Showing Posts For cainejw.7142:

Abaddon battle is lost forever

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Charr fuzzball or hot human chick? tough choice…the male community has spoken!

More like greedy dishonest businessman or hard-working law enforcement officer. Has little to do with male to female ratio or the gap would be much larger, as last I checked the gaming community is male dominant by much… much more than 50%.

According to the ESA, 47% of game players are female. 53% are male. 3% is not “much much more than 50%.” That means that you should probably not assume that video gaming is a boys club.

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 are completely different games. Guild Wars 1 was FAR less ambitious than this game is. It had a staff 20% of the size. And it came out at a time when MMOs weren’t the big money they are today. Not just big money in profit, but big risk in investment. This is a different time. No MMORPG coming out today is going to have a cash shop like Guild Wars 1, unless they charge a monthly sub fee. And many games that charge a monthly sub fee still have a cash shop on top of it.

Guild Wars 1’s cash shop was added as an after thought. It wasn’t part of the marketing plan for the game. Anet was quite direct before launch telling us that the cash shop in Guild Wars 2 would be more intertwined with the game and would play a bigger part in their business plan.

You can compare an 8 year old game to a new one all you want, but it costs a whole lot more to produce an MMO today, the risks are significantly higher and so the payoff is going to have to be higher, or no one would produce one.

When you look at cash shops in other MMOs, Guild Wars 2 isn’t that bad.

Lotro is a free to play game. I paid far more in their cash shop than I did in this one.

I can’t exactly let this post stand. Guild Wars 1 was released in 2005. WoW was released in 2004. In Q1 2005, WoW reached 1.5 million subscribers. When GW1 was released in Q2 2005, WoW had approximately 3 million subscribers. City of Heroes, released in 2004, had 170,000 subscribers in Q2 2005 and peaked around 200,000 in Q4 2005. Final Fantasy XI was released in 2003 and in 2003, there were 200,000 subscribers.

So, no, MMOs were not this new, amazing frontier until Guild Wars 1. They were just being explored from 1999-2005. They were rather established with games like Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, EverQuest, Ragnarok Online, Maple Story, Final Fantasy XI, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, Lineage, Lineage II, and Ultima Online; all of these games came out in that time frame. At the time, “cash shops” were absent in all but Maple Story. Guild Wars 1 was actually one of the first exclusively North American games to institute the cash shop in 2006, a year after its release.

MMOs were a large investment then, they were an even larger risk due to the relatively unexplored market, AND it’s completely apropos to compare the games on cash shops regardless of size, scope, or original development intent. An argument stating these things make it impossible is merely attempting to distract from the chief comparison.

Here is a history of MMORPGs where you’ll notice that quite a few MMOs were released on the Meridian subscription without cash shop. It wasn’t until Maple Story, Fly For Fun, and the switch of City of Heroes to free-to-play with shop that MMOs began to switch from Meridian subscriptions to F2P cash shop sustained models. . This is due to the actual success of City of Heroes up until its abrupt closure despite profits.

(edited by cainejw.7142)

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


For all the arguments and whatnot, I’ll simply say that the monetization of Guild Wars 2 has turned me off completely from the game. I’m someone who can and will buy little goodies from markets, but GW2 has taken it to a different level. You’re now buying chances at goodies.

I’ve written before that there’s a small difference between utilizing operant conditioning with variable ratio schedules and abusing the system with inverse effects. Whoever makes the decisions on the gem store has crossed into a territory that just makes GW2 an internet punchline.

Get your act together, Anet.

How to start the flame and frost story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Check in with the heralds for updates. There are hints of things to come already in the game.

The playable Living Story content will start appearing tomorrow (January 29) at around noon Pacific Time in Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau. When the events start in Diessa Plateau, you’ll be sent an in-game mail letting you know about it. However, if you’re already logged in when that happens, you need to change maps to receive it.

Why do events always start at Noon when most people are having lunch or at work / in class?

Why not have it later in the day, during peak hours when more people are free?

