulty. One would surmise Agony will likely kick in at higher levels only, and since the dungeon Fractals are randomly chosen, you can experience all 9 fractals without having to deal with Agony, thus being able to experience the entire content. Ascended then isn’t required unless you want to tackle the harder level.

Sure, but remember:

“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

Which means agony will become more and more common in future contents and if you do not have ascended gears, you will miss out more and more contents and getting less rewards than those who has.

Everything begins with a simple step.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I see no problem with ascended gear so long as it doesn’t become a requirement to play content.

It will become more and more of a requirement to play an increasing amount of content

Unless it doesn’t.

Don’t you love circular rhetoric?

Please read, and read it again if needs to:

“This extremely dangerous condition ticks percentages of player health away and can’t be cleansed by normal means. Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must. The only way to mitigate Agony damage is by building up resistance through Infusions, a new type of upgrade component that can be acquired in the Mystic Forge.”

“Infusions are a special new type of Upgrade Component that can only be slotted into special Infusion slots on gear…For now, Infusions slots can only be found in gear of a new rarity type: Ascended.”

So yes, it does “become a requirement to play content”.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Ok you take one group with 36% more stats over all due to having full sets of new gears/weapons vs another group that does not have that stuff….

Tell me, who will win in pure numbers?

Oh you say it’s only 2 rings and a back slot, silly! Then I point out they explicitly said they are not only adding a full set with accompanied weapons but ALSO with mutiple ‘tiers’ and more legendaries on top of that.

This game becomes Gear Wars, just like that other game and all it’s clones.

That would be a no thank you for me.

They said it in their announcement post that the gear wouldn’t all be released at once. The only ascended gear being released today is a piece or two…. ill go back and read maybe ive been up to long and im off my rocker o.O. But if they release say 2 pieces every 3 months….. the situation you outlined above is really not gonna happen because most will go after the new pieces.

You are assuming that the community stays the same and everyone plays everyday and never skipped any updates along the way.

If for example someone leaves for a couple of months and came back, want to play with their friends again, right now they can just jump in and do exactly that. After this patch, they will want to get new gears or they will be weaker then the rest, and if they want to experience the new content/monsters/dungeons, then they will definitely need to grind out the new gears before they can even stay alive with the new monster condition.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


It does not matter if pvp is excluded or it does not affect this or that. PVE, PVP and WVW are all part of what makes GW2 fun and great, when 1 part is affected the rest will too be affected, eg. if PVE was affected and less players joins this game, you will see less new comers on the PVP maps.

The way I see it, the coming hours will determine the make or break of this great game which I enjoyed immensely:

They either A: pull the update and go back to the drawing board or B: go ahead with the update anyway despite the fact that almost over 9000 negative feed backs on the forum.

Result from going A:
The community will again put our faith back to the company and hope they will not make the same mistake again, and both the company and the community will come out of this mess stronger.

Results from going B:
Content grinders will eat up everything within a very short time and complain on the forum that there is “no end game” then leaves. Loyal fans will be displeased, alienated and forced to quit because we were sold a lie.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Ok i stand corrected they said legendarys were on par with exotics, now they will change legendarys to remain best in slot item. They havent said they wont change exotics also, in fact they have even said legendarys were designed to be the same as exotics so this almost infers they will change exotics also.

Except for the fact that (even stated with screen shot) ascended gears will be better than exotics, and legendary will get bumped to match the ascended.

Gear up with bug spray!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I think this is time for us to stand up united against the locusts.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


If not for anything else, the number of loyal fans who pour their heart out and posted their feelings and concerns in this thread should be a loud enough wake up call to the devs. Unless, of course, if it didn’t bother them in the first place.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.

Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.

Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.

Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores.

Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director

I’m sorry but the fact remains that I have already got my end game gears and now I have to do it all over again, thanks to this new tier. And what is this “massive jump in rewards” you talked about between exotic and legendary, the last I checked they offered the exact same stats.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Never played WoW. I know right? My first MMO was actually Ragnarok Online, which to this day still has more content and sophisticated design principles than a majority of modern mmo’s. It’s hampered by poor service and old software, yes, but it’s still a harsh and infinately rewarding exercise in perseverence and determination.

MMO’s are and always have been about steady progression, and working towards a large goal in a social environment. The feeling of building a character up from a novice into a powerful warrior with endgame gear, then comparing, assisting and competing with friends and foes embodies the genre. Sharing information about how to clear dungeons, tutoring less experienced players and helping them level, researching gear and skills at a meta level. That’s what I want in an MMO, a sense of depth. When you plonk players into a theme park and say “ok, everybody’s a special cupcake here. No need to do any research into your gears, just go grab end game stuff which is the same for everybody and go to town! You can reach lv 80 in 3 days!” you get this sense of user entitlement where everyone thinks they should be allowed to get whatever they want without having to work for it at all. God Forbid anything might be ‘too hard’ or ‘too much work’ for the player in modern mmo’s. Expecting results without a journey is pretty much a sign that this kind of player would be more at home with a MOBA or an action game.

