DR is a beautiful city. so sad its a ghost town, i hope it can replace the mist as the lobby where players gather. and player can enter houses too.
I wish we can get inside more houses
I want this for makeover kit.. Leon S Kennedy Resident Evil 4 Face (younger leon)
I love GW2. Looking forward to buy the 2nd expansion.
I have few request here:
1. 1st person camera. A very realistic one where u can see your chest if you look down. Just for immersion entering tight place.
2. More face pack, hairstyles, boobs slider
3. New classes
4. New races
5. New SPVP maps
I always jumping to mmo after mmo just for character creation!!
But in the end I always come back to gw2 because they have awesome pvp
SPVP MOBA AND WVW was awesome!!
Please add more faces in character creation!! body sliders!! etc!!
You need to know how important is character creation!!
thief with dual katana, greatsword….more cool move..no ninja turtle slamming ground move
pls nerf the gold from chest. nerf the chest, its driving me nuts, my inventory full because of it.
and nerf the gold, because if it keep like this in 3 years all players will have legendary weapon
By PVP I mean SPVP and WVW as well.
I like forest of nifhelm and legacy of the foefire, where both team has creatures and can steal kill the enemy creatures. also red and blue lords
I want more of this. Because im a PVP player, im boring doing fractal or dungeon because its too easy. I want to lose, not winning all the time.
(edited by nerovergil.5408)
just ban player trading..
stop player driven economy, its based on grinding, its bad and easily exploited.
do what bdo does, ban trading between players, dev control the price 100%
why all the hate? let them have their cat tail and ears….
gw2 should last for at least 10 years.
2012 – 2022
only then we can think of gw3
why only solo and duo que?
what if i want to play with my gf and her two brother?
how bout 3 que and forth que?
P2W looks bad because other mmo doesnt have SPVP MOBA ESPORT like gw2.
selling legendaries with more stats than regular exotic/ascended is some type of P2W too.
u pay and u win.
doesn’t matter the top tier gear has high different in term of power or low (like gw2 legendaries)
gw2 itself is P2W
Have you even played the game? Nowhere in the gemstore can you buy legendaries.
I’m going to assume you’re new, and please excuse me if I assume wrong, but
HINT: Most of the time you have to craft legendaries. If you pay, you get cool cosmetics and maybe some extra neat things.
I see that you don’t know too much about high gear, so again going out on a limb and assuming you’re new.
HINT: It’s a 10% difference between Exotic and Ascended and Ascended and Legendary. I’m not too sure about armor, but it would probably follow the same path. You also have to earn most of the currencies/items to craft the ascended item. Sure you could wait for it to drop, but then you could get the one you don’t want.Mods did I miss a page on the gemstore? I think my pw2 legendaries page is missing
P2W looks bad because games that DO have P2W end up dying and then people that want P2W come flooding into other games. It’s like a sickness. You know a game in the west has kicked the bucket when they rush out P2W, because at that point they are more worried about paying bills than the game itself and the game itself rapidly devaluates so they need to get money to bail on the game.
Actually plenty of mmos have that MOBA, even wow does at one point. I forgot what its called cause I no longer care or play. I’m not sure why you’re bringing this point up as this is beside your point of wanting a way to pay to win. In fact bringing this up makes your argument weaker because even there players earned what they had.
GW2 is not Pay to Win and you need to play the game, if you have not done so already. You really are missing out on an action packed, no $$$ needed adventure. I’d even go as far to say that Anet is under-pricing GW2. For as much fun as I’ve had I would’ve expected to pay $200, but all this for $50?! CRAZY. Technically I did pay that, if you count gems and all. And their business model seems to work, players like me buy gems. Also players in the west hate paywalls. You don’t understand how much they hate them. They will rage quit and tell all their gamer friends, who just so happen to be your target audience. I’ve done extensive research on MMOs and right now is not the time unless you have something truly groundbreaking. P2W out the wazoo is not groundbreaking.
So you have 2 option to get legendary weapon.
1. Grind it.
2. Buy Gems and convert to gold. P2W.
Anet is genius, other company fail in P2W model because their product is overpriced. Anet, not, they are not a greedy company. Anet even very generous, they give plenty of golds reward ingame (chest items that can be converted to gold)
Let see why other top mmorpg fail in P2W model?
1. Archeage.
- Fail because no megaserver. GW2 were using megaserver, that is very genius!. Megaserver make the game look populated. Archeage divide the player using server and ban any communication in map chat until u reach lvl 15. That is so stupid.
- Fail because no SPVP ESPORT. SPVP will attract moba players that will populate the game. Like gw2 did with SPVP.
