Showing Posts For mamourrir.9641:
I’m kinda new to the necromancer and I was wondering if you could give me a build that can do well in dungeons and open world.
I really like consecrations as they help the whole team. I’m just wondering if they are useless if I don’t have any combo finisers at all ?
They won’t let me put the salt with the black pepper corn ! Why’s that ?
Am I the only one who thinks the torch is probably the worst offhand of the entire game?
What’s your favorite profession ? I’d like to choose my character wisely.
Will I ever be able to change to a full world ? Is it ’’closed’’ forever or will it open someday?
11/15….never forget!!!
I’m pretty sure Jon is smart enough not to do the same mistake twice in a row.
Agreed. Signet of the hunt needs to and will go to 25%.
Racial skills are all underpowered. So who cares ?
What is your favorite for your ranger ? Mine is rune of the thief.
It’s normal. Read the QZ skill.
The pet beeing kitten is the problem. Since the golems don’t move it doesnt take it into consideration. Also they die too easilly.
If next patch only fixes our pets, it would be such a huge step.
Where are the ‘’token vendors’’ ? The only vendors I found that accept tokens are only selling rares lvl 45 armor.
How can i get exotics armor ? I just got lvl 80 and i don’t have enough gold to buy. So is there a way to get them ?
Good Job Jon, you guys really did a great job. I mean, FIX A BUG, wow.
better than nothing. At least they are working on rangers !
This is exactly what I use point allocation anywho. Didn’t actually look at build. One of the things I’ve discovered that have helped my pets tremendously is the 2 secs of protection on dodge roll. I use it all the time to keep my pets from being splattered by AoE. The two seconds for the ranger isn’t much as most of it is spent in dodge animation. But for the pet it is a huge buff to survival with 33% damage mitigation, on top of the improved stats from the BM line.
For all the nay sayers who complain about the pets blowing up in AoE, for now this is it for mitigation. Most people I’ve talked too trait around 20 into the line anyway so I know you have it. Use it.
With fortifying bond, the 2 seconds buff becomes 4seconds… Yeah, it’s THAT good.
Is there anybod who uses a build focused around axe offhand ? I’d like to know lol
All the wp are contested. I understand why but this is kittening annoying. Fix this kitteners.
If they don’t get fixed next patch, I quit. I’m dead serious.
SO there is only back and ring now ? no armor ?
What is it, how do i get it, where can I get the info about that stuff. Anet don’t post their updates or what?
Ranger have a pet companion which is awesome. This is probably the major reason why people choose this profession.
I understand that ranger deals less damage than let’s say the warrior because he has a pet to assist the fight. The problem is, my pet can’t attack moving targets. Make the pet move faster, leap, i don’t care how you do it but make him useful please. I think the pet’s f2 abilities could use a buff, it takes like 5 seconds to activate.
I’d be VERY happy to have this change only for the next patch. That would make the ranger MUCH more balanced and enjoyable.
Buff the pet, nerf the shortbow. I’m dead serious about this.
I’d rather just have my pet be able to hit moving targets than ALL of these changes.
There is a bug with the trait that makes it reset every time I jump in the water even if I keep the same pet which makes the trait useless. Fix this please ? thank you.
For pve rangers are awesome. Masterbond + fortifying bond with traps.
Trap duration and condition applied by trap duration are 2 different things. Traps apply damage in two ways.
1. Per pulse – several times during the trap duration ( can crit )
2. Conditions – on top of those pulses they apply conditions ( burning, poison, bleed, freezing ).
This trait affects point 2 you can test it on the golems in the mists.
drop a spike trap without the trait and see how long the bleeds last -> repeat with the traitTested = no difference traited vs non traited.
Indeed, i tested this too. And another bugged ranger trait… thx a lot anet.
I think masters bond reset every time you switch between pets. Which makes it useless.
Jon peters said that the sword was fine so i assume it’s intended. And the sword is probably the best weapon we have. It deals insane damage with awesome evade skills and you auto-leap to fleeing targets.
It would be such a fun weapon to use if it could deal some damage. Swoop is extremely good and has the best animation of the game.
Is piercing arrows worth it ? I mean all the traits in marksmanship are extremely bad and useless. Is it worth it to put 20 traits in marksmanship for it ?
Dude… you were playing against unskilled players.
Can i upgrade my game for free ?
Please answer
All you just said lead me to wonder why they don’t have more people to work on that. With the number of copies sold, I’m pretty sure money shouldn’t be a problem.
Engage more people ? I heard you have only 2 dudes for each profession… what the hell. Stop being greedy and do what you are supposed to.
I met early on 4 people doing the same movement and the same move to kill ennemies. They were following each other in the EXACT same way. I mean there can’t 4 humans doing all the same move at the same moment with their character right ?
What do you guys think ?
PS. I noted their characters name just in case you guys though they are hacking or some kitten.
Then why spend all that development time on a 1 time event and a risky change of direction and not expanding on the gem store merchandise? Call me stupid but wouldn’t it have been more profitable and less expensive to add in a customization ticket or even a few more costume lines? I mean think about it. The spectral pony introduced in World of Warcraft sold so well it crashed their online transaction system. Did the vanity ideas introduced in Guildwars 1 not sell well or something or am I crazy?
Just saiyin.
If Anet wanted more money there were billions of cheaper and easier options. Ideas could have been pushed to reinforce the gem store to rake in more fast cash which could have been used to reinforce the overall quality of the game and prepare for Christmas season.
Maybe I am just naive but I’m pretty sure that the people taking those decisions have a lot more experience than you.
Not sure what “not supported” means exactly. Does that mean it isn’t allowed, or that ANet won’t enforce payment (essentially buyer beware)? This is a pretty important question, and I’d appreciate clarification.
It just means they are not responsible if you get scammed.
looks pretty good, but I don’t think you need bark skin. I’d take 10 points off wilderness to beastmastery.
Quaggan are too cute to be eaten! Even charrs don’t eat them.
What is inequality ?
Is it me or minor are very often better than major traits ? Thoughs?
I just realized that quickness is REALLY good. that 5 points invested in beast mastery is a must.
It is my first mmo and I gotta say this game is awesome. But I’ve got to admit I’m lost quite often. There are so many things and the map is so huge.
But overall, the best game I’ve ever played… even though I haven’t played many.
Hey, can someone just assume that this patch isn’t the patch which Jon told about?
Yep, that patch he’s talking about will come out next year.
You’ll have to be patient.
Well I understand the 15% to sell… but what the hell is 15% to buy.
I accidently bought 91 diamonds for 1 gold coin. Now when I try to sell them back it they offer me like 60 silver. What’s going on seriously.
I think i just got kitten.
Dude, there are many bugs and the game is extremely imbalanced. Let’s just hope they work on that instead.
Oh my god. So funny.