What makes you think everybody is in the same timezone you are?

What makes you think everybody can stay home at 12 PM Pacific (1 Mountain, 2 Central, 3 Eastern) to play this game then the time is clearly geared to, say, GMT where it just happens to be 8 PM.

It’s becoming clear that they gear their events to Europe.

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Apparently [BP] is mad after losing that 1v5 and is now willing to send their whole zerg around the map after me

Yep, the BP group so so mad that they searched you down by name!

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Score time to break up the kittening!

Yak: 130,212 + 265
Ehmry: 107,754 + 225
Maguuma: 93,351 + 205

Updates on action:

Yak’s is morning capping now.
Maguuma is…
Ehmry is trying to fight of Yak’s morning cap.

(edited by cainejw.7142)

January monthly achievement, are you serious?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Guuuuyyyyyys, I have to go out into the worrrrrld and see all the little lowbies doing their quests. I just want to stand in Lion’s Arch and spam! Guuuuuyyyys!

Guuuuuuyyyyys, make it stoooooooop.

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Current score:

96,286 Yak’s Bend
77,452 Ehmry Bay
67,405 Maguuma

Anet hate healing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


You want to change the fundamentals of a skill to suit a playstyle that does not exist.

Your argument is that targeting a friendly target is not a playstyle in the game.

clicks a friendly target


The reality is that the style does exist. It doesn’t exist for the specific skill, but it can be adapted as such. You can thus adapt a skill to allow selection of a friendly target.

And with due respect to the purists who think the “trinity” is dead in GW2, it’s not. The selection of how we build our characters is to take damage, deal damage, or help others. The only game that managed to actually change the “trinity” is City of Heroes. GW2 has done nothing but blur the lines by allowing damaging specs to also have access to self heals and group heals on switch.

There are no spells that function through targetting friendly players.

The spells can be clearly adapted to function in that manner. That is what the OP is about—adapting the current mechanics to assist in making a viable healing/support role.

Anet hate healing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


You want to change the fundamentals of a skill to suit a playstyle that does not exist.

Your argument is that targeting a friendly target is not a playstyle in the game.

clicks a friendly target


The reality is that the style does exist. It doesn’t exist for the specific skill, but it can be adapted as such. You can thus adapt a skill to allow selection of a friendly target.

And with due respect to the purists who think the “trinity” is dead in GW2, it’s not. The selection of how we build our characters is to take damage, deal damage, or help others. The only game that managed to actually change the “trinity” is City of Heroes. GW2 has done nothing but blur the lines by allowing damaging specs to also have access to self heals and group heals on switch.

I will pay $100.00+ USD worth of gems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Illusions are not pets

In GW2? Yes, they are. Welcome to the mesmer profession.

And in either case, changing colors wouldn’t alter the animations to the point of being unrecognizable, no two classes use the same animations.

Changing colours would make the animations to not be recognizable enough.

I hope you realize that this is an opinion against this customization.

Of course, it’ll likely never happen. GW2 isn’t the kind of game where character customization is #1.

wintersday greatsword skin

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


how comes theres every other weapon skin available to buy from winters day npc but no greatsword skin?

We’ve been trying to get an answer from Anet since the event began. They have yet to give an answer why so many weapons were skipped.

However, please rest assured that the pop gun makes a “pop” noise and will continue to be monitored for any issues.

end game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50

Can I have your stuff?

This Sale is Blasphemy...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Blasphemy? Someone thinks a little highly of themselves…

LOL at Ehmry Bay guilds camping JP

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Mag is hardly the puzzle camping masters. PLUS we couldnt even get in the EBG puzzle for last weeks match up because we didn’t have a keep… It was sad times

Bunzy’s great at one thing.

Staying in second place.

I feel cheated

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Your problem if you bought them, not mine or anyone else. Deal with it.

My problem was I trusted the posting of the Anet employe we could only get 2 out of 5 for free.

Ah the true spirit of Christmas and Wintersday.

