Showing Posts For mamourrir.9641:

Is "Spirit Herder" viable now?

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Maybe there are better skill combinations but anything is viable for PvE. I say use them.

Search and Rescue not working

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


So many trolls here.
Yeah it works fine 9/10 times for me but sometimes the pet just stays there without searching for downed allies. I’m pretty sure it’s bugged.

Map travel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Is it just me or map travel costs WAY too much. I never use it except for when I die.
Is it supposed to be so or am I just too poor ?

One hand sword questions

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


I like the speed and the damage on of the sword. But what i don’t like and make me not want to use it is that you can’t move while fighting making you VERY vulnerable. Is it normal is it a bug that I am rooting to the ground while using this weapon ?

I'm looking for a guild.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Hi, I am new to the game and I am looking for a guild with people who can help me with basics and quests.

Why don't you like your ranger ?

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


I’m new to the game and I was wondering why everybody is kittening the ranger ? I’m new to the game and i was wodnering if Ishould change my class as fast as possible lol.

What’s wrong with them

How to access to the bank

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Is there a way to access to my bank from my inventory ? It is really annoying to go there each time i want to deposit or take stuff from it.

Favorite off hand

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Do you guys prefer torch or dagger ? Please explain why.

How to craft things ?

in Crafting

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Hello, I am level 17 and i just noticed that we can craft items. (this is the first time I play a mmo). I crafter a iron ingots at the jewel guy but there is nothing i can do with them ? How can i craft rings, earings and stuff like that

Account chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Is there a chest where I can put all my stuff in it like in guildwars 1 ? My inventory is constantly full.

Traps activation

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


Do you take damage when you stand on your traps when they activiate ?