Maybe they used RTL but it didn’t show you the visual effect of it?
If you don’t get it by now, you’re never going to.
You’ve made your point. However, as long as you don’t actually understand our point (even if you don’t agree with it) there’s no real purpose in continuing the conversation with you.
You don’t seem to understand people at all Imperatora.
The absolute only thing that would prevent someone from 1c undercutting would be posting it for 1c more than the highest buy order (or just selling it to that buy order).
No matter what else you price it at, people will always be willing to go that tiny little bit less to go first.
Because they do. not. kittening. CARE. about 1c.
It’s a LIFO system when the price you sell your product for is less than the current price.
But. . .a 1c undercut is essentially the same price.
then you should have listed yours lower in the first place. If supply is higher than demand at your price, you won’t sell…. if demand is higher than supply, then both will sell and you will make more money. (and if demand = supply, you make the MOST money)
It all comes down to which side of the supply/demand intersection you are on.
So I should have listed 2c lower to get the jump on the guy who listed after me.
Wait no, he’d just go another 1c below that, because he does not CARE about the pittance of a price difference that is 1c.
Your direct damage is proportional to (Power + WeaponDmg). It’s multiplied by a coefficient depending on the skill and then modified by enemy armor, but it’s simple enough to get a % difference from power.
The amount of Power it takes to raise your DD by 5% is equal to (current Power + WeaponDmg) * 0.05
Maybe that’s because burst and high mobility are among the most important things in a pvp setting, and both the thief and assassin got both of them.
I believe we’ve reached a stalemate. We’ve been going in circled, trying to explain to people the differences in price, but no one seems to be understanding each other. Price undercutting is a valid tactic in a competitive market.
With that said, I think we should consider locking this thread.
Yes, undercutting is a valid tactic. No one here has an actual problem with undercutting.
The problem lies in undercutting so utterly insignificant that no one, not the buyer, the seller, or the person that was undercut, cares even the slightest bit about the price difference. Except that the undercutter gets to go first.
Which is a LIFO system.
And if you get the t5 drops from them, remember the MF recipe. It may be cheaper to upgrade them than sell them to buy t6.
Because I’m trying to prove a point.
Fine then, what would you tell someone the price of a TV priced at $199.99 was?
If the price of a TV is $199.99, the price of the TV is $199.99. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what your point is. Did you mean the price is different because of tax, since that’s not included? The problem with your example then is that taxes are different from State to State.
So you would, in casual conversation, tell someone that the TV you bought cost $199.99. Is that what you are saying?
if the difference between your price and your price -1c is"nothing" than your price is too high for the item.
If your price was where it should be, then -1c would put it undervalued at which point I’m losing money.
The problem isn’t that people are undercutting you by 1c, the problem is that you are listing items for high enough that they can still undercut you and not lose out. If the utility value of the item is at least as high as your price, then yours WILL sell, and the guy who undercut you will only lose money. If the utility value is NOT at least as high as your price, then your price is too high.
how are supply/demand curves so hard for people to understand… if they intersect your price point, you sell, if they do not, you are overpriced… be it by 1c or 100g, you are still overpriced.
And if the -1c makes you start losing money then that means that at the current price, you are getting nothing for it.
At that point, what’s even the point of selling it?
If that should always be the case then why does the TP exist at all?
(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)
This isn’t PVP related. I say when you’re PvE, stealth should be transparent. You should be able to see others when you’re PvE. How am I supposed to report Bots when 100% of them use Stealth. I’m not fast enough to try and type their name down before they disappear. I’m more often than not busy fighting or something when they pop up at a node.
You CAN see other players that are stealthed in PvE.
If you see someone suddenly disappear that means that they logged out or changed positions. If you suspect it’s a bot then it probably used a map hack to go somewhere else.
I’m sure a Guardian would love to hear how you manage to use that as a PBAoE.
Well it does seem to work that way when I use it. Is there something else about it to know? Maybe it’s not exactly a centered AoE around the player but the affected area is wide enough in front to be an issue.
A PBAoE would be a circular attack centered on the player, like Earthquake or Purging Flames (untraited).
