Showing Posts For quickthorn.4918:

Shatterer auto-disconnects players

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


It’s never happened to me either. Epic lag, but no DC. It’s worth mentioning what world you’re on in case it is specific to there, but have you seen other players on your world mention this in chat?

What if Necros Were the Next Portal Class?

in Necromancer

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I hope the necro gets it. Having been levelling an ele recently I’d agree they have so much diversity that they don’t need it. Portals fit the image of necros well. I personally hope it that Flesh Wurm isn’t changed though since it’s already useful.

OP, have you got a link to where to devs made this hint?

Necro Update Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


When I first played the game I used minions and gravitated towards weapons where I liked the hit feel and animation (incuding axe). It’s been a while since I played those and I learned to love conditionmancer. I’m pleased that axe has seen an improvement and the same goes for minions. It means the possibility of more build diversity, and that’s only a good thing.

I compare the necro situation to my ranger, who still has no build diversity and has been stripped of the one reason I considered taking her into in WvW compared with my other characters. So really, I don’t think necros have too much to complain about.

Overpowered mobs in Fireheart Rise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Condition Removal.

Fire burns, i thought we all learned this as kids.

You get killed not by conditions, but by hit ;-) Second, condition recovery it’s takes minimum 20 second. If is here two mobs, I am dead. So for every hit you need use condition

My class is warrior.

Take Mending, maybe, definitely use Shake it Off and if you spec in Tactics you can choose Shrug it Off so that it happens more often, or opt to have all shouts on shorter cooldown. I think the Sonic Boon build is pretty good both for damage and buffing with a little healing thrown in (google it) but you will not be able to take the full traits at less than max level. Fireheart Rise is challenging but you are one of the tougher classes.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

I really want to play a longbow ranger.

in Ranger

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Ditching ranger for a longbow warrior would not help. It’s still slow and not the best damage for that profession. The f1 AOE field can be useful when sieging walls in WvW but you won’t see many longbow warriors around for a reason – for most situations there are better options.

A little help with warriors.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I play ranger and warrior among other classes. I like the ranger for general pve, not so much for dungeons. I take my Sonic Boon warrior into those (shout heals, greatsword/rifle). Ranged attacking is decent on a warrior but they still really excel at melee. I can’t tell you what else to play, because liking the feel of a class is so subjective. If you can’t get into warrior I’d suggest you just start another profession or two and take them into the Mists, trying out the class with everything unlocked on the combat NPCs. That way you can mess around with different builds/different weapons to see what you like and what you find effective.

I also love ele – I wish I’d taken it into the Mists as I didn’t like the first character I made – later on I found out that I simply didn’t like combat with the scepter, the first default weapon and I love playing dagger/dagger. Great damage and mobility. The one thing I don’t like is the squishiness but this can be mitigated somewhat by not going full glass cannon and making good use of attunement switching. It may get an AOE nerf though so whether it will remain as powerful, I don’t know.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

I hate personal stories. Did I fail the game?

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I didn’t dislike Kormir. I didn’t like her either. She was just bland to me as a personality and I found her blinding a meaningless plot device, given that she seemed just as able to run around in unknown terrain afterwards as she could before.

I understand why some others would dislike her, though. I think feedback from both Nightfall and GW2 suggests that players generally enjoy the feeling of turning into heroes as they progress through the game. They don’t have to feel that way at the beginning – you could have certainly toned down the fulsome praise after Shaemoor/Issormir – but they need to feel they have achieved something at the end. And somehow that feeling wasn’t there. Trahearne did not really help in that regard.

I’ve got to admit that I was hoping Trahearne would fade away and go off somewhere else to study, having achieved his wild hunt. So I’m not feeling optimistic about his role in future content. However I don’t support the idea of him turning evil and us having to kill him simply because fanservice usually doesn’t work in games and can come over as cheap.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

A Day in the Life: How Do You Play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I pop in and out of the game, but there’s a few things I do more regularly than others. I participate in guild events to do dungeons, WvW groups and fractals 2 to 3 times a week. At other times when I log in, I’ll either pop into WvW and see what’s up, or I’ll be levelling a character with my husband. While I do either I’ll keep an eye on the daily and make sure I get that completed and also check if I’m on my way to getting the monthly done.

