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Mismatching character and story

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I am a new player and I think I picked a mismatching character and story. I made a Norn female mesmer and it feels out of place. She is running around in her skimpy purple panties and neglige in the middle of the arctic north with this butch sounding female voice that sounds like her name should be Bertha going on a big animal game hunt to prove her strength. Which doesnt really seem something a mesmer would do.
If I will be doing this kind of story till lvl 80 then I would want to re roll a human mesmer and instead make your standard barbarian theme character for Norn.

I suppose you could argue that followers of say, Raven might value cunning and mesmer illusions could fit well into that, but ultimately when I think of a typical Norn, I think of a hunter like Eir or a warrior like Jora from the old game. Apart from humans who are more jack of all trades, all the races have some professions that don’t meld too well with the culture. I guess ANet wanted everyone to play whatever combination they wanted, and anyway every society is going to have those who go against the grain.

But if you don’t feel comfortable as a norn mesmer and you’re still low level, why not reroll? It won’t take you that long to get to where you were if you haven’t started the faction stories yet. Human or asura feel like the most perfect fit for the class, but anything but Charr will do (you won’t have a frilly garter, but again the profession doesn’t really fit the culture, since they distrust mages anyway.

Difficulty vs. level while doing our personal stories

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I like the fact that GW2 forces you to learn an encounter. But sometimes I wish that the learning curve was not that steep. For example, it was only at the end of the battle in the Queens throne room as part of the Durmond Priory quest to safeguard the queen from the undead, with all my armour gone did I finally manage to learn how to use the stupid priory device properly.

Mostly, as a necro I’ve been okay with the personal stories and have been able to do them at my level if I’m prepared to change my build. But that story is one of the few where I actually quit for a couple of levels rather than just retry from checkpoint. Partially it’s the new abilities and having to figure out what they do while the enemies are wailing on you in a confined space – I was kiting like mad but that wasn’t quite enough in a small room. But it was also that the friendly NPCs in the room died almost instantly. No wonder the humans are under threat if Thackery and the Seraph are that squishy!

I spent the entire time of those extra couple of levels looking for skill challenges so I could buy Signet of Undeath and do a mass res on them when the inevitable happened. That wasn’t ideal because of the long cooldown but it bought me enough time to use those new abilities to pick them off one by one.

Thoughts on the Never Found Your Sister's Body Story [spoilers]

in Human

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I wrote in another thread about this very same storyline, that it seemed so weird that there was no follow-up and the whole plot thread was dropped abruptly. My human character is level 50-something so I don’t know what will happen later. Even so, it feels like you need some kind of extra quest or reference to your home choices after you’ve started following your faction storyline, and it doesn’t happen.

What was your human story?

in Human

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Krytan necro commoner, worshipper of Grenth who never found her sister and joined the Durmand Priory.

The dialogue... oh lord, the dialogue...

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Sieran was great, as was Zojja during the opening acts of the Asura story.

I liked Sieran as well. She wasn’t presented to us as ‘here is the great heroine’ but as someone who was flawed – but flawed in an entertaining way.

Characters get thrown away too quickly. (Spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


One thing that really bugs me is that I selected the human option that I never found my sister’s body. Then, once that side of the plot is resolved, it’s straight on to the next branch involving my faction choice. While I quite enjoyed my faction quests, it seemed weird that my character didn’t have any more apparent curiosity about how her sister fared, or what her supposed best pals at the inn were doing either. It felt quite odd and disjointed. I never felt there was any character development with either Petra or Deborah, and that’s hardly surprising when I hardly saw them. Yet they are supposed to matter to my character.

Granted that’s a risk of branching storylines, but maybe one or two side quests, at the very least a trip home at level 40 might have made it feel more natural. So you’d still have those different choices but with a little interweaving. This is a world where waypoints and Asura gates are everywhere, making such travel feasible.

I liked my faction companion better, but I’d agree that a too-speedy death felt cheap and detracted from any further sense of the relationship between characters actually developing.

What 5 professions do you want to fill up your character slots?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I have Norn warrior and Human necro both in the mid40s level-wise, and a Sylvari ranger somewhere in the teens. All of those are keepers.

I’ve also created a Charr Ash Legion Thief but she’s only about level 2 right now. Last slot will be Asura but I’m undecided on profession – possibly Ele but I may well change my mind again.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


You can’t change your hair or body shape without rerolling. You can only change the appearance of gear through dyeing it in the H screen. If the character is low level enough, you may as well start again with a new character. They may introduce a makeover feature eventually as they brought one into GW1 (costing real money) but I wouldn’t expect this to happen soon without any announcement.

The Scythe: a weapon request from a die-hard dervish

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


i was pretty sure i saw a necromancer with a scythe today. it might have just been the visual of a staff but it looked really cool

Our no.1 staff attack skill looks like a scythe when cast, but out of combat it goes back to looking like a normal staff again.

Why demote player ranks on quests?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I guess its my gear then. My gear sucks but don’t know where to get better gear. Haven’t done crafting so i guess I gotta figure out how that all works so I can gear up better. Also need to find better weapons but I don’t know where to find good monster drops yet. Any ideas? Also need ways of getting good money too.

Crafting is a good idea, so is doing the renown heart events for your level, as quite a few of them will have reasonably good armor, weapons or accessories. And since you’re paying with karma points, you won’t need money for that.

Why is the Charr much larger on character selection

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Same here. I made my female Charr with the height slider set to minimum as she’s a thief. Even so, the horns and feet don’t entirely show on the character screen. By contrast I can see the whole of my max-height Norn with a gap above her head.