Wave of Wrath is a cone attack that points toward the target.
Sorry, Flux, but all of your characters have to be on the same server.
And changing server will move all of your characters.
The projectiles pierce, so it’s not quite 1 target, unlike certain other ability chains that have some AoE and then a single target (Warrior sword, Mesmer sword, Tool Kit, probably more).
Plus, getting 3 hits out of it makes it a good condition spec weapon since it procs Justice a lot more than other weapons.
You might want to try somewhere that has creatures with blood in them
Frost Trolls, Ardoctos, and Alpine Skelk drop them in Frostgorge Sound.
Also, the MF recipe 50 Potent Blood, 1 Powerful Blood, 5 Philosopher’s Stones (half a skill point), 5 Crystalline Dust (half the TP price of Powerful Blood) makes 5-12 Powerful.
or else people will just be running around in shadow refuge swinging their kittenty glass cannon greatswords and knocking you out instantly.
Hey, even better : guardian staff autoattack. This thing is a 600 range PBAoE every 0.75s. Stealth would be 99.999% useless against any guardian using this weapon.
I’m sure a Guardian would love to hear how you manage to use that as a PBAoE.
I vote we end this back and forth dispute. We all agree that 1 copper less than the current price is less. And if it’s less, it sells first. There is no such thing as appropriate percentage based competitions.
And because there are some who can’t understand this, allow me to post an example:
Question – Which item is being sold for less?
Item A – Ecto for 15 silver
Item B – Ecto for 14 silver 99 copper
Item C – Ecto for 14 silver 98 copperAnswer – Item C
Yes, completely ignore the point anyone else is making and say everyone agrees on something.
Yes, it’s less. Do I give even the slightest kitten about the pathetically lower price? No.Here, let me ask you a question: if you were talking to someone in casual conversation and telling them what the price of ectos was in your example, what would you say?
Or how about the price of a car, listed at $14,995?I don’t understand your examples. The price of Ectos fluctuates, so I can’t say unless I was in game to see it. It can change every second if there is a lot of market activity.
And no one buys a car at the listed price. How did we even get to talking about cars when we’re trying to explain that 1 copper less for an item’s current price is still less?
Because I’m trying to prove a point.
Fine then, what would you tell someone the price of a TV priced at $199.99 was?
Green numbers will pop up over your head when you heal.
If you had a mount, would it REALLY change your travel time that much?
Nearly everyone can get perma/near-perma swiftness, or use a 25% signet already.
So if it doesn’t really help you move from place to place a whole lot better, it’s still a LOT faster to just use the WP.
So you’re still paying to use the WPs but now you also paid for a mount that is made obsolete by said WPs.
And several of the steal abilities are several times better than anything available to the profession it was stolen from.
A necro would LOVE to have a fear even remotely as good as Skull Fear, while Consume Ectoplasm is Signet of Inspiration on some pretty amazing steroids.again…. “class ability on a 45s cooldown” vs “utility skill or weapon skill on a fraction of that cooldown”.
Don’t compare Skull Fear to a normal necro fear, compare it to death shroud, burst attacks, 4 shatters, virtues, toolbelt, atunements, and pets (as a complete package, not just their f2 skills)
You seem to be forgetting to take into account the instant teleport that Steal provides BEFORE giving an ability better than anything that the profession it was stolen from has, along with a LOT of traited capability on it.
Oh, and that whole thing where initiative is a far better resource mechanic than anyone else has. That’s part of the package, isn’t it?
(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)
Is is normal to post a stack of items for 2.5s and for it to then be bought out a second later for 11s each? I mean when the highest offer is 2.1s? You’d have to manually go in and make that offer, right? Because a simple click of “buy now” would have scooped them up at 2.5s each, yes?
If the TP wasn’t showing you orders that were above the 2.1s you can see, then you’d sell to the highest order, which in this case is 11s, even if you posted at 2.5s.
Can’t very well have buy orders higher than listings.
Don’t forget to put the hammer on the Ranger, if only because of the popularity of it in GW1.