“You got more than I did. I WANT RESTITUTION!”

GW2 feels like a F2P game (my opinion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


AAA means high quality.

F2P means you don’t pay a monthly subscription.

You can be AAA and be F2P. Many games are. AAA does not require monthly sub.

Why are there inequities in Wintersday skins?

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


So the developers decided that certain weapons didn’t need vendor skins and gem skins because a fraction of the user base got precursors from a chest?

That seems like an interesting argument to make that underused-weapon users were punished.

Why are there inequities in Wintersday skins?

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


The vendor items almost feel like an afterthought. They did some of the gemstore items and went, “Oh, this won’t go over well if we don’t throw them some free crap.”

So they rushed together the other items and said go. There seems to be no admission that the designers and developers screwed up in omitting weapons or if it’ll change. In a game where cosmetics are a crux of the design, it’s baffling that a whole line of weaponry would be left out for these events.

Massively: Where Guild Wars 2 Goes Wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


1. Roles being clearly defined is not a problem of the game in question. It’s a problem with an inability to tolerate ambiguity. The author wants clearly defined roles due to a value placed on boundaries.

2. Dynamic events are problematic for a reason mentioned, but it wasn’t really talked about. The author complains that the events affect the world around you. The problem is not the change. The problem is what happens when people don’t change it BACK? What happens if the change is bugged and it can’t be changed? That is the problem. The author also seems to have two points: the change is too much, and the change isn’t enough.

3. Area flow is a problem. Good points here.

4. Crafting is better in FFXIV? What? Crafting in FFXIV was one of the worst things ever. You weren’t given recipes. You found them by messing around. Crafting was also slow, boring, and required so much work that few people bothered to craft after a while. Also, for the record of the author the recipes were only stored after massive outcry. GW2 stored them from the start. This criticism is, frankly, bogus.

5. Yeah, the story is weak. However, MMOs aren’t known for strong story. Even SWTOR had bad story at times. FFXI had decent story, but it also forced you to team in those stories. I think this criticism is appropriate, especially as a large part of the game lacked impact. And then there is Trahearne.

So the author had some valid points. The author also stated some things as bad that were, frankly, largely opinion and preference. Crafting and role clarity are preference. Storyline and map flow can be demonstrably demonstrated. The Dynamic Events points, however, were just puzzling.

Why are there inequities in Wintersday skins?

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


A lot of it is strange, honestly. The lack of feedback on why some users have been left without skins, however, is frustrating. Guild Wars 1 was all about making sure everyone was included. GW2 seems to be doing away with that policy with entire weapon sets being completely ignored.

What’s worse is that whoever made this decision is not giving any information as to why they chose to neglect a pretty decent size of weapon choices.

Why are there inequities in Wintersday skins?

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


So far, there are eight skins in the vendor:

Wooden Dagger
Bell Focus
Candy-Cane hammer
Pop Gun
Princess Wand
Toy Staff
Toy Sword

There are 10 skins for sale with gems:

Short Bow
Long Bow

This means that if you want your weapon to be festive as a user of the long bow, axe, great sword, shield, or pistol, you have to go the gem route. For those who use mace, warhorn, torch, harpoons, spears, and tridents…you’re out of luck.

So, why is it that some weapons get vendor skins, some get gem skins, and almost half get jack squat? I would like for a developer to actually answer this inequity in their design.

Stating a lack of resources is not a reason when the developers clearly managed to design two staves, two swords, two bows, and two hammers.

Pop Gun does not "Pop!"

in Wintersday

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I just wanted to “pop” in and say that I understand how important this is to you all, and I agree that the slingshot sounds really cool when it’s fired. Unfortunately, the root of the issue is not just a mere oversight but rather a technical issue that has to do with the differences between these two weapon types. When we discovered the issue we made the determination that it was better to have the pop gun without the pop sound than not have it all.

In this case, I’m sure we want to solve this problem for other cases in the future so I would say chances are very good that this will be fixed. I just can’t say exactly when it will be fixed though. It probably won’t happen before the holiday is over.

