Kill shot is terrible.
Sure in pug 8v8s where no one has a lick of an idea of what they are doing so any high dps spec can just walk into any encounter and land anything… kill shot is about a 6/10.
A single 3~ second cast 9~k attack is alright. Allot of drawbacks, still bumb rushing with greatsword/axe-shield/endure pain/frenzy/stability-on-being-CC’d tends to take the cake.
(I’m a rank 38 ranger, I’ve only been HIT by killshot 2? maybe 3? times in all my gaming)
(edited by garethh.3518)
The rumor of ‘custom servers’ was why I though this game would be utterly fantastic, let me repeat, UTTERLY FANTASTIC, for everyone for PvP.
You want to deul? well there are a half dozen groups of people doing nothing else, you want to scrim with your team against other medium quality ones, you are free to set it up or join on someone else who already did… you want to ban allot of super competitive specs so people can actually play those rediculous/entertaining ways of killing people, knock yourself out…
The game’s PvP isn’t all that lasting with these random matches/tournies and Anet will lose allot of people because of it…
Anyways, you can look at this from 2 ways –
1. The average joe in hot-join spvp. Hes not very good at the game, and hes just trying to have fun. How do you think he feels when he presses “play now” and gets put into a game where a full guild team stomps the crap out of him?
The guild is randomly scattered on teams so you still have as good of a chance of the teams being balanced as not.
That and the ‘play now’ button doesn’t tend to place you in matches where people have allot more glory than you (the average joe isn’t over rank 20~, most competitive guilds are made up of players ranking around 30-40).
Worst comes to worst you can click ‘go to the heart of the mists’ if you don’t like the server and find another, its a hastle but man’ing up and taking those 5~ minutes to find a good group of people (or at least people of roughly your skill level) tend to be worth it.
Ironically I’m reainstalling oblivion as we speak..
(edited by garethh.3518)
necro has fewer options than ranger.
(at least in PvP)
That one thing I hope they’ll fix in the upcoming Ranger patch; move the trap traits to Wilderness Survival.
That would be a horrible nerf to trap specs as they can’t get the solid survivability of the wilderness survival tree along with the trap traits (trap specs are condition dmg specs, condition dmg specs are made for the longer haul so need some good survivability or don’t work)
Trap specs are one of our few viable specs atm.
Nerfing a working spec in a class with few working specs isn’t good?
(edited by garethh.3518)
Focus on getting all the pets we already have up to snuff, at very least in PvP, 2/3 of them are rubbish.
That is bad.
The pig family still randomly scavenges items (something ANet already said was bad, as in the thieves steal). Allot of pets are either redundant or just straight up worse versions of another, allot of the squishier/extremely-tanky pets are just bad.
If one traitline gave you everything you wanted in your spec there wouldn’t be much diversity now would there?
I’m not saying a few of our traitlines aren’t bad right now, just that having precision/crit dmg in the trap buffing traitline isn’t a terrible thing that should leave anyone hitting their head against a wall.
This is why we can’t make a good build. In GW1 traps comes under wilderness not expertise (skirmish) trait line. They really need to sort us out big time.
You might be doing it wrong then.
There are (albeit few) extremely solid PvP rangers/ranger-specs out there.
(edited by garethh.3518)
Helping observer mode and letting newer players see what is going on easily is without a doubt important, especially since I’ve heard they want it to be a great E-sport, but the thing is if it is just something to help that observer mode or commentary… then why isn’t it just a ‘toggle-able mode’ for people who want it when they commentary and/or ‘feature specific to observer mode’?
The people watching threw observer mode don’t have to see exactly what the players do, it is possible to code it so that they see armor dyed red/blue while the actual players don’t. That and people looking to make commentaried gameplay can toggle a feature. Of course it is great to have a friendly to watch intense game, but the vast, vast majority of gameplay isn’t going to be that E-sport observer-moded or commentaried gameplay… yet the vast, vast majority of gameplay is having their gear auto-dyed because of it?