Or, perhaps instead of assuming it’s a massive, money-creating bug, perhaps it’s simply that people DID order a higher price, but the list did not update and actually show them.
Which is kind of supported 91 sold at the same time for 5 different prices, in descending order.
Which is what you’d expect if it’s fulfilling multiple people’s orders from highest price to something lower.
And several of the steal abilities are several times better than anything available to the profession it was stolen from.
A necro would LOVE to have a fear even remotely as good as Skull Fear, while Consume Ectoplasm is Signet of Inspiration on some pretty amazing steroids.
You guys don’t read so good.
No one was buying the potatoes – they were exiting the system, not changing hands. Then the system gave out coin equal to the current lowest for sale offer that was not glitched.
Someone must have detected the behavior when it was in it’s usual coppers per item range, and used all their wealth to buy up every single potato from 45c up to above 70 silver, ALL of them, to magnify the glitch, then set a sell order that didn’t glitch, then unloaded every single potato they bought into the void for 70s per potato. No buyer paid for them. They just transmuted into coin.
They didn’t just make proft on every potato, they made in excess of 10,000% profit on those potatoes the bought below 70c. Ten-thousand percent. And every single potato they acquired was sold at a substantial gain right up to that 70s mark. Then they yanked their orders and tried to hide their tracks, while whatever mechanism that allowed new very high sale offers to stick rather than autoconvert potatoes-to-coin slowly inched downwards from 70s to 5ish.
Considering I dropped 100 at once, with 1 sale, and it got split up into several different sales at different prices, despite all being at the same time, I’m thinking this isn’t the case.
But why not let the thieves steal a skill, that randomly applies 2 random boons and apply 2 random conditions or smth like that. That would reflect the Staff abilities way better.
cause that is terribly underpowered for a class ability on a 45s cooldown.
Tell that to the Ranger.
Most of the pet active abilities you WISH were that good.
No. Masterwork quality can only be crafted for level 20, 35, 50, 65, and 80.
who ever manipulated potato must have lost a hundred g doing it if they really bought up all the stock up to 70s.
Well, how much of that could be sold off to the people that decided to put in stupidly high buy orders after he did it at a profit? I’d imagine most of those orders were clustered around the price it was at before he did it, all of which could be sold at a significant profit to the high orders.
my first char was a poor poor guy that had to beg for money to buy a trait book at lvl 40.
Heh I didn’t even bother buying the Master book on my D/D ele. I just took all the Adept points and waited for 60 to get the Grandmaster book.
You don’t.
Crafted equipment always has a level requirement divisible by 5, except for an extremely small number of learned recipes.
Equipment that isn’t divisible by 5 is a drop.
Yep human racials are godawful. All of them.
Hounds of Balthazar is the only racial that is worth slotting over your class Elite skills as far as I am concerned. You see it used on a regular basis, but you never see a Norn player shapeshift or an Asura player hop into his golem suit.
Well, it’s not elite, but Asura does get Pain Inverter.
Which is awesome.
The only people that are buying potatoes are the ones who don’t actually realize that they’re hideously overpriced, and see the price gap and think people are actually buying at the listed price. So they buy from people smart enough to realize they’re completely overpriced and basically just take their money.
Noooo, you’re not a noob, don’t degrade yourself like that.
You’re a newb.
Noobs are bad people who don’t listen to advice, and here you are asking for it!
To the question: elementalist could be a bit daunting for a new player because there are a LOT of abilities available at any given time. If you haven’t played an MMO before it’s probably not a good idea to start as an ele. If you have, then go for it.
The generic easy mode class is warrior though. Lots of health and armor, and the greatsword tears pve a new one because enemies are too stupid to get out of hundred blades.
And another recommendation: Don’t take 2 crafting professions that use the same ingredients. Specifically, Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, and Jewelcrafting. All 3 of them use copper early on, then weapon and armor use the same metals as each other the entire game, while jewelcrafting shares some of them after copper.
Copper is quite expensive and you probably won’t get enough of it on your own to reach iron or silver if you only have ONE of them, let alone both, if you’re playing normally.