Do you guys intend to allow all weapons to join in the fun next time? As a warhorn necro, I’m disappointed that I have no options once again.

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


So, let’s try something new, eh?

Let’s say something good about another server!

I like Maguuma’s resourcefulness. If there’s ever a new little trick to try, Maguuma is on the front lines trying it. I like that they’re always out there looking for new ways to creatively play the WvW game.

Come on. You can do it, too. Something nice that you like. Come ooooon.

In my view, these forums are a great time saver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Can I have your stuff?

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Had something weird happen in Anzalias Pass just now. A sylvari male warrior from Ehmry Bay guild “People from Nowhere” somehow glitched inside past the gate. I was having connection issues and was inside waiting to d/c if it happened when they attacked, and ended up going LD with him standing there attacking so got some screenshots if needed.

No mesmer was around, so no portal and I have no idea how a warrior managed to glitch inside, but thats really not good to exploit like that.

That would explain the earlier post.. Guess somehow EB got inside inner SH with no inner walls down..

Hacking seems to be happening in insidious manners as of late. I caught a Maguuma mesmer in the geometry yesterday after clearing garrison. After realizing that I wasn’t going to go away, the mesmer teleported away.

I think every server should be on the lookout for hackers.

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


We won this match already. We just decided to farm presents instead. So enjoy, I guess. Event weeks are always bunk.

Why not say, “Good job on your win,” instead of “OMG THIS ONE DOESN’T COUNT?”

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


So Emery is an Alt-F4 server?

AAAAAAND we’re off.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Sorry for any maguuman hate, but it’s probably from no good experience with EB posts, anytime they have something to say it’s never anything really good. There are so few EB posts about mag tht has anything half decent to say.

I think it comes from a really small group of people who are really vocal. It’s unfortunate, seeing how EB and Maguuma seem to fight each other so darn much! We should learn to just enjoy each other. I think it’s starting to happen slowly but surely.

We just need representatives from both servers who aren’t bickering constantly! I’ve had some pretty fun matchups with Maguuma, too. It’s always fun to defend against you guys or try to find ways around the tricks, too.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


This is why Maguuma will always come in 2nd or 3rd place.

Crystal Desert borderland: Ehmry vs Crystal.
Maguuma borderland: Ehmry vs Maguuma.
Other two zones: Ehmry vs Maguuma + Crystal

The net result, like last week, is Crystal Desert takes #1. They have the manpower to make sure that any alliance with them in it works in their favor. Maguuma doesn’t. The best they will ever make with this strategy is second place.

Maybe you shouldn’t have started the match like this

Yes, how dare Ehmry Bay try to push any assault!

So it’s okay for that guy to complain that we’re focusing you but not okay to point out that you did the exact same thing? Okay!

I’m seeing that Ehmry pushed both CD and Maguuma borderlands. How is that focusing? I don’t know if you see this in CD’s borderlands, but there’s quite a few fights on the west side.

The way I see it, EB was willing to evenly divide our borderlands in half in CD (happy coincidence?) but in CD they didn’t feel like sticking to their own side. For all of the talk I’ve heard of trying to split CD down the middle, that was a pretty bad execution. The result is that you guys made us leave CD and go to your borderlands, and a lot of us stayed there until we went to sleep. So yeah, it looks like we’re focusing you now, just like it looked like you were focusing us earlier.

But to be frank, we just don’t have enough Mumble presence to cover three borderlands, even on opening night now. We were down 50% from just a few weeks ago in terms of numbers. EB and EB (hurr) were the only places we had significant progress after that stuff happened, so it was pretty logical to go to Ehmry and our own borderlands because we had a large guild handling Eternal.

I think most of what goes into WvW is hitting every zone as quickly as possible. I think that if there is some secret alliance, you see it after the initial rush. I don’t know if that happened after, though. However, I disagree that it shows EB splitting Maguuma with CD. Mainly because in CD’s own battleground, EB and CD are fighting. It shows your point of view AND it shows evidence that the point of view isn’t really happening.