- Fail because the existence of Black desert online. bdo and archeage was very similar, hence pve grind. With advance bdo graphic, they beat all other mmo on the market today.
not sure if troll or ..
Anet went really far out of their way to give everyone, regardless of being poor or rich in real life, the same chances. Thats why legendary gear is more flexible, but not more effictive than ascended gear. So that real life poor people have a good chance at it.Secondly, mounts? No! I don’t know how long you’ve been on the forum, but moutns get brought up once a month, only to be followed by 3-4 pages of people saying how it’s the worst idea ever.
More races and classes? No thanks, we won’t get new races because anet has trouble enough smoothing out the gear on the current 5. And we won’t get new classes, since Anet works with the elite specialization system.
Face Packs, hairstyles, these already exists. The fact that you’re requesting them shows how little research you did before writing your post. Same with cosmetic tools and weapons.
Long story short, I feel like you came from the wrong franchise to the wrong new game. Maybe games like WoW and Aeon are more up your lane if you want a P2W model.
Im not a troll. im thinking like a mmorpg developer. its my dream to be mmorpg dev team.
About facepacks. Yes gw2 has its on makeover kits. But i want more. More faces. More cosmetics
I have been in this forum since 2013.
(edited by nerovergil.5408)
play what u like, not dev make it op.
cuz what op today might be craps tomorrow
solo/duo que in spvp is all about luck. if u get with a good team, u will win, if u get a bad team, u will lose.
while team spvp que require more than combat skills, but leadership skills. you form a team, educate them to play and winning the games.
dont split the que. gw2 player base is not like moba. we already have a long que time.
when bored i always choose the map peoples hate the most
Sometimes i was so lazy to play and just want to watch.
I know there is twitch, but not much twitch streamers streaming their spvp game.
How long time does it take to farm enough so you can buy 700gems? I dunno becouse I do not farm.
But I do work … if I would buy gems from my salary I would be able to buy 800 gems each 30min. So I would rather work an extra hour than farm gold in the game.
Yes its more healthy that way. Grinding is actually bad for health and life.. and its offer no benefits for the developer
Player based economy that rely on grinding was never a good idea. Trading between players in unnecessary. You want to give your friend a good items? why dont you just deposit money to his/her bank account?
Player based economy can easily be exploited by the gold farmer. that what kills the game
Before selling our product, we need to know our potential buyers.
Who will buy our product in the gems store?
1. Rich people. They are the whales of MMOs. Rich adult, rich kid, they love mmo and will do anything to be special in it.
Developer should love and respect the rich because they are the core suppoters of mmos.
The rich is the one who support game the most. They allowed developer to make game become free to play with cash shop. Without them, the only way to gain money is to introduce subscription based models.
Sub based mmo truly flawed, it kills the player populations and making mmo becoming less players. In the other hand, free to play mmorpg is like a social media platform, people hang out and chatting in map chat. This is how mmo become alive and strong.
What the rich want? they want beauty and power for exchange of money. They want more cosmetic items and legendary gear on the cash shop. They want to look bad kitten while pawning 1v10 pugs and upload it on their youtube channel to show the public how awesome they are.
GW2 SPVP was genius. Its combine MOBA esport element in an mmo, never such ideas exist before. From what i see, GW2 follow the idea of league of legend (lol), where you buy hero/skills/expansion in order to use them in the competitive scene.
While its not a bad idea, i am more interested on dota 2 idea. Its more balanced, where free player can play any hero he wanted to.
2. Normal adult. Normal adult who love mmorpg and treat it as their hobby will spent money on the game.
While the money they spend is not as much as the rich did, they still supporting the game.
Normal adult doesn’t want power, because they know, the rich will outplay them in that area. So normal adult just want cosmetic.
Things like cool looking armor, weapons, mounts, pets, character faces, hairstyles.
Now, while this Rich people and normal adult who supporting game the most, they are reason for them to do so.
1. The game not dead. Thanks to free players who populate the game, the rich and normal adult can have a ‘social media’ platform to show off and socialize.
Lets take a look on free players. why they don’t pay for the game?
1. They are student, no money, just some money for good pc and Internet.
2. they have economic crisis.
Making the game free to play with SPVP MOBA ESPORT things, give ‘fun’ to free players that will last forever in their memories.
When the free players who is student grow up and become the ‘normal adult’ they will continue to supporting the game, hence even buying the future ‘Guild War 3’
So what we should put in a Gems Store?
