Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
Showing Posts For denimdan.8642:
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
id like to send a shout out to my new ranger friend from [GWAM] FA… enjoy the catas :P
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
This is an odd question to me. If you are playing regen ranger, regen should basically always be up while in combat, right? Isn’t the more relevant question:how much healing power do you need? Should the ranger play the signet of the wild or fortifying bond for the pet heals? Should the ranger go magi for crits that activate companion’s might? Should the ranger use troll and rely on bear for condition removal?
Anyone have any ideas about that stuff? Just a few of things I have wondered.
IF you run shouts, you only need one skill “Guard” to keep perma regen up.
i currently have 1.1k healing power with clerics gear and do about 278 regen tics (i can get it to about 320 with food).
fortifying bond auto comes with the shout build, i run signet of wild for the extra 150 tics of healing to supplement my regen but swap it for renewal when i feel the need.(if you run shouts your pet gets perma protection along with the regen so it almost never dies)
id rather have my pet alive to do dmg than risk losing his dmg entirely (as well as my codi removal) so i dont run the companions might (im also hearing that its bugging alot)
as for the condi removal. i ALWAYS recommend running empathetic bond, if you dont codis WILL screw you over…that being said troll heals for alot more(1008 h/s in my build), so for small groups i run troll, for organised/zergs i run healing spring as it is the best water field in the game
This is coming from a person that runs a shout build, there are other regen builds that are not near as tanky but output significantly more dps(no other build has perma regen other than shouts atm)
hope this anwsers your questions
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
(edited by denimdan.8642)
Yes, increased boon duration affects swiftness and regen from Nature’s Voice. From what I can tell, this is based on the recipient’s stats and not the giver’s.
Which is unfortunate for me, given that I’m running at about +80% boon duration. :/
incorerect…when it comes to natures voice the boons you give to others last just as long as the do on you…if it last 17 sec on you, then it will last 17 sec on the ppl you put it on. with the 33% regen duration in crease from traits being the exception (that increase is use less with this build any way lol)
Are you certain? When I’m traveling with my group I am pretty sure that my buffs drop off them earlier than off of me. I don’t use the 33% regen trait anymore, since I don’t really need it.
I’ll have to test it again tonight.
nature voices has a very limited range (360) about the size of guard ring, when you see it fall off early its because they didnt get one of your hits from guard(the radius is off of you not the ring
last i checked, i was giving full duration to every one, but this was before latest patch…i have ran this build for a long time and i cant bring my self to switch lol
Well… that’s great news to me! It’s only fair that boons are calculated from the giver’s stats.
Likewise, I’ve ran this build for a long time. Since the introduction of Nature’s Voice, and I can’t switch either. I love it!
yea it feels good to have found a build that actualy contributes to blob fights/organised guild groups…boon covers may not seem important, until you run into a anti hammer train necro group
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
Yes, increased boon duration affects swiftness and regen from Nature’s Voice. From what I can tell, this is based on the recipient’s stats and not the giver’s.
Which is unfortunate for me, given that I’m running at about +80% boon duration. :/
incorerect…when it comes to natures voice the boons you give to others last just as long as the do on you…if it last 17 sec on you, then it will last 17 sec on the ppl you put it on. with the 33% regen duration in crease from traits being the exception (that increase is use less with this build any way lol)
Are you certain? When I’m traveling with my group I am pretty sure that my buffs drop off them earlier than off of me. I don’t use the 33% regen trait anymore, since I don’t really need it.
I’ll have to test it again tonight.
nature voices has a very limited range (360) about the size of guard ring, when you see it fall off early its because they didnt get one of your hits from guard(the radius is off of you not the ring
last i checked, i was giving full duration to every one, but this was before latest patch…i have ran this build for a long time and i cant bring my self to switch lol
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
(edited by denimdan.8642)
Last question. I assume you lose zero regen effect by not using Dwayna runes, replacing that lost regen with the boon/shout effects.
this is correct with teh runes i mentioned i have 80% boon duration witch gets natures voices to 18 sec per shout, RaO to about 38 sec, and call of the wild to be about 28 sec
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
Yes, increased boon duration affects swiftness and regen from Nature’s Voice. From what I can tell, this is based on the recipient’s stats and not the giver’s.