Previously crafting would have been more a part of my regular routine but now I have everything maxed out I’ll only bother if I need something specific. Also I used to do the dragon events regularly but the chance of getting decent rewards isn’t good enough to justify going everyday unless I’m in the area.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

What am I missing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Maybe you are correct that the game is not for you, or else maybe you need time to readjust. I recently went back to a game with mounts (SWTOR) and I have been really missing the fast and relatively close waypoint travel from GW2, to the point I find TOR near-unplayable now due to all the time sinks. That said, I liked the flying mounts from WoW where you weren’t constantly at risk from drawing aggro as long as you weren’t flying over an enemy faction city. It’s very much an ‘each to their own’ situation and I don’t think every aspect of a game will appeal to everyone.

Not Doing Them Anymore(Personal Stories)

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


However, I think your idea of 2 difficulty modes is a sound one. It shouldn’t be that hard to implement as lots of games have varying levels of difficulty. By reading this and similar threads the cans and the can’ts – so to speak – are about evenly balanced and varying the difficulty levels would keep everybody happy.

I think if 2 difficulty modes were implemented, the ‘hard’ version should offer a better reward than the easier version.

I hate personal stories. Did I fail the game?

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Thanks for responding Bobby, it will be interesting to see how the Flame and Frost story plays out. It would be a shame to completely ditch the idea of a personal story in future and I hope you don’t completely give up on the idea for future expansions. I just think that the animation choice, some of the writing and voice acting and its disjointed nature meant that it didn’t live up to its potential.

Although I prefer GW2 in every other aspect, I actually preferred the approach of SWTOR to its personal story by making it class based. The experience felt cohesive, yet once you had alts you were not going through the same experience for a prolonged period, unless you were altoholic enough to play the same class twice. It’s not that all of them were superior – I never finished levelling Jedi Consular because it was so boring. But I levelled 3 characters to max and found their stories more entertaining and the same goes for the Sith Inquisitor story I watched my husband level through (even though that is quite campy in its own way). They all felt personal right up to the end.

I know in gaming development everything has a cost in terms of resources, including words. I simply think something was lost in the structuring. I quite enjoyed the Asura and Charr storylines. I also enjoyed all of the Order ones, especially Whispers – whoever wrote Tybalt got it right. So it’s not all bad but more could have been done with knitting these elements together and keeping the quality higher across the board.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

Rangers need rifles!

in Suggestions

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


The class has nature/elemental spirits, so yes it is ‘hippy’ in that way. Bullets just don’t fit that image. It’s also one of the few ranger plus points that it’s one of the less noisy classes – although I like my warrior rifle I find myself turning down the sound for it. It would be good to have more ranged weapon diversity though. I don’t have the equivalent of the recurve which was so great at interrupting, or the flatbow with its curved shot that was good for firing downhill. Crossbows wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Guild: The Olden Gamers
Guild: The Orrian Ghosts
Guild: Bank of Thieves

All on Yak’s Bend. When I logged in the first guild today I found I was the only one displaying on the roster, as if no other members existed. There are 400+ members, someone’s always online and I could see the guild chat window as normal. Then I tried representing the second guild and the third, and the same happened. After a couple of minutes of swapping around, the full guild roster displayed with one of them and it was okay afterwards. Never seen that bug before.

My husband who is in the same guilds had the same issue at the same time, but it resolved itself faster for him.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

Ignore guild invites?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Yes, just swap over to the other guild on your guild menu and then press represent each time you change over. Your guild rank will be individual to each one.

Poll: Race/Gender/Profession demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Human – Female – Necromancer
Norn – Female – Warrior
Sylvari – Female – Ranger
Asura – Female – Thief
Charr – Female – Engineer
Human – Female – Elementalist

Listed in order I created them. The top 3 get played the most.

Best class to Duo with Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Has anyone tested if the Ranger spirits buff minions?

Edit: just had a guildie help out, spirits do buff minions, meaning a spirit ranger+ 4 MMs could be interesting.

I levelled to 80 as trap ranger with a necro, and that went very well as nothing much reached us. I didn’t bother with spirits although that sounds like an interesting idea.

Karma jugs, and Laurels character bound...

in Suggestions

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I have alts and would hate it if the karma and rewards were character bound. As it is now, I can save up karma jugs/dungeon rewards/badges/laurels and then decide to give them all to one particular alt when I want something for them. How is this alt-unfriendly in any way?