Jewelcrafting is the most useful crafting profession though, because jewels aren’t very hard to find, but accessory drops are quite rare, unlike weapon and armor where half the time you’ll end up randomly finding something to replace your old stuff with.
Cooking is expensive and a pain in the kitten so your first character probably shouldn’t take that either. So I’d go with Jewelcrafting and then either the weapon or armor crafting that your character can use. Unless it’s warrior, in which case the only thing that doesn’t conflict with JC that you can use is Huntsman, which won’t get you much as a warrior. As guardian you could take Artificing though.
And the last tip for crafting: Don’t craft anything you already know the recipe for unless you actually want it or you have no other options. Use Discovery mode to get your crafting experience, it gives huge bonuses.
Well, whatever, thanks whoever decided to pull this stunt for whatever reason, and those foolish enough to actually put high buy orders on it, you just made me 8g on my stock of the things.
I’ll buy replacements later once people stop being stupid.
Yes, there needs to be one in game.
However, for the time being, there is
Works pretty well.
Yeah same thing happening here. It’s actually fulfilling orders higher than that (check your income) but it’s not showing them.
And unfortunately you can only sell 1 at a time because of it :/
I vote we end this back and forth dispute. We all agree that 1 copper less than the current price is less. And if it’s less, it sells first. There is no such thing as appropriate percentage based competitions.
And because there are some who can’t understand this, allow me to post an example:
Question – Which item is being sold for less?
Item A – Ecto for 15 silver
Item B – Ecto for 14 silver 99 copper
Item C – Ecto for 14 silver 98 copperAnswer – Item C
Yes, completely ignore the point anyone else is making and say everyone agrees on something.
Yes, it’s less. Do I give even the slightest kitten about the pathetically lower price? No.
Here, let me ask you a question: if you were talking to someone in casual conversation and telling them what the price of ectos was in your example, what would you say?
Or how about the price of a car, listed at $14,995?
(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)
Aww man I got in here late. All I got was a /measly/ 10s each.
First of all, the damage dealt by different skills have different coefficients, so the actual attack value doesn’t translate between skills on different weapons, especially since the pistol 1 skill has bleeding attached to it, so its direct damage is worse.
Now, on to the body of the question:
The attack value of the shield will only take effect for attacks made by the shield, not the pistol attacks, and the pistol will not affect the damage of the shield. With exception for stat gains by either one. +Power on 1 will increase your total Power, which will affect damage for both weapons, and the same is true for Condition Damage, Crit Damage, Precision, and Healing.
The problem is that silver doubloons mostly come from chests. Those chests (with few exceptions) scale their rewards to the level of who opens them. To get silver doubloons you need to be level 20-35ish, which is certainly not a level when a “normal” player would be hunting materials for a legendary already. So your only option is to create alts, level them to 20, and go hunt chests with them. At level 80 you haven’t even the option of running as many jumping puzzles as you can stomach to get at chests, it won’t do you much good.
This seriously needs to be fixed. Converting copper to silver doubloons is the most obvious way, seeing as gold doubloons can be upgraded to platinum already.
Silver to gold, not gold to platinum.
Really, the fact that only silver→gold is available and not copper→silver or gold→platinum is already very strange.
I want Big Ol’ Bomb
The significance of the price doesn’t matter. If I were to offer Mithril Ore for 49 copper over someone else’s 50 copper price, or if I offered Dawn for 1999g 99s 99cp over someone else’s 2000g price, it’s all the same. All that matter is that 1 copper less than the current price is less, so it gets sold first.
I just can’t understand how people can argue that 1 copper less can be good and bad in different situations. 1 copper = 1 copper.
If you went to business school and don’t understand significance you should demand your money back.
Significance is everything.
If you gave a dollar to Bill Gates, would he care? No, because a dollar is completely insignificant to him.
If you gave a dollar to a homeless man, would he care? Yes, because that’s the better part of a meal, which is significant to him.
How hard would Bill Gates work to get a dollar? He wouldn’t bother because it’s insignificant compared to his billions.