Which is unfortunate for me, given that I’m running at about +80% boon duration. :/
incorerect…when it comes to natures voice the boons you give to others last just as long as the do on you…if it last 17 sec on you, then it will last 17 sec on the ppl you put it on. with the 33% regen duration in crease from traits being the exception (that increase is use less with this build any way lol)
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
regen is one of the weakest buffs in game. slow and low heal. most classes have it. we, rangers use it only in spvp because we have 4 sources of regen or regen kitten abilitys. with dodges and evaids we can survive most 1v1 situations and slowly condy pressure the enemy. and this is why its not working in pve and wvw. there u need fast kills and big, insta heals.
have you ever had a fight in wvw where they had necros ripping your zergs boons? stability and might mean nothing if you don’t have boons to cover them from being ripped. while regen and swift may be weak boons, there at the top of the priority list when it comes to what boon gets ripped first. haveing a few guys that can constantly throw up 4 boons on 4 guys each makes if very difficult for the enemy to get to your stabilty
Exactly. As a Nature’s Voice spammer, this boon (ahem, stability) protection is one of my primary contributions to my frontline teammates. Well that, and providing the best water field (despite nerf) in the game on command.
It ain’t much, but at least it’s something.
i havent looked very far into it, but with the current meta for the builds of zergs/hammer trains. I don’t believe any other class can reapply these duration for regen and swiftness as fast as a ranger, with 15 sec of it on a 12 sec cd, as well as up to 4 other ways to apply them as soon as it gets ripped we are able to re apply before the next boon rip hits, and that along with the abilty to survive just as long as a war/guard in the middle of the fight, gives ranger the potential to be the best defense against boon stripping short of killing all necros asap.
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
regen is one of the weakest buffs in game. slow and low heal. most classes have it. we, rangers use it only in spvp because we have 4 sources of regen or regen kitten abilitys. with dodges and evaids we can survive most 1v1 situations and slowly condy pressure the enemy. and this is why its not working in pve and wvw. there u need fast kills and big, insta heals.
have you ever had a fight in wvw where they had necros ripping your zergs boons? stability and might mean nothing if you don’t have boons to cover them from being ripped. while regen and swift may be weak boons, there at the top of the priority list when it comes to what boon gets ripped first. haveing a few guys that can constantly throw up 4 boons on 4 guys each makes if very difficult for the enemy to get to your stabilty
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
its a waste to use 6 dwayna runes with this build as it gives you extra regen that you dont need.
Use, 2 traveler, 2 monk, and 2 water all superior, use a war horn and you will have perma regen, swift, fury and might for you and 4 others. you get the same survivabilty with a dps boost as well and you give even more support with the extra boonsyou could have simply quote my post
lol yea i didn’t see your second build until after i posted mine, my bad :P
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
its a waste to use 6 dwayna runes with this build as it gives you extra regen that you dont need.
Use, 2 traveler, 2 monk, and 2 water all superior, use a war horn and you will have perma regen, swift, fury and might for you and 4 others. you get the same survivabilty with a dps boost as well and you give even more support with the extra boons
I run a vary similar build to yours but with power, toughness, healing power gear and i used to run the same runes, but trust me when you switch to these runes and a war horn you will notice an increase to the amount you help your party and your dps
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
(edited by denimdan.8642)
Yes I had to do a double take when I saw EVOH in red names. When did you all leave?
we left about a week before the mass influx of guilds came SBI, we were hopeing for a place away from all the zergs and stale fights…and we ended up with this lol but haveing lots oh fun here
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
EVOH would like to thank mag for finally taking back there west keep so we can sleep :P. Its nice to see some familiar tags to be fighting against. Will be good hunting this week all around.
Fear the beaver
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
was in WvW when the Borderland went down and redirected everyone in my guild to lions arch, waited for it to load the BOOM, network error for all of us. it now happens every time we log in when we get to the lions arch loading screen.
can the person at ANET pls plug the cable back in that he tripped on
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
rangers do have a way to revive there dead pet, if intended or not i am unsure……run signet of the wild and let your pet die, stay in combat and watch your pets health…
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
ranger traps have a 50 man limit instead of 5
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
i love how every one in the forms always ignore the one or two sensible posts and just trolls the trolls trolling the trolls
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
why not just take GvG to the EB jp…no orb buffs there
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
that’s my build with gear and runes ect. stats slightly lower as i have ascended.