1. Cosmetics. Cool weapon and armor (Check Tera online for some awesome stylish armor)
2. Face pack, hair styles and body types. Why the heck everyone look the same right? More face and more hairstyle always good, make them exclusive in the gems store.
3. Mounts and pets. mount a tiger, heck even a flying dragon that can be use in pve and wvw.
4. Legendaries gear that give super power. This is for the rich, and can only be used in pve and wvw. Any form of pay to win can only be used in wvw and pve. Not SPVP (thats why i like dota 2 ideas). I dont care to be weak in wvw, its fun to watch a rich friend that can pawn 1v10 in wvw, they support the game anyway.
5. More races and classes. This can be included on an expansion pack. What makes world of warcraft so good because they have plenty of races to choose.
(edited by nerovergil.5408)
Harshly lowering the already bad exchange rates (when compared to gold bought from RTM sites) any further would probably remove any incentive people have to buy gold directly from ArenaNet.
The only things holding players back from using those sites right now are the fear of getting punished by the devs, the weird superstition that you will most certainly get hacked for even thinking about visiting those sites and most of all the ability to exchange gems for gold.
that problem can easily solved by banning the trade between players. like black desert online did
Off all those that don’t wish to farm? Some players have more cash than time. Some, more time than cash.
I doubt raising the cost of Gem Store items would go over well. The exchange rate is set by the players. It’s probably fine, as is.
anet can have your money and cant have your time. You having more time is not beneficial to anet
I can literally farm casually and still can convert gold to 700 gems and buy cool outfit on the store.
Anet should make a redline between real money and ingame money. Gold-Gem should be more strict. Otherwise how anet want to make money?
good idea. i want switch between dps, condi and tank build anytime
Please anet. i hate ninja turtle thief with stick
1 mm already took forever to que…2 mm? ggwp
So 1 a new elite spec for warr/thief with kits as fighting styles
2 is a funky mesmer
3 ele elite spec with a sword
PS : also a class based on an ethnic group will never happen
its not ethnic group, if u play ragnarok online, gypsy is a female bard, when combine with male bard, u can do sick combo
Don’t twist the word buy to play. Its the same as pay to win. You buy (pay) hot, u get op specialization. no different, b2p = p2w
That is a blatant lie. Buy-to-play is the video game standard; you buy a game to play it. Pay-to-win is a business model whereby cash shop microtransactions offer advantages to paying customers that non-paying customers cannot match.
any form of cash that resulted in a combat systems is a p2w
Right here’s the difference, you have to buy this game to play it in it’s entirity, you want to have the latest updated game to stay competitive in game ergo you buy the expansion. It’s like this in many many games.
P2w is where you can buy BiS armor or general stat increases ingame with the swipe of a credit card where any player who doesn’t fork out the same price will not catch up. That’s p2w.
The free to play model is not supposed to be the full game and is not supposed to be played long term, you are supposed to buy the game after trialling it. It’s a very generous free trial allowing you to level to 80 and play the core story in full.
Core game owners are technically running the old version of gw2, no way around that, that is the truth.There’s been loads of players on f2p accounts and even HoT owners running vanilla specs and still progressing in the league system. If you can’t then the problem is you.
From how you think, any game you pay for no matter what, is p2w therefore there is no reasoning with you.
It’s like going to a restaurant, you have to wait for each course, but you still have to pay for the food.
Im playing vanilla thief and still progress into diamond league in season 4
the existence of DH completely change my playstyle. i usually go far to delay the enemies home cap. but since DH, i cant even delay the caps, DH nuke me in 2 sec. So i need to gank mid. See how op is HOT advance class.
see, any form of cash that resulted in a combat systems is a p2w
and p2w is bad.
u make example on food, but if mmorpg is food, there is free food.
competitive player can still play dota 2, lol.
but this is bad, it will decrease the player base.
we want moba player base to get into gw2, they all are prospect. sooner if they continue playing, they will bring money to dev.
at school
A: Hey i have been playing gw2 spvp, kitten awesome men, its esport and balanced, just a short 15 minutes game thou, very fun!!
B: Wow really? i want to try bro
few month later.
A: How your game B?
B: gw2 is fun!!! hey check out my cool new outfit on gemstore!!! do u have it bro???
A: Oh that outfit is so cool.. and that weapon too!!! (kitten i wont lose to u!! i will buy it too!!!)
see, how more customers will bring more money to dev.
if nobody play it, nobody to show off to.