How hard would a homeless man work for a dollar? He’d scrounge up cans at $0.05 each to get it, because a dollar actually means something to him.If 2 people were haggling on a price, would anything above maybe $200 ever have negotiations fail over the difference of $1? No. At that point a dollar is insignificant compared to the total price.
Now if the price range was single digits, $1 is a significant difference in price, and could break down over it.How insignificant is a penny? Companies price things at 1 penny less than the value they want for it ($19.99 rather than $20.00) because the value of that penny is so minor that the fact that a person momentarily processes that as $19 rather than $20 is worth more to them than the penny.
1c on 400g is 25% of a percent of a percent OF A PERCENT of a price difference.
That is so far removed from relevance it’s pathetic.You keep speaking as if 1 copper is different than 1 copper. It’s the same thing! 1 peso is the same as 1 peso. 1 yen is the same as 1 yen. 1 dollar is the same as 1 dollar. 1 euro is the same as 1 euro. Why is it so hard to understand this?
And in business, profit is profit. Doesn’t matter how large your company is. You fight for every single dollar you can. That’s how you become successful.
So are you telling me that if you got a $1 billion contract you’d spend the time fighting to make it $1,000,000,001?
Is that $1 worth that much to you?
You’re telling me you wouldn’t say “kitten it, I don’t care, give me my money”?if 1 company is giving an extra $1 then you take it.
I’m not saying you’re being handed it I’m asking if you’d care enough to bother fighting for it.
you aren’t fighting for it. you are a prospect buyer and you would buy the cheapest product on the market.
If your seller puts up a bad quote for his items in real life. You might end up without a sale just as in game. If the seller changes the quote, it involves a lot of paperwork and salaries which are consistent with the TP Tax for putting it up for sale again.
You’re paying the salary regardless of whether or not they relist it. It doesn’t increase just because of the relisting.
overtime and such because you aren’t forcasted to have done this. Also any time something drastic changes like this, it could delay your business which would this lose you money.
The delay would already be involved if you implemented that ability here since you’d have to go through the trouble of modifying everything yourself anyway.
I don’t even know what you are arguing with that point.
“You might end up without a sale just as in game. If the seller changes the quote, it involves a lot of paperwork and salaries which are consistent with the TP Tax for putting it up for sale again. "
Oh uh I thought you were arguing against implementing something that lets you relist lower for free or something with that line :/thats the system right now. You can take the item out of tp and relist it for a 5% tax.
I said free. As in, without having to pay the fee again, lower your price.
The significance of the price doesn’t matter. If I were to offer Mithril Ore for 49 copper over someone else’s 50 copper price, or if I offered Dawn for 1999g 99s 99cp over someone else’s 2000g price, it’s all the same. All that matter is that 1 copper less than the current price is less, so it gets sold first.
I just can’t understand how people can argue that 1 copper less can be good and bad in different situations. 1 copper = 1 copper.
If you went to business school and don’t understand significance you should demand your money back.
Significance is everything.
If you gave a dollar to Bill Gates, would he care? No, because a dollar is completely insignificant to him.
If you gave a dollar to a homeless man, would he care? Yes, because that’s the better part of a meal, which is significant to him.
How hard would Bill Gates work to get a dollar? He wouldn’t bother because it’s insignificant compared to his billions.
How hard would a homeless man work for a dollar? He’d scrounge up cans at $0.05 each to get it, because a dollar actually means something to him.If 2 people were haggling on a price, would anything above maybe $200 ever have negotiations fail over the difference of $1? No. At that point a dollar is insignificant compared to the total price.
Now if the price range was single digits, $1 is a significant difference in price, and could break down over it.How insignificant is a penny? Companies price things at 1 penny less than the value they want for it ($19.99 rather than $20.00) because the value of that penny is so minor that the fact that a person momentarily processes that as $19 rather than $20 is worth more to them than the penny.
1c on 400g is 25% of a percent of a percent OF A PERCENT of a price difference.
That is so far removed from relevance it’s pathetic.You keep speaking as if 1 copper is different than 1 copper. It’s the same thing! 1 peso is the same as 1 peso. 1 yen is the same as 1 yen. 1 dollar is the same as 1 dollar. 1 euro is the same as 1 euro. Why is it so hard to understand this?