Which you choose to accept is up to you. I don’t think EB has the ability to organize itself enough to work off CD, though.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Probably something about comments on servers and places

Gonna be honest, didn’t read any of this except the last part. I didn’t tell you not to come here, I made a suggestion. Calm down. You can either ignore the people that displease you, bark at them, or whine about them whining. Which do you think is better for you? Don’t answer that.

At least you can admit that you half-read posts and only pick out bits and pieces that suit you. That’s a big admission to make when you are also pretending to respond to a person as a whole.

Thanks for admitting it. I had a suspicion.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


This is why Maguuma will always come in 2nd or 3rd place.

Crystal Desert borderland: Ehmry vs Crystal.
Maguuma borderland: Ehmry vs Maguuma.
Other two zones: Ehmry vs Maguuma + Crystal

The net result, like last week, is Crystal Desert takes #1. They have the manpower to make sure that any alliance with them in it works in their favor. Maguuma doesn’t. The best they will ever make with this strategy is second place.

Maybe you shouldn’t have started the match like this

Yes, how dare Ehmry Bay try to push any assault!

So it’s okay for that guy to complain that we’re focusing you but not okay to point out that you did the exact same thing? Okay!

I’m seeing that Ehmry pushed both CD and Maguuma borderlands. How is that focusing? I don’t know if you see this in CD’s borderlands, but there’s quite a few fights on the west side.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


This is why Maguuma will always come in 2nd or 3rd place.

Crystal Desert borderland: Ehmry vs Crystal.
Maguuma borderland: Ehmry vs Maguuma.
Other two zones: Ehmry vs Maguuma + Crystal

The net result, like last week, is Crystal Desert takes #1. They have the manpower to make sure that any alliance with them in it works in their favor. Maguuma doesn’t. The best they will ever make with this strategy is second place.

Maybe you shouldn’t have started the match like this

Yes, how dare Ehmry Bay try to push any assault!

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Also, I have just as much right to be on this forum as you do. I paid for my game just like you did, and I can access the forums until my access is revoked. You do not decide if I get to come here. I can only hope that you see that I’m engaging you in a respectful, open, honest manner.

Could and should are not the same thing

Ditto, sunshine.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142



I never said you were doing it to tarnish our win, I said you were doing it to play the victim card. I could care less that we’re winning over you and CD is winning over everyone.

Lol, I’m being rabid about winning but you’re noting how CD is keeping you in third place. Okay.

Ninja edit

I’m getting very tired of having to constantly placate some incredibly overly-sensitive PVPers because they can’t tolerate comments on what another server is doing as an action.

It’s not an inability to tolerate comments. It’s having to put up with people making inaccurate comments and always whining about why they’re losing or being hit. If you’re so tired of it, you probably shouldn’t come on general forums.

See, here’s the problem with your post: I don’t care that we’re in third place. I don’t care if we’re in second. I don’t care if we win. I want to enjoy the game and have fun. I want to discuss the tactics and moves of other servers in a constructive way. I want to have an open and honest conversation about WvWvW with fellow fans of the game.

I have a feeling that this will not faze you at all, though. You have it set in your mind that I am upset or angry at being in third place or not winning. You’re set in thinking that I’m jealous of CD being in first. I’m really not. I think it’s great because I have friends on CD who are benefiting from your winning at the moment.

Also, I have just as much right to be on this forum as you do. I paid for my game just like you did, and I can access the forums until my access is revoked. You do not decide if I get to come here. I can only hope that you see that I’m engaging you in a respectful, open, honest manner.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I’m sorry that I chose to note something happening on my server. Would you rather I tell you what’s happening on your server so this thread can further degrade?

No, you didn’t note something that was happening. You played a victim card because a server was hitting yours and not another. I explained the situation out for you in a matter that made the most sense. Hopefully for future battles, you will take that information and use it as to why one BL is being hit and not another.