gives you 500 passive heal
2k toughness
room for easy modification if you want more dps or more support.
can keep 5 guys busy for a while with the massive healing power and the GS leap and RaO(30 sec of stability instead of 20) giving your friends time to get to you.
as a lot of you know ranger is first one normally targeted in group fights, well you can survive all the initial burst with this build leaving the enemy on total CD while your friends kill them and you not going below 25% health.
most the survivability is staying mobile with the gs 3 and the perma swift helps alot.
the LB allows you to get your downed up with the 4 knock back to stop stakes and the 3 stealth for the rez. along with “protect me” and “troll unguent” u are almost guaranteed to rez every 48 sec.
all in all its a tank/support build and i enjoy kiting around 20 man zergs cause they cant catch me, a Warrior can only keep up for about 20 sec the rest have no hope to catch u.
also if u WvW a lot its a grate build for holding points and staying at the front of the zerg tagging every thing that attempts to kill you
Edit: as a reference to how tough you are and dps wise its about the same as a full tank/bunker Warrior but more survivability
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
(edited by denimdan.8642)
(Sorry for double post, message was too long. :/)
I can tell you that your healing power counts for the regeneration that you apply on others.
So if you have 1500 healing power you will have a 317 regen that also affects others not only you. So that is definitely useful.
As a beastmaster you can have a really tough pet but your damage won’t be really good.phew! Thank the Pale Tree!
I was severely worried about how Regen worked.As for my lacking damage as a Beast Master, personally I’ve never really worried about my own damage. I enjoy supporting groups in any game I play either it’s healing, buffing, severe de-buffing, etc. I know Guild Wars 2 wants to get rid of the “Holy Trinity” of MMO’s but honestly I feel like they’ve just been trying to make everyone DPS, although thanks to bunker builds Tanks are in and doing quite well. So it’s rather hard for me to make DPS my main focus. ^^;
I can tell you that your healing power counts for the regeneration that you apply on others.
So if you have 1500 healing power you will have a 317 regen that also affects others not only you. So that is definitely useful.
As a beastmaster you can have a really tough pet but your damage won’t be really good.With this build you will do no damage and you won’t necessarily be healing your team very much either. Regeneration is based off the healing power of the target, not the original source of the boon. Therefore, someone with no healing power will not benefit much from your regeneration application.
this isn’t correct, with nature voice trait the regen boon u give is off of your healing power not theirs, ever time i use it i see the healing procing at 370 for the 5 guys around me
i run a modified version of this build that gives more survivability and ok dmg, 0,0,30,30,10 with gs lb and valkary gear/weps…running food and oil i get ~370 regen and Gs auto attack of ~500 and 2k thoughmess, its a group support build so as with any support build your dps isnt all that important as keeping the enemy attention on you as u take all the dmg and keep your allis up…all in all im vry happy with the nature voices trait
Once again, thank you as well for the clarification on Regen! <3
That sounds rather interesting! I’ve been wanting to run LB/SB or GS because I really like the way they play, however I can’t seem to find a way to incorporate them into my build. T.T (Aside from LB in WvW) Just out of curiosity what utility skills are you running? :o
guard (obviously lol)
protect me (i cant live with out and oh kitten button and its a stun breaker)
signet of the wild (cant beat a 150 passive heal)
RaO or Elite spirit (depends on if i’m roaming my self or in a group)
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
if your use the #3 on the LB your in stealth for the first 2 sec of the LB channel, its part of the reason they put the stealth on the LB.
If they make whirling defense mobile it will be the exact same as the warrior off hand ax move.
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
With this build you will do no damage and you won’t necessarily be healing your team very much either. Regeneration is based off the healing power of the target, not the original source of the boon. Therefore, someone with no healing power will not benefit much from your regeneration application.