Would you pay to change Race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


No, I would never bother. I have had characters in previous games where I decided I didn’t like playing the race but I either deleted them or stopped levelling them. They never got far enough to justify my starting again.

Female WvWers

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Has anyone ever considered that being a girl playing a videogame is so common place that it seems incredibly silly and self righteous for women to be making posts simply about how cool and rare it is to be a girl gamer kicking dude’s butts?

Am I wrong here? Or is it that the idea of equality is so undermined by the female psyche that females still feel the need to put themselves out there waving frivolously “I’m a female! I play videogames! I PVP! It makes me special!”

While I would agree with you that a thread on the subject seems strangely out of place these days, I would not assume that all respondents automatically want to somehow brag about it or feel ‘speshul’. That would be as lazy an assumption as thinking that all female toons are G.I.R.L.

Any way to repair inside instance?

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


If you have both ranged and melee options for a class, then it’s not designed to be played solely at melee range. It’s designed to be flexible.

Badges of Honor earnning

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Maybe… but killing npcs is part of the capping.

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Players that stand there wailing on gates, especially when they have been told not to attack it to avoid orange swords coming up while siege is being deployed.

NPCs Should Use Cannons/Mortars/Oil

in Suggestions

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I suspect an NPC in charge of a siege weapon would be aiming it badly or too late 9 times out of ten, if we look at the example of general NPC/pet combat in this game. But yes, it’s an idea as long as a human player is capable of taking over.

Badges of Honor earnning

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I’ve had badges of honour for capping camps, often 2 of them. Not all the time though, so I’m unsure how the criteria varies for getting them.

Female WvWers

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I am female. I didn’t venture into WvW for a while as I was a confirmed pve’er in other games but once I started I found I really enjoyed it and now I probably spend more time there. The role I find myself in? It varies.

While it’s fun to run with a zerg for a short while, if I did that every day it would get old. I enjoy manning siege for a while but couldn’t do it for hours, and like capping camps. I am also prepared to do some of the dull stuff like dolyak escorts, but again only for a certain amount of time. What I like about WvW is the diversity and concentrating on any one aspect would not work for me. The strategic element of WvW appeals to me, trying to second-guess the opponent.

I probably do less 1v1 but that’s a confidence thing. I don’t think that has anything to do with gender, just a lack of prior pvp experience.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

Am I the only one really disappointed with the voice acting?

in Audio

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I played GW1 for seven years. I really want to love the story/writing/voice acting for GW2, but the vast majority of the time, I just can’t.

As for accents I’d like to see, if Elona is ever released in an expansion or campaign, I’d really love to hear African and Middle East type accents. It greatly helps with immersion. Ditto with Cantha, I’ve noticed that Tengu have accents and it sounds wonderful.

I loved GW1 but some of the voice acting was pretty terrible, particularly Prophecies. I can’t recall specific examples but it seemed to improve gradually with each expansion. Nightfall wasn’t too bad (with the exception of Varesh) and EOTN was fairly natural. I preferred the in-game cutscenes.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

What are the lines you hear the most?

in Audio

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I run dungeons with a guild warrior and I’m always hearing interesting, mis-matched lines that interrupt each other… I think he does it on purpose by now.

“On my mark – shake it off!”
“Shake it – for great justice!”

If you spam the shouts the second one will interrupt the first. You still get the buff or condi removal though.

Since I’ve started playing more WvW and a little spvp, I have spent more time going back into LA via the gate from the Mists. The conversation between two NPCs by the WvW Asura gates drives me mad – the one with ’that’s evil’s work’ and ‘step through the portal and you’ll see.’

Most quiet profession?

in Audio

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I’m not sure there is a truly quiet profession. Of the other professions, engineer is loud (explosions, gunshot) thief pistol shots are quite loud and repetitive if you go pistol/pistol. Warrior might be okay as long as you are not using rifle or any shouts in your build. Guardian I’m not sure of, apart from the Tome of Wrath where they repeatedly shout ‘feel my wrath!’. Ranger isn’t that bad noise-wise IMO except for sword attacks, which isn’t the weapon but the voice clip, at least on female Sylvari. Pet death comments get old very fast but you can minimise this by choosing less squishy ones. I find mesmer noises not loud, but annoying.