No, I noted that CD clearly decided to keep EB in third by hitting them hardest. It’s a good strategy seeing that we were second last week. I would do the same thing. If you are facing the same group as last week, cripple your potential closest competition at the start. Then you just have to alternate keeping the second and third place from getting too close. It’s a good strategy when you own the night. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Again, you need to calm down. You need to stop assuming that anyone who notes an action must be doing so to tarnish “your win.” If you guys win, great job. If you don’t, I wish you guys nothing but the best of luck.

And for all that is good and holy, can some of you stop being so rabid about winning? It’s ruining what should be a fun game with this alpha competitive crap. I’m getting very tired of having to constantly placate some incredibly overly-sensitive PVPers because they can’t tolerate comments on what another server is doing as an action.

(edited by cainejw.7142)

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


It’s still a valid tactic. It may not be the most tactical, but it’s a tactic nonetheless.

No one’s arguing that it’s not a tactic. It is one, but it’s one people don’t like losing to the most.

Interestingly, as of right now CD owns all of EB borderlands. We’re in third place. However, Maguuma owns their borderlands with minimal shifting. I guess CD decided to try to keep EB in third this week.

No, EBay BL was the easier target for them, that’s why they attacked you first. Mag BL was completely capped (therefore showing it was being defended) and EBay had speckles of both green and red. We also kicked out CA from CD attempting to cap camps (a group of about 20). We’re defending our Bl, that’s why there’s minimal shifting. CD is currently in Mag BL, doing what they do best. It is not always about you and trying to keep you in a certain place. Stop making everything into the EBay Show.[/quote]

I’m sorry that I chose to note something happening on my server. Would you rather I tell you what’s happening on your server so this thread can further degrade?

I realize that WvWvW threads must be more troll-filled than actual WvWvW, but I didn’t assign any reason for CD taking EB’s borderlands. Calm down.

(edited by Moderator)

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Yes, CD zergs. Heck, I just had a mesmer pull me off the wall and then had a nice experience of probably 8-10 people on one.

It’s still a valid tactic. It may not be the most tactical, but it’s a tactic nonetheless.

Interestingly, as of right now CD owns all of EB borderlands. We’re in third place. However, Maguuma owns their borderlands with minimal shifting. I guess CD decided to try to keep EB in third this week.

(edited by cainejw.7142)

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Yeah, we really don’t need another week of rehashing the past of Ehmry and Maguuma. Stuff happened, both servers mutually dislike each other. Leave it at that and make with the WvWvW fun.

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Did something happened between Mag and Ehmry in the past?

Huge past, most of it negative.

It’s nice to see some CD this week, though! I have many friends on the CD server. Good luck!

The reason your high level zones are empty.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I’m all for bettering the loot, but it should be noted that the developers improved the loot for Lost Shores. They were met with demands for equality so that everyone could get a precursor item.

Should max stat gear be easy to be obtained?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Yes. In fact, I think I should start the game with full Legendaries, level 80, all skills unlocked, and…while we’re at it, I could totally use a new car. It’s in the manifesto!

But if you started with all that you could like, do all the content! Imagine being able to do all the content right from the start, it would make the content so much less fun right? In reality we’re not getting new things to do with new gear tiers, we’re getting the same thing to do over again instead.

The idea behind legendaries was a graphical indicator of someones dedication to the game, it had nothing to do with having better stats. It’s like a big fancy title saying “I love this game so I spent unmentionable hours working to get this” but more visual and noticeable. By making legendaries have better stats they have actually diminished the meaning of them as it’s no longer people who love the game that shoot for them, but just about everyone who wants any edge they can get. It’s no longer about showing how into the game you are, but about keeping up with everyone else. Which for many people, isn’t fun.

Interestingly, my post was removed and infracted. It didn’t add anything to the discussion according to the person making the decision to censor my post. Even better, you were somehow able to see my point and argue against it. Good job!