Even then they still want the game to look good, the characters the observers are fallowing to look epic and devastating and whatnot, the dye’ing destroys that…
It just seems like an excessive answer to a simple problem (unless there are other motives?).
(edited by garethh.3518)
Yeup, when it comes to ranting about it I’m sure allot of people can for allong time… I was hoping for a possible response with information on ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ more than anything.
When it comes to complaining about it, yeah I have no idea why we even get dyes from PvP… it just makes me a bit more annoyed than anything, there are the tools, I was given the tools to make my toon look absolutely bad*ss (and I love that, I’ve spent days in other games hunting out a piece of gear or dyes just because it looks cool) yet the part where I can really show those things off is cut out…
(edited by garethh.3518)
In SPvP the red/blue washing… its excedingly annoying at least in my eyes and every other game has gotten away without it just fine, so am curious if its at all likely to change.
Oh boy, believe it or not my first ranger spec was a greatword axe/axe spec… yeah…
What a surprise I had when I found out entire weapon sets aren’t even on the same level in PvP and I happened to go 2 for 3 in choosing the worst weapons in the game…
(edited by garethh.3518)
Happens every instance and for the past 4~ hours, next to every time I die.
I can’t even tourny any more and am getting bored of constantly task managering the game in SPvP… its a gamebreaking bug… I am kind of depressed it still hasn’t been patched out ><
I’m confused about something. According to the patch notes, this nerf was done to correct an animation problem, and nothing was mentioned about the shortbow doing too much damage. So, if the goal was to correct animations by slowing them down, why wasn’t the damaged increased to compensate?
It’s their game to balance not yours, what you have said has been stated at least a dozen times in the thread so far and a responce by Jon was made. Its only a 7% loss in dmg and they are looking into if QZ is too badly hurt. The dmg is nothing you will really mourn short of major min/maxing (something the vast majority of people will never have to worry about), learning to dodge roll well, time attacks and know about your enemies class is still a bajillion times more important than that lil lost dmg.
Relax and enjoy the game
(well at least after they fix this fragging ‘you can never load into any game after dying’ bug… I’m honestly surprised that it has been around for so long >< )
(edited by garethh.3518)
“Hey we see you’re spamming the only spammable ability in your weapon line, So we’re going to nerf the damage of that ability in hopes that you spam something else”
….only you can’t spam something else….unless you swap to a weapon set that does even less DPS. Actually, I’m killing things faster with sword/dagger than with SB now.
No one even runs Ranger in tPVP because so many other classes fill the role much better…yet, they need to make the Ranger worse off by wrecking SB. :/
Time to dust off the Warrior.
Just got invited to 2 ‘top’ tier (their claim not mine) premades because of my b-d-ss shortbow ranger’ing and my current core group doesn’t want me on anything else… so I have no idea what you are talking about.
(edited by garethh.3518)
(game clock) 3rd time posting, would really appreciate a responce
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
It worked.
After 2~ hours of sifting threw ‘driver updaters’ that tro’lololed along with a ‘buy or no dice’ message after the download… intel not even recognizing this motherboard as a legitimate product of theirs with their updater (even though it boots with a nice ole’ INTEL logo)… and 2 device managers that listed useless information under what the motherboard is… I found Sisoftware Sandra light (which actually incorrectly listed the series) and a dell wikipedia page (which after carefully reading showed that it was a 530, not 530s like Sandra said since it is a core 2 quad), which I then had to google specifically to find the latest update with the least amount of complaints… leading to the 1.0.18 patch which actually brought the clock back into sync with reality…
oh joy oh joy.
Thnks guys time to mess around with an ele
(edited by garethh.3518)
(game clock) 3rd time posting, would really appreciate a responce
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
I have never even heard of ‘flashing your BIOS’, lol.