I’d suggest you turn the sound effects down in Options – can’t remember the exact slider name but experiment. Don’t do it completely if you WvW because sometimes you hear an enemy before you see them. It’s also worth creating a character then trying them out with the combat dummies in the Mists, because then you can try them out with weapons unlocked and different builds to see whether you can stand the noise they make.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Honestly, I wouldn’t miss Kaineng City if it was razed to the ground. Sure the architecture was different from the usual European castle type fantasy art, but it was truly horrible to navigate your way around and the tunnels were even worse. It also suffered from Orr syndrome in having too much of the same type of enemy (Afflicted). I wasn’t overkeen on the whole faction system either.

That isn’t about the culture, it’s the area design and mechanics so I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Cantha return in some form. I have much fonder memories of Elona and would love to see it return, but even then, I’d really rather do without those wurm journeys which were the one situation in GW1 where the camera caused motion sickeness.

What do you really want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I want…

1. Any class balances/bugfixes which are still pending should be prioritised and have more than just two people working on them.

2. Better drops/rewards in WvW. People shouldn’t be poorer if they prefer to spend their time playing there.

2. Greater map variety in WvW.

3. New dungeons and more variation in the current ones.

4. Dual specs for those of us who like to switch it up between dungeons/normal pve/WvW. Plus ability to equip a whole set of armour at once.

5. Rewards for map completion in line with your current real level, regardless of whether you are downlevelled.

6. Phase out renown hearts since many of them feel grindy and boring, and replace with more dynamic events.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

Why 24/7 wvw doesnt work in EU!

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Sorry didn’t know what is PVD ?

Player versus Door – night capping, in other words.

Ranger trap targetting issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I just logged in to check and it’s working for me today too.

Ranger trap targetting issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I played trap ranger yesterday and didn’t notice an issue then. In your Options, do you have Fast-Cast Ground Targeting ticked? If so, you need to make sure your cursor is where you want to target it. If it’s by you it will fall at your feet. Or else untick it so that you can see the AOE field before you target.

You probably already know this but I thought I’d post just to eliminate that as a possible cause.

Battle of Claw Island: A Review *spoilers*

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I like Sieran (I rate the mentors as Tybalt first, her second and Forgal third) but I’m with you that friendship between the NPCs and player characters is not handled at all well. Time and time again, I am told that my character is an NPC’s friend. I recall it happening with Logan, with Trahearne and others.

I would prefer it if the game did not keep on telling the player how they feel – it seems like the kind of basic mistake an amateur might make when writing their first mod and then learn from. A paid writing team should do better than that, although I’m not sure the writing team actually worked on these stories and I believe they have reorganised things now.

They could have had the option of a little roleplay in these cutscenes had they chosen to, even if it ultimately led to the same conclusion. Certainly there would be a cost in terms of more lines to record but I think the overall result would be less jarring. Sometimes I just want my character to give another answer, be the reluctant hero, the cynic or keep things strictly business. The much vaunted personality options all boil down to gung-ho, just with a slightly different overlay.

Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: quickthorn.4918



The expression is priceless!

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Quaggan. They are capable of learning control as some of them can accompany you in battle. Plus they are ridiculously cute and yes, I’d love to see one wielding a greatsword or maybe a really huge hammer. Coo!

I also like Skritt for the amusement, but I think the stupidity-in-small-numbers factor may be even harder to overcome/handwave than quaggan issues with rage.

I miss the dwarves from GW1, but I’d rather see them around as NPCs than play one myself. I’ve never maxed out a dwarf in any game I played – just don’t like them aesthetically.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

Cantha in future expansions?

in Lore

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


While I’d like to see both Cantha and Elona included in future expansions sometime, I would be quite happy if Kaineng was excluded. I hated that place with a fiery passion. It was cool for about 5 seconds seeing the shanty town type buildings but it got repetitive very fast and it was tedious navigating around the place.

Forcing players to complete dungeons = bad I think

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I missed out on monthlies for the first few months of GW2, because it included WvW and I had never been a pvp player in other games. I accepted the fact that because I didn’t participate in certain content, I would not be rewarded in the same way as someone who did. I love playing WvW now, but I am not bothered about those missed months of rewards. It was my choice to miss out and I was fine with the fact that those who played more parts of the game got more rewards.

I think the same applies to dungeons really. No-one has to complete a monthly. I would not want it to become too easy to get. However I’m not opposed to it having an element of choice, like the dailies will have in future, as long as you still need to do a variety of tasks.