And in business, profit is profit. Doesn’t matter how large your company is. You fight for every single dollar you can. That’s how you become successful.
So are you telling me that if you got a $1 billion contract you’d spend the time fighting to make it $1,000,000,001?
Is that $1 worth that much to you?
You’re telling me you wouldn’t say “kitten it, I don’t care, give me my money”?if 1 company is giving an extra $1 then you take it.
I’m not saying you’re being handed it I’m asking if you’d care enough to bother fighting for it.
you aren’t fighting for it. you are a prospect buyer and you would buy the cheapest product on the market.
If your seller puts up a bad quote for his items in real life. You might end up without a sale just as in game. If the seller changes the quote, it involves a lot of paperwork and salaries which are consistent with the TP Tax for putting it up for sale again.
You’re paying the salary regardless of whether or not they relist it. It doesn’t increase just because of the relisting.
overtime and such because you aren’t forcasted to have done this. Also any time something drastic changes like this, it could delay your business which would this lose you money.
The delay would already be involved if you implemented that ability here since you’d have to go through the trouble of modifying everything yourself anyway.
I don’t even know what you are arguing with that point.
“You might end up without a sale just as in game. If the seller changes the quote, it involves a lot of paperwork and salaries which are consistent with the TP Tax for putting it up for sale again. "
Oh uh I thought you were arguing against implementing something that lets you relist lower for free or something with that line :/
The significance of the price doesn’t matter. If I were to offer Mithril Ore for 49 copper over someone else’s 50 copper price, or if I offered Dawn for 1999g 99s 99cp over someone else’s 2000g price, it’s all the same. All that matter is that 1 copper less than the current price is less, so it gets sold first.
I just can’t understand how people can argue that 1 copper less can be good and bad in different situations. 1 copper = 1 copper.
If you went to business school and don’t understand significance you should demand your money back.
Significance is everything.
If you gave a dollar to Bill Gates, would he care? No, because a dollar is completely insignificant to him.
If you gave a dollar to a homeless man, would he care? Yes, because that’s the better part of a meal, which is significant to him.
How hard would Bill Gates work to get a dollar? He wouldn’t bother because it’s insignificant compared to his billions.
How hard would a homeless man work for a dollar? He’d scrounge up cans at $0.05 each to get it, because a dollar actually means something to him.If 2 people were haggling on a price, would anything above maybe $200 ever have negotiations fail over the difference of $1? No. At that point a dollar is insignificant compared to the total price.
Now if the price range was single digits, $1 is a significant difference in price, and could break down over it.How insignificant is a penny? Companies price things at 1 penny less than the value they want for it ($19.99 rather than $20.00) because the value of that penny is so minor that the fact that a person momentarily processes that as $19 rather than $20 is worth more to them than the penny.
1c on 400g is 25% of a percent of a percent OF A PERCENT of a price difference.
That is so far removed from relevance it’s pathetic.You keep speaking as if 1 copper is different than 1 copper. It’s the same thing! 1 peso is the same as 1 peso. 1 yen is the same as 1 yen. 1 dollar is the same as 1 dollar. 1 euro is the same as 1 euro. Why is it so hard to understand this?
And in business, profit is profit. Doesn’t matter how large your company is. You fight for every single dollar you can. That’s how you become successful.
So are you telling me that if you got a $1 billion contract you’d spend the time fighting to make it $1,000,000,001?
Is that $1 worth that much to you?
You’re telling me you wouldn’t say “kitten it, I don’t care, give me my money”?if 1 company is giving an extra $1 then you take it.
I’m not saying you’re being handed it I’m asking if you’d care enough to bother fighting for it.
you aren’t fighting for it. you are a prospect buyer and you would buy the cheapest product on the market.
If your seller puts up a bad quote for his items in real life. You might end up without a sale just as in game. If the seller changes the quote, it involves a lot of paperwork and salaries which are consistent with the TP Tax for putting it up for sale again.