I just googled it and it doesn’t seem that bad though…
Especially since I’m kinda sure the motherboard is from a larger manufacturer (so they usually all have a utility to find the model and what updates are needed).
Thnks for the responses, yeah I’ll be getting on it all in a few hours
(game clock) 3rd time posting, would really appreciate a responce
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
I haven’t checked for updates, but I will as soon as I can
(and post the specs)
(game clock) 3rd time posting, would really appreciate a responce
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
AAh, no it went threw the code flawlessly, I’m not at my home computer atm but it said it stopped the clock when I typed the first line in, then the unregister and register went threw with no errors, and it started up again just fine.
I can copy the exact code in a few hours when I’m back home.
Even the BIOS clock was counting oddly fast (I held up a watch to it and it was still going at that same extra 15%~ speed) if that is relevant.
(game clock) 3rd time posting, would really appreciate a responce
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
Yeah that was one of the first sites I found ><
I tried it multiple times to no avail…
(thnks for the response though)
(game clock) 3rd time posting, would really appreciate a responce
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
The game clock (specifically in relation to skill CDs) is based on the computer clock, at least visually on my end. I haven’t seen this in any games yet. The problem is that my computer’s clock counts consistently too fast (I just spent 2 hours trying to find out how to fix that problem yet couldn’t) so it means that it shows the skill CDs counting down 15, 20% faster than they actually do and ending well before I actually can use them…
Is there any way around this??
Heal skills show they are off CD, 4, to 7 seconds before they are, elites 20-30 seconds…
I can’t play any other class but a ranger to any great lvl because of this (traps are all on relatively short CDs). I really don’t want to quit the game because of that yet I am getting a little tired of the ranger, after hitting rank 28~ on near nothing but it.
Oh and I am using Windows XP :/
In the end the only thing I could find that changed anything was to resync the clock, frequently, I downloaded something to resync it every 3~ seconds (making the clock appear to count correctly) but that didn’t actually end up effecting the in game CDs at all…
(The problem has been persistent for months at least, with the clock, it is always that consistent 15-20% faster than it should be, it just has never effected anything worth noting till now)
(edited by garethh.3518)
Game wide ability que error (even uninstalled and reinstalled and it persisted)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: garethh.3518
For some reason the ability que timer runs roughly 15% faster than it actually takes the skill to recharge. It will start ticking from 35 down on say a 35s CD but count 15% faster than a second. That may sound like something wonderful, but what actually happens is it constantly has (for the past month~ I even completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game because of this) shown abilities off que even though they are not, and I have only a vague idea when they actually will be ready to use again…
It is killing me… metaphorically and literally, it’s nigh impossible to really perform well with my premade in situations when I need a CD or need to know if I have a CD and just have to sit there blindly spamming since I have no idea when it is up…
Yeah… those 3min CDs show that they are done 30~ secs before they are… I have run around in situations clicking nothing but me heal skill for 3~ seconds since I don’t want to interrupt it with another one of my skills yet need it as soon as possible… it’s hell.
For system specs, I’m running windows xp. Intel core 2 quad processor, I have a GTX 470.
Any help would be wonderful.
For some reason the ability que timer runs roughly 15% faster than it actually takes the skill to recharge. It will start ticking from 35 down on say a 35s CD but each second ticks by 15~ percent faster than a legitimate second. That may sound like something wonderful, but what actually happens is it constantly has (for the past month~ I even completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game because of this) shown abilities off que even though they are not, and I have only a vague idea when they actually will be ready to use again…
It is killing me… metaphorically and literally, it’s nigh impossible to really perform well with my premade in situations when I need a CD or need to know if I have a CD and just have to sit there blindly spamming since I have no idea when it is up…
Yeah… those 3min CDs show that they are done 30~ secs before they are… I have run around in situations clicking nothing but me heal skill for 3~ seconds since I don’t want to interrupt it with another one of my skills yet need it as soon as possible… it’s hell.
Any help would be wonderful.
(edited by garethh.3518)