I think much like in moderation, the design team needs to their community a chance to actually contribute through conflict and resolution instead of nannying people with platitudes.

As for why I disagree with you, I think that the gear cannot all be the same stats. That then makes gear meaningless across all levels. Gear has to have meaning. You cannot have everyone have the same level of gear and expect people to play. They just don’t. You have to put in a reward system. However, I think the TIME it takes is the problem. Legendaries take a huge amount of time to create. I will gladly agree there.

I have often told a friend that the problem isn’t the idea. It’s the implementation. Much like with the moderation of these forums. Instead of recognizing that conflict is actually FRUITFUL, the moderation team hamfists everything they do, squashes potential for actual positive outcome, and pretends like the end result is not a failure. Legendaries, unfortunately, are a great idea taken to an extreme result much like the absolutely laughable moderation team that GW2 has.

I’m sure this post will be infracted too. Why? ‘cause it dares to call attention to a growing amount of failures in a series of games that I have played since Day 1 of Guild Wars 1. It’s disheartening and, frankly, makes me view ArenaNet negatively.

Lost Shores: Creating Winners vs. Losers

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Personally, I don’t want a Legendary handed to me in everything I do. I would rather farm for it in a rare instance than be handed tokens for passing gas.

Lost Shores: Creating Winners vs. Losers

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I’m actually amazed to see so many people so miserable because a few others got better loot after all of the complaining and the uproar caused by event loot being too poor.

I really hope the developers do not listen to the people here demanding no RNG or constant loot equality. I may hate the grind that GW2 can be, but I think it’s great that people got better loot than I did. It means that the loot was there at all.

Investigation by Miyani bugged?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cainejw.7142


There were some events that we could not extend past Phase 1, unfortunately. Extending all events in Phase 1 would have been a much more extensive fix, requiring much more time to thoroughly regress. Given the time sensitive nature of the event, we extended what portions we were able to effectively.

Our developers are reading all of your feedback and are taking all the critiques on board.

We apologize that this means that folks are not able to complete the Miyani chain.

You want some feedback and critique?

Get your game together, ArenaNet. Right now, you’re looking less like Guild Wars and more like SW:TOR. NCSoft slit City of Heroes’s throat. You think they won’t shank you in the back to get some money back as their stock tumbles?

Start working on an AAA game, and stop playing amateur hour. The work done on Lost Shores has been an absolute, complete disservice to the Guild Wars franchise.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Insinuating that Maguuma has some huge night capping force is laughable. Yes, your server did fairly well while our server was at work on Friday or out on Friday night.

You guys can come up with more excuses or you can get in game and contribute badges to Maguuma. Perhaps some of you could benefit from transferring over to Maguuma, we’re getting more badges than we know what to do with!

With that said, Maguuma, I wouldn’t ignore Eredon for Ehmry. As of current, they’re taking back their borderlands from you while you’re doing all you can to keep Ehmry out of the other three.

Yeah, it’s called an alliance.

I didn’t say you had a huge night capping force. I said that you nightcapped everything, upgraded it, and you’re now holding it all. I’m interested that you got one message from a completely different message entirely. I think that speaks volumes.

I also have no interest in transferring to Maguuma, but I thank you for the offer.

And nice jab with the “alliance” thing. It’s interesting to see some Maguuma users calling for civility and respect while others are openly attempting to bait a fight. It’s really unfortunate that a vocal few ruin what is probably a pretty good server. I still wish your server the best for the week, though! I’m looking forward to seeing how things turn out, and I do hope that EB ultimately beats you.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I don’t understand why some Maguuma users feel the need to open the thread this week by insinuating that EB was doing well in the early onset due to transfers instead of through busting the attempt to turtle.