Best looking race for necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


My necro is a human because I wanted to recreate my first beta weekend character, but she’s too pretty to really fit the image. I quite like Asura as necros as they are quite creepy even when they’re cute. It’s the teeth.

Helms that hide asura ears?

in Asura

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


But…. why?
Asura ears are awesome!

That’s what I thought! What other race has ears which have an animation for when they draw their weapons, or dance? It’s a terrible waste to lock them away.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I don’t consider myself to be much of an RP’er. I have characters of each race, including Charr and I enjoyed playing through my personal story (Iron Legion engi). Yet I noticed it felt more discomfiting running around Ashford as a human than it did as Charr or Norn and yes, I did feel somewhat uncomfortable about killing the ghosts with the human.

Do you agree Asura are better?

in Asura

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


One of my first characters was a Norn – I loved them since EOTN and I often play big tall characters in games. I wasn’t all that keen on the Asura in EOTN by comparison. My fifth character was an Asura but now I have one, honestly I wish I’d started one sooner. Norn wins if you want to look big and strong. Asura wins by miles in jumping puzzles, amusing animations, better voice acting and stories overall. They made Norn stories a bit boring apart from the one with the Charr and the joyride.

That said there’s no race I actually hate in this game, which is unusual. With most games there are some I could never play.

eu RP server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Yak’s Bend…..

Huh? Not only is YB North American, but it’s not a the NA RP server anyway – Tarnished Coast is.

what server has mostly asians in it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I agree with the other poster that the other player’s location won’t affect your lag. However if you want to be on a server with more Asian players, I get the impression that Kaineng and Dragonbrand both have a sizeable Asian presence.

Accidental Final Fantasy character.

in Sylvari

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


If someone can make cloud Norn…then I will be impressed.

That will never happen. You could make a Barret Wallace character with a dark-skinned Norn though.

Accidental Final Fantasy character.

in Sylvari

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Yes, some of the spiky Sylvari haircuts are very Cloud Strife. My female Sylvari looks like him too, just because of her haircut. I think it’s funny.

You can also recreate a pretty good Sephiroth with a male human with the long, very straight grey hairstyle. I’ve seen a few of those around.

What made you want to play a Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I decided from the start that I was going to play at least one of each race, and I have. I’m quite fond of my Sylvari though. When I started I was concerned they might be too much like WoW Night Elves. In the end I found I quite liked their earnestness and the way the writers have drawn on Arthurian lore. They feel distinct because of that.

But most of all I like the fact that my character’s spiky hair glows in the dark. It’s that simple.

Favorite Class for Norn?

in Norn

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I would also say that warriors and rangers exemplify typical Norn professions. I play female Norn warrior. On the one hand, I like the fact that she looks like she can carry the heavy armour and the weapons. On the other, I get a bit sick of the sound of her voice as I prefer a healing shouts build, and I also find the GS animations somewhat clumsy. Besides the many warriors and rangers, I also see quite a few Norn guardians around, although the lore around them seems more human to me. The question is, do you want to be typical or more unusual?

Although some professions might not seem the norm, think of the different animal spirits respected by the Norn. Not all of them are like Bear and all about the upfront attack. There’s a necromancer NPC who is a Raven shaman, for example.

OP, have you tried out a few different professions in the Mists on the combat NPCs? That way you get to try out all the animations/shouts with fully unlocked weapons and skills.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

So umm, why do you play an Asura?

in Asura

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I am the opposite, not being much of a fan of small races – I had a gnome in WoW which I only kept because I got her to a reasonable level in tailoring. Apart from that my gaming history is littered with humans and a few elfy types. But I maxed out my Asura and would probably play another if I had the slots free.

The animations are the best of all the races, particularly the ears sticking up when weapons are drawn, the kicking feet when swimming and the way they right themselves when they stop running. The personal story was one of the better ones. When an Asura comes over as pompous in a cutscene, you know it’s intentional for humour’s sake rather than bad acting.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

How to come back from losing everything?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Why does your gf need help with armour and weapons? Can’t she craft/earn them herself? Don’t get me wrong, I craft stuff for my husband (in exchange for the mats) because he’s not into crafting, and we will pass relevant levelling gear to one another if we can’t use it or salvage it for ectos. But part of the pleasure and sense of progression in a game is earning the stuff yourself.