15 minutes game is genius. u cant find any moba with this
pvp season is good.
engineer still op and boring to play
gw2 player base is not big like moba (dota 2, lol)
having only 1 team mm is better than seperate them to solo que, team que, etc2
too much reward chest driving me nuts
1. Champion/Martial Artist
- Champion using punch and kick as their fighting style
- glove as their weapon
- medium armor
- Look at kyo kusanagi (king of fighter), ryu (street fighter), son goku (dragon ball z) as an example on what this class will looks like.
2. Summoner/Enchanter
- Summoner is a mage that summon mystical creatures to fight for her.
- light armor
- Look at final fantasy 8, quistis, squall, selfie that call powerful GF to fight for them.
-Summoner also can enchant a weapon to deal massive additional damage to enemy
- Summoner has some music magic spells, like bard, like gypsy… and buff allies and deal damage to enemies
3. Rune Knight/Spellsword
- Rune knight is a knight that master in elemental magic.
- heavy armor
- Imaging a mage in a full plate armor.
(edited by nerovergil.5408)
Don’t twist the word buy to play. Its the same as pay to win. You buy (pay) hot, u get op specialization. no different, b2p = p2w
That is a blatant lie. Buy-to-play is the video game standard; you buy a game to play it. Pay-to-win is a business model whereby cash shop microtransactions offer advantages to paying customers that non-paying customers cannot match.
any form of cash that resulted in a combat systems is a p2w
(edited by nerovergil.5408)
pvp league systems is fine. its remind players who want to progress in their league to create a good team. good idea. cant rely on pug everytime. takes time, chat with pugs, form a team.
Don’t twist the word buy to play. Its the same as pay to win. You buy (pay) hot, u get op specialization. no different, b2p = p2w
Now, yes gw2 is a business, dev need money.
But, there is tons of MMORPG, esport balanced moba (dota 2, lol, smite) out there, making gw2 p2w only result in lower player base.
people wont play any disadvantage game when they have another option.
all free players are ‘prospect’, they will bring money. people wont spend money on a dead game. making p2w will only kill the game.
premium players cant show off his awesome gear to the free players if free players not playing the game.
any type of real world money advantage (combat pvp) should only be in the wvw, not spvp.
spvp should be a balanced esport.
now my suggestion, veteran players who bought the base game should be allowed to use hot specialization in spvp (not wvw).
yes i agreed..gw2 is the best mmo today. the lack of mount is sad
make over stacked server pay the price.
example in all 4 borderland:
red 10 players, blue 30 players, green 75 players
red will gain ppt/ppk +20 againts blue (because 30-10= 20)
example: red player kill blue player, 1 points (ppk) + 20 points (bonus outnumbered) = 21 points
red will gain ppt/ppl +65 against green server. (75-10 = 65)
red player kill 1 green player = 1+65 = 66 points per kill
if camps give 5 points, then 5+65 (green), 5+20 (blue)
only outnumbered server get this buff.
Excellent, Then we can just stop playing to win the game.
2 servers filling all borders at around 80 people each and one server having no one one any border, means that server will tick at least 480, which is match winning PPT (or about 3x as much). If a server just plays on EB then that server always win (just tell guilds to go EoTM or move to another server so that server can loose lol).Pure genius. Magnificent.
no one playing in the 3rd server while the other 2 server stacked?
no ppt it will gain.
ppt need player per kill (that is 0 since nobody killed), and ppt (point captured, since nobody captured anything it will also be 0)..so whats your prob?
come on nobody playing..at least 10 will play
free is fine. i will never play sub game. gem store is genius
make over stacked server pay the price.
example in all 4 borderland:
red 10 players, blue 30 players, green 75 players
red will gain ppt/ppk +20 againts blue (because 30-10= 20)
example: red player kill blue player, 1 points (ppk) + 20 points (bonus outnumbered) = 21 points
red will gain ppt/ppl +65 against green server. (75-10 = 65)
red player kill 1 green player = 1+65 = 66 points per kill
if camps give 5 points, then 5+65 (green), 5+20 (blue)
only outnumbered server get this buff.
(edited by nerovergil.5408)
cannot have another tournament until timezone population problem solved
u mean noob player who doest play dh every game? and pro who play dh every game?
Like kitten wth… freaking tanky and can spam huge aoe nuke…wtf anet? what balance spvp team thinking? what fun in playing op class? this isn’t esport at all!!! i never meet an op class like DH in all my 20 years of gaming.
make it 1 hour skirmish, most battle end at 1 hour, the gap becoming too big after 1 hour and people just give up
yesss!!! yessss!! i want big boobs and big butt!!!! why i cant get it anet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate doing pve, especially finding hidden location and fighting weak mobs
I want 100% map for crafting legendary, right now only 60%