I also don’t understand the constant need of some Maguuma users to play the victim. When you were losing, it was because EB was hacking in the past, exploiting, or transfers saving the day. When you are winning, everyone other than you is a horrible crybaby and anyone who speaks against you is just a hater, whining, or “trashing.” Either way, you’re the “good” and everyone else is “bad.”

people were saying that emery bay got ahead because of transfers is because the last time mag and ebay fought, they were a no-show, much like ET is now. how that ebay can field players in primetime, its no surprise you get claims like this.

and magerma isnt playing the victim, hack accusations were only brought up by emery bay referencing previous match ups by multiple people from emery bay, even when you were winning.

emery bay is by far the server with the worst sportsmanship i’ve ever seen. insulting players that have nothing but compliments to give for improving so much. i can’t believe the amount of whining and excuses that are brought up, even when were ahead.

So, if Ehmry Bay had these transfers that helped so much, where are they now that Maguuma has nightcapped and is holding on to those caps? They were apparently enough to absolutely obliterate your turtle offensive and attempt to use the AOE cap to your advantage. Did they just magically disappear overnight?

No. They didn’t. ‘cause they didn’t exist. Ehmry didn’t have a huge influx of awesome new players who carried the server on the first night. We just put a ballista down and wrecked your attempt to use a mechanic. There’s no need to find some outward source as an excuse for that failure. It’s as simple as your turtle was met with a swift counter.

As for the mentioning of Maguuma’s hacking, you should read the thread. A question was asked concerning how EB was doing so well at the onset. The answer was that this time around, there was not hacking the orbs and a bugged garrison. I cannot help it if you think these things are bad or reflect negatively on your server. They are, however, reality as to the last match.

With that said, Maguuma, I wouldn’t ignore Eredon for Ehmry. As of current, they’re taking back their borderlands from you while you’re doing all you can to keep Ehmry out of the other three.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Our last matchup was really friendly and we learned alot. We are learning alot from Ehmry Bay right now – particularly from your use of supply denial using teams of thieves. I’m proud to be fighting you guys because you actually make me think and adapt.

I don’t understand why you have to be this way. Enough with the hostility already. Also GOON and SFD hardly play anymore and they both have no active commanders. What you are fighting is predominately an organization of small guilds with no affiliation to SA. It is not the same server you fought a month ago. You are also clearly not the same server we fought a month ago.

Can we stop trashing this thread please?

I don’t understand why some Maguuma users feel the need to open the thread this week by insinuating that EB was doing well in the early onset due to transfers instead of through busting the attempt to turtle.

I also don’t understand the constant need of some Maguuma users to play the victim. When you were losing, it was because EB was hacking in the past, exploiting, or transfers saving the day. When you are winning, everyone other than you is a horrible crybaby and anyone who speaks against you is just a hater, whining, or “trashing.” Either way, you’re the “good” and everyone else is “bad.”

I congratulate you guys on doing really well right now. Your nightcap team is superior to ours. We initially crushed your attempt to use the AOE caps to your advantage. You responded by capping everything when we were asleep. You’re now doing a good job holding those gains. There’s nothing wrong with any of that until the developers say there is.

And if you think that Maguuma and Ehmry Bay like each other, you’re deluding yourself. Even before each time was scoring points, Ehmry users were remarking negatively about Maguuma and I’m more than sure the same is true for Maguuma. This is a result of, frankly, the last matches with Maguuma and the perceived behaviors of some users representing the whole.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I believe a few players on Ebay might be using alt-f4 as I have experienced this multiple times earlier.

Better mod?

I’ve seen a few on EB use it. I’ve also seen many, many Maguuma players doing it. In fact, we had one player kill 3-4 people in a group match. When I strolled up, I held the group off long enough for those behind me to arrive to make the match fair. As soon as the Maguuma Invader saw that it was going to be a numerically even fight, he or she alt+f4ed. That ended up in us killing the leftover team of Maguuma.

I’ve also had a few Maguuma Invaders disappear when they were downed.

This is not to say Maguuma is the only server doing this. I’m sure all servers have players who are doing this. I’ve only fought Maguuma so far, though. (It’s a little asinine that I or anyone else has to constantly qualify that we’re not picking on specific servers by citing anecdotal evidence…)