Thats the issue here with the players wanting “progression”. RO was a grind fest, gear check, luck check with card drop and over upgrading gears that has more chance to break than anything, and it requires no skill whatsoever, other than the skill to learn v.f.wall.

This is a game that actually requires skills, skills to out play other players, on a level playing field of gears that are easy to obtain to everyone, not just to the ones who grind.

If grinding and gear checking is what you are looking for in a game, look else where.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


For some time now, the MMO genre has seen the rise of a new phenomenon: the MMO locusts. Everyone know them – the players that jump from the next big MMO to the next big MMO, always complaining, always claiming that the next big thing will be the real deal. Why has this phenomenon been born, though?

This cloud of bugs is made mostly by WoW players (since WoW is the game that introduced most players to the MMO genre) who, whether they are smart enough to realize it or not, are actually seeking a new WoW. They jump to whatever new MMO has just been released, complain about how said MMO lacks features that they had seen before in WoW, and then leave the game, making it suffer a huge drop in players. There are many examples of such behavior, but the really interesting thing is that the locust cloud will leave a game even if it is mostly a WoW clone, as many examples show. In reality, they are looking for something that does not exist – a game that is more WoW than, well, WoW – so it’s little surprise that they continue to hop from MMO to MMO, endlessly and futilely.

What has happened in Guild Wars 2? The game released, the MMO locusts swarmed the game, and as expected, they began to leave. It’s not hard to guess that the number of Guild Wars 2 players has been falling. Again as expected, though, the cloud of bugs is not going away quietly – they were, and are, complaining in the forum about how Guild Wars 2 lacks what they see as MMO-defining features, which actually are features they saw in WoW (and since those players are basically looking for a new WoW, they want those features back).

Now it’s clear that, seeing how players were leaving the game, ArenaNet panicked; and as such, they tried reading the forum to decide why were so many people leaving. Anyone who has seen any MMO launch in the last few years would know the reason, but ArenaNet decided, anyway, to listen to the whining of the locust players, and so they began implementing WoW features in GW2. The first, although probably not the last, is the Ascended gear.

Lessons to be learned here:

1) Whining in the forum works, that’s how the WoW lovers convinced ArenaNet to add Ascended gear. Some of them are now saying that those against a gear treadmill are whining, which is just hypocrisy – that’s what they did, and that’s what we know works, so…

2) ArenaNet clearly has no idea of what its playerbase thinks. It’s bad enough that they actually decided to implement the Ascended items, but it’s even worse that they are paralyzed in surprise by the community outcry against those items. I’m sure they are still wondering what did they do wrong.

3) ArenaNet still has not learned that they currently have two opposite groups of players:

  • WoW fanboys, who cannot conceive a MMO without grind-based vertical progression, in which the point of a MMO is to grind as much as possible for as long as possible, and to whom how good a piece of content is can be defined by how time consuming it is and how exclusive it is.
  • Players who are interested in having fun instead of in grinding, who want horizontal-based content, more areas to explore, more interesting dungeons, and overall a better game.

ArenaNet cannot please both sides – they are antagonic to each other. If ArenaNet thinks the first group will be happy with whatever it is they do, they are wrong – those players will leave GW2, just as they have left every other WoW clone, while seeking a new, “perfect” WoW. Adding gear grind or raids or mounts or whatever won’t change that. What all those things would do, though, is alienate the latter group – those who are playing GW2 exactly because it is not WoW, and who make the playerbase that will remain in the game once the locusts leave. If those players are not enough to keep Guild Wars 2 around… I’m sorry, ArenaNet, your game has failed. Driving them away from the game by adding content diametrically opposed to what they want, under the illusion that it’s possible to catch the locusts, is only going to speed the demise of the game.

Regardless of what they have done, ArenaNet has lost their credibility under my eyes. The only thing that would make me believe in them again would be a complete reversal on the Ascended gear, together with firing Linsey Murdock.


easter eggs and references?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zplus.4217


I can´t believe no one mentioned the reference to Diablo on the new random world events.

You find a chest in the open world, you open it, out comes a skritt with loads of bags on his back and starts running.

You chase after him and loot keeps fropping and you can’t let him escape to get a final chest.

That’s an obvious reference ofc and at the time I got that achievement I thought it was common but seems not many people saw that skritt yet :P

Another obvious are the way some chests open borderlands style.

Actually I would say its reference goes all the way back to Golden Axe.