You’re paying the salary regardless of whether or not they relist it. It doesn’t increase just because of the relisting.
overtime and such because you aren’t forcasted to have done this. Also any time something drastic changes like this, it could delay your business which would this lose you money.
The delay would already be involved if you implemented that ability here since you’d have to go through the trouble of modifying everything yourself anyway.
The significance of the price doesn’t matter. If I were to offer Mithril Ore for 49 copper over someone else’s 50 copper price, or if I offered Dawn for 1999g 99s 99cp over someone else’s 2000g price, it’s all the same. All that matter is that 1 copper less than the current price is less, so it gets sold first.
I just can’t understand how people can argue that 1 copper less can be good and bad in different situations. 1 copper = 1 copper.
If you went to business school and don’t understand significance you should demand your money back.
Significance is everything.
If you gave a dollar to Bill Gates, would he care? No, because a dollar is completely insignificant to him.
If you gave a dollar to a homeless man, would he care? Yes, because that’s the better part of a meal, which is significant to him.
How hard would Bill Gates work to get a dollar? He wouldn’t bother because it’s insignificant compared to his billions.
How hard would a homeless man work for a dollar? He’d scrounge up cans at $0.05 each to get it, because a dollar actually means something to him.If 2 people were haggling on a price, would anything above maybe $200 ever have negotiations fail over the difference of $1? No. At that point a dollar is insignificant compared to the total price.
Now if the price range was single digits, $1 is a significant difference in price, and could break down over it.How insignificant is a penny? Companies price things at 1 penny less than the value they want for it ($19.99 rather than $20.00) because the value of that penny is so minor that the fact that a person momentarily processes that as $19 rather than $20 is worth more to them than the penny.
1c on 400g is 25% of a percent of a percent OF A PERCENT of a price difference.
That is so far removed from relevance it’s pathetic.You keep speaking as if 1 copper is different than 1 copper. It’s the same thing! 1 peso is the same as 1 peso. 1 yen is the same as 1 yen. 1 dollar is the same as 1 dollar. 1 euro is the same as 1 euro. Why is it so hard to understand this?
And in business, profit is profit. Doesn’t matter how large your company is. You fight for every single dollar you can. That’s how you become successful.
So are you telling me that if you got a $1 billion contract you’d spend the time fighting to make it $1,000,000,001?
Is that $1 worth that much to you?
You’re telling me you wouldn’t say “kitten it, I don’t care, give me my money”?if 1 company is giving an extra $1 then you take it.
I’m not saying you’re being handed it I’m asking if you’d care enough to bother fighting for it.
you aren’t fighting for it. you are a prospect buyer and you would buy the cheapest product on the market.
If your seller puts up a bad quote for his items in real life. You might end up without a sale just as in game. If the seller changes the quote, it involves a lot of paperwork and salaries which are consistent with the TP Tax for putting it up for sale again.
You’re paying the salary regardless of whether or not they relist it. It doesn’t increase just because of the relisting.
A change in the rules is nothing more than a change in the rules – it will help some people and hurt others.
At this point there ain’t a lot of sympathy out there for the folks this propossed change would help: those people who priced higher than the market will bear in the time it takes for the next trader with the exact same product to come along.
If you are so concerned about being undercut by a penny, stick to goods that move in high volume… or price so yours is SOLD before that evil, evil 1c bandit shows up to claim the front of the line for your niche.
You realize that if the item is completely overpriced for what the market will bear, undercutting by 1c doesn’t change that fact at all, and in fact makes it stagnate at that overpriced level.
The significance of the price doesn’t matter. If I were to offer Mithril Ore for 49 copper over someone else’s 50 copper price, or if I offered Dawn for 1999g 99s 99cp over someone else’s 2000g price, it’s all the same. All that matter is that 1 copper less than the current price is less, so it gets sold first.
I just can’t understand how people can argue that 1 copper less can be good and bad in different situations. 1 copper = 1 copper.
If you went to business school and don’t understand significance you should demand your money back.
Significance is everything.
If you gave a dollar to Bill Gates, would he care? No, because a dollar is completely insignificant to him.