this isn’t correct, with nature voice trait the regen boon u give is off of your healing power not theirs, ever time i use it i see the healing procing at 370 for the 5 guys around me
i run a modified version of this build that gives more survivability and ok dmg, 0,0,30,30,10 with gs lb and valkary gear/weps…running food and oil i get ~370 regen and Gs auto attack of ~500 and 2k thoughmess, its a group support build so as with any support build your dps isnt all that important as keeping the enemy attention on you as u take all the dmg and keep your allis up…all in all im vry happy with the nature voices trait
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
(edited by denimdan.8642)
you do know that warbanner isn’t the only skill in the game that can insta rez a lord right? other classes have less visible skills to do it as well and with the 5 man cap on the ability if they made it so they didnt rez lords then the skills would be almost trash…
and tbh defending vs attacking a keep, the balance of power should be leaned toward the defenders side, the rez ability makes this makes this so
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
(edited by denimdan.8642)
don’t forget that leaping through healing fields do the same amount of heal as a blast finisher and u can get 2 leaps inside the 1 healing spring
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
Target dummy for the elite classes in WvW. The ranger is designed to fail in anything but a pro’s hands, and even there…it lacks. This game is geared toward having ridiculously op classes downing people with passive abilities like retaliation or three-shotting them when standing there like an idiot getting shot at fails. Someone has to be the broken class that’s easy to down and spike. That’s us.
The guy with a pirate hat and a pet next to him is always easy to identify and kill. Rangers are definitely my easiest kills and rarely kill me unless they are melee.
This. There’s been countless times in WvW where I was in a party, PUG, or zerg, and despite the majority of time being an upscale with a group of other upscales, they target ME. So I now have a grudge against all enemy thieves I encounter in WvW and stocked up on stealth disruptor traps because you picked on me so many times :’(
In all seriousness though, think of rangers as the only profession that has their damage handicapped by a profession mechanic. As others have stated, condition damage is negligible because other professions do it better, we have lower DPS, and our support is mediocre (I have never seen a healing build fail so much on a profession). If anything, we’re long-ranged burst/DPS. I know for a fact that LB warriors don’t even come close to the long-ranged DPS of a ranger, but I haven’t played enough mesmer or ele to say that long-range DPS is our role.
Liking the discussion here, it’s good that people recognize this massive (hopefully unintended) flaw in the profession.
Have you tried a shout build since the last couple of patches? Cause for a healing bunker build its amazing, i can hold a camp in WvW against 5 guys with it and kill the occasional one or two. 500 passive heals on a perma up time and the leaps available to a ranger using the water fields can make u almost unkillable when used right(with the exception of the full zerker thief ~75% i can get away)…so healing build with ranger is totally viable
P.S. im also first targeted and now when they do my buddy’s have time to kill them while they blow there cds on me and it doesn’t bring me below 50%
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
Just a heads up for people who may not know yet. Many class are currently able to get on top of enemy walls (and through) via movement ability’s, from the out side with out ever knocking a hole in the structure. So, watch your towers and keeps they may be getting flipped by exploiters.
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
you can get regen up to 400+ per tic if u really want to…most heals have a down time on ~12 sec so that’s 4800 health you wouldn’t have, i give perma regen to my party’s all the time and they have tanked me because its saved them while there heals were on cd
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
if pet is dead none of the abilities work, this is the down side to them and why many rangers don’t like there mechanics. the stun break on “protect me” will work when pet is dead but not the dmg absorption
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
im enjoying LB+GS on a Regen build that im trying atm centered around the GS
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
if you really want to play ranger and stick with it, just find a build that’s not the flavor of the month and you will be fine…been playing ranger since release and until the SB range hit i never had to really change my build now. tbh other than having to burn money on new gear, finding a new build is kinda fun.
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
i give my great sword to this cause…as i have already burned my short bow
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
its working great for me on my mobile as well as pc, IE/FF both work….i lov ethis btw
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
yea little guy is gone for me as well
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
my guildies and i have talked a lot about this, especially the first. it sucks trying to organize multiparty attacks with my guild and not able to see your 2nd and even 3rd 5 man team on the map and the 3rd add in would be greatly acceped by the WvW ppl and make claiming a keep or tower worth it, the +40 buffs just dont cut it anymore, claiming is almost pointless other than the +10% to healing and +5% speed buff
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
yea, holding EB with no seidge at all, cant place an ac or anything but golems, this is real nice :/
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
to the kaning that chased me around the moat in west keep on mag bl for 20 min. i find it funny that y’all called in more and more guys till u finally killed me…was 10 at one point lol. i hope u all had as much fun as i did ;P
EVOH ranger.
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
come and take it BP we have enjoyed all the tics we have got from it, and hopefully many more. :P
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
had some great time today in eternal
We kinda like our new keep and evoh feels like its an upgrade. This is what happens when you have to much fun at our expense.
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]