I gave a concrete example where ANet took existing content and made it significantly harder while saying this was in response to requests for harder content — and you claim this is pure speculation?
Significantly harder =/= requires grind.
There are two separate arguments here, but it doesn’t really matter because we disagree about the next item.
The straw man argument is that it’s only a grind if you can’t play content without doing it. The meaning I intend is that it’s a grind if you’re doing something you don’t enjoy for extrinsic rewards. You couldn’t use the definition you’re using if you mean to include grinding for aesthetic rewards.
I never said you can’t play without doing the grind — that’s the straw man argument. I said that the rewards system includes rewards for content that isn’t fun to play — enough of this that I consider it a grind.
Here’s a definition for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grinding_
Specifically: “the process of engaging in repetitive tasks during video games”. Are you claiming that the AP system doesn’t include rewarding repetitive tasks?
Some people like grinding, there’s an optional grind for them.
The grind will only be a problem if you cant do something (besides high level fractals) without doing it, so far you’ve failed to provide a single example.
It is a value judgement, not a statement of fact, to say: “The grind will only be a problem if you can’t do something”. As is implied by the definition I’m using, I do not agree. I think encouraging grinding is poor design even if the game doesn’t strictly require it. As I said earlier — I do see the reason ANet encourages certain activities with APs, and I can mostly accept them as justification for the dailies… I just think there are often better solutions.
Neither the OP nor I claimed evidence that people aren’t logging in. We claimed that logging in and playing does not (in the short term) prove that the players actually had fun. If you’ve never done something you expected to be fun, and realized afterwards it wasn’t fun … you’re probably not paying attention. The quotes you’ve given support that interpretation of the OP’s argument. Also — you appear to have completely missed the discussion of how psychology interacts with decision making …
“Beyond the shadow of a doubt” sounds like more of an opinion.
That argument could hold some ground in the first few LS – tried it, didnt like – not 10 releases later, you know what’s coming.
“beyond a shadow of a doubt that many players have logged into the game not because it is fun, but because of other pressures” … yes, that’s an opinion, but I think there’s evidence of it in the forums. “Many” could still be accurate even if it’s a relatively small percentage of the overall player base. The other pressures are the time limit for rewards / for experiencing the content.
Personally, I enjoyed LS until I realized that it felt like a treadmill. So it wasn’t the first or second release that left me unhappy, but more like the 10th. (When I realized that I was walking through content I would never have the time to do given work & family, using dulfy as a guide, purely for extrinsic rewards, without actually enjoying the content. I finished that particular SAB set of achievements out of misplaced stubbornness.)
The reason I’m posting here is that I hope the developers can look for ways to engage players by focusing on interesting content, rather than reward for content done. LS has had some fun points, but IMO it has become over-reliant on extrinsic rewards; that encourages participation for the wrong reasons. Some players may be happy just to get newer shinnies and upgraded gear, and those are OK… but you lose some players that way.
As an example — it’s another topic, but Tequatl. I didn’t think the rewards needed buffing, though it’s fine that they did so. I thought that the event needed to be changed so that a map full of players can trigger it when ready (including on failure) via pre-events (like the Karka Queen) — rather than having to wait around. I’d have fun doing it (success or failure) if it didn’t require sitting around bored in an overflow, unable to travel for fear of losing my place …