If you gave a dollar to a homeless man, would he care? Yes, because that’s the better part of a meal, which is significant to him.
How hard would Bill Gates work to get a dollar? He wouldn’t bother because it’s insignificant compared to his billions.
How hard would a homeless man work for a dollar? He’d scrounge up cans at $0.05 each to get it, because a dollar actually means something to him.If 2 people were haggling on a price, would anything above maybe $200 ever have negotiations fail over the difference of $1? No. At that point a dollar is insignificant compared to the total price.
Now if the price range was single digits, $1 is a significant difference in price, and could break down over it.How insignificant is a penny? Companies price things at 1 penny less than the value they want for it ($19.99 rather than $20.00) because the value of that penny is so minor that the fact that a person momentarily processes that as $19 rather than $20 is worth more to them than the penny.
1c on 400g is 25% of a percent of a percent OF A PERCENT of a price difference.
That is so far removed from relevance it’s pathetic.You keep speaking as if 1 copper is different than 1 copper. It’s the same thing! 1 peso is the same as 1 peso. 1 yen is the same as 1 yen. 1 dollar is the same as 1 dollar. 1 euro is the same as 1 euro. Why is it so hard to understand this?
And in business, profit is profit. Doesn’t matter how large your company is. You fight for every single dollar you can. That’s how you become successful.
So are you telling me that if you got a $1 billion contract you’d spend the time fighting to make it $1,000,000,001?
Is that $1 worth that much to you?
You’re telling me you wouldn’t say “kitten it, I don’t care, give me my money”?if 1 company is giving an extra $1 then you take it.
I’m not saying you’re being handed it I’m asking if you’d care enough to bother fighting for it.
Is anyone else getting tired of this “blame the victim” mob mentality that the people against stealth portray?
So culling abusing thieves are victims now?
Nice bizarro world you got there.
The significance of the price doesn’t matter. If I were to offer Mithril Ore for 49 copper over someone else’s 50 copper price, or if I offered Dawn for 1999g 99s 99cp over someone else’s 2000g price, it’s all the same. All that matter is that 1 copper less than the current price is less, so it gets sold first.
I just can’t understand how people can argue that 1 copper less can be good and bad in different situations. 1 copper = 1 copper.
If you went to business school and don’t understand significance you should demand your money back.
Significance is everything.
If you gave a dollar to Bill Gates, would he care? No, because a dollar is completely insignificant to him.
If you gave a dollar to a homeless man, would he care? Yes, because that’s the better part of a meal, which is significant to him.
How hard would Bill Gates work to get a dollar? He wouldn’t bother because it’s insignificant compared to his billions.
How hard would a homeless man work for a dollar? He’d scrounge up cans at $0.05 each to get it, because a dollar actually means something to him.If 2 people were haggling on a price, would anything above maybe $200 ever have negotiations fail over the difference of $1? No. At that point a dollar is insignificant compared to the total price.
Now if the price range was single digits, $1 is a significant difference in price, and could break down over it.How insignificant is a penny? Companies price things at 1 penny less than the value they want for it ($19.99 rather than $20.00) because the value of that penny is so minor that the fact that a person momentarily processes that as $19 rather than $20 is worth more to them than the penny.
1c on 400g is 25% of a percent of a percent OF A PERCENT of a price difference.
That is so far removed from relevance it’s pathetic.You keep speaking as if 1 copper is different than 1 copper. It’s the same thing! 1 peso is the same as 1 peso. 1 yen is the same as 1 yen. 1 dollar is the same as 1 dollar. 1 euro is the same as 1 euro. Why is it so hard to understand this?
And in business, profit is profit. Doesn’t matter how large your company is. You fight for every single dollar you can. That’s how you become successful.
So are you telling me that if you got a $1 billion contract you’d spend the time fighting to make it $1,000,000,001?
Is that $1 worth that much to you?
You’re telling me you wouldn’t say “kitten it, I don’t care, give me my money”?
Yeah… Allowing this would just give spies the best option they could possibly have.
Find an unwatched wall of a keep or SMC, yank a mesmer